OCR Interpretation

The Marlboro democrat. [volume] (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, January 11, 1901, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Some Interest lng Facts About tho
New Cotton Blight,
Investigation of tho Blight In
South Carolina Fields by
tho United States
Tho Unitod Statoa Dopartinont pf
Agrioulturo has Just publishod, as bul
lotin No. 27 of tho Division of Vogota
bio Physiology and Pathology, tho ro
port of W. A. Orton as60oiato patholi
gist of tho division, on tho subjoot of
tho wilt disoaso of ootton, a blight that
has wrought groat havoo in tho soa
island ootton fi o Ul y and has nttaokod
flomo upland ootton distriots in South
Oarolina. Mr. Orton and Dr. Erwin
F. Smith, whoBO roport on tho samo
eubjoot is roforrod to in this latosb bul
letin, visitod this sootion last yoar and
spout oonsiderablo timo in studying tho
disoaso and soarohing for a romody.
Tho roport is aooompaniod by sovoral
platos showing tho ei?uot of tho disoaso
on fiolds of ootton it has attaokod.
Mr. Orton says tho wilt disoaso is
now known to ooour on tho ooast of
South Carolina, whoro it attaaks tho
fino soa island ootton, and at Dilling,
Saltors, and other places in tho samo
Stato, whoro it attack? upland ootton.
Prof. ff, S. Karlo, of tho Stato ex
ff?rimont atatiou, roporta it to bo wido
y di?tributod in Alabama, particularly
in tho southern part, and statos that it
ia undoubtedly growing worso from
yoar to yoar. It has boon ropor'tod
from many localities in Qoorgia, and is
known to ooour in Florida and Arkan
sas. lt is certain that this disoaso is
widoly distributed through tho South
ern Statos, and it is probable that it
ooours in many plaoos whoro it has not
yot boon distinguished from othor trou
bles, suoh aa "rust" and tho olloots of
Tho annual loss from tho wilt disoaso
is vory considerable, lt is moro koon
ly folt by tho individual plantors than
moBt ootton troubloB, booauao tho dis
ease remains in thc soil and grows
worso, with oaoh auoooodiug orop. On
tho soa islands of South Oaroliua alono
a oaroful ostimato indioatos that nearly,
if not quito, ono-third of tho laud
plautod to high-grado ootton is aifootod
by this disoaso, tho largor portion of it
so badly that it is no longor profitable
to plant it in ootton. Tho loss to tho
planters of upland ootton in aroa? af
footcd and tho disoaso is spreading rap
tionally groat. On ono farm in Dillon,
S. C., whoro tho dopartmont has boon
oonduoting somo experiments, fiftoon
aoros of ?no laud aro already aifootod
and tho diBoaBO is Bproading rapidly on
this and adjoining plantations.
Tho importance of tho disoaso, how
ovor, does not lie no much in tho
amount of tho present loss as in tho
dangor of its futuro inorouso, for it mujt
'sultimatoly aproad BO muoh aa to ontail
'far groatcr IOBSOB and possibly throaton
tho lifo of tho industry unless tho
mothoda for ita oontrol i?ro perfootod.
Tho wilt ia vorV disliuot from any
othor diaeaso ol' ootton, BO that thoro
nood bo no difficulty in its idontifioa
tion. It usually makos it first appoar
anoo in tho spriug about t'.io last of May,
when tho plants aro six to eight inohos
high. It appears in well defined areas,
which onlargo if ootton ia planted on
tho samo laud again. Tho tir?t outward
indioation ot' its prosonoo is a dwarfed
growth and unhealthy appearance of
tho plants. Tho loaves turn yollow bo
twoon tho voinn, their margins shrivel
up, and some plantB wilt and dio at onoo.
In other plants tho progress of tho
disoaso is often slow, and many of thom
live tho entire Bummor and dio lato in
tho soason. On outting norona tho stom
of a disoascd plant, tho woody pan
will bo found to bo staiuod brown
whorovor tho disoaso is present. In tho
abaonoo of micro SCOpio examinations,
this brown discoloration of ihu internal
tissue ?B tho bent ooular ovidcuoc of tho
prosonoo of the wilt disease. Plants
may partially rcoover from a severo at
taok ot tho wilt disoaso by tho develop
mont of Btrong lateral branches near
tho ground. Such planta may ho did
tinguiahod by theil dwarfed and bushy
appoaranoo and by tho tondonoy of their
brauohcB to lie prostrate on tho ground
Tho oautio of tho wilt disease of oot
ton is a fungus, ucoooamoapura vaain
foota (Alk.) Erw. Sm., winch attacks
tho plantB from tho Boil. It that on tere
tho smaller roots and Bubscquoutly
grows from thoao iuto tho taproot and
Btom, tilling tho water duots with ita
myocliurn. Tho roault ia that tho sup
ply of food and moisture carried up
from tho roots ?B greatly decreasod and
tho symptom? doacribed aboyo aro pro
duood. Tho naturo of tho fungus has
boon fully discussed in bulletin No. 17
of this division, and it will not bo no
oossary to enter into details herc, but
only to outlino tho aubjeot and to re
cord somo additions to our knowlodgo.
Tho progross of tho diaeaso is always
slow as compared with that of othor
plant disonsos. Tho period of incuba
tion, or tho time elapsing after tho
young Boodling is exposed to tho at
taoka of tho fungus and boforo tho dis
oaso becomes manifest, ia usually at
loast forty days and often muoh longor.
Muoh doponds on tho individual plant
it?olf. Tho oonditiona whioh favor tho
progross of tho fungus through tho plant
aro not fully underatood, but from somo
observations that have boon mndo it is
boliovod that highly fortilizod plants,
growiny vigorously, suooumb moro
pooror than thoso whioh havo grown on
roadily soil.
In tho oarly history of tho wilt dis
oaso tho oauso was supposed by tho
plantors to bo tho exoeasivo applica
tions or injudicious uao of oommcroial
fortilizors, and many of tho leading
plantors in tho Boa islanda mado oaro
ful oxporimonta with various modifi
cations of their fertilizer:), f-uoh na tho
uso of marl, Bait mud, kainit, and limo,
and tho inoroaao or decrease of tho
proportions of prosphorio aoid and pot- !
ash. Mr. W. Ch ilinson of Jamos Inl
and, South Carolina, a very suoooas
ful plantor, ha? informed tho writer
that the rot ult of all thoso trials han
boon to oonvinco thoso who mado thom
that tho disoaso oan not bo oontrollod
by any ohangos in their syHtem of fer
tilizing. Tho wilt disoaso ooours in no
many widoly separated looalitio? and
undor suoh varied cultural conditions
that it is -not probablo that any errors
in tho agrioultural practice aro tho
primary oauso of tho trouble, although
tho planting of ootton year aftor yoar
on tho samo land and tho common prac
tico of plowing undor tho laat yoar's
Stoma in preparing tho ground in tho
spring both tond to haaton tho spread
of tho wilt fungus aftor it has onoo
boon introduced.
Tho effcot of ropoatod infootions of
the small roots ot tho ootton is very
notioeablo, onpooially whon tho plants
ato somowhat roBiataul to tho diaoaao.
Small tufts of roots grow from oaoh
point of inf notion, doubtlosson aooount
of somo stimulus oxortod by tho fun
gus. Sovoral short roots will thus
start from a plaoo whioh would normal
ly havo prcduood ono longor branch.
Many of thoso little roots aro killod
by tho fungus and othors grow in thoir
plaooa, so that tho tuf tod appoaranoo
of tho rootlots is moro pronounood lato
\n ihn lemuno. Tho na mn ronni t has
boon produced in tho laboratory by in
novating noodling cotton plants with
puro culture!) of tho ootton-wilt fun
gus. Similar root tufts aro found as
sociated with tho wilt disoasos of okra,
cowpoa, watermelon and cabbage aaa
thoy aro boliovod to bo characteristic of
this class of root disoasos.
In tho oaso of cotton thoir prosonco
on tho roots do no ns tratos tho prosonco
of tho wilt fungus in tho soil, oven
whon tho amount is so small that no
harm is visiblo asido from tho roduood
growth of tho plants. This dwarfing
of tho plants is duo to tho killing of tho
small roots and is ofton visiblo ovor a
considerable aroa surrounding a badly
i nf oo tod spot. For this reason tho loss
in yied on such a Hold is much greater
than would appear simply from a ooo
sidoration i f tho badly disoasod aroas,
as tho dwarfing duo to tho injuring of
tho small roots aonsidorahly ourtails tho
Sinoo tho publication of bulletin No.
17, tho wilt disoaso has boon produood
in hoalthy cotton plants by inoculating
tho soil in which thoy grow with puro
cultures of oonidial stagos of ncoooB
mosporavas infoota. This romovos any
doublas to thc oasualrolation of thofun
gU3 to tho disoaso which might ar iso from
tho failure of tho previous inoculation
experiments. Tho plants woro grown
for a fow wooka in pots, and thou a
small quantity of fungus from a paro
cultuturo was plaood in tho bottom of
oaoh ono. Eight days lator thoy woro
transplanted to opon ground. Tho first
caso appeared af tor about thirty-fivo
days. Fourtoon out of twenty-four
planta contracted tho disoaso. Tho fun
gus w?s abundant in tho vascular bun
dles of seven planta and thoy showed
all tho othor symptoms of tho disoaso.
Tho othor scvon infootod planta woro
only slightly diaoasod, although tho fun
gus waa found in tho VOBSOIS of tho
atom. Tho chook plants, twenty-fivo
in numbor, all rcmainoi hoalthy. It
will bo notod that tho longth of timo
botwoon tho inoculation of tho soil and
tho appoaranoo of thodlaoaaoin thia ex
periment (thirty-fivo to fifty days) was
praotioal ly tho samo aa elapsos in tho
Hold botwoon tho germination of tho
aood and tho first appoaranoo of
tho diaoaso. That a largor proportion
of tho inoculations did not auooood ia
boliovod to bo duo to tho email amount
of fungua usod and to the natural rosis
tanoo of tho plaata. Tho cotton plant
inoculation dosoribod in builotiu No. 17
woro all mado in tho groonhouao, and it
ia now boliovod that tho nogativo results
woro duo oithor to tho alow growth of
tho plants or to tho faot that thoy wore
naturally rosiatant.
Caroful oxporimonts havo boon mado
with a largo numbor of substances appli
ed to tho soil in tho hopo of killing tho
fungus, but all t ie resulto _ obtainod
up to tho prosont tima indicate that
there ia no hopo of auoooaa in tho uso
of any fungicides aprayod on tho plants
or applied to tho soil.
Fields uniformly infootod with wilt
disoaso woro aolootcd, and ovor twonty
different substances woro applied in
amounts aa largo as it waa thought safe
to uso. In many oaaoa tho oxpenao of
thoir application in auch quantities wan
BO groat as to mako thoir uso impraotiblo
had thoy proved efficacious. In othor
oasos, as in tho use ot materials ou stain
ing ooppor, oontiuuod applications in
such largo qualities would be likely to
iujuro tho soil.
Throo Men Killed, One Being the
Sheriff, in Abbeville.
Saturday Deooinbcr 30, aa a r<?Bult of
drunken man's spleen and malice, throo
men woro killod, ono of whom waa thc
s dori ff of tho oounty. Niao o'olook
that night in tho offico of tho Mil
ler hotel, sovoral gentleman woro hav
ing a social gamo of curds Ono of the
playora was William Kylo, a northerner
who has boon suporintending tho build
ing of tho addition to tho Abbeville
ootton millo. Whilo tho gamo was in
progress John Dansby, a somewhat no
torious oharaotor, ontcrod tho room. He
was drinking and in quarrt lsoinn mood
It ia said that ho had a difficulty with
Kylo in tho afternoon. In a few mo
monta Banaby managod to havo some
words with Kylo and appliod a vile
epithet to him,
According to tho atory of witnoaaoa,
Kylo got up from his ohair and remons
trated with Dane by, but without mak
ing any demonstration of violonoo.
Dansby drow hia pistol, a 4f>oalibre
Dolts, and whon a bystandor grabbod
his arm ho quiokly ohangod tho gun too
thc othor hand and fired, tho hall strik
ing Kylo in tho abdomon. Tho shooting
occurred so quickly that thoso present
hardly realized what had happened.
Banaby thon baokodout of tho room,
declaring ho would shoot any man who
attjmptod to atop him, and started to
tho homo of his father-in-law, Tom
Oroawoll, who lives nianr tho ootton
Tho nowa of tho shooting quiokly
spread, and Polioomon Johnson and
Urion started in pursuit of tho murder
er. Thoy overtook him near OroaswolPa
houao, but DanBby Btoppod thom with
hia pistol and said ho would shoot if
thoy advanood. Tho polioo thon wont
to a noarby houao and tolophonod up
town for asaiatanoo.
In a short timo Sheriff II. L. Kon
nody with sovoral oitizons roapondod
to tho summons. Thoy surrounded tho
houao, tho polioomon hoing atationod
at tho windows and Kennedy going to
tho front door. Kennedy oallod to
Dansby to como out and surrondor,
Dansby carno ont, closing tho door
bohind him, and with tho remarks
"Woll, wo'll go to boll togothor," oom
moncod firing. Dansby was shot twioo,
onoo in tho log and onoo full in tho
chest. Konnody was struck onoo in
tho loft broast noar tho haart. Both mon
empted thoir pial?la. Konnody foll aa
soon aa ho waa hit, but Dansby walkod
80100 50 steps and was reloading his
pistol whon ODO of tho polioomon ran
up and grabbed him and took tho gun
out of hie hand. Sovoral othora of tho
party woro firing at Dansby at tho timo
and thoro is somo uncertainty as to who
fired tho chots that struck him, hut it
ia thought that thoy wore firod by Kon
Handouffa woro plaood on Danaby
and he waa.oarriod to tho jail, but died
soon after roaching thoro, about an
hour aftor tho shooting. Ho did not
speak aftor hoing ahot. Konnody was
carrum to tho Jail and oxpirod within a
fow minutos aftor Dansby. Ky le. who
was first shot, livod until 2 Volo ok
Sunday? whon ho broathod his laut.,
Will Insist on Some Chango lu the
Hoalth Laws.
Tho Stato board of hoalth hold its
annual mooting horo Thursday in tho
of?oo of tho soorotary of stato, all tho
monibora hoing prosont savo Attornoy
Gonoral Bollinger, who is oonfinod to
his bod by aioknosB.
Tho 80ssion,was<quito a long ono and
m i\ ny "mat tors of vital, oonoorn to tho
pooplo of tho Stato woro fully and
thoroughly disoussod preliminary to
tho approval of tho annual roport. Tho
roport was finally ooiuplotod in all de
tallo and in tho afternoon was,,ne nt to
tho Stato printer. Tho board will inako
several recommendations to tho logis
laturo and will insist upon oortain
ohangoB in tho health laws that aro
doomed absolutoly necessary to tho
offloiont workiog of tho Seato board .of
Tho smallpox situation was vory
fully disoussod, Dr. Evans tho sooro
tary giving vory muoh tho samo in
formation that ho had furnished, tho
Sovornor. Sioco thun, howovor, tho
iBoaso has spread and - in now in sov
oral additional counties. Tho town of
Union, Dr. lUvana nays, has boon tho
greatest and almost solo souroo of in
fection during tho yoar. Tao Stato
board oannot tako ohargo in an incor
porated town without a proolamation
from tho governor. Tho board holds
that if it is to bo expootod to stamp out
contagious and iufootious diseases it is
absolutoly nooossary for tho legislature
to give it absoluto jurisdiction o vor tho
Stato. Thia id earnestly urgod upon
the body.
Tho board fools also that a registra
tion law enabling it to obtain birth,
marango and dont h statistiod from tho
towns and oitios, indeed tho ontiro
Stato, is very OBSontial to ii s work. Tho
present law is not working satisfacto
rily. For inatanoo no birth statistics
aro obtainable fr?m Columbia as things
stand. Tho board will present a momo
liai to tho gonoral assembly to pass an
aot roquiriog suoh statistics, providing
a heavy ponalty for physicians failing
to filo reports with proper ofhoials, in?k
ing tho county supervisor oounty
health ollioor and tho road nommission
ors township hoalth offuora.
Tho mooting Wodnosday also dovol
opod tho faot that tho now aot relating
to tho transportation of doad bodios,
which is tho samo in othor StatoB, is not
being onfofcod an it uhouid bo. Tho
mattor with instanoos oitod has boon
roforrod to tho attornoy gonoral for
his oonsidoration and such stops as ho
may doom nooossary.
Tho roport proparod, though incom
plete insofar as statistics aro oonoornod,
will bo full of intorostiog mattor.
Columbia Stato.
Nioola Tesla Thinks He Has Found a
Twentioth Century Seorot.
Not quito two yoars ago Mr. Nioola
Tesla, wont out to Colorado to conduct
oxporimonts in relation to tho wirloss
transmission of onorgy which has on
gagod his attention for several yoars.
Mr. Tosla found it nooossary in ordor
to carry on his invontions and h\s ox
porimonts to tho oxtont ho dosirod to
work at an altitude of sovoral thousand
foot. Ho found oonditions suitable for
his purposes in Colorado and wont out
thoro in tho spring of 1899, built a la
oratory about ton milos from Pi ko Peak
and wont to work.
What ho aoooinplishod in the eight
or nino months whilo ho was working
thoro ho has kopt protty muoh to hiir
solf ovor ainoo, but whon tho National
lied Cross whioh was arranging for
tue ond of the oentury moetings of its
various branohos throughout tho ooun
try asked Mr. Tosla to indioato what
in his opinion, would bo one of thu
groatOBt achievements of tho coming
century, ho gavo just a hint of one 01
tho wondors no discovered in Colorado.
In a moro elaborate way Mr. Tesla
ewell on his work to a reporter. Ho ro
gards his latest results us far and away
tho most important ho has ovor attain
od. Briefly, Toola has ueoa able to note
a novel mauitostation of energy wilton
ho knows is not of solar of torrosirial
origin and, being neither, ho oonoludes
that lt inuat owauato hom one of the
pianota. Wlulo hu wa? conducting hi?
inventions in hid Colorado laoratury
one d?y, tho iiibtruaiout ho was using
tootmurvo tho oluotrioal eonduiuu of
ino oaiih was alleotod in an unaeoouo
tablo manaor. Urecorded *hroo diatiuoi
though very faint uiovonioms ono after
tho eih r.
Those movomonts woro obsorved not
onoe, but maay limos, tho unmoor of
impulses varying, and Mr. Tonia now
firmly bolievos that, with improved
apparatus, it will bo quito posaiblo for
tho puoplo of tho cartu to oom mu moa to
with the inhabitants of oilier planets.
Damages For Lynching.
Among tho roinodiuH for lynching
that have boon proposed is ono that
holds tho oounty in whioh tho lynching
occurs liable for darn Ages to tho heirs
of tho person lynohod. South Carolina
and Ohio has ombodiod thia plan in a
statute,but it has proved a doad lotter.
Two suits havo boon brought under it
and in noithor was thoro a rooovory.
But in ono insianoodamagos havo boon
paid for a lynohing. Tho oaso was that
of a man who was? lynohod at VorsilloB,
Ind.. for horse stoaling. His widow en
tered suit for $5,000 in tho United
Sutos oirout court at Chicago against
tho bondsmon ot tho shoriff of tho
oounty whore tho ly nohing ooourod. Tho
bondsmon offorod $1,000 as a compro
miso and it was aoooptod. This is the
first inBtanoo of tho kind on rooord.
Tho question a;! to tho jurisdiotiOn of
fodoral courts in oasos of lynohing is
not affoetod by this oaso, as it novor
oamo to trial. It is safo to say that had
it boon oallod itwould havo boon thrown
out of court as no theory of fodoral
jurisdiction that wo aro awaro of would
sustain suoh an aotion.
Philippino Foreign Trade.
Tho valuo of morohandiso imported
into tho Philippino Islands for tho ll
months ended May 31, 1900, is plaood
at $18,290,698; of gold and silver, $1,
806,310, making a total of $20,196,938.
Tho imports from tho United StatoB
woro vaiuod at 11,450.807. Tho valuo
of export s for the period named amount
od to $19,459,003-$17,634,391 in mor
ohandiso and $1,824,612 in gold and
silver. Tho valuo of tho exports to tho
United Statos isietdown nt $3,594,577.
A total of 69 614 tons of Manila hemp,
vaiuod at $10,682,173, WAB oxportod
during tho poriod stated, $3,405,808
worth boing shipped to tho Unitod
States, _
A Bold Attack.
Badio Hudson, agod ninotoon yoars,
of Washington, !>., was attsckod in nor
fathor's yard by an unknown white
man Friday evening. The girl strugglod
dosporatoly. but her assailant slipped
a gae into nor mouth and bound hor
hands bohind hor baok. Her fathor
heard tho ntrugglo and hurried out, The
follow ononpod.
Said a Hold Highwayman! to a Drum
Tho mail alago bound foe tho hoalth
rosort at Harrison Hot Springs was hold
up at noon Wodnoaday, -dix milos out
of Agassiz, by throo robbors. This
,0 " "" t.. .-- :i - - if...
|>i?VV ??J HUVUV lu Al. jr UlltUP ilUUi ? Ml"
oouvor, B. 0. Thoro woro hino passon
gors in tho ooaoh ono of tvhom was a
woman. All tho robbora woro blaok
masks. Ono of thom graspod tho horsoa
bridles, whilo tho othord eovorod tho
oooupanlB of tho ooaoh with rifloa.
Thoro woro a dozon mail aaoks in tho
ooaaoh and tho driver was told to put
tho.Ho out on tho ground.
"Now, if you will ploaao stop down
and lino up, wo won't koop you wait
ing long." politely romarkod tho tall
ost bandit, and tho frightened pasaon
gora oboyod. Thoy hold up thoir hands
and two of tho robbors quickly and ay
stomatioally emptied thoir pookcts.
Tho woman wan poor. Hor olothos
woro shabby and hor purso oontainod
only 65 oonts. This tho dashing leader
of tho highwaymen roturnod to hor
with an addod $5 gold piooo takon
from tho pocket of a commercial tra?
"Madame,'* ho said, "Wo do not rob
hon roosts. If you will kindly aooopt
this with our compliments wo shall
be really iodobted to you. Allow UB to
wish you a vory happy Now Year."
Tho passengers in all contributed
$2.720 in cash, booidos watches, rings,
A diamond stud, and gold sloovo but
tous. Tho commercial traveler at first
yioldod only about $18, but tho stago
robbers woro dissatisfiod with this
sum and aoousod him of bad faith.
"You'ro holding out on us, partnor"
said tho loador. "Now, if you do not
oough up in just thirty second, wo will
pump you so full of load that you will
uovor know what struok you."
Thc aaloBman tremblingly told about
a bolt with money. Tho loador of tho
robbors, after apologizing to tho wo
man for hia necessary action, removed
tho commercial travolors coat and vost
and triumphautly produced a bolt con
taining $2,5000 in gold coin.
Whitewash for farm Buildings.
Nothing adds BO much to tho ap
poaranoo of farm buildings aa bright
and ???haiigiug uoiors. It ooats a
great doal to kcop housoa and barns
paintod, but it ia woll worth tho monoy.
not moroly booauso of tho inoroasod
durability, but booauao of tho improvod
appoaranoo. Nothing spoils prosperity
in such fair lottora, writton large, as
woll paintod farm buildings. Paint,
however, ia doar, and for a long timo
fanners who desire to koop things in
first-class simpo havo been looking for
a ohoap paint or a whitowash that will
stand tho weather and not booomo in
atoad of a oloar whito a dirty drab in
a fow wooka or months. Tho Unitod
Statoa government baa boon looking af
tor this, as it does af tor almost every
thing touohing farm lifo, and has hit
upon a whitowash for its lighthouses
whioh should stand rough conditions.
Wo givo tho roooipt as follows: "Tako
a half bushol of unslaoKod limo, slack
it with boiling wator, oovor during tho
process to koop in stoam, strain tho
liquid through a fino siovo or atrainor,
and add to it a pook of aalt, previously
dissolved in warm water; throo pounds
of groundrioo boilod to a thin pasto and
stirred in whilo hot; half a pound
Spanish whiting and ono pound of gluo.
previously dissolved by soaking in cola
wator, and thon hanging over tho tiro
in a small pot hung in a largor ono filled
with water, add (Ivo gal lons of hot wator
to tho mixturo, atir woll and lot it stand
a fow days oovorod from dirt. It
should bo applied hot, for whioh pur
pose it can bo kopt in a portablo furn
acc." Thoro is nothing in tho a novo
th%t is not within tho roaoh of every
reader. Ho can buy tho matorial, ox
cept possibly tho ground rico, and ho
can buy that and havo it ground in tho
ooffeo mill or with his own farm mill.
can do all tho mixing, and apply it, and
naviog applied it to ono building ho
can soon determino whether he waals
to go around ttio farm and mako his
farm tho envy of all obsorvora. Tho
<mi end of tho President's house io
Washing on is umoullisbod with this
Whitewash, and if it is good enough f.ir
mo Wuiio Hun ie it. ia g ?od ouuugh fur
anybody oise's houso or barn A pim
ot' this imxiuro will cover abquaro yaru
and is said to bo almost as serviceable
us paint for wood, bnok or steno, and
lhere is no paint known that will equal
it in cheapness. Why not try ii?
Wallace's Faruior.
Sum? Good Ad vico.
Boforo tho Interstate Cotton Growers'
Asst (nation at Macon, Ga , reoontly,
Mr Pope Brown, Prosidout of tho Geor
gia Agricultural Socioty, discussing tho
ootlou problem said: "Two yoara ago
wo startod a wheat movement. Tbo
result was that hundreds of thousands
of busbolo of whoat has sinoo boon rats.
od in thia Stato. lt has put hundreds
of thousands,of dollars into thc pookots
of tho farmora. How oan wo cheapen
tho cost of tho production of colton or
raiso tho price or it? Wo havo got to
do ono or the othor. Tho man who
doos tho plowing is ontitlod to a good
living. Land is ohoap. Tho farmor
oan raiso his mulo ohoapor than ho can
buy him, ho oan raiao Iiis flour ohoapor,
hia meat ohoapor. Tho Southern farm
or has not dono his duty until ho feeds
his family by his own labor, nor until
ho has producen tho food for oily pooplo
and stoppod the importation of ovory
nooossity of lifo into this section."
Whoro cotton growora' oonvontions
bring forth such praotioal advioo as thia
thoy do good. It is advioo whioh has
boon givon for several ye ave, and whioh
has boon adoptod hero and thoro with
beneficial results to tho adopters, what
ovor tho offcots may havo boon upon
those persona who failod to follow it
tho quoation of tho profitablo prico of
oottou roata, after all upon tho indivi
dual growor.
3100 Reward, $100.
Tho readors of this papor will bo
ploasod to loam that thoro is at loast
ono droadod discaso that noionoo has
boon ablo to ouro in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo
is tho only poaitivo ouro known to tho
modioal fraternity. Catarrh boing a
constitutional disoaso, rcquiroa oonati
u donal treat mont. Hall's Catarrh
Curo is takon internally, noting dirootly
upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system, thoroby destroying tho
foundation of tho diaoaso and giving tho
patient n tro n g th by building up tho con
stitution and aaaisting naturo in doing
its work. Tho proprietors have so
much faith in *s ourativo powo/a, that
they oller Ooo Hundred Dollars for
any oaao that it fails to euro. Sond for
Hat of testimonials. AddrosS,
F. Jv CHENEY & CO. Props.,
" Tolodo, O,
. Sold by Druggists, 76o.
Hall's If amity Pills aro tho host,
Autoiubilo Company and Knitting Mill
Amone: Concoma.
Tho now oontury starts off with a
largo mun bor of now ontorprisou doBir
ing incorporation. Oom missions and
chartern were hoing rapidly tnado out in
tho oflioo of tho soorotary of stato Tuos
dr.y despite tho f?ol thu day waa
supposed to bo a holiday.
First oamo tho oommission to tho
South Carolina Automobilo oompany
of Columbia, capitalized at $10,000,
proposing to opcrato a numbor of elec
tric oarriagos and vohiolos for biro oot.
Tho oorportors aro Wm. H. Koao, J.
Sumter Mooro, E. 13 Clark, W. H.
Lyles and W. B. Smith Whaloy.
Anothor important now eonoorn
oommissioncd was tho Peo Doo Knit
ting mills of Dillou, Marion county,
with J. t\ IO^iug, C. S. Herring and
A. B. Jordan as corporators. Tho
oapital ? took is to bo $10,000.
Tho Poo Doo Naval Storos oompany
of Dillon with $60 OOO oapital was char
torod. Tho offioors aro lt P. Hamor,
Jr., prosidont, and A. F. Woods, sooro
tary and treasurer.
Tho Wando Lumbor oompany of
Cbarloston has increased its capital
stook from $7,900 to $10,583,33.
A commission was insuod to tho Mor
ohauts' and Planters' Bank of Gaff noy,
with A. N. Wood, Chas. M. Smith.
C fi. WilkinB, lt. if Jonos and W.
C. Carpontor as corporators. Tho oapi
tal is to bo $50 000.
Tho Woodstook Hardwood and Spool
Manufaoturiag oompany of WoodBtook,
Borkeloy county, was ohartorod with
W. H. Woleh as prosidont and Julius
D. K?ster as soorotary and troasuror.
Tho oapital is $15,000.
Tho CowponB Colton Oil oompany of
Cowpons was ohartorod. Tho oapital
is $1,000. C. B. Martin is prosidont
and VV. B. Pottor soorotary and trea
surer. A oommission was issued to tho
Latta Supply oompany of Latta, wi'h
H. B. B?rry, L. H. Smith and D. M.
Dow as corporators. Tho oompany ie
to Boll grooorios and gonoral moroan
dios, doing business on a oapital of
Tho Orutohfiold Tolloson oompany of
Spartanburg has inoroasod its oapital
stook from $20,000 to $50,000.
Tho A. M. Aloxaodor oompany of
Spartanburg was granted a ohartor.
Tho oapital is to bo $5,000 and tho pur- !
poso of tho corporation is to doal in
pianos, organs and sowing maohinoe.
A. M. Alexander is president and treas
Tho J. T. Snolson Contracting com
pany of Charleston was oommissionod
with ?Ino. T. Snelson, Norman L.
Snolson and T. Snolson of Charleston
as corporators. Tho oapital is to bo
$3,000. and tho company will do a
gonoral contracting business in tho city
of Cbarloston. Tho Stato.
Tho Warliko Boers.
Whatever may bo said of tho rolativo
morita of tho Boor and British oausos,
it must bo agrood that tho world has
seldom aeon such a stubborn struggle
against ovorwholming odds as tho Hoers
aro making. It was auppoaod that tho
oapturo ot Cronjo and his army, tho
Might of Kruger and tho oapturo of
Johannoaborg andProtoria would speed
ily ond tho war. But many months
have passed nineo thoso ovonts, and
thc Born's are not only still in arms
but ha\ aohiovod, in rapid suoooBsion,
a sorios of most remarkable victories
ovor a foo immensoly thoir superior in
numbers and all sorts of military equip
ment and supplios. Aooording to an
otlioial report, thoro woro in South
Afrioa on Deoombor 1 a British foroo
available for duty which numoorcd no
loss than 21(1,203 mon, of whom 142,
893 aro regulars. Tho nighost ostimate
ot tho Boer force is 15,000. This great
disparity of numbers represents by no
means tho disadvantages under wtuoli
tho Boors aro fighting. Thoy havo no
baBu of operations ann oaiy precarious
supplies of food and ammunition. Thoir
weapons aro inferior to those of tho
British. Ano yot tho Boors, thus ill
providod and scattered iu small groups,
havo recently struck some severe blows
and continue thoir woudoriul and au
dacious activity without tho slightest
todioation uf relaxing their rosistenoo,
hopeless as it stems. SlUOO the h.-gin
ning ot' tho war the Boers have inflat
ed urnblo damage upon the British.
The British kilud to Doc. 1 numbered
3,1)18, wounded 13,886, dead from dis
ease er wounds 7,780, sick iu ho>puald
in South Atnca 11,927, Dick and
wounded sont back io England 35,548.
The war has not made or added to me
f imo of a singlo British commander,
but il has produced two Boor generals
who will toko historio rank among tho
great soldiers of thu. generation-- Cronje
and Dowet HO tho Atlanta Journal says
lhere is no lolling how long tho iittlo
Boor army will bo ablo to koop up its
fight, fur it does not yet show the slight
est disposition to yield, and tho British
evon with thoir immense army, scorn
to bo ablo to do very Iittlo with it.
Making Restitution.
Tho wi lo ol a Now York dofaultor,
whOBO nu mo is much in tho public
prints, has aided in rostitution to tho
plundered bank by surrendering $150,
000 worth of diamonds and jewelry.
Muoh is boing maao of hov dovotion in
oonsonting to this stop, and perhaps
justly, becauseshe might havo imitat
ed many prominont examples by freez
ing on to all that thoro wan in sight.
While recognizing fully tho saorifioo
made by tho lady, thoro is a sido to tho
iransaotion too likely to bc overlooked,
and from which wo should oxtraot tho
roal losson of tho caso. Whon tho wifo
of a $3,000 a year bank tollor booomoB
the rooipiont of $150,000 in proBonts, is
it not about limo for hor to inquire
into tho souroo of all thia wealth?
Muoh may bo granted to tho want of
aoquaintanoo with business mothods
by whioh a woman may bo embar
rassed, but tho dullost wifo in tho
world knows that abo oan buy no grea
ter valuo in jowolry with a thousand
dollars than sho oan in potatoos and
parsnips. Tho lennon is a vory simple
ono, known to womon as wollan to mon,
that living above ono's moans must bo
at tho oxponso of somo ono oise Whon
a $2 a day man invosts $10.a day in a
carriage rido or whon a $3,000 a year
man is ablo to "hold his own" with his
$100,000 neighbor, it roquiros no apo
eial ?kill to oomo to a conclusion. Much
of human misery springs from a man s
pauporing of his own appotitos; it is
largoly aoooloratod whon ho has a wifo
whoso anxioty for first placo blinds hor
to tho cost, lt is not nooossary to truo
happiness to bo oit her in tho swim or on
tho visiting list of thoao who, for tho
soason, load sooioty. Tho ploasuro of
homo and tho onJoymont of tho fulfil
ment of natural uutios will bring loss
pyrotoohnioism, but a longer loase of
real happinoss.
A dispatch from Pekin says Suh Hal,
tho man who killod Baron von Kottoior,
tho German ministor to China in Juno
last, was beheaded Wcdnoaday in tho
prononce of a largo number of ipeota
Circu? ar Boing Sont Out by Dr. Nesoni
of Clemton Collego.
Tho following oiroular of ir,quiry re
garding Texan fovor in oattl? has just
boon issuod from tho offioo of tho voto
rinarian at tho South Carolina experi
ment station at ?iomsos "ollogo:
Dear Sir: Thia lottor is sont you in
tho hopo that you will assist tho veto*
rinarian of tho experiment station in
scouring somo information rogarding
tho oattlo disenso known au Texas
During tho past fow y oars, thia dis
ease has boon prevalent in many soo
tiona of this Stato, but nineo tho pas
sago of tho proscut stock law it has
booooio vory common, ospooially in tho
up country and in tho pastures and
fooding pons of stook huyera.
Texas fovor is known by a numbor of
namoB in difforont parts of tho coun
try, but tho moro important of thoso
aro splenic fovor, r.oolimation fovor,
tiek fovor, rod wa tor, bloody mu .rain,
bloody urino, distompor, mountain dis
temper, oto.
Tho symptoms aro roadily recognized
by anyone who has soon oattlo suffer
ing from this disoaso At tir?t, tho
animal booomcs stupid and leaves tho
hord for somo soouidod and shady part
of tho pasturo. If thoy como up at all
at night, thoy usually lag bohind tho
herd, appoar listless and droop as
though ali onorgy had forsakon thom.
Tho oars aro dropped down, tho noso
moro or loss dry, and rumintion (chew
lug oud) suspended. Tho urine is rod
oolorod, tho dogroo of rodnoss varying
with tho. intonsity of tho disoaso. In
milk oowa tho flow of milk almost
ooasos. Constip?t iou is usually marked,
only small quantities of very dark oolor
od dung hoing voidod. Tho tomporaturo
runs from 103 to 107 B\ Somo idea of
tho fovorod condition may bo gotton by
inserting a finger in tho oornor of tho
animal's mouth. All of tho symptoms
inoroaso in intonsity until tho animal
booomoa almost or quito unconscious,
walks round in a oirelo, groans ano
soom to suitor groat pain. Thon con
vulsions sot in,tho animal falls,struggles
violently, and in tho intervals botweon
convulsions, Hos on tho side snoring
until doath follows. Calves do not
developed tho sovoro symptoms and
few of thom dio from tho disoaso, but
in cattle over three years old, tho
doath rate is probably 80 por oont. to
90 per oont. Tho disoaso may appoar
at any timo during tho summer but
moro of ton from July to Ootobor.
Post mortem examination of tho oar
eas shows tho flesh to bo almost blood
loss and palo in color, tho spleen (molt)
blaok and easily torn, tho bladdor filled
with bloody urino tho livor and intes
tinos yellowish, and tho gall bladdor
filled with bilo
In all casos, an examination of tho
skin about tho thighs, flanks, neck and
othor portions of tho body rovoals tho
prosonoo of tioka, which al ways go with
Texas fever. Tho causo of tho disoaso
is a very small animal organism (pro
tozoan) whioh seoras at all times to
exist in tho body of tho common oattlo
t?o tiok (boop)ulus bovis ) Whon the
tiok inserts his bill through tho hido of
tho oow, thoso little 4,gorina" gain ac
ooss to tho blood of tho animal and
thoro dovolop, produoing a oaso of
Texas fovor in ton or twonty days, in j
most casos. Doath remits from tho
destruction of tho red blood coila, tho
bodios of whioh go to tho sploon and
tho ooloring matter to tho bladdor.
Cattlo that havo had tioka on them
whon oalvos aro immuno to tho disoaso
and will not havo it again. Cat de that
havo not had ticks on thom until a yoar
old will dovolop tho fovor as soon as
they got them.
Tho oxporimont station officials de
sire to assist tho stookmon of tho-" 8tato
in getting this dibOaao under oontrol
and preventing nevero louses from it in
ibo futuro. To this ond wo are Bond
ing you this oireular, and request that
you will read it and anBwor tho ques
tions on tho enclosed addrossod pental
card. Wo thank you in advanoo for
your coop?ration and trust you will
soon roturn tho oard to
Dr. Gt. E. Nosom,
Clemson Collego, S. 0.
Docombor31, 1900.
Two Snioides in one Firm
Tho diuappuaraaoo of 10. Churchill
?oh*.nan several months ago from Atlan
ta W*8 a local sennnihi i and tho news of
his suicide ia Now York oausod little
surprise. Ho had boon connected willi
tho Souihora Agricultural works as gon
oral maua?or and was prosidont of tho
Qeorgia llanillo Company. Whon tho
agricultural works failed ho was called
on to aooouni for ooriain funds and ma
terial which ho failod to do. Tho com
pany failod aud Coffman disappeared
Prior to the failure of tho two concerns
Coliman had lived handsomely. Ho
loft the oity when ho saw demands mado
on him for oash and proporty of tho two
companion would bo prcssod. Ho left
his wifo and child hero in apartments.
Mrs. Coffman was muoh disturbed over
tho troubles and tho diBappoaranoo of
her husband and soon aftor ho loft she
quickly dopartod. This is tho Bcoond
doath that has ooourrrd as a result of
the failure of tho Souihorn Agrioultural
Works, as Mr. 8. Landauor, us former
prosidont, oommittod suioido.
A Fatal Accident.
A dispatch from Winnsboro to Tho
Stato says tho little daughtor of Dis
penser Stevenson was killed by a fall
ing granito post. Several of tho chil
dren were playing in tho baok yard,
and had built a Aro at tho foot of tho
otono oolumn. Tho littlo girl was stand
ing noar. A Negro boy, unaware of
tho faot that granitooannot resist heat,
olimbou io tho top, tho crumbling baso
gavo way and tho post foll striking tho
ohild on tho hoad, ^ho was pioked up
unconscious and oarriod into tho houso
whore sho died about 4 in tho after
Right Mr* Bryan.
Aoting upon tho advioo of Mr. Bryan,
tho W. J. Bryan Association of CJovo
land, Ohio, has changed its namo to tho
Cuyahoga Association of Domooratio
Clubs. Writing with rospoot to clubs
whioh boar his namo, Mr. Bryan says:
"1 think it is bottor that thoy should
drop my namo in ordor that no mistakes
that I may mako may embarrass tho
oauso in whioh wo are all enlisted,"
Incidentally ho again remarks that
''oiroumstanooa will dotormino who
should load tho next fight."
Lynched by Negroes.
A spooial from Qaitman, (la., says:
A Negro, whoso namo cannot bo loamed
was lynohod by a mob of his own color
Wednesday night nine milos north of
Quitman, for assaulting a small Nogro
girl. Bailiff Paoo, of thin oounty, had
tho Negro in ohargo and was making
his way hore. Whon about to board*
train noar Kennedy, a mob of Negroes
who wero on tho train, prevontod him
from doing so, and taking the prisoner,
shot him, with no attompt at conceal
ment of their crime.
(luit Kissing Talk.
"Pindar, wnot J? OBOulatlon?"
'?HOulrttlou, Nottlo doar,
lu a loamed ox pression queer
l'or iv'nico non H (vt ion.
I put wy anni thu? 'round your walat- '
Tbiaja approximation!
You need no?"fear,
Thor?'? no ono near,
1 thon,-oh, doarl
Nott io, that'a osculation."
Tho Wow York World says pro
mi sou ou a osculation-ia under tho ban.
Tho kissing habit -must < oeaio. Tho
Domorost branoh of tho W. 0. T. TJ.
hasdoolarod against it and hcvoaftor
the stolon Bweets, extolled in song, and
story, will have tho added spioo of a
solf oonatitutod dotootivo agency of
ar?;us eyed white ribboncrs suooossfully
baffled. Tho organization ad mita of no
oom promise. It doos not urgo temper
anoo. It proaohos, prohibit ion - accord
ing to its prinoiplos. Tho kiss ii an
intoxiuant,. therefore tho kiss, like tho '
saloon, must go. P This decision was ar I
rived at rooontly at tho regular mooting
of tho Domorost Unionitos at tho home
of Mia. Stanloy, 448 Wost Twonty
third atreot. Tho.matter oamo up in
connection with tho vice oruBado when
Dr. A noa Hatfield int?rrupod a torront
of ok quonoo apropos of tho saloon as
tho souroo of all ovil-to provo' ihai th?
uootar quaffod from red lips ?was moro
fruitful of consequonoo than, any ale ^
bolto boyorago over distilled.
"I'think kisssingjs tho very worst
thing a young woman can do," said tho
dootor, "and tho vamount ?.of hugging
ging and kissiug that? somo-girla-of
our very boat fainilios, too-submit to
?B litoraily a monaoo to our morality. 1
know a young man vory wollwho de ol arc s
that ho rarely lea von a girl without? kiSB
I ing hor goodnight. Ho says that tho*
I not only oagcrly aooodo to his rcquoBt,
but that Bovoral havo'insisted upon ho
ing Vi tod.**
"I shouldhavo shown him tho door,"
Bald Dr. Ellon Miles.
"Woll, ho explained that of oourao
ho had no roapeob for tho girls ho
kieBod." went on Dr. Hatfield. "But
1 think women aro very careless about
kissing. Mothers? ohould toaoh thoir
daughtors tho ovils of it. A girl doesn't
know tho d&ngor of kissiog. Sho?ahould
understand how to guard against it. 1
havo oarofully inquired into tho.matter
and 1 find niaDy young women imagine
thia is tho way to got t unhands. It is
roprohonsiblo. Those aro tho supposed
ly woll-brought-up daughters of rioh
parents. Tho girlB muit bo taught that
it is wrong, not only to kiss a Btrangor,
but to kiss tho men^thoy oro ongngod
to. Too great oaro oannot bo takon."
"I should suggoat that an oxoollont
and offioiont way to stop tho impro
priety," said MisB Thomas, "would bo
to instruot tho young mon in tho ovils
of kissing."
"But thoy liko it," said ono woman
Anothor cited tho oaso of a modest
youth, who, fearing to yield to tho so
1 ?citanona of an - oaoulatovy tomptross,
had appliod to a policeman. But tho
law was folt to bo a taoit onoourago
mont'of all kinds of .stimulants, from
liquor to kiasing, and all idea of an
anti kissing bill was promptly aban
doned. Tho kiss, relatively Bpoaking,
was not dissootod. No lino linos of do
maroation havo boen drawn about tho
cousinly ..salute, . nor has it been an
nounced whothor a malo oonncoLon by
marriage may with propriety ombraoe
nov ly'.acquired fe minien family ad
junets. But tho Domorost Uniou has
pledged itself to eternal vigilanoo in >
tho matter of tho promiscuous kiss, ?
and tho unsanctioned application of a
niousteoho'to tho dips that aro noaroat |
will henceforward run tho gauntlet of
foarloss and exoorionood crusades
Our National Orimo.
The Chicago t ribuno says: "Tao statis
ti JO of home o?do in tho United States for
1900 aro not encouraging. From.1896 to
1899 thoro w?s a steady doorcase >ear
o> >?ar, tno totals falling from 10.600 to
6,225 but thia yoar tho roporb BOO*8 a
toial ot 8,275 an inoroaao o vor last j oar
of 2 050. if noxt yoar tho figures in
crease proportionately tho first yoar of
tno now century ?viii bo as largely maxk
od by orimo as was 1895. From tho
present outlook tho indications aro
that tho luoord of tho ooming yoar will
bo even darker, for human lifo wan never
hold cheaper than ai tho proaont timo,
and hanging and lynching mako little
impression. Rudyard K p iog was not
far out of tho way when ho said that
murder was tho national orimo of tho
Unilod States.
A Novel Marriage.
A novel marriage took piaoo at An
doraon on Dooombor 31. Tho contract
mg partios woro J hon J. Norris, son of
Capt. P. K. Norris, ono of our most
prominont oitieons, and Miss Helen
Hill, of North Carolina. "Wntoh
Night" sorvioos wore boihg held at St.
John's Mothodist ohuioh, and many
poisons wuro prosent. At 11:57 tho
bridal party walkod down tho central
aialo and took thoir places in front of
Rov. J. B. Oainpboll, who performed
tho ooroniony. Duriog tao eoromony
tho town olook was distinctly hoard to
strike tho hour, All present woro im
pressed with tho solemnity of tho oc
WHERE? OH, WHBAB?-Tho prin
ter's dollars-whoro aro thoy? asks tho
I'almotto tPost. A dollar horo and a
dollar thoro, soattored ovor numorouBO
small towns, miles and milos apart,
How shall they bo gathered in? Como
homol You aro wantodl Como in sin
glo filo that wo may sond you out ag .in
to battlo for us and vindioato our credit,
Roador, are you suro you havo not ono
of tho printor's dollars stioking to tho
bottom of your'trousers? Fool down
and soo if wo aro right. If you find it
sond it homo. _
Hard to Beat our Una
of Machinery and
Mill Supplies.
JUne, Cha*.H?g?, Uddell and High
Point satr m'ul
Th? Marray CHoanmg and Distributing
Liddon AWUMBHO and ?lain Ktighiog.
"Mieux" Oortt*? EajrfooJ.
"Kow Sonia" Brion oiaohlaory.
Farquhar Threihoro ?nd Groin Drills.
Dinton flaw? and Files.
Potrlcwi PftOklag?, Hjorona Ootror Pip?,
and SnppltM g?n?r*Uy.
Brio Otty Saginos and nollers
BK*n Woodworking Machinery.
?-Q??on of th? Sonta" Qrlst MM*
Kolloy Dupion Feed Milla
Bnady Trap? aud 8 toa m SpeolaUlwi
Magnolia and Columbia Babbelt Metals.
ff. H. Qibbes & fa,
x 804. QerraU Ntroot,
Corn Mills,
Cane Mills,
Rice Hullers,
Pea Hullers,
Planers and
Swing Saws,
Rip Saws,
and all other kinda of wood
working machinery. My Ser
geant Log Beam daw mill ls
the heaviest, strongest, and
most efficient mill for the
money on the market j quick,
accurate. State Agent for H.
B. Smith Machine Company
wood working machinery.
For high grade engines, plain
slide valve-Automatio, and
Corliss, writ? me: Atl?s,
Watertown, and Struthers .
and Wells.
1826 Main St., Columbia. S:C
The New Ball Bearing
Sewing Machine
It Loads .in Workmanship, Boauty,
Oapaoity, -Strength, Light Bunning.
EvorysWoman Wanta Ono.
A * ta oh me T ts, Needles aa?
Parts for Sewing Machinen
of all makes.
When ordering needles send
sample. Price 27o per dozen,
Agonta Wantod In' Unoooupled Terri
I. L. ?HULL,
1219 Taylor Street,
sass Jmf ? "?
MENT, the Great Antiseptic
Healer, oures Piles,
Bore Byes, Gtanula?ed Eyelids,
Carbuncles, Boils, Cuts, Bruis
es, Old Sores, Burns, Corns,
Bunions, Ingrowing Toenails,
Inflammatory Rheumatism,
Aohes and Pains, Chapped
Hands and Lips, Erysipelas.
It is something everybody
needs. Once used always used.
For sale by all druggists and
dealers. At wholesale by
Columbia, S. 0
Oilman fays
the EXpress
Steam Dyeing of every
description. Steam, Nap?
tha, French Dry and
chemloal cleansing. Send
for our new price list and
olroular All work guar
an teed or no charge.
Ortman's Steam Dye Works
1810 Main Street
A. L. Ortman, Proprietor.
.i *<
Whitens the Teeth
Cleanses the Mouth
Sweetens abe Breath
' ...? ... V.TMMA
Drug Co,,
Chu?, MI ?nppo, dyipepoia, tsdl^tio?
aa* all atoniaoh and bawd trouble?, mxM
ehelor* morbus, tithing twaolor Mik
children, Wdaoy trouble*, bad blood and
all sorta of ?ore?, rising? or felons, out* and
barna. It ls M good anita ap Ho, whoa lollly
a?pUed, M anything ?a tho narkot.
Tty lt and. you will prabto U to o4kw*.
If yoar drogirt?t doota't koop 16. wtftoto

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