OCR Interpretation

The Marlboro democrat. [volume] (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, August 23, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92065637/1901-08-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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? /. it HO tr N ? - . lMUor.\
Friday Aug 23, 1901,
. , -.r..yi. ?i,vu I
Ono year_.% 1,00
?Si:; months.,.50
Tl i roo months. .25
Th-.' "poet oilloc at Altauion
(?.eon ville county, hu? boon dis?
con ti unod.
Ohio, Maryland aud Virginia
huyo declared against tooling.with
Br y :?. u uiiy nj o io.
D?ving tho lato hot spell ogge
went i'cjwn iii 801110 parts of Kan
BOS'to VA oonts a dozen.
Oi angoburg claims tho first bale
of now cotton. It was sold in Char
iest OM Saturday for IO conts
Iii ve candidatos aro stumping
tho ?Wovon th distriot tor election to j
Congressman Stokes' unexpired j
tenn. !
Kev. J. 0. Wilson and wife and
Rev. John ?. Kilgo have gono to j
London to attend Eoumonial Con
to rei too. . I
'Sixty of tho four hundred teach
er f; going to tho Philippines foll
in love with ono another and wore
mar.riod at Honolulu.
The big Wright cigar faotory |
in Richmond was burned Mon
day night. Loss about $200, OOO |
with insurance.
'Florence couu ly has suffered to j
snob au oxtout from rains, that]
sho is for cod to borrow $6,000 to
repair highways aud replace de
stroyed bridges.
It wo ridioulo anything that is
not ridiculous we fail in our objoot.
It is not the words but the aot|
that is lasting and destroys tho
The pardon of Col W. A. Neal
would be the finishing touches on
Governor McSweouey s able man
agement of State affairs. Neal de
serves it and wo hopo will get it,
Tho Alabama constitutional
^convention xn'oposos sessions of
tho legislature only once in four
years. South 'tarolina would
save money were she to adopt it
even now.
There are only 0 states whioh
have annual sessions of the leg
islature. Tiley are New York
Georgia, Massachusetts, New
Jersy, Rhode Island and South
A: number of soldiers, among
thc in a South Carolina boy, H.
C. W atson, were killed by the
: o:>; ji-n o! w r-s?.(.ridge at tar
y;a ;\-.(.?lier- i[\ i/or?, M'.yorn Kan
H;iti)rt, on Mon?ilaj.
. ? M). VVatsovj is from
. ; Mm c.mr.I. '.?ul bri ?, ta tb AI
'':iv!x>).i>ov ai.n'l uUwv living ovei at
J i4 . i?.rjPOLi,ii??L ??R&iiNT
Sonn tor Tillman was 64 years
, oi: age on Sunday the 11th. We
hopo he did not celebrate it as
lie did the previous Sabbath
making a speech favoring lynoh
? ; lu\v. He is getting too far from
his cradle to be delivering suoh
speeches as this, especially on
tho day appointed tor rest and
thanksgiving to his Master.
ridgefield Advertiser.
'Hie Advertiser should correct
thi.'i,. aii Mr Tillman says that it
"?y. was Saturday night and not on
Sonator Barksdale's funeral
oration in Norfolk, Va., one day
last week has stirred up things.
The N. Y. Evening Sun says-:
The burial of Wm. J. Bryan
as a candidate by temporary
chairman Barksdale of the Vir
ginia State Democratic Conven
tion yesterday was one of the
most cold-blooded jobs of polit
ical undertaking of whioh there
is any record. "Twice," said
Mr. Barksdale, "we have follow
ed William Jennings Bryan and
freo silver to toe sepulchre and
hot once to the resurrection.
Thore can be no more resurrec
tion of tho dead, no more rising
from the grave. In the Demo
cratic temple of fame, whioh is
hearts of the people, alongside
'Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jaok
son, Samuol J. Tilden and other
great leaders of the Democracy,
>wc? will place the equally great
Nebraskan, and in the memories
of our past glorious record, free
silver at tho rat? of 16 to 1 will
have an abiding place as another
cause nobly fouglit and hopeless
ly 'lost."
Tho N. Y. Times says :
Mr. Barksdale indulges in
grim but not inappropriate met
aphor. How it will strike Mr
Bryan is a matter of speculation
but wo venture to suggest that
poi >;. bl y his high appreciation
of a nfcw and startling figure of
> speech will alford him an
amount of gratification calcula
la! od lo soothe his wounded
pride in learning that, in the
estimation of his party, ho is
not' only dead, but buried be
yond tue hopo of a glorious res
urrection. For him the vision of
( ho infinite future whioh promp
. ted I he brilliant Holley to refer
willi professional inspiration to
tho time "when this combustible
shaU put on incombutstionV
does not materialize.
Xtoms ofln/.orotit 7<Vom TJii.s J?vx
.ililli JA?Clo ?ity, <
Wo aro now' io tlio midst ot
uBig 3Mootiri;r" M ip o B?, Tho pro
tracted mooting ut the Motbodist
church i?, stil! on. 3>,;:?. wcclc
wo had Rev, Baker with H.S. Me in
oertuinly a powerful and earnest j
preachor. 'Tho $il g h ts vii lo pooplo ?
uro. oertuinly a favored poop io |
with no excus? ihr not hoing a
godly pooplo undor tho preaching
of such mon as liov. W. B.
Bakor. On {Sunday wo had Rov.
W. 0. Power our Presiding Elder
with us. As usual his set mon^was
unsurpassed in (turnest doliyory
aud abundant food tor thought.
This weok wo Jhavo Roy. Ariail of
McOoll with us. Ho too is doing
somo lino pro oohing. If any of the
Olio pooplo aro lost it cannot bo
said tnat thoy woro uot faithfully
and earnestly warned. The moot-'
ing will continue through this1
I have seen several days ago
somo open cotton on tho farm of |
Oapt Hinshaw, I dont think there;
will be any on the market beforo
I some time in September.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bristow, of
Red Springs wore visiting relatiyes
here lost weok. . He reports the
|orops up thoro like they are here,
I very sorry.
Mr, Will Smith ho3 returned
from the up country aud can now
be found at Mr. J. Howard Ben
nett's whero ho will bo glad to
servo his many friends.
Tho contest between the Mc
Cormick and Deering oom har
vesters oame off near McOoll lost
Saturday and tho result was large
ly in iavor' of the McCormick
maohino, much to' tho dolight of
our popular young merchant J.
Howard Bonnette who is agent for)
the McCormick at this place.
Saturday after every first Mon
day will be trade day in Clio.
Bring on the "rips" "razors" wat
ches and guns and let every body
have a good time. I don't know
whether there will be any blind
tigers about or not; if there is tho
county will soon be a few hundred
dollars ahead.
Now goods aro beginning to
come in, everybody getting ready
for tho poor old cotton picker.
The weather is hot aud showery
Evnrybody soonls to bo in good
spirits. No sickness to report and
I can't get any nows. Will try
do better next woek if I havo to
?eatdinner with aorupbody to got j
j something to write about..
Aug 20, 1901. J. I<\ MoQ.
While Bathing tn Kooweo River.
Thc folloAiij- pa'i I inila rs o( tiwi .10
cidfeutnl did.vii.n;' o?* victur Wilson.
?po of Hov. .l.>hn ..i.? Wilson i1. R
(".?roonvilh t>i.'.W'it:i -!'v:> .: -u
Tl, koonrs that Wmpj-ni bathing willi
a parly ho vas tf?uglit) in the Swift
ourront ol' tho ewbUou vtioaoi aili)
whirled ?way lt; bin death, bet?re, 'lie
joyos of all inoh' linc: his Histor Miss]
Maud. It was suddop that nono
I could render assistance.
Rev. Wdsott and family havo been
Bumtnoring at Jocasso, said tobe a fine
resort The blow we know is a heavy
one. Viotor had just reached his ma
jority. Last year ho graduated ftoro
Wofford college, and a life full of
bright promises lay before him. He
was very popular among his college
I mates, and nt Anderson, his home for
the past two yeirs no young man was
j moro favorably known.
Tho sympathy of tho many frionds
of this well known Marlboro family
are extended to them in this sod be
Dase Ball Notes.
The good people of McColl
have had three days base ball
this week. The team from Dar
lington was too much for them,
but the McColl team was strong
enough to make it interesting
for the large crowds attending.
The gate receipts the first day
were over $60 ; the second and
and third over $70 eaoh. Quite
a number from Bennettsville at
The score first day 9 to 0
Second day 6 to 1
Third day . 9 to 2
*** .
Tho gamo of ball on last Thurs
day between Tatum and Bennetts
villo was greatly onjoyed, A large
orowd from Clio and Tatum at
tended. Tho game ended 21 to
4 in favor o? Bennettsville.
-?-. --'?m*.
It is announced Sie na tor Till
man is to be sued for $.10,000 and
we note his shrewdness in an
nouncing to th . public nb Ches
ter's non tica) rally that he owed
a Columbia bank money and
that his Edgeileld property was
under mortgage. ThaPa a sharp
trick. Yes, Mr. Tillman, your
property may b<\-TUovtgagcd, bub!
what of that when you have
money in Texas oil wells you
never mentioned.-- TC d g e fi e 1 d
Old Lady-Now littlo boys, can
any of you toll me what command
ment Adam broke when ho ate
tho forbiddon fruit? Tommy
Ploase ma'am thoro wasn't any
oomuittudmotita . thon.-San Fran?|
Disco ?Jifoniolc.
T, J. Cunningham of Chostor
bas boon oleoted phosphate inspec
tor to fill the place ot tho (afo,Si
WY Vance,
'.WU*!.* llave '{.''o?i' i'l;>o
?/'.?lucir U-MlKir,-!. . )\?-?Vv -i,
? J:; WOfkinv; np ;?> a w?i'.iC Iu..<t ?UK), : .
minds ol (he pV?p?e ll over V; {??it?-'j
:lf? !>t"m.'i" agitated, i.t :;>AHS li-./n tites.I
press that there is sour.- division ataolijrl
out; people on the sttiutjo?. and, some ...!*'
is don't know ius?- how ? r^cdtuMUotioii i
is to be. brought about. No'? Mr. hMltor I
e.am not .ulvocation Senator McL.au, !
>io'.s principle; and Hom what br s^y.i !
n bis reply, to the executive cotv-rr'uec. !
C cannot i nlotse everything th at <??i;a
tor Tilintan bas done lu thc Schate, M? 1
Tiliinau accuses McLaurin of-bulhg ? !
.'cpnbHcan lu prjneiplc because he e .'ys
de har, contorted -and Voted with thorp.!
>n must all -questions, ' while ,\?v Mc*
Lauriiiiiayg"than Tillman hag votoj y.-?tlH
the republicans do a great pvVny im
portant question *. It look:; tb nu like UH
pot calling tho little td .tel. ? M< ',
Statements are true Why then t:.,y a..
true or not nobody denies them, vi*?
executive coin mi lt CC bus overstepped in '
authority ia Asking McLaurin to i$sT??n'
his scat in thc Senate, len the reason
that MoLaurin Was elected ii) thc peo
plc at large and not Um K-xctoutive x>n\
enluce, Thc c?nvm'uleo. \vhU>i it - claims
die protectorate ol thc der.iCMi.ilic patty j
n South Carolina .Jct Ihty are pSe ssr- j
vants ot'thc pooptc and not t? e-i m?stet? :
and wc se? i ruin the proceeding;) ol th .
convention that 21 momberii ol'the state
executive committee, amt they arc,not u
majority, ask McLaurin to v/eato. How
do they know that they are expressing
, the wishes of the slate at large. Twenty
' years ago a tew men did the thinking for
the masses and, shaped and moulded
the opinions, but that day has passed
and the people are doing their own think
ing on all public questions. The people !
are being educated along that line and
still wanting more information therefore
it is necessary that all great issue'.;
should be discussed in a dispassionate
manner and let the people decide for
themselves. The action ol the commit
tee, is a prelude to the fact that there
will be an effort on its part in 1902 to
exclude McLauiin irom the state pri
mary. Now we would like to know for
what object the . primary was instituted?
Was it not that all men who seek posi
tion'at thc hands of thc people, should
present themselves and stand on his
merits providing he is a democrat and
pledges himself to support the nominees
ol the party Wo bear a great cltvit said
about Jelersonian Democracy--out it
seems that some ol the strong advocates
of it arc in this case Ignoring its princi
ples We understand it to mean 1 reed om
of thought, freedom of speech and Iree
dorn o' ballots with equal ligm? i<j uh
and special privileges to none. Now
does the committee propose to suppress
what the party has always advocated?
Il so, there is no telling where we will
stop in politics.
Let McLaurin come before the people
ot South (Jarolins and discusj the issues
of the day. The people will take care ot
themselves. Il after a full and frank
discussion, the people see that he is
right, they will support, him, otherwise
they will shelve him. ll Senator Tillman
knows thal lie ls right and McLaurin
is wrong and. that he Tillman can ex
plain such to the peep' why should he
take the initiative nt ibis early''day .to
get rid of McLaurin. 1 Have always been
a strong supporter in an humble way ol
Tillman' and unless my mind chang?s
and I don't think it wilt, unless he tries
to usurp too much authority, I will con
tinue to give him my support. But 1 like,
lo sec fair play and think thal a dispose
lion, to give a man a lair trial before
his people and country, is a virtue th it
is to be covelcd by all. McLaurin chu uv.
to bc a democrat and no doubt -.vii.
stand by action ot the primary in i ?oz
and all bc asks is to get a lair heaving
bclore the people and I seo no way to
fjer it. other than di ron.7*' hvlw??ry?y
ft i ; 1.0 be hoped tm.', li.' ..- <?:c.Uti T*V''&O.??/?'
mitu.e v iii }M".' t.l i ' m.o. -Ttl ' -.M.
.sUloration and i J? < . .-. ' ?\
men aie H ?W-: tq;e'?,'.?.r u,. V ....-.i.-.u-?V
{.much.ol vt/ul ?ma-v: ia jbjs en mu: .>,.?.
lion', hu Mi. V'diiov, ?I; tl b?.\)h\\ ' ?
the. belt iMo) lil i 'o? the' pe Spit: af i.. .?. 1 .
and.h?vc a prc.::i.ittie..-. m ?il??i W'ion
brewjtyA .-.m.' i ?inj, .*j%st dHp -?vo..i.
of elissaiir.faction whereby the demo
cratic party i'\ ?this state, may be torn
asunder. As in the outset? I w tnt to om?
phasj/.e thc tact that it is not my pur,
pose in this article to adv?cale men <<r
measures, but feel il my privilege to ask
that fair play bc accorded to every man.
It is in conflict with democratic iradi
tion and principles to muzzle those w.ho
aspire to position, and there by suppress
! a free expression ot principles before thc
Fair Play, Mr. Editor^ lets have fait
Aug 17, 1901. VOTER.
Confucius was asked "If lhere
was ono word that would serve ns
a rule of practico for all ono's Hie?
He said "Is not- reciprocity such a
word? What you do not want done
to yourself do not do to others."
If our jingoes had boen followers
of Confucius they would have made
an equitable tariff and not and not
one would rob our people to ett
rioh trust magnates, who in turn
soil tho samo goods cheanor abroad-!
to enrich foreign contractors at
the expense of J10 producing class
es abroad. Confucius died ?orno
time ago, but honest mon siill live
hie teachings. Alotioy wrung irom
the pooplo uovor carries happiness
with it,
A young ofHcor at the front re
cently wrote homo to his father:
"Dear father, kindly send me ??50
at onco, lost another log in a stiff
engagement and nm in hospital
without means." Tho answer
wa9! "My dear son, fyi (?hi? pi tho
fourth leg you have lost accord
ing to your ?letters yon might, to
ho accustomed fo i' .hy this tiine;
Try to wobble along on any others,
you may have loft.".I-all Mali
G a zo t?o.
"So his Boston girl was like iee
was she?" "Yes; in hot woathor."
"How so?" "Well, at first, she
coldly repulsed his suggestion to
elope, but later BIIO molted and
ran away."-Philadelphia Bulle
According to estimules the po
tato crop of this country vii) bo
100,000,000 bushels sher- this
yoar, and prices which aro al .eat I y
nigh, will bo correspondingly
.......- o ..v. ?. - .,_ ,h.
Northern capitalists want to
build a tourist hotel tit B?tt??*
.Vv::./.-' r.'.v v . ... V
'.rho Iowa Democratic SLt.^j
wnvcntkm i? in sossion tit 1
: .'' ?. ' y i i/ Wli . --a. ll I ,<
?Vii; ..;!.'..,., !.., i :.;,a J?iv ?a. i
' t' ; 1 U'HV. ltl'? W;|fi" coir. ' . ' : ni
mied '. ?i i ;.(. ld ?h?toh S. i ' . :> - c
tieyon 1871, dmitu? > loviva! i ...?..;.>,<
luoted by Hov..; .? ; ? >v ? V "
* Ot ?0 with (>:.' ?.?*; tVitb i'tUi) iii:' ckv><3 0.1
t)S l'As. . /;-y.; y .'p ' V;,i'i.'V;.'
..:>' id, ? . i?s in-VJif.c? ' lb
dis 1 VI1 *i A.- Oo' ii il? t, il ..: -hier. vii.'
}<\\>i i : 'i;..' l>. n ? 1 t v> .'iaii>i (>V?nglbo
?'jj iii il o '. ?i ol' May IWv,?\ i ??.?d vu
i' ii i'.HjV;) \y ji i bunin l>? ni '.. iv? h th . ?.
.,o; > i'd' U id. A linio ov.?r.oii i . bro
hoi .vi nb bing oarid?ij tbo i
ow, willoh nought i'. s'-'\t\ <?:?
lowjY. -ii Was to him ; . ii ir ? -
i'll I y il'r.!. ilYO.l ti)/*-' 'OV .' ?h . .'.i !
U.vi ?ti ii;>ii '.<? cn - ? v. no so bini io tho 1
1 I . av pl iii') I t')!' I tl lt,- roi ; . i ' j i. vV.U
... y tho tfr.'ii?c uf C?oi? Ulai bo iw.linmi*
?.>'(.! In -111 . I Vii tlv??hO()K( tl.lO.
iVfUth ut' his wtih |u> t? . . .Hi i';k o{' "Vrip"
whi.ih !jfj i. . . ? . 'i i m i' . Sil.MI, ;
. ... .* i "'"'' . " ... a.. I v.. ? -li l Uk !
V . ?. k Ililli . II >\ : ll
ind having boca nh id m .ot: : bo wins j
loo?stornad lo iura! I.av.t,-, . ida?dlghi'od;.)
ni'-.' activities p?cuiiav J a^iiiitt^ut^l
Ile . ; ; ijOict, peMoibjc Omi
iiMi. .. MU, uod wa;' ii.old ia \\tfl high;
. : .-y ?ill with whom lie. .../?...? atvo
oiatcd. .
Whon t'iio ?viii boiwoen tho SUles p< .
curred ho enlisted io tho Uoiiiodorito sor>
vico, aud went forth in deronco of what he
ooncoivod to bo tht; mb:., ol',tho South.
After tho Btrugglo wai ovor ho retiiraed
to his homo und readjusted himself to
ia nu lifo, ead liko in my otho true pa
il iots, endeavored to do all iu hid powo?
r'or tho up-building of wbut then seemed
co' bo his ruined und down trodden coun
try. ' m :. a '^'?
. As hit; end drew nour ho jouvorscd
:Vcoly w'uh )m brother, Hov. John Mun*
aihg, and others, with regard to tho
pio.?|ioct that loomed up bo torc his ppir
itual vision'. Ile waa ti ware of his <ihua
tion, and wan calmly rcuiguod to tho will
ol' thc Lord. Tho sumo bright htur ofj
hope whioh had Mied its boucon light up
on his pathway through this wasto how
ling wildorncss was still illumining and ,
rOyiyjiyihg his soul, and ho wa.s oiuiblod to
my 4 all in v/oll " Trac ho hud lioo that
ji'ougti.l ?<> bind him hciv -a ?on and four
i ni.vihtoi'.-i, v/ho hud recently been bereit
of the ibstOi'i?g caro ol' n fond iuiit.lt?V and
who wore soon to bc fatherless? Qfpli'itii??
amid thc chequered scones of lifo-bel?g
?Wtiio of ull ibo c tiling, ho waa willing
io rMiniiHOQ'j thom to '.ho Qirv ol' ti im
who has ptoinisod to bu 4'a father to thc
fiiihorlcs-j, ami a judge ul' thc widow in
his holy habitat ion."
At tho homo of his d lughtor Mrs Jou
nio Hccdy, in Clio, whh tho t?ndoi* and
afloetionatc caro ot' his othor children and
! surviving brothors and othor friends, all
under tho supervision of 'Dr. Reedy whoso
skill had boou lavished upon him, on
Sunday afternoon July 28(10 ?is tho natu
ral t.un was- ^iukitjii to .var.! ih .^ wjoem
bori/ou, t.ud the Iciigvhuhin^ shadows
WCte ! IO ? t : '. I i il g i th ' d ii 'it' llij (iljC : ?lia
ly drovv to-.vitr;? i' c! : but tho bl
Kig)rtc?usn?s:i whosii t'y\tpsf^fajihsg \Wl\
hmi illUmiiied his paUiwajj IIIMH./?I all
bli ?vi I j! iuii vM? ti il dec'illhi ; 11?8
liv.;.. W'H vi.iM.Yi a inf i'll, tublv'iiley'.ahd
sbrtdOw <d' .Uv.iii a.v.l ho cjuid n". i fy to
ibo joy of .-'i'iowin;' ono.i th-.. :>>: ;.: ?r'.'d
no ci; i'iuouvdi tho i'.nrDti) e. i..; ii.nvm'
ot'thai light,-his \v)y, vylnoii bud beeb
tho path of thc jtivvt w ai iihiitsug vaorO ?;.<
more ?s Im IIOMO? I lu perico cay.
I "Hi^ uiilrt'arC pv.it., his w?lk is (l???i
i-.i ho |s 'nl*v i.l'.'iit ;
I ?.U .. fr?ught tu-: i??bti litio vlf nry \f\>
Ano ciityvod isilc i<:.y!;.
! Thioj lot, our uorzowA cia*.! '. > Ile
1 ( .: i-,a ti'.,;ni^?..- . ?: : ' ' '
,otu U . U " .
.'.al ' Ti,;.' V
?vi i r ..
.Si, , i . ;.?;/,,?.;',. w
Sr, >M.fU7cM'Blti1'4S'
?AlOunOpv'^h?i M?v?
JOditOr S. Ai UI'MV.-ll, a.; '. 'iiaioot I iVlU?!.
?:\ I1 , w.is once 'H.. m - M.. s, y ..-nt pii-od'
j.-i'Thu'iufh long ior,-i'i:;- " D? Pyfe'?'
1 i ' c ?'.-.. i, he w.'i'os. " my v. db WM greail>''
ii:?j d >:i ^iho had; no m .?> ?'1. OT
vi.ii?.-... ih.rcd great <ii ;i e-n Ti om
hm Mt?maoh, but sho tried Eleotrii.
?ittci ?i whioh helped hor ut once, nod
after, using four botib's. she is entirely
iyo.ll, can oat anything, lt's n gvautl
tonio, and it's Kentle 'luxVivo finalities
arc splondid lor torphid liver." Uov J.i)^
digestion. Loss of Appetite, iUoiuaoh
and Liver t.oublcs it ts a positive, gttar
unteed cure. Only ??o at J. T. & Uro.
What A Tal? It Tolls
If "thal mirror of yours shows'n
i wretched, shallow compluxion. a j uin^
i liiced look, moth putehes und blotohcs
on tho skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr.
King's New Lifo Pills rogulrtotho liver,
purify ihn blood, give olear! skin, tony.
cheeks, rich complexion. Only ?&>0 at
J. T. Douglas & lire.
J?f?T A ''Lightning" Froc/er
will tnako smootbof cream with
? O? s i (ici and in qui?kpr timo thtVp
at.y ?|4roe/.or on earth. At
Ci ?. McOall'H.
Stops i lio Cough und Works oft tho Cold;
Laxative Bronto Quiulno Tublotoouro a oold
In ono day. No CJuro, No Pay. Prlco 350 a
box,- . ^ : . "':---yi' ' ?'-'fCt
Jim Lowery, the colored nnm
who killed policeman Jones at
Shelby, N. on the 4th, has boen
arrested in New 'York.
(J ?sl y ?UHI ii'/.i. .psiderri I <A nc
tioM ?? st .Us ivy ? 1 ? '? 'C? inai?a^?,
sind the |>.a? i ii n-. who Marled
thf. on hi pa ig ii n h<'?ci of fitneare
li? ?:;,i"; it ont. .Von can fool a
Wiilv onie lime, but not all the
limit .
Tho latest co,n.;;ii?,tl.ioji ititi is
an appeal to'Viiir/t?t? to f^p'afe
our e >lfon mills."'
.'?? v? ? -? - ft . . v Ki'^".' v- v ?. - ?
'.'('li'rie? A Wo; I. J'?d?u'cni
Tho !<o:t Widely Road Nor-i}?i?.oer
in Amei i' t.
pi mc ba-? dcmonsti dei ibai il ?5 Tbiico
fUW.i U World st uni. alone io ri cinss.
pth?M pipers h?vo imitated Its form l?ut
dot . ).:'.. $?. This is bf.causc it te.U^
i< in.t miaiiy, Vv'hethcr that news be po
litii tl in" Othfirvyiae lt is in lact aboost
a daily i>t tiie price ?f a weekly.
(n add'tiii i to news, it ihiblisbta liest
class serial sto>i':'> und ' oto cr feature!:,
suited tb the. homo and ('no:,idt-,
Tho Thrice a Woik World's: regular
3 uh sc ri pt birt''j) ri be is (inly $jt 00 'par year
?Mi<j ilih VK'' UR' t>? Mptip- oDei
tjiiw'tih?quKlIed itowi'P:.i|tor a{i>! thc (.iern
ocrat thj-'Othcl" OOO year loy'$(.67.
t?* \
--and I
North ?p&t Corn?
IBU: i
;!vAyril 22, 1901.
.rt *
A< . I
Coiling, Flooring,
Balusters, ?STe^
or dressed, we would bo glad
aud look over stock.
All per?oiiH ur?; wnvtiod not to
hunt or fish iii wh/u'i in known ns
the lt. 0. Kustai iin v Mill Pond
after this dato without permission
Worn either of the undersigned,
ami all persons having boats ill
i;iiuno tnuHt romovo thom at once,
j/fbi j itiw xvi V! bo (Vu forced against
j ail,,wlto disregard this no.ico.
O. A> 'h*0A\ ii,
li. A. Pa^tcr?on;
v np- 'V1; 11)0 ll
9A; ik)t
I i >;,v;v,
?VU 5 a l&'w
& Bargain ?ov
X. on time to ibo light man,
Two 6o MW Hnll Ghin with Feodora and
OonilonBfrfl. nil ?nmp)ot<\
. Qac'Aomo Cotto-i Prfit?,
125 Coot fi nish cd Shafting,
bot of Polleys nod I??JUii?^,
Ai.i- bi good running order, Ueaeou for
soiling I wish ' put In largor oui lit.
ttenuettaville, July 25, 1901.
Pair of good Milles and a
Family Baggy. Mare.
Aug. 1,1901 Bennettsville,3.0.
FOB SAtil?!
fTIOE HOMES for sale cheap,
in Chesterfield county -7|
is est of Chernw. Apply to
Aug. 2, 1901. OUeraw, S. 0.
MEW mmi
iii ?iii
Having seourod tile new store
next door to the Douglas' Bros-.
Drugstore, we ha yo opened up
: fi. ,nice stock 01' 'leneral Mer
i?i?Uidi/,e, and solicit neall from
i rho generous public and an in?
jspoction of (Mir pricey before
! buying their
?pty O-Oods, Shoes,
Hats, Notion^,
And Groceries".
Wo ?diall pay oloan >Hlteivti/ifi to our
line o? F?uoy Urocori :3, Gan ned Goods
.vc , Wc intend lil?? lo make a lbw
apeoiallics--Homo Gi'oVitid Meal and
Hominy, Fresh Butter and puro Cano
iSyrup. v
Our motto .will bo HONKHT- WK?OHTS
Soliciting a liberal share of your
patrpi)a^eV svo aro
A. J, \Vo?r>Lti'/? HON,
Jan, 10, 1001,
.xti> warr i\ A TT xr
)rdore lilied ori short notice.
VII size OAK KS made to order
Wedding Oakes
.A Specialty.
jr Public Square
Siding, Brackets,
wei?, &c,
my Kind of LUMBER, *ough
I to have you call at our MILLI
Tilla utgnnluro ls on ovcry box ot tho genuino
Laxative Bromo-Quinine m*i?u
tho roinody that cure? o ?old tn ono doy
Just in a nico litio of Braes
and Iron Bedsteads. Call and seo
them. G..W. Waddill
Hinder twine of the best
quality nt tho iowost price in any
quantity nt C. S. MoCalPs.
Tho Host Preparation for Malaria.
Obitlo and Fever is a bottle of Grovo'd
TaBtehs Chill Tonto. It is simply iron and
quinine in a tasteless form. No ouro-no
pay, Prioe ?oo.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov, 7, I87Q.
Dr. C. J. Monett-Dear Slr: I cannot
too strongly recommend yourTEETHiNA
(Teething Powders) to mothers as one of
the best medicines they can obtain for [
their debilitated and sickly infants. I
have'used it with very satisfactory re
sults the past summer with my child,
and while wc have heretofore lostn child
or two from t?etblnr under other rem
edies, our present child that has taken
TKKTIHNA, is a hne, healthy boy.
I am, very respectfully,
A. P. Brown, M. D.
(Brother ol U. S. Senator and Ex?
Gov. Joseph 10. Brown.
One 'Farcj^har'' Grain
Thrasher /:
' \ ' : ?'. o! . 0. H. M^A??|
III! lil!??
July 12, 1901,
Laed For Sale
A number of tracto of valuable farming
land for Bulo " Tormo eas/; excellently
located; good titles. From 25 to 1,000
aorca-In Sootland and Robeson Counties,
Nottb Carolina, Moat of them in an
excellent ?tuto of cultivation.
Aleo eavoral residonoos and ohoioo build
big lots in tho town of Maxton. For
furtbor information, call on or writo to
Attorneys At Law,
Maxton, 0?
July 26, loot, 2
Valuable Property For
Sale Cheap,
TWO valuable lota in East Bonuettsvlllo.
Ono oontaiaa a good dwelling with 8
roome, n wide hall and 3 porches. The
other is a Cottago with 4 rooms a hali and'
two porobOB; Apply ot thia offloo.
Special Sanitary Notice.
?LL parties knowing ol any premises
or other place inoad sanitary con
dition within the corporate limits of th?
Town of Bcnnettsvllie are requested to
notify the Town Marshal, who ls the
health officer ol the Town, and it will
receive the attention ol Council at once.
O. S. MoOALL, Maym\
June 21, tOOl.
. _?
Real Estate Agency.
R, L. KIRKWOOD, Manager.
Parties wanting to buy or sell prop?
orly of any kind-houses, lots, or
lunns- should seo rae or write mo
nt Bonnett&ville.
. Hnvo two nice building lots in East
Bonneitsville-ono lot i aero. Ono
lot 1 nore,
JBQyn Have you tried tho "Peerless
leo Cream Fret xor" you will bo pleas
ed'with it. Hardware Storo.
Tho vory thing for tho summer
those hoautifiil white enamel und
brass beds at furnituro utoro of
, O. B. MoCall
Xf??T I havo tho genuino "DIXIK
MOSQUITO CANOPY at $2, complote.
-,-O .?-??
You Know What You'aro Takln?
Whoo you aro tako Groves Tantoloiw Chill
Tonio bcoauao tho formula'is plainly given
on ovory bottle ohowing tbafc ft tn simply
iron and Quinine in a tantolos? form. No
ame- no pay. Price 50.
To make room, ibo Fa"
will cl0k>3 viM; 9, h?t ?.
ced pricer randing ivor
I. luivtj aU> a ft tv lt A ,M MOCKS
thing now i?t JJ o rm o 11 ? v i ) 1 o) ^y. h io]
. ma ve ss
Cfel ?m? Be? SW
^iry Respectfully^
Or. ?
Heuncltsvillo, 8. (X, Aug 20,-1
fjK AV K. AimrvB.,
6 45 ti. nt, Oibaon, io io p, m.
17 ip BoimolluvUlo, 9 r/
8 02 Darlington, 8 35
925 Suratoi, 6 .vo"
S 45 P- m> Columbia, io SS n. m.
6 45 tv. m. Gibeon, io io p. in,
710 Bennotlsvitlo, 917
8 02 .Darlington, 8 25
9 15 Floronoo, 7 55
4 49 p. 1?. Charleston, 12 45
8 45 a. m. Florence, 7 00 p. m.
9 20 Dallington, 6 29
li 30 OliernV/, 5 15
Trafilo Manager. ABs'fc. Gon Pane. Agt,
J. R. KENHiY, Gouoral Manager.
Wo Feed
Th? t#tfg?y>
\VIIKN iii (ibye -i: (1 jon want u f;ood
ui?fitj ).. tu-mi '::' wit hui*' eorvo you.
A good meal for 25-7? RcHtnnruuh
north .of the Market.
I Warnow
flo, j it tSt! ; ..lu', tit ii
yo 1 . AV.. . i iii <-V..>.....
may vi
. . i (j?/j ! j
,..Or M >??vo
lui '
T.f. I lt'.i V I-;;
j uot-o i^ij-i....?g. Hiing lb to mo ana no
matter what it NV ti,, I eau put lt 'Initial,
clap? oOiiu>.i'.'i 'My ?.. .ugo's aro very uv'jii
orat? .uv,- tii<- \> .?>:-; 'eVj?/ Vu ftoov promptly.
I r'j.-ah- ,1 .->v>'.ry . jul .'M.;?n, n\?o Gm)8
and n .M ?.' For i>. j '. ,og itt my lino eco
mo. I eau ami do mcftt all oompotition?
Jowolor. and Kop:airor.
Our feerctmtied ff wc foil. Amy oiiosetidhiif
sketch and dciofljill?ii of atty invention svlll
ftromptlv receive DUI opinion free concern lag
he patentability of sinne. " How to Oblnin a
ratent" icnt upon request, intents secured
through us advertised for sale ot our expense, .:>?
relents taken out through na teceive special
vodco, without eimroc, in TUB PATKMT ftacoRO,
on Illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturera and Iuvcstois,
8eud for ?ampio copy FREE. Address,
(Pa teni Ai tor ney a, )
Evans Bultding, WASHINGTON, O. O.
j nitu umw i .1 UUUJIU'JU
AT Till') OLU^TANl)
Amid Prepared lo lill at Short Not?coJ
- Orders for -
CJypi'O f*H anni WlxKc luv
S as h, 13 ? Dr a and Blinds,
Wo Holl no shoddy work, or mlas-flta.
Shops on M0O0U atreot near rosidonoo.
?. F. POWER?,
Jan 31, 1898 Bonnettevlllp, S. 0,
^Si??y:|^ TRADE MARK?
'ppy^irti . COPYRIGHT? &o.
AnvouosonalnK a tVatMi and description muy
fmlnlhy'ascertain on. opinion frooTvnotltor PIJ
mvaiilli>r> In prottalily putoutabU*. Ooinmunleii.
Mon* ?lt let ly coundon* lal. IIiinrtboohotirvUOBtB
sont freo. Oldest atron?-y fur aooullnu r-ute-nt??.
I'nrWs Inkeu t1tvon?li Munn & Co. KC^.IV.I
.peela! nit 1er, votliont-cli>\-zo, lu tho
A hnn<l8omoly llluslmtod wcokly, )>HT?08t e^
dilation of any ?ciontHio tournai. Tom?n, >j a
yeari fonrmouttm, il. Uoiiinynil tiowntioHlcTF
MUNN ft Coi^^wnv, flew Yorh
llranoli Onice. (?5 K ?I., Washington, 1>. O.
THF. I.esi woikmaiv.hlp,
Hay tin and Tonie Treatment
Tools AK best nod sharpest
Vo?te intention nhvays ussuied
ritrco A, ii <:s irt ??iiStArit at eiuln.tr.e,
LA i.?li: ti Wi ?UK ii .Mpoeiolty 1
O ?ec :.. eusio5ner.'-a?\';;vv".''.v ciistonier,
??jyso/tVAL <?m$?%
y .. w aaw.Ai.
?|fl AH? YAIS IIA?LE0A8, ,
In Ei?oofc M at eli 26,
Boutli North
Round ; Bound
Daily MAIN LINK Dully
y? S? __Wo 53 v
6 50 p rn Ar Wilmington Lv 9 00"n m
3 50 p m Lv Fayetteville Ar ta io p m
3 '45. p m Ar 'Vftyottovlllo Lv is 28 p m
230'pmLv,, Hanford Lv '? 43 p m .'4,!'
12 42 i> m Lv Climax^ Lv 3 44 p m 4^MMSH
12 13 p mjJUv Greensboro Ar 4 15 p m
ti 5s a m Ar GrcoDBboro Lv 4 25 p m .'/' . .
ti 0/ a m Lv SLoko?dalo Lv 5 /2 p m
io 36 a m Lv Walnut Cove Lv .-5-44'p m
io 09 a m liv Rural Hull Lv 6 13 p m
8 45 u m Lv Mt. Airy Ar 7 34 p m
~8o"uth " ^N?rth" ' , ' . 'l]m
Bound . Round
Doily BENNETT?YlLLl? Dally
8 00 a m Lv iWuiattfiviUo At j y 15 p in
9 07 a m Lv Maxton Lv Ci 15 p m
y 35 a m Lv Rod 8prIn?ro Lv 5 35 p m ;,<;,
io 20 a 10 Lv Hope Milln Lv 4. s'2 p m
io 40 a m Ar Fayetteville Lv 4 33 y. m : "i
No 4O ' No 47
? 8'.-uU? ' Vox th
. Round, ? M.\meON BUrtWOfi ? i -mu)
Dr.?y cs - j uroly./.bx
bundey j I ihunlay
5 30 v ml A) .""Ituv,...>... ,o,iji m
3 50 p wjLv t'lifii.v A ? ';? .<; ii m
2 40 V> in'Ly 0/.?;c-)iiil.',,io -, 17 mn >'/..,<*;.
2 30 p ?a j Ar Li'!?- '<>.;. c o r> n m
I lt l. ?"It v Ht..?- -
W.ith'thi .Du.vV.aio -..ro t'.| .jVL.t?.v 'tiiii?v?,tHl, '
Oom^;.v.y, at Wi^luufc (Jove wiUi^rJio Norfolk
H. M. MMRtLSON, iien'l 5 ont,
I HAVE recently moved my
IPnv'j >' Bobnoltfivilio, and (br ?bo pro.?2
' out am looafod near ibu Poppt,
\% IPt UIU* oaouPy tho McCall Brick
I^S^i Waroboitpo, whom I will , loo
plouscd to continue to supply all woik
needed io my lino to ibo pc MVIC ol'Marls
boro and adjoining countio.'i Vat tie* find
ing it more convenient ;eau have their or
dora Ulled from, roy yard at Dillon,'8. C,
Pe?igi?9j o^timraos und prices fninkdiod
applifiution? .CJeaia?g imd^v.wttin?; mon*?
undents and tombstones ft specdnlty,
Thanking tho general publio for past
patrono?b J. respectfully s??',U a contin
uanoo. of tho oamo in Ibo futuro.
Vory respectfully,
J.'W. ftflo^LWE^,
: W. W. PATE, Bl ANA OE?.
January 22, 1990
Three Barnet's 1 Thveo Chairs..
Everything First >V1 aw,
EASY oiS^liS?ir?HAyEg
Children reeoivo special attention
either ut tito Sh*t> itt 'UVir home,
Yotsv \)atvona; ; a^leUcd. ^:>.;;';''j'
J. A. GRACE, il irh'er.
Xtavtl0ctallyali?o;>ixiho?o^?i!iiHUidS ,
Nat aro in atinnft-t^oning : >'*? reeon?
'?tmotlng tho exhausted. 0.if eSMVO Ot?
.ganJ. lb id tito lat^t.dls?o vort rldlKest'
aiit'?miHonio. UNO o?ioi-ywtaratlOa
can approach it Ju ???HdoWey. lt in*
.auntly roUove?tind nc?imuY?LCy euroli
. Dyepopslft?'-.IiKV.f^fcl io ti,- ilearlb?r?," [\
tflatnlonce, hom .Stomach, Waurea,
Sick HoadaolU), Oa^trnlg?a.Cr?mp^ftuA'
allotter r6?nlts tif InvporfcottllgeB'tlori*'
J??lC0500. u?d $1. 4Ln rao site ec>i!,atQ? ?l}4 i\rnr>\
Bmatt;si2i>. BocUiaUAUov'Mlyop5pii??*oj?.lf?4fj;?9
?>i<t\w?? by K. C. oIT".' t\ co., cin^n'o.
nay to i--e.i?.':. \>y'
o?rrl-l. Adoi?.??t,'
?lll? t A?^.? ?UiCOR.lL ^,
an*Jioili>ttottrt io Xh? raUtil ?t?c'o??i >t.OJp^?nVw

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