OCR Interpretation

The Marlboro democrat. [volume] (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, August 24, 1906, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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The South Carolina State Dis
Of the Raysor-Mannlog Bill. Which Wae
Originally thc Work of Senators
Ray8or of Oraogeburg, and
Manning ol Sumter, But
Is Somewhat Altered.
The bill popularly known as tho
Ray sor Manning, because it was the
Joint work of Sonators R vvsor, of Or
angeburg ?nd Manning, of Sumter,
being tbe fruit of the matured tbought
and labor of theBe two meo ; who con
solentlouslv believing that tho dis
pensary system, properly and honest
ly conducted, off ors, under tho condi
tions prevailing In the State, not
only the best, bub the only practical
and satisfactory means of controlling
the Pquor traillo and minimizing the
evilB tuat attend the uso of any and
all Alcoholic liquors as a beverage,
sought to frame a law that would
purge the State Dispensary of the
corruption believed to oitsfc therein
and so to hedge about thc manage
ment with the restrictions that the
opportunity for graft ard dishonesty
in the purohaso of liq mr aud otho
supplies, whloh t no law as it scooo
not only pormltted, but appeared to
Invite, would be impossible.
Senators Raysor and Manning with
the same ot J 30t in view, viz: tn mak>
the dispensary as nearly as possible a
graf t> proof business institution, whioi>
under tho exercise of the pohoe pow
er ol' the State should centred and reg
ulate thc liquor traffic, which is con
ceded by all to be an evil that of nec
essity neust bo regulated and curtail
ed for tho public good worked inde
pendently at first, each preparing a
bill to bc introduced in the Sonate
When tho legislature oonvenad they
found that their bills wore drawn on
similar lines aud they, thorofore, de
elded to j dully prepare a new bill,
utilizing the best features of each of
the two previously prepared. Thc
greatest oaro was exercised in draw
ing this bill; information and sugges
tions were sought irom Senators and
^Others who desired to purify thc dis
pensary system and make it the in
strument for gocd that it was and is
oapable of being made. When tin
bill was oomploted and introduced in
the Senutc it at onco came to be
known as thc Raysor Manning bill.
Upon being refeired to oommittee
in the regular order, the bill was giv
en throughtful consideration and a
ligid and patient analysis. Tho result
of the committee's consideration was
a substitute bill, which embodied thc
dlstiuotive features of the origina'
bill, that being med as a frame wor'
and also the ideas of tho committee
and others who had made huggestlon?
looking to the perfection of the pro
posed new diepansary law. Among
the suggestions thus embodied in the.
bill waa one mad*1 by Senator Ti 1
man that liquor be purohased from
United States bonded warehouses ex
This substitute bill, which was In
faot, the committee's bill, although
built upon the Raysor-Manning bill
as a foundation, was still popularly
known as the Riysor-Manning bill
and by that title lt is yot known.
This is the bill that tho House of
Representatives rejected and practi
cally refused to oonslder at all, after
the effort to force the Morgan (House)
bill through tho Senate had failed
This Is the mr asure that is now the
leading isiueln tue State campaign,
and whloh ls tho dispensary plank
in the platform of Mr. Richard 1.
Manning in his campaign for gover
Ocoupying as it does so important
a place amongst the issues of the
oampaign, a synopsis of the bill will
be hoth interesting and Instructive.
Section 1 prohibits tho manufac
ture, sale or keeping of spirituous,
malt or other intoxicatingliqu >r that
is used as a beverage, except as here
inafter provided, under a penalty.
All liquors sold or kept in the state,
whether manufactured here, or Im
ported, aro r(qaired to be tested by
the chemist of thc South Carolina
College to determine their purity,
and all liquors not so tested are de ciar
ed detrimental to the morals, good
health and safety of the State, and
all such liquors may bo soizsd where?
ever found, without a warrant. It
also prescribes the procedure co be
followed by those who desire to im
port liquor for personal use in order
that they may do so legally. The ex
pense of making tests of liquors to
determino their purity are to oe paid
by the State treasnrer, out of the
funds of the dispensary in his hands
and not by the board of directors as
Section 2 repeals Section 656 which
oreates the State Board ot Directors
and thereby abolishes that board, tho
throb members of which are intrust
ed with the management of a
900,000 bunine-.ii and paid only MOD a
year apleoo. This ls i nc of the most
important, as well as sonni bio and
neoessary reforms contemplated by
tho bill.
The next seotlon (:i) ls tho mos1
striking foulure of the entire bill as ii
oontains thc provisions that will wipe
out tho graft that has attended the
purohaso of liquor and other dis
pensary supplies. It il rat provides for
the election of a commissioner at a
salary of iii,000 per year, who shall bc
the executive board of the State dis
pensary. Ills term of ellice Is fixed
at two years. The governor ls em
powered to suspend the commissioner
for cause.
The commissioner is required to ad
vertise for twenty dayl., commencing
the iirsb day of March in each year, IL
two or moro daily papers of this
State, and one dally newspaper In
each of the cities of Louisville, Ky.,
Cincinnati, O., Baltimore, Md , and
Pittsburg, l'a., for bids to supply the
kinds and qualities of Illinois required
for sale by tho State dispensary dur
ing the ensuing year, the sime bMug
specified in tho advertisement, These
bids must be sealed, and without
mark to distinguish thom ono from
another and sent hy express Within
ten days of the last advertisement to
the State treasurer In whoso Custody
they romain until oj cued on Much
31st, in public by a committee of
throo oltlzans, appointed hy thc gov
ernor on or boforo Maroh 20.h. Con
tracts are to be awarded by this com
mittee to tho lowest responsible bid
flora for the several kinds of liquor
and other supplies required. The
members cf the committee are to be
paid 910 ecoh per day and five cont?
mileage for each mlle aotually travel
ed, and they are In?ligible for re-ap
polutment. All bl?dere are required
rn ylv?: good and si flt dent' bond asa
guarantee of good faith for tho per
formance of *h? obligation, in the
event of reoelvlng ;t contract. The
oontraots must be approved by the
attornoy general and the am unt of
bond shall equal 20 per cent ot the
estimated cont of the I'quor or other
supplies to be purchased.
The kinds of liquor that shall br
purohased aro the roi lo wing:
Pure Cologne Spirits, or deodorized
atoohol, 96 per cont, from gove n
mont bonded warehouses. Two Btamp
whiskey, 50 per oent. proof from the
bonded wtrohi usos of the United
States, with the understanding that
the State shall buy the whiskey on thc
warehouse oertliloates and shall pay
the revonuo taxes Itself in ordor to
Insure its net beirg adulterated or
tampered with. The three kind: of
I liquors, oom, rye and bourbon, shall
be purohased lu this way iu tim q ian
titles, whioh In tho Judgment ol the
oornmlsslcner, will bo required by the
demand tn thio State. Itis perm i si
bly to make contracts for eaoh. Ot
tho four kinds of alcoholic prod lots
above designated with different fer
sons for the supply needed for th*
year to bo ordered out by tho ct rn
missioner, as lndloitted, ?nd the t ?d
diug for the different varieties of whis
key shall Indicate not loss than twon
b> d Hirer i bunds of whiskey quo .ed
on the murki t ia th? wholesale price?
ourrent of tho various oltles d?sign?t
od. No wtiibkoy shall be puro.nvsed
for uso in this State that is less than
one year old ns shown by tho ware*
liou.se cet! HOD to. A reoord of all bids
snail be kept iu boon provided for that
purpose, 'lhe bids above designated
shall include whiskey one year old
whiskey, tb)se-yeal old, ilvc-year-old,
md teosa whiskies of the ages cojig
nated Bhall be a basis, when mixed
with cologne spirits, or sold just a?
Mioy aro received, for the different
grades to tc furnished the county dis
pens?is. The commissioners shall
also in the same way invite bids to be
opened ani c ?ntraots awarded at the
same time and in tho same manner as
hereinbefore provided, for Oognao
brandy, California brandy, peach ano
apple brandy, rum and gin In aitch
qoantlbieK, with tho right to purchase
more, as may ba in his Judgment nec
essary to supply tho demands. Those
bids shall specify tho kinds and quin
titles of snob liquors, and bids for
vines, liquors, and cordials shall be
limited to suoli as mav bo advertised
for by tho dispensary commissioner as
hereinbefore provided, bids for beti
( o be advertised for, opened, etc., ah
aforesa.f ) shall designate the alcohol
lc contents not less than 4 per cent ,
stud the amount of malt aud hops to
oe used In Itn manufacture, and no
boer al all be purchased bhab ls not
shown by chemical analysis no o to
oontain salaolllo ucid, or any ( theo
adulterant to prevent fermentai lou.
No beer shall be purohased exocp > ex
port beer, or that wbicn ls already in
bottle and pasteurized and bot r in
kegs aged at least three monti s in
old storage. Bids shall also bo ad
vertised hi the manner already pro
v.ded In the purchase of liquors and
at the seme time for Buppiylng the
state dispensary with glass bot .les,
demijohns, oorkB, labels, sealing wax,
shipping cates, paper wrappers for
the bottles aud all other needful sup
ples required lu the conduct of the
bunine; s or tho State dispensary, aud
these Bhall bo let to the lowest bid der,
In like manner as provided for thc
bidding for liquors, aud a bond v/lth
good and s; m?lent nu re Ur H shall be
repaired for (?io faithful per f?rmenos
of tho contracts. The commissioner
having ordv,r.;d out thc whiskey and
cologne spirits of thc kinds and quan
tities designated, ls autboi zed and
empowered to employ for a period of
four months a skilled expert to blond
che same under his direction aud BU
pervision, in such a way as to Bupply
as nearly as practicable thc llqi ors
known to commerce but which Biiall
nob in any way be adulterated by ad
mixture, of any injurious or unhealth
ful ingredients, and in order to do
bhiB, he shall take out a rectilior s
license from the I Jolted States gov
ernment, and thus bo enabled to rec
tify or mix toe 1 quors which arc re
qilred fur bhe business. Such blend
mg shall be tone upon a formula
tnat soall tie posted in the com
missioner's t 111 je, subject bo bhe per
sonal Inspection by any cit zm. The
liquors thus m'xed or blended shall
be designated by the signs x, xx and
xix ?nd the age of tho whiskey
mixed with the cologne spirits shall
constitute the basis, to wit:
Whiskey one year old with the pro
portion of cologne spirits used, ?Itali
be designated HB X; three vears old as
xx; and live >ears old as xxx; provided,
That If there shall be a demand for
the straight whiskey unmixed with
cologne spirits, the same may be used
Instead of tho blended goods, and the
price bhall be governed by the relative
cost of the hame and the labels Indi
cato the character of liquor, whether
blended or two stamp. There shall
he another brand known BH XXXX
whiskey, which shall bc whiskey
bottled In bond, not less than sovou
years old; or tho tame varieties of
liquors as designated by tho distillers
brand may be purchased from
the bonded warohi u .es, F.B hore
lnhftforo, provided, (n tho barrel, and
mav be bottle j at ttie Slate dispen
sary the same as other liquors are
bottled. Tuero shall be no oaso whis
key kept In stock at the State dispon
stry. AU Buch purchases must be
mady upon BpeoUl orders sent through
the county dispenser-! bo the Stabe
dispensary bv the pe?sou or persons
desiring to Obtain s&uie and the State
dispensary shall order the said goods
shipped di root to the county dispen
sary. All whiskey, whether "blend
cd" or''straight" shall bc put up in
bottles of (nil measure and labelled as
hereinbefore provided, and tte proof,
or alcohol lo cont? nts < f oaoh p; ok&ge
shall be printed on said Ute), t geth
or with the price as lixed hy the St:-'.to
board, and ibc grade of the whiskey
s'-iii ha blown In the glass as X, xx
x X X, or \ X X X Provided this snail
apply to only snob whiskey its may
ho bottled at the d'ppetmry, and lt
shall ba a misdemeanor for the com
missioner to bottle, lab 1 or Bell any
liquors willoh shall not be true to
grade below into the glass punishable
by line or Imprisonment In the discre
tion of oourt: Ibovided, further that
nothing herein o attained shall pre
vent said commissioner of the dlspen
?ary from making distillers In this
State contracts for the purohaso of
liquors manufactured by them within
t>hls Stato.
Section 4 of tho bill amends .Sec
tion 668 of bhe Code so as bo havo tho
jalarlos of employees lixed by the gon
ral assembly, Instead of by the State
Hoard of Directors. Tho commission
ir ls to bo put under $76,000 bond ap
proved by tbe attorney general. The
commissioner le charged with the
management and control of tba State
dispensary, (^b)oot to the provisions
ot the dispensar/ law, and is empow
ered to enter into oontraots and em
ploy or discharge! the officers, and la '
borers necessary to the oonduot
of the business. Ho le forbidden,
however, to employ any per
son who is related to bim by blood or
marriage within the sixth degree.
L'quor sold to the county dispensers
Bhall be sold at a profit not ezooedlng
ten per oent. of the oost to the Stato.
Tho county boards ot oouutrol aro
to bo appointed by tbo governor, by
and with tho advice and consent ot
the legislative delegation, or a ma
jority ol the fame, from the respect
ive counties, Instead of by the State
board, aa hore toi or?. ; and the gover
nor isgWen authority to remove mern
bera of the county boa,.os for cause.
Tho county beards of c. ntrol employ
tho dispensers and clerks, who aro not
to be related to them.
The oom missioner, instead of the
State b ard, is required to nttaoh a
oertllloato as to tbe ohcmlcal analysis,
purity, otc , to cv.nry paokage of llqu
or Bold in, or brought into, tbe State.
Any paokages of Hauor without such
oertiiloate may be seized and sold as
contraband, and the common carrier
bringiug it in may be lined.
Beer dispensers are hereby expressly
The use of request bianka by coun
ty die pensers are rr quired but bore
after tnese books shall bo furnished to
the auditors by tho county board of
control, Instead of the State board,
and shall bc paid for out of tho fundB
of the cm nt-y dispensaries.
County boards of control are given
authority to establish dispensaries and
to designate their location, of which
twenty days' uotloe shall be given
The establishment of a dispensar;
may be prevented by a majority of
the voters of the township la which
lt ls to be loo&ted ulgulug a petition
.0 the county board, requesting that
1. bo propos?t! dispensary bo not estab
The failure of dispensers to perform
their duties ls to be reported to the
go /eruor, instead of the State boaro
of Directors, aud ho ls rt q'Ired to
forthwith institute proper proceed
ings to enforce the law. Heavy pen
attics aro rlxed for the violation of
my of tho nq ihements of the law by
dispensers Dispensers aro rr quired
tOSCO tho request books, and report
>o tho auditor ou or before the 10rh
ti each mouth and to bubicrlbe to an
oath that they have compiled witt,
the law in this r? epiot. Tue salo o'
liquor to minot8, intox oV.ed persons
.r person In tho habit of becoming
nt-, x teated is forbidden and fails to
make accurate returns rs required by
iaw, Bl owl. g the truo signature to
every request) by him received and
granted, or soils 1 quot to any person
without drat rt qairing a writt? n re
quest therefore, is liable to a Hint for
$200 damages on th s bond ot suoh dis
p UBer, to Ix broutfht by the solicitor,
who ie required to bring suit when
information is lodg'. d wita bini.
Permits to manufacture liquor ma,}
bo granted by tho commissioner under
proper restriction, provided in sootlon
13, which amt nds sootlon 571.
The payment o' tho Uglied S'.ales
Utz as a 1 quor dealer cr notice of any
kind io any pJr-,ce of resort or in any
itoro or soop, indios ting that alcoho
lic liquors ate thor? sold, shall be held
as pi iou?, faule evioei ca that the dis
pensary law ls bel?g violated, and a
penalty of not less than ilOO nor more
than $500 tine, or imprisonment for
three to twelve mjntbs is imposed for
suoh violation.
Section 19, the last section of the
bill, ls ono of the most important and
is RS follows:
Seotion ll) -That Stctlon 003, Vol,
2. (Criminal) Code of LawB, S. C.,
1UU2, bo amandid by adding at the
ond thereof the following: Tho salo
committee shall haye the power to
make, prescribe and promulgate, and
the commissioner ?hall enforce such
rules am regulations governing tbo
conduot of the < Ulcers employes and
methods of business of the Stato Dis
pensary, as, in their judgement, may
seem wise and proper not Inconsistent
with law; so that when so amended
tho Bald section sl'Sll read as follows:
"Seotion 603. T ie presiding Millers
of the Sinate and II' iis?; of tt'mre
limitatives shah annually appoint a
committee, consisting of two mem
bers of tue House of li presculatlvf i
and one Senator, whoo du'y it sba I
bc to make quarterly examinations ol
the books and linancl.%1 transaction!;
of the State dispensary for the li.cai
years beginning on tho ti:?t r**y of
November previous to t.'io date ?f
their appointment, and to make a
written report cf such examinations
to thc Qen.'al Ais'mb'y at tho ses
sion next micccdlng after the appoint
mont. J b shall be the duty of a least
one member of said committee to bo
presentat the taking of ibo inventory
of th? stock of the S ,atl Dispensary
at the end of each quarter.
Eaoh member of said comm itt'
shall recolvo the same per diem and
mileage as members of thc General
Assombly, to be paid cut of thc dis
peusary funds by warrant of Dispen
sary commissioner on the Stato Treas
urer: Provided, That no per diem be
allowed to the members of Bald com
mittee for more than twenty-four days
during any liscal year. The said com
mittee shall-have the power to make,
prescribe and promulgate, and the.
commissioner shall enforcr, ?uoh rulos
and regulations governing the conduct
of tho t Ulcers, employes and methods
of business of the State dispensary as,
in their Judgment may seem wise and
proper, not inconsistent with law.
Poll llndor Oar Whoota
A dispatch from Wilmington to
The News and Courlor says A. P. Mil
ler, a young man, was killed by an
Atlantic GoaBt Line train Thu ri lay
n'ght. Miller lived near tho Ninth
street "Y," and at 8 o'clock Thursday
night boarde d a north bound excursion
train with tho intention of jumping
oil as tho train neared his home. As
he Jumptd he fell under the wbeeles.
Ills head and both legs were severed,
and portions of the body scattered
along tho tr9.ok for many yards. The
young man-was a clerk in thc audi
tor's lillico of the Coast Linn.
I'Mniiil Wanted.
A negro liond on Monday attacked
Q -ac?mila Magia, an Italian farmer,
in hlH homo near Woodbury, and
irimlnally assaulted Magh.'s wife af
ter compelling her to give him all her
saving's amounting to $107. Magia
was beaton Into insensibility by the
negro and ls dying at a hospital, ills
wife In In a oritioal condition at their
A man never knows what his wife
ondures untlll sim goes eway for a day
and loaves one of tho children to ao
company him to his down town la
In an Airship that Proved Tata!
to Bride sod Groom.
Mow the Bridal Baloon Collapsed In Mid* (
Air and the Count Nazzarl Lost His
Bride of a Night in the Angry
Waters of the Adiiatic.
Sad Honeymoon.
Tho most pitiful tragedy that ever
resulted from tho perilous art ol'
aortal navigation has jost thrown thc
leading noble famille? of Milan, Italy,
into deep mourn Um.
A fair young brld8 of only a day
lost her lifo In this great tragedy ? f
tho upper air.
Count N?zz&ri, the youthful head
of an ancient and wealthy family of
Milan, was Uko that other you nj.'
millionaire, M. Sautes Duoaoi t,
passionately devoted to aeronautics.
II5 was perpetually experimenting
with new dovlo3s for solving tin
groat problem of aerial navigation, lt
was his oonstant occupation, and he
spent almost his entire inoomo upon
it. Ila has hoon tho owner of twenty
ii vt; balloons and alrsl ip?. Ho made
asoouts in thom continually. Ile had
a great many accidents, but alway
came back alive after getting Into
tho most perilous situations. Ile es
caped boing smashed to p'.coes once
by grabbing at a window stll as his
baboon fell to the ground, and on an
other occasion by olutchh.g at thc
brandies of a tall tree. Ho got cul
of so many troubles so luckily that
his friends said ho hada oharrocd life
Ur.uut N&ZZMI became eng aged to a
lovoly girl, wno took fie greatest in
(crest In his favorite amusement
T my were both rcekltFP, daring, orl
gina) and full of nigh spirits. They
decided that, they would have a
honeymoon quite different from any
that had ever been heard of. Tl--ey
would spend their honeymoon in the
air. Instead of sneaking off mystcri
ously to some unknown pl&oe, as
wedded couples aie wont to do, they
would rl^e tr um phau tl y into tho air
before their assembled friends and
.??owly fade away into the blue
Count Nazzarl prepared his latest
airship for thc journey-agiantoigar
ahaped vessel with two fan-shaped nt*
taohmentH for ttiering. She vas
named the Regina Helena, o? Q teen
ll .?ena, in honor of the promeut
beautiful c? ,oen of Haly. She v.-a s
tilUd wit!: every luxury that a bride
who was willing to take an aerial voy*
ige could expect. A little boudoir
iras constructed for tho bride, finish
ed with grein and gold cushions and
curtains, aud buppllcd with many
acoossorUs of the t Il?t. Tue airship
was provisioned for two weeks, with
dozeni of o dd chickens, pigeons,
hams, sausages and bottler of old
Chianti, while an ale >hol stove en
abled thom to do light cooking.
The airfchlp was moored in an open
space outside tue ohiuo.i, whertf the
wedding was celebrated In tho most
brilliant f ?ahlon before a great abh
oring of tho nobility gobion...,?J
society ot Mdan. When lt was/.iver
tho proud bridegroom, with his adi
ant, black eyed bride upon his ai,
marched down the alala to tho j kt
west door, while the organ playee ie
glorious Wedding March from ;
aengrln." j
There was a short al fresco break .
fast in the plaoo where tho airship
was moored. Toasts were freoly drunk.
The women friends of the bride em
braced lier and wept over her.
At 2 o'clook the departure for the
skies took pince. Count Nazzari oar
ried willi him besides his bride one
friend-Signor U molle, a fearless, ex
perienced and enthusiastic aeroniut,
Count Nazzarl needed some one he
could rely on to handle tho airship
.vbile he was giving tho necessary at
l en Mou to tho bride.
As ihc oalloon rose from the earth
lt was surrounded by the merry, ex
citable orowflof I'r.M n wedding guests
o' eermf, leiighirg ai.d seeping, They
doCiariiig 11 WUS lLo lovel'tat wedding
they bad over dreamed of. They stood
Lhere fascinated, with feet rooted to
the ground and fao?s upturned, as the
gr?i.t airship rose higher uni higher
Into thc air and sped ?way to tbo
southeast, until lt v/as only a speck in
che caik blue iiullui s,ky. At last it
disappeared altogether. Thc guests
said lt was just like going to heaven
for a h< ney mo^.n.
Within tho snuggly titled oar all
wan happiness f r a fow hours. If she
shuddered a hule aa shu peeped over
?t tho (rtrth immeasurably beneath
ncr she was reassured by tho wann
pressure, of her husband's arms. Grave
trouble soon menaced tue part.y. About
biinset a atorm sprung up with the
suddenness characteristic of the Ital
ian oil mate. Too ba'loon was dr.v .'U
rapidlyover Adriatic S^a. All night
long she was driven over thc water.
The steering apparatus proved utter
ly useless against tills terrific hurri
In the morning tho balloon was
sighted over tho Adrlatlo .Sea in the
vicinity of Ancona. Finding that
the wind was at laut blowing him
near land Count Nkzzari made a des
perate effort to descend. In his haste
he opened the gas valve too wide and
Hil?, ?oting togethor with a sudden
Squall upset tho equilibrium of tho
cigar shaped vessel so completely that
tlie oar was turned upside down. The
brido fell Into thc stormy sja. but the
two men held on to the balloon by ro
pes. Within a few momonts this fell
into the water. Tue husband plung
od into tho ocean in searoh of his
bride but his companion remained on
tho wreckage of the balloon, believing
wisely that ?ie could be more useful in
keeplh'? a lookout from that position.
Torp do boats and fishing boats
came out from A noona to tho rescue
nf the party. After a long oearoh they
found the floating wreckage with Sig
nor Usuolli on lt. Ho thought thal
both the others woro drowned hut a
?earoh was made and O JU nt Nv/./arl,
i very powerful man, was found still
Duff jtlng the angry wavis In the hope
if duding his lout bride. Ho was pull
ad on board a torpedo boat in a state
if dellrlm. A watch was kept on the
waters lu this vlolnlty for some hours,
jut nothing could be seen of the young
iride There was no doubt that sile
was drowned and her body ws3licd far
When a man ?tarta aftor something
ho usually finds it oomlng to meet
him. If ho wai* s for lt he usually
sees lt fading away.
- rj
VliAlNl.Y STATU?. *
\ Frohibitionists Whom the High }
License or .Vanoom Advocates ''
Can't Fool. 1
Suitor Oolumbla Reoord: t
To hear nonio people talk and to 1
read tbe comments of the different 1
editors obout over the state upon the 1
lispensary, one would naturally opn j
.iludo tbat South (Jr roi Ina had been, ,
prior to tho onactmont of tho dlspen- ,
wry law, Inhabited by pure, sweot j
ingello people oud not by mortal, ,
moan wicked mon. That these anti- ?
dispensary follows were the 60ul of (
honor and the embodiment of every ?
virtue; that in them was no gulle or
^raft and, like George Wafehlnuton,
had never told a He. That 'vloo, ras
oallty and crime wero unknown lu the
land until a big devil came up some
where out of tho woods, with the dis
ponsary In his pocket, and turned lt
looso among theso lambs.
hut all this cdltorlallng and preach
lng and speech making about the vir
tue and Godliness of South Carolina,
heforo Bon Tillman and the dlspen
bary appen red upon the scene, fools
nobody. No, hideod, South Carolina
has never been an unspoiled Eden,
ana I fear it will be the last placo thc
millennium will strike, lloverse your
think box for a few moments and
take a retrospective view and you will
bo reminded that South Carolina has
been dead drunk and full ot rascals
for two conturles. Every one knows,
or should know, that a very high por
osnt of her people, of all classes, were
drunkards, murderers, Hara, grafters
and robbers from the very start. The
first beat that landed here brought
Um germs of all these villainies with
them from Europe. And it seems to
me to bo dlslngenlouB and unworthy
to write and talk and try to make
pooplo believe tho dispensary oreated
the germs, and hatched out ttie Urst
brood of these villains ever seen here
abouts. No, slree, some of us know
Under the old barroom system the
state was as much In tho whiskey
business as she is today. Yes, she
legallz ;d tho tra ile and farmed out
the iniquity of selling whiskey to her
eli,'/mn, and put the money in her
treasury and used it for all purposes.
Chaplain, who effcrod prayers to
beaven ei c i morning for di vlue wis
dom to guide aud direct cur general
assembly, were paid with this same
tearsoaked money. Aud yet we hear
people Insisting that the state was
never in tho rum business before aud
that tho blowing of a palmettto tree
in a glRss bottle put ber In this nefari
ous business, disgraced her fair and
spotless name and made liars and
rogues of her oitizanB. M.\y the fool
killer spare tiiese idiots and hypo
South Carolina was not ouly In this
bell-born trefilo as a state bub many
of her honored and respootccl olti/.^na,
standing hiuh In the community aud
oburoh, were silent money partners
in lllloit distilleries and barroom-hells.
Under the dispensary regimo many of
this same class have made the rural
districts drunk and dis rderly by
furnlshlug dlrcy, laxy, worthless nig
gers whiskey to sell, thereby jeopard
zing thc lives and proporty of the
Community. Rapid-li re, talklug-tubes
of every caliber and press-batteries of
all s zes have been trained upon the
dispensary, and for what reason?
How many of thom ever took a Bhot
at Mr. Barroom? Certainly he was a
bad man. Yes, he was a bold, wick
cd man, who murdered more honor
and killed more men and undermined
theil character and destroy* d tho pro
8pects of more boys, and heart b.oko
more women, In one year than the.
dlsponhary has since lt was establish
cd. Mr. High License is the same
old Mr. Barroom dressed in anew suit
of co lstltutlonals, and would certain
ly prove just as bad.
Did you ever think how funny lt
sounds to hear people damning thc
dispensary and cussing the labes and
X s on the bottles and swearing at
Hub Evans' beaver hat, who never lu
all their pious and righteous lives
ever raised their voices against the
whiskey demon? Funny, Isn't lt?
You must please excuse me If 1 get
mixed as to whether they aro light
In? whiskey a? an evil or tho dispen
sai y for the same otter reason.
Were drunks and crime of the bar
room brand any better than thone
of tho dbpensary labei? Were heart
broken widows and poor orphan ohll
dron of barroom manufacture lo; s
helpless and pltiblc than those of the
dispensary stamp? Some people think
?o. Now let us be honest and con
sistent and go to lighting whiskey as
the great enemy of pure manhood and
womanhood, and stop this hypooriti
eal scolding and railing at tho dispen
sary simply to gratify some selfish
ptcjudlce. Whiskey has been ono of
the great orluoe breeders and man de
?it; oye.rs from tho beginning and its
manufacture and sale should not be
tolerated under any arrangement
whatsoever, and would not bo If we
wero Just one quarter as God serving
md neighbor loving ns we pretend to
be. If those wh. control tho trend of
?vents had fungi* half as hard to ban
sh whiskey from thc state as one half
A thom havo fought to destroy Mie
lispensary and the other half to pro
tervo that institution, there would not
je enough whiskey lu South Carolina
today to make a mint julop.
Admit the dispensary management
,o be corrupt and then ask yourself ls
/here any other management or busl
less or system or anything in South
parolina or anywhere also In these
United States today clean of graft, In
notice and rascality, and not more or
ess corrupt? If, as many honest, fair
mel unprt judlced minds believe, the
lispensary ls thc best solution of the
vhlhkey prc'olom, lt will be exoecd
riKly unwise to destroy lt bectuse
unie of the graft has developed In
ho syhtem. 1 think lt very wonder
ul that it has not been very much
vorso In view of the way tho enemies
if the dispensary have acted towards
bat Institution. Cleanse the manage*
ne.nt as far a? possible and let the
yatem stand or enact a prohibition
aw. In splto o' everything that has
idell said or can be wald, hf?h license
Imply means a return to the open,
ttractivo, luring and Iniquitous bar
oom system.
The devil lias bern smiling with sat
?faction Hinco the day prohibition lost
nd the dispensary beoamc tho law of
great stato, but don't let him win
?Other victory by fooling you to
rano cIT tho dispensary for high l?
ense. Tho dispensary ls a part of
ho government and if it bo true that
part of the government ls corrupt
nd oannot bc cleansed,then the wholo
dust become putrid and rotten. This
rould bo an awful and horrible fuot.
do not believe lt, and think the dis
tensar y ono be kept ?a olean as any
ither dep;rtnct"t ci the government
L'ho dispensary ls today every bit as
ilean as the power that controls it
hat power ls tho government or
tato.- If the dispensary, and hot tho
mvernmentci state, is to blame, then
'on have a clear ease of tho tall wag
fing the dog.
If the state allows the dispensary,
1er own dear son, to stay out at night
md go to the ball, what makes you
?Muk she will love high lloense, who
B only her stop-son, any better and
crop a closer watoh on his going and
urning. Men of South Carolina, if
'ou love the little boys and girls, and
lave any thought or caro for thrir fu-1
ur?, never vote for a law carpenter
who says that with my little saw and
ratchet I will build a barroom. Do
what you ploase with the dispensary
Kick it down, tear it down, burn lt
down, but in Q^d'n name never, never
by your vote ht lp build up a barroom
-and that is what you will do if you
vote to send high license or looa) op
tlon men to che legislature.
?Mutlny ?nd Murdor ?t trio Charlo*
ton County Htnckftdo.
The Obarleston Evening Post says
Herman G. Stello, a cbalu gang guard
at tho Seven milo stockade, was
killed Thursday afternoon at abtut
2:30 o'clock bv three oonvlols, Alor zo
Goodwin, Hammond Wilson and
George Kenny, who made their os
oapo, and aro "how in tho woods on
Charleston neck, with Deputy Sheilff
Poul not at tho head of a pusse on
their heels.
Tho murder occurred at the stook
ade camp. Stello's throat was out
open. He was asked by the three men
who ph yod sick Thursday and were
left bohiud at camp shut up in a
house with two truabics, to bring
them a bucket of water. The trusties
they looked up in the kitchen. When
Stello approohod the men, they rushed
upon him, overpowered him and out
hie throat.
The convicts overpowered the trus
ties or o owed them, made their osoapo
easily. The Imprisoned trusties out
their way from the kitchen and ran
to the store of Mr. ff ittlnger at Seven
Mlle ll uno. iii immediately tele
phoned tho no ws of tba murder and
esoepe to Shei.IT Martin. Theshor'lT
at onco ordered a posse to go to the
Boone of tho tragedy.
Deputy Sheriff Pouluot, with
special deputies, Mesure. George
I) UK las, Ll L Knox and Driscoll,
and Rural Pjllocmm Burton and
Killy, hastened up tho road by tho
trolley line. It ls thought that the
eBoaped oouvlcts aro armed. They
are still In the woods. Every effort
will bo made to oatch thom. Blood
hounds will be put on their traoks.
Mr. Stello was a man of over 5)
years of age and married. He llvod
at No. Itu Inspection street. Stello
waa the only guard at the stookade,
the others having gono out with the
gang which is working on the drains.
1">IK olAlly tn All Fond HunplicH
MICH.illy InoroAflos.
Figures prepared by the Depart
ment of Labor show beyond doubt
that retail urices o? food are on the
ascenderoy and that year by vear the
American housekeeper finds himself
c%lled upon to draw more largely on
his bank account to keep up his estab
Statistics that are in every particu
lar reliable have been Becured by the
department from retail merchants In
Charleston, Norfolk and other oltles
from which the department figures
out that the retail prices of food bi
1005 were at tho highest point during
the sixteen year period covered by thc
Investigation. The average prices of
the twenty three of tho thirty arti
cles ino'uded In this compilation of
prices were higher in 1905 than in
1904 and the prloo of every article in
cluded, except cc IT .ie and prunes, was
higher In 1905 than in 189?, the year
of lowest prices during tho last six
teen years.
The advance In bacon since 1890
has been 43 5 per cent; Irish potatoes,
43 1 per cent ; eggs 41 8 per cent ; dry
or pickled pork 31.0 per cent; fresh
pork 30 por oont; Hour 29.8 per cent;
corn meal 28 0 per cent. The advance
in food when eaoh of thc thirty arti
cles are given a weight according to
its consumption in the family of the
workingman, has been 0 0 per cent
since 1004; 17 7 per cent sluoc 1890
and 12 4 per cont compared with the
avftrago for the 10 year period, 1890
to 1899.
Attjtokml hy a Pun thor*
Thc RmrtgO, Texas, News says last
Friday a panther attacked tho little
son of Mr. Hud May, a few milos north
of town. Tho little fellow was a shoit
distance from tho houso when the
beast attaoked him. Ills cries of
terror attiaoted au older sister who
bravely went to the aid of the little
fellow, snatching him from the
olutohcs of tho enraged bruto. As
she ran to tho house with tho hoy in
ber arms, tho animal made several
attemps to take him from her, Jump
big over her shoulders in its frantic
fct?orts. She succeeded in reaching
tho house and shutting tho door In
tho face of the beast, lb tried to
force its wav Into tho house and
falling, gave vent to tho most awful
screams and eries. The child was
sciatched, but not severely.
lUyen linn! in Flro.
At Buffalo, N. Y., Capt. Robinson,
a veteran Lake Master, was burned to
tleath, B. J. Johnson, sailor, was fa
tally burned and a score of persons
bad a narrow escapo In a tiro In a
minding occupied by the BulTfclo
Chandlery, supposed to have been
3&uscd by explosion. Toe lire spread
bo tho St. Charles Hotel, tho ll *mes
rolled high and muoh damage was
lone. Liss Is $750,000.
To lOxptoit Cuban IJHOUH.
The Cuban Investing Corporation
if New York, which will conduct a
general agricultural and manufactur
Dg bujlness in Cuba, has been inoor
) iratcd with a capital of $3,000,000.
The directors of record include R, C.
ft)0burgh, U.M. Kerr, L, W. Shoiton,
). il, Kayley, W. W. Doy, dr., Nor
blk. Vi ; R. J. Camp, Franklin, Va.;
ind C. T. Li (Ison, Atlanta. Ga.
Itlind Timors ?nd Huntlay.
D. S. Hammond, Darlington corros
londcnt of the lUrtsvlllo Messenger,
writing of tho whlskoy situation in
Darlington says: "Blind tlgors and
hinday sellors are having moro
dsltors ou Sunday thau the ohurohes.
larlington is ono of tho oounties that
ian voted out the dispensary, but lt
oems that prohibition falls to forbid
t thore.
Ruatlug out ls non resting.
A Pol ig ie. us ?" ettieg ia Taon rounty
Interfered Wi'h by Pre? k n
Htu. ,
A rpcclal from Ai derson to thc Seato
under dato of Avgust 15 says a negro
asst Cation held a religious meeting at
Shiloh Church on Wednesday Dil?>
miles from that oity. Wedneeda:
afternoon a young negro cursed a ne
gro rx an and a regular fusilado of bul
lets followed. Seven negro mm ar?
shot ind one mule. It is pro..'?bi
tbat three or more of tho negroes am
mule will dio. Sheriff Green sent twe
deputies to the soene Wednesday
night to prc vent, further trouble.
The row started three c'olook Wed
?enday afternoon and the tight tock
plsoe right in a road In frc nt of th<
oburch. Fully 2,000 negroes were li
attend .roc at the titree day associa
tion meeting and the deputies hi v
?..counut tho names of at least 17 ne
groes thar, to; k part in tbe tight. A)
together at. least 60 parttolpatod.
Thc dvputy sheriffs returned to An
derson Wednesday ni. bt ano got wa)
rants and returned to the scene to ar
rest all cone?n.od in the dlsgraoefu
row. lt seems that an old grudge he
been between several neg-oes for Bom
timo and this grudge culminated b
the row Wednesday. Anderson couut.
bas s >-oalled prohibition and th
rowdy negri es must haVi gotten drun>
on blind tig6r whiskey, which can br
nad at many places tn the county.
Doctors were- qulokly summoned an-'
the wounded negroes are reoeiving a
tho medical aid possible Tho rov
broke tho meeting up Tho leadlnf
negroes of the association furnisher*
the deputies the names of thc partiel
pants, and lt ls be hoped that th*
will be arrested and male an ex wop
of. Disturbing religious meojlugs ar
serious affairs.
now AT A ouuiton.
A dispatch from Union says nov i
of a big row at a oolored churon nea?
K alton out in the oounty has reacher
tuat place, and one negro, Kelley Hoi
ley, has been ojmmltted to jail foi
shooting another negro at the churob.
The row must havo been started by
blind tiger whiskey as Uuion is a pro
hibition oounty.
It ls said that 26 or 30 shots wer*
(ired in the ohuroh grounds Sund?
afternoon, and that the orowd bein
paulo strioken, many ran into th
ohuroh building, where oue of the mr;
was shot as he went lu the door. /
''big meeting" had just been Bt arter
by Rev. O. H. Lee and A A. Sim.,
prluoipal of the oolored behool hen
and report baa it that with other
tboy did fast rune ir g when the ii ri nj
It seems that James Keenan anr
Davis Holley had a fuss at an lc
cream supper at Dive .Smith's Satur
day night wben Kienan shot Mos?
Kolley, Joe ard W&din Holley. Tb*
trouble was renewed at Bethel church
next day, when Keenan was badi;
'.hoi, by tbe Holley boys and ls In .?
dangerous condition. Keenan aU(
shot both AI se and Kdly Halley 26 r
30 shots being (ired, K ;euan is abou
17 years old and tho Holley brother
are grown men.
A Fool Who Seems tobi Folio win?
Dena' Aclvloo.
The Columbia correspondent of Tin
News and Courier says there was con
Hiderable excitement in that city Fri
day afternoon. It noms that M?nso)
Hamilton, a negro porter at the Rid
gevlllc Club, was riding out to Ridge
wood on a car with some excursionist!
from Clinton. He oooupled a scat ir
the section for white passengers. The
conductor went to Hamilton and tole;
himto get in the Beats Intend: d for
the colored, lt is said ho deolinec
to do so and a row followed. Thc
white passengers joined in and the re
Bult was that Htunllbon was put off
the car. Hamilton claims to hav
been kicked and badly treated. Tbe
conductor and others olaim that b>
was simply put off tho oar.
Tho oar passes by Hamilton's home
and on the return trip Hamilton nut
staudlng in bis door and shot into the
car. The shot wont wild. A few
small shot hit Mr. George Ware or
the hand and a few hit Gonduotci
Younginer. There was considerable
exoitcmont in tho city and in sumt
way the report spread that if Hamil
ton were caught he would bo lynched
He carno to Columbia quietly, won
to the oounty jill and lb there now
Tho eUlcers will v.grously proseouf
Hamilton for his oombiet and foi
shooting into tho oar. Fortunatolj
no ono was at all seriously burt.
Hamilton dalma that his gun went
off accidentally. The passengers OE
tho train claim that Hamilton dellb
crate ly shot into the car. Hr milton
ran and he was ohased. Superinten
dent Wallace had a warrant swon
out against Hamilton and soon a poste
was bunting him. During the even
lng Hamilton oamo to Columbia h
company with Mr. Drown Hyatt ano
surrendered. Ho is now In jill. BU
only asked to Bay that the gun wem
( ll' aooldcntally and that he was badi
treatod on the train.
Killed by it-... r-,
A distressing tragedy is rcportoc*
from the village of llidla, neat
bilbao. A ohild who was playing lr
the garden of a oottage approached a
beehive, and iunooenUy began to rak'
it withal hooked stiok. Tao furioir
bees rushed out and ot v*rod thl
child with stings. Ho died lu great
agony an hour later.
What a man would call "cnthusl
asm," ao applied to himself ho tin) i
"gush" in others.
A very short 'all will plunge a rnur
so dcop In trouble that ho oan.t clim)
out with a llfty-foot ladder.
Insurance At A
T. S. Scoso, President.
A home llrollnsuranco company that
Management Capable and Conservative
Write for particulars.
We Have I
Ono 25 horeo power TaVbott, second lu
ly lioon ovorhnulotl, Thia Engino ii
a groat bargain for anyone who is in
Wo aro headquarters for anything i
prompt attention will bo given to nfl i
caro. Write us when you aro in the
to got our price? before plaoing your
Calambla Supply Ce,, . ?
I 1 hunk Thee. Lord, because I llvo.
Willi loving heart and patient
Bcoauso 1 have thc gift to give,
Uf sympathy to all my kind.
I thank Thee. too. because n>y ears
Along carin's barren wasto ba vo '
And for tho sweet and human tears,
Thereon dissolved like summer
I thank Theo for each sad mistake
That sei med to wreck some cher
ished dream;
Nor would I mend tho piteous break ?
Twixt Then and N6w, or hide tho
1 know, O Lord, Thy gentle bands
Ilavo lcd me safe through sun and
Because my soul now understands
The peace within the Shepard's
Therefore I thank Theo, Lord, be
Thou dlds't net leave mc to tho
blast ; '
But with the gentle love that draws
Led mc to Thy dear feet at last.
We have met men who labored ur.
1er the delusion that their nott rh; y
vas reputation.
Flrmnote ls hot bul'heaiednass.
Easy won poorly kept
Should Treated Odv Bv An Expert
Specialist. Do Not Allow Yourself to
be Experimented Upon by Inconip ;*
tent Doctors We Treat and Cur"
These Diseases By Skillful Scientific
Diseases peculiar to mon nro very difficult
to trout and only ?Ii expert specialist should
1)0 (>n (nulled \ritli
tholr trrntmcnt. Wo
have hoon studying
And (renting theno
dis?nS?S for over ?.0
j years,mid havo built,
up n ro p II t n t i o n
which wo hoi love in
aeoond to nono in
this country.
Our pinn for front
ing mon nb n dis
Omeo lins mot with
groat success, nod
up ninttor whero you
rosido, you cnn so
euro our export sor
vicos.and too, with
out great cost.
J. mWTOll ? MIlViT, H. D.
Graduate Dart nioulli Hod CoW
legelSSi. Ex.Pres.D. Mich.
Med.Sod?ty. Ix. Member
SUte Med. So., Board
of tl ea Uh, ?le,
Nervous Debility,
(lost vllnlitv, nervous exhaustion, prostra
tion, otc.,) tho symptoms of which aro loss
of onorgy, ambition, vilality, not, nervous,
despondent, sleeplessness, dizziness, otc,
coimot bo ouredby Incompetent doot re or
patent medicines. Wo euro it. by Hkihlul,
Bolentlflo trent mont, prepared tn our own
private laboratory to stilt eaoh base Wflfco
tor an examination blank and our booti <vi
titled "Norvo and Brain Exhaustion" son!,
f roo.
Specific Blood Poison
in most ntl cases ls really enrabio by our
original perfected method ff you have-any
of its symptoms, sitoh as soros, ulcers, pim
ples in the mouth, throat Oil band i, lucio
and oilier parts pf tho body, falling hairand
eyobrows, write us for complote informa*
lion alunit, this disease. Our hook entitled
"Tho Poison King" sont ?roo.
Hydrocole, Gleet, Enlarged Prostrate, Kid
ney and Bladder Disorders, and other pii
vntonud chronic disons ssuccessfully treal
od. Diseases peculiar to women also tren1
ed with great success. Write for examina
tion blank. WU DO NO r DEAL JN
nocossary nro proparod in our own private'
laboratory, without extra charco. Addre?r
DU. HATHAWAY & CO., 88-A bunni, i
building, Atlanta, On.
One 60 IL P. Lidell Automatic I n
. One 60 H. P. Erle Olly Bollor.
One Drag Saw.
One Cut OIT Saw.
One Self Feed Rip Saw.
One Broom Handle Lathe.
One Hoe Handle Lathe.
Two Polishing Drums.
One Hand Lathe.
One Large Grind Stone and Stand.
Two Car Loads short lengths of Abb,
Walnut, Persimmon and Dogwood.
One hundred feet of Shafting.
One lot Shafting Hangers.
One lot Pulleys*
?125 Doz. Base Ball Bats.
The above ls situated in a two-story
factory building, dimensions fiOxlOOfb.,
with ell attached 30x50f.t, two stories.
Lot measuring 200 feet frontage and
524 feet in depth. Hall Hoad into tho
yard. In a desirable part of tho. eil y
of Orangeburg, S. U. This property
will be sold In part or In whole, lt can
be utilized for most any kind of enter
prise For full particulars,apply to
JAS. ta. SIMS,
Orangeburg, S. O.
A Ready Calculator.
Business Arithmetic and Pocket
Account Book combined Will lie
sont lonny address on receipt of 2f>e
in portage. Ropp's Commercial Cal
culator is neatly printed and nicol"'
bound in pocket book form. Not)
ing of such real value und inlrinsio
merit has ovor boon olTcrod lo tho
public in so com pate t and conveni
ent a forin und nt so low a price,
Oran gol mig, S. 0,
An Organ
that will last a lifo time ls what you
want. Our Organs have a pure tono
and lovely cases. We can supply
you with an Organ that will please iii
every particular for only $65 and $70.
delivered. Wi He us for our special
terms of payment-, and for illustrations
of thc beautiful Organs referred to.
If you prefer a Piano we have beau
tiful and good new Uprights from $186
up on easy terms.
Addrc/s ?lalono's Muslo Fouso,
Columbia, S.u.
R.rt.FaroPfltd, Nr?tntTu?/*?
Hoard at Cost. V/rlto Qu* i
i bsohite Cost.
J. B. Atkinson, Sec'y & Treas.
rg, S. C.
Agon Us Wanted.
;or Sale
and encino in stock whieh 1ms recent
\ in firet-clnsB condition and will hi
tho market for euell a HIZO engine,
n tito way of machinery eupplios, and
nquiries and orders entrusted to on*
market for anything, and be euro
orders elsewhere.
- . Cehnnbla, S.jgG.

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