OCR Interpretation

The Columbus courier. [volume] (Columbus, Luna County, N.M.) 1911-1920, January 17, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070539/1919-01-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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0 n iiuCi,0J
vol viii.
This week 100 additional men were,
sent to Camp Cody for the. nunroso
of aulillng (ho 300 already there
in salvaging material for the hulld
In? of quarter for llio soldiers hero.
They aro loading thn lumbucr on
u nim.ii ui ii nas nirrauy ar
rived and Is being unloaded whoro
II will be used.
Tho committee, has received some
very encouraging Information the
1ail week, and there Is not o doubt
mil llio bluldlng program will go
through without a It I tot) and will be
far better than tho most optimistic
m us nopeu ror when tho pruposl
uon was ursi brought up.
On account of the sickness of the
driller tho drilling nt llm nil uii
lias been delayed the pail week. Ah
ci no actual drilling lias licen done
for much time was taken In get
ting tho machinery in order and In
cleaning out ine Hole.
The driller slates (hat thorn un.
a good showing of oil on thn water
uiii'wos taken out when nailing nut
-'preparatory (0 Marling thn actual
drilling, .which will without n douhl
bo under way In a few moro days,
soon as ine uriiicr is abio to work.
Tho U. 8. Department or tabor
Is using every possible means or
securing positions for tho discharg
ed soldiers and sailors, 'litis agency
is unable to do anything for Ihesn
tnen unless they inako application
tor positions.
J. II. Illalr Is chairman of this
agency ror this district, and appllca
lions slinillll 'lin trfnrfn In lilm I
there is- no yacancltyHu UU.dislrlct
suitable ror such applicant, he will
lurwuru mo application m ino pro
per placo and a Hisltlon will bo
Anyone desirlnir heln mnv aim m
lily In Mr. Illalr. nml if tin iW mil
have llio right man for tho job he
win, iiimugir mis iMiard, gvl in
touch Willi the man lilted ror llio
The office at Doming holds III'
record for tho slate of New Mntlen
having found Jobs for 723 men and
iu women since ine men liegan get
ting discharges.
(iovemor. tarruzolo linn nmil.i hi
first apolntmeut ur a Luna county
man to a siato msnion. William J.
Casman hns been named sergeant
or thn slain hiIIco, with I.unn, (Irani
nicrra. tsocorro ami ixma Ann couu
lies ill his Jurisdiction.
Thn selection or Mr. Cannmun fur
llio somewhat difficult Job Is lino
Uiai will lo grenr.y approved. A
man or high courage and ability,
honesty and energy, lm can bo da
pended upon to enforro the laws iu
(hu flvn Imrder counties In such n
way as to reflect c red 1 1 upon hlm
Itolf, his friend and the state admin
istration, Mr. Cnsiinan has hail considerable
nxperlcnco as n law officer, not the
least valuable or whlrh was gained
iluring eleven years that ho served
ns United Slates deputy marshal.
Ho opirased Sheriff Simpson or this
county in tho .November elcrtltins,
but was defeated, along with the
rest of thu llepubllean county tick
Eastern eanilal Is rushing lulu
Now Mexico and oil operations are
miller way on millions or nrres.
Tho Carter 'Oil Company has taken
a leasn or 100,000 acres In McKinley
and Valencia counties.
Tfhls' company has opened office
fn AJtyunuerouo qnd will begin oper
ation In 1iq Seven Lakes region.
ffjo TPllec fill Con'IMiny or Chica
go )f an lease qf a nlnn qcrc and
jiasjt niiner pf Figs drilling.
Soven ncr largo operalng com
panies, Ijayi) largo jenfio anil are liter
ally sinking min by millions.
In various perls of New Mexico
small concerns aro making efforts In
develop oil possibilities or to get
capital Interested in doing so. j
$be $otamlmi Courier
In tho Precinct election held here
laii Monday, Judgo T. J. Colo was ro-
eiectcu justice or the peacn liy i
larso majority and fi. n. liinmr n.
eolved over two-thirds of Ilia vote
cast for constable.
Moro than SUVOnlv.fivn ner ei.nl
of tho voters In tho precinct cast
tneir lialloU during Hie day. I'heru
wrrc wo ua ou und nm nnmh,. r-
reived by each candldalo was as
Vor Justice or thn Pence
T. J. Colo ,.im
I'. A. 8 mnson .'M
"or Constable
U II. llogcrs ... ,m
Jess Fuller to
Tho majority of llio vnlnm iimu
fled (hat Ihey wern niuflml win.
Judgo Colo ror another term, and
aiso mat nicy would rather have a
new constable.
Little Interest was taken In hie
lection In Item ng ror timelnrl nf.
lieerS. (1 C. Ilnccrs una rn.nlnM,..!
anil James A. Kealy was elected con
Jlldgo ItORcrs has hern irrvlmr fur
mo past ten years as Justlco or the
peacem iteming, and James A. Keal)
has been chief of nollre hi Ihni .iiv
'heir opponents were J. ' Vnhl,..J(
plno and rtogeni tape. 'Hie vote
was Oft In 10.1 In favor nf llmmr.
anu ncaiy.
The Mill Illfmilrv fillltli:lll frnm nf
.Migaies i created llio "It Infnnirv
eleven of Columbus. N. M at Nogal
es on January I Oh. "it.n in n imr.i
struggle lor me ciiamixilushlp or the
Although the Still ntnvrr mil
weighed tho Mill, (lie Kith allowed
moro class and sneed. and hv nwin
tactful efforU idled im ih., ,p..
whllo Ihii I'Slh band played and llio
nugn crowu cheered them on to vie
IlllSineSS llOtKeS Cloteil Ihelr iI.u.h.
Ilir iik the mine. IL ni ,..iini.ui
mat inero was an altendaneo
M"i ut the cnnlost.
TO TAlii: MdVII'U ill.- l ill-
Word rrom lied SandoH. Alnnhnt
Ian, Kan. slates that the I'nllio Film
weekly is liUerested li si-curing
Pictures or the Hnvi len.lln.lnn Iw,,,!
lorino weitenvelglil title or tho nr.
myat (jiIiiiiiIiiih next natnrdnv -n
W. Holt or I'nllio UVeklv l c,w,,l
down In the fi wilt and lake moving
picuireit nr It ir he receives the per
inlsloii of the military aulliorlllei
writes Sandall. "With dlmll
nayiieii uim!ciI of lliere will bo nn
loruuiiaiiie rontender fop llm mi,
left iu tills linrL of llm numlrv1
says tianilall, -nml I Iieliuo lldstan
win im mat very llilntr. nlllumuli
expect a hard flglil."
W. X. MrCurilv. who lin In
llm Jewelry business In Demlug for
inn piut eigiit years, has moved In
Columbus his Kloek and Kiinlniiii.nl
and Ik now located In thn Joy O'Uian
i ig. Mr. .Mccurdy was locnlei
Just niirlh or the iMntorrien In Item.
iiik inr two or mreo years, lint lih
last IncMion was ou Pino slreel
hack of-thn Demina N'nllnnnl Hunk
Ho has had 21 years' practical ex
perience In lllO Wnlrll rennlrlinr nn.
jewelry business nml bud ImllL m
11 gixiil patronace in tho county seat
He U thn owner nf uinm vi.ll,
land locolnd near Wolerloo ichnol
nouie. 110 also owns a farm near
iinudale, on which hn has an or
chord and good buildings.
A fire originolliig in n hnusn nn
supied by some roloret nejjpjiS tear
Hie village jal for a llpiji thrca.cn
ed the entire block. Thp alarm waS
given before ,e bargl gqtie,'
much lieudway, onif tiufik ork
with llm clieiiilco,! nnslni?i belong
ing lo le clly smut exlriigiifflieit Hie
fin) Tm iapage v ulighl- Tim
bulldlnpj llircalpneil yerp llio prm,
erty nf Mr. .Iiilln lkli)enp.
lloosl Columbus by palronlilngM, , c " , f rn'.lroa:' f0,nPn'
her Industrie. JJ "W
K3S paUM -n""-
Somewhere In Frntiae. Uiv 911
Mr. James II. I'off.
Columbus. V M.
(tear Jimmlo:
How's the world nnd everv llllli
(hiiig with you? O. K. I hope. I am
doing Very II H r uL undent, "nr.
cordlngly." have had the "Flu" but
am up liner laklint three unmin
londs ol army pills.
Home never was anything like this.
Ills country would I hi n k ir 11 ,11,1
not rain 10 much ami we could see it
mil paiscs aro limited and I have
U COIIIlncmcllL of Hlllv llava III riinitt
So nil I've done Is to work very pal'.
riotirally until I mil sick.
I.lvliKC here Is iinllilinr llkn II l in
the Slates and wanes aro 91.10 per
day and no overtime for Sunday or
any other thing.
I have met nnltoji few Imvi I uml
jo hliow when I win ro roai inir.
I till draft collected nil llm Iriinm.
and I wus IhiuiiiI to fiud someone I
H this military dUrlnllne uw unti
ed off I would like to tour this coun
try at my own pleasure, oven would
liko to visit Itnlv mid nil llm nlher
countries and go see where Jesut
walked on I he water. Hat Im!
Hut I had rather visit thn I'. S. A.
than any at present, lint rrom all
tlm talk, It seems Hint I imulil In
havo married before 1 riuno into lhi
mans army, iik the report says that
an married men go home. I'm nut
or luck ana In.
Well. Jlmmie. when I tin mil nf
Hero I am collie In rmui nn mi II...
highest mountuln and ilk-11 hole nml
crawl in nml drug the hole In after
My brother ul tho front l n K"
after the battle.
Well. I could wrllo von n vminu
Ixmk hut the censor won't let it
llll best wishes hi von nml vnnr
family, 1 remain,
Sincerely your friend.
IM. Win. I. Payne.
50lli Co. Trans. Corp.
Camn J. W. (iarrelt. A. E. I
Via New York. A. P. 0. TJS.
The (jllirli'P lm Iveen an rimliml
Ibis week thai the tlino h:i nut
been taken In go over the long list
of nnsvvers submitted In lat week's
prlio contest, Tho winner will be
announced next week.
Otllll Johnson, who una mmrnliwl
on last week for appendicitis. Is Im
proving very rapidly and is now
llimnilil l,MI. .,,,1 ..f .1 mm...
nperatioirwiy a(i qii fnp. a tiiu
ns nm ininiio'ieii in ganger.
J. W. Illalr left thn first nf llm
week (op points Iu Texns m, an ex
tended visit, lin expects (u be away
lor aiKiut tour weem,
(kllumbus Is Kimn lit Imvn n new
wivd and coal yard. M. It. Coleman
Is preparing surl a place near the
coal chute of the railroad company.
On account of the liiHuenia em-
demlc and weatber rniidlllnii llm
Armenian and Syrian relief funds
time lias Iwn HHitoniil to Febru
ary 3-10 for the ulato nf llm Snnlh.
em military department Texas. (Ik-
laii.uiia, ArkiuiKis. Umlsisnn. New
Muirn and Ariz .1111.
Hcxeral late riilileurniii r.u.ii.,l
by Southeaslern District llwulipiar-
icrs mini rel ef.wnrkeni nml lied
Cms agencies in Weetern Asia und
Europe, make urgent calls for food,
clothing nnd agricultural supplier
III Urn unr ilntnilnl...! nr..... ..r II..
rufkTH rrnift r: on.. irnHiiirrnRr
in s"nuing reiier means sn.nno drnlhs
says William s. rlin AiukpImh
coiwular agent, alTrlimli, Syria, nml
not more than one.quartir of the
existing Armenian ixmnlMlnn will
survle until Hie next harvM with
prei'nl roller reNiuiTe.
I he American rnmuilltoo for re.
lief iu Hie near Host ('.Huinlen dial
a genenius nverMili.crlilloii or tin
KM.IXI0.IH) needed In r.. ,
starving people of Armenia. Syria
I'aiiMllne, ,orthWelern Perla. nm
the ItUHniau Caueiimm. nml In II. I.
Iliem (HIT 1(1 the period of .elf.Hiin.
pon. Willi tin signing or Hie nrniM
Hce nnd II nilmlile Ir I, I
uieie minjiH't races rnnn the Turk-
ili oke. roller work can go on mm
iitniiEit i.kensi: pimiiAiii.i:
llluller license fees fnr ninlni- ti.
Iiirles mid the linimflir of Heeii.iiiL-
power rrom III- secrelnrv of shil,.'
olflee lo Hie nl.i. h.glnvay deimrl
meiit, are sugM'.il liv Slnl., Iliad
wt.) hnglneer I line A. I rtnirli In
Id- niUUial retxui In I In niV Hrn.ir
A liroiKtseil hill Mllil h IooIbiH. u.lt
ne iiinceii neiore the stale I enl, la
in n would raise Hie rexenue rnmi
sni.nor) n yenr for the numlier of ve
hicles now under Hi so. Seen.
tern lliousand licenses were istueil
m loin, bringing IB0,hiii gross rev-
uue to the state.
opiAS TOMonnmv
l,'llo Mlildlelon and 11 II. Me.
Auley ore opening 11 first-class meal
market In Hie building recently ne-
cuplnl by llio flash flmccry. They
purchased (lie eipiipment from the
Columbus Market, which hns ami..
out of bushiest and are installing
same in their building.
Jlldgn J, T. Ikilo this wenk nnr.
cliu.cd fmm J. It. Illalr
tract lying Just eot or the school
minding ami adjoining tlm Miller
properly, which is ooeiniled hv J. I.
llreemvond, and which Is owned by
Jlldgn Cole. Ho recently purchased
from II II. lingers fin acres orr tho
homestead tract or William llenn. n
lew miles cost or Sunnysldo school
Wanled: To rent a house I to
0 rooms unfurnished v i..
Approximately four million off!
eers and men of thn army and navy
tire now insured with the United
Males government for a grand total
01 inmost .17 millnii dollars
You owe it lo yoursoir and to your
lanuiy to hold on in Uncle Sam's
insurance. It Is Hie safest, ilmnumi
and elieapesl life Insurance ever
I'nr vnnr nr.iln.1 1.... f...l.
lias established Hie greatest lire In
surance rompany In the world 0
goeniini.nl ll.,.lf l,,.i . ii.,.i..
goxenmient itself. Just as Uncle
sain imiltH'ted you and vnnr lnv..d
ones during the war. so lie stand
reauy 10 eonllnue tills protection
througli the tlm nt TOadliitlmnid
and ixsice.
The iirlvilece nf cnntninlmr 'iinr
goernnient Insiirtinee is n valuable
rlglit gien In you as pari of Hie
rnmpriisaiHin ror wir heroic ami
inillll ilinill services. If vim nennll
lie Insurance to laise you Iimo Hint
rigui. ami you will never he nh , l
regain It. Hut ir you keep up your
prient Insurance by the regular
IKiyment or premiums you will be
oble o rhange II Into n standard
w eminent Miley ullhoiit mnllrnl
' union. .Meaulime you can
keep up your present insurance at
suiisinnually the same low rate. Tin
government will write ordinary If r
Insurance, Iwent.v.iHijinenl life.
down I maturing nt age or OS. nnd
oilier usual rorilH of Insnrnimi
'Ibis will h pivernnienl Insurance
at government rates.
The t'nlleil SlatoH gsivermnenl
IhroiiKli Hie bureau of unr ri.t i.
suranee. of the Treasury dewrt-
iiieni. win sareguard nu and you
lo oil ones with the sniril nnd mm
pose of a republic grnlerul lo Ili
gallant ilorenilors. To avail vonrsol
of (his protection. nu must keep ut
jour present Insurance. Carry hac
wiiti you to civil lire, ns an nld am
nn asset, m mummed lnnn.,i
protection of the United slates gov
Meld an to Unele Sam's insur
W. (1. McADOO.
Deputy U F. Harris of the w,mi.
men of the World, will Im !
from Silver Clly Thursday. Jnnuor.v
llh. nl which lime n public meet
ing will be hebl for llm iiiirtHi, nf
Giving the people of Columbus nn
pporlunlty lo learn more nloul tlm
fralernily. The meeting will he in
'Hie tadge building.
Word was received here Pri.l.v
to the effect thai there was it report
current m iteming that the nil was
shooting over the lop of tho der
rick at llio oil well here.
Mrs. John Dullnn snenl Iwn ,lni
In HI Paio last weeek shopipng.
There will be Sunday school everv
Sunday morning nt 10:30 al (he- M,
1,. i.mirrii.
NO. 31
Santa Fe. N. M. Jan. 17. Al 1031
m. alter exactly 23 minutes or
discussion tho lower house this
morning missed thn rennlnllnn rali-
fying Hie national prolilbllion
amendmenL Forty-Hvo voted nyo
and one. Frank V...lo, en.... nn..
Dcmocraiic rioor leader,' voted no. '
notion to suspend tho rules and
1 1 lirsl and second llnm. I,v li
ne and Ihlrd lime fully and omit ref
erence to committee, was made by
JUdgo Hemes, llepubllean floor lead-
-r in ine aiisencn of the outhor of
the resolution, exspeaker It. L. Haca.
"t Sanla Fe Thu motion wn. ,,..
imously passed.
Haca arrlvwl and moved final
assage This was also ordered, 'llm
esolulion was Immediately enrolleiL
ngrosned, signml nnd sent In llm
Date, which ineeln t lu.i .,vi,.i
lo rush lis tmssage in an effort lo
make New Mexlcii the 30th slate In
House NimieK Altarhrn
The house this lllnrnlntr imiIiIi...!
the final decision ur Hie Uemihiir.n
caucus as to the employes, after two
iiijs negouailons. TJiere were nrr
slxly raudldnliM fnr iu...i..
Iilaein. The raurus voIinI to rrin.m
Inside the constitutional limit.
The chief nffle,.r. .1.. ..1....1....
Monselgmir Fourehegu. oclogenar
lan, 60 years in New Mexico, vltar
general of (lie archdiocese. rhur
tk, uirruio Delgado. Las Vegas
Appointments In the south Include
I. Williams. IKma Ann rniinli
ilslant siTgeanl-at-arms; John Lein-
III. IVinn Ana. remllmr rl..rl t .w.
ixild Lncero. Socorro. nUrb- VA
mljo, Torrance. Interpreter.'
n ,p,'nl Doming men
cro looking Inr locations ror most
everl- kind nf business, fmm n.u-..
stands to first-class stores. When
the irooiis were removed from Cody
oilier moves Immediately became
UKCessary and many of thnso u.,n
went lo that elty when the ramp
wns located there are leaving rnr
different pnrls or thn country,
though present Indications are that
Columbus will lint -lnrirn ahnt... ..f
Oillimtlllt Is ulnil In hnv II. .m.
ml the present Indications irn ll,:i
no nun will ever rrgrel coming liern
for conimerclol puriioses. We know
Ihey are good people to liovn as ril-
ifiis ami most or us would be gtnil
:o hnve them all In liluinlms
A public snle of Inml Inenled In
Oils rounly is lieing held In Itenilng
loday. The sale Includes mnry
tmcts loenled near Oilumbus. llio
'luiumum hid that will be accepted
Is M.nil per acre, and in rn.. nf nn
tuiived land the bidder must pay for
Hie Improvements.
i.owi.Mi i.nr.Eit aciii;a(;i;
Senator Jones nf ..w M.,vi..
hmtroducisl in Hie Senate 11 bill lor
Hie puriiose or ojlendioir lh, riol.i.
or sloekralslng hoimwleaders. Under
mis mil any person who has made
entry under the nmvuinn nr 11, n ..i
of Congress approved December W.
1014, and who is rnmnlvlnir win. 11..
act, may Icaso addilioual sections and
wneu ne lias received palrnl lo his
original filing, moke application to
purrnase the Inml leased, paying for
the same ill twenty nnmmt in.l.ll
menls.deferrcd payment lo draw n
leresl at the rale or four per cent.
One-hair or the proceeds rrom the
leases and sales or land under this
aot shall go to llm state where tho
land is Situated In Iw, i...l 17.. n.
construction or public, lilghwaya or
or Irrigation and drainage work.
The passage or (his act will mnn
much for New Mexico In tho wiv or
adding settlers under thn nrlt-'tn.i
act, bringing In new settlers and nn '
ijount. many or our returned snldlera
would be glad lo lake .tdvnin. nf
Its provisions. Senator Jones will
appreciate suggestions is lo the
number of sections thai should be
leased to such hometteaders.
Boost Columbus by nalroniiimr
ICurdy, Jeweler. j(C
8ubs.crlli for tho Courier.
her Industries.

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