OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, December 27, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1911-12-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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"WmIhImh," b CWiwrrt fccttleinciit Ho.
VHW',KwWM, I K) IK) nHlimiI It)'
-y jr g't'ff i js, (fMtll'H I
Roawell, N. M., Dec. 27. -To boom
"MficktfcHH" a settlement of colored
pfih Milt Is miles below noawetl,
nsino scnemc 01 iiic residents 01 mm
A "Hlnckdom Townslto company"
Hs bcH organised with a capital
Mack or iio.ooo,. Hmi win work Okla
homa and Texas And Inter tin custom
states In an endeavor to get n good
class or the colored race to Icavo tin
titles And lake agricultural work nl
Phiekdom, Thl company has already
s.oao acres listed.
The .officers of tho Tpwnslto com
pany nre: Francis M. Hoycr. president;
Wesley T. Williams, secretary; Danlol
O. Kcycs, treasurer. Tin board of dl
rretorn aro: Frnncl M linyer. Daniel
. Keys, Wesley T. Williams, William
Young .and Ucorge W. Wilson. Tho
company' slogan In "Your npporlun.
Ity In n Ivind of Opportunities,"
Every family had need of a Rood,
reliable liniment. For sprains, bruis
es, serencma of tho muscles and rhou
Wfitlo pains there la none better than
Chartiburlstn's. Sold by all dealers.
Oct acquainted with Albuquerque,
TH8T will tent your knowledgo of tho
business Anna of tho c'ty, Wntch for
It in Friday's imuo.
Om In the stomach comes from food
Which has fermented, a t rid of this
badly digitated food as quickly aa pea
alfet If yea would avoid a tdlteua at
tack; IlEKBIN'H la th remedy yett
nead. It cleanses and strengthens the
stomach, liver and bowels, and restart
eaergy and Cheerfulness. Pries see.
Sold by All Druggist.
should Iw HMolrnomo mid ilelleJnus.
W Imvo iinmerotw "goodies" to trntit
1H will).
JYtUl Cnkm, Ifeialr, Cake Willi fancy
king ami ever) thing on count dilro
w nthi tit ute ciu-htutM fBnt. mind-
ixj ami purity iimiblno in oicryufM
r cmr trtxwcM,
Tour guiding star!
A Mills' ttori for a
' raan?s gi'ft.
And Many pretty
tkingt that will skrpriM
the laiiM.
Sensible gift.
Xoonomieal gifts, QifU
that will be very mek
apprteiate by "Him"
Hvfflertj Kcefersj
learfi, iMspenders ani
Jaekete, Batkrektxi. Suit
, lags,
ftx. Tiee; Vaney Veeke.
Ovtrteak ai fnito.
A tpl4il atrviee m
. tkat yt will fixtl tken
'?if 'iMkH iH .ekr
ML f I f W I V
V , , i I
1 -r-www-www -w-w wtt- w w w-w-a "WTTViHiH mm mfm w t w s-s-irS' !- .
"I would ! were dead now or lii
ndcr.Ohrlstmas sentiment when o'cr
cmioiso mo rs euro, or any euro ror tho Ills that, nt holiday tltno, tlio
flesh seoms heir lo,
All over New Mexico tho Ytilettdo was celebrated ns never beroro. in
practlcnlly every Iramo tho Joy hells swims; trees were cnrofmlly dressed
mid tuthlcssly ilun4(li family Rroupa asaembled about festal boards,
pledKlnK themselves and nil kith nml kin tho merriest Mtasta nt this llrst
stnto Chrlstmns.
In Albuquerque tho spirit of tho season held high cnrnlvnl and wrecked
tho nicety of overy home. Alter "viewing the remalus" of tho cclabrntlon
In tho homes whore children nre, tho casual observer decides the carnival
was n veritable tornado that has left In Ita wake n vlstn or topsy turvydom.
Tho aftermath Is Inevitably a "kcadacholihnosa" that Is somehow (even
when adinlttltiR over.fuHstlntf) Incompatible with tho happy condition or
tho hearts. Far beneath tho sitrfaco irritation tho flro of Chrlstma senti
ment glows warmer nnd brighter than evor. A harvest of lovt tokens and
letters from souls, mated In friendship has been rcuped by thn major nrl
of Albtiquerqucans. Uchlnd tho clouds of expression occasioned by dines
tlvo disorder nro reflected the silver linings of happy memories. In fact tho
memory of ono Incident nlone Is sufficient to glvu Christmas cheer to all
Albuquerque. That Is the Joy dispensed to twelve hundred children by
tho It. I. O. K. Responsive to thchappy lit I In child faces who tnadiTup
tho human stream outpouring from tho nporn. houso Hundny afternoon,
nvary man, woman and child In tho city blesned tho Chrltmns-th and the
And to crown tho unalloyed bliss of the best Christmas was tho mil
of snow, that nt dawn descended like a benediction on tho homes nnd
shrouded tho hills and dales In a bridal robe of which tho snow-bordored
trco branches and shrubbery formed tho dellcato laco trimming.
"Sleighing In Albuquerque, tho land of Christmas roses" was tho mes
sage BfH. to tttfl inr east by c local visitor Christmas day. Tho recipient
may tixporlunct) surprise but ho can feel no more than Albuquurqui'siiM tin
on having n real gentrine North l'ole stylo of a Christmas. And such
a treat to sun-surfelted folk! It seenm that statehood has brought New
Mexico clluiato Into likeness with that of the sister states nn well as pol
itics nnd HtHbltlons. Though appreciated occasionally It Is nn uncomfort
able vjfetien that New Mexico Is to lose even climatic Individuality on
account of state responsibilities, Isn't It? Iocal socloty was on Christ
mas day feted and endowed with girts till tho banquet tables groaned
and In many Instances tho banqueters did also and tho shops seemed to
have been emptied on the trees and In tho over-flowing parlors. Christmas
notes of acknowledgments are now In order, but society is engaged In
cord parties and dances and the notes must needs bo deferred till 1912,
The elite of focal society Is this afternoon enjoying thu hospitality of
Mrs. K. HesenwsM nnd Miss Keglna KoKonwald, who nro entertaining
complimentary to Mrs, Illldershloni of m Angeles, A select club met
yesterday at tho homo of Mrs, DoIhoii was ono of tho prottlost aflairs or
tho -vcok. An odd thing about the society records Is that thero Is n dearth
of Yulo brides, As a usual thing thero nro numerous suitors presented
with Christmas. 'brides but this year where nro they? True thero nro a fow
couplen honeymooning In our midst but no Yulo weddings to stir the blood.
Maybe tho troublo Is with men, Anyway things wilt iio different In leap
Dinner parties feature tho activity of tho week. Tho ball nt tho
Woman's club noxt Friday evening tendered by Mr. and Mrs. David Ilnsun
wnld Is to be the big party or the week, nnd tho homo talent play In tha
Odd Fellows' hall Friday evening will bring out everybody who docs not
go to tho Iloscnwald ball.
Dinner I'arilcH at tlio Alvnradn.
The spirit nf Christmas brooded and
nnon cuvorted nt the hotel Alvnradn
Monday evening. Her presence wus
limit utaervublu in thn dining room
wfturc her snlu attire nf red and greon,
Itowcr-trlmmed and Jingling with
bells. Itmplrcd the many family nnd
friendship groutm to gayer revelry.
Ono of the purtles, (of which there
were a dosen) was a company of
e lulit entertntned nt d nner w Mr. nnd.luerary program nnd followed by a unit
Mrs. Y, II. Ilnhn, Anouier was a
party of seven university girls who
dined nnd made merry at n beautifully
dri'ed Christmas taiile, nreslded
over by Mrs. W. II, Chliders. ThojB'e with tho hundred ur so Albuquor-
party was really one to which J)r. V.
McQu'cn a ray has Isnued invitations,
but In his ulweiico from the city Mrs,
Chlldvrs acted us chnperone. After
dinner, tho company mude up a Jul)yof orchestra will accompany the
theater party nnd went to too thu
T,liin nnd the Mouse" at tho lClks.'
Mrs. Debsen HosWt.
Choice In iileauure, npioltitments
and company was the curd function
yesterday afternoon when Mrs. K, W.
Dobson entertained tho Hieaibern of
I ho Dupllcnto Whist club. A dream
of beauty In tho Chrlstmns colors
wi're tho rooms of tho Dobson homo.
A prodlgullty ot Christmas greenery
arranged In holly wreaths, ropen of
verdure fringed with Christmas bells
enhanced the pleasing Interior of tho
parlora and dining; room. Tho usual
kriiio of dupllcato whist was played
by tbo oxperts who have for years
devoted Monday aftemoen to thu
pastime. In the late afternoon a de
lectable repast was served In tho din
ing room where luncheon table was
beautified by tho red nnd green dress.
Ing grouped n-jou: a brilliant center
piece that was n miniature Christmas
treo with tins! and weo ornnnwit
trimmings. Tho members of the
Wfhlst club who were invltod to
tbo Dobson funciton aro Mesdatnes F.
II. Kent. Margaret Mcdler, J. T. Mc
laughlin. H. 8. llodey, V. a. Cornish,
(leorge Frest. M. Mandell, & R. Kd
gar, Connell h. 1 Inning, Joseph Ilrown,
J. i:. Saint. A. Ctwtvec; Misses Kltsa
beth Wllley, Nell Wettef.
Mr. and Mrs, HuMm Cntsrtaln.
ncnutlful la deeoratlons, aesthetic
In appointments ad service was the
Christmas feast nt tho homo of Mr,
and Mrs. Jay ilutobe Christmas evo.
Covers .woro laid Jfor eight. Tho table
was u glowing picture of holiday
cheer. Ked talk smethered In holly
and mistletoe swimg abovo tho tablo
center and dependent streamers ot
red satin ribbons melted to the
tablo cornors. lmff tho company
lingered and reluctantly dispersed
when tho after dinner anecdotes wcro
most enjoyable and could seemingly
hnva happily "gone, on forever."
Mrs. HltHpi Kntertnlns at Itlnner.
A nenlal twain Of hosts who made
each guest to feel that thu fenst ot
Yulo was Indeed tho merriest of the
yenr, was Mr, nnd Mrs. H. P. )Hiupj
who entertained at dinner Christmas
evening, The Joy bells of the season,
holly, and ropes of greenery develop
ed h pretty decorative, scheme In red
and green lending n ruddy setting for
the festive scans.
Piano Mnt4r tu Pmy Tmtht.
Again tonight will Hw 'Mlts' the
ater ha throngwd with holiday pleasure
Mutters. Net , Masse, nWrht www
when llRliti aro mH's4alnc at the Whs'
TWa occasion h, hawsysw, mt .wars
saasrtalamsnt. Tho great Ilatwa
asjawtst. FabbHal, wha It ts sM In-
arHi Chopin comMltliHi wKh the
Hrf that uurnd th campaser, Is t
h haard tanhtht. And that the V.
X, M. Is to lie th keaefloiary Is m
fat ta bo horae la mttw by liysl U.
X. M, (Mtroaa.
Uiul Vijsairsl sl.....J.. PJalsil If
H V'T i SBe- af aBBBarsrvsK TWft
Tha half huudrad asms raulslia
my lllllo bed now." la tho tinlvorsnl
- frsiiRht Itirkoy fcastcrs are willing to
for n special car to Helen next Sunday
imvo been listed nnd names nio com
ing Into thu lianigavl excursion com
mittee so fast tho prospects nro good
for a linndrod nnd flflv nnd nnnitlldn
necessity for two special cars. The."' nor sister, Mm. imvui jioaonwnin,
Harugur! play "Helm Quacksalbor" nd will bo thy inspiration of tho
under tho direction of Mr. and Mrs. Hosenwnld boll tho Woman's club
Friodburg Is to be tho featuro of the Friday evening.
celebration at Helen Jnw Ycnr'a ove. I Mr. Hobort HuntslnRor. n former
nbd Is to bo preceded by n musical and
Sfliidwlched between such pithy nt-j
tractions It is likely all the Inhnbl-1
inms or t no cm. on town win nvnu
themselves of tho opimrtunlty to mill-
quenns to invauo iieien turn iiigur. '
Tho train loaves this city at X o'clock.
or thereabouts flunday morning ami
returns nenr r tho noxt morning. Tho
liLuiBioumiB so iirovmo mo inspirn-
Hon for tho ball that Is to contlnuo 1
from tho conclusion of tho program '
In tho Commercial club hall till '
well, till everybody Is ready to como'
!,..,"",: ,.Th? .lrft!n lc!iyo on
ui ii ii i, uijuiiv 1 n. ill.
Daiit'lti Iurtv
Cards nre out for n function to bo
tendered by Mr. nnd Mrs. David Has-,
enweld In honor ot Mrs. Dillon, stater
of Mrs. Hosenwnld who Is In the eity
from l;l I'nsu visiting relatives and
frit nds. Dancing Is to be tho imstluio
nt tho Womnns club Frldny evening,
j riTOiui vneeii win iiuvu in ,-mciw .mcx
To Wslcoms 1912. lco' 04 a l,urent stock for breeding,
Ter,lchero will preside at tho wel-'V'jClns VhT" wVlHTnkwn
AlmtmfruXmn'o0, IZtZX M'-V
t!u .Wor.".' "uxt Monday evening In . bU.k. pn,, frnm ,,, ,,,,
the kiks' nan room, "upen houso and '
oiimi heart." will hn th nml In n.l I
ne kiks nan room, "wpen nouso ana hi-,i ,ir nn
open hearts" will bo the motto and , i. si
tho young year will ho ushered Into I "'V? , fll: ,
tho lives of tho gay celebranta in a"' "2 VarrJ
manner premonitory of a Joyful year.
ChrlfttHM Program.
Tho pupils of the Flrat Haptlat Sab
bath school celebrated tho Savior's
birthday In appropriate stylo Chrlst-j i:m Pr,x nn,t nery i,uU 0f Un
mna evening nt tho church. Tho brll.;coiii county have aUo purchased of
Hunt Christmas trc wus w feast for Hrri,!o Jones herd twenty-ilvo
the eyts and was eagerly devoured rnmll omj j.evonty.flvo ewes, of tho
visually, and Its goodies Morally, ! ,)Ure bred Perslnn sheep, nnd at their
win juvDiiuo uiiiiruciuuveii n ui con-
Preceding the stripping of tho tree,
n short program whs rendered in tho
following order: Pluno oIo, Alice I.o
Turtol reading, Winifred Doyle; "Ktar"
exercise by girls of Mrs. Pagan class;
"Moaning ot the Htor." Hov. J. J. Kun
yan; relation or "ChrUtmns Hxperl
euros, " Mesdamca J, 11. Hadler and J,
J, Itunysns song, "Joy to the World,"
Knter Hantu Claue, and after a con
fab with tho Sunday school superin
tendent, hsSu the children if thuy
would not, prefer to glvo their bounty
to the needy before being themselves
endowed with gifts,
The resfionso was
a tidy sum of money aa a voluntary
orrcring from the congregation to ro
llevo the need of tha poor. Then
came the prettiest scea-e ever seen
tho undressing- of the glittering tree by
the glfv king,
QtrU W Present Pmjlet.
"The Rsg Hoelahle" is tho tltto of
a ckvetr s4ay v a aresonted by tha
twstve ahi af Kvcryhody's Lono.
some." clad- tomorrow evening In tha
Haatlst oHureM. It la assured that no-,
bedy wHI Im mnrsomn or dull who'
psvsti audUsW to thU happy story. Thai
aaaaa t vkelcli Is u parlor meet
tatg a an AM society and the time la'
ysars ggo-a tho early seventies. Thu
traaatu that m alleged to bo the spley
PH nt aid meetlnas Is Incorporated
lasto Pratt, who will bo gownod In "ys
44a tymo" style to sing "Annie Uu
rli" aad a raadlag "Jta Cami
Rhymes" by Mrs. Huayan,
" the narrative nnd a local colorliMt, "U tU ErtTSat
gvcn to tho splckst bits. Preceding J
th iday there will We a program oon-. fSLIaita will IwllZS it
sMmk of a vocal solo by Miss Char- wlH "aiauiia U
Flsrldlan Smaw t Christinas Tims.
Tho socloty drnmn to'fce enacted
by the homo talent troupe Friday
evening In UM pi llows' kali Is to bo
rich In Iforal' settings, lending tho
atmosphortt ef tho tropics to tho
scenes where. clever mot nnd lovo
story enthrall tho auditors as well
as artistically ,'ticllnod witnesses, Ut
courso alt nr krwaie that this Is "Tho
llutterfllcs," 'afeut which so many
questions have boon asked nnd to
tho prodtictkm ef which local society
Is eagerly I writing forward.
ClirhttMtM Treo Party.
Miss fnln Drawn entertained four
teen school girl f ri- nds Hundny after
noon at her homo v(1 Norh Walter
street. A ChrWm.m trep dressed In
nil the glittering mnmenta tver In
vogue nt this time. girt, hand-pnintud
favors, gnmes nnd u dainty collation
wer.. n rw of tqo pleasure of tho af
Itntt TmHirrtv Nlglit.
Another celebration of the holiday
senon hy n dnnclnt; party. This time
It Is a lodge affair given by the Itnyat
JSolgliburs in Odd Fellow' hall tomnr
row evening. Th Invitation to attend
In extended to itjl to rnme nnd mingle
their glad steps with the Neighbors'
to thn hints of the c'nvnnnugh orclm.
Mrs. IxmdMi Kntertnlns.
A truly merry Christmas was pnod
at tho Ilowd'jih home on Mouth Droad
way. Though the children of this
family nre all six footers, n Christmas
tree wan none the lew perhaps tlio
more enjoyed, Twenty guent nhnr
ed the fun of the glft-trro nnd the
rcaft that followed,
Lsdles' Ald to Meet.
Tho Udlos Aid socloty of tho
First .Methodist church will hold a
regular business aicctlng tomorrow
afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Wood,
210 West Silver avenue,
Ctirbitniss Party,
A dollghtful Chrlttmns dinner party,
featured by a gaudy tree of trcnsuren,
wns the experience of a group oflntl
mnto friends who, were Monday even
ing thn guests of Mrs. Bzymanskl nnd
Miss Lottlo Hxymnoskl.
Miss Helen Pefttrflolcr of Snntn Fo
Is tho house guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Wlllium Iiroi;nn during the holidays.
MJs. Heed, whe has for some tlmo
been tho guest ot hCr son, Mr. H. II.
Hcnnlng, left last night for her hosin
In Tulsa, Okla.
Mrs. Mary Hart, b eminent lectur
er for thn Yukon Steamsblp lines, Is
In tho city from Washington. Mrs,
Hart Is a girlhood frlond of Mrs. (Ico,
II. Frost.
Mrs. Dillon ofUCl Pnso Is tho guest
lAlbuqucrfuenn, who baa spent Christ- i
i"b who nis msicr, .Mrs. iiiomas
Hughes, Jr., wliptcavo tonight ror
Cincinnati, Oho, vfiero Iio Is travot-
"'K reiircseniniive ui a inrgo music
Mrs. T. I. Itutls la entertnlnlng R
noiiso party ut relatives this wceK,
Including her du'ughter, Mrs. ltny
Htevcnsnn, nnd four children, also her
brother, Mr. T. II. Lucas, nnd wife.
nnd Mr. I.urns nro en route
irmn riuin niencn tu i iultku. .nr.
1-ucas left last night for Chlcngu and
Mrs. l.uonn will remain here until
after the first of tho year,
. .
filiX'kliicH Delrniilii'-tl to
DeiiimiMrntu Pow-lhllltlci of
Tailed Khet (i In Xt-,v Ah vltii.
Uoswell, N. M., eDo. 27. Rupert
montM which will do much toward
demonstrating Just what vuluo the
h,,r.i r ri.,(T,,i,i tnnV .....i .7m
P rd 0 J.dnPl n,,d nr0 ru"
Merino owes. The rtr.tnt
toward showing whet tha
crooned brefds will do In tho sheep-
rulxliig suctions of tha state.
If one-half the claims made for the
crossing of the breeds mnlertulUo, too
sheep Industry of New Mexico Is des-
iinoti !ln mvnlutlnnluui
breeding farm In Lincoln county will
Mrs. NX Imi UmUc t Stand
n Ner f i rt Mrc Tttt i few
Utattatlaff slst si TalsW
Ruiinua rU n-Uea 1UU J mar
el this ataee, in a maat lttr, says:
"rer five er six years, i SHra a.
les with wamanly treuMea,
(Mtaa, 1 ooul-dn't alt up more taaa a
few wiauiM at a time, and it I 4e4
aa my fact long, I weutd falat,
I teak Cardut, aad it Ulpd m w"
m4tattr. Now, I asm 4a my war k s41
tha time, sad don't surfer Ilka I did."
Tali Cardut whan you fact ill In ar
way weak, tired, wlberaWs, er undar
tha weather. Cartful la a strength
butMsac tonio modlcla far women.
It kaa t-eett rouna ta rattara aata aau
distrsiia eauafed by wemaaly treuMsc,
mm ms excellent asadMaa to have e
JmhM at all times,
.Cawsm! acts oa tka waaaaalr aaaatl.
tuMaa, halldlng up wamaaly atrsagtk,
toawt up tha wrm, reguMtwff
ttmjalbasanly organs.
trr HJf
MasSkist Q.s piiwj, ftf i. Jar, ,yyj
fUBm" i in w ws, as hsssm.
propognto pure bte.eds and cross
The Persian sheep nro larger,
smoother and of greater vitality than
nny of tho other breeds of domestic
flinip, They have uoeu ruined since
time immemorial or. tno barren wastes
or tho Arabian deserts, nnd nature
uduptlng herself to conditions bus
made them an unlmul that can shama
u camel In doing without water ami n
bear In abstaining from food.
They liavo u tongur and somewhat
conrsor tleeoo of wool than the SUrr
I no and tholr pslis, with tlio wool at
tached, ar,- tin- our famed puralitn
rtiiM of eomiitsrec. Their most sin
gular trull, li'iwover, is tho oatidul
reservoir. During the souhoii of thu
yeur whn the fed is goid they tuku
on fat In n fiinulnlnjt ritte and nut
only their bodies, but thetr tails ivlilcli
are never ninputntM, Kt to lie an Im
iin iiKf gob r fut, vlglilnU nl timos in
un nilult sheep us inuoli as b vunty
Whsn. as Is usunl In their native
country of Persia drouths "ino mid
the grassm nro purcluid mid miiur Is
seurce, they lire enualwl to s us long
ils six weaks without food, or rourco
they uro emiinotiitad nl the end of
those periods of starvation and the
tall Insaa all Its ilueiiiiiul.ited fut.
Tluie sheep are llgni s .1 Iti the
land of tholr nativity and it aa with
greatest dillleulty that any of them
were secured by nulsid' r.
Wlillo It Is not ii'MtstKiry to put
them to tho tost r being without
water for any 8tl length of time,
their cspiiclly to go without water
will ho of lmmenv udvuntngo. And
It being u fact that our native grasses
do little more ihun sustain Hfo during
the winter months, their ability to
subsist by drawing upon their caudal
rtsvrvulr will bo un unmixed blessing
In bringing them through tho winter
In better condition than lesk fortunate
breeds can hope to come.
Oct acquainted with Albuqiiurque.
Tho Heruld's KNOWI.BtKlU CON
TEST will test your knowledge of tho
business firms of tho city. Watch lor
It In Friday's Issue.
'IVIepHono Itullilln fVimiiiciK'ctl, unit
liaiiiMuuo ,wirtiin-iit iiouvi Mart
ul In Mtllhi Volley City.
Uis Cruces. N". M Dec. 27 Xjxh
Cruces Is having a building boom.
Work has been commenced on tho
new telephone building, nnd Is about
to m started on a handsome npnrt
ment houso whloh 1 already contract
ed for
Thu ground is broken and the foun
dation Is being pro pared for tho new
telephone building- on Qrlggs street.
Tint is the beginning of a largo ini
pri'.ement and investment by tha
Mountain mate Telephone company
,nl raids n better business day for
tin? good poopto and a bettor tele
phone scrvleo for thrfolty and entire
vlcinitv. At least 1100,000 wlH be
added t' Hie present .tixpsnditurcH In
till county oy this company In tho
next your ttid qtilto likely moro than
this btforo tho vast noedtjd lmprov
meftt Is llnixlied. The company is
amply nbl. extend und Improve its
1 1 Re and Is doing a hugo Job af this
sort all uvir tu western slates, where
its lliiea extend. With llrst cluss tel
ophoiiQ, nervlci', !is t'i lives will he HI
connection with an large western
cities nnd will ciu..i jnv city nf her
slso In silch'V piibln imi" . ement.
Charlfs Hqsjnor win "'n nt ones:
to build, some uiuro tis In the
nelghborliood of the i k rnsi
dence. for tho.uso of t u ins. The
tlrst btilidlng Mr,' )losn.i u- eoiiJ
tnu.ted for, with' the Hi d d Lum
ber compiiny, ( & six-room h ' -'l
ed Into two living sswrtmrni w'ti i'
modern couveiilencifs and Willi large
The JSflL&yG?m Co.
Oenera! Dlsirlliuiors ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX.
steeping porches at the rear, making
four rooms nnd bath with clouat In
ach apartment. Many new features
surh as built In buffets, disappearing
bed ami other comfort contrivances
wilt be Among tho attractive conven
iences of there, modern, homes.
l"iu Pcivoiw 1)eiM-lt Ono Mutnlml
'iiiiil ttftliiprW OTurirtftn'ri anil
HiiMliliitf Itu-luo Irt lMikctl for.
(Alnmogordo News.)
T)k United iltntes govurumeni open
ed Its saying bank nod depository at
thi' Alniuoiiordo imstolllsu Woduesduy
iniirnliiB. On the llrst day that the
government Institution was opened, the
tiuiiiUur of depositor was live, thu hk
grt'Kot" nmoiinl deMslted Wns olie
iiuudi'eii mil) elBlity-two dollars. Th
tlrst ileposltor wuu wi ll known young
man of AltUnOKofdo nnd two of tho
other depusltotH un ladlvn. Hequosui
to ho ntlnwod to make dnpuslts lias--bmn
iuetIVfll from purlins living In
tho smnllrr towns In otero notinty, but
undo.- the regulations It was neoswsury
to ileolllie to receive outeido (loposlts.
Si Hlamp books w re void on tho
'apsnlng day. Tho stump b-oks are for
the deposits of chlldr'ii, ranging from
ten omits to ono dollar. The postmas
ter Is ot the opinion that the "Kids"
uro until if all thu dlinas nvaihllile for
their t'hrlMttiius ;iurchasiiS, and that
they will not begin to buy savings
stamp books until some tlm6 In Jan
uary. Tho opening day In Alnmogordo
showed a larger amount nf deposits
than has been shown by tin- greater
; number of New Mexico towns on open-
ting day. The total ninmint. which tho
people of the United Htutes have on
deposit with the guverpment Is about
eleven mllllun dollars.
I.us Angeles, Dec, ,20. During tho
yeur l'Jto 1,011, 570 Immigrants laud
ed In New York from lJuropo. of
this number 820,000 were men, two
thirds of whom listed us furinurs.
Lauding on tho Atluntle n on board,
where our population Is us duiisv ut
It Is in Kuropc, thuy wore denied
farming opportunities.
With tha opening of the Panama
cuuul a largo proportion vi these Im
migrants will laiid ut Psilfle purls.
Coming on tho very eve of the open
ing of tho Panama eaimi. the I.os
Angeles laud show will lie visited by
n large number of capitalists who will
see In It an opportunity to gut a lino
on tho lands of the west with the
object of seeding opportunities for
Investment In land to bo plueetl on
the market for these Immigrants.
Thesu Kuropeun farmers are used
to tilling soil that Is fur Inferior to
the laud of the west, and will thrive
here. Only the better class of Im
migrants will journey through the
IMimimi canal, whi' h will give tho
Pacific., coast u high class ut furm
Do you know your own morchnntsf
If you do, you can win vnluublo prixes
In Tho Hurahl'a KNOWJ.KDUU CON
TEST. Tho quicker n cold Is gotten rid ot
the less the linnirAr from nnaninnnla
nnd other serious diseases. Mr. II.
W. L.. Hall of Waverly, Va., says;
"I firmly bellevo Chamberlain's
C'ougli ltmiimly to ho absolutely tlio
best preparation pji tho market for
colds, 1 havo recommended it to my
friends nnd tliyll agree with me."
For sale by nil d&cr.
, D von know y.ir own tnorehnutn'r
If )oi iht you miisstinsis)iii rises
In Tho llorald'a KNOWH.MDfUi CUN-TBST,
Smsr Bnoon 0ini8
!I.SI;H.U,!i MANAdint TO
Chicago, Dec. 27-rt'Hank" O'Day,
manager for tha Cincinnati Nation
als, n.vl former umpire, If xc live
up to an nttnounecmant mad Issf
nlghl iylll be a "ifoljlim ru" man
tiger. He said Hint h4 will tevote
no part of his time to umpire hsHtlng.
O'Day declares that Jit shift if rom
umpire to manager Will not change
.VmVtewpifJflt Jis.,10 w.hnt. thef,
tb.nn between the two should ha on
tii (Hnmond.
"I will treat thn umpire Just on I
would have thn manager triiat me
wcr f iiiiipirlng and just nn I itwttsH
ed on thsm treating nie for isismy
yrnn." ho raid.
ct'Day snld thb team wou!tnrt'
train ut Hot Hprings. ns It hud bawt
iiiiniiuiirHl it would.
Sickly chjldrerv need WHITK'H
CItRAM VHltMlFUniS. It not only,
destroys tho worms, If tluro bo any,
but It acta as a strengthening tenia In
tho stomach and bowels. Prlco 211a
per bottle. Hold by Ail Druggists.
Tor (ho hoHt anddlo horses la the
cllay call phono .No. 3, V. L Trlralile,
113 North second StrccU
I.llIK-, Kill llHd IIKlllcntCiI HCMt
egw, wlro lien's hum, leg lunula. Onr
stiM'k itiuliilii-) mcryililng for ttm
IMMiltrynuiii, UliifiliTitcil cataltpti
tnv. ii. V. lx
Big Live itock
Auction Sale
Thursday, Dcsmber IS, IStl, at
1:30 p. nt., at the Ctrnnnls Hiding
Hohool, opposite the Ktnmin Trult
t?onipaiiyH store, Silver avenue, be
tween First and Hecond strsata, I wilt
Cell at public auction twenty head of
good, broken horses, mores and mule.
Tim animals will positively go to the
highest bidder for cash. They be
long to parlies who have alilpped(thm
hfra and must dlspoieof them. In-
spect Wsdncsduy bsfora sale,
Scott Knight
The salaries paid by
Unole Bam to Civil
Tsjrvlce cm pi oy as
equnl and exceed tbo.ia
paid In any branah of
private commercial
life. Thousands ot ap
pointments are made
annually, Qualify at
home to pass any Civil
Service Kxaminatloa.
Writs today for fraa
Civil Servian Book,
IntwHatkitwd Casisai
txHidencn 8cHoHUi
Hon mt, KcrantiHl, sk
Or writ
Kox i ll, Mima
Kw Mxie,
- s

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