OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, November 02, 1912, PART TWO, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1912-11-02/ed-1/seq-8/

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AMirairaatftmB zvmrxQ herald, Saturday, hov ember 2, 1012.
AUfaijttertite EteMng
II 11, tlenlng Jamee 8. Black
E. Dan Johnson, Editor.
Official piper otCKa City of Al
buquerque. I'ubllahed every afternoon ex
infi Sundsy nt 124 North Second
street, Albuquerque, N. M.
Holered an second'etas matter
t (tie poitofllco it Albuquerque,
N. Mm under the Act of March I,
one mouth by twill .SO conta
one month by currier 60 conta
no week by mrrlur lS'cenla
On y oar Uy mull (In
AdVSnCC) ..$5.00
'nx yoor Uy cnrrlcr $1.00
Telephones 1C7 and 1C8.
1111: r.v. am unit -an ntorusson.
1'iofii'fiir Woodiow Wilson's grot-
h rnii' mi in his mndiihicy for
!! -itli nt ia lila ginrlnp un-A merlon n
1 11. iiiimrif-r Ih eiiotiKli to
H'.iKc in in Hit inunt unpopuliir uinli
ii.iiir mr pr'xlu' mI b tliii Dbtno
niiii, mill tif is an utterly niiiilninni il
hla 1 '.mi utlt tarn i n na l moke Ina
m H'.n t, tin i xnlti.) iiffi'i- uf prcs-
'1. lit "lit of III' 'I lit Mtl'.ll.
imiiiiiit . p., pni.tr Iniiitir for
1. n who Imk 1I11 inn i Hint i( in--!
In .iiist.it rii v ttm rtilo of
. tli.it m upnlnst tho ciliicn-
' 1 tli poorer 1 iiiMiiri Inodiihi
' iih-', 11,. in 11 t iti, tin- tllrly work of
Hi' w'.tlO, " niiil tho 1 hllilrcil of tin-t-l'illiv
hh'iillll Iti' lir'iUKllt up to lo tin
1 lint' tlnim tli.it their imrcnlM nic
! iiik' IimiRini' Hit' iirutuiit), the
1 thul ivnl' lKtn, of aiHli a atnio iiu iit'
I'l'itfiaaor WlUnn, with no tlmiiKlit
' 1 In- prt'KioViii , 8 in 'ill IhliiKH
tii illRilnlnrol, nriHtiM r.iti-, 'puilutillr'
l'i"li-HKor. Aa 1 iiliili'tati' Fur prciilili'lil
In- li rluiiiHlly I'tiilr'iut.rlttK to Iohm
"wr thi' Itiliiiini'rnlilf utttrniicM of
tin Intel . ho In puHiliK imw 11 n the
Im till nt tlio I'oinniiiii pi'itplc, Hit'
"inl'iiilc uf t tin Imriij -hiiniliil iiihI tin.'
mlvoititii of tlin opproHKi'il. It Im mi
aukwiinl poMn; 11 m the mnliiliitii
innki'H 11 pour hIiikkit nt nii' c.tllim
Iln- oIO. Hi It? r; ani'i'rlitK ntlltiiilii of
Mipi'ilurtiy which In InKrnliiiil in the
1'infi'hnur h linriictur. Hroffoor Wll
fun Iih a popiiliir ciiiiilldntc Ih iilinuBt
iiiitirr'iiiN. 1 he 10I11 Ih not mi i'iih'
mil'. IIh iiiiutlriK linn li-il U'IIhuii lulu
liiniiiiii'iiilili' 1 iiiitriiillcllniiH; Im linn
Iii IiiijciI IiIh line 1 hmiicier iikiiIii iiml
iiK'iln nnil on mi ncrmtlnn hiiH he luen
11 1'ln li fonvliieltiKly m 1 111 11 In t tiie rln
of Hliiceilt) wIhihii uiincntii Ih iiImu)H
liili'kly ilftiTti'il b) Iho Aincrlf im
Ihe thief troulile with 1'rt'fi'HHnr
WIIhoii Ih tluil he iluenn't uinlcr hIiiihI
tlm iii'iiple. In ttii nnlnri' nl iIiIiikh,
in view nf IiIh hi'IihIiihIIc trnlnlnx; hi
ittntk ivcirm iiphilnKliiK. hln Iniiiiuri'd
vnith mill IiIh ilnlHtired iiiiicIihimI, II
i IiiipohkIIiIi' (lint Woniliiiw W'IIhuii
' 11 III lutvc niiy i'Iohi' nmpiilh with
1 In- tnllliiK. iiioIIIiik, lireiiil-ninl-liiitter
m 1 kliiK Iiiiihhi'h of the Aini'ilt-uu peii
I'le It In U llli'litnl, inorill Mini ih
Mini ItlipliHHllilllty lor tint Itrlnlni mile
llnorlHt to m.i ilnwn i Iomi to tlie Hull
mul Kit In mi Innliihl Into Hut riiiiipiiN
i'e Aineili mi clnirncler, Into Ihe trou.
I'li'H mill implriitliiliH, I In ptnlileniH
nnil tllci limliltloiiH of Hid iiiinnnin
l"iil of t IiIh ttmnliy. Woodrow
Wilfctui linn never mlHi'il with inn
' "iintrvineli, hi' Iiiih never lulimeil
iiliillltHlilo or them, lie Iiiih never de
"tei hln lUe iih Iihh Tuft In Ihe
plinth nl wink or Hnlvlim their proh
It him. or Ilchllim- lln lr imttli'H, or
"nrkliiK out plmu fur their wrlfiiro
.'nl llnlr liollerincni Hn Iuih atood
"li the nidi' llni'Hi ll" Iiiih lieen u Hpee
Ifiiur, a ijnlciil iiiilnoker, with no
iMirin hiiin.in Intercitl In Dm nlniKKle.
Hih life Iiiih lieen Hpent In honkH. I f Im
'im r Iiiih lieen HintiiiiKhly iletiii'lird
iii'in the iicliml juMtln mid Hcrutiilil"
"i 'I hnily burly of every dny llfo. Try
i" im ini'c ,1 1 oininiinity of InteroNt
ami h VMirin ayinpiilhy nnd fellowahlp
neiivipii WlUnn unit (ho xirillnnry
vviHturn Inriner- -betwoiti rrnfcaanr
Wllmin iiihI tho ordlnury miner with
IiIh pick nnd Hhovcl; hit ween Wllaon
iiml the liliickhinlth ut IiIh forgo; be
tween I'liiri'Hoor WIlMun nnd thn anwill
elicep rnni'hinuii on tho wmtern
pIiiIiih whoKd hiiHlneeB mid wlione for-nun-
Ih to Im wiped out by the pro
Krnpi In uhlih I'mfiHsnr WIIhoii Ih
The ft runt hunt nf tho American
people Ih u tnyHtery to 1'rofimMor WII
hoii; of tholr iiei'dM ho knowa only by
hearaar; of tho aolutlon of their prob..
ierru lio knowa nothlns hut pretty
lh.A.lu Mkbl.L4 . I .... .... ' '
""""i vw, kvu uui in iho muuy "ri
rrora ins m&aaine crowd. Ana In the
hypocritical rolo of their friend nnd
advocAU bo makes a latrientablo
howtnr. I'rofcwor "Wlhion Jua abio
luUly nono of thoa typically Amer
ican qtialltlea which' grip and hold
the common people. ll luu stood
Ulodf too lon lo find tho way to their
sympathy A- their ndrndlnse
at this 1st tMtes n4 utuitUiu:Uvo
r0HftiUr; hU Ni4ft1inUi at-Ute'Mwwrl-.tltt
.iUMtfis4h,liUl r
k 9t rtxti. 6trMofy ,iitstS Ir-
Awani n ' miHM' nVralimt -v tm
Ms. UIM itamLWiiai. aaorA .bU de.
public sentiment back to President
JTafC, the strong, wise, firm, loyal nnd
able friend of the people of iho na
jtlon which under hla iidminintrntlon
haa become happier, more contcnt'-d.
Iriore prosperous nnd more progress-
ivc Winn nt any time In Its hlston.
President William II. Tuft b
proven minni-ir tho firm, loynl, im-
fullering friend of Now Mexico nnd
her people. Ho haa atood nlwuya hko
h rock for thn autonomy of the poopln
of thin HtHte. to hla firm nnd uneotn
pnirnldltiif frh nihililp nnd ndvocacy w:
Inrgi'ly ote our prcaont boon of home
He linn flood with eunl flrmnefH
iiml ilc"'lninn for tho protection of our
ifri-ntcft UnltiHlry. IIIh public iiireer
hun been marked by contlnuoun nnd
wnriii liitercft In tho NtriiKKle for
Hflf Kovernint'iit if tlio hint of the
contlneoiiil lorillorlcH. IIIh concern
for mir HHlfuro Iiiih been upnffcctid
and Hlii ere. Ill thin t lii'llon thu loo
tlVeH of dei i in y and nelf Interett co.
Inenle. New Mexico will volo for Tuft
becaimr. he Iiiih proven hlmiielf her
friend; unit bcruiiHo IiIh election
melius the Hulviitloti of our hlKKenl
liiiHliii-Mrt mid the retention ! elc.ht
nnd a Iniir million dollnru a year In
New Mt x I' o trade.
A HditU'Wlml IntiKlintilo story Im
I'.l-i ..f Professor Wonilmw Wilson
lnii in uiim president of I'rlii' etnn.
"Whiii ih a corrol, prili isor ' nskid
11 iiiuzli'il Hltnli'til htm uiih ii'iulliiK
mi it'iii from a wruiirn newspaper
"A "irrul. Illy liny,'' Apliilrn'(l til"
prottHHor kindly, "in n pei iiliiir npe-
iIih of MietiiH IndlRi nous to i i rtutti (ont uppeiirn In the rote or .Minim d
nr...H in the worn inlmblli'd by o tribe !'"; S""'"' J """'"'"' -t for-
, , ,, . ... ... 'bills iih to iIIhiIohi- In.. Identity of Ihe
of Imllui.H lilioun iih 'llniHc-WrmiKup, U'olimn of the Sen.
Icih, ho deiioinlnateil by limnim of;
tholr Im bit f IndulRlnu In violent
'itmrclM over Iheir livestock." nh
HilH Htory mnv not hn I run. iiIIIioukIi '
we ptiHiime it la; but It IIIiihU'iiIcr in
mi Interesting ittnl sljjiiiriennt iniiiiin.i
I'mfi-Hfor Wiison'a iitBtrm-Nliu; Utnoi-
lllll'O of tin- west.
Ho fur tin- supporters .f .Mr. Ker-
KIimhoii Imve ntiAiiliili'ty fulled to men
tion II llU:l- tlllllK III' llllH MC'lllll-
pllnhi'il fur Ni'W .Mexico during the
term which Im tin h spent In mxiIUiik
11 miltiililn to hiiim IiIh lint In
WiinhlriKtnii. Tliey iln not deny Hint
lux New Mexican III Wimhlnutnn Ih nt
11 Ion when- to lliiil ilif innnocrutlc
ciiMnrrnHiiiitii, tin his iiihlri'HH iioi'M not
iippcur In tin- illtcciory. Mr. I'Yrgus-
Will llMH III I'll n limiclltitv iih fur IIH
New Alexl. o i cum' urni-'l nt Wnxli-
InKlon. whatever lie han in cninpllxhed
ha been fur the bellufll or the Deino-
. .
iratif. e.min, .
Anil annd all the ruction don't for.
gel that 11 Ih your patriotic duty to
vote on TuoHdny lor Hint half million
dollar bond Ihmiio. It will uive the
Htaic ir.oo.(ifm with which to imtnn
dlnlely build and Improve her ioikIh
wlllmiit a cent of extra taxation. Thu
half million nnd Ihe good roailH lire
yourn for tho asking- mid It Is wall
to remember that Atlr.otia Ih propon
ing a ten million Hnll.tr bond Ihhiic
lor tho mime purpoHo. We want to
make thn volo for thin half million
'KnmiliuotiH. Having ib.oe that wo
have inniln u Hplniiilld Hlart
In a recent hi
Mm declared that It
lUiHtloii in rcHlnre the nm nml eoudl.
linn of Individual eomp. utlon In thin
country. In a Hpee- h c.stonlay ho
let It bn iindciHnnd Hint he Intended
to rcHtoro tboHK . i.mi.eillKe ninill-
HollH. A week ago he deelaieil Ihe
Irt.HlH muM lemaln will. uh. tomoi-
row he will annouoie that he Ih going
lo IniHt them
Mr. l''ergUHHiin, ir Mont In congrcHN,
will nlc to retnnxi' Now Mexico's
wool market and lo round Iho death
knell or an ndunlry which annually
putH ulght mid it half inllllon dollars
Into circulation In this state. Won't
Mr. FcrgiiHron provn rather tin ox
pcnnlv'0 luxury to Now Moxlco?
You will notice that tho morning
paper nnd tho Iloinocrata havn
handled that wool fiicMlou with u
long polo. It Ih ton hot a proportion
lo bo touched with the bare hand.
Willi Hlreet Ih uuanimnuidy for hltn,
tloeluri'M I'rofcsor WIIhoii with mod
oat pride. Well. I'mrifHor. let Wall
etrcet i.liici ini ir it cmi.
Thorn Is no politics In tho good
roads bond Issuo, Dnh't forget that
on election duy.
And ft volo UotiMVoU la n jroto
f6r Wllaon.
He Oarofal, tlutelu
"Now, Dutch," cautioned the New
York wife, "don't set gay and kill
anybody nt tho picnlo today."
"Aw, B'an."
Don't do It, Butch, nismeinher, I
ain't cot nb clothes suitable for u
murder trial." touievlllo Courier
journal. .ill I -in .i
HHrret Dlspoeltlon.
Joneaw-I' want to deposit tho sum
RMivji Teller (who knows him)
WJtl'lIV yotj sold your cur?
rykk&& Convert.
rnMWmlV 86n neturned, "Pat
ted 9t UMwt of date.' he cried;
it Is HA HI) to tell whether Wood-
r t- . r. i ufool or horsvbuck.
THI. Iti; u:i: no bli'da In lant yenr'n
iienic. nor .111. ei'iiiM In IuhI ' yeur'M
NVIIHIti; m the old-ruRhlonod mun
who view Ml Willi nl.irm the VroMldeii
llul ear '
AltTlfTM rive hi... .it the berttity of
the HoiiPi-t, perh.ip" in'.iiiH they
never vw the Hun rlne.
TIlK AHVKNT of tin t l.ohloiiH
Ih mild to lluvo llii-liiifeii in- . mp of
rubbtrnotkH 23odo per ni.
KHITdlt .Mt'NHHV Ih il-;.r . n.H
tied to a feilHOll tlekel to Afnn"'!
don. III! I'oiitrlbuteil llls.ooo i., the
pri.'-eoiivetitloii fund.
THD'SK KTICAW ini-li- lie u .inf
"mlH(imlatlnin" fnitn the Hut. . u . I
ore bi'KlnulliK fortll qultt: an ,iii
lio.iliiK plinlmix.
- C -
Til Kit K Mti: i'T"K'l dr.iw .
relutlVu to .1 iiuiopt r erop Tin , 11
iiKniphcrH an- IihvUik Honi'thiiiu i-.
my nboiit thu pnwnnw.
VV'i 11 ililn iU' U'tf wuv ...i,...i .i. .1
Wi- lieeil Hie IrilHtH III our IiiihIih hi
Thltl licliiK Hn- uihi "f l ourae W'K.tl -
rnw fOlllll be eoullt'd op to look lifter
THU HM'iftATir imit in thin
11 Hl.lf eoiirlnhlp iind lov e itmli
IIIK" nr.' ilei hired out of order III the
. hltrb hrbiiolM of Ia mi Mhwm fin. t.v
pi.'.uieH or aeho.,1 tin n
dropidiiK out.
A NKW VKItK li u nut nl t ;, r Im ii wmK
Plamie llifi Hleil r itH killed III a gelitbt
Man and
Addles (lii pan) ilclhereil bj
It Im pathetic In Kee how fume lai"
iiiKiuim live in constant reur of faetH.
Till))- OtMO til illi'llil every new illxrov-
'iy hmt ll tipnet Itu-lr entire eillllee of
,;"' dleo'..r of a p.ipyrtn. it.
i I'lKVPt. KOiiif tablet In India. Home
rilI.k ()r h,1jPll,n , Amerlea or Voine
' atielPlit inniitiMct'lpt left inoubleilriK
IhrmlHll tbe ' fill ill f In it f.irniitlen
inuiniHlei) . IIHh Ibein v till rear and
tremllllllK'. 'IneKc ellitrnbte liel'tle-
men oflen Kie iih the linpreniilou tnat
religion Ih on xtrUe uKaliiHt proKti'HS
and. In Kilnil "iinlonlHt" raflllon, Iiiih
iih Hi'otitH nnd picket out to wnlny
every new "Hi nil" llle.i, allll, if they
inliot flop it, try to axHaNxliinte II,
Tho whole iroulile with Iln m Ih that
llii apprnai n the lllbb- lth proeon
'Clved lllCIIH. Tbe lllble wiih tlllendi'd
l"r Hpirltiial Kuldmiee and not for u
text hunk on n.itiual hceli'e. Thine
are many lini'-i iirm lci in tlio lllble,
there Ih much r.inrliul phriiHooloRy
that Ih euntradli ted by dcliinlixtnited
frtrtH, of I'OIII'xe Mild llli'Hit III the
j lllble. The Icn idni;., of tho lllble
Would IllttO been utterly unintelligible
I'mrewior Wll"t th lime tin iM'ie given If Itrt
u.ih out r Iho , lauguagi' were ,r . iii.ite and Ht'h.'titllle.
'vt'" '"''"V vw' ,,,IW' luacfiirneleH In
, ',",r "!"!""" ,1,H11M" - of i.o eartn.
'too rlHink' and Hie Hitting or tlm nun.
( ,,, ..veneacblnv nkle. w hlch It would
, bu hard to repiaen by more accurate
"'l Hclenllllc it rniH. Hut Hint fact
ilni'M not detract from the mnral and
' . t t r 1 1 1 1 1. 1 Irllllm 111.. Iltlili. li'.ll'hl'M
tll,n,ut(lod nnd tho unlverm'.
.Moreover, tho Hlhln does not can-
tain tho wholo of rovelntluu, nor the
whole of inspiration. Tho truths pro
claimed by nature ara n much n rev.
elation of tho w"'h and workn of Mod
uh nr j tho dlHoltiHUren or Ihe lllnl. 'i he
records of Hie marble tableiH or tho
hill iiiii traced by the nr.ir of in.)
Almighty iih truly iih nere th. .i.irai -toru
on tlm t.ihlcH of .slum. ho In
spiration o tile true poet, Ihe IrilH
arllnt. or Hie true xelentlal h j.h I'nl.v
mi liiHplralioii Iroin Clod an was thu
Inspiration or l lie propheU and pNilni-
IHIM of the lllble. (loll HpOlkS Ic IS
today iih audibly iih he did to patrl
nreiiH or old. Tho only dlffuronco Is
that the revelation and the volru cf
Hod do not, iih a rule, transform us
as they did thu groat nnd good mo.i
nnd women wo llnd In tho lllble. Wo
nk oiirsctvos continually: What can
llfo glvo lo us? Tho (Uostlon tliey
asked themselves, was; What can u
give to llfo? Only occimlonullv do
wo now son u transformation brought
ubnul by tho rovelatlnn ami liiHplta
tlon of Qod, Hut when wo do mcc nun
Is appeura on slKnlilcitnt in iih offect
and us miraculous In Hh ichuum uh tho
wonderful tulcs that are told m tho
Dlblo. Fifty mlllloiiH nl human be
ings weru chulned in ilmui In Amer
ica. They wore driven to tho auction
block llko felteled i altle, tlio HatK'tltles
of homo were rulhloHsly violated, the
sacred rights of the human soul wore
trampled upon and ull this approved
by Intelligent coiutuonwrnllhs and uu
thorlzed by a powerful government.
Hut tho Innplrallon of u busy woman,
distracted by domestic cares,, save to
our country u great moral hero In
William Jvloyd Harrison, and a great
novel in "l.'ncle Tom's C'ubln," and to
day our country la free from the stain
of slavery.
Miserable were the prison-pens of
Kurope u century ago; barbarous was
the treatment of the vicious arhltrury,
crtiel and often stupid and brutal werq
the offlcl! Into whose custody I bono
moral Invalids were entrusted, A
6nM soul housed In a puny body felt
all this an felt an Inspiration to rev
manner. Wo intBht huvo aomo of
thoao hutnano crankn tulk them to
THK MOHNIN'l features today nn
nttnek on Jaffa .illeged poaltlon ro
aardlnif tho blue ballot, the placard
being lifted bo f. out of tho Hllvcr.
City Jndoponil" .t Tnia brings up tho
harrowing recoiii' thin that the morn
ing paper, was ''t with Juffu on tho
bluo ballot pro,, .pi'ioti.
Tho "lleKi- Hoy.
"fwcro iinuxht
Unrolled on
To hltn Iho 1
Would bo to
blin to huvo hln
tMIIK'H HI.T(t)l.
le of futno
ii u koiiIv
A I'li.Millar rath.
Krom HuriiorV
"Well, Jorro
nro to loud
JonciB-Htnytho '
"Not on yo..
roeka. "Hho
junt koIok liloti
I undomtHnd jou
'rn WlntrlnKhutu
.. ultnr." wtld Hub.
returned Jor
' the way I'm
bout llr'ur Fi
illHIt Kond Htory
1 r r Itnbblt plllteil
'tie Htoli'n eow nnd
be round. "Ill,
d. "o' nw KWlno
l .i i r I'x ij'rnbbml
l It out of tho
." Hold llr'er Itiib
.lie In do Kroun'."
wi- limy liken tho
ntle parly.
i lown tho mint
Uttiek tlm mil
Itr er Kox," ho
I"' Hi" f?r"tin
i lb'' "HI 'nnd i
irrmiml. "liar
nit. " ciiw d
In thin brlur f
row to the He
0 -
What a Vlie,i
'TIB IrUO kllCff 'I' lne With IIIoIho.
And breei) an'. its Well lean.
Hut think oi :irmlntf I.ttiiiurKe
With u hvvuuI ' :.ke HiniH. .
'Tin true ho en i
And other tltlr. -Hot
mixing her
iiiih will) KI'OKe,
til e'lUlll i it"'.
ii ii been ami rb na,
' ' t I.ImIm
r.it mid t.lir'.nli le
Would Irritate
lioeheHter ll'
the Universe
Or. .Menilol SIIImt nl li'iupln Albeit
olutionize th. prlHun syneiiiH of
Ktiropo, mil th. naliio or John How
ard, oeiiHidon i ,i dunce In In outn
nnd always Ht 'he font or hm elnsi In
hi bout. Ih mm .trlttell In lettein or
IlKbl high tlpnii that ohellxk leillcnled
lo tho earth s iinmortiiln leared in tiiu
heart of htimiinlty. Were not tho8
divinely UiHpind, mid wan not thn in
Hplratlou of ilnini ,is inarveloiiH nnd
liillncolotlM iih that of the men and
uoinuii (he lllble?
Tho fact of Hie mutter I.h iimt tliose
uho elalui to .'hmuplnii the caimo or
thn lllble ort, n Injure It. The fail
of the tnattef Is that thoMo who wish
to iiroti" t and defend religion agalnm
toe hew tllxcnVurloM of Hl'leliil' llaVe
often but Hligiit faPh In the eternal
wrlticH of r.illglous principle and
prmtice Foi. with tho notion that
Home people hnio of religion, it re
iiir. h juxt ih much mural courage to
belli .. iih ll iP'CH to doubt. Thote an
firoimiil juMt iih many people who
"l I alooi from organized religion
be. .in-i. they labor undur tho erron
eous Inipr. Hlnii that man ban out
Kroun iicion nnd huvo not the our
ago to .imhi rt tholr beliefs iih there arn
n who ko In ehiireheH Ih. y do
not in In v,. In becaiiHO thi s do not
IMiNHt'k i he moral cuurage In leavn
them. II iln would oiiU iiinke up
their iiuii'Im to acceit I rut 'i tr.ilikly
anil It trit "Mly, iniifli nf Ihe npprebun
Hlon ni Uicnl'iicy would v.inliih. If
peopl.' A..11I1I only learn to graHp thn
true 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 ti uf rollglnti, thu vagtio
alaim "i M'.ni'' rollgluubitHi the pren
Hiirt' "i in. piiHont upon the lingering
pMt, w "ni. I iiMtantly In- released Tho
unrii In,' ' i volution cannot Injure
religion, lot can tho dlni ovtrleH of
sclein . .i.triiet from .tho lllble.
Sciellci .ml evolution Wilt ever mli
tllltle I" nn ei II tliemnel ivt with man
nnd i lt .n.vciHe as the cre.ituro, but
religion ini t.m Hlblo wilt contlnito to
t!tlppl ti..' 'left tor. Tho real strug
gin nr hi. will over bo, as It Is today,
not for ni.. nl but for Plena, for truth,
and f r I'.irl y. Tho ijucstlon will,
thorer.'i.' . vi r remain, not whether
religion IN nconury or whclhor tho
llllilit i, uue, but how thn human
need t" Ablcii religion owch lis ex
iHlenci ,n 't bo met nnd fullllled.
Tho hIkiiIu. unuo of religion will over
Ho in in. inspiration to cIiooho bo
tween the liettur and tho dearer, bo
iwoen aIi it Ii felt to bo right and
what ih tu to bo pleasant. Tho dotl-
nllloit oi religion will over bo: Tho
music or Hie infinite echoed from tlm
heart r ninii
Montnvhiie. however, the essence of
rollulon tor im Is. lo niay tho game.
not t dlHpate (he rules.
If I an Kccure u sultuhlo building
in Aibunuernud I shun open up .i over heard hero or anywhere,
garage iih announced some tlmo ago, '
until then will remuln In tho em- This afternoon and. tonight Is up
plny of tbe Rtudebuker Automobile 1 penrlng the beautiful play, "Tho
Co,, Denver branch, nnd when I do nosnry." A wonderfully strong play,
go In himliifHS hero I will have a that grips and pulls the heart strings
complete equipment to turn out first
el us work.
Wry truly yours,
aenernlly debilitated Jot yoi:,1 An extra easy way to get fooled by
Hud sick headache, lacked ambition. tt girl Is to try to fool her.
was worn out and al run down, Dur- Heroes mnko the biggest fuss of
dock niond Wller made me a well, all over sand In their shoes,
woman." Mra.,.ckf. yrletoy, Moos- A woman will trust he Instinct In
up, Conn. Ad7
"What hroulrMt 3At o an nttlc
ourU .
room?" lk.. . I
"The high cost of living." Judge.'
Society News
(Continued from Tana 70
The house wits darkened and all of
tho Ruests were dressod us ghosts.
HobblnK upples, fortune telling and
all of tho llallowo'vn amuhemcnta
weto tho diversions of thn afternoon
Thoao present were, Mhwcs Wini
fred Williams, Karllne Emmons,
Margarlto Htrumoulst, Hazel Cnrnes,
Francis Ionds, Carol Leads, KMollA
Rtaylon, Ivn Hklnner, Ida Hklnner,
Viola Thompson, Ileatrlco IIIII, Gen
eva Hex and Doris Ilorcn.
.Musters Franklin and Floyd Miller
ct'ieornteii naiiowoen uy inviting a
number of their friends to their
home at 31 S Koilth Walter lant Thurs
day evening, llullowe'on deCorntlons
of Jack o'lanterns, black cats and
witches were every whuro In evidence
nnd the tlmo honored gnmeH of llnl
low e'en wero the amusements of tho
Tho Hallowe'en social held, Thurs
day evening nt tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mann, proved to bo u
very enjoyable one. The younrr peo
ple met nt 1101 New York nvenuc.
tho homo of Mr. Aug Knit-mer, und
uitno ilroHMcd In fancy continues of
every doHorlptlon clover and eomleal
and bizarre. At eight o'clock thev
ftnrted for tho Mann residence.. In
tending to caiiHe a Hurprlno, but In
Htoad were ureatly Hiirprlxcd t, find
all In reiidlueH. Tho homo wiih clev
erlv decorated with brunches of tries
and Hinall putted treoH which mado
the roouiH busk very jniich like n for
ost. Jin k o'latitorns wnt nut a weird
light lure ami there among the trees
ami tlnre were ulioxiH m every cor
ner to greet one. The evening wa
very plenwintly paHxeip with kiiiiioh
appropriate for Hallowe'en, and r
freshineiitH were mil wanting Tboso
Who enjiived the Hoelal Wire .M( h-
ilamoH Mann, Weinheiiner, K f r and
OborhoUzer, MIhhih Anna Aiihoii,
Mlllol. Albe .Si hrulier. Knii' r. Lot
tie Hi'ht.iter, WelHhelmer, Si i hohm.
Miirgarit .Seibnhin and Selinu Krai
imr, Mexxrs. Mann, Kcefor. niur
holtxcr. Kraeiuor, (llonn ntln. Ken
nard. I Itln. Winer Kraemtr, Arthur
.Sehlater and Howard Mann.
Uisl evoiiliiu really sow tho ulntl
up of llallouoen KiiyetliH und a num.
her of p.irtleH went given. Kw lybody
bad joHt iih good a tlino as If It w.ih thn
real i veiling.
Miss llerren ontorlnlnod the Camp
Flro glrlH at ln-r highland home.
MlfM Carn WIIhoii, daughter of Dr.
Wilson, gavn u llttlo arfalr to a few
of her friends.
MiiHtor Allen HIouhoii cntcrtaltied n
number or his b"y friends and MIhk
Kllznbeth Morrlssotlo ontorluimd .
number or her girl frlemlH at her
homo on North Ninth stieet.
First Number in
Lyceum Course at
Elks' Theatre
Genuine Treat
The old mlago or "So booh Moiidio.
go Koch all tint week." proved true
HIh week In tlm mimical nnd nterar)
lllioH. .Monday night the Hmllv Wn
teriiian i'oiii ott company, the llr.-it .!
a Herli.M f Hodpath lycoum bur.-nu
eulertaluineiitH, played hefnic a large
and niin cl.itlvii audleni e ai Home
colieertM poopln tillciil u Just beiauso
I lloy "get thn habit." but Monday
ulght tho c,i ii wil applauded mul do
miiniled the hccoiiiI iiuinber becaiiHe
tliey rcall; appicclato the uumbcru u
Iho prugrmn
Olio thing a llttlo dtrrerent was the
proKrain. In fact the printed program
vvuh mlniiH. and each number was an
nounced from Hie HtagO, hn the people
were kept wondering what wiih com
lug next.
Ml hm Lillian Whitman, tin, pimilMt,
wiih an artist and toe much prnlxc
cannot bn given her. Hno Kroeted Hie
audlonco with an exceptionally plena
unt niullo but iih noun as sho wiih
seated at thn piano hIio cllmlniitod ill
llstetierH frmn her mind nnd put her
whuln soul Into oaeli number. .Mr.
William Sharer wiih the vocal artlxt
of tho evening and sang with hihIi
ease that ll wiih real pleasure to tiMon
to him.
MIhh Waterman pteaHod the mul -b
in e from the find to the IiihI nl the
program; her Impersonations were x
eoptluiially lino; humor mul pathn.i
Wero rendered with eitial oaxe ho It
would bo difficult to select Hie num
ber which wiih received with greatest
Ndw thai tho first number of the
lecture course wits stieh u sikcohx,
peoplo an. already iiiixIuuh to hour
Judge tlcorgit . Allien, tho second
number on tho lecture course. kIm.
IiIh famous lecture in "Tho Needs of
the Hour." November '.'!.
nn WednoHilay night the I'liitnl
Wiites Marino band gave one of it
brilliant concerts ut tho Klks' uinlor
' direction of Lieutenant Wllllum
Wantelmunn, u leader who Is an
famous aa tho organisation ho dlreciH
To comment on tho concert would be
only ti repent what has been said by
ovoryono who was fortunate enough
to hear It. that It wns one of the bent
or everyone who sues it;
Itenortlons of n naclinlor.
(From tho Now York I'rets.)
Money has wlnga thut can't fly
ouyiiiB ii iiuiiihi nnu ioi, uui sno
wants expert advice about a hat.
You can tell by the way a man
tmljitta Hla i&.lfa ttnw AmiinlmA U.
, KU i,or When they wero enseaed.
TrlmbU'a Livery flUbleg. Phone l.
fjeeAe tttlitfrt4-tttt
m ' v '"t?mtiM Slates Depo'sitory l'
Josh an 8, IUjrnoIds, Preddent
M. W. flmirnoy, Vice Prosldent
Solomon I.un, Vice Irtldcn
W. 8. Klrlcklcr, Vlco Ireildnt
Frank McKec, Cashier
A. ii. HcMlllcn
First National Bank I
) 4---4-4-t"'
Made with nickel trimmings
(pUin steel or enameled tur-quotie-blue
drums). Orna
mcnul Inexpensive. Lasts
furyesis. Inanity moved horn
place to plsce.
At Dtatert
Dn?r, I'uabto, AUwau
Clt7Bn, Dull. jUo. Salt
COME-See whats back
of the
Let Your System Grow
With Your Business
YOUR business may be small; only a few letters,
orders or bills each day. Don't get a big system
or a lot of equipment. It will only mean lost motion.
But perhaps your business won't always be small.
Well, then, put in a small "Y and E" Sectional Cab
inet. As your business increases and your records
grow, add on.
That's the and E" wa).
"Y nnd E" Systems are always designed with the
thought of growth and expansion in mind,
It won't cost you a cent to call our man and let
him assist you in planning a filing system to suit
your particular needs.
AWMAN and f rbe VFG.(pt
Capital and Surplus I
We Solicit Your
II. F. rtaynoMa
Coy L. Itogcrg, Asst. Caohler
It. I. Merrilt, AosL Cashier
H. B. Pldcard, Asst. Cashier
IL A. Froit, Asst. Oaablor
New Mexico
writes us that he warms his
milk-wagon on cold days
with a Perfection Oil
He makes his rounds
in comfort. Zero weath
er doesn't bother him.
This milkman has
adapted this wonderful
little heater to his own
particular needs.
You may not drive a
milk-wagon, but there are
countless ways in which
one of these heaters would
be a convenience and
comfort to you in your
home. You can adapt it to
your own requirements.
QtfffiifrIWi im cJ''- noo.e."-nroou.yn
4'rii!.'''f''fli" - ,
Li "

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