tii -c to be fatv of t Twc mm my owri day. s tated to teat t ot tut rapunuc. fa between lh' MOfl B OK IB ii ium waa i ' a iMrjBdoUt'c4 , ii 'At' l; it. ar8T atatM at6 now H tlWtt atr ptU etevery. roa Uie I Mittan. )nu been removed "itllll i Ml Ml Hi i T 1 vr, K Xettcts IatiWfe&Mi In BIB Shqw pSir- ac Illy l-eeae Wire f Jh'f alf lleralgl Jndlmiapoluv InU,. IMoV, Frank M ltyun'a (rJO aboty, ,ih , country, which tho government charge, wero ntndf portly In connection with w lilonloiia Whlld h Wli ,t$relaont of lli. Inurnatloilnl uKaocfaMon ot bridge Mini structural lion worker, wero tniced In lettera produced at thf "dynamite conspiracy" trliil h,erp to iliiy. ' fno fetter, .written by John J mnura, to rtytui. referred to n nd t-rtlftvmrni offer .for. publication in the Iron worker union magnslno. 'JIiIh fliivcrtUcrncnt announced it re vanl for Information about the find luif ot dynamite on a Job In Cleve land. In lehruary, HQi. McN'umara wr0tc ib Jlyah that to 'tvtuv? tM odyprtUc'ipMi: would make II uppcar on If thd union wax trying I' -hli'lJ Homebody." . . Election Rtlumt at the-Tafl-Jrfftt eiu? T Tho public la cordially Invited to visit the club rrttmu of the f Tart-Jaffa club tomorrow flight and hoar tho election return. . A prlvattj w(r ha been In tolled and in returns will no f announced a received, There f wilt be p;r$r of $omfort,abl f chair and morfl pleasant piaco can vo lounu 10 nmcn 10 y piiuiih or me .nuecuon. 5 W Tittiifr : 'iil'i Wiiii if 3 I O tit a FABt ' Wffryiirtfe W twrtljflly IhYltod to enjoy tha nwHWflly mm' i. ESI Dnltlmoro. Nov. ."--rd(aal d lo tion, In tho fnthodrnt hery yottrday, dllvrod nn clectfon eV,kernon lc ilgned to awnkcrt'tho fiupln dllson who never titUea ait intorut In ihr polltlcnl wlfuro of. hJ couritry." JUf dfclnrrd that It tho future hlstomn a, culld upon to-record the daclln nod full of tho American ritpuWIo he will oprl na the cuuae "tho inan foroncc, loihurgy pnd political npoa uuy, of hr own. aona." Tlii' vrnioii win non'partlaan aa to tho pcrwmnl irpfcrenciv .of tho eaf a inn i lownra inn inree oonapiouau, citntlldati'H for prcaldept. 116 awwrtf ad hid Intolrninco toward' iifiqnimlaili propltot, who ucti campaign predict tho ond of th government unlest tlielr favorite cnndldatu la elected and hr n dlaoiMiilon of our form of kov ernment aouaht to how (hat the r atllta of our ulnctlon cannot orlous): nffoct tho ondurancu of the rcpauiic The aermon follow; "It la the Imbli of poaanftlatlc mttntwlll aoon conic to nn end. nu that It la already In tho throea of din aolution, and the dUanter la auro to occur If their, favorite candidate It defeated. These prQpho"le .are uaual iy more frequent on the evo of a preeluontlal olectloti, 1 have bocn lletenlntc to theeo dire uroxnoitlcatlont for ot half h century, "Hut n every lnntance tho Amerl' 4u eop1o wake lip ogi 'tho mornhii aftor uloctlon to find tkiit thev war dl?iu1uicd by fnlH alarm and' thrft , I. , A , .- 1 . W I . ' vn Huvtininicni i iroBHCOnS f. byslneaa In the aamo quiet and order y manner aa before. ,"I op0Be thja rnorhK to ;toto aa tlleJy poNHlble the grounds of mi coBftdeneo Jn thu stability, and. endbr- aco of the Amorlran republic. 1The Ktcond orldla pecurred JM etrfdenUal conteat In 1I78 botw tIMkn and Have. Ur. Tlldan 1 IraMMal of the fruit of the victory I believe, he honestly won, &ti; MhHMA that Bticcetatut candldaU. - 'AJawfteajtMt. could atirvlve theao Miraonwaar' viiailty &no rtaourcea, aM Jpla Ufl to ?ib$4.tfijit In any fu liire mrnt7 the lender and ttfi M tM ret'Sbllc will rUe ta ihi taccaalon bud '.brla order out 'Another atronje around of confl deno l have in the atabjltfy Mm& tkf manuic of tho republic re I u tho jrdfehienmant, the aood ejas" ae3 palrlotUm of th. AHn Yp find your falhf r httvo n6W fir K carifuVy and a quarter ' tar1aNcf4 nhd enjoyed the blena (f ft f)$ and free Kovromtt. If yoK Cornpnre the result of our political ayauhi with thoae rtf i.tkr rivlriffif . Itllkt. 1 . .'J ' ' . .. public, with all It dYaWRatfite- avttt ahortcornlnga, will auffer In ih ciiI parlon. , Tu con aal vAHt$rltk vVM all thy fnlUr, J loVo thee ffij '1 ''Cold. Indeed, an,d torpid btHJ (' ihiim; i iae boui iwh m The first shipmcMt'of Import Fii i terns! c, until they w,,;gitrfJf!ly; "Iiy a wlo orovlslon of tho constl individual, or In- onrf depaTrtment of laMaaalteCj at ;.awttrtnWid .to , loin' I lilMIti anaW f nn' 4 Pwari wvunv win ewer nHiiona; un m auataledby tho avdut Htr ft , JW t?, ir mii , ...,I5 mnH. Afp?fl ttiior, fl Mo Ijirse pocajiup au-M iu i MorMa fJMljffO ii,U, extra 1 i ftrak ilpfwflt ojr 9tnma 1 ,nzm. oa aio in must, nmmmt, -wwrnMrnm. $ .a J 1 tHo,ItutmJhiltratte)n, but la Jntllclounu dbttrlbuted o that tho balanco tit J?6wer may bo preserved. Our Mpffetil 6vroment conlt of the execullVe K IcRlilftllvo and thfl Judicial urnocnear u nnymmg jjoea wroni yth ah pno of themj deparlmonbj Hie eyjf la chocked bv thu other two. flbd, mUrpallort 5f pj(Wor I provohtyd. Thore la atrhobltual' Jeulouay mnonk hee branchrw." They are on the alert, eealoiuly Tvatclilmf one uiiolhur. mi tbat no ono brpnch mny exceed It itmmatc bffVlwo ..Eternal vigilance the price of llbortv. Lj fnit, a.l hlto tno admlhltratloj, W hrivtj Rtuto novum- 'menta and oottBtyrtilo: wo hove cltv and town and vlllaiie munlclimlltleaL At all of tiW Minor corporation i " 11 wuaunvBfvuif senerui Kovern menti If.oltr 'Mi'trMr, and atato log lalatorai MMaAerffa; ond mayor abd counellrif-w 4 under the con trol of t. aieiMMent; If he could at wt w&SfMMfftfl bbnoxlou subordi nate ruler wnh one blow, all our po llildtl JtbeeWt Would bo ! nn.l. MuL BMMaaVllv.' Alt Hum AMMnl fiioy' fM Autonomy In their apheryr "our ayalom of ovmmvnt la very gdfflpjox. it na- be compared to ft' coioacat enslno, containing lnnumr !. wheou within wheel, Saolt rl work In Ita uwn orbit. Ilka Mm Metary ayatom, it; tne great '1nt ta out of oi;dr fte: 'alt flfo not mtacM ,.; mm W which, tsaHilied etOBB iivtu. raaaat ttaeV; lMl Whucl m4fltr wheel ISMm Rr AOalMfiwMW. ( r aN HMffaM' laur1 i 14 it hip of atato, Tk naat ahlp r(atie ia divide ' (Jtn fnr.uLi 8,(e4,. 14ch of theM ktiM ?,iro'vv " lhWK! of (h !vMirnit;i lor cxqmpie, m)Ki;t' routed lo warmth and oktKbatocM Ui contompwtina; the hbttorjr h,W Jlnlted HWtca, wh eft . ' $n bed. rt homo of llborty and th haven or rai to downtrodden' million In offer lanue. A "Dut th iurJvl of the Amarleawi ropuonc muet mt on a more tabttfl foundation than; tho imtrfotiprl 0 oirl plllMna, tho'cnJlw jt our itemeWj and the jyWvm.oourJuw It mukl hjtve a tttrngar baJ rjiao ila ak& ureuunougnta ana atAndlng Vm)j or uie rc f noj ffl tlfe JPWIf,,Ar .Ins mobility can oe aeUred oHItf iicVl ti ,a prowcip-a tn,! "The hlitory of tha JeWlah, taa from tK daaV Abraham U t uwviiwon tamo ipa qeBllle tkrttpfo pfo)ar.vlctor l Wo bay tv .od of battMa tbclr'atde. M AM ke I wHh' th wiio1 have unMilliMt cdRfideiie, iH A ,prptpyoflf ' I TOVffH teth a Ballon. ut aln. a, rtjlroHctr to anv ppente.' Ifurt rtl public la to W MtMi. lt.Hr to bf! handed :iowW jUbHwpairod la future J gfnii-allbua, t JniAf rfcatri the a(r-1 dw rnMipiM or.,MMU:e. truth oinlttbri ill" ah ovairmllntr nhweW ' mp;nfennr provldeicoi oyer instanaira xii nation: ur? A'all aa of .man. without whOrh nOtl -i U.tmJl' ij- It 'a. B '" '(Inn Mhn tk torn AC 1 tlpstjhat aaaotaiod In, Pillaelithta tol ftemo iho'ootl,tutlon of Iljo, Unltf II h ui.i tfta tuna tying aaaje TO' e-k wbiiyi hLtdllaajtua; W4 liavp j s(Hi many dujfaihjj weekjf Irj o,ur do "2W rithc feet; rigiiiitrttlfj ftifft 'f 7!W B.i..- . ' 2le iavgg kr So ii$0t ijoitl 3 ir W, rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMRBlBBBBBBaBBkBaBBBBBBBBi KS BaBBBBBBBBaaBaBUUaBBaBBBBaBBMaaaBBBBBl , HbiiilVflReBKHcSiiBBaHi iBBBBBBBiBaalaagBaflawWBB' . l 'BBBHBBaaaBBBBBBaaaBBBaBV VaBBBUBaSnBBBBBBV. N JBaBBBBaBBaBaLHBBBBBBBBBBBaia aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- V"T MBBBaBBBBBBBBBaaBBlBBl ' Wl iV- dr Brushes fi!ar 75o Uty, special our rMacwcurriqNi Aim 1 'VW3?? ', ' ''.V m JEST .V '.V" Oft bbbbbbbbbbbV t'!aBBaBWu etc. jjf ..;oombinationff jBtfclt R8 Wliitfi ad Ql'c;'., ETkite Andjl!, Wiie and Browpf ,to. Tallies. up to4?0O- ciSatifoi- One Week' Cliifv 1t- T I Q if ' aKaBBBaBBaBBBaaP 'aaaf W iiMzauona, una yo, nayo ncrQmpia IRx.5n t'm dtorjk: 'bacouxo wa hV Ml - I UUll ught light .from tho Father t m to HNcilM our -underatantflng, grow ta wore rum ookv 14 aun-eMa abwat ---" t,k4'aMif of Mk(fd, JPbfWaf cannot fall to ilia ground wfetfeftttt bis 'knowledge, how Oait( asT plr rio without, nia ccomwum,. aim Wo otto kso,v from th;arire4lfYlii wax "umew tno zm uuiwtne ua( he laboreth In vain wholfcuMtlfV lilarealifew rwH n?ro tho AthiiKWi ,wkN eftoo tre ti proudl t,ltr tfMVmhMt of tha. church.' ijipafAiag. "lrf iha rtfllt ntoriMfwiPili Me carHad Wy;-iir t4:!Hifl that they ;MiMMly' eTkajIwieir'lnar of 00.4 a,Bd, 8taJi(iwaoV BiR. to tlta J wwldu All lai. Jiya .ujtl wijjgiliaiwriiiiiiaiiaiii in i , ml i) miiini t.m IkjhM'la kurtimMMmm com. f '" Sill1 our bmwm to thui u . 3'1W( tnat thoui Jtatr hot or cold! -"- . u i meHWealth, Srrtifip of Uodlccii una, HoVVwlli begf ! gift .(ukeWArm. r i will gay mouth. (..'''A Wgeera man OMMIali faith hon hi k rlaht. I Im fcl- M .ttrptc, lukewAtnvtf ttfver tka an IntarMt o of Chrlt lhlk5( thou el sco out Mti ...... .. a)' attapklRj tapklnr wno lien, who earnestly potwol Undine. i iM.sMrQy.t,a( th. IWU than tho aukaaia'aWaaaii Wko fim kkm. an lmcreetiMtoMUtiaJi Wti.a) M hU countr 4 nit M my profpu sib in v iirniiiiinnupoaavacK inn' if) oyer tho republic Ii)Aef to elawat! OlkiliRl -!le- 1. ' S . "! f. 'Atftfall gf trftnveh r ail poeal to, the obterv irMlii 'gabbaUfi i lhrui, sy.tf ',h future Jil4 iNwor ui oecune AMfflKgn republic. m not to a nos indifference, le 'pafltlky of hor 'A Mil If nil n t ll. tin Interest In m MHf-especially deyoi cBdowcd with 1 rfo and, ediicatlan U P tb Uade.ni and 'l, KM.Idlng them: powicai rociuudo. 'Thr r three aiuia Yjffotfti ow .cat ponai It. I not1 ,1pst; of any at or ' to of m; WBB! I1R aWSraWSi fVaiaaaUB 4e aWC iKo 'ah wilt 8 Be DUl ii nallt. T7f. L yiyljas' gjaii S 1 oiv fii ih do itii waft- jumk. ..'j-ma 5ntm I..!.! ao cnlll the eo mvti to'l I aa' tA nVaj li.oractteal awif:yMeHM 9K 'fa..auar vag. I -A. VMaVefM ataera. l(.M4t.(: western, Xwi 43.60 , .'Hog? Kcceltsta ,IM; So to lCo, SlgHSr, JliM ,H OBME, I,eUQS i.Hb; Mtvy, t7.M?.Mtr MtCkera and moacrs, 7igi7;lo light, $7,600; 1,Mt plga, fg.aafM. .Sheep , M.itata la;eO: rrtarkst- .SZZ3j STTX. .tTV r4. i ..',uy wswieir siBB year 8H.mi f?tto. wmT agAul.WaiSfc M.MrgMa owes, tsfaotp gttJ.Li.VmljLJBUlWt ittdajkaJaaaMt I .. JmTHiV to'g'aaiW'a. 9miW tC apathy )ere. racMo wibB wcakMt of ralipsrs. "with rao4ratA ft. ygnjl and jMIU laauea. SUn!:rMf tey, mem ana Amaigaaia vmmm. . point. Among tno iectsuf av' aharn fllumn" of flvo Dointg In. bfcat euRar.ona swp m American t,an; wera ctnisplouous features. Money oped ih 'later tradieg. Ht atockl addtii so meir Mri? gawg uri wcceraia IcUVllT' hi V&tom VgLRa MsA a4l a. U nUl wiwtewA:" Ktreaith waa shown mlthg i With ukHifcatAt I A UiWinuW. v'."ic.'i"?"..''"?rir.;.-r':r. t.TW7"f" ?a .fT'f.-i nrtm reaui, jy"u!aaliBjrymti 'tOaafT 9 lWiibaM&. '4 I. i . St, iitk'NoV. 4. 'VVool steady i tarrltarz gtM .waatera medium, 2tJh ChleaJto. Nov, L--yap of Interna. Hft litis to unening ng- .tlVfce'f)lo ' ivBd uti. t .lvg;tw4rVsBv Ujt milled fJwSsPaMeW D'ecem- i upw'.amMwu ip o titMa&aakaWV taa ttlaiaa tjVCaBBB fwpnpw j Tiaf,ajflf )p 4-8 i nintu Mvbb9IL. far' IW.' ,if.VlUIOR pireninii. i and ft. 06.7Cf loraba, .hjttlvo, sJ6.2r.7.20: wtuterr $0,07.JO. lKMnB Mfoy ,jf arkct. iKow Yorkt Nov4; OKdney on cnll atrong, js7 per c&t; ruling rnto, 7: do ngld, J offered, nt 4 A, iimo ioan atro)trIJty, nd nlnoty iy, 8 per eeiv-ajx.'niahtha.B ?4 (& day, a 3-t; :ii!v'.SSibo Elgin. UI.7'NoVi' miAtnilnti oomraltteo.ot tho- Jm. butter board1 thia atternooh declaredbutter. flrm'at Now Yor '-NWTS-Colton BPOt cjoeed ateady.X Hlitdllng upland, !ySf PWM gglrT-f la.iBt aalef, Titnta 'ii, New Tdrlt, Nov;!.V-Copper ouletJ atandnrd pot,4 Mj;0 17.10; .JDeci, IM6J705l Jiui.. '81.75lf 0O.V Tin dulls a pot, MS.90960.SDs Nov.. $4.8O8O,40J ., 949.77O80 .. opejiar quiet, aoaew.f b, ll7i Xo. S aiaaMrL''Si7.erkii(.?K g.lafZigisi' Mo. No. I Jiotjlharn, -II J Wflrai;)Mt, ii.'f t e.oo. $ t ?KWrtulata, 9