OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, January 11, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1913-01-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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Auction sale
The only way to
The quiok way to
is at
l'lmtii-. ITIU772.
Olllt'o, Movoy Hotel.
Keep Your Home Ckaii
and Dainty at ALL Times
The Electric Vacum Cleaner
ll lltftlld llOHMN ifMtlllMJT II lltfc flat, l. n ml 4011 ftWaflffl.
TIk Win i llevii- ltml It lilt- lM l .iIhIhiii "f Ul-fMNtl In .'
Iinii ilHlHit mill rive hum illn hi nil Him-. t !, who Item
lnnihpitcd ihi.mhIIx Mi'iVr an i:iii(iH. V ni mim titaner be.
CHI' l U till' (Mil- H'IHI III HtHIICI lIlMI gill HH'fcV AltlwftM.
The Electric Vacuum Cleaner
Vn lmi ml) in Km i;l4Hir- Vacuum t leaner In action to
WOgllll' II- C.lllcill mW'lilir1l). U lIlUM. nil Oil' (, Rl ,)nM
lltllll Id,, lM'll. IISIHM... f IMg-ii, HrM--. llMlll.-V, tlriiwi.
lirViillHH4l tile lktll(c.t IlljuM III ft en I III IMIMl lIcllfMlo Hh
Hi. 'I be I :tM li mi u iiii. Hi, iwmI IhIW4hV chattier
m, jiitHm i'ifmn-ii. u dmn iikhhiiii-mi. Wi u i.
Hhmi'I) om ill hum) -loll la r tlciirlinl th-Wiv. lor cmlm-i ami
CHIIWI.Il' .Olfc'll Hl-. ll Ml) III till- loWIC MllottU Jt.
Albuquerque Gas, Electric
Light & Power Company
Soliliuli I Hiii iul Tndut.
Funeral ieriii', j, ,,i.
v Iiuni death mi i Tliiii-.ii, ,
wr.' hold th in ntiei n.11,11 ,ii Strong
i Impel, IJ. . W. M In rliollitcr. ,i Hi.
l-'itWeiun church. orrifiMtink liuriul
van m Falrvlew eemol.-i)
' nW ".MIIHt.
William H Miller, aged viiiih.
iIh-iI on January ti nt hi n...iu in
thin ily after a reldelne of i..
t"ii year hore Mr Miller 1
Is ll Mujtvr and unmarr -l The
tulMm WW take Willi . Kund t, t
:' p. m. at ihi French unit l.i'i-r
1 Impel on Central avenue, with h,ni -im-nt
In Faltvlevi f'-nviT 1. -i
Hugh A. Cooper Hill be the fn,..
lug mlnuttor.
"mire eimmnTtv rnnTtA tl
Man Charged With Soiling;
Liquor to Indian to Re
Triad Tueeday; Prank A.
Stephen Stolnfad Bankrupt
Judge W . H p.. 1 1 inljii.iriK'il f !
ml I'liurt nt 1; '!) tml until "
I. ' liH k Momht). after 1 nil 1 1 11 11 lit H Itlllil
Tuxdy the i.f the t'nittrd rftntin
vi rmif RMnlnlln l IgiirMtln, I'hvrgi'd
niih Mi-Hing liiui i" ttiiliNn
Krnnk A. Ht-n)i"n- t-l.i iild n
Jtlt.l V i-t)lnili III 1 . 1 . k 1 1 1 1 t ... .Illll
I I.. oil t .I'l Illll I .1 1 ll' .i I II HtlM'l
'Mi' U 1 . 1.1 1 ii 1 1 11, : mi 1 ii itri
1 I . "''iii H , .. -i , 11 ' ni r oil-
''ll I 'I'lll
Dkii Darling', Employe in San
tn Fe Yards in Darning',
Killed in That City Early
ii'itl niintiili in lltriiluu IIitiiIiI
D' tnliiR. X M.. Jun. II lnn Dnrl
in. .1 nvMlihrriHii (.n I lit' .-;intu K. f ! I
1 tui" .1 dink .Mr in tnt Kni.i pn unU
ri till iiiuming tt1tl tit . il whi
i ruanwl off. BairUMtf h puttlns a
limit ott t nt a tank car. nUiiillnK
tn ifi on thf xnltili iIih uriikf
-ll k I.i.iUi, 1 iiimIiik him tn fall ill
Hi. 1. 1 ..' im i'.-h ll.
nl 1 ill l.i I 1 1 Im I. i i-
lltUlli ti.
K. 1 il ll.
' . Illll IIU
trt.l awl iiawwwj- CHruiteH riwii-ii.
Hi rriuni P Wllll.i inn. mlnlntiT. t2
"ii.h Biutt Uay
I'lbto m himl ;it 9 4.". n. lit.. J. H.
. .tr, uii'i iiti'tt'li nt im ;r i iiuni nt
tin' norm thf rank) nt th rilhle
'iiikiI ri' hUI hrtiiii tual Hniulny,
nut -m i ni iiiir i-li-si-ii t a. lii i i tn
I i' aattt.
'lhr mernliw mrrmon at ti a. in.
will iii mi "fwMi Frcin u mh."
'l'i,. . hiiiiti-n rn eapaciallr invltvil to
I Illll 11 il ' Hl'ITM
I'll. urn ni rition twill In iin n
iiKilx ii tin "Hunk uf Mumbvra." an
outllpii nt 1 nronrkahle aluniiir
i lai n! 111 tha Wtlrnaa.
Th. Kii(lvvwr amUlNI at t.30 wUI
tniiii iin. upK'. BiHtm u t'htltrtton.
Way ol?,
Mr-1 A null- Al K iiihIiiIm. .iKi-'I '
Mtty-thri-t yi-am. mothrr or Mif. 1:
K. CJuwBar of KMIcr, Culltatrr il
rampMMv. l ' hiiiI.i. ni ami in.
t-Xpt-t twill) tit an 1 arl lmu thlK
nturnlitR at thr v.vir hmiii' .it '.
Nurlh Kialilh Htn i t. Mm. tfyiu-ml
' altciiilfil thf ciitcrtiiliiiiiftit Iiihi .iiirlii
at lit" fcJtka" ttlMr litut a im .ir- in
1 Ii r naual lHiilth, and itfath i.uii.
'a atnitt ahnjk tn th fuiiiii' Mr-
j Kv iiiiintlf hml ri'f.iti'ii fm iiie ,int i
'itrhti i'ii niiin'h." ith li 1- .'.iiinliU'r
I her.' ami tiiatli ninii fii. m - in M
1 Imimiu rilf. Tltf run-'fal 1) nn -'ill
ih rufitt rnun tn' tinim jsuii. t ai.-I'l-ftiinli
at 3 ii'liik. I.' 1 i UKh A.
tiui-r, pinrtnr tif tin rri'-ii. li tl.ui
ihnrcli will uffMlU. ami Mi- il. ).
t'uttlnK Will ttttNt, Al 1 iilllll.il l'1 Kt'
Mr. ami Mrv. t'owtx r th- r.-muli vltl
Mnt away on Santa fi- 11.ua '.
2 Hiitnli arti-ritiKiii tn t'hlfa'". '
I'l llninr ! lln lit ri-a-i'il, yv In r' -ii
rmotit v, ill I'ii niai:-'.
,m- 'Brt riot.
iSQiiiij Do ll.
Thf lri fitturk- H- .. ni pootili
rk tn tir oltlo'''
Th uvinil ri.rk-t'ii. I houlil
fay. r 1 1 k 1 1 . . ilium .1 lltml i' tin 111
l.llllllllll .-k. I I'.
Nil hnl '3 Mtiiiaioki ami Hutnrt
imtti). r 1 1 1 iron. tfc
alttU' iK'tilti-ttllim Ml Saiilu Vf. Wer
H lhi fi .1 111 '- thi '. laat niahl
harf'l wlilt Mianini Arraianed In
MUc court iuda int- nttn wntu ur
ii. rrt in Mho out of law, fMeh !
Uelari'll thrv would ilo without illa.
Vtt lHHPI'.
KtK' KiT" Hut all 1
t tii "i awnn 1 1 1. nn
n k. 1 " i'l.' " I '
I ll 1' Mr" : II i
11': ull'int
.'ilf.'ti i'.
Four in Mountain Districts
Who Fail to Appear Must
Forfeit FosilJiouR Says Superintendent.
only nix ti'.H'hcra uppcari'il mlrr
du in tiki' ttii' ntiiii) tr.i Iicih a
aiiuii.iti'iiii. im i hi nan at tin- 1 Vil
li. 1 1 Ihkh in liniil inttnla.. .nut Mtr'
Blllli,'il up lndu. CouiJ') ijUipt'rttl
t' ti'lant Mont'ija aaya thr.t four ta h
"tn rrnni th matt main i-rucltu-t fall
vl t appmr artar bfina itn ni.tlie
kimthI tuni'H and that under lh. taw
th-) miiat in i nrdinsly futit it tln ir
I'liaitiana. A nuntbur uf tha tuklnx
thr raitiaUM cunt nom tna
mountain diatrii'ta and riant frum
thin to lour fiKt of anow on tht irvfl
liiori liii ing tlir paat week.
Thi- inplUanUi taking the cxamina
tmia. wiiii' aa follow Mian Vl.tit:
JMotitiiyit. applv1' ; lor 1I1I11I tirade
iti tltU'alf, Miaa H.irli.u .1.1 Itnioi.
Mo Joai'iiitiii' ''ri-i i.
Mr.. I tn", 1' M t'.ihoii,
Mm l'i ill !. l ll'in .
v .. mi ' : 1 ' . im il
tlunl gimli
Hi tri.d-.
tuii. I ar.iili
il-i'il .'i.nl
Iii i ll-
On ' T
Wnys and Means for Starting
Big Improvement in Albu
querque Now Under Con
sideration, Says F. C. Fox.
"W.i itrr all Ii um ling ihiMim along
an .m to la- In alia pi- to ffat atartid 011
tht hoi lmprMi iiiinta In Alkuquar
"iiii'." anld frd 1' Ko, artvral man
a.T of tht Kanta Ki- irtm, who
Mnt today. In the ilty. having ar
ilvd laat rvanina from loptloH
trip nv.'i' tht Kin ilraHdf tlUialun.
Mi. Kox waa a' i .nnininlatl tn Albu-tiiriu-
b f. M lllaha. rhlif injl
11 r; J. NI. Korn. ifarral aaportn
tondfnt, awl V. R. Mummers, aurwrin
trndant. William Kux, a nephew of
Mr. Pox, ta ao trawiini with him
aa a guat, apndlng thr winter in
tht wat to avoid thf avere wrathvr
In Ohio.
ImmattMaly artr in arrival htra
yfatfrda) avaHlni Mr. Pox. Mr. Kuril
and Mr ttHHtef wrnt into oifrr'nt
ith Prraidfni ti a. Kaaemati of th
fommftolal rlub. j. K. farrall. aa
ii.taiit atate anglnfor; I'ltt ttoaa.
iiiiinti ritclHaer, and Jamra N. (Ilad
ilinx. iity pttflnfir. mi innttara rfla
iim to thf AlamtHla dlk.. Tin pur
im.,' ni thp I'onlf ifnt'f una to aarar
mm whao. If anMHIrt. Hhnuld Ih
done with rff(rfnf in protntioH
Kiiitiai MimhI wal. r at Alamfdu dur
im, tin- Hprlna. Mr Ulabav at a led at
ila- 1 nnfrm'f that in hia opinion the
huttta F irai-ka will not suffer irnm
iii- ri- in watfr. He prntiilaeil, how.
in. tn an limit protllea to thf lHal
Htm.-, county and rlt ntttrlala. ahow
in thi- exact track elevatlHa Hear the
dlii'. Thf conferfticf .leatvrdny
ifiilna whp a ver natlnfa' tor oita
and the men reprraentiHK tin- varlotm
inifrfHta ahowfd a deatre to aet to
a- thft and i'i-oemtp in any manner
pnaaliilf on the rlcr protection prop
oNitton. Mr. Fox will leave 11 1 1 :ii tnitlpht
rr hta home In Amarlllo. travi'llitK
over the Balen 'itl-olf. Mr. Kurn
Ifuvea luMight for li Junta anil will
In- afcom part lad etiat by J. It. plexlnii,
mechanical aupailntendent.
ilNtaklntt of the ahop imprnvomf nt
t la Ufnoral Manutier Kox aaid Hint
tin irf liiitlnar) ultalin in th- begin
iiinv or tlte vrurk well In hand:
that fverybody wn working toward
fnrl roinnif nee trtfiit or Hir iitiitdiiig
opfiatlona. and that lliilliatlntm wre
tor a iifgiiiiiina of coiiat ruction in the
in at future.
Thf waya and meuiia for urglu-
iniia thf work arc now iwlaa rotialiU
till. - Haiti Mr. Kox. "Tlic Job lti h
ma ono and or cnurae wt- have to ar
i iuai to 1'uir.i on our regular" IPork
lillc m- an doing tli.' ciittftti ui'ltoit "
Mr. Fox exprfeaed hlinwlf aa
I'li.iM.-d that thi- iiitimuiK'eini'lll rt-
KurilltlK On- Nhiij, llliproM mi HI calllf
1 l'i. iiiti-nt iciph .
Stirilnl l)liiiilri ta llvraliiK llirnlill
Jnnta l'i-. N. M.. Jan. 1 1 .- t oiimu-
atiott r'nH.nililoiM rn lltiah II. Will-
la inn 11 rid ti. 1. niM'ti have U-turned
ft mil a trlii iiwr thi I'tdorailo and
ou:hlrll riiiiiii.nl whirii rugM through
1 tiion 1 ount rnc made the trip
with iilftctala of lhr road including
Dlvlm.in .tiii, rlnti-iiili nt Aiir.itnn, iiett
ml Manager Welch and Mr Will
i..tna. .1 late attothey. Tha part) irat-
lid In a prlxjtf ir. Mopping at nr-
iaia i.ointti en route, inapccting m.i
tiana un4 ae ing what facHHIen art
offered the pu dli . At Clayton a s i
together" meeting of railroad nflli iin
vorporatlon . "tumlaalonerit .mil tin-
pubili. w in iii and I tuitd lo hue
rem ltil in 1 in iter iiiiili'rt.i!i'tli'..! of
the kIhi.iIioii Aa a i.-i;'l lln- ' nl
roud m'I iimtall iii,il ittiiii "ii-incntH.
(Spri'lnl lllinliii to lliriilau llprnldT
"mil l I'V. V S . J in 11 itiiw-rnrir
William M' I'oiiiild him n -ciM-it the
1 1 niaii.itioti 01 I'olonel .liittnn 1 Hand
.mi) I'.ilomi ,Iimi rtonii rn. aa .u lia
iii -ijint. Si' mid Lieutenant H. R.
Id Mm ol the Held aitlUcn iind Mel'-
tui l.i' ii en iti K. B. Forhf. uiiiia
' In- r ink "I i l'uiel, Cninln JnmH ,.
I'u 1 .ink ol .lUiiinl, t'iiittiiii .linen A.
Mh.mii I'te medical 1 or pi and ha
iMUatieii i ninnel Maaata to the ataaT
im anli 1 amp
Attorney Francis E, Wootf
Points Out Weakness of
Those Who Oppose Reten
tion of Police Magistrate.
Rdltor RvatitHK Ilaralt):
May 1 be allowed afmcs In our
vnlmniw for aoHta obaanatkimi III
Mltnort f the oHMtlHIaey of JtlltRf
Craig for the puMttion uf Jiwtto T
the inmm-.i lit 1 Hla ottr? Tlita em M
and bhouIiI i atrtatty mh-iMrtlBNli.
The ability and iHiMaa of tha Mt4t
vldual ahouM bo th nnly teat wKll
the voter, t'nlihe what la iomntoH I
country precinct. In our city many
mallera of conaldemble importtinB
are preaanted to the Juatice. Thay
are trotuntly callvd upon to grant
warrant of a neat, to igsue writa of
."."a, ntnent and aarn ManeMt under
which the paraon, th" prorwrty ami
wagaa of our cltlaana are lab en Into
cutod and he'd for long periada of
It ta of prime luinortan.-e In lit
city that 1 he Incumbent ahouM bt it
man of uood jtMljment, with a work
Ihk kmiwifdtH- of kmal prtntiHtaa, of
uniaaatiunabi integrity ami at net
No one uueatloHa that JMditu Craig
naa all tha uuallflcatlwna. A inava
ment awalnat him ta halHg ormmtiatl
within the rank of the cHteONft'
leitKUf nnd voiced In t lietr offh-laltai
gan. the Itmir-Xohliar. which aa ll
aeema to me la both mlatak n and
mleguided. and If auccaaaful would
work grun- injur tn the cauae uf a
clfaner 1 it) that la aura, eventually,
to lie mu i e Mai ul It' we but coQlinu .
to flht on lenn. aenalble ltnaa.
think im one la in doubt aa to my
attitude and m aymnathlea on tlmt
riKHt, and in view of that attitude I
think I hate a rluht to apptMl to
thoee who ate with in not to iHittra
ine cauae iM'foie tne pttlillc by AH
extreme nalTownen of v lain it tha
would atrtkf at eier)one who may
huplten to li neutral or even dlaagrae
.with ua mi our met hod or work.
The aame mit'" policy that now
riMHta Judge ('rati? aupportetl and
hflpwl to elect Hellera and hla coun
cil laat uprliia What did they then
aMontpllHli for a rlewn.tr clt ?
I'ttu iti'M loinplalnt awalimt OraiK
aaeina to be that he haa held ttiu
office two term and the cotiKtltiitloii
la cited aa allowing u contrary policy.
Kxproaa exception made lit th 1
.nttetltiitlnti in favor of long terina
for judicial officer and the tnll-r
la tn change thoae offlcera only wlitf'i
the) have proett r"creai.t to thdr
trimt. It la next cniitetiilotl that
JutlKe t'raU hua not aKertatl ltinia-ir
in enforcing the lawa agnliiat va
granta with ex pre reforenee to thi
red liglu Ulttrjcj, Much aa I daplura
th a U ft tide or the lty aulholltlea
on that qtn-at Inn. whieh ace ma to tn
can only prnierly Im c harn.'tftrbted
dlMgiitcfrul if not criminal; yet the
uiifortiiuale women or that illwtlict
me entitled tn an oWh lut.-ly fair and
Imparl la I Judge, who will paae upon
their ctiMea. If the Jtulgf aaaumtnl
the role of proaecutor or iMillremun
in their cuee. how could he ! lair
r Impartiul.' Mail Judge I'ratg an-
nuini'il auch an attitude evan In aup
IMirt of my etiuae I would lie Hove hint
nnrit for judicial office. Itut up pom
he I defeated ; how will (hut aid ilia
cauae'' lie In a candidate for Jus
tice of the pvu.-e, not for police itinrf
11 rate. Th- nlhe miiglatrate 1
choaii bv the city eottncll. Will the
ma vor and city council aeleot the n,in
wli.i ilef 111 1 Judge I'ral j or will they
lei t the one 111 nut lav uriilill' In their
Get a New Start
With the New Year
Make the kind of hanking connection tlmt
will both insure Uie security of your funds
and afford you the promptest and most con
venient business facilities. ,
This bank has won its enviable placcin pub
lic regard because of Superior Seryicetlie
kind of service that makes even the smallest
depositor know that we appreciate his busi
ness. We should like to be of strvice to you.
and we are convinced that an account with
us would prove a source of lasting satisfaction
to you.
U. 8. llrptisttorj;
I)opi)Uory SfliitA Fo It. R
pulley? Would JwiIrh MrClelian. for
llltilgftllca lua a.tntMaa a aiaai.tu lit. a MKaM
cauia titan JtitiKo cmlg? Ilo wad
nanieii ny me mftvof Mat aiirrtiir. out
rojttctud Uy the council and may !
naiitaii HKAitt.
T'enmtially, ( feel thai If th'?
movement defeat JhiIko ('rait: i
uaiwo will have recnlvetl alttiont a
ratal aut imcn. ror we will have
tirnntled tmraelvfa ua too mirntw
minded to merit pontilar atmniirt Ua
pattfully. FUANVIH K. WCKiO. .
Alhuiiiertiti. X. M.. Jan. II, It-lik
Mr. ami Mr. Krnnk M. Oore nr.
rived In AllMtiinonni.' Inat iiIkIU froid
fan Marclnl and cotitlniied tmlsy 10
iwtmy. Air. uv.re. ror aotue time man
agar of the Harvey houae in Han Mar.
eta I. naa lieen appointed mannaer of
Kl tlrttt. the Harvey hotel lit Una.
Mr. Cot" la ntiiHtig tlio moat popular
of the Harvey hotel iiinoaKcr and
the aiHliitmeni to the iiianagernliln,
or isi iirtiK win I.- iiieoaini: to ma
general ptihllc,
Mr. and Mra. It. L. Poplin of T-adtt-alt.
Kf.. are guoata on tholr honey
moon trip, of Mr. antl Mm J. b.
tttrouil of 120 Wont Iron a valine.
Attorney A. U. Mtrouu ha (ttm
iigalnat the ootlnty a claim for $09
damagea for the Inaa of n horao and
w. goit by ,loae Peteit y Lticero, who
wctH itigroontHl In ttm nin Ornndo
whila trying to ford toniu wcukii ago,
hla wife and baby narrowly caunplng
tlrownlnir. Necllgnnoo on tho pnrt nf
tha county in repnlrlntr th.) ljrldffn ta
tlie irrotinda of tht) notion.
Nlok rtaplor. who It as juftt boon
dhMharetl rrom tho lionplttil her
uftor a xeriotm illnom. haa roturtiud
to TtioreHit to rettmo hla Uutlcn with
tho McOuffey company. Mr. Itnpler
hua Jttttl received tho nnwa of the
dtaith ot 111 mother In Kentucky. I
Tim Unilml Ktatoa Civil SfK'lCO
aniiiiiiiHBlun unnouiioe tho exumltia
tton tiumiiil Imloiv to ho hold nt ntt
ottrly lntu. ApwUaatlon blanUn and
furlher Inrormntlon may bo obtulmd
from the local accretttry. hoiird of
civil aervlco oxamtnar , at the post
office In thin iv: Mhtvator contittc
tor. custodian t r ice. atiinry $000 per
nuntitii. Tho n .t cf examlnntlon in
cIihiikimI from January H, 11)13, ta
Kohruury R. 191 s.
Slocttoiui for JueUce nf the penro
and onnatnbla will b hold In every
preclnrt In tha eottnty Monjiw. Jnh
uary 1. County Clerk A. ft). Walker
haa tllatrtliutad ballot boxen lu all tho
is Still Goina
We must close out quick. Come while the
stock is complete. Everything reduced.
- i.i"ii iimm. all oy tomorrow (min-
il.ii 1 ami membera and viaiuwt broth-
in .He im Hen to come up ami numj
1 nut rrieni'
"Had dapepl or tgjMwatlon for
vara. No appetHo. aad what I nig
at diirefed mo torrlMr- Bordook
Itloinl Hitter 1 en chad the oaua'."
J 11 W.iik.'i. Hunbnry. Ohio.
the: lead
The irplH'Min will reopen tonight
with all in i" tare and a flrt claaa
ahow Jetin Itt.mn, nariionc aolotaL
will iutiodiiti Moitta pew .luaalcal anil
origtuttl comic xuh. The follow im:
program of tnovi ta fur tonight anfl
Runduy :
"Bluck '""ot t'oHlr)ntora," Indian
"The Hrldal Koorn." Melodrama.
mil l'u Hta DaUta.". Comic
"Koolahoad. He Wlgtiag to Commit
Hundiiy Night "hatl.'r'a Mlxup."
"Detective nt."Oome.
I "Hcnp ck Merger CMie rtahing -
"WtW Wet "
Admliloii. h cento far hWdlea; 10
cetiiH lor iduli. vary hmh stiouitl
bring bl mother in-law Otaira open
nt t; ta. .boiN Hiurta at T o'clock.
Why Be a Nuisance
for Sc si IDsiy?
Don't you know it's vary annoying and inconvenient fjjr
your neighbor to have you running into her house to use
her telephone ?
Oli, no she never says anything about it she's far too
good naturcd for that. But what do you suppose she really
thinks about it? Put yourself in her place for a minuta
and try to imagine what YOU would think if somebody
kept running into YOUR HOUSE at almost any odd time
of the day or evening to use YOUR TELEPHONE.
When you've thought this over and realized what a nuis
ance you have been, just remember that you- can have a
telephone IN YOUR OWN HOME at the trifling cost of
from 5 to 8 cents a day. Then sond for our representative.
1'iiit SM.I' 11 ''mcd tn well it once
, 1 .,11 Hi. . if tin entire
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The Mountain States Telephone and
Telegraph Company
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