OCR Interpretation

The enquirer southerner. [volume] (Tarboro', N.C.) 1874-1875, January 15, 1875, Image 3

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Friday, : : Jaruaay 15, 1875
A red gander lias made its appear,
ance in the vicinity of Salisbury.
The Field Crop Fremium List of
the N. C. Agricultural Society lias
been published.
Hertford Academy was but nod on
tho nicht of the Gth. Ashes left in
tho building carelessly.
The Tresbyterian Church of Milton
has called the Rev. Mr. ltzgeral J,
of Ilillsboro, to its pastoral chargo.
The town of Ancx. on tho line of
the Raleieh and Augusta Air-Line
Railroad, was started in 1872. It now
has a population of 200-
On Sunday last, in Newborn, little
Willie Hanson, on behalf ot his class,
presented to the M. E. Sunday School
of that city a splendid organ.
In Newberu Emancipation day
was duly observed by tho euiancipa
ed. The Newberian compliments
the colored people upon the order and
decorum observed.
The committeo appointed by Epis
copal Convention to solect a location
for tho Diocesan Collego met at Char
lotte last week and decided upon
Morganton, Burke county.
Mr. Ball, Had. Editor of the
Grreensboro Now North State says :
'In our opinion, Sheridan is the very
man for the place and tho times.
President Grant knows his man and
i3 fully a ware that he can depend
upon him in an emergency."
The Goldsboro Messenger 6ays ;
We learn that the Odd Fellows Uall,
in this place, is to bo dedicated on
the 19th inst. The ceremonies are to
bo public. Major Seaton Gales, of
Raleigh, is expected to deliver an ad
dress on the dedication ceremonies.
The tobacco planters oi Caswell
county have burned their plant-bods
for tho next soason, and tho indica'
tions are that an unusually full crop
; will be planted: The high price of
the loaf is the stimulating cause of
tho largo preparations far the next
The latest snake story comes from
Salisbury. Tho Watchman says :
"The smallest reptile ever put on ex
hibition is now to be seen at Mr.
Theo. F. Kluttz's drug store in this
city. It is between twelve and fif
teen inches long, but not much lar
ger than a horse Lair, It is quite
Tho Iieidsville Enterprise aays
Application will be made to the pres
ent Legislature for the charter of a
llailroad from some point on tho Eal
eigh and Gaston Road, to the Wes
tcru or North Western boundary of
tho State, Said lioad to pass by
Oxford, Roxborough, Yanceyville
a ad lieidsvillo to Wentworth. ,
Tho Windsor Times says : A col
ored man by the name of
ons, was brought to jail at this place
last Sunday morning, charged with
murdering his wife. The caso seems
to be a strange one. The man says,
so we learn, that he did nothing to
kill her. Ho had simply hugged
The Charlotte Observer says : It
iwas grown on tne model iarni ot J.
W. Wadsworth, Esq., about a mile
. I from tho city. On two acres there
were produced 1,050 pounds of lint
I making two bales of just a littlo less
I than 500 pounds to the bale, on an
acre. This is a remarkably larga
1 yiold-
The Wilmington Journal says
Captain E: P. Waring, Senator from
Meclenburg, and Mr. W. J. Yates,
editor of the Charlotte Democrat and
a Director of the Carolina Central
Iiailway, aro expected to arrive in
this city to-morrow evening, and on
Tuesday will go down the river to
visit tho works for tho iniprovment of
the river and bar. It is rmderotood
that this visit is to be of an official
The Raleigh News says : The im
portant suit heard before Judge
Watts a few daya since, the Stato vs
C.D. Upchurch, indicted for failing
to list tho poll tax, ha3 been decided
J in tho Superior Court. A verdict of
1 1 guilty was entered by consent. A
- i i , i
1 1 for want of jurisdiction in the Supe
th rior Court, it being claimed that the
i I Magistrate oniy had jurisdiction in
1 1 the premises. Upon the hearing of
M the case Judge Watts gave it as his
k motion was maae to arrest mniremAnr
opinion that the judgement must be
arrested, Iroin which decision an ap
peal was at once taken by tho State
to the Supremo Court, and that body,
desiring to give tho matter immedi
ate attention, heard the argument in
the case yesterday morning, pending
which argument the Court adjourn-
f 1 I'd until 10 o'clock this morning.
The Lincoln Progress says ; 'Our
people are discussing the propriety of
pvnaitting an amendment to tho
charter of tho Carolina Central Rail
way, which has perhaps been forfei
ted by tho non-complotion of the
truck to Shelby by the 1st of January,
just past- Gaston, Lincoln, Cleavlaud
and Ituthford in the West, and An
son, Union, Richmond, Eoheson and
ew Tanover in ;ho East, aro very
much interested in the tarriff of
freights that may bo adopted. It is
suggested to call a meeting of tho cit
iztms of Lincoln county at the court
houno for Thursday next, (tho 14th,)
to tuko some action in tho matter.
Wo would also sujreest a meeting of
tlia other counties named ao that the
Legislature on re-nsserabling might
know tho views of their const'tuents
and act accordingly.'
It is rumored that Senator Oold-
thwuite. of Alabama, will be compel-
7 - J A.
led , cn account of ill health, to resign
his scat, in which event it is thought
that tho Hon. John Forsyth, editor
'f tho Mobile Register, will be select-
-1 bv tho LeL'isl.ituro of Alabama to
-h hi iihiei . Mnnv TTuitod States
-iiatoia may have dabbled in jour
luiu in their political infancv. but
1 his would we believe, bo tho first
tibtance of promotion direct from the
, ditorial sanctum to the United States
' Senate.
Kates of AOricUTisrtd
Advertisements will bo insrrJil iaTnit Jpmik1
Jtu-.SoiTiLEr.xt at the following rat . reufmiM.
of mixiox, or on' inch lengthwise will constitute
a square:
One square one insertion,
Encli subsequent Insertion
Jl 00
3 tnoie.'ti mos. Initios
1 '"
7 00 . 10 0" 12
11MK1 15 00 I d
15-00 ! iOOo 4 27 SO
18WI ioQo "J 35 00'
20 0ti 27 50 "i 40 Oft
30 Oil ", 40 00 60 00
4 0 00 80 00 100 00
1 mo. 1 1 mos.
One square,
Two "
Three "
Four "
3 00
5 oo'
7 SKi i
12 Oil!
Si 50l
.1 00
8 OO
1 00
86 00
One column,!
i -...,.- ...a i. ft. d
Aw-Murriagc, Funeral mi Obituary notices, no
snon? than ten lined inserted rsu or chabus.
Subscription $2.50. If paid cash at
time of fcubacribiusr $?.)(. - i ,-
53s-S. M. PETTENGILL & CP. 10
State Street, Boston, 87 Park How, New
York, r.ud 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
are our AsenU for procuring adrerliFoments
for Tuk EsQcissa in the above cities, and
authorized to contract for advertising at our
lowest rates.
9f A Request. Will Iriendi, it uotlotajr
advertisements tu our paper, and respoudiup
to same please state to parlies addressed, " I
saw your advertisement in KsqciKeK-SouTn"
icknhr ?" It is litllfl trouble, and will help
our business wonderfully. Remember us.
Attkxtios. Those concerned .will read
the notice of A. McCahe, Esq., Register of
Deeds, in to-days paper.
Dresb Good-; very cheap, at Farrai'n.
Ivxights of Pythias. This order is a
good one and is gaining ground through
out the state. Let's organise one in Tar
boro. An enormous stock of Ladies, .Misses,
Children and Boys' Philadelphia made Shoes,
at Fanar's.
Hocky Mount Mail. We are indebted
to our live neighbor for important local
news from that point which appeals in to
day's paper.
If you want to build up the South en
courage borne lilanufacturera. t
Send Yom Orders. We can at short
notice execute any kind of job printing,
from plain circulars to fancy wedding and
visiting cards.
For Sale. We have on hand a quanti
ty of Agricultural Liens which will be sold
very low for cash. Those in need of them
would do well to call.
FiiiKNDs of Temi'ekaxce Of Greenville
gave a Festival Tuesday evening before
last. The Register informs us that it pass
ed oir very pleasantly, eacn one enjoying
himself hugely.
Tobacco and Snuff at Jobber's prices, at
Suffeuino. The present cold weather
is represented to have been intense through
out the North Western States and Territo
ries, causing much suffering among the
people. Let us who have comfortable
homes thank Providence for his goodness
to us.
Oils, Oils, Oils, Pure Hadient, Linseed, and
Machine Oils, at Farrars. " ,
ExTEurinsE. Messrs. Battle & Son,
Proprietors of liocky Mount Mills, are al
ways making improvements about thsir
premises. They are building houses from
one years end to the other and now they
have regular street lamps at the Fall and,
so far as lidit is concerned, have liter
ally turned night into day.
2,000 yards new styles Side Band Cali
coes, at i'eauer & Jenkins. nov.5,tf.
Supeeme Couirr. The following cases
from this county have been taken up and
argued before the Supreme Court.
J E Bogett vs ArcbelausBraswell, Edge
coml e, J M Perry for plaintiff, J L Bridg
ers, Jr., for defendant.
D II and J S Barlow, Ex'rs, vs Benj
Norfleet, Adm'r, Edgecombe. John Perry
for plaintiff, no counsel for defendant.
Go to 0. C. Farrar & Co's and buy car
peting at greatly reduced prices.
Sale of Valuable Rbal Estate. The
valuable and highly improved plantation in
this county owned by Gen'l L. W. Estes
will be sold on the lth prox. under fore
closure of mortgages. See advertisement!
The best Gilt Edge Butter and Cream
Cheese in the market, at Farrar'g.
Farm Hands. We have heard no com
plaint whatever this year about a scarcity
of farm laborers. Planters have been gen
erally supplied throughout Edgecombe and
are now ready to commence on the new
crop. Oood hands command from ten to
twelve dollars.
Men's underwear Merino Shirts, Drawers,
Sock, and Jno. M. Davies Shirts, Collar!
Ties, Scarfs, &c., at O. C. Farrar & Co's.
Good. At a festival given by the ladies
of Kinston, on Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings of last week, under the auspicei
of Kinston Lodge No. 316 (Masonic,) the
sum of about $150 was realized for the
benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asvlum.
Have the ladies of Tarboro' done any
thing of the kind recently for the Orphans ?
Choice Stock Groceries at
tf : RB Aesop's.
The New York South says : -Amount
of cotton received by the mer
chants of Wilmington during the month of
November, 020 bales ; aa increase of 70
bales over the month of October.
Tarboro beats that a long ways. What
say the Journal and Star ?
The item of cotton rope for plow linea
seems a small matter. In the aggregate it
is worth keeping at home. Order from
Battle & Son's Rocky Mount Mills, Rocky
Mount, N. C. t
A Grand Ball. Was given compli
mentary to Hon. T. J. Jarvis and Lady on
Wednesday evening last. The Greenville
Cornet Bantl discoursed music for the occa
sion, and we learn the affair was a very
pleasant one indeed. Mrs. Jarvis nek
Miss Mary Woodson was a former resident
of this place as our citizens will remember;
late of Richmond, at the time of her mar
riage. An elegant lot of
English Casimeres, at
The Wilmington Journal. We unin
tentionally omitted says the Messenger con
gratulating our excellent cotemporary
The Wilmington Daily Journal, on its 23rd
anniversary, which closed with the old
year. With the new year the Daily Jour
nal began its twenty-fourth Annual Vol
time, and the weekly Journal its thirty-first
Annual olume. .bong may u wave i
Amen. '
i a a --', . ......
rat '
Lawyers and liewspapernen are
ing to Charlotte. Excauge.
All right. We are WjllTbg. Tot) many-
down this w ay. '
Burke county discusses Convention on
t I'sltaw ! ito use in
ussions. The
f : ..
ffluesiion is now seuiwt,
e Convention
is a certainty.
: It is Daddy Furman
grille Citizen.
tioto', of the Ashe-
Shifting the "responsfOHHy
the1 baby.
'j Blooil aiut nothing ; money and clothes
is what tells.
Too bad ! That man and his wife who
kissed each other before 3biipany t'other
day and got iu a fight teiininutes after-
; Several younji
bloods- ew out of the
Temperance society a few .days before the
holidays set in. It is tim"fr them to re
turn now-. Evervthimr is unlet and there
is a klearth of
" Ruddy striplings young and sleek,
With blush of Bacchus on their cheek. "
lVhy do we not get t'.ielson Advance
oftener than once a moutlij
la parsing the word loveja youth sttys
it "goyenis boys and agrees with the
girls." Oorrect. Don't ypu lhink so, too,
sweetheart. -Sa
From the weather durinhe last three
or fou ays we would gues it was Win
ter in good earnest.
Wasn't it "slickery."
. Dkl jOfl'ever hear a tocor chuckle ?
Yes.! LWelL didn't you b-tar several
chuckla this week when to5-lged animals
would Blij up then dowreak a skull
half 4oien bones and didn t they smile
with a sardonic smile
at the thought of the
20 dollar fees !
A nojie broken at Sparta tllif week.
the sleet, -tae terrible sleet Ifi
Our exchanges were in i gteat demand
this wejkwith tjie ladiii.-- .They made
quite a wwtle ovelUiem. ,The sleet was
terrible you know Sad w as jnckery,"too ;
but out 4oor business had to be attended
to, and folks sit down rather -unceremon
iously sometime and like to Jk so as soft
ly as possible, but .-; we didn't mean to
tell on 'em.
The finest job -watk at cheap rates can
be done, at the SothemefEiKmirer Job
Printing fiice. W ij;
The most fashionable Tell is the net
scarf veiL and it mrfst be lonfc enough to
wrap ardiiad the njM&, as weH as cover the
face. ! ts ' isssas
All good people talce theirihome paper,
and believe n it as they believe in their
church, thtit cour$$use, or their postoffice.
It is an institution Jt interests every one,
from tiie;niini8ter gjrawyer to ' the school
and apprentice boy. . j ,
The sawdust on the' street erdssings lends
much to the. convenience ov"5ede9tians.
Thanks toObnstabeIyatt. ;
Everybody complins of'jniid. We
shouldn't wonder. " ? I j
We haTe a newihame far these I&pot
boys who regulated.Tarboro on Christmas
night Sberldaneis
The caraen the Vlja W.R. R., recent
ly were supplied wkWbibles placed inrfron
racks, whiclf were Mtered JJible Read
and . Return." A good idev We learn
the American Biblo Society flirnished fiTose
good books. 'j
Feather collars arejust out They, are
for street weir, and feave lon ends Jail
ing down fn front lite the scarf. J
A swell at sea is very mucbTifce a foy'on
shore ; both aie apt sicken' ,k,
We have receivedTtlMi first Racier of the
Children's" -Friend, published al tte Oxford
Orphan Asylum, aniiCted by J. II. Mills,
Esq. It is the spiceafeaheet we have read
in months, and the eBtei-promises to make
improvement. . "
There appears on the fourth page of to
day's paper' a very touching and beautifully
written poem on the?" death of oar beloved
Stenewall Jackson. Bead it.
Ramsey, the Temperajice Apostle, gives
it as his opinion thai the most" reasonable
explanation yet voucYsfed is that Sheridan
was laboring under ftjebrious excitement.
Not much, he D TVaa in Jiim.
. Education ' begins tha gentleman, but
reading, good compaf and reflc4uon must
finish him. 3iesterfiekl never .srfote words
more significant than these.
At last Fair weather:
Bceqlaev We loam, front the Battle
boro correspondence of the Norfolk Land
mark, that General Taylor, colfy entered
the house of Bill Guntner, cohj in Edge
combe county, last week, while no one
was present, and took therefrom $40 in
money. But by the early discovery of the
burglary, most of the money was recovered
though he escaped before a -warrant could
be served. " '
100 Bbls Flour for sale by fc
R 3. Alsop.
Lucky. The editor of the Wilson Ad
vance drew a $335 buggy and harness in a
Norfolk lottery. Now if somebody would
give him a horse und a little farm to raise
corn on he would be all right. -Messenger.
If you allude to Jimmie Williams, Bro.
Bonitz, we rise to amend that hei wont be
all right till one of the very fair daughters
of Wilson takes pity on him and gives him
herself to ride with him in hi3 fine buggy
and if certain rumors are truc itAvill not
be a long time cither before he is all right.
Eh Williams ?
Buy your heavy 4-1 Brown Sheeting,
your Cotton Yarns and your plow Lines,
of Battle & Son's Rocky Mount Mills, t
Capt. R. A. Watson Of th Wilming
ton, Columbia and Augusta Railway made
a flying trip to this place last -week. He
was looking well and expressed himself as
pleased with his new place. Tke Tarboro
Branch seems unnatural without the genial
face of Capt. Watson and if anoher change
is ever made in the Conductorshlp, we hope
the position will be given the old, occu
pant who filled it so satisfactorily to the
people at large for a number of years.
Mistakin. The Washington Echo says
a colored man by the name of Napoleon
Patterson, a former resident ot tliat town,
was shot in or near Tarboro a fe wdays ago
Dy another colored man (name, unknown,)
and that ne has since died. Wu. JStar.
Correct in the premises, gentle men ; but
mistaken in the conclusion. Don't be in
too big a hurry to get Napoleon dead- He
has been shot, it is true, but is dohjg very
well at. present, and will be able, hear,
to to cut ia a few days.
Tgttut- amiu' w .LWawinti .win-'-"';aam'"M"" J0m" "m t. m mmmmlmitt -. ,-- A , , , ,, m i - - -
hPr Hatwoop CtAKK. The numer
otu friends of this young gentleman will be
pleased to know that he lias been appoint
ed Conductor of the Tarboro Branch Train
in place of Mr. U Whitehurst who
has been promoted t the Agency at this
depot. Capt. Clark's disposition to perfoim
hid dutv to his eraplers to the letter,
together with his pote and acconimoda
tint turn will make liai ' popular and re.
spocted both by the Cipany and our citi
Personal. D. B., lq., East Carolina s
jsal. D. B., q., ;
conespondeut of the Pershurg Index and
Anneal litis the follownj to sav about the
rethuig editr of the Stf hemer :
E. R. Stanirs, Esq.,fia3' sold out the
Tarlioi-o Enquircr-Souijcrner to W. P.
Williamson and J. G. Starles, who will
take hold on Jst. Jauua Jr. William
son has already earne j reputation as a
writer in connection wiiue &tate press
Mr. Htamps' "eloqu pen" will be
grit-ousiy missed, and Ss riglif smiles
will haunt his friends' stlB when he takes
himself to thtvdiiil rthtiiijjf law practico
at JW.il ton, as, is saia to oia intention.
You will always find iMargest stock of
PorkFjoar.'fiacci, Ac J jjFarrar.V ' .
John Eaton BsdE, ju We notice
among the twenty two lawvg. censed by
the Supreme Court Tuesdafcefoi-e last the
name of our fornlu, chn Johii Eaton
Bledsoe,fEeq.,'of Raleiga, f . BJklsoe is
a yoimg gentleman of Z. j taJg, and will
make his mark in the learned fesaion of
which he istic&'amember! Wntle; at
Richmond Hill, tinder Judge'lai-son, his
stant) in his class was eminenVjmd . this,,
togetl ji!h3iifgcjllial; Jianita, cauaed
him to be highly respected ancsteemed
by l)is felkjw students. Wesh him
much success through life.
persons (rarniera sc who
Gf lcl tuo toe-to their Hands t others
n&ie:July 1st, 1871, to January 1, 1875,
Tocjuue uy law ro list lire samto the
iReister of Deetls on or before the day
of apuffl7 I8T0, BnlieB a penalty Two
Hundered dolhu-s. A. MoCAki
Register of Ljds.,
T-Say, Mr, ditoi', -j;hy is it th,oU
neyr ask. me for my subscription t
" BdHor O, we never ask ,a genau
fondue 8ui)scriii)n,4!r ,, " '". V -r
SJibseri-i 'You dont 1 fo w do h
evct get your money then 7 , .
1,Jj5R3itor-- Well, - after awh!le we ' 4-
luae he is not a 'geutlemanj and then
asicjnin. :f,
ubkcrlber looks thoughtful for a m,
utaprtwo, anAtheu seeing the point,
Lpay Oh, ah yes. Here Mr. EdiU,i
CfWit ine with five dollars, at the eaM
lirrj haudiag nver a V. Ex.
HATEICal. Tho ILk-Itv Mount. Thpa
tfS n.:, .;n :.. ,u . . .
ja4Jorpa will give another entertainment,
at Doziev Hall next Friday evening, the
15th inst. Scenery has been procured and
Kcry thing made ready for the performance.
cab can say, without exageration, that
JnSaky Mount contains as much native
Wamatic talent as any other tdace of its
size in the State, 'and to bring) it out and
display it, it is only neceuory encourage
anlupport it. Thiivtroop hka been at
I oBsklerable troublo a4d expense in rehears
ffg and making and arranging the different
fFprtutmeuts of the stage, The best Hall
fatoVa has been secured and fitted up and,
f do : hope j tha stjie people of Rocky
Mount,' and country surrounding, will show
a prejpar appreciation'of the efforts of the
Cors -by coming " tq the entertainment
Aet Friday night.
. ...'..,.
t Gopn Ceoppixg. The Washington Echo
repots that Mr. John B. Bonier LMng at
Ajyjgira, in Bedfuprt. county, raised, during
tijmst year, on less than 9 acres, 375
burets of corn, "or an average of 42 bush
4k;per acre. This land was cleared ' 1861,
afad bos been Under cultivation every year
ec and has never had any manure ap
plied to itt Thjc,..entire expense for this
crop, including plowing, planting and cul-
ating. was ft 15. The Echo also learns
that Mr. J. B. Bryan, living at the same
pace,i produced, on 13 acres of land, 14
bales hi cotton, weighing 500 lbs. each.
jr. B's crop was well manured.
anv Edtrccomhe farmp.r lint. this 9
li ft) let us hear from him. We are not
fortrl jof hearing our neighbors crow so
loiidlii all around us. Edgecombe is the
Biffier county. '
SAhatios Nineteen pefsons from the
lower part of Edgecombe county took the
cars at this place last Monday destined for
T:as. There were only live men in the
paity and these seemed to be-mostly, disa
bled and maimed. there were fourteen
woman and children in the party. What
these fteople can expect to find in Texas to
benefit their condition we are unable to
surmise, but we will venture the prediction
that they will conclude, ere a year has passed
that their move was a bad one. The pecu
niary condition of our people, in many cas-
, is desperate and unpromising, but sel
dom it can be benefitted by a move to Tex
as or any. other far off land. '
Edgecombe: Cd. Registik's Office,
Tarboro', N. C, Jan. 6, 1874.
Sections 12 and 13 of the Revenue Law
of North Carolina reads as follows :
Sec. 12.1 "Every merchant, jeweler, drug
gist and every other trader who, as princi
pal or agent, carries on the business of
buying or selling goods, wares or merchan
dise of whatever name or description, shall
pay one eight ot one per centum as a priv
ilege tax on the total, amount of purchases
in or out of the State. Every person re
quired by law to list his purchases shall,
on the First day of January and July in
each year, list on oath to the Registev of
Deeds the total amount of his purchases
for the proceeding six months."
See. 13. "On the gross receipts of Ho
tels, Boarding Houses," Restaurants and
Eating Hpuses, the tax shall be one-fourth
of one per centum."
Any person or persons failing to comply
with the above Sections are liable to a pen
alty of Two Hundred Dollars for each and
every offence. A. McCabe,
4t. i Register of Deeds.
Notice All job work done at this
office must from thift Kiate be paid for when
delivered, h Our compositors have to be
paid regularly, material comes to us C O D,
subscribers pay in advance, and those who
have job work done must do likewise,
i nose witu wnom we oo business require
the cash of us, and we are necessarily
compelled to lo the same with our custom
ers. We will eive notice also in this con
nection that permanent advertisement." r J
i.'i ,.i j' . ' -ell at
their expiration. Out advertised3, Nt C,
be strictly adhered to.
uoas. me
senate on ihursday. December 17th, look
ing to the better protection of sheep 'andto
encourage wool growing, was the susses
tion says the News, of Dr. Mills, Master of
uie bum urange. The bill authorizes the
trustees to tax all dogs three months old in
every township and every keeper of a dog
shall he considered its owner. Every
owner win uog must take out a license, $2
on the male dog and $3 on the female, 'and
every dog must wear a roller with a tag on
it, and on that tag shall be stamped the
year of the lictmse. The sheriffs arc to
have these tags made and sold for the
required license.
Legal An vietising. A State ex
change has the following to say of a matter
that materially affects thousands of per
sons in the State : 'A bill has been intro
deced in the Legislkture, requiring all
notices of sales by Sheriffs, Executors, &c,
to be published in some newspaper pub
lished in the county, and if there is no
paper published in the connty, then in one
published in the Judicial District. This
should have been the law long ago, and the
sacrifice of thousands of dollars worth of
property would eave been prevented. We
do most earnestly hone the Legislature
will make this a iaw before they adjourn.
The need of just such a law has long been
felt.' I
0. C. i'arrar & Co always keep the best
and most stylish Gents' Hand and Machine
Philadelphia made Boots, and Shoes in town.
Dos't Let Them. We join our cotem
porary of the Charlotte Democrat in his
suggestions to the Postmasters in the sur
rounding country, in reference to the im
propriety of allowing persons, not author
ized, to take papers of subscribers from
their Postoffice. Numerous complaints
have been made to U3 by subscribers, and
without naming the office complained of,
we beg our friends, the Postmasters, not
to permit borrowers to sponge on paying
subscribers. It is unjust to the subscribers
and very injurious to us. Milton Chroni
cle. Very true, and yet we have it on good
authority that it is a common practice in
certain Postoffices, which we will not now
name, to allow parties who are not subscri
bers, to "just look over the paper" before
the real subscriber and owner has taken it
from the office. We agree with our cotem
poraries that this is very unjust and is fre
quently the cause of "newspaper miscar
riage." We have a very great contempt
for habitual newspaper borrowers they do
an injury to publishers and are a source of
trouble and inconvenience to friends and
Mules. Odenheimer has just arrived
with 50 head of fine young t mules, broken
and unbroken, which he offers for sale at
very reasonable terms. Call and see them
t! f ..... . , xr . , C1
In the lot adjoining Mr Hawes' Tin Shop.
jLlck of a Brother Editor. Miss
lame Dancy Furman is the name of a
Otmcing little lady that recently arrived
rAshcville and took a cradle in the home
f5ob Furman, the editor of the Ashe ville
Cifeeu, wlio wedded a year or two ago one
t!te falntst- daughters of our beautiful
c3 $
atchelor got of the
following in the
Furman 's good
r ille Pioneer on Bro.
bout midnight on the 20th ult. the
hothSold of the editor of the Citizen was
aroud by an unusual occurrence. Amid
sutxaid silence, lights flitted from room to
rooit Kvilh meteor-like rapidity, and as
niesssiiger after messenger issued from the
house ifto the darkness, they were warned
to "E'-ry !" The mystery remained un
explaiMtl 'til about 9 o'clock next morn
ing, wbii the foreman of the office, hav
ing busies with his superior, went over
and foiad him walking the floor with
disheveled hair, repeating the following
dirge :
Ring out the old ! Ring in the new ;
Ring m the nurse with water !
Farewell to paper, pen and ink !
My datghter ! Ob, my daughter !"
If you wish to buy Confectionaries,
Cigars, Toys, and Fancy Goods, at reduced
prices for 'Gash,' call "at the well known
Confectionary Store, of J. M. Spragins, 2t.
Mabson Bbought to Gbief. The Mis-
representative of old Edgecombe in the
North Carolina Senate was justly brought
to grief and his official position ignored by
the town Sargeant of Rocky Mount last
week, as we learn from our cntei prising
neighbor of 4that village. Says the Mail
During the political campaign of last
summer W. P. Mabson, col., present State
Senator from Edgecombe, made a speech at
Rocky Mount, in which he used such loud,
obscene and blasphemous language, as is
forbidden by one of our town ordinances.
Having violated this ordinance, the Mayor
issued a warrant for his arrest, but before
it could be served Mabson had left town.
Last Saturday officer Crumbier saw Mabson
in town afcd at once arrested h'.m and car
ried him beforel the Mayor, who fined him
$5. Mabson iiiasted that ho was a mem
ber of the LegisgUure and could not be
legally arrested, IV -t the officer telling him
mat ne wauiu a
st . President Grant if
he were tojeome
our quiet town and
offend its laws,
ihed him to the Mayor's
office. lire he
could not be -
insisted that he j
and read from
"the Mayor held
Battle's Revifc OJSI
thatundi thepri
and in f lit he wa
rrest was legal,
of the offense
charged. (; The Sef V' en paid his fine.
The langlage used
Jjson in his speech
last sumier was soJ
,,jent and thorough-1
ly disgusing made
o in the very ecntre
of our tern, where i
could have been
heard byladies in their!
wellings, that the
has escape
lightly the just
his offense ate
should be more
guardcdlnd choice hei j
er in the seiec-
tion of guage to be u' i
in the hearing
of ladiel IF
NoTii There will!
Tar Rii Jocky Club c
of Feb.it the Court l
All the embers are r
a meeting of the
Tuesday, 2d day
use in larooro.
nested to attend,
as businfe of importan
nr.te.l t
are to le trans-
V T-
.lake, toeereiary.
.1 Illi-tl.
now So
It IS 1 t
rb. We noticed
several h&
. Islvprtised for rent
e thejTitM weeks ago, and
tutrae. Tli
LrieiJ i iifhosc houses have
rio favor or au
ve neara. un
v-1'1 i'J
amson adver-
they' have
f r
nd before the
it in a
an hour, the
nted. And
Rev EM,. Usees. Rev . T J Allison,
having exchanged pulpits with Rev Mr
Green of Washington, the latter preached
in the Presbyterian Churchj at this place,
Sunday morning and evening. Both of
his sermons were excellent and greatly
pleased those who heard them. We shall
be glad to have Mr Green with us again.
Dr Staton offers Laudanum, Paragoric,
Ext-Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Pine apple,
Rasberry and Strawberry, as cheap as can
ibe bought North
Dcll. Our young folks can't even scare
up a dance. Let the Thespians come to
the rescue.
Dr: Staton for cash sehV Drugs, Paints
Oils and Window Glass, at New York
prices plus the freight.
Ii j'ou dont believe Dr Staton sells drugs
cheaper than any one else, give him a
Great attraction at BELL'S. Now re
ceiving a splendid assortment of Jewelry,
Rings for children, ladies and men, Studs,
Collar and Cuff Buttons in various styles,
ladies and childrens Ear Kings and Breast
pins, 25 different styles of Bracelets, 50
different putern Watch Chain. Charms
"till you can't rest." Silver Thimbles,
Spectacles, Gold Pens, &c, &c, Good
Clocks at $3 warranted- Many other arti
cles too tedious to mention. Come see ?
It is Useless to Attempt. to cleanse a
stream while the fountain is important. Dys
pepsia, complaints of the liver orkydnies,
ernptions of the skin, scrofula, headaches,
and all diseases arising from impure blood,
are at once removed by Da. Walkers Cal
ifornia Vinegar Bitters, purifier of the
blood, and renevator of the system. It hat
never htown to fail.
ND CHILDREN'S WORK for both sex
es done by TRS. EMILY G. MEHGAN.
Aov. 13, 1S74. 4m
IIassaed-Short Bridgees. At the
residence of the bride's father, on
Wednesdav, the 13th inst., by Rev Dr
Cheshire, Mr Algeenom L Hassaed-Shoet,
of Warren county, and Miss Rotjtii E
Bridgees, of Edgecombe.
Cokee Fly. In this county on the 13th
inst., at the residence of the bride's father,
by Elder Thos. Oberry, Mr. Charles D.
Cokee and and Miss. Louvenia Flt, all of
Gat Caei.isle. In Halifax county on
the 10th inst, at the residence of the brides
uncle, Britton Alsbrook, by Elder Thos.
Obery. Geo. W. Gay of Edgecombe and
Miss. Laura Catlisle, of Halifax.
Tarboro' Market.
R. B. ALSOP, Grocer,
Cor. Main & Pitt Si.-.,
Home production are quoted at the buying
price, and all others at the selling price from
Bacon S. C. Ilarcg.in eanvvg, per lb. 17
snoulilcrs " ll(ijia
Sides, back bone aud rib,- - - -15(53ltic
Bulk Meats. Shoulders, per lb 13013
Sides, clear, 14izl5c
Beef. Fresh, per lb, 612
Spiced if amily per lb 12xc
B.ysoiNG,. per yard, 1417
Beeswax $? lb. 25c
Bcvter " it 4O(d;(i0c
Cotton, per pound, .... 10(gl2c
Cotton Tarn, ptr bnach, 50(g0 00
Corn, per bushel, 75c(9Dc
Cheese, f) D-
Chickens, 25c(840e
Eogs, per dozen 2fi2oc
Flour Patapsco family fi bbl
t!0 25
Otner brands
Hides Dry ? lb.
Green, W lb.
Ibon Ties, lb.
Labd, H.
Meal, per bushel ,
Molasses Sugar House $1 gallon,
Cuba "
$1 502 00
..'27 008 00
Onioss, per bushel,-
Pork Mess per bbl
Rump, " f24 00(a25 00
Potatoes, sweet, per bushel, 67c75
Irish, per bushel .51 5Uf 1 75
Peas, per bushel, - 80c$1.00
Salt, Q. A. per sack, SO 00g2 00
Liverpool, per sack, fa 00
Sausage, per lb, -20c
Tea, per lb, .! 50g3 00
Tallow, per a. 010c
New York Markets.
New York, Jan 18. 6 P. M
Cotton quiet: middling 15al5t cents.
Baltimore Markets.
Baltimore, Jan. 13. 6 P.
Cotton dulh low middlings 141 low
dlings 141.
rjpIIE undersigned have just received a
choice lot of P. of H. Smokiug ai;d Chewing
Tobacco which they oiler at
Granger's Prices.
Call and see their Celebrated
Cultivator & LabOf Brands.
Also a large lot of
X-i O XT
Direct from St. Louis Mills.
200 Sacks Salt.
300 Bundles Ties.
50 Rolls Bagging.
15 Sacks Coffee.
25 Barrels Sugar.
New Mess Pork, Bacon &
D. S. Sides ft Shulders.
S. S. Nash & Go.
Tarboro, Nov. 27, 1874.
For sale by J. M. SPRAGINS.
Tarboro', Mar. 13, 1874. tf.
aS? '-I 1 J l -H-SgS B
. fjfef&r-tWmiB. :-.-f i 1 r. S? H
m& : g us 1
.. . - J X : -. .
JAS. R. T1IIGPEN, President.
j. b. coffield,
Elias Carr,
The New
is now making her
going down on
; ' , ' ' and returning on
Tuesdays,; . Thursdays and Saturdays.
The farmers will find" it (rreatTv t
ronape, and help to sustain this effort to keep the freights upon homo production at the
very lowest rates. For further information apply to
or the Agents at Tarboro, Greeni)le and Washington.
To the people of Edgecombe, Beaufort
As President r1 fh Tar 'Rirj.r "NTn infoJnn
- - : . .......v..,..
trust Toil Will natronize t.lns lin hvnuw 1
. - . ., . ' -", "j uuiug, ou win assist in nullum" ut an
enterprise that exisU in your midst. The object of this Company is not to extortion on
I, lift fill hllP- PTPn if t Pro teas r Atliar hnot nn V . . . .
p T.pa V, . t . . T, .
KA I r.n I horprnrA I tnict vrn n- 1 1 Lain c
. - m. jvu ' n ua
Jan. 8, 1875.
great Discovery z
Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc, and always ready
for Use.
From Frof. W. G, Simmons, jf'ake Forest College, 2T. C.
' Wakb Forest Collegk. N. C, October 4, 1873.
Mr. C. P. Knight Dear Sir : W have for several months been uing your Bradley's
Patent Enamel Paint on our College livrilking and are well pleased with it. Through it
was applied by one haviDg no experience in such work, yet we have a ood job. We shall
continue to keep it believing that in point of conomy, durability and facility of applica
tion, it is superior to any other pigment pffered in the market. VT. G. SIMMONS.
From Messrs. Englehard & Saunders, Editors and Proprietors ".Journal."
-WlLMisOTOsr, N, O. Dec. '20, 187-'.
We desire to call especial attention to the advertisement of "Bradley's Patent Eimnnl
Paint." We can recommend it. from a knowledge of its merits. Somo of the employess
of this office having purchased some of this paint from Mr. C. P. Kninlil, of P.altimore,
have used it. and speak in the highest terms of it, after a trial of several months. While
it is as durable as ordiuary paint, it has a much liner finish, and its cost and conveniences
will recommend it to all in need of paint.
Fron S. McGill, M. D.
The Plains, Facicikk, Co., Va., Feb. 20, 187C.
Mr. C. P. Knight Sir : The paint came safe to hand as ordered, 2 kegs. 0 gallons
eacn ana 6 Duckets, 1 gallon acu. As practice was slack, 1 did the job myself. Two
weeks (not constant) work completed the bouse, two coats; the last coat I applied thick.
and it is now generally conceded that for 'euamel.' like hardness, and body and harmony
of colors, there is not a handsomer job in the place. I saved sixty-five dollars by the
oderation which is an item just now with the 'Southern people.' It should be generally
adopted in this State. And country lad can apply it. I have never dabbled in such
stock as 'testimonials,' but feel so forcibly the great adaptability of your 'Enamel Paint'
to the wants of our people is excellency of material, in beauty f color, and in the fact of
its being 'ready mixed,' that I give you permission (if it is derirable to you) to make what
use you think proper of this ietter. Very respectfully and truly, 8. McGILL, M. D.
Gabtoma. N. C, October 2, 1874.
2Ir. C. P. Kntght, Baltimore, Mil., Sole Agent for Brullexf Paint Enamel Paint Dear
Sir : After a fair trial with your paint, I would unhesitatingly say that, after fifteen years'
experience with other paints, yours is the best that I ever had used. 1 have been using
No. 32 in priming and painting window sash. I find that it dries quickly, and leaves a
smooth, enamel-like surface that no other paint does. It is like good ink compaied with
bad. Your paint flowers so freely that an inexperienced hand can spread it without
daubing. I hope to be able soon to send to you for a lot of your paint for house painting
I am, very truley,
E2&?Always ready for use and easily applied.
yards, two coats.
fcgTSpecMnem and Price Ltst furnished gratis.
Liberal inducements to the trade
Jan. 8th, tf.
Turbine Water Wheel.
Poole Sc ,Hunt,
Manufacturers for the South and Southwest.
Nearly 7000 now in use, working under heads
varying from 2 to 240 leet ! a sizes,
from 5 to 96 inches.
The most powerful Wheel in the Market,
And mopt economical in use oi water.
Large illustrated Pamphlet sent post free,
Portable aud Stationary Steam Engines and
Boilers, Babeock & Wilcox Patent Tubulous
Boiler. Ebauirh's Crusher for Minerals, Saw
and Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery,
Machinery for White Lead WorRS ana un
Mills, Shafting Pulleys and Hangers.
Feb. 20, 1S74. Cm
Tarboro Book Store
And examine the Largest, Finest and Most
Beautiful assortment of
Ever brought to this market. The stock has
been selected with great care in aew iurK
anJ Philadelphia especially for the CHRIST
MAS TRADE. You will do well to visit the
TARBORO BOOK STORE before making
your purchases. H. M. WILLIAMS,
Dec. 18, 1874. Proprietor.
Lager Beer & Wine
KEEPS constantly on hand all tho Fine
WTines and Liquors, Tobacco aud Cigars,
opposite Mrs. Pender's Hotel.
NoT.27.-tf. Proprietor.
B. J. KEECII, Sec'y & Treas.
O. C. Farrah,
P. II. Mayo
regular trips from
and Pitt Counti
pmr.n t a-i.- a . . .. .
.-FU.j, x MM; nj.b meiiiou or savins tliat 1
mi . .r..
i""6 Mmpiy 10 run at LIVING
n . i
yours, &c., R. M. MARTIN.
Sold by the gallon covers twenty square
CP. KNIGHT, Sle Agmt,
93 West Lombard Street Baltimore, M. D.
Female Academy.
TIIE next Session will begin the 1st Mon
day in January.
We feel assured that we. can offer as thor
ough a course of instruction and as careful
training in manners and morals as any school
in the country, and, in soliciting the patron
age of the public, we have only to say that
every cuuri is uiauu 10 neFcrve r.
Terms, nor session of 20 weeks, inrariahlu
half in advance.
Hoard, including tuition m tnglisli, $100 00
Tuition, exclusive of board,- $1(5, $19, f:i2
according to advancement.
Music, with use of Instrument, $;) 00
Languages, each, 10 00
Charges made from dnto of entrnnco, after
which no deduction will be made.
For further information, address
Dec. 11, 1874. Principal.
of the best quality, for the home
Orders from prompt customers filled withont
j delay.
TERMS : Net cash, within thirty days.
A dure,
Dec 4,-tf Rocky Mouut, N. C.
Greensboro Female College,
Greensboro, N. C.
TnE Spring Session of 1S75 will begin on
Wednesday, the 13lh of January.
Prompt attendance at the opening of the
Session ii highly important and is earnestly
Charges per Session of 2 O Weeks
Board (washing and lights not inclu
ded) aud Tuition in regular Col
lege course, J125 00
Charges for Extra Studies, moderate.
For Catalogue apply to the President, Rev.
T. M. Jones, I. V.
Prcs't Board ot Trustees.
Dec. IS, 1S74. w.
sold in Tarboro, just receWed jgf Y
WW. w
1 1

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