OCR Interpretation

The Daytona gazette=news. (Daytona, Fla.) 1901-1922, July 25, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93059208/1903-07-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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s J r J JI s rt
r i IflCU AttffiSMttL AttffiSMttLry AID RSONAL 1 1r I
if I I
ry r MiIINsteaottehipixtlireetraut MiIINsteaottehipixtlireetrautrgul MillH Htuaiu xvhipped litonatu litonatuAndvrnona 1tllItUIIIwonkuown
rgul Andvrnona xvollkuoxvu ttoll knuwn andpoi andpoir Ulld tutdpulrtEltr top toptillr >
rtEltr tillr r colored tntiu of Midway lIdwu died lustn hint hintof IUt4tfIInr
pltt plttk fIInr > of ofU ilIUmIM n N
k 4 C E 1 i JobiiMin tin dairyman dairymanBought lau h hbfgtht
bfgtht 1 Bought o1I ht th the RivlVllfoier RItl IIi4IIr hr livl livery ry ntnliU ntnliUwl fltnhllHwllll atuhlcswillIPtteftr
wl willJfciwiftor wllll ltrlR h r ronduct en n I I II c t them themWAtT t h i psi h lIIIns4 111I PtJr f fpitrd
5 pitrdh WAtT h d 1iilliH a UPI anyuhen n in the ihe8tt II IIt thetens
t 11IWttet4 pitrd 8tt tens hot and cold cpld at the th Lily Lilyti Lil Lilf h hittrt
f W ittrt hr > tis ti EWtric EIIN tric Light plantH laut µ 2c 25e1The 2r 2cff > c cdfc
1The ff
Tile r RCs dfc il of the S Seabreeze Snh Ibr Jw u Methodhit Methodhitchurch 11ethildistehunh t tlllltjt I
t church will give A n HUPJHT t4I1IP r and ice cream creamIrnlIvaHwxt creuuttMlivau1Nxt
IrnlIvaHwxt lr thalf lMxt Thurnday Ilaur11n evening nlllJC at the theTte t therw I I
rw rwz
z parttru parttrujl P °
llrt jl t jour caken pie lies etc tt at the theGramling tl thei
i Gramling 6 nun 11 ilK llakery llakeryRev UlLkr UlLkrRt
Rev Rt er Dr Myron F 1 M Marsh rsli preached hr hrpkndid a ILIpltllIlIll
pfendld hcrmou ot a t the Con GOIIKIJILtiUIlILI GOIIKIJILtiUIlILIchurch ii utloiial utloiialchurch
church last Sunday Hlllltln morning lie II IIp IIwill will willptviuth willp
ptviuth p r lLdl then r again tomorrow tu tllorrllly morning morningtil I
i 1 at t til 11 111lurk 111lurkIlilirFi04t oclock oclocktdTFirxt
tdTFirxt Firstrluslelry chift leifey milk delivered in inpintH illiulN
i pintH pill p iulN hI and nn tl tJllILrttl 1 il iiartH Try 1 f it WI 1 V 1 Hard Hardhur lIulltlll HJU tl tlW
hur tlll IM4 I W 8 l RI Uidpwood UidpwoodItUHinrrix H tJ s wooll woollthll4irlll I
4 ItUHinrrix < l4i IM ex lidllIt 1 + ideally lr ter xery tr uootl 1111 in Fill Ilorida Fillrid 1luride
ride rid thin lJ Mimmer an IIN theie t I 11 are nr lr a gtvlt gtvltNttuy nat natmany Il Ilnur
many traveling t rat r JLI1lu Iill I st nalNMieii II Millt a 1 on lu the t I he mad 1n Jul ullLl ullLltJaje at JIIthis
thin time TinCity I11t City i Hotel huts laiMhad 1111 hall a cood JIIO JIIOre11Ittr uundr
P r re11Ittr idtt r lint thin wv xxeek xxeekH I Im k
plIit m HI H U01NCTO j01 Ci 0 XKW E YoKKV YoKKVxon YO It 1 I ItlLlI
Neruu tlLlI tNll 4 1I you xon Oil a tlrit elusn ruiind dip dipticket I triptllket ril riltlt
ticket tlt t via 1 ilL tin ti Clyde Line for 1700 one onetfiy uu uur uujy
r w ° r tfiy jy 1 for for1tI ll Apply at IVXKTTKNKW IVXKTTKNKWottlie I tns Wto I InIIt
ottlie otihrY
L J Y 8 AC1 O Johiihonapiomineiil hhllsmlnpruminentgnNery nllllilllIt Kiovery und nnduuaLL
meat dealer of Key K Went 11 st aceoiapimicl aceoiapimiclhy tti rt nlp nirl nirlhl
v hl hy h hit wife I1 M i + in IhrlyI the I h eity Iil They 1111 are IU very veryiniiih 1 14d
iniiih tltiiKci 4d I uiili illl Maytona and 1111I1111 the th line lineIMIU flu fluINatIt
IMIU INatIt It on the ll 1 MiiiiMilnr mid will willl1I1IL11I willl1I1IL11Irullu iviniiln n nullaWIs
several WIs sal rullu rulluorJhi dax hay4 hay4i n
i IdT p orJhi Ill irt i an ng II ol lt Cei I lirl11111nh iiiii > jy Tin Tindenloin Ill llidtMiN IlllIudo14
denloin nay I Ihr 11111 are yvniih in x xthing < 1 1tlailtH
tiling There lire mi g > jeniis runs in our 11 eakes eakespirn + nks 11 N NIflN
pirn 1111 IflN ajid lireiul hn nd l Our ti mu Imkerx i p rrnl rrnlf rm rmptoof IIIIunol
f proof unol iioxvard A Ii Morrison Murrisinl
Schmidts l + ilia U I undeixoin undi rguiug i > paits paitsthis
this week The 11 inside iIlHi in i INn ivpainied IvpaititxdArnishrd
TArninlifd rniHh t and pnM puINrrd > ieil S II tiove imIIIII imIIIII1Il11 ha hutdls
ruined 1Il11 the tl water lvnl r tanks ft tlxer Ih r or r sii 611 i1 feet tl11h
tuxlier h and l Ci I Ualloiiuli has put in I ill ma maIHxV II IIllt 1 1lsv t
llt IHxV ilinnhiiig sxHtein closs flosets tN ete eteJTAin t It ItII ttM
M JTAin II kind llItillf of rake III II made IIIUI to I older on onhhnrt 1111hurtliothat titshort t
short hurtliothat i not nti4t fee at u t the liuunling llakery llakeryH IIII I IH
1 F FP
P H S Fish and IIwlllllllhtlI daughter ot II Ithica IthiIIY lllrll lllrlla N NY
° YanIlustsof Y arnHHetn 1I lhIt4 of Mrs 11rNlutuesItivrlurxul 11rNlutuesItivrlurxulOnlne 11t1 1 nines Lovelace on onOrange
Orange avenue II uvs lIlh Mr I I r Kitdi if I it the t Iw father fatherof flit htth htthof 1
of Mrn lrH Lovelace and s IHlIt cnt last wtnltk winter winterhurt illllI illllIhur
k hurt He Ilea van lItI asii M > Hell 11 pleased 111 uavl t vxitli wit II Day Daytnna lunyt
t tnna Mint he I has 1111 ntnrind Irtul urd anil uii I trIII x ill illlllll illlllllthl make makethis Huskthis
this thl his III priimiiiil p t nlnn nl hom > in fistula futniegfcTh fill fistulaI II IIelh
gfcTh I hx < IJiaiiilin Itakerx BII r has a iiitii iiitiiplet rnuiIlstllineuf
plet Ilstllineuf 11 > line of pastry Ill IIists t I I 1111 tau 1111 tried I 1 d il ilIlIrHIII ilr ilJ1uvurtimlthhus
MayorSmith IlIrHIII I II has II iviii4Hi l llnIIaxetd llnIIaxetdNe
Ne slits n to any flll halt 1 hr heienflerhe I 111111 n nf t r hr III LL > ill enlon ruIlnstrictly
strictly trid 1 tin t1 oiihnance le I rsgnluliug nlalin III I ill the u 11IIf uof ut uof +
of tII the + Htri lrI H Nidtxviilkx hisI idnl iiIL ami piu piirkiip kug by byritizens 1 1dtiltIII b bchin
ritizens chin ns Unillii HIIII nnint 111th huxe nnnil lo lohliNkade tt ttIultsrkudv u uItlulkHtit i
hliNkade the II sidewalks sislrt lkN with wit It inatuiial IIIILlelilnud
and nd in all cases UplIllIl4t must put lights lihl on + il him himl
l It r ei ax 11 at n l lolic 1 In etc etcA ti C C1011I111
A combination 1011I111 I ill II Lt ldte hi I and iliivd IIII IIIIfu11I1I s1 s1cursiun e etnrtdon
tnrtdon train t still ill inn fioni la 1 lid t < k kon Oil utitill utitillyii II ille illevia ill illjl1 i
via jl1 St Aupintmi to haytniia n < t Mon Iluuday Monday IIIIItlI1 ¬
day tlI1 anixiiitf Hrr ill heie abonl 1 oclock urh k p I m mThe IIIt
t r The Ill round ruuudtrip trip t il rate IILI + xx Iyill ill Uf IN I A 1 larue larueTOUd lanII Iart Iartcrowd i
lrIIWIIIIIII crowd lllil uuty IH lellnoliabh eHiled 1 INr tl11 I Tin Tinrroxvd I IlfU 1hSrruwd 1
rroxvd lfU 1 I will stay here hi all ni uiht htnnd ht nod the thenigr tI tI1IKn Ihshirgus
nigr hirgus < HH IL ill plax Ins baseball baseballK IoH 11111 11111iII llI
K iII < lw v Ii i llarrir the tl artist entertained entertainedMtveral 1lIhllIIi 1lIhllIIifri111114 I
Mtveral fiiiiidn last Saturday Hut II 11 lu uitli it It a bit tiilidinner fIN fINdlnnlr i It
dinner at H t Albert IIIII Iarsttis la 1lIntt < t ttiH 11 IVnne Inrtrsurt Iark Iarkn lIIknlIrl k
n nlIrl orl Iacetti if i a pomilar caterer and andhin 11111 11111hiI uuhis Il
his IUh II hi dinners and 1111 shun 1 bakeware Itnk Iakrs HI the thehcxl 1111II4Htl th tht
t s r rs hcxl oT l1 > the tI llaliliix I Last Sunday Sun lIllIla = ny It K KMouuh FHllllih i isr
sr Mouuh Hllllih Hun h entertained a launch II party p1u llIrlyuf ty of I II IIhllld Ifriendslvith I If
friendslvith f hllld i lead with wit II a clam bake Id at it Iaivtti IaivttiThrcoloted Iusrttil1I II IIIh
Thrcoloted Ih I hr luh luhlug lulnll trd Methodl l1I hlidiIN tn lave Ixetl hold holdiiiK huldt huh 1
tk iiiK their Kant Cor uOt t Diil I tart i iet 1I Suadax S hool hoolconvention IIIIIIIIIIIIlItiulI has I
convention in 11Uysru4 aciosn thin thi is 11trk 11trkC ok k klarK A Alar
C lar larK e nnmlNr of < prrnrII puaclierH rN and delrgnb dele ales alesxxvre II IItr
xxvre It1 tr re on hand and tau didI1 hn keiiM < ate III m outs at ullprt1I11n111 IIIlliln a apieininm Ii
pieininm out theie theieC this thisI
I C I S King a colored llu merchant rrlsnut of Mid Midway JGIlvay lid lidt 1 ¬
way J xvas up II befoie the th Mayor Wednes Wednesday WdllItl1 ¬
fi t
day Itl1 on a chat chaixe g grlussll n of 1t wising dl illK through t a atlowetl HI
tlowetl I utreet tI I rlt t xvhele III JtI I IIs I slrtvt o oWas nytrstr nytrstr11tLs I
Was having hnvft marl u put down n The oxvp oxvpitr ors 1
itr nr7rsuid Maid HlLltlllt he INrs > rr oiially to Lhly Lvuirn xvaniid d King K illj not notto 11111lo nl nlts7 t
to drive rhI over the ll iinllnishcd sI till Imt t tat no noattention 1111IIUlIlill o
attention at t ution xva paid to t S I the theua tl tl allIill allIillKill aruIiit t +
t Kill ua liiitd 1 and io rsIt4 rsIt4Irloutr wt tH tHp
IlulIl ptJlra p IU aiN 1 line foi f us piemrv prrs n inn innon III IIItill III
on sale P4111 ul To re11t ceiitna 111 U luifhel at ll 11 aid aidA it itr itsIorri1111
r A Morrison MorrisonMRS Itlrrt < II IIMRS <
I Mrs Klua l II > Wildl dder an amd tu and andgieatlx 1111 1111gutl n I d h
1 gieatlx r t emid sI lady did at atcluck vj vjoclock J >
oclock cluck IVsdnl Vedncwax Nruy ni ht at her tei rrsisls idence idenceon idI as astin e
on tho H ninsnlar She hl had INVII in pom pomhealth pal palh I
h health + itltli fora hm lung tune tinuultd and hertleath tyn tyndoe IIM IIMdue 0 0hit
due hit to old age ut n and physical ehauliou ehaulioushe t rthuulioshle Imll1 illil illilI4h ii
she I4h Ining IIill 7H 9 yen Hl1o IM dd IIldIIH IIiIJars < ddMIH
Jars Wilder was IIIU a native of NLvtaus New IW Kng Knghind I
hind ltulIlllIlt hut ca rash to Florida Il srislt rlOlIl fr 1inrlmLti Cincin Cincinnuli rilllIIIInti ii
nuli over JO I ti years url4 s ago xvilh il h her hut hutlutiid hll1ulIl hitbaud f
baud I Fay Fn i Wilder Ildr and Ihm t 1111 suds 1111 II Iar IarkerlL IHIL1r In Inker I
kerlL L1r 11 Stephen isle f ftlerluslsuunl Ihrn U I l and Morn W ildcr ildcrHer ildIIIIr ildt t
tlerluslsuunl Her htiHliand xvas droxv lowIII1 ned Iv 1 the cap capof ro rosizing uJtIIlzilig
sizing of a lout in Indian Jiall llixer < w xral xraljjo vrr It
years ugu jjo tI but the three son Mill NI III mir mirvivw u uviva I
viva her Only 111 Stephen tsphs a xxas 11 as xxith her herThe h1whell hs hstvhienshe i
whell tvhienshe Iw Bled tlittlIhe
The reinaiiiH IIIII illH xxere l ptepaied pl jNltd jNltdby for hunal hunalhy 11I1IiulJ 11
hy J HiiiKham < k Maley IILJ and ship > ed Il tCtulinnat to toCiucinnutt t tCirwlmmli +
Ciucinnutt yesterday ImllL for interment Ste SteI it itplea itl >
I 111 plea > lwa u Wilder accompanied WIUIII JIlL II t thirrtlnist thirrtlnistti the t IaI umaiiir nlIIuiL
Lait Monday Mundltynight 11I1I night ht tf tit anoiiM trades tradesfii tllIIhHlllIlIf tradenuu
HlllIlIf nuu fii of Daytona am it the III
Aiinoix 111101 to tolisten lolittu tolisten
listen to an address uolllt hy K L I Harj lIal r rSuite
Suite 1Ulhu tult otguniziM ut for th tlw thelul AiiKTican rirw Fod Iedur IedurutjOIl Fedurutinn r ration
ation of InlIII InlIII11a Ia1lurIhn Lai or orThere
There 11a I xvere 1 prulmhly JOU IIU xvorkingineii xvorkingineiijuvjMnt uurkiugulehiprrssut HJIkillgllltlilIt
juvjMnt lIt and nl they Mem s + rnls d ansiou UI1 iol to hear hearthexlewsof Iwartlw hrnrslur
thexlewsof slur vlrlvs d of the s ss eakcr ker and to U learnsinlthin learn learnsomething ItnlllOlllt
sinlthin something Olllt hill as u t to < whether hll labor organi organiratioas II irganirutiunN Ixn II i i7llt
ratioas 7llt tUlH were beneficial 1elltjl nl or not notManj IIIHlulIr nutiInhiy
Manj of the i ho nNV nuchinirn 1I11 11 lllIi ttirs of Daytoaa aa aanative 1LftIIn uiruatit1i >
native IIn I + lio his hav 1111
mn t had little Ii Iii or 0 s no noexHrieiice 110xperiIII noswrieu
+ exHrieiice swrieu in lalior union Jlli affairs and andthe Hndtit randthe
the speaker lIk fn found 11t111 it I n Hwwry t ar to Iw I very veryexplicit rs If Ife rf rfe
explicit e plirit Itut h hy xvas r e eiunl < pml to the tl Hia IkIl14iOIl INrvtsiuu Hiasion
sion and made nuns h a t very 1rly 11 conservative1 conservative1He runwrcnticesNrrll
sNrrll sNrrllIle
I He 11 told them that t it xvas Ul unless IIN + i4 NN for furl rOItll
i l men to loot for itijognilion and Uttor Uttorconditions Itter1lIlIdil IN tier tierrinditi
conditions 1lIlIdil + lI ns all at U unit that in many manyeases IIInll IIInllIII manyrllw
rllw eases III a labor organizations OI llllialillll have hu v found it ithard ilhard itlaird
hard to iultrtwt nnm iIllW > vu xvap conditions suu litinna even evennfter rrsulteryeurs 11 11IIflll
nfter lteryeurs years uforiraniatinn uforiraniatinnTrade uf ttcnuilltinn ttcnuilltinnTrade iOIl iOIlI
Trade I rill I Imonism 11I0111 SIIII said lid I Mr I 1 r IIitr Harper Harpernot II nqltI nqltIdOl14 I IdiNS Nr
diNS not mean nn us aiitiuoiiiin alll Iulls uuiul h to I the theit thtbo theIns
bo r o it does dti r not 1111 mean nu un that there thereIn thtrhllllid
I 4 hllllid In I bad feelmj f link I I WII xx cell employe employeaiideinploxci
aiideinploxci + r On uuthsruuuulvit III the tla i onran it illllalitl illllalitlI usan n na
I a better I trI understanding 111Nh Iailldlll b I 1 11 III IIII IuNa IuNaold <
1 and uorkmcn a better bet tai and mote 11111
t 1 wtvutIyr f scrvative viexx h ol i the rights rt1 1114 of holhcm holhcmployer IICII Iu111 h ear 11I 11II
I ploy ployer and 1I1Ie employe a conimnnity lIIIIIIIIIIII fr of ofinterests u
I intsn interests Nts that is i betiellciul 1l1 alike to Iuluth IuluthII both bothlleppokeat
lleppokeat II npnkr 1 al length 1t 11a oil II t till Ihelwii lie beatIlls hIt that thatare tlalus
are us usually IIl4l1nll deiixcd by II f the h lu labor lal or irluli ani aniations allinl
rttf ations nl ill iwiN heii II
lis u Is haiiiiony llanllllll and conferva confervatism IIII nH nHt rvutiara
tiara t prevtiil and xvarned tinlit t against againstthe H > nillt nilltI instlh
the I lh h + baleful effects sff HI rl of t radiclliMll radiclliMlli rwlhJ nl
i Do not think said + he I h + that tau lIlIlIr < > ti are areIniii
II I Iniii bi IN inr I orptnid O us llIil d for the II purpose II purplof t of a astrike uSt
strike St 1111 t iks The I h MI Ntrkr itn ike is li the tI evil 11 of labor laborcombination Inol111111 lulusn
combination + n and should nexer I IN > re reI 11 r rNrl1
I > t sorted Nrl1 + ll 11 to save I as II 1 I ulast II IIISIII + n resod < N < It a 1 mensiiiv mensiiivI 11IUiIlIhlll IIUrllnlthat
I I that must come UII xx Wlt11 IK t eterx r ap apal 7L1 to toien tllI
I ien LllFull wii and n lommoit 111111 M 10111 > IIM l > has been beenexhausted b11I
i exhausted I Jo obtain Iaill guar x IU ur rijihls t The Thelilhtf 11 11li
i lilhtf li hc of f labor In 111I are ro coe xiajtl jual xxith ul ilia t It the therights liltt flurig
t rights Ii rig lal of r capital s npiltli llll XVJieit Ii you ul > u lung lun lnu once oncelived r rtiwl
i lived a icnoaable It 1111 11t settle l 1 Inl uh of ttu XUf I e and andI andIlx
I the II conUK lIIIIIIIIItIlI r iii IhOsIs51 lor 1ms agreed 11 1rrl to pay Ill it itj Ittbtn
j l heie can not icasonablx rrn lsuldt IM I any cause causeor UII UIII r rsir
i or I trouble or dir IlLa < i < rcemeiit rcemeiitThe lr ItIIt Iwllthh
1 The 1111 rotil contra IIIIIIadlll tor I + + 1 tan and 11111 u ill then t iii lie lieme
J me III upon a 1 job jll fiom a 1 lived basis and i iknows
knows < just jll 1 xx whllt hat the labor Inl xx trill ill rut him himThe
I The 11 lumber dealer 11 r and the t I brick ld maker II lit
1 j has III a tlMd juice 0a1 for the th materials materialsu IlralrillIiiill
u hit Iiiill h is IN i emulated I bx h the Uln law uf supply supplyand uppictins
and ds demand uund and with thl he rate of xxaije xxaijelived Itnelisd n I
lived theie Iht rt is no III h r + asoii < < xvhy wh aii July con contraitor r rtrnl 1111 1111I
traitor trill IIII ur nhould fall down in lniNiiie a i by byreasoii lay1II
I reasoii 1II Id < > f a 1 labor union unionfter uniotifter lhlu lhluhI
fter Mr II IlarN rs HJH S h the th tar tarxateriMi 1711N UI
N xateriMi 1 anind d a union with tli t 114 < lol lolI
I Ins nth itj ollicers am amIreMdeitt Ilnl tIItHI1r rarlllt rs
I IreMdeitt iduti 1 A AHe 1I1I1I 1I1I1Ii ingtgtsN ingtgtsNire I
He i ire ln4 id at linxd SliiMniaker SliiMniakerj 1Htl I I Ihlr
I j I TiejtMuivit I + 7IN1It hlr H 1 rty rje I Johuson JohusonCiniiicial J uhltslIlI11
Ciniiicial S + t IL 11 C tjmtttlebaiim tjmtttlebaiimU lluuttlhuulIIHUIhll 2 > rtittlrhauulIII
U HUIhll III + OIHK S HI t K 1 II IL sisN Slioetti tnIker iker ikerU
j U 1 timl tthidtr r tatMl that S II Cove taut anIH au l lU
U I F lloi lIuuKh IluitghIth li xvho + aie txxo tWof of the II laij laijlill htr hurr hurrruntl t
runtl lill hlltttts At < lft tr < lH 4 In tKiXlolIH 1 + tyts It1 Ule Ulej I I hut 41 7
i I j pkutMd hJtMtl with it th Ibr < oiillo4 k und fiink 1lillktlu t tickihJltLr that thattle t
tle 11 moxe 11111 in IIIntl6l atw < better IN Itxt xxoiumeit and andiiieallsLictiiiii tat tat0m 1
iiieallsLictiiiii 1 0m ut 7etiIGtrtinn ftrur iu iu iiiexery tFrrY r tnx n xxtthUie xxtthUieI wilh lilt theIlswuf
1 I Idss 11 Ilswuf f stork x > t rk dii diiItiele
+ Itiele Ihl rr is i + l Ih Ns i U uud > I > MI HI hILt I tlh 11 tit
1 linit iaZtte tlr Nex Jetty O r ill < I vhy 11 his tus inixe inixeiiniit IlIin1I11lIt uuyxuNut
iiniit slnnlile should IJltUJ not t icdotilid to It I in u UtMtit UtMtitof IN IN Il IlS t
of S all rtrttu ehtMMt 1 N < f jnt iN up1 p 1 and all 1 II parties tart j jI rr
coltceriM coltceriMt ruus I wrltil rttxl I III
t II Ir qtnU JllilIItNNI aniat 1H t 11111 n the Shibboleth ths It of the theajj t ttl hI hII
ajj I tl x ill xxliHh hih xxe Its in TIN Tt iipitalistn iipitalistnme aiitali tll tllH s
I me H ot at11YA atiixed alli d 1 the 11 th ptofessmiiH ults a are 111 oruan Ilryalli4xd
i ued theelnuvlieH 1111 huldllI s llu tI laxx hltyyrry r theilin theilini tl 1
tors 1111 the 1 hI uN meivhaiits n hu111N J < tin tI banker a IIkI and Hli in u 1 I Ishorl
short cverx rc rt nrniz tvt n xi iftdnHtlt + Ltnr1tul Ml ofgitiiting uiu1 uiu1II
0 livelihood + s l b iH urmuil1 r uiiif l u upon sit a plaiw 1Iu of ofcoinmoii u ui f
i 1111111111 coinmoii ri right hl tu II > fail shan 1 hu d f ll th 11ustllNS Inisi Inisimfs m j jI
I mfs III oj ulIHlftuuit rtn titiif + wliiili Ilidl lit I Ilr h marl o of ofthe IIfIIII t
the xxotld 011 offer ff hi Iii human compel runlpstitiuu ulllllt > 1 it nm nmMRS illilMRS
I Mis I L l ll IL I i I i a + 1 IIIIIdI le leand I
and liititibl i I IIM it t MI Ih I nl I lad ladIlrJllt f
head disei dl II 1 > ut Jto ill II mk k I List ListTncdax Li LiItt
Tncdax alteinooii ahlrll at the II Imiue hi Irlr of f Mrs MrsM Irl l t <
+ M II Muru1 Mor in oil II Noitb Noitbaxemie 1111 IaluN ltl S
axemie axemieMi 11111
Mi 1 IS > lloldcii who tr 1 tut II rnLtN oind ntl 1 thehoiiM thehoiiMxx t thr I 6uu 11
xx here vhr > < he tlie l tax HIOHI in the I I ar1 ar l supsrin supsrinIciuliiii ulrinItlltlill
Iciuliiii the tl planting ol f some 4 Ult Nlu thrnblvry thrnblvryand ublK r J
and lloxxers Jlo I d xlnn Itll ls tt flu 1 suddeulx otwhit > nJ stax staxeied shl shlgrad 111 111nlltl =
grad eied and fell to the th uioiimi IJIi1 Some um one oneran IIlItI uu uurna r
I ran to IMT IN r assiHtamc 1ti totlUIII but Infoh ls fon they theyroiild Itlt 1
roiild 1111 uel + t lnr his into int the t tN t lotife h uw sh 1 xxas xxasI tynss us s
I dead ss hid hid1u J
1u nhoiir 11 hour tur Ulote N Isa s h hr I r dial It t tit III it die I I ate airrtlrll a aheailx Ittill II
h heailx rtlrll dinner till asis and t xxt4 104 + a nl < 11x11 111 and andIn tll tll1 tll1hIful
4Isrrrf < In hIful ei fttl ttl U UK < I usual usualI IbUla IbUlaI
I 11 I he dtvnwd i tt as a slush 71 7 1 said xatsold xatsoldand tuO uM ofsnnl 1
and 11 u L natixeol lIatlt lint of Mi 1hsi lidliau < lii an tint han ill made maderiortda IUU IUUFhllltln 7uulI
riortda I IMT home tm ft sr I Ilu lie last ipitrter oJ t d f
I a cciiturx roDIUYClu cciiturxShe IlIlunI I
I She I lu tcax > s H two t tut 1 doiihi daub 1IU htI > uli tt h hi > are ttC e
max 1111 n + It1 in Michigan Jlv Iit h a 7111 iin Ihlf 141 one HII M son Oil 11 l Iltll lin 11
lloldcii nt a I tt idcnt h ol t iirwnu < l lieillti lieilltiMis I
i Mis I is llulsh 11 olden u ua tynN aOi IHIHWS I iNywyrrl MJ I i 1f f Home 1111t1t1IInll r
meaiiM nu urs x 1yha hh th h she I brilt ned HI s trrV ver > thtrilnhiy thtrilnhiyShe dl ftlahl ftlahlih
She ih ht xas Inrurelx lar Itrus h itttruntr instrumental ntah hi tl the thebuilding tlI V VI
building t of rf I the t IN beaiitind I allti lll Itaptist Hnpt Ilia t ttist ir church hurthjllillitl I
adjoining a jllillitl t the h place tllirn xx here I KM t41M > die Ili < I ntH ntHw nnd I
I ue w uiulirMand IIIHIr latIlJ left a will doiuilinu tl tlI tlie t e
j Mot atl le trNNlIN1 > ene to tfN tt tlieclllin 11111n11 h tlM a l pill pillThe 1111OlIlul I
OlIlul nW7tt nW7ttThe
I The fuiHTal GuN rut look tuc 11 Thnrwlay ThUlt + lur ln after aft r
noon from the I h HapLi Bu pt1 l dUI1 huu h and tUttiIlIq WA WAbusef v s slargeh
largeh IlIq I ut Ittt leiiiliil + ndsrl Hev Hv1 1 I D Hlockir of ofHallCllnl
Sanfonl fu pivmlHd 7N1Nll u l Mh hurt > rt nnd n + I very r ap fl ill0upl p 1 I IIolah
proprtate 0upl tnt sermon and tl tin rs tvmams I < uuutits Ulll us tvr xere xeretaken 11 11III
taken I kru to 11 the northbound evening trnit Iill i train trainand lrlil lrlilallo trniI 11
and allo hipM < I in I Nth 11li Inuaii al fm ill interment intermentIbioiiN illtrlt t i iII
I IbioiiN II 01 1 h > d flu I I remains remainsNntl llalll llalllI s
Nntl 1 11 11I L I Il
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Edw G Harris HarrisSpecialty
arras i I
Y + I II ISpecial I
Specialty SpecialtyHIGH SPec > laltr laltrtt t tHGH + +
+ I
as Peck Block PHone 91r 91
hr s
r k A R
The 400 10 111 of Wayeross vvere WI ur rL > ily ilystartled L + IJ IJt1tnrtlt111 hystttrth
startled t1tnrtlt111 l on Frirliiy 1rrl nijsht li ni hth hthwhat ht of huir kxed j b I bt
what whnt fame 1 < lh near IWIr Iwiiitf Iil u traed traedWhil urn ashy ashy1llile d dWli
Whil Wli < a rucll = 11 ball hal xxnsin WII his ill full ful blast 1lit 1 tau tauof I Ior
of the tll gayest anHt soeiul 11ill swain sa Itin ol the 1 Jal town towncame tlWI InaucunN
came lIII in il a mortal collision illll It I seems IIIJ from fromthe irol aura aurathe
the th evident illll K given ixtu clI in Sluirr S < iuue llil foxs Cix ox court courtSaturday runrtS OIt OItSaturday
Saturday S Uudnv morning that one > of the Dark Darktoxvn Hlrl Hlrltown Unrktulvn
town iN Inlle III llrs known klllWI as n Miss Is Virginia VirginiaBlank 1irginirtItlnhik rKillia rKilliaHlllk
Blank Hlllk xxas WI too fn fret fr r 1t xvith wit it6 h her 11 smiles rlil and andfavor 111 111flI uWsfat
favor flI fat utr She SIl is n new lIe social luminary in inWayeross hIWnyu fu11atysrus
Wayeross + having IUlin recently come 1111 fruruMuhilr from fromMobile fol
Mobile lolil Ala In u Avheiv h 11 rr she I xvu > a leader of ifthe ofthe ofthl
the to 100 and nllt the ad admired n d and ni nd envied enviedbelle snyird1Nlle 11 1 1hdl
belle hdl of the tl Cot ton State StateShe StnbShe ta taSIH
She made lallc engtlgml enticements tIjILIIIlb titu xxith Frank FrankCunningham Fllk FllkfUlllillJClal 1171nkanninghnul
Cunningham and alil n11 G ieorp1 + rrf Hi 11 Ilig ins i l for fi the therianie ti phisnur i iIILII
rianie IILII dance 1LIt and ni both IJtl of If tlini th1 claimed claimedher 1IHillld 1IHillldhr
her favor fa near or at It t the tle same t11 time t illl She I found foundsome fUllI fUllIOll foundsurne
some Oll ditllcultx liUlllt in il playinir IIJ u the tlulnubl double dOllll role roleHlld rl rlLli rulexnd >
Hlld Lli the tl plltlelllen h rntls ItIII1I ntsn proceeded JrI1 i ijut In N Ld In t 1 light I tlh hl t it itout
out 01 t on Ill the I h NpuII spot spotIli JC
Ili 1 II igil giiis used II I a knife I lli or Il a razor rl1II and andslashed 111 111111I11 Ins InsNhtshrd
slashed 111I11 Cunningham Il I I i u II I across oth the stomach stomachindict Pt4IihtItriinflirtin tJIIII
indict illtit iiu il an tl u 1 ugly ly and 111 dangerous all tIi wuohilIhr xvoimd xvoimdThe Wlut
The Ti xvounded u lllllttl man 1411 va was put in a I hark harkand Inn luJ k kand
and Iltllrlldl brought into iltu town xxhere wh Dr r S r slxe slxednsHd I Ilai Irs Irsdn
dnsHd dn a 1 his lai wound 1I11 I Hiirritis I Il ulio uhtldish uhtldishthe hll did didthe tll tllthu
the thu cut sutis tin cfcra rl + aiNd IIt d to tl U Seabreeze Sn1n ILI r where wherehe WlN WlNh tvh tvh1s +
he h is j employed as a I hotel 1111 lut I portir 111 Kurly KurlySaturday EalJ EalJnllrtIY Iu y ySntrnliy
Saturday nllrtIY morning n0n nin City I l Marshal JlunhnllulN Ialhnl Xnlier Xnlierxveiit ZulrWlt r rtvtut
xveiit Wlt oxer 11 to I the Ih hotel and nllt arreMed anIliu anIliuI him himHe
He I rewriteI n at II lirst 11Illut but xx WhllI hen the th imirhal imirhalait Iluhnl IluhnlIul nuu hul hulput I
put ait a I I II I at t hi Ii his < ear I and llt put the tu th hand handcuffs 11111 11111Iurf ¬
cuffs 5 11 ffs on 11 him hil he Uvanie INr unr very I docile III and andcame Hl analcaalr I II
came I I II over to t court 111 u xxithout willllt further furthertrouble fllthI fllthItllIll tnrtlertruull
trouble tllIll Mngih Magistrate Ia lLt ntr Cov IIX nX Inmnd IHU I himarcs him htmover
over 0 to II the th thrsrand grand rllt jury ill the til sum 111 iittu of ofII iOO iOOHe UI
He II flil1 failed to et I a bond mill II wit lS hitter hilertaken Intltlk11 hitteruikrn
taken tlk11 to the t h county 1111110 jail at DeLnml DeLnmlIIACKMAV DIal1 lrliutdIIItK
1 1KI
A 1 a 1 Nid ide hi issue to the t tabbing tiffniy tiffniyat tEIlt tEIltnt
nt the tl ball Inli Kdxvard 1 Inll Iison Ji ulI t Ilknuul Ilknuulhl 1DU huckmin huckminhad kw1u1 kw1u1hind
had hl lleurx Jloxer arresUnl u t rstirl WinJuetiday WinJuetidayforfailnieto Whl 11 t1a ssluv ssluvfur a I Ifil
forfailnieto fil fur failnrr IIill to pay I for the 1 hawk in which whichCunningham Whiill WhiillII t1 ha h huunnlgham I
Cunningham II II lillghnll wabrought WI yn bruuht Ilrl hl to i t1N tindoctor tindoctorFiiday n dN 1cMrlr 1cMrlrIIh tur turlridnv
Fiiday nisjht IIh nihlItiur lt I j
Itiur ll Hf foiv the t Mixor II tVtsr l ior iluver luv r dm Ll tu < t I that thait1he rlat rlathI thathe
he hI had ordered nrd rrd the tho hack lUl and aid that thlt tbntlinn
linn Hi11 had lnd volunteered tl to brim tin tl tlWOIII tNwltnndrdUntil I
wltnndrdUntil xvounded WOIII man I I I I in illHi111 itstiua t tHison I
Hison Hi111 could 11111 not IIIt prove pro ruv that tJU Hldfr tihve i r runit runithkrrd luid luidhired bu1lair I
hired lair the II hnu hack k and 111 the th mayor la r dismissed dismissedIhe 1illii11 1illii11t I Iits I
Ihe t h its ease ease1jV it ithit
hit 1 < Hot I l st lnlO rulh I innaiiniii illlt11111 intil nu = n IUN bnnst d ht f I rh rhry ssh t trlrrl
even ry dull tlY at the 11lillllll Ill Cramlintr Uakeix UakeixHf Hal HalPORT Lulk ry ryF
+ + Hf + + + + + + + + + + + + F + + + + + + 4 + + 44 44r + + + + +
+ f +
+ 4 4x +
+ x + 1HI t + + + + + + HHH + + 14 + + + f + + HH + + + + + Hh + + t + 1 + h X Xiht + x xMis
Mis iht 1 IiLItull iU lull lellll n i nrttlI lied h0t0 1at 1atItnb 11 11H1 X XKill
Kill H1 L I ltifbeirx Ilfln went 111 10 t < hahatkl on II
diX 1 last hl t Week 11rrkhhigh Weekllu wI wIIIIII I
hhigh llu IIIII > th ISnuvv Irin wn wai in il town t II SundasiiIlht Sundax Sundaxeallinrr llld llldn
eallinrr n II on 11 frinds frindsO fiIUIS fiIUISOa Iri uds
O Oa 1 ir gvrNxv V sey frI friends ai tut u 1 i1 < tmpi in inth il ilti
th ti MclaiiHl II 1111I n71I 1 gnn gnnrtr fn ru ruIt x > v vA
A ear It of mj luhhrs hiin ry nrrixinl urrin t 1 lt hit t xv Wt1 ysr ek ekfor k
for f1 this t I LitfUrry ft ftapt ftUtorJ ftUtorJTut fartlrryIhtt
Tut apt and aul Mr 1 futi Iututeit ntuf4r hl drove rn htrvlui doxxn doxxnfrom 1 I
from llollv 1011 I1u1111111Slzwhtty I1u1111111Slzwhttyi Hil lldlHundav Sunlt SunltI
1 I Wesley WtI eshy Johnson Jhnt1 and Willis 1V itfis U lohhson lohhsonxv 1 I IW
xv v r 1latul x isit iII is iu il our town Sunday SundayMis
Mis Jli Ii s Minnalirsnn Minnie Iilllli Jordan Iurtluft Mt 1t bust xxe < k 1 to toxisit IIIhi totfriewi
xisit tfriewi hi friends rriIII in il Orlando attsJnrkr andJai konxille konxilleA art this II IILlr
A 1 Llr large I party lft of y toting Miik ung ji M > oile xxeiit III to tothe I Iti tthe
the ti lists Inlel llll t Tuewhty Tu1 in i H Johuons Johuonslaunch 11 11 11tutuh
launch tutuh
Mr Ir Hoxvard IHtu1 n i tyjf civil n nginJ Lli ine urrhi i tim timland 1111 0 h >
land I md xxus u t It > at o utrr r rh lN l r n k Jt ln i t ttrwk v t ek J io II u s syi un untl xe xetin > t 1
tin tl > proposed prutros t Maul rot < l from hei 111 to 11 Ns NsSmyrna Nexx NexxSmxrim
Smxrim 1 rhl rhlJ
1 H I Ciow lIHW is s IwtM hlU a cui u l of f bimU t > n I I I l lxisliisg
siding here IWI He I h > is isgnttig JuiultH KiW to build Ilil a liit hr1 Ia1s Ia1sNtol I Ist
store st and nUl 4 duelling on hi lsts lot t ruin otner r ul ulItiuhs i iIlimliiu I
Ilimliiu IIUIIII vtutl ton 1 and HI ml ltidry IKXMN ne wHo I I lt x n niis 1 N Nnptaiu i iCaptain i I
Captain tftnU IIUU leandr h and au io l in II sl duuhlei duuhleiMiss tai htrr htrrhlt
Miss hlt i llattie Iintt and nal MLSS t Mamie illi louiie 11 iN 1 of IfII titLrtks
Like II Im Itensford HtNlurIllro ainl ilroxe lfF + cye over 11 la4 ft ftHIIII xx SCrrk SCrrkti k i J Jami I
ami HIIII ti sl are at home h in tat fU1 l vnideis vnideiseotla tllld w wIta 1 w w5Itlltrr
5Itlltrr 5Itlltrrlu eotla Ita e enorgeUlldKd i
Ctilt lu norgeUlldKd urt alld Hll I lal 1 Fuwkr ov Ici 1 I lu I It 1 r lt f if i
Orna lrHt lrnag ii boysxilae boys lIl mine UI up II from frul Ialm 1 111 It l + a adl t > h hin j j
in llair tllil steamer sC1 ttnUN illttrr the II tu Luke La Wodh III ti this biuu biuuiiitt Ir Irlrtt nll 1
iiitt in lrtt a I parly I ittrlhun of col nd 1 H > > picio tu htxt0111 htxt0111and Ild III
and ret n arninjf 1 Snnda SnndaMr Sluay i ir
Mr Jlrluftey r C uft ifTey f > 1it11 hi tleun + I i uiid Ins h ht i v v i ione
one t in lay + last It t uiek L k and I xxithoiil n il h111 IN her hermother r j i iIllthr
mother Illthr Rn th r kn kiioxam 101 xx ut a plax Ijat I In iii i0 with Itl ith itJtNh it itand 11allo
and allo mana el I r m II i ti tiuli lie I j i I
XXIIsl w uli t She 1 l > I t 11 I i I it I o I ISEASIDE iSEASIDE
Mir I I J HHI 11 i I a it 11 I I i r 1 t1hllllh1llIrv tu 1a + f
childien 1hllllh1llIrv aic a L itit 1 It doinu dlili tied at lt lh 1 Ihr h hu
Seaside Ss u ast iI + 1 Inn 111 111HI I i
It HI C lI Hovvell LL It of lt 1alalka 1alalkaSnndaxs Ialalla IalallauIa ti lu luunslitysLiIIthiNttifrtit
Snndaxs uIa unslitysLiIIthiNttifrtit 1 xxith ill hiM Ii xxite at alII iliS l6r t tsi l + I I > Inn 11 i
Mrs In lUnvell lots IU t lutn Itjl at tin tl Inn III fur sl v vera t terrs I
era errs ru tracks Wttt and is i a i > gteat r nt fn faxorite rits xx itli itlinil itl it 6 6till I Ini
nil ni the til t tIN > iMt u1s u1s1h > ts tsThe
The 1h l hr little liB I frNV titeiidi iri t + uf f Tina Tilit SioIrtiiu Sinjl iu I1 tiin IU IUUIJI
ruun ongieaat UIJI I tltxd It1 I nt Surf nrf Crest Cn1l on Oi Tuenday Tuendayexeiiius TIlayt 1u + rduy rduyt
exeiiius t v sins lin iaiiieH tlllt iult s stair iUuljI1 i indiilyd in il t tthsir to totheir
their t 1Mlr hearts Iart s e lunhlt sutsts mtent nt Keftvsluneuti nh shturuts ruttl i > tn tnplet I
plet 1 h t1 trtl d the t I ph ItleaMUlt 1J auuit lNtt elltertttttinUllt eutsrtltiuiluntIIru elltertttttinUlltTxxo ntlrh ilnhU j
Txxo wltlrlll ehariain4youug rhnrutin yuuu uu tnlatkn I nlt t In InI hult +
MLsi Jai I Uosulh lrtv Ir a t 8154 J Mis lir I t Mund 11 uu1 usl ke kene 11 11I 11Ih1 h n
ne Ih1 nrh nrhISNIe rh y lire hjviMliiiK sJutiug the ts N summ mmr r at the tlieStaside tl tlas
Staside as ISNIe I 1111 Inn Both Uut 1 Indies Inli N fti f Ate alw alwJ1hL1 Nua u > om omph
ph J1hL1 hhisv1 > hc l naisictnns Illsidnut nutst iaue juwlj their jolly + Uy I piam piamdiiets lil li tlo
diiets dll11 add much Ulkh nuN h to tin inLytts citjov jt iitetit lt nt of f th the
I 11111 till iitet tt
it t the t I S Ssusislr > iiside n l hut 111 summer summerire tUUltf f ftitivilirn ftitivilirnu stiil
ire u noxx 111 fully fuly iimui inslut2rntcrh urttJ trnttftl tnexi O1itNrtlar O1itNrtlarLroin tn Jt > tlny
exi 0 Lroin niiiir 111 > a merry crowd ro of cottagers lt1tngtrl tuulhotel tuul tutsIS u
hotel I IS t i ijnet 1tt gnr t spent tx twu vry tr pleasant pleasanthouis 1t ttt
houis 1111 at prognssjve Ir 1 e estn t IFat lth euchre HamlsotiM HamlsotiMsonxcntr UallIIU
sonxcntr stn 11 t lIir prixes JIi xxere t axxnr nwnrW led th thewin thewinners win winIhr L itt itttirr
ners Mnjor I jtl C M J l ltitluttu rin hamof blrllf of Utix lntla IUytslla IUytsllauntl tona tonaand
and 111 Miss i Laura Innn Ikkerru ikkermnn I kruuU 1s of Mt ult1ura ult1uraI li l tum tumlh oni oniUitm
Uitm I iui tin lurks II itik Hit > > Vftr tr carU tli tlitable taw > l lLa
table tllI La lshr start wft pnlied back wk und dm dnting dntingiIIIJ datattg1t ing ingv
v 1t a k > in tit iIIIJ lulled tl in il 1uilch Iuld mid wafers waferscomprised waferss uft > r rtlt
comprised s ulupri + tl the tlt refrehiiwnt 1illunelt Never t > r l efore lNfonhuts btfon eforehas
has hli that thI leen ltl lank IIlln yonug tt l tpl H Ms < i l t at Uhf UldSeal ll UhfStabnzt
Seal Stabnzt lbrI re ze ready for fun tuna the l pnrint pnrintLL5t i > nt nthLWI
hLWI LL5t + 11
I i J J1fhr t tfar btn hs nIV bv aiiiiutiiin I I IU 1 11 mvMlf 1wl hil vself a i andidaite rrtuilitlntefof andidaitei lldidHt
I far r lunnrintinl lolliIIII 01111 1linin to Jill ti the vacancy vul ma asss oeca oecabv NruSr NruSshined H Hl
shined l III11 bv I The Tl nmoal 1IIH al of 0 B W 1 St Strlrtis Strlrtisfulm tn tnfJlwtl xcns xcnsthe
fulm fJlwtl the corporn rporntt te limits of the thlitJ city cityIt cisJ1t
j It 1 rhr elected h d I pledge 11 plsd 1 mxs4lf IJNJ to act lt in allj allmatter 111 111mnttIi all tillnistteh
t nistteh matter for nhat lUL t I coiinixe CUI euul ire t to U I the theU theII
lsit U II st t interests iut + of the j IIOl > eople > of this tlit city cityI litrl
I am in favor fl or of water nter irks work and nut an anaidfajuate nuIIJmt antidMlnutll
aidfajuate IIJmt s tsar system t ll and lUl I all other otherreasonable Ithr IthrrnolllJI IttINrreu
reasonable rnolllJI reu oltabls improxvinents i inlprisruuntsIESWt I pro 111 t
Captain luItail Parkinson larkilllI I mId Lieutenants Lieutenantsfuldxvell LjIII IirutrtiultsInhlurlI ltN
fuldxvell and 1unllibl libb 1 of the th Halifax Hnlnx Rises IliMcstake Hiletl Hiletltnk Risestuk
tnk take this tll method IWlhOI of o t returning tlrliu their theirheartfelt I thsirhsnrtfslt hdrnrt
heartfelt nrt thanks t 1111k to every rr one 01 concerned concernedin
in il the th Knglish uigN fUpMrs rN gil given rn last week weekby w esrk esrkby k kh
by h the til huH of Iiiiytomi lIas tUlll tuut for the th l lNneflt lNneflttit netit netitof lht t tof
of the til Hull and all the t hI > Citizens liti7IIs Hand Handcsh Bald BaldFrlh + l l1tre
1tre Frlh csh + h Honey loltJ for sale extracted extractedl
l I < > eeiiU tlt u 1 quart or 71 7 j reuts nlt a I gallon gallonci allol allolCUl ulluUCnlllb
ci CUl Cnlllb > mb h honey two sections 5titltill t i I for i cents centschunk 1tlt 1tltIIII r11tNrlunik
chunk IIII comb OlI 10 cents tII p I Nrr < r pound poundtio pOIIldto puutidt puutidt1
tio to 1 1Iteitiember J AI tsueuaD tsueuaDRtiN 01 01th
Iteitiember RtiN ullt r the th Coimcilnianic Iollltihllllit electiou electiouSaturday e1 rls tislutiLt ilu iluiatudu
Saturday tiLt ut day Take lush 1 your 011 dioire I Iii Ixtxxeeii IxtxxeeiiHunry b tnrrn tnrrnIluury
Hunry lull S4hmidt S hlidt luuidt and nlt lames 111 M 1 I Osborn OsbornFOR O INhurnI lurl
At 14111iatur t Vlli li ator altl Point t a Ihnr Ihifionm ruint hu huIltu house housebarn hll hllal
barn Iltu al n Ilutvlug lloxxiu UOW ilj xvell wI cistern fruit frit trs tr tnI > s Nlnlluir sInquire
Inquire I 11 i I Col Col til W 11 M 1 Shuffiier ShuffiierMining ShaffhierJlinino ihafII ihafIIIilill
Mining Iilill coinpaniis in il the lilt Cnited llIi1 I States Stateslast Statelust tHI
lust scar ur paid l 10 il million lilUllol milliuudulhtrs dollars r in divi dividends tii iii yi yiscud ¬
scud 1114 to stock l t 1 I holders holdersTlie Iwldt hollers1ls
Tlie 1ls 1 xvideiiinir iIlil and lUl shelling ll11 I II of S lhnl lhnlUtIIUt abn br vze vzeiivriiuf ze zeavruur
iivriiuf is i noxvc IlIwlolllIllllolltriJtor IlIwlolllIllllolltriJtortCt uutvrintplrlnnd < unpliteiind contributors contributorsto
to theimproxetnent ihis ituprol eul + nt fundareenthusiastic fundareenthusiasticover sandalt rnthuiustic rnthuiusticover
over the t I Injautiful b > tl lfl I street tn and al I the t hi di dipttr6 dis dispatch Ii Iiof ¬
patch of thi tl coiilnutois lltl14lol Johnoil Inhu 0 h 10 = uu I and nullIustIll alldIwtfn
1 Postoa Iwtfn in pushing 1lill the tJ tb xvork 111 Verx r little littlest linlt littlettptl
st t ttptl tppatc1 Illl rof of I tl tiatlir t I aUk thr xvas W 1 occasioned and andnow 1111 1111IIf ttllHolt
r now IIf weluixe 4s 111 hills a perfii I Ihrt t slre 1 t readv nao for forth r rt
t th I s imnier 111111 r tiavel l I 1
I hereby announce niywlf my l a candidate candidatefor
for Councilman uunt ihuan to Seevt tE > out tbe uoe uoepind UDX UDXpil11 unezpinIl
pind term tN of B 11 W Stevens StetIH whoneseut whoneseutin whoH whose seat seatill ut util
I in il the til Council tolldl has 11i leen 1 1 declared tecurt vacant vacantby vacantby ulmt
I j by nason n1ul nll Nuu of his removal 10 nl from rural ills tl city cityIf cit citj citI
If I elected 1 promise the tl beet service servicepossible rr rrJnihJ servicepassible
possible JnihJ for all II the t ht people pnJI p nple concerned conl rnt1 in inthe il iltl intill
I the tl citys it welfare welfaref war
f tin favor gut vir 01 bonds ho bl Insts 111 water n rr work 11 and sexxvrs sexxvrsJ MI swws rs
Miss Iil < Culrriealith Carrie larri Smith lith has luL gone to Atlantic AtlanticBeach ItlantieItsarh tultil
Beach Blhl for an 111 outing outingMiss nutifItl outingMiss
Miss Itl Ian Ilnlh lttnthie the Bond BOld has Iw returned turec from a npleasant a1Ilnt apl
pl pleasant 1Ilnt uslUlt visit ili to n Mrs In J 1 B Conrad onI111 aU aUilen ntn atl
l n lan wood woodMr WOOIIIr n uod uodMr
Mr Ir and ii Mrs I W 1 M 1 Hankins HnnkilN returned returnedThursday ntnrlel ntnrlelThlrdar retartiesilhurNday
Thursday night IhdlL from rrl an al outing olltin in the themountains th thIIlollltn theIllilllllnitIN
mountains IIlollltn I4 of If north Georgialtitlghatil Georgia GeorgiaBin orgin orginHilghll
ltitlghatil Bin Hilghll ham t Maley Jlule IIJ have IIue purchased ptrh 11 the thebuilding thehllildil thehnildiiu
hnildiiu building knoxvn klll1 n as Ur the Ii Iioll < ilot t e Clothing Iluthilg111IIIJill ClothingItun
11 111IIIJill Itun oils payingUq paying i 0 IO for it itF it itF itInley
F A Losley 111y of ofillli Titusville was in il the thecity tiledly thecityIIlltesslay
cityIIlltesslay city Thursday llllda niht ni liht ht and I ld Friday FriIIJ attend attending aUlt attenditlg ¬
ing 1 the tl Kniuhts Kllizhl iniehts1etullhtr Templar meeting tnlrtiugIhuts tnlrtiugIhutsday Thurs Thursday Thllltl ¬
day tl nfoht lIi h t
1 1 A Bast BUJt of if Titusvilleand itlli IHJ Dr Miller Millerof litr litrof
of West t Palm Bfttcli h Vets t here h llerelhuhllay llerelhuhllaynight Thui 111itluJ 111itluJlIi > ilay ilaynight
night lIi hl attending IUtldill ii the th Knights Klli dlt Templar Templarlocal I llllr llllr1HIIIOlel ntplur ntplurlocal
local 1HIIIOlel 1HIIIOlelW conclave conclaveW r
W 1 F i tiille Cl ills Sr I has hl returned r tlltd from frol a utwo ato atlvu
two months Ilollll visit to eastern CILttru Pennsylva Pennsylvania PCIIt1IuI ¬
nia I il He 11 IleIiN says 111 it is i much 1111 warmer WrU r up then therethan thenI thenthan
than I hlll in Florida Coming biuk bILk he h sto stoHd top studiNd >
iNd Hd in iii Washington ltshintun UC ICtind 1 nlt aad Kichmond Kichmonda UlhlOII UlhlOIIa
1IL a lie II liked Richmond HiIIIIIIII but hit sirs I the I th h
Lyle It hot there thereWhat lwrl lwrluLL tinreIlutt
What uLL men lel like in il wives d IlIlhi nds upon uponwhat upuushunt JUI JUIwlmt
what they tla r want them tll1 for lurwlliwr furwhrihrr whether for forcompanions forrunpuuiIlls Ir IrOllliliol
companions Ollliliol or servant rlllti V rife wit is il a axery I Iry IIvsrv
xery vsrv ry i omfortuble lllf tal tiling said iIL1 a IIilNrIilull lliUr lliUrnian I I iHr iHrIILI
nian IILI Shes his s thirst if you YUI xvant wlltllr her ami amishes nll nllI au auINs
INs I then tlI if i you YUI dont tOIlt xvant WILt 11 JLat her h
I I JOHNSTON 111 TI 1ropri Proprietor ProprietorRubber t tRubber
Rubber Tire Carriages Crr3Jts Fine Fln Horses Careful Carefullrlvtfs CarefullrlvtfsW Drivers DriversWe
We W an I tvt well Il e quip < piipHd tlill 1 for Is r Straw ill tntv Hides Hd The Ti his line lilt tihist t turnouts tllrOlll in the tl rite cilxPu dlIll rite5
Pu Ill 5 s niiitjill 11nl nitrt rill trams trail and all tltn take pLssenuer pLIIr to tl any part of the tl city cityTrunks rityII it
Trunks II 11111 deliveieil 111 prontyllx 11101tl Stables 11111t opposit IPIit Public 1I11 School SchoolTelepKone SehtiulTelephone hlllli
Telephone 27
Notie lIti is i hsrn lifivbx iv yixin n that t at tinfolh II the flo fslinu xx in I tug dei rilvd lands will wi be sold lol1 at publii publiiaii I Iult
aii awt ult illn t ion on the til Thu Tliltluy Iklird d day of If lueua Vu II ut II D IMii 1 III in the lh city of f Daytoaa IIIIIU Voluia Voluiat Culuia1uuuty ollia olliaI Jllhlii Jllhliiawt
I oiinty flH tir uru so much mJC1 thereif then if as xx trill ill il be I necessary ul + urv to pay the tl amount aloullt due hl for fi Taxes Ta 1uxs1NIr j
lieivin 1NIr iu set opposite lt UPIIlt to It thrlun the th same 11 together tsgs thrr with wll thernrtsuturhnlruududyrrtiiug the co Il tsof such sad < urIIIIIhrtI and advertising I IXume 1 1nnl Idune
dune nnl Dsertpiion of Ir f Land Lalt Lot Lit BIMk IU RIlx k nod tiiitItir I tut < i
11ilgist M Joiietv dlul el 110 10 ft I of ff n 1 1 1 > iil itIt I IU
U I M 1 Miller lot I it 5 Thompsons 1hutu N nib iUt of uL pt t I t 11 Is l
1 K J l Ittittu Hu all s uf lf CUIMII ruiul Uuilllud block bhN k A 1 F dld tud C CW I i < q I I j
W v S Newton 1 trtuu t uu tiV t n 1 t I hi < I Ud tl I i lot I t > 17 I t tliil 21 21iles J 77 > i iliar I
liil iles A Stanley Stnk I t IV IVHurtvll I 1 1HurrU
Hurtvll HurrU liar n II FmtHis Frnu lot U > b 1 I bl 111 Marl < k I Mil 1 of iL r I M 4 h t tl tlI 1 1I
I K UuukiiiH Uunkil lot lut2 ii block 11lk I I sub lb of I lj i 1 1KMMiuVr s 1 IIt t
KMMiuVr I It J 1 11 iii s ft r lot II 2 and lld lot i t block llk 1 sub Chiptutviii 11 I iS l lhit I IIhuil
Ihuil hit id Shannon Sluuluuufut lot I I block 1 sub 11 of r f I 2S I 1it I
it M 1 Miller IIr r lot ot 1 block 1 sub 11 of iL I s 1 1 Mj t tUIUstl
luxtltII UIUstl MH Ward Wa e lot > sub sil ub of it2 f inndT 11ld 2s 2 1 17 21 l lLuis I
I Luis mw Hopkins UI1 iul lot ot l > subot shill ub L inndT 7 2S 1 11rtt 21 7 7fll
1rtt David ul Uitius lot until fll fi t Idock h1 = N k 1 sub of nnl I It 5 iS Iraha1Nlx1P I V Vl t
l raha1Nlx1P ah Sunders lulI lot 1 1 anil2ltsx und 1111 2 block 1111 2 sub sil s oh of t 5 2S 2SK II t tI
K I Koitum HUI lot l lutl t I 1 nnd4 nul and block 1 Mil I of oL S 2S I ILizzie ILiu ILlzzie
Lizzie Liu Bonn lot tt Mock 1 sub ul of
m hllk 1 S 2 S 1 21 7 j I Iis
K ChHbolm hishHII d < IMIIS lot n 5 block hIH I sub Jul of L S JS I I j i iI t tIi
lie Ii I Kitty Khl tt ll 114 t ill tt tl 1 11 11Ju l Is I
JisColyer Ju iolyrr Jot 2andsubof muJ au 3 Huh lh If ul sLof sry Hf u ry t t tt Zn t 1 11 M t i t j
tieo 1 1oppell lot 1 Huh of o tAt Sl of tf n 1 t i 1 121 I 7 7ld t tEd
Kd fohmon lot u sub or if f I of n1 >
slI so s s n uiy I il tL 1 s j
1 F IriW Hit theh ttt Ii irw hit 1 II 1 s II b 1of of N of of r n I < 4 I ol 7t 7 7tluita t
Anita A lita 11ubLtuylhat JtuLba luhhiLlul l h t r bMk 111k ilsl k I Isiibofs stih uh of u sl o i IJll 111 tl loo looUouJoint I Ot tut I t
UouJoint 1 1 duiwe J lt UJnud W mil 1 11 1 block Llo Jsubofs lIh nbui t s 4 4 + I JU WI I M MIS I II Ia
IS I a UnukioH eltUJofnlO hunt uf ulO it I 1 12 Ml MlFi + I 1 11rsI t
Fi 1111 1rsI > il J 1 CaWvxell ll r > of I tf xx wHr liftf Uoft of n J7 U t 2 > s ti tiI I j jH
1 I H Smith lit loll I 1 and 11111 s lot I It 1 and uu tot totlJhubofe totl
lJhubofe l Huh uf 1 t 11 r2 a u usair v vSilsle I Ii
Silsle i WatTell u r n U lot t l > SUb of f 4 t 11 I I Tf2 tM tMUCtolUit I 1 tit I IIt
UCtolUit It t I IIN rt lot 7 j and nut tilts x sub ut of II e 11 i 1 5 2 7 I 11 I I
Un l IIN M sot lot I 12 block hod Walls nlls sub sut pt it t r 42 > 2 1 111 oo ooU ti tiIt
U I L Mun ill k I + 7t t 111 block hl J Walls Wnlls 1ull ub pt tt ol Jo JoII II
II 1 W 11 ICih Videman uuul su lot i I block hlut 2 Walls Wnlls sub pt 52 t f2 111 I iu iu1111isIuIi < i ihi
1111isIuIi Ioa hi Uidenuyi t clot lot a T block 11 2 Walls WilIs sub pt t j 1 111 on in
I 4 FeaMer 1 itN N I I ail > 5J Ii IiI I + > lt lta
I II I Murray hl heire ttil its 7 t tf a l 1 ii I Ia 5 5esH
1 esH t is Loiuje tIJ strip tr l 1 xv of lots tits I i Ii 7 nndDeof nll nudtts Jtf uf H t H I t it > T TItied a 1 1HI
1 Itied d Criuiartie IrUILrtjut lot d I 111 bh block i k 2 tincues sub pi 3H a l I M Mliriellayw 1 1Juj I1
liriellayw Juj > llnvlvoudsui Inwlltltt o l h t 1t VIIIIIk block 2 Jrwiies inJt1 irtru irtrulnnN stib pt Z 1 on onnnie III IIIlli
lnnN nnie lli Jonlan Jut t 17 I bl 1Ik Iiurklir n kJ lir inines urr sub pt ia r l Is IsmcliaIolmsoll I Im J JltN
m mcliaIolmsoll Ita a 111111 lot lit 1 block llwk I ireelies nws sltb pt Tt2J 1 1Plnl S
IoltijHV Plnl Wttlinitls h lot + st S block I Ursr ileelles nI ut lib ii pt 5U 5 a a MS I II II1
H I illiams lsatbhxkI UH U bltnk llIk 1 Ureeiies sub pt TiH I II
It karra HuriHs lot 21 2 I block I OIIS 1n invites rur sub pt oU 5 i 1 II IIU III f I Iit
U I Calx in H lot 27 S I blmk 1111 bLN k d I Creenes lir lirul Iitrru + s srub
rub ul pt l lt t l SO SOMIix l u
MIix L Mend r sSot lot 21 7 2s i Ji block hit hlus k I UreewV Un ts > tm nrN nrNiw
sub pt ptU t I
U 1 iStTlV iw rly 0 tN irs lot block Murklirlr reeUes WrN sub J pt t 3l 3lI a J JJ 1I
J I II I Williams sut11 lot 11 1 and nHl 1 block 1111 UnvnehMib ilrttniI nIHt + sub pt Till sitIt 1 1It
It H I IOIHM 11 + Jot lt ii ITmnd l untlH ltild l bl 1JI1 + Mkirvness kans inulssub ti1NSUb b pt It 51 5 5dm 7 7Ibn I
1111 Ibn dm li I TuyUr 1 Its Xi XiII < 1 > I 1Ilrnrt
II 1111 Ilrnrt in x Me hiLuiu Lam aI lot i sub Ilt of 41 if I 31 t t a Is IsI I II 111I
11I I 1 Inl hlnt t n 2 ndt ol rI II I 1 1 1leiaile II IIItIIttuJ
leiaile 1 Itlh lUlKftsou ItIIttuJ itulltr tso11 w n3 j 1 15 L LH > I
H 1 1 Rrnlry l Nut X xl l rlftiirtt r > ft ftIU e t of f I glhh itrh ih tt ttOpp4tSlt4 tt ttItll stupiKi
Opp4tSlt4 Itll > it its 1 ttl tt n t S11iult S Slos
los illumiN 11iult xxVt a 5 of 51 fnft Kttr ft 1 00 liu liutut 1 111 ii iiosphim
osphim I 11wqh nN I a oftns xx t Titi tt11f of e rI w of olnon t li mJUt t II > f fL ft t T r 0 lt SJ 1 101 < m mtuiiusClenienlH
1 tuiiusClenienlH iii tutu II tbuN t Utz ltN x 1 lin Itt U of et25 + t2J > Ito ft fL 2 7U 1 L 17 17f r7 r7IA 7 7I
IA I 1 M 1 L i Count el 1 Ill ti ft f t Ti a < 7ti 7t I 1 Il r rM
M 1 t ulbert raft H 70 liu liuhiua lo loKosiua 1ll 1ll1uwry
Kosiua Iitt Loxvrv 1uwry ry u ni 1 1 71 i iLliMoiiis I i
LliMoiiis 11 I Jl 1 + II t tl 4 s t 1 71 71V L t I IV 1
V V 11 1 Mutt + l > t I1d1 I W 11n Kk k I siibof ltt iii of 1 I 71 71 7 h 11 ti tilizzir
Lifczie l tzi Henry l I1 4 t aud uu 1 bhn th bkk k 1 sub tuh subuf of 1 71 7 7 7S 7S4Iirim s sie I
4Iirim < ie tr ir > r I JlnI Ed > lxnrds tvnrsl lot and lUUt tI 5 bl hlwk nk 2 sub SIL of if 1 71 i 1 II s sIt U UUMMiller
UMMiller I It I I Iliii r lot li 1 1 3 i and un t sub t II of if xv 4 1 71 7 2U 2UIII ± UII I Ithus
thus III L4 P I M Iihlsr 11Jr iller lot 1I < stile NUt i of > f w ty4i 571 1 71 r I LSI LSII IK Iyfanrgt i ir
I fanrgt > anra nra Jneti nr u lot 7 mb bof of xx V i 7 71 11 ILunis I ILouis
Louis W Wells elU = 1 ft und nnl s2i s of u u vt au l ft ul f v H c 71 1 3 = t Js JsUeUint 1 1IIJ 1tx1Nr
UeUint IIJ tx1Nr JL MiiMly of eJH tIU 11 of ttsO U ft t 1 1 7 lOn lOnFrank 111
Frank FraukIohns l4 hus + m eiU ft f l I 72 72 i ± lsj lsjlelilii 1s 1sIflh
Irma Iflh It lertH Mw7 a > of f el e1a ift It I 72 111 111iio 111 111luming 1I 1 1I
iio I r s 1 Cummin luming uuinulh s l s irsvx Irs sv 1 i i uf < f e 21M UHjt I JL and HudU alit s e0 is nC f xvltK xvltKofsisn y IIJ IIJuf I ltt
ofsisn uf s s11 1 S ftand ft mil atisi xvoft wu I 72 7 lsi lsii I 1 1I I ItiW
tiW I i W C Kingston Jil niiij tt ft f of tr1 UI tl of lot 0 f and HIJ lot ItR 7 7S I IS
S t nnd mlJ nJs IIJ ft lot > t H Ip block Lll1 2 Colomnu Coh > nJl 1 Llti IIIttull LltiC 111 i
C l A t Uallough 1tIHt lot 1 blmk Jlnt lds 2 Cohiuau ull ullal tnUt 72s 72sit 7 7I i
it I 1 W r Kingston Kiu ton nIs uJUJo 1 ft e I of lta 11 It ar h st s t lot 1 Ii bl lIHk lIHkCuhIaL ItN Nk NkI k kC
C CuhIaL + lrl tiu s 1 1I 2 2ftvi11y
I ixility ilty TRfilly I Hciy ftvi11y slH 10 1l of n 1111 iitol MM ft f r ol Pach 11m1 I + nr11 st NtI1 stlot t
lot 0 l bhn 1 k 2 Coliiium luhIull L V VH >
H 1 C t Morris lot 1 llll and l L > and alll 1 it i eof if It Hand Handn Itull ItullII It nit nitU
n of dit dilll ditrll h dim 11 II k I t Coltman 72S 72SJ
J 1 1 L 1 Morrison lot 21 and 111 t 1111k LiI bliMk k t Coleman Iulc hiuttu < 37i 1itrI 37iKlmiru
I Klmiru thuir Ckinrntshut liMiHlit lot < 1 and alll t blm 11 Ilurk k Colemaii Clllllall tuletuauI S01 S01C p1 p1t
C t A 1 BnJlouirli l tuu lot lot1 I and alo 11Irk bl k 8 t Roger l Ian
Tax Collector Coiector City of DaytonaJ Daytona DavtonaThe DaytonaThe
MKLTON EITU A 1 CAMKIM rUI Elo i Proprietors Proprietorsg lwIrillullnItin
Unelting lnItin g dins dHl in the lll Halifax lulifn Totnoka 1llu and III all rixers up and down dowl the Must MustTerms COf Con ConPerin t tTerm
Terms = ltra Ueasonable sunihJe und 11t Satisfaction Slti Sati rnliol hitcttohi liulnUltc liulnUltcllT Uttnrlulketl i itha
11 llT Ire tilt proprietors prolr otors Daytoua DUtOll Flu FluFJS
0 FJS Kris < SM F fy a a c
q o
+ r
scHI t tThe
+ The hotel hotll comma commauo cuuslnuIt
It uo finer liu r COUUY luiiitiim luiiitiimfrom 10iutun cm cmfrom ctufrom S
from the tu ocean und un T Tchurches 1 1churll I Ii t
i churches churll < and public publicthan lubll lubllthau publicthan
than any Ull J other hot hotaud hot hotxa
a yuunt um and audVIIR nd lvt lvtf laraiu laraiuIHF
VIIR IHF f ONM O IY TKNXirf TK ThNst1fCorrrr lfCoti COURT iv u THE TE GTV CT w ox o oALL ivJ ivJALL 4 4AL
ALL AL flODERN CONVENANCES CONVENANCESKate4 CNEE CONVEM 4Ces a cutrltl4ed 2111h 2111hWatu Publlfrh 1 1Ratca
Kate4 5250 25 230 a day Special Sp SpuWe cUI bytheweek ky tlM week weekHenry LIg LIgflea Ugr
flea Henry Henr Schmidt ShW Preteet P PG Pr Proprietor
J Unlarged l L i111red and Refurnished RefurnishedTR
4 i L L L Li LI porreF I U f I TR Proprietor ProprietorC
i >
I C i It I IC KNAPPE IN PPE Manager ManagerSiA arager aragert
k s sEN
t r I OPBN OP OPilnrnunurnrnrr7nrn7rrrrn7urnrrrrnrmnrmmrmrnunnrn E EN A THE I = YEAR ROUND ROUNDuVfViViViViiViViViViViViiVcViViiiViiiiViViVfViWiVfWfVrV
3 3tiWr
uVfViViViViiViViViViViViiVcViViiiViiiiViViVfViWiVfWfVrV tiWr iii iiir ii rr rii i i iiiii ii W iWtVmiVii n ii ni WfViVnYmVm iWiiiiJ ni niTHE srtt srtty
rely House HouseStrictly ll OURe OUReI 9 9t11ctl
= cwo
Strictly ttllt t11ctl I Y I First I rst t Class ClassOne v UIn I as asOl
One Ol Irts block bIC from nun the th depot 1lot Willl Willjln op OPII i i iIt N > u the th year vsa Inr rruund round roundUatesjfJOO wIII wIIItaII <
UatesjfJOO It taII O and 1111 1111l up upI
I l t 6 H 11 11 I 1 lLLlNCil > LV Proprietors ProprietorsMlMUIjllJ Propritors PropritorsJl 1 rohrl tors l l111771i1U7 h
Jl 4A MlMUIjllJ W 111771i1U7 flllliaiim 1 1111111 WWWN 7 11111 711111L111I1 Lllllll111l11i11111 N N W 111111111I111W1 Wlt
Spencer Spcer B Green GreenSanitary Gree GreeSanitar 7Sanitary
Sanitary Sanitar Plumbing Plumbingnm Plumbig PlumbigSteam i iStP1m
Steam nm and Hot et J
Water ter Heatn HeatnAget Heating HeatingAgent c Ii
Agent for the Ericsson EricssonEngine Eicsson j4jJL r J JEngine
Engine me North Ridgwood L7
11 V BRCEY I31XTAC Y MANIKACTI 111 I l I UKKof HIH o HICH 111 i 1 CKADIC CKADICMoss I I DI fsa fsaMoss i iMoss
Moss and Fiber Mattresses MattresseslevW Matesses MatessesUalr IL ILI1
levW I1 Jrr in II > 11 II 110 Hid Im Fllllltl itiiitJtIlls tut Ui and flil Stuvrsultr Stoxes StoxesYour
Your Ylllr ultr Old 1 Furniture Made as ouul l an I Nexx Nexxllejich rlt rltltetttL
llejich BII bt M t iml 010 11i lt < lit IHX t u ieu 1 Its e Dax IIIJ ttyhultl tona t 011 Flu Fli Fliu
OOOQO + DQt a A 00000OOOOOOOOQOO ce + IDCtttQQfllii04 Q 000m4Pt1 000m4Pt1Rollins OO
tt I Rolns Rollins Colege ColegeI College CollegeWinter ollegett
t t Winter lnicr Park Florida FloridaINSTRUCTORS FloridaINSTRUC
o I
0 L I of r the I II best Isl lN st faculties fI1I1 it that r thnCriuld thnCriuldIx I t could couldbe UI1 UI1I
± I be I rhut > hoseii IIIN B consisting rullt ollsilill llllr of f tllor tlloroii Ihollly th tho
o e oii nuhly hlx lly trained tmiltl + t repn etilalixe Chri Chrititn 1hrithou 1i 1iI
thou I tal teai tndlr trarlur hers + thu x ho Iu hair ha ncetxcd 1i rd ct in instllKtloll il
0 stllKtloll strtu flIlioll tiuu and Ile decrees d I in I Ih tltx lie Ixsl ltstluu Ixslmciicaijaml
4I i luu mciicaijaml Ilriqll ril itq 111 tool Kuroptan iut IIOUI uiNuu schools rhiulNs and andmany Hl ant ant4I
Jr Jra a u many 11111 u u uuly ul y of f xxhom W III have IUI h y theiiiMlxes theiiiMlxestautlit t th 1IIIMhlI n + N ItrN
f I tautlit talht ia 111 some 1111 of our old ul l > t and HIII us Ust Ustinstitutions 1 t titiuUttiun
institutions illstitlltilll of If learning learningW ItarillDEPRTMENTf Irlrhiiu
Coi l r t I 1 M 1 i S4 Ph DItoin D DPRESIDENT
Itoin Business 1111 > > F fl I I > I lixpres lixpressi I PRESIDENT PRESIDENTOPENS PRESllENT
si 1 > i Nli ti t I l Hi It lls l S4 lloil lloilll 5 I
< ll t Ituou tI ul 1 I lu trltl I Vlls VllsTI frt OPENS OPENSOctober OPENSTa
TI M I 1 October OttobCfl i 1903 190Jooccoco
ooccoco I
Northern Meat flarket flarketV rarket rarketJ r1ai r1ail
J l L ODUM Proprietor ProprietorThe i iTlu
Y r The I Ilt Largest la 1glst and uhtlY uhtlttkt Finest FinestMarket Fi nlst nlstlalklt
Market ttkt South of Jarksouvilc Jarksouvilckeep
r 1
W V keep kCfPI phi U eontplet1 stock tl of Ir all al kinds of ofFrenh oftNh f fInlh
Frenh Inlh tNh nori4la Florlla and mil 11s Western Nt + rtl yl Miuts MiutsNorth 1Htl 1Htlll uts utsti
V I Vi tv s
ll North tlth lUach I Stivit ti t I Ir Iiiuiiui
iiuiiui ltts IIIhUlll hUll rl rlt i7a r J JDrink
a + S a
r1 j 1 i
J Jrun
t Drink run runs LILY LI L Y WATER WATERHi
1 s Vv Lc And Preserve Y Your ° ur Health HealthjK HcaltheJ
eJ t Hi HiAlui t 4f fie
J jK J jl f i 8 III1tely freed I l l fr frtJ nil al i l impimlirs 1111 Il l Itl Itlt I Ijl
t 5 mL mLmm j i lit 11 the Schantx r 1 lltlttz Witz Kiltfration I J tlt 1 tlJatlul tttiun 1 tnHss tnHssI I 2
mm mmIW Ir I t is ivconuntiulid n > ollHllltd 11 l hy > y tII the thl most 11st iimi iimiiiriit lmiI
IW IWfj iiriit I t i piy > hysicians i C i an s to t lie Il a l pure 111Iltll healthy healthyUK I l c td ti y yI ry r J JIntl
fj i Intl UK II I hygienic I lyg lnlt tIW water n tl 1lain It I lain I UI and 11 I ear li CllLIL 8 r >
1 1 I LI UL I Y A1HK A 1 t liATIIS HOI t unj
liiiliaieil nMitt t ll I I Tts tu I
IIJl CULI tuU > at the I Llektrlk IJxht Ulht tl ht Plant PlantWM II n D DWM CWM C
WM WICKING Manufacturer ManufacturerDAYTONA
J 1
I II I y l I l I J 10 1 1I 1 1I l
I t O > H I t 11 1 1 ll l 1 OIL > SL I II IIl
3 I Ij
L5UCKlNilNL L5UCKlNilNLias I > Il j Il K 1 I I 1 s I u uILLS N r L I IdS
ILLS or Gasoline Clsolinl
j I
1 They 1 1111 arc 111 t always ready re 111111 l and e easy CdS isv to tostart 4 4s jtititll
start s Lt sa safe l fl t convenient cui 111lllellt cnilnt economical economicaland cc tonu l nic
and durable dill ttIJIL Harine irine cll Ill and ind Stationary St Stltll < tiunLry ncll t liiujines l n Jincs s our i
Specialty Sper l ly 1 or t W catalogue lLtLIO dtillOu IUl etc ell t address addressW idrls t1dt tSS 1 1II s
W T II PI I I M ll LRS l t L
STATl S 1 1 11 AGllTT AGllTTUaytona J 1G GeNl L I ID11
Uaytona lavtond D11 tunil Tlorida I I nda W tw1 1
1 1 1I 1c 1t
+ c

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