OCR Interpretation

The Tucumcari news and Tucumcari times. [volume] (Tucumcari, N.M.) 1907-1921, February 21, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061711/1913-02-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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You will find it a gre.it satisfaction to do
More Hone Baking
You will make biscu ii, cake and pastry
clean, fresh and taw better every way
than the ready mild.' foods.
Dr. Price's Bakin Powder is specially
devised for home and wakes home
baking easy and a clighi. It will pro
tect you from the dread ulum baking
powders, whkfr ive oo frequently found
in the ready mad' 'irticlcs, and insure
you food of the highest health fulness.
I lie Tucumcari News
tie Tu cumcarl Printing Co.
Kntered as Secondclan Mail Matter
at the Post-office at Tucumcari, New
Mexico, under Act of March 3, 1879.
editor and Business Manager
Vol, 1, I, of toe i.'luitdo rotter,
new paper laoachod out oo the sou f
juurmHsm t Clotnleroft, K. M,, by
Mr. Tkos. Danitds. formerly of Taxllne
Tosss, has reaehed our exchange table
and is a woleoined vieltor. Mr. Daniel
i & mau of eonsiderable experience, n
fluent write i. bus an able assistant, bio
Wife, and a strapping editor named
' fige" lie will doubt loss make a sac
osa of the veuturo if giveu the proper
support and wo are told Cirmdereft is
n thriving place, filled with enterprising
citiri'na who Rto over on the alert for
something for the bet torment of their
town and community, and are uw nnx
ioti3 for a bunk, and will no doubt land
Hero is boplag tlio Clondsroftor,
"printed among the sllver-'.inkod .-lomU
!"00 feet above sunset, und not fur
frum tbt rainbow's end. whore the
fablod pot of gold still hongs untooeh
d," may prosper and corral the afore
Bid pot of gold and soon have a bank
to doposit It in, for a rainy day, whleh
seldom oeeura In Now Mexico, trot is
a convenience even in a dry ellaate.
U'tii in.' approach oi s 1 r 1 1 j il it,
Mil- iii'm tu tinnk und pint) for a
.. h .it ..rU lor lift : r roads about
' i unity .lis1 lifts.
Win')' great pi unless lnt boon made
. in .lireetiuu wf street improvement
l in main arteries of highway travel
1 1 "in 'own to town, the general iiu-
I'lowiiieiit of country wads proceed
it a cr slow rato. !
tini great reason therefor is the torn
j r eliarneter ot so much of the
work. The road nUlcials uru too nns
on to make ii record Hint tuonns ceo
iiomWl for the tune being.
Miibol repairs ru very costly In
he long rim. They place n permanent
tas nil who hate produce to got
to market. They give, n country dls
tri.-t a black eye with tho "root bust
.if ntbli. that in tin veiling by nutoino
bile. '1 hey discourage home spokors.
Mia: may be thinking of Ineatlii".
The proper ear of water nlonjr the
hiyhwrny i "tie of the ecrot3 of per
inanent work. A rond With niiiplo jjul
t.-r, built with enough of a slope
hut war will nm oil', will lnt iltnnj
yenra. where iin imperfectly druitied
rood goen to piei-e iu a burd shower
or under the tortus itnd ftt of wlutet
The ttiie has oine when iio-riuJitlili
patching of .iniiii nmds ought
eae. The fnrater nee. ti good road
ii irront den! more than tho pleasure
driving iutomohilit. To tho Inttor a
bad road moans simply a little, dlscom
for. T the farmer it moans many
hour of time wustod as he draws his
loads. It meant that he must keep
more horses and that his boosts of
bunion will wear out quicker. Lot ev
ery farmer insist that the rond olli
.iiiU of hi neighborhood do modern,
rientlfli work'
! fisheries of Spitsbergen brought ooin
fort and prosperity to many seafaring
towns of 1-jriL'lnuil ami llollniid. Tho
diHFOvory of lludnon bay, a pcrlloua on
terj)rlse, led to tho forming of the pros- !
puroiiK uompuny of that name, The ex
peditioti to Hoss's Innd led to tho os I
ublMniient nf (he Unlllu's liny whal
uig iinlii!try. i
Arctic Ifoherlen still enrich Xorwny. i
The fossil ivory of Arelie Siberia brings
wealth tu itiisiiii. Tlicco indtiiitrles
oillil never have existed If earlv scieti
rii had had the stay-at-home opirit.
! hi his day of Columbus was looked al
1 by all sensible people ns more or less
; of a lunatic.
These vaM lamU of nivstery may eon-
t tain treasures of uieiuls, or of animal
'ife. that may gieatly add to the to
?uiueei nf the human race. Hut it i.
tio doubt foituiiate that there are men
nt a i-ertaia type who aie willing from
unniereetiuiy mutive, to devote tlieli
vnvy lifc'blond to the exploration of
Nature's darket mysteiios.
SoiolttHle discovery has tovoltitlon
ioil human thought. The changed tit 1 1
tiule toward human life, Ucd, ami tin
uiilvorse. i due to u study of the rec
ords left in animal life ami roiiiuin.(
and iu earth formal Inns. This story
will always lie incomplete until tin
great chapters that lie Inched in tho
ico fn.tneos of North ami Smith are
tnnde manifest.
Polar exploration has been ir much
a more parting compel il ion to reach
one given point. The true value come
in filling the gtipi in man's haowledgi
n- to lie proceo nf eroatinn and o
n'll inn.
Genti U 1- 18 feb. 23.
'in.- -I ' '
ft. "A" I
Cm: iiii.if it
lull 'I' 'n
l.-iirin il m 1
"! I II !.!
piHir of t hi- "i id
Wllolel .-oil. Ii!ii'
iu prejuili' '"
all the il'li hi
galtn.sl I beli ea,
eriK gileoiil ti "
of peioii llli
the HtaiuliMiIni "f lhr
Fly'a Keen Eyetlght.
It has been eHtimated that tho eyo
of a fly can dlneein an object one-flve-inllllontli
of tin inch In dlatnctor.
SSRBRaSB YOUR I'ltflENDS .. ending the h i.- story of Onpt.
Pn- font ek regi.niilv ne T)i 1 H.-..tt .i ti I i'omiitiiniw. It average man
King's New Life PiHa. They iitimn deiioimeeit I'idar exp location a a phase
iHtQ liv."-. niipMivr d uevtion, re nf h -t.-r m . He feels Mich travellers
Mime unuriti -. pimple 'iud eruption . hou!d be luirmlelv nc.-upied at homo
diaanpenr l.nm ymir fac .md body and . u'leotinif ea shell and rot k chips,
fou f. 1 better. Begin t ..nee. Bnv I This may seem practical cnmuinii
i n' ii- P'l' fVi'ia Sni. .iise. Yet be reinernbiired that the
I 1 , v .. . .
Daddy doesn't go out
to hunt for rabbit tkin
to keep the baby warm.
He is lest romtntic,
but mote practical.
He buys a
and all during the cold Fall and Winter
months his house is kept warm and
cozy for his wife and babies.
A Perfection Oil Heater ic almost indispens
able when there are children in the home. Evmry
home has usee for it.
Maj4 wllh wJchtl trimming, itwl mr namtUJ. tmrimtl.
r Ornmmtnlml. tntmptiuU: LmiU far yamrm,
Cm.lly mm 4 frm rm fa rmm. At 4mUr oarywAaim
Dbt r, fyabla. AIkuaiuria,
CbyiUM, IU, Sib Lali Olr.
It i an angrv fat loo
Who tnpiei i. n. i of three
'Now 'by toy mum lit ul innocence.
Why chopped thou the froef
"It iif'h in Uio orchard
To wither and deca.
And neur more it blosnnms bright
shall burgeon in tho iloy.
"The binl it ho -njiported
Are sail to stje it pass,
Ami nil the lti" and pnraslte-
A to weeping in the .rass
The sentiiiielifnl borer
Is audible with pain,
And aeer -liall the ehorrlos sweet
stain humnii lip? again.
The little bell yur mother
Snpended iu tho treo
Will never tinkle forth again
tt warning melody.
The cool and shady bower
Cpmi a Summers duy,
And the wine leave; of tho Autumn
Why ehtippet them nwayf"
It '-a blushing penitent.
With hot tear- in bi oyes.
Who flngors with bis hnndher. lii. f
And -liiiini'nlly replies.
I chopp-ed it, my fathor
I cannnt toll a lie.
Th. other hoys nre innoeeOt-
The criminul i I.
'I chopped with my hn tulip t,
A- hard n i could bit,
nd ill the thought Inssno-s of vouth
Decapitated it.
Iin' hou art n poet, father,
n.l I am but a lud
I' ii.l not strike me uwtil now
i mi' what I did was bad.
I 'i 'I ot think of Hummer,
t m ilii..r-m when thpy blow,
ii 'it slugs and par-naif
II. .1 i where to go,
I I 'i in.- th'iik of wine leave.,
i if Line and of birds,
"I ' "iec arose to torture me
. I., "iv (.oetle words.
I -nit thought (4 getting
i he w.i I lop in my hips.
I mo lm'h the nUi.'i I . . v
IT u . ...lid scatter chip.
r ii p. ed it. my fathor,
i iteiv be it said,
" I . llingly will I repair
W 'i. thee boblad ho shed.
it a the of toned fntlior
v m-'Werod. "I relftBl.
I i" 'i ' i v er lie o pooi, eon,
Mm nmv bo f'rnddeut.
riii. i nn'.-t urit mu a vision,
n'l 'mi 'st not dronm o dremn,
Mo these are only llitlo thing's
Wh eh an nno will asteom.
Thou art no cnstle builder
To waken from a traneo
T' art a practical, my son,
( ml tlmu hast got a ehamio. "
It is a playful father
Who turns him on his kucos,
And cries- "To find you so Is worth
A million ohnrry troosl"
'.Not many (frxit, t e
h. rtfl.l
, ,u. I'n,"rht j
, ., t bore mi' i
. w Ne n i
. i 'to l.tutl -
'ii. Il I b- !
I, : i illli It'll
I-. Mill! ti.nl '
i, i . b or tb it ,
. i ,.lll llllM'
. nub rrnuil,
I l- no respoeti'r
lii,:itlnii In rrtitn
h '.irt There are
iKJth gotal iifl bad il Ii men. just ti
there are b -.'' til mul bad poor.
Abrtibniii. iIkiiiuIi Ttfraii'a .ouni(et ,
ion, at the tle.nli of bU rntut-r doubt
Ichh lnlielllisl all Hint retnaliietl of bl
pOHHesMloiis. lui'liultiiK the abare of
H ii r ii Ii. A b r a
hnm'H wife mid
balf-HlMter. Stiiue
have erred tn the
h t ti d y of the
cbrouulogy of tin
narrative A bra
bam Is mention
ed first atiMiiiK-t
IiIh brethren be-
0 II II H O "f Ill8
greater p r in I-
uelice, although
lie was tho oiiiiu
et son of Terab.
After Abraham hnd eeepttrl the IM
vine mil ntnl Imh-oiih' a a&Jouruer In
Caiitinii. IiIh tl.M'ka ami herdw Inereased
greatly, under ";tnlV lile-sillg tllbeis
nf fSiir Ni.rvniilH lii the tnixl wore
greatly bleed wiili rli-hea. foi I"
staneo. Jot. Hut the i.lfednt; ! i't'
Lord vorj riieU ii. ake wenlibv lit
! saintly people dnrliiK ibis Upi .u-c
It itiny he nsked. Vh tbls elniiig.
In Hud's dentinal V The ivpl f Hie
Sorlptiiros ts that up m tb c !
' Christ. ( li.il M lil.-sili.'H ieiv to IliMli :i
tnvii; but sltii-e then !.il -:tints are
i "Now ("reatntiti In rbi Kt. Tbetfrin
'of dlticlple.blp art Hmt tin-- -:--i i '.'
i their elnliii". t all wirtbl rn In- atel
I blessings, to tei-ome belrs nt t t and
Joliit-liolrs wiib .lwn" t'bflct t th.
j Heavenly tttlit ituut. (iud dealt wis!
1 Abraham iik a fitnd m I prondsetl him
tarthlu blueing- Hut He i.-.-it s .1
j Htm und III" foil. n. r, .i ...., iin
' prouiisoa Ibem llmrmty tlniiir"
j Abrnbam's Fcionda Not Joint -Heira.
Lot was n man nearl A i.'nh.i in'
' ago, the -oil nf Huron 'i'"l did u'
i call l.nt. nor . i tt other of At i - 1 1. ' i " -1
rolallvtis, l ilt merely himself, t" i-e "t
j recipient if Hie pnimlnoa. Thin .till n..i
binder I.t H mi belBK with his me -
! Iiut iieriiiltieil lilni to ahnre the l s
j lugs of Itblne prnvtrtonoo. wbh-h t'ntd
ed Abialinni''- :iffnlr Bttniln i- He
Hplfltunl i-blltlt n f Abraham niinm nr.
heirs to tin Almibnnile I'l-uiui-e. hkI i
not their frbMida und rbitht". iiiMeeigk
j the latter may Hburo a refb-x ttt -sslni;
of Mil'ltual Intliieiieo through aa" I i
lion with llieiu
These Hplillual ' Ulldren nf Abraham
Christ ami IIN .nnseerntei! f.". ' ..i
aro pnrib .!arl speelfied an i'r ' . i
of the Aliralmiub' l'1'oml-.e t ;nt:i
tliins ii :.".). i l liity All have a t.ilb ami
n aplrlt of iliedlonee simliai in ,-
hum's. .Iosiim N i heir lle.nl m-
tholr Itndeeiuer; nnd Mi.-v i i... n
diKClples by II 'ttVeli'ili' ot' i Hue
Ritiillnr to Ills nwn
Riohon Oftan Brtno Trouble.
God's lil-lni; Upon Abrnb iin. share,
by Lot, brniiu'bt strife Itetweeh 1 1. -t i
atlvuntR Abiahuin pweolved Hint Hie
two families imd better part l.nt ;ih
seated. Abraham unve hlin his li.,.-.
of fount r . and Lot bone Hie luosl fer
tllo- tho Plain nf s...lom l.nt inmb
his homo in Hodntu "bile hi- Ho i
and herds were iiasiureil In the ival.-i
Doulitiess Lot s wlte bal t. .). will
the oliob'tt The l:iinll Ihetl lie i
tliroe year The ri. In nt Me mi-
till ll Ii 'Ii1' i'r.
effeit upoii He'
people ...r
rlgbtenua a o u i
WI1H Vex ei till.
more than offset
ting the .'burin i
eoiuitry. w Ii i e h
Ilia wife loved
I. OO k I 11 U lee If
w Itb 1 .. u v, i ii :
heart at tin Ilin
j Mle !..! he' life
i Abraham lived hi- li" ii m . i '.ml',
proilllKOH. m hi. b n.. .i. 1 i. I ,- fu
turn Hf K.iHih w - ,: .-!, it.
i and co hilmrod i . ,. im
! tholr ae. iin.ii-i.' . i ,. i .
! flllllllies. In.lt. " ! . ..
' tllllStl'llteil It." .Ii'l. i . . ,.),
lllg elllelly tin . , i . .
1 Heekllig bieil' oaiii - .-
.Many i in I-nan p.- ;
mlatakoH -Imt'ai i ..
ciiiHIIt'iInu earlblv u t.'i
urate them from '!
, tlmy Itiviihe tbelimelv
llles III Hie iMitre of tin
1 Master's ndbe Mbmii.l
"Booh te nrt the Kb
ami Ilia rlirhteiiu-ne
Garl's Blataing Makas
W'bot'Ver has ,'ni'- i i
llldtvd i'i'.ai'.li'o. oi '!..
earthly ifnt rit t'b
Lord inaki rl- b r
und III f "! b 'e ii" i
era valnlv "k The" ti .
nlitilliiable all w . .
favor In .leeiis i t,ri-t
Clod' t n I'lurit Hli ' . ' 1 1 m w
not Item only, l.ni earth1. ltd to
earthly penpio Hut the .im i tv
fold an earthly and i Ih'iii'n" St .
'J'llo promise of find .pperia.i
thoap twn veeibt Nie vpey dltlel- Ii'
our "e.M Muni; will snow
Attention Please
Special on Chinaware
For ft time we will sell elegantly decor
ated Bowls, Platters and DishcR, thf
20c lo (50c kind at 15c each,
ronit tnrl unci get your choice.
Barnes& Rankin
Furniture and Hardware
i ewwiam i tinr in' i ----
.uaiia.i aej
These are Vacation Days when you have lota of time.
Do You Want to Earn Some Dollars?
We Will Tell You How to Do it
The Evening Herald
i rmtwmftMm tanaatmuerm i
Gents1 Resort
We Kindle ilw Ih-M
I'nol Parlor in Idnnection
Ymir Patronage is Apprt'CiMetl
Uonil tvnd Lillird iid
(lid Ilomt'Slcwd Exclusively
ore n berg; Bar
w Ta n hi ri-i TirrrmrirnnTiiirrriinnmBii iStsli
Jc ctur.il EdnkinR Business
and Solicit Your Patronage
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus $60,000.00
L B ioveb President
i : siMpsov Vu-e President
KA!!I. OEOBOE. Caahtsr
Hog N I.AW80N Ass tORSblot
:i " ItMM'K LKV
The Only National Bank in Tucumcari and the Oldesl
nnd Largest Bank in Quay County
I ' altilogiu-. "''
Address p ij H'
-it.. .Sta'i.in C Los AiiKoles, California.
' I ' I I
"' '' ' ' ill
l h.iv ' I II
'in &
" i -i nie j! m
I ' ' lulu red ' 'j 4J
lorn of Hn.1 1 il 3i
Rich I a
' ! if
! III. j -ft
' i 1 II
n ,, , i . nil
" - uiiniM! tiKMii easier than order
in ttoni M,nu- mail order house. Stop
a" and set. t.r samples. They show the
i n ! i Myk's- 41 Wo ca" i,Iso furnish
, m T ";v"i'ns and announce-
n ... s,un,pcd and illuminated
,Kni" MiUionory, and steel die
ii. I t,!,'h,,sst''1 business stationery.
pr ,'., ','l, "'""'i " "'" ..IniliuW,. (I.c service
The Tucumcari News
Ursl Door South of l'olaffi

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