OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 12, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1900-04-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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VO o--0 1.PCESS.CT RI)\ \RL o
VO i.--N . 11 PCK N S C, H 'R~x\\ <~ k L 2 )O.ONE DJOLLAR A YEAR.
lIffURFULi 1110i11CI0111010001O1).
The Need of liegislation to Prevent
p~istol Practive Perom Fl''os Notions
ol'bilnhooti ani lavery-Astronig
Arraignment from the Blench. t
Ili opining the eourt, of geveral
s ions for lMie, Uandi Ceunty, the oc
ct-ion was signalized by Judge Bonet
in a charge to the grand jury w hich
calli the attention of too public very
forcibly to the crying evil of carrying
concealed weapons, a practice that is
largely responsible for the terrible re- i
cord of homicides in thi, State. Judge
lienet said there certainly is need for
t-omue logislation 104W i og1 to the reduc
tion in the number of homicides that t
aninully occur In South Carolina, the ,
year 18911 showing a total of 242, w bich
is an average authia'er. The followine
ii the chief portion of Judge lienet'h
remarks :
" What is the cause, geitlemen. of
this extraordinary numhr of lioti
citles ? I amr su(r ael one of you
can assign certainly as one cause the
deplorable custom of carryin! pistolts,
a custom carried to such an extent
that our State may he regarded an
armored caip in times of peace. Oar
young men and boy4, back and white,
rich and voor, seem to think that their
outilL is not coipleto wiituout a pistol
some of our older men show a bad
example, and I regret to say soin1e
p)ublic ollicials have on occasions been
found armed in violation of the iaw.
I'istols are carried not as a protection
at night in some lonely road or in some
remote part of the country during the
day or in some dangerous neighbor
hood, but at public micetings, on the
streets, at, social gatrierings, even at
dances, even at daily labor, and follow
ing the plough, and I add also even at
cnurch and prayermth etiny ; and Its for
th ise gatherings known ao the ragroes'
hot suppers, is there ever a hot supper i
without a cold corpse' The negro
will imitate the wa ite man and initate
him more successfu3lly in his vice and
his crimes than In his virtues.
" Mr. Poreiuan and ttlcmnt , it
would be an intert bng t. xperitnent if
the court were at tls moment to
order the sheriff and his bailifls to
search the pocket-, of hli in this court
house now and see how many pisto.s
will be found, earriied on the person;
concealed even in the Ltemuple of justice.
Gentlemen, as surely as this lament
able habit continues- so surely will two
or three hundred of our feliow citizens
annually il untimely graves, the vic
timls of the pistol habit. It is a fear
ful prieu to pay for the privilege of
carrying aris. It is not only utnliaw
ful to carry arms conc.oed upon the
person, but, it is unehritian, uncivi
liz-3d and still more shou d the anuoal
be made to the. youth of the couii try
who casecy pistols that it is unmanly
and cowardly, and altoguther unneces
sary In a civilized conmunity. It
causes our young men, no doubt, to
hold human life very cheap, and it a
causes them also to have false ideas of
bravery and true manliness, and it has
lofused in the pubii mninl wrong and
vicious views of the rigit, of self-de- -
fenuse. if
"Gentlemen of the grar.d jury, how
many corpses of mn slato by the I).- j
tol-carrying homicide havo been j
searched in vain for the pistol, and yet
the slayers have lut, )U p1 their plea of
self-defense, and juries have aequitted
them on that piua, ecase forsooth i
the defendant, the man-oiayer. te-talid
that when he shot his victim had pot,
nis hand to his htip pocket 0., was
about to place it there, and he wis in
duced to believe by that act that, h'
h ,d a pistol and was about to draw it,
ie presumed, in other words, that he
was in danger- and acted, as he elaihned,
in self-defense. If i-hut presuminption is
to be iregar-ded by petit jurorsd unst, we
not cretito anotlher- presumtption ini fact
to meet It --that the man who carries
a pistol habitually must he presumred
to have murder in his heart and is a
dlangerotus man to the peace of any
commtunity. When a llood-gu ilty mlan
Is set free lby the vetrdiet of a jury,
then the piublic, through the piresa,
condemns the jary, speaks of mis
carriage of justiec-, that, tile jur-y system
Is a failure and the like, not, rt lecti ng.
that the jur-y is only cairying* intoU
effect theo putblic's own mistaken view .
andi Idea of self-defense. Wate- does
not rise above its level. A petit jur-y
is part of the people, and It, is not,
wiser- or better than the peole fro,,
whom it, is dlrawn b~y lot. It, is futtile
to lay the blame at thbe door- of the
jury or the system of trial by jury. ~
Let it lie also at the door of all who
are guilty oif carrying pistols concealed
u pon their persotns. I would not be
little the right, of self-de fense. It, le a
good tight ; it is a dud-given right, a~s
we~il as a righlt r-ecogn ized( by the law
of our lante but, it is woefulty misuni
dierstood and most rashly atnd reckless
ly exercisedi, tintil the b)00od of huni
d reds of men ciies aloud ft-om hu n
dreds of graves fot the vengeance
courts have denied thben;.
"Two htundred and forty-thbree men
slaughtered In South Carolina last
year, ar d how many conivicited ?
Ninety-n me. In other wordi, i-li mien
with their follows' blood on their
hands go free, prior.'anced not guilty.
There may he a few of theso repor-tcd
eases tha, have not, been tried, but, I
ami spt~aking In run d-- number, at j
round nanbers iLhn fact, stares us'In
the face that only onie of every three<
men who have been put, in the (lock
charged with mnurdc r has been con
victed either of un~i "der or man- 1
"Gentlemen, if it is always, ort nearly
always the Intending murdetrer who is
fortunately killed by the man who is
acting In self-defense, will not the race'
of murderers soon bu exterminated in
this State at the i-ate onf 200-odd a year?
Tio put that qjuestioni is to show thio re
ductio ad absu rdu tm.-sl ifneI
"I have said thatsefdeneia
sacred right, bitt It is not smore sacrod
surely than human life and It, Is in bi
half of the sanctity of humman life that
I have been led to make the remarks
I have just made. Is thbere no remuedy;
are we helpless ; is the law powerless ?:
Can no law he enfor-ced to stop the
pistol carrying habit ? Our legisi- I
tures have again and again endeavored
to pass laws and have paLssed a v'ariety
Sof laws, but they ar'e dead letters, asnd
aw1les 1is, and 'unpunisihed Violation
f: law cats liko a cancer Into the body
iolitic. Are weU to confess our ina
llity to tiako hold of this frightful
ivl aid to sOmOA)Xtent moderate it.
Plhi is a land of churches, Sunday
chools aind sohools and colleges, of
ounig men's Christian associations' and
ill the means und appliances for Chris
ian religion in all.varieties and forms,
erhap.s to a greater extent than any
ther 'elvilized land, and yet in this
ear of 1900 our record today cannot
ompare for a moment with the record
f ancient Egypt of three thousand
ears ago, for it was then 'tbe boast of
'Egy pt that, " in times of 'iece none of
ur cltizens carry arms." And here
n tho year 19O I am saf in saying
hat thc maijority of the youth of our
ountry carry arms. No doubt there
3i di l!culty the Way of our leg isla
urtL --our constitution--the federai
'r-istitutifo--.ucures to the citifzn the
ight to carry arms, but it surely can
Ot be contended that thellle devilish
ocket pistol, the hip-pocket, tio coat
ocket. the vest-pocket pistol was In
be contemplation of the framers of
he conotitution. whtwn they secured to
be citlzen tie ri lit to carrv arms.
"Those wise fathers of the republic
ever intierded to leave as a legacy to
osterity so bwoqdy a curse. That con
titutioal pi ovision had relation only
u the3 character of arms then carried
y tile ,oidiors in defense of their
ouI try aod tht huntismen on the plain
-mu-,ket,. ritis, swords, cavuiry pis
As, carri.:d as brave men carry their
rm1!, openly. The ditabolical labit of
oncealed weapons. had no yet grown
Ito XOtistee. It was to preet've the
ighLt to defend home, property, per
n ao- faimly and to defend toe counl
.-y 1nd the right to hunt game. It
'as for this purpose and, simi iar pur
oses that. the coniti to i nal provision
-as ineurted. Ho will b a wi-ite man -
id a Lencfactor to his state who can
iggest to the legislature 0som i w <
h at can grapp'e with this evil or re
lce it. There is no doubt that a law I
tight be fraied makine- it a heinous
rime and scriously punishable to f
>anufact'uret, tell or buy or tie or i
oss'ss a plstol a certain size, and the i
ze Inight, he inade such that it, wou:d
L' iulpo-sible to conceal it upon the
erson a-nd thus put a stop in a b'rge
ieasuiare to the carrying of concealed
cadiy weapolns. if souethlng i'ke
lis cannot be done then all that iz
)It for u to do is to educate public
pinion,- to educate the minds of thet
rtes and to banish from the mind tof
ie youth of the country and the men of
le country the dieased notions of
Af-defene, and trh us we may to ZOine
t eot reduc the iumber Of hom1i
des arid rid our land of the awfm
I have already referred to the fact
jat Sollietimes juries are coniemned
r what are supposCd LO I tnisear
.ges of jz-LtieC and a failure to do
hat was expectud. The jury systen
a een very much dieused of late
iroughout the State, and in sone
arts of the SLate h us b..en condemned
i being :.ot as SUCeU6slui Us it ought
> be, and ii- has ben even pronouune
.1 as a failure. in liy opinion such
>nuemnation is altogether unde
arVed. ) ir jury law, our system of
Sial hy jiryv Is good if only carried
ito -;I. er bttatutes require that
1v ju.ir-y is good if only carried into
i-y C tmiIiissiolner shal eboose so
any i'unes in their r-pective cooun
us, Men wtil I ualtlied to SeVe as
irors, men.of lnd jidilgment, and of
00d miortl bitricter ; there i; no
n I in) this State thatCnInot fuirnin
sulli-int nmbilriih' for every wrm of
mri t - men Of -oo moral Character,
>und judgnent and well qusilled to
irue as j.-r:. :-if the names of such
ien atre not. put in the box it, is not
lo fault of the law, but enttire'y the
iuIt, of the ju~rry commflissioner s who
rec u nwortlby of their clih1 es from
liatever citiso; T1he remedy for thait
to imifpeaih~ tthe j~-'i-y coniuniiiiners
s uinworthy of -their high trust, and
lace ocUer men~l in ollie and -uot, ask
>r a change of the jury law. If bad
ien ar-e listed and their .namocs put in
lie jury- box It s need less to look for
ond men to beo taken. out.
.ury trial i-s a priculess her i age.
I, is a pro'tectioni of the poor man
galist ty ran 1y3 and oppetcssion, .I t is
lie bul)w ark iof our. I lierties, esec iallIy
tI a rep~uhlicani for in of goverrinment:
he prote'r uf the weak again:-,t the
rtrung anud tue .best guarantee oif free
omthat we have. r, dtcs someitimes
iisearry , hu. it, s huminan to err :that
Si o reaisoli 'vii y the cry' liouild be
aisedto abolish thre system of trial hy
airy,, MgQhwhodec'ry boe miscarriage
. j-uatit, saeiuto forget, that there
r-c ninety and nine cases where ver
lets are in the criminal and civil
ide, In vglgih j.io Is doce. TLwelvee
onuest men'ri;fir mindled mnen, of ordii
ary iot.ellg.cnee, draw'n from the crdi
ary walks (if life to try a-case in court
-that is the system-of wisdom. Noth
hg h as been devi !ed th~at can hi cor.
ared to it, as a mniiis of doing juistlice
tween main anid man and onlly (cor
aoution ean destroy or injunre'the jury
-A W'ashingtonr mill hais tauke-n an
nirder fro P11 hie Uited S tates gotvern-.
n, or I 50,000td feet, of ceda.ir for uinc a~t
iilanila. Tnuie li rst go~vernIimen t bu ildi
rngs were built, of ftir, but the white
irnts whiiichi infe-st that, coun ritry ate it.
vit pti ental(3i relsh, and w ithi to
ilitrbus effetct s to thme buiihlinrg that
sidar wvill be sru.-titiated, it being
lim ied that tile antsl will niot aittack i
ed ar. It, is also cIlimed hy som i ha 1.11
iemnloek-Is ant-pro'of. Shoul d tn is 1 ar 1
)0 pl'oved, the~ - j'lstioni -of a miarKat t
or heanlock has been sol ved.
For. 20 years .;lD. ,J. N ewt on Ii art haw a
a~s Ilo suicessfniy tvIr-eated coi iscal
s Ihati his a rcknowlede C tLcIoday to stIaindr
it the heart of his profession -in this' line.
hs exrchasive mnethiod of treatrmentr fr
aife ori 1aultery Leures ini 90 per centl. of
ili cases8. I n the t reatimenti of the loss of
itl i l''rces. Nerivouis 1)isordecrs, N~jiler
'00isnig, liheuminatim, CJauarrhi, andi is
ases pecia rr to women, lie is eq 11ually
niecessfuil. I )r. II athiaway's practtce rs
motre than doule that of anyv othier spiee
aist. .Cases prioounced helliess by othier
iiiysicians readily yield to his troatmenit.
A rite him todany fully about. .(our ease.
Ie maikes no( charge nor consuitation- or
1uvice, either at his ollie or by mail.
J. Newton llathiawamy, M. I)., 22% Souith
ironcd it~ront. Atlannn an a
HIS l'OalutIs AREC UjNhivrCTAiN.
Tile Countairy iM SiarteiCi by Iis An
*onneeinCO t -lia IN Wiilng to ervo
i the l'ctOpl Wait lim.
A special to the New York World
roi Washington made the startling
innounceincti, to the Ameuricau people
hat Admiral Dewcy has roscinded his
lecision not t' riun1 for I 'resident under
mny circunstances, and that after ma
,ure rell action, In response to earnest
mtreatles from all parts of the coun
ry, he has concluded to become a can
linate. To a 'correspondent of the
World he spoke as follows :
" I realize that the time has arrived
vlen I must definitely deline mly posi
don. When I arrived In this country
ast September I salid then that notha
ng would ind uce me to ha.. a cantlitlate
or the preitdency.
"Since then, however. I have h ad
he Ilsure anl inclination to tud y the
natter, and have reachted a di i* at
onciuion, inasimuch . sO IIIay as-si:
Ances have en e to me from iy coan
rVmnii that I would he a ptablitil - as a
Iand idate for this great olliee. It' thi
A merican people wat (Ian e for thij hii b
flice [ Thali he only too willing Lo S:erVei
hem. I4 is the highest honor ina the
Ift of this nation : what citizj zan would
efuse it
Since stuadyinag the ,1ubject, I am.
-onvinced that thet ollice of 'residenat
s not sucl a very udillicult one to till,
)is dtutia:.i being maoinly to execute the
aws of Congress. ShoulI I h cho in
or this exalted position. I wouid
xeculte Lbhu laws of Congress as faitll
ully nz I have alway executed the
>rdeir of mvy stupaeriors.")
A-limiral D. wey did not state which
Mrl3' noliaiinataon he will acCepAt.
ic reportera a.ked "Utin what plat
ormil will you stand r' and the admir'ai
eplile : I think I have -aid enoaaghI
th is tine, anad po OO bly too rauci."
A \Vahington special to the New
i ork I-ven ing Telegram says it has
eveloped that thi annunicm t, of
dmairal D.-wey's candilaey kI a pa-rt.
if the well-laid plan of I':-stern DItmo
rats to h ead off Mar. Bryan's nomin 1 a -
ion. The I.vening Telecsiram', spacial
ontinues :
" Tie Admiral will not admit tl.at
here is any organization behind hi:
aud(1idacy or state whether he will 'ike
he I ta Vublican or Democratic nonlinia
itn. lie told imie today that he wa in
le hands of tle A in r icana people and
Va as willing to obCy or defs-nd til'I I
.s le hal been from his superior in the
iavy. lie said :
" have tAty raon a to bhlieveU
1:1't 16 a popuaitrI d miiand fo- ay lilia
natiir. I decline to say whether i
am a I mocaataU'at or a lRepuhhean.
" 'I want to he the people's candidate.
fully realize that Iln ainniuncing my
villiingness to hecoane a candid ate that
Ily troublUs are beginnii1:, bait a ian
vilo has the interest, of i, as country at
acart cannot t.scala. his share of theim,
and I am willinag to risk all 'hat may
oane to me.
" 'Pron every State in the Un ion and
roma all clases of people I hive re
eived gratifying evidence of a desire
or any noaination. The (eimand ha
recome so geanerlal that I felt con traini
d to give scrios consideration to the
riatter, and although I had previoustly
tated tht. I would not accept the naomaa
nation, condition-; i r -o changetd in
le few it mon ths thi at I cannot
onger, a- a foyal American ctt/ ;i,
vill and oby tuo witi of the American I
)ople i t thtir decision :hould 1e that
am~ a -11table eand idate fr the I)r .+
l ey.
"'Hyomi cont1irmiae nay aninoun fee
neunt oaf this moring there is iothiing
noen0 thaat I i nn properly Ivayt at Ii e,
Thea Wash ingtoin correspondent of
lie Atl ana a.1u0rnal says:
Ie develops that Adamiral Dewey sent.
iar The World's cief (if sta i and
-olunntarily gave to him the dIictated(
naterview. Hie (did this beCause Tue
Norld( buoomned hiam for' the I 'aes Ideancy
ammeiat--ly ~ aftI.er tlie Admliiraal's air
ival in N w York frioma ainjia, aand
a0 consdtrad ;:at Tie Worbi would
>e hiis pr 1f imp1 ii nw-~per iiuip~aport in
iis candlidacy.
As to D)2wey's aninounieem.eait, theare
anmuchi iitentation as tii the oil*aanee
wehinid i hm and as toa hiis real aoti vi.
t i.s genei rally conicio td Lthat there'
*was a timae when he could have so in
fr'atiated himnelf inito) t.he hear-- af
lie Demnocrats of thle coountry that his
iomainationi would inot have been imaa
>raoable. W leni the AdmaniralI arrivedl
roim MaInlao was an anti-imiipearialipt
and thor'oughlly and av'.vodly In 'op.
iordItion to thla adiniiis tration paol iy of
iit arism.
Since.(his r'esiden ace in WV at.hin ag tonl
owever, he has become so aunnbhed
vi Lh Mtc <inley inm that lie has an
ounedt hiniself In line with the l 'res
duct'i poliey in ihe Il'hilipipines. iLb
o0 statedl as a miemroer of the l'hili i-.
pinea comm ission. Th is fact foaever
vaars him a from consideration by the
Democerats at K -.:aa. CIty. hlowever,
lao even wouhi at this late day an
ataunce himself ini thaor-ogh symapathy
wivtLh all t he Demiocratac bssu est thice
Slittle (1oublt that hoetoul be1 nomi(aaai
niAted( Secondi~ hlace on the ticket, ~ wit
Thlere' is a sttory thiat the catnd i dacy
n: Dwe-y is the resulIt oif a eon ference
b tweeni ( Gorara', WhIi tney anad Mc
Irn Thi-, however, can not he con
lirmed, a and McI eani denies it. Anoth
e r anid apapa ren tly the maost, plauaslble
thieory a- that there is an undcercurren t
n th ia I uhican party against, Mc
K aIle, he ~aded lay Senators floar,
I'rato'ar.\ W lim gton anid other's, large
lon atccoaint o the I 'resideont's weak
ness as diplayed in thbe l',jrto Rilcan
amatter, and that the announeecnt of
Dewey it in the inmaterest of thIs faction,
the Admaniral himiist el beig in favor of
freie trade with I '.tito Rbico andi all
aother pi osseion- li-. whec te a- jacen t or
Larans-oe, anic.
Oi a nonae of the :issaues wa A An iral
Dabwey exlia in him aself, bhi general
0opaionl Is that he is not, at-pi irig toi
Lihe Demoirocratice no miinat ion. I 'roctor,
t~f Vermnont,, declares that the Ad miral
is, and al watys has been a hlepublican,
but holds persoal ity above party.
SThmre arn few luci in Cianers fromI
either party who w xp I -.,
selves in favor of I)3wey for I m
A great niny are cvasive. in di -e _
the matter, but with the grea'. i.
there Is but one opinion, ao.u
that nothing now can turn th
from the two leaders of the oP
-partics-Hryan and MviK hley.
1illi Arp AtIds to liN Stire of (01 '
e(ge Daily--lie Tells ih (*i t ii,,Ao
What Will linterepst I heivl.
Storo away know iedtl'e : 1t m. vt..
can. There is cmuftnI in T. (M-tMint
says of the villaie hnotinl-.'r "o,
his )uI)ilS ;
A nd still they azed itani -utl '
Tha.1t one sinall head e-mtar
I remneinlbr- how In to V.
how outr 'rofetsjor -, Mi ,
learned all that he kn.% at.w m1.
niaties and astro noniv '. ' ,' ,.
ago I heard 'rofessor lI' tt wh wi -.
then the greatebt livt - m ;
lecture for three night. at l1.<I \\.:,
chatauqIta in liorida, and het.
Up1) to the seventh heaven, d
and I had to strain MY 1 5) to
with ill) amion.gst tLh '
m lag n1 illied thle Creation a ndi
and the Creator in sue t i
have not, forgotten it and I
and awe and love for tih 1
ing has been greatly i'.r
I was I'uiniiating abta 0
I have received a ieL:- fr'o
friend who thinks t Shoibl li ' ,
litL it ore about leap yeato ii
the'. .lulian eniendar g t- btehint :
ton days in ,'2 ;'ear and '"'p 1 ;
urn'> astronmuer, Clavius, main, i%'
one Cailet the Gregorian Cae';.
A nd how it says that all y''ars'w.
daten -uher is divisible by fou.rw -
out t remainder are leap Years ur''
they are century years. The. are imp
leap Years unless they are divi: lbl
by -10i) wi',hi t a% remjainder. T hr-:
fore, the .near :!i)(11 will be at leap) year
linteven thi. allowa.te wil not exaelly
even up lii01 -ntarebh of 1.imo and we will
lios ; ottler day in ' .':.21 years. Sir
John) ILer,-el- correCted6 thiZ by nuk-IR
ig every -l.i00th year a Weap year ant
thsl! woukI ~ .ep uhi I-'athler Timie all
riL!t I for2" i A 1y ars- nuf sed---we will
f"ot litgure ne tl y o that.
Atither re--ite d"I friend writes al
fr itr tin l,:t,1e-r rhm it . ughlA n
W e zt.once I% ndi 5t ine wr the I a ---
-t b. nmin'~et.ion. ind 'tyta. hotg .
~net-- r ofr m inia trl'nd dh'-d inl
) nn '. he n no n ill ried il Cimnl
y li )1th i ( If i. Illf-,t' ld a htn fao
i4 ten iflud '.er of o! l ood I s .
anot fr-o' u ttizot I.A111w o nI l ty mor
dibt.in :-hl.d e lle Lh'a apun' hhan
froint any ottewk read1 )f. A\mont
their (hcseembdnuts nr! tbAi W~hittw of
Tn n. e: M :al. Son lackson.t a .i
lr.-. G eer V . T . Sha ritan. Al r. .
G; inral A. 1'. Hn ill, a l \ it i- ingi
stevn-oln, and thevi'e of Ohio ad
enne wo : Garal 0"wTll, Gm ra
lndrk on, of i ginia: thtl luwsonii' ,
if G - t gia, and Governor .areo Irwin,
if G rvia. Ail "f thse were Iinalt
l(et-ndants. .l,' think ()f it ' W hat
t divrogenlLc of fatt and famte, and for
cune thatat iroe of on phood tars.
itonewall Jack~son and( Mrs-.. A. 1'. H ill.
r.General 31hermin as a- it-:wing'
ild lr. Storewalil .lackso.1 wai A Mor
riLon. The wr ite r tayo elte hi It cy
Ad Hulh hawn'iti will thliat wa olxeutel
d il 17i, and that wIs grave i in and
ild cuisowabetween sai-hury and
t lott, a end the hat rm liiit
sholt ws tile initials, Ii l .."' h e r i
ve.rily, ther: i somletiling inl ti im hi l te
that Sttihtrv.an '.!s ba acte to fevtrl
dBut a tlen toubl' , tt. a-t aneitraIid
Lood tti b it tl.ms o s tr and Li.e c ed l
sorten ll h at i itat toii le: itsol virtue
'hand oe, contai iia.t to wth ethe
bloorofko an 'i virtui alt nth. Tdin
\Va!lce 'Ii tae L k (pe el'd I 'jy ' what, p i
aolr "ypo igandin re'g"'mar
man 1 colin(tsL or seond o fnitsits ut the~':
generney the Athaet lftpring and theo wht,
dcan~.- aan do butek trito leatdI himslf
andti notan onet hi~tsun doe.. itt'loneli
Campbell.~ Wallacvie wasit fa nbl tn! and
mad1 veis 2w famesa otre and lthet
ILder itat wn le w~a a young mant
hetxook ah~ notion:I ta ma bty he nasa
toreat cmeoi ch. ande aOs hit father -
died iiwhe n mpbela Ia 'niy and ltu
whi nothngam, httiltheiroe ia humttIred
mibts Overithe lv thifritinso atei ese
tonse at)' e t nhclew a one lde~t It' noneh
Ie lets thautttipdere w buiness t altttfo
your grat-itgrantdfather was alth~ powerful
forr anA land one ftdaytt be t i om ':
that. cre ofa lbthLlt, ara they Iotehd
adle aynd hipped~O~ hm-otheyLdi
thorle." "fe Sini tliin,"&I sai Gollnei
Waove. '' hav takent. tl'p eu iltt
"s11anfr and byhittne it romgS it Lo ton ih~
Ant, w t rtj itttija t jther : t Iil t e }<ri
bt ofeAsrla i ~V-tl
OWu aer doclikrgd a tockt whth in
nunX~ 5o bst or fwl or frut Lor lower
paouds oihtynlnph-lii stk tadttw
aro und thi~,r I ittle funne-shapti
i ioid hoDi c ni& d it effectualiyI deC tro3
t beti . d ItL th ink of i,-stry'ine
I I' 'l an ounce, or about $25 a
lihi 31nd1 that illadtLe $2,:500 besides
Hit, oit i't' the wheat. Theise cattle
tii-k linL'tl onI a bitr s al". Btt it
crtel and iullih to extertui
n 'I rtty, innoceIfL,,t, littl :Ia
k 11' i'li tI. chilid riel c iI see
t'-l t iiev ar io a6 lar ge I a fOX
t* anid hmok liLe t.fx tin
I thl Ii. T' ey h rrow in
- .1 L t ilt I iMiO -t 1 1 hai1 t Coill
w w \ thio tin r dilh'rent I I Ii I
i' u l circbir rl in I Ir
S i \ a i Li' tI ir hoh" i - ; ik ! L wl. t
d atil ili t'ili Bat i l-l f ron) i th L e
1I o if i Ii pon wlh ito ot1e
i~II t i' iV .' i Lit a In u' i' y
'iI'i t i iw oll th i g' tt'[ ii1
unde a Ol tlla oin' wit, to aii-,k it
ifo itt ho or .-ho couldn't ainswer
wa s3 ' Li1 u t re' t rfi I h
Pl''~llL oliirre! ad hi hol i nLlil3 tuh
wit hoIt vi 1 i rt ro u iid
ti1 p. W h I t hi y al Ia ei p i
...t. th. i C C ' %\ t oL iiiV li rily t irI t l oll
l iltt h w does hl i t I AIthr
t d.Iljl~t "i Tna Wiiilyour~i <plii.tin."
ai nd'i~i yu lin -, an-,wll it." ;\l i Ly
L ) nla I Cit w s iwhy y i--11 1 tihil
ii ll d ti p a vili P-' L y )in.
t i i t it1 tw:P ri p \v it ': IT e huij II
wti on hr d )ad i t d ii it wa' "W 1,1 1'
1; taI in, ( y." % i ! : "l i0 0 - ' Il , butA
i \ tu hm I C itil 1I iu I iii I h n'l
D(I~L okrf r DIt3fii h iien. Th yare'
- t r t o'li 1i t e :nil iI '. hir ith, o I i s I'd
Lii I Cliii It : i t I' i l t i: I t j_ lii t 't
-iii t w n i L d tin -i t il h lp h iI
t 'N't. an ii ii ' c r iw I i
\v I Ii I.l Iii I~i.3 1' it lI:- I I Ilil' I u~ii
i t L 1 't It r. I f I Ie .\ ofI
i il tuir e in lre it lilt 1'in g iw.
I . t L, ; rl
c -lip r olt 1O 'I. ht I Ir l t l1t- './1 .
i' ci nt.y wli'.t a-. a , e;I)I - a il r
long IlIl ct'e . " Iii d i .l e ,i I
Cary ai b u i t!k. IrI mid t v a1t11 ((n - !l 0
you w.D1 fe l to laIplp o whel-ni1, i l 1:1 <b . I
O -' I CI A Ia i 's F It I.; u () I .:11N v .
'e'he inal'Tig r. lhtui. FD 1-' 1b1 i 11he
Cuo sto i11otl te ait r harilesu'to - iI
t it h - i i ai I I rt Iig Ii Iles ';.': .
The ti bck o wht toI IL . e r .1 -V
ofnt elinh to nave bein 1a'i iiii:bI fiad
tdi d t v16lr Lo I IIh 1. hwi-1nt f the I u
t.0hou t, hood'furnih th: De pVit Lii
in C in tho , l ?' t il1 il r happ.n
ued Lo ho thel'e, With il t' I I t-s l i
ing ignoraince, of il .%' the thnet i - lil
dleep 11n3 tery Which t .- State andil
ed r l goverminenlt are.L t ryNinIgt toI
fathon. ,4 hs bee givn out t ha the
presentII U-0i to anid hiJZ dep-y1 3 w II
be~ re11moved4 i f it1, h:, lhown1 1-that thery
!na.Qd tht( *l.000 wor-th ol li or. :ttoredj
inl O, huihling whenl theit constainh.
were reuflued adjinittliance. This I't-poi,
ats .1ubII upLIently cha11rged, was em!Ipt,ieuj
intLo the swr SUW urthS InghtL when41
it, wats ann Iouncedvi thalt wn in pector
fr-oni WatShinigton had left for .harles
Lonl to institute at Ithorough areb
Trwo0 inonti, agoi it wait itlinated
that6, liquIOr' for at wholM :e Glu1trie:,ton
houL whVr it, i wa rupoi I bei
fv from the. con abhill . Tis talk
e41' n i n 11 0 y wIr( n) Iallowi il d to I t1 . f1)V ?
I)ll a t i'( 11 A lc cuar il -. as til il
G I-'N. It. a;. k0a;a''4I1- '3 l~ I
a th I I iltil nIIIgtIoI ItIt.
Cantoe Ilito t i c, G0ove-Ornna3nt3 I' spo'
3'.4es.33'.3 ii--- unI ' 1 I i t soti tler Ar,
iut ITd nhere.
Baltimore .\lnericiani.
WVhen(eewral I0hert 10 Ice, of Cor
fdcrat e faioe, left his heautif'ut I nia
son tt Arlington aind hatened t
l.'ichm1ond to nau iue.1 con imand of th
troops of his nlative State at. the out
br!.k of tb civil war, he leIft one
the ms,. beautiful and pict.urma:.I
10101 1)f theIm y 1' whIic h SoutI
Thehow acid laned hatve been it
1pi-orshm oil the governmnent almo:3
fIna" tI..' Outurcak of t~he rubh.lion. I
wv.1- wxiii'ln 1.'e 'Vrl eedulne0 his comm311 sio'
in the -'ewueral ariny aid hastened t%
1\"chill-wid with Ik fainiiv that tho
I' h-ra3! auithoriu s, reaiio that Llt
wrW3, kin 11.1d that. the nlationail capi
L'.A -'.' il(' g 44 o eio e to tho b11111ders 01
"1t Of It( We. eiould be .1
k Lic. potint (if a3 tack bv tile e.'nmy
.tewriniV 3 iw to ,ain ii, point of vantog
"crup. (IV U) Lit'he b l& that bor'der tn('
ottunac (nIt th 3 \ Irgini, 4imr . Theli
umi therl. Arlington intkt) thk
33v r m-:'- an , t w ., u.,d [
h piid porpr)-,, dutring the war ant
latt-, t. 1.neI -u.114n tion o! k, larter
ma4ter (i' neaiM. C'. M i., madei u
l're ideut 1. niolln. the. mag tlicenl
-1i) 11 k i v I '..t w'I4It \4l% 4 ) t . t I 'i I I'
ith I''Vi 3 4 ttie13' w ('34' \i3e i'1int(o
inilitary c-'nicry.
(it' 'ir L(, 4 lriilt' n' ll 1 31 W f'on
itt h u 't. ItI lha % hi'st 1) wiec t
I- i 3i14 g I .l Tle hloou wal, builtI
.4.'., Ii!(! W il I4 'I4 i."4..' '1 143 1 1 I.i~i r31lo.
u ,(m of .lohni 'ark3,e CU33 ti whio1.
whbaweci mohecbcameik Nlr. Mart'l
Wa:,ihmonwife of George \\as"hingt
toin. W hoen I'ohomel Custi., died durine11
4.. ivoluuion 1ary wV atr, \'ash ig to
adopite ' the tiwo childr 4 h111,-4 own
it th enIkceforth thewy wee membllil ers-io
I. \\'3-hI 4 14 'tn M Im33 hOl ait NI3L. \'JIr
nonl. Whnt \Vashingum died, hlow
vver, young Cu-.ts rinuved tW Wt
A 14(,or' to ' (t4t4 . ThereC he lived like
it5 iumrn vtleman entertainling
ir if- l 11*i0I}) i(nll itenc and of faline, aind
- tg' 3i4 tinetto nek-autle of h1 i'
Sta re lation it4 Llte h n4 us; gen4eral
. hit) 41m( 3i43op '41 ii a: Il.. son. It, it
-w , that. annL, the 0intinjguished menVI
wi wli r tg I3I.-4 .-a.t r. inIto waII It,
lal4 yt4 - WO.w V, hen he . 1tood III thii
ha wof 1 .b1 I ri 14. i oluim 's thl
torn iOw fr4 nt port1l o a d ga.ze d asit: f'r
a- II w vye colidti e.11 rn nce ( Ilt.c
. nt c4x o ti I i o-t be1311autiful ht
'had4 *''' wdad 4. . upo.- 44I \,' t ar today
A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ic Itghth"ta wshed by IIIh'
3 et.. nent '31( Win 0h1 tun t, 11ir43t. Loo'
th' :-o I k t 11 l 1CI' I1-1 )l 13 ( t t i 3 w t
tl. ' 1otion b(.4t!. i 41) it I. 't 333, B it, i
w! " 4 ieh : d for ii w l try 11ui4 (1
%% h;%m t - -w i for (it !b i qua .
l.4c- That wa in Il" I, lib! h u th
i.. If mi war, a i( .( ! fact that i
r-I ar I it )-d i 11 1 :. \ 1I ir tita : I
d )Ot:-. I liII:;1 11' t ' d 3- ) a1 ' n4 1.41 ail
tha 43it L : ncIln 1 1 nd i,14 1 1 t~ h werI..s a ft .
(413t1 t.u r ul f ttoni of thlie war . fo
othe rwi !it i L .4 i ' it, that thlc.4
wt34.i 11av it pu IrchIni w-ecd I. hIe s ite c to b,
ti3 d a I a iItI o bur 1 ) (1.ial -i tro und ig
whIt ieb , wv'et t o bet! i thet! rem taio -i
Of Sr't3nL 13,1100 men44 Wn110 1 i to p4
v1 nt, Ithe lnd wheein ',i e s tLe Jic
finm beco( ning a foreign e I, ;1 31to ry
Years atftr !the war wovas ivr, whi
the hit,1ter feethlng that. it hilil engenC11
dIIred hlul djed (lut, olinewhlat, G;eorgl
W otn Catl Iee, h4eir. to th
evAt~e undir th! CaYti will hueunes
fully o .thhdIk41 to thec prot
.rt ml 14 generotus g~overnment'tt, at
jUhtel ;L >111.1lliIlUIt by paighimI th
raumI of : b.*mO Inu .
I I 01W 4.'wer' tl4 3:-' 11 w'W at h Lii n3 :
iin re Ive fe t ~ (eif Lite nationm
(4' 34.'l 't' 4' 1 ('.w14ti4d at1 or,; reply thi
idhu4 .y 4.-ut, hearin' the2 name444314 an3
t314 .'312 4w34 . day(., JTh ink1 of
iintrk th34 ,:r33/i.s- of the. falho '1 33e
1'They reach341 i43 331 d1iec.ot as)~ 33. r (34
It. iI" a3 uniot -1ot). (1.4 rern'IIoved fr~oI
te ty' roar.)413 Nit' rusing'4133 ears<
hurrying1 1 feeth 1d341turb~ 33,b31 1h4b3r '03
the33 d 3'33ad. t'. On l'lie towe 43.rig glar
"4ak 43 3444d44 .nirwi, and. t I44Jbe14 w 3n
4444,' 1434a 1n-4a34 114 3)3ui4em..' throng333
thir brai'444 h, 4 . The-113 u443ep, 3 33acred.t in
44w turn14444' fr 4 t'Ihe long, rown' of tum'
443r o 1' il 11 I,:l>ii ad.'' S t4 o 13hi
t!3'4(4t;'hi'ld t 34, .'4'3143rould.
I b1 no 3 1 1ron~i'., 4-ad( roll ha hea(t31
-4 44 In 14f4'- parade(14 '.ball mee(t,
<I ii( un3(e' . eterna 11amping ground
4 )t r ( ileri ( it4''3 arO3311 31pread,304
N -r' 1imrut'. remr3 ele44.'. d1o4:,
Mbli dim ' ne ra3( 31y of1 biIs loh
That3 g'ilds' your33 lo3riou4' .
.3434-... .1.. -a ...- b 1.4
that,44 v*.tin a v4't, 33 44.k 3 the 3)t-3
WI eonh i n .41 .-. a mo44.4,, -tt.: 1 . ed bVl
'444 Unin 1ron W.or'k Iis wi34 4) out
ine4in'r ha' 4'1Vnt (:'4'y '.411'mplete3
'h4.ndinuun't'',3d,( tw 1'. t.4 4:1f ( 1he 333
4 .' 40u4h I'' in hp ig)343241d4swe.
1in3 her4 h av~e and it4441 i3(413 3)x -et Wtha
It ,t wth e fully up~t. to1 thec~l tslr 144
a- 2'h4( Inoiv pl o we inV3fl4L3 rop. m(3 r ing a'
3(han3t4re havig been4 l~ (ad in14 V wek
used4 for th uroeantheex.
Srogress is the bugle call to every
live man whose ambition pushes him
We claim to sell goods cheaper than
- any other house in this section. It
Io -it.; nothilnL to prove our assertion
Give us a trial.
l' low Cases 31ix45 worth 121c,
GO Shets xSixlt worth 75c, special
60 B11owni ,heets Slxl00 worth 60c,
special C17 .
200 'illow Cases 36x45 worth 15,
special 12i(,.
100 dbzen Children's Iibbed Hose
wvorth 20c, tspecial loc.
2.000 yards (LIevot Suiting worth
oie, Only 5>c.
.->0U yards i.awn, fine and shoer, worth
-i.e, only 10e
2 yardn I"I, vorth loc, only fic.
1,000 yards Rihions, all colors, 1) to
22 wide, worth 157)e, only 1lc.
10h) yard; I)Ubhon worth loc, only -5e
Dress Goods & Si ss
Thu Stilck has never beeotn s(o com
ileto. TIb lad ies proniounce it the
best ever shown i) this section. We
have all of the latest In trimnnings and
all-overs. VO coOuld ill this paper
- mentioning the difforent bargains we
Our Carvet, Matting and lRug do
partment is the most, complete we have
ever had.
Our prices on every thing appeal
direetly to your purse.
The Corner Store is the place to find
every thin.g you need In Dry Goods,
Notions, CarpetO, Nattings and Shooe.
'Otirs fOr blSiless,
R. L. R. Bentz,
('ash Dry Goods andt shous.
1. -VELl)N IKIN(,,
Managrer Easley Branch.
r'(11 Grenille Stor,.-.........
-C, riner ent Ira ce, '-101 Maiin St.
the miee lalan. hb-re's ( the pportt
nity fo no on, but) thr/ens I oflmen.
Fi 11 foot Wear at special prices is
bi You'trs for Ilguare dealinig,
PRInst & PA'lTC'N,
106 S. Main Street.
I4'' lei rst~ door above
13 I ~~ isomb 1 & I.tussell1 s',
-A n Associated I 'roes ( dispatch from
Santiag.o. ind ientes that the color line
is goIng to gi ve muIch troubie in Cuba.
Thebre was a convention of various
po)i itical faction3, for theJu prpose of
miia king) 311 noinations for approachIng
.e (lection3. GreaOlt earo( haid boon taken
Al harm.'oni(11/0 the1I ditierencos of war
rin13 fac tionls, and it, was hoped that
Lthe work oIf theo con vention would be
a 1ectoed wi tlhot friction. But it soon
utv(lped thaL theo Negroe had an
oraize ~d manp rity and that they were
1 pirare to control results. *' The
-ite pO-!reipi tated personal di llcul
t-es and the convention broke lup in a
rui, lleretofore3 the color question
p bas nio given a great deal3. of trouble
y in Cubi a. Thle Spanilards treated whIt~e
and blac(k (Jubans with equal brutalIty;
(nbut now that, Cuban liberty Is In pros
,pact, thie Idea of soubmnI ting to equality
. of the( Negroes is repulsIve to the
I wi te Cuhans, and many of them are
r. belginlning to organizio a movement
-ihiokinlg to annexation to the United
'--A !ter four dlavs of stormy debate
theO I loueo Onl the :Mth plassed the army
IapPprprationl bill. As passed the bil[l
is onlily slight, y mol~ditiOd from the form
in Nihich it e1nmo from the committee.
n One of the Iast ama~ndments adopted
t pn the soldiers' homes to the olioors
13.and men1 (If the volunteer and regular
. a rmies incapacitated by service (luring
n or since tile Spanish war. The chief
. ieient oIf the day was a defense of
. thel waVr department by Parker (N. J.)
agin~st the chargo of reckless extra
5 vaganeflo In the ittIng of the transport
ialSimner made by Mr. D~riggs, of New

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