OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, October 10, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1901-10-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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I* -
A Day With the Old Soldiers Who
Once Wore the Gray.
The following article was written by
Capt. J. C. Stribling, of Pendleton,
giving an account of his recent visit to
the soldiers' home near Atlanta, and
which was destroyed by fire on the
30th of September, only a few days
after his visit there. In view of the
agitation for a soldiers' home in South
Carolina, the article is reproduced in
our columns:
About four miles from the heart of
the city of Atlanta, at the terminus of
the street ra:lway, is a beautiful hill
covered with primitive forests ; upon
the highest point of this hill amid
large oaks is nestled a grand, a beauti
ful building, built there in 1891 by the
efforts of Henry Grady and the good
and patriotic women of Georgia for a
Soldiers' Home.
After thus writing down their senti
ments and venerations for the grand
old heroes who wore the gray in a tan
gible way at the cost of $45,000 invest
ed In 119 acres of land and this grand
edifice by pilvate subscriptions, they
tendered this building and land to the
State of Georgia to house her indigent
soldiers in, if she would feed and care
for them. But the politics of Georgin
were then like they are here in South
Carolina to-day, and the Georgia Leg
islature refused to accept this giand
bequest, and gave her indigent, soldiers
pensions, ranging from $5 to $100 a
year, or about $60 a year where we
give $19.60-and told the oki soldiers
it was better for them to take this and
live among their friends at home. But
after ten years experience it was found
that $60, or even $100, would not half
board and clothe them and pay some
one to attend to the decrepid or sick
soldiers, and on the first of June, 1901,
the Home was occupied and formally
possessed by the State with an appro
priation of $15,000 for its support, if
so much be necessary, and the Home
is now occupied by 70 inmates, the
sight of which I wish every member of
our South Carolina Legislature could
look upon that his heart, if even of
stone, would soften and he would at
once be converted to the truth that no
treasury could hold dollars enough to
repay these old veterans for their pat
riotism that has deprived them of the
use of limb or body; some of them
hobbling around on one leg, some with
heads bowed low down with suffering
from wounds or rheumatism, while yet
others are in bed never to rise again.
No soldier with a heart of flesh, who
has ever grappled with the dogs of war
or experienced its vicissitudea, can
look upon this gathering of the relies
of our great army without feeling a
choking lump rise in his throat.
When news was spread through the
Home that an old South Carolina sol
dier was at hand on a mission to in
spect the Home, the gathering around
and the eagerness of the old boys to
hear the news and give information
during the war (for Georgia is to-day
in front on duty for her old soldiers,
and South Carolina is in the rear),
evinced Itself, and after a hearty hand
shaking from the official head down to
the old army nurse, I was invited to a
breakfast that would have been con
sidered goodl enough for Gen. Lee or:
President Davis during our army dlays.
These old veterans plied questions
and queries about their South Carolina
comrades faster than Llhree men could
answer, and among the questions wae
one that I had rather took a whipping
,than to have answered, viz: What sort,
of a Soldiers' Home have you in South
Carolina? My reply was that South
Carolina had at least two locations of
fered her for a Home that was better
suited for a Home than theirs, and that
there was no doubt in the minds of our
people but that South Carolina would
at the next meeting of our Legislature
step to the front and provide a Home
for her wornout soldiers that would be
second to none in the South.
The Home building of Georgia is
three stories high with veranda after
the style of the health resort hotel, and
contains 65 rooms, 10 of which are
mostly large rooms for memorial hall,
library, drawing room, dining room,
kitchen, and for each ofilce for super
intendent, matron and steward, and
basement rooms for laundry, gas gen
erator and storerooms and commissary ;
56 rooms are made for bed rooms, with
2 single beds, 2 rockers and 2 arm
chairs, 2 bed rugs, 1 bureau aiid wash
stand, towel rack, etc., all of which
cost about $00 for each room, and
eve~ room's furniture, that Is now
furnished and occupied, has been con
tributed by some individual or society
of ladles or gentlemen, whose names
are written in large letters above the
doors of the rooms they have fur
nished, such as Chapters of the Daugh
ters of the Confederacy, Memorial As
sociations, Camps of U. C. V's., etc.
But the most touching of all was a do
nation for furnishing a room fiom
the Atlanta Camp of the Grand Army
Republic-our once enemies in war
while the merchants, manufacturers,
firms, etc., have filled all the other
rooms, halls and closets with all the
necessary fixtures and appliances. Me
morial hall is used for all the gather
ings, preaching, prayer-meetings speak
ing, etc., and Is well furnished with
nice seats and an organ. Over the
door of the large dIrawing room Is the
name of Henry Grady. This room has
nice furniture, a good pl:mno, violin, or
gan and iguitar. The library Is also
well furnished with cases, chairs,
books, weekly and daily newspapers.
The dining room has modern hotel tn.
bles for six people, and is equipped
with the latest fittings. The kitchen ii
supplied with range and other fixture
to cook for 200 inmates.
The board is controlled by a Boar,
of eleven Trustees ; all of these, a
well as the other positions in th
Home, are filled by old soldiers. Th
foliowing are the salaried position
that are appointed by the Board
Superintendents's salary...... ..$500 0
Matron's (a soldier's widow) .... 300 0
Steward ........................ 180 0i
Burgeon ....... ..............200 01
Night Watchman............. 420 0
Head Cook......... .........240 01
Second Cook.................... 1500
Two Waiters ($120 each) ....... 240 01
Two Laundry Women ($120 each) 240 01
Two House Maids ($120 each) ... 240 01
Negro Man Nurse............... 180 01
$2890 01
Cost of attendance each Inmate...$41 21
Approximate commissaries for
each inmate.............. ... 21 0(
Clothing bill for each Inmate..... 26 0(
Incidentals ... .. ................. . . . . 50(
Or total cost of each inmate about $93 2t
Among the errors that Georgia hac
made and that South Carolina may
profit by are : 1st. That the building
for the Home should have an elevatoi
or i one stor3 building for indigent,
decrepid old people who can't climb
steps. 2nd. The hospital should be
detached from the sleeping rooms, as
the groans and disturbances of one pa
tient will interrupt the sleeping and
rest of the whole house. 3rd. Instead
of investing $15,000 in 119 acres of
land, South Carolina is offered two
splendid, healthy locations for the
Home without the cost for the land,
%nd it is likely that many locations
will be tendered for the Home when
Lhe time comes to locate. 4th. Geor
gia has paid too much for her building.
Being familiar with the cost of such
buildings, I venture to say that South
Carolina can to-day put up such a
building for about one-half of the orig
inal cost to Georgia, which is said to
be 830,000, but as South Carolina has
much less inhabitants than Georgia,
$12,000 would build a very comfort
able Home, and $8,000 would equip and
:un the Home for the first year, in
.luding the clothing bill for 40 inmates.
It will be well for all who oppose
he Soldiers' Home movement to bear
n mind that the Home is proposed for
,he homeless and friendless indigent
ioldiers, who have no friends who are
tble to take care of them, for tWe State
.annot afford to hire a nurse, pay doc
or's bills, board, etc., for each old sol
lier that is on the lift or may be at
my time. It took ten years wrang
ing in political turmoil for Georgia to
.ome to the practicil thing about tak
ng care of her indigent soldiers ; can't
ve in South Carclina profit by Geor
,ia's experience ani with one great
mud grand movement raise our pen
ians in classes A and 11 to 860, and
,lass C to $20, and allow them all op
ion of drawing their pensions and liv
ng among their friends, or forfeit
heir pensions and live at the Home ?
in analysis of the trial in Georgia, we
hink, will point out the fact that the
orfeited pensions will pay 70 par cent.
)f the running expenses of the Home,
md might be made to do better with
nore experienced management.
amp 1,000, U. C. V., Pendleton, S. C.
De Went to School With Rcose
velt's Uncle-McKinley Was a
Good and True Citizen.
The public grief has assuaged. The
shock that made the nation tremble
has passed away. 2Editors and1 preach
srs have had their say and the wheels
of government roll on in their estab
lished way. Nut for a day was there
any interruption to commerce orag.
culture. Party and pa tisans softened
down and paid regard to the tune
honored maxim, " De mortuis nil nisi
hionuim "- say nothing but good of
the dead. Even the yellow journals
stoppedl their cartoons and gave their
readers a rest. But one extreme al
ways follows another andl so idolatry
began as soon as the President was as.
sassinated. Hie would have been saint.
ed if sainting was revived. 190oa
that he is dead he is every,
body's President. But time is
good leveler, and history is beginning
to be made. Mr. McKmnley was n<
demigod nor will he be written dowi
as a great, statesman, Hie was a Chris
tian gentleman-a better man thban hii
party-but was carried along withi
into an unjust war that will not boa1
the scrutiny of time. lie had to fal
into line with the greed of commerce
and the consequence Is t~here are thous
ands of widows and mothers silenti'
mourning for husbands andl sons killd
in battle or died in hospitals In
foreign land. There is no lamentatlo,
over them.
But as Governor Oatos said, wha
are we goiing to do about it; nothing
Some preachers say It is the will o
God andi the way to spread the gospel
I don't believe it; and Ihiave not muc]
regard for the preacher who does.
takes more faith than I have got to so
the hand of God in any war for dlomira
ion or the acquisition of territory. Fc
more than a hundred years ireland hr
been held In vassalage against her wil
So wore the Americani colonies hli
until the earth and our fathers r4
belled. Napoleon coveted the cart,
and our government covetedl Cuba an
found a casus belli in a pryctuuce 4
feeding her starving people, but novi
fed them. Then our commercial gre<
crossed the ocean to the Phihppin
and bought them for a song with t4
millions of negroes throwna }n. En
land coveted South AfrIca a d has '
ready snent millins ofmoeya
S rivers of blood in an elfort to subdue i
free people and get possession of their
gold minel I don't believe that any
of thi is God's will. Greece and Rome
and Carthage and Napoleon all came
to grief. Offenses must needs come,
but woe unto those by whom they
come. I don't believe that any war of
aggression has the favor of God, but
sooner or later the aggressor will reap
what he has sown.
John Brown was backed by Remy
) Ward Beecher and other preach
ers who thought they saw the will of
God in an uprising of the slaves against
their masters, no matter if it resulted
in murder and arson and other out.
rages too horrible to mention. He
was as much an anarchist us (zolgehz,
and his infamous scheme a thousand
times more horrible; but last year they
removed his bones to Connecticut and
reinterred them with honors and a
I monument. No, L am still the same
I old rebel-unreconstructed, unrepen
tant, and I am incredulous of any real
or lasting harmony between the North
and the South as long as the pension
grab goes on and getsj bigger every
year and we have to pay a thiird of it
for being conquered. If peace and
love and harmony prevail, why bleed
us forevem? Why take our hard earn
ings to support the children and grand
children of Union soldiers, one-third
of whom were Hessians and hirelings
who were lighting for $10 a month and
ations, with no thought of patriotism?
From that imported class, no doubt,
sprang these anarchists that breed dis
cord and discontent among our people.
Czolgosz was no foreigner. Ile was
born in Detroit, went to school there,
learned his trade there, and his elder
brother was a soldier in the Union
army and he is just as much an Amen
can citizen as 84 per cent of the popu
lation of New York city-native-born,
but of foreign parents.
The seed of anarchy was sown long
ago, and it is too late to drive it out by
any legislation. The assassins of our
Presidents were all native-born Ameri
can citizens. Indeed, it is not sur
prising that among 75,000,000 of pco
ple there are to be found a few men of
such abnormal mind as to glory in
killing a President. As Roosevelt said,
a President must take his chances.
" Uneasy lies the head that wears i
crown." Why that wretch should
wish to kill such a kind-hearted and
unselfish a man as Mr. McKinley pass
eth comprehension. If he was jealous
of power or great wealth, why didn't
he pursue Morgan or Rockefeller or
Carnegie? Oh, the pity of it! An
unsellish, great-hearted Christian
genileman. No wonder the women
are helping to build the Atlanta monu
ment, for Mr. McKinley was a model
husband, true to his marriage vows
and ever thoughtful of his loving wife.
Ever in appreliensloin of his fate lie
carried $100,000 of life insurance, and
it was all for her-yes, all for her
whom he loved berter.than fame or
wealth or power.
And n w comes President Roose
velt, the first President trom Georgia
stock. .I like the s'art he has made,
and I believe he will be as much the
President as was Andrew Jackson. If
we had a Ufiited States bank he would
close it and remove the deposits. Yes,
I know the stock from away back.
When I was a school-boy I visited
Roswell, where the Kings and Dun
woodys and Bullocha and Pratts andl
Hands all lived in elegant seclusion.
Dan Elliott was one of my .compan
ions-a mischievous, black-eyed youth
of 16; I weiit to school with him. He
was half-brother to our President's
mother. Yes, I know the stock and
may be I can get some little 0illee wit~h
goodl pay and little work--something
like a sinecure or a sine qua non
something that would suit my declini
ing years andl let me dtown easy. 1
would like that., and the President
ought to give it to me because I went
to school wvith his half-uncle Dan or
his uncle half han. That's reason
But, my time is up, for my wife says
she is going to take an evening nap
and I must look after the two little
grandd~auighters, Jessie's children.
There is a brand new lile boy there
now, and the little girls are staying
with us till their little brother gets ac
quaintedh. Before long I will have to
brush up my old baby songs again and
sing that boy to sleep. They keep on
working me as long as I last. When I
die I reckon the women will build a
monument, to ine andl say on it:
"lie was a faithful husband and
father. lie nursedh the childreni and
grand-children as long as lie lasted."
BILLr Anr.
A TLANTA ALwAYs " Ini It."-l'h(
Man from Macon listened intently foi
i half an hour to a group of Directors ol
the Southerni Inter State Fair, whicl:
is nearly at hand in Atlanta, expatiat<
t upon the greatness of Atlanta.
I " Nothing important ever happenm
f anywhere," one of the Directors salid
-" but what thore is an Atlanta mar
di there. If Atlanta hasn't a man thern
t she hias some one there directly con
a nected with Atlanta. It all goes ti
- show what, a bIg city Atlanta Is,
r "N Now, look at the unfortunate deatl
8 of our President," he continued
I. " When he was shot down there wa
an Atlanita man beside him who struc1
dIown the assassin; now I see that Emm
h LGoldman has relatives in Atlanta."
d " Yes, that's true," said anothei
>f " You can find Atlanta men every
r where."
d The Man from Macon snorted.
is "Yes," he finally exclaimed, "whe
mn I die and go to Hlades I expect to fin
g- that, Satan's chief cook and bottl
LI- washer is from Atlanta."
ad There was a thoughtful pause.
Need in the South for the I,abor of
All Able to Work.
Two editorials weie published in the
same column the other day by the Co
lumbus (Ga.) J1ntpit er-Sti. In Oe
of them was the statement, " Many
complaints have been made by differ
ent communities iii Georgia this spring
and summer about vagrants, idlers and
loafers. * * * Columbus has more
than her share of this very undesirable
citizenship." In the other was the
statement, " There is hardly a mill or
manufacturing industry here but needs
more labor, and there is work in these
industries for a thousand or more peo
ple that can be had for the asking."
About the same time, with the com
plaint coming from every industry in
its section of a scarcity of labor, the
Magnolia (Miss.) Gazette published a
vigorous editorial denouncingt the ne
gro parasites infesting the towns of
that State, and demanding that author
ities should enforce the law against
vagrancy. It clearly pointed to the
means whereby these vermin are en
abled t.o exist in these words :
" The mystery of his existence is not
such a mystery after all when we be
gin to investigate it at shoit range.
lie is a thorough parasite. 113 lives
on others. Like the ancient ildian
who hunted and fished and battled
with his enemies while his squaw tilled i
the earth and fed hi.i, so this parasite
lives on the labors and 'thefts of his
' woman.' For hin she robs the pan- t
try ; gives him, not crumbs, but whole r
heaps of food froim the rich man's I
table, and to him she cariies her week- o
ly wage. Indeed, his system has be
come so extensive that it is very prob
able that the majority of white families 9
who employ cooks in this country are
feeding one or more of these gentle
men of leisure (lay after day."
Observers in Northern cities, such d
as Philadelphia, New York, Chicago f1
and Pittsburg, in which the negro (
problem is becoming a serious menace f
to the health and moraity of the com
munity will recognize the truth of the
Gazette's observation, and it is only
necessary to squint toward the book
learning which is setting the l ising h
generation of negroes in the South on
the high road to the chain gang, the
jail and the penitentiary t0 recognize
the origin of the growing curse. It isI
not confined to Georgia, to Mississippi j
or the South. It is found in every
large city in the country where negro
women have found the means to earn
an honest livelihood, and where the
great majority of them would continue
to earn it were it not for the black para.
sites who follow closely upon their
heels, and who not only hold them Up
regularly for the greater portion, if not
the whole, of their wages, but who c
suggest to them the petty pilfering, the
insolence and shiftlessness which have e
become the bane of many a patient i
housewife. f
There is need in the South for the
labor of every mail or woman, black '
cr white, able to work. There is no
reason why anyone should be a loafer
or a vagrant. The remedy is not lif
ticult to find. Georgia itself has a law
which permits anyone to arrest a vag'
rant, who shall be punished by the
county court, or bound over for one
year for service to some one. Tihe law, a
as the Enquircr-Sn points out also de- I
lines vagrants ini unmistakable langu
age, as follows :
"1. Persons wandlering or strolling c
about in idleness who are able to work
andl have no propert~y to supp~ort them.
" 2. Persons leading aii immoral,
idhle or prefligate life wiio have no prop
erty to support them, and who are able
to work and (do not work.
" 3. All persons able to work, hav
img no prop~erty to sup~port them, and
who have not some visible and known
means for a fair, honest and reputable
" 4. Persons having a fixedl abod3,
who have nio visible property to sup
port them, and who live by stealing or
by tradling in, bartering for or buying
stolen property..
" 5. P'rofessional gamblers living in
Those States wich possibly may not
have such provisions should make th'3m
as soon as p)ossible, and should vigor
ously enforce themi. The curse is too
widespread for one State to be expect
ed alone to suppress5 it. There must,
be0 a widlesp~readl, united plan carrriedl
out promnptly and strenuously, it is a
curse which not, onily acts as an imme
diate drain upon the thrift, of a comn
miunity, but it, also Lends to (denmoralize
the workers, and atands as a block in
the way of immigration of indlusttious
folk to the placo where they would
h~ave liberal rewards. -Southe rn Farm
.Judg~e Stump, of Elkton, Mo., diedl
recently, leaving instiruction that lie
be buried in an unpainted white piie
collin; that he be clothed in an old
suit; that no fuineral sermon be preachi
edh, and that his body not lie embalmed.
Ihis wishes were observed to the letter.
The report for 1900 of the P'ennsyl
vania bureau of mines shows thbat 252,
844 workers were employed by the
mines and b)roughit to the surface 130,
-535,080 tons of anthracite and bitumi
nous coal, an average of 51 tons for
e ach employee.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Atwoys Bought
e Beoars the
A Native Carolinian Who Has a
Made a Million Dollars on the
The Bennettsville correspondent of it
the Atlanta Constitution gives the fol
lowing sketch of Mr. A. J. Matheson, R
Af Blenheim, S. C., whose success as a
Farmer anil country ierchliant has been T
luite notable :
Alexander .James Matheson, of Blen
icim, Marlboro County, South Caro- '1
inn, is ir many r.spects one of the
nost remarkable men in this State. So
EIe was born in this county in 1848, ta
mnd his father D"onald Matheson, was 11
native of Attadale, Scotland, but att
!ame to this country ien a young is)
nal, and wais a lawyer by profession. IM
'I. J. Matheson, on account of the war At
)etweei the States, wis deprived of a St
Inished education, but is noted for lin
kis general inforimition an( has no ye
uperior as a financier an( business wa
uanager. anl
Like many Southern boys, he re
urned from the war penniless, but l)
irave, patriotic anid determined. lIe i
t once entered upon his father's (e
astated farm, endeavoring to repair a.
he (lanages wrought by Sherman's let
rmy, at the same time eke out a living '
or himself, father and sister.
In 1869 lie accepted i position with
prominent planter in Marion County, (II
u this State, as foreman of his farm.
n 1870 lie worked for the same gen- 1
lemiani, operating a three-horse farm,1,
eceivilg a portion of the CropI as coim- re(
ensation for his labor, doing the h ard- re
st kind of manual work himself. cii
)uring the year 1870 he married a
lost estimable lady, Aliss Ellen Jarii
an, of Marion County, sind Mr. Mathe
Dn admits that much of his success is
tic to her cooperation an( wise coun
31. They have had nine cihldren, five St
augliters and four sons. ta(
In 1871 Mr. Matheson rented ia small wit
inmi an( operated a limited inercan
le business, which proved unsuccess
ii. Ile wasi (liscourage(d, Went West, C
11d visited many sections beyond the tv
lississippi river, but being unwilling
> locate iml that country, lie returned
ome, with renewed energy and deter- b)
unation. Ile again enteredh the mer
Mitile business and from the beginniir
as successful, making money rapitiy.
i 1873 he purchased( i twenty-live
orse cotton plantation, among tihe
nest lands in the Pee Dee section, sat
oing in debt for tle mkust of the 1401
mount. Ile continued his mercantile
usiness, amassing weath with ama.- a
ig rapi(lity, and year after year pur.
hasing large plantations, his comm er
ial rating all the time growing.
Later on, Mr. Natheson moved to
lenheii, a small town seven miles
>uthi of Bennettsville, whore lie par- ,
liased property an(l continued the mer
Antile business, his trade extending an
tany miles in every (lirection. H1e La
as reared a cultured and intelligent the
timily, having given all of his childreni,
ho are old eniough a collegiate educa
o1 to prepare them for the rugged
attles of life. Lio
le is the largest real estate owner
I Eastern Carolina, an(1 his lan(s are
rtile and valuable. Among his large li
lantations are " Brown's Creek, )A
Attadale," London," Arcadia," frc
ad " Egypt," besi(les many siallet
laces. He operates about two hun
red plows and last year made on his
idividual farms ab~out 1 ,600 bales of
otton. All of his lanl~tations are pro- e
ided with telephones, artesian wells,
etal stores, modern barns and1( im
roved ginneries. He has a three-C
tory brick mill house at Egypt, on
3rooked creek, roller patent, process, ~
vith a capacity of 50 barrels of flour
His wealth is estimated at $1,000,-1)
100. H~e is the largest taxpayer in this d
*ectin of thie State, employs moi-e
ands than any other 011e man mi the
;tate, is liberal, affable andl optimistic, th
arries his own insurance and has notT
dollar on his life or property. f
Hie has traveled extenisively in Eu- i
ope, having made several visits to his
ather's oki homesteadl in Scotland.
last year ho aiid his dhaughter visitedM
he Paris Exposition and madle aii ex
enided tour throughout the differents
ountries of Europe. i
In 1870 Mr. Matheson purchased te
raluiable real estate in the towni of Ben
lettsville and1 erected a very large two
tory brick store house on the tracks tn
>f (lie Atlantic Coast, Line railroad, in
which lhe has siince condlucted a grocery eC
usiness under the iname of the '"Marl
bioro Wholesale Grocery."
Th'is5 eniterprise suicceded from the
beginning, owning its own warehouses,
clottoni sheds(, seed( scales, etc. Before
Mr. M athieson establ ishied this whole
sale business another firm was cond uct,
ing, miost successfully, a similar busi- gi
ness, but, oiily two months ago the old ii
firm sold out, to the " Marlboro Whole- 8
sale Grocery " and( the two businesses p
are no0W combined, supJplyinlg a large h
territory and~ empijloying quite a num
ber of salesmein.
In August of last year Mr. Matheson
formed a copartnership with C. E. "
Exum in the wholeale business, and ~
this year the business will sell three
quart ers of a million dollars' worth of
goods, and this rapid increase indicates
that within the next year this enter
prise will (10 a million dollars' worth of
business. Mr. Exum is a cottomn buyer
of much experience, lie is a No Ih
Carolinian and a business man of ex
traordinary ability and( sagacity. lHe
puirchiases annually several thousand
bales of cotton, and it is reported thatt
Matheson & Exum will put ini a cot
ton coinpress~ plant, at this place to
prepare cotton specifIcally for the ex
port trade.
Mr. Matheson is a member of the
Presbyterian church and a great Sun
day school lover, lie never falls to
Ditribuito to ill charitable pirposes
le has a magnilicent, home, it culture
(] accompislild faimily, limself I
nie Colverisaltionalst, al( there is ll(
mie inl the Palnetto State where the
latch string "1 hangs out longer tht
the MIthdesont hIoilesteal.
Lie First of the Breed in the Coun
try Came to South Carolina.
Larlcstoilk E'vonling Post.
The bree(ing of Aigora goats inl
uth Carolina, which lIas been under
<enI on ant exieisive scale by Mr. J.
Starii, of New York, and by other
ick raisers experimeitailly on tile sea
aids aibout Ciarleston , is ot, a niew
lustry in South Carolhua. The first
igora goats illiported to tihe United
ites were brought by a South Caro
ian ialf a century ago, anld for some
mIrs followinlg considieraole attention
.s given to the aillimals in tilis State
d Ueorgia.
For some ltile past tie Uifted States
parlltmen1llt of Agricuilture has been
ecatgtilg tile sulject of goit rais
, which ill the opiliol of Ihose Who
takinr all initerest ill thev matter, is
ttinl. to become inl the iear future
U of the p)r'omlilet ildultries8 of the
Ak biulletini just isledl tinder tile
ection of Secretary Vilson states,
dong iieh otier ilteresting mnfor
tion, that dlrigll the 1141 inistratioll
Presi(iit Polk the Sultan of ''u key
tuested of 11im to recommenl some
. wilo wouhiI experillen I ill cottol
ture in Turkey. Accordingly, 1)r.
lies 1. Davis, of Columbia, was rec
mllend(1ed all( received tile appI)oilt
nt. The work wiici lie tid was so
tifying to tile Sultan tilat upo1 tie
urn of Dr. Davi to tile Unitedl
tes lie reciprocated tie courtesy of
Presidelnt by presen-ting the (octor
,I niniite Angora g'oatsi.
Pihe I)avis imlportatioln of Angoras
a frequetly exiibiteI at fairs, and
Irywiere attriatedhc( maci attenttion01
I receive(d fvorable commots. It
a tunfortunate for the (lustry at tliat
e tilat the aiinimals were ithoughlt to
of Caslmere bree(, for mverything
. wag known about, tihe (Casilmere
t was claiIed for tictie goats. As
Anigora goat cal nlot fulfill tile re
sLtei of a Cashiere goait aniy Imlore
isfactorily tian .Jersey cattle can
ve the prillposes of 11111f breels,
,re wias abuidatit room for tile dis
,)oinltmenlt W11nch soon folflowed, and(
1ich1 almost irove the Anigora out of
Ill 1853," tile billetini states, 'tile
vis goats were pu1rciasel by Col.
hard l lPeters, of Atlanta, (a., vitil
. exception of' on1e owied by Col.
Wde liampton, of South Carolina,
I by Mr. D aveuport, of Virginia,
I one by Air. Osborne, (it New York.
ter Col. Peters imported otlhers, but
y dIl noti, prove satilfactory. lie is
leli ly looked lpoll as bite real
m(er of the Angora goat inlustry
tile UniteI Stat es. Other importia
11 occurred from timlie 1() Lile up1 to
G. In i 1881 tilth Siltan absoltitely
>hibitetl tile exportation of' Angoris,
d1 this prohibitioll is still ill effect.
few aiiimmalsi lave beel imported
imi Cape Coloniy. Notwithistaninhg
- prohibition of exportatlolns from
irkey, Dr. W. C. Bailey, of Sail .ose,
Il., visited Asia At lnor(11 duing tile
rly monthal ot this year', and inI April
ceededl ml shlipp~ing out, four goats.
iese arrived ml New York ini A pril
id left qjuarautine there for 1their
difornia home 0on May 9.
"Tile Angora goats of these severa]
iportattionls found their way iit
any of the Southlernl and1 Cenltra]
atbes. but, for some~t reasoni they seem
>L to have become a permanent ill'
stry there. At thle close of the civil
lr about, all tile goats of thlis b~reedi
at remlainled ini tis counltry were ill
e Southwesternl States, principally In
ixas, New Mexico, Arizonla and1 Cah
trnia. Within the last few years they
ve gonie into Oregon ini large numii
rs, and~ qulite recenltly several thiou
nd( have beenl taken inlto Iowa and
issouri. At tile presenlt time it, can
every State ill the UnJion. An in
rest is mlanifested inl theml such 1a8
s niever' beent knlowni before, and it
betlielved that tis intterest will result
establIising piermlaniently an~ indlus
'that, will eIxtend~ to every part of tile
'Tie goats are inlcrealsinlg rapidly oni
>~lly island and1( onl othler islandis aboul
iarlestoni, and1( thetir breeding wvil
on be tan imlportimt and1( pr'ofltable3 in
istry o)f tis vicinity.
Select specimnens of your chloices
ainls, 'Jegeitables, IinIely bred( stockt
cllirng poultry, for exibiiitionl at, thl
ate Fair. A little effort on you
irt will secure one( or mlore of thi
Eundsome premliulms.
Great~ Britain's wealth mncreaseO
bout $2,000,000i a dlay, accordinig t<
IThe World's Greatest
Cure for Mlalaria. X
For all forms of Malarial poison
'ionic. A tat Lof' Maulariail poisOn
tncin youlr loouat maanmisery atI~l
! ailuaro. lorI med lc inesct ulro
Maslailal poisoning. The antidloto
for it is JOHNSON'S TONIC.
(Oct a bottle to-day.
Costs 50 Csnts jf It Cures.
No Haib,
"My hair was fallink out 'Y
fast and I was greatly alarmeeod
then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor i
my hair stopped falling at onceO914
Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexab~rO
The trouble is your har
does not have life enough.
Act promptlf.. Save yout
hair. Feed it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor.. If the gray,
hairs are beginning to'
show,. Ayer's Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time. S1.00 a botle. All druggist .
If your druggist cannot supply ot
801nd1 11 -4n1o do at' and weii exprs T
you it a bottlo. Ho sur-o and- \h me
o f yotur nearent oxpi'esh of Co. A ress,
,.J. c.O.Ylun Co., Ieren1, Mass.
Facts and Figures asto Their Con-..
struction and Management.
The address wpiich-Senator Depew
delivered at the Iutfalo Exposition on '
" Railroad-Day " wad full of interest
ing and valuable information. He said
that since the construction of Stephen
son's locom.otivose9vonty-two years ago,
there have been built- In the whole
world 475,000 miles of railway, which
are "capitalized ti about forty billion
dollars. The aggregate length of the
railways of the United States is 193,
000 miles, with a capitalization in
st)ck and bonds of eleven billion soyen
hundrei and nineteen million dollars.
The mileage of our railrQads is six
times greater than that of any other
coun t ry and many thousand miles long
er than all the railroads of Europe
combined. While this country occu
pies about six per cent. of the land
surface of the globe, we have over
forty per cent. of its railway mileage,
while the international commerce of
oir country is .4o vast that the tonnage
an inually carried by the railroads is
greater than the tdtals of Great Britain,
Ireland, France and Germany coml
It was recalled that railway develop.
ment of the United States commenced
in 18;80, in which year forty miles of
road were bilt. Ip to 1860 we had
rciteaicd only 28,000 miles, being less
than 1,0O miles a year, but from that
time there was wonderful progress in
rtilroad bhilding, exclusive of the war
priol. Bet ween 185I anIl i54(1, 21,
()()0 miflicsi were built ; betw' 1870
and 1880, 37,000 nles were 1 .dt ; be
tween 1880 and 1890, 77,000 miles; be
tween 181.10 and 1897, 21,000 miles
from 1897 to 11100, 9,000 miles.
While we have not built so many
miles of road within the post few years
vast sums of money have been ex
pended in improving them, in replacing
wooden bridges with steel structures,
amil(l putting on more powerful locoio
ives and larger freight cars and more
elegantly apipointed passenger coaches.
iSenator D~epew says that in the ser
vice of the railroads in 1900, there
were over a million meni and they were
paid $577,000,000, or sixty per cent.
of the entire operating expenses.
There were at least a million more, lhe
saidl, employed ini building cars and
locomotives, in minmng coal, in getting
out ore, in making stecls rails and .
ootheir empachments wndich aultitudle
other ttloments awich aexist only
to sumpply the railroads, so that one in
evecry fif(teen of the persons ini the
Uniitedl States, who are engaged in
mechanical pursuits, or earning wages
or salaries, get their living from the
operation of the railroadls of the coun
T~h~e gross earnings of the railroads
of the United States in 1900 were
$1 ,487,000,000, of which, as has al
ready been stated, $577,000,000 went
for labor $792 ,000,000 for material and
supplies, rentals, interest and taxes
and the balance of $1 18,000,000 to the
stockholders. " To make this situation
more clearly understood," said Mr..
D~epew, " of every hundred dollars
earned b~y a railroadl, $39 goes directly
to the employes of the company, $27
for interest on the indebtedness and
rentals of other peCople's and city's
prioperty, 2j3 for taxes and $8 to the
L stockholers. Thelm sumn distributed to
the stockholders is equal to about two
per cent, on the stock." Of course ,
someid stocks pay more and some less
and somec pay nto dlividends at, all, but
t wo per cent. is the average.
As shiowinig what p)rogress has been
mamde in railroad management, Mr.
I cpepw nays that when ho' enteredl the
service ini 1800, the rate per ton per
mile for freight was two cents or twen..
ty mills ; the averagc rate per ton per.
mile on all railrotids of the country in
1900 was about seven malls. Yet the
railroads make more money now than
they formnerly made because of the in- -
creased capacity. Rlailroads are run
more economtically in one sense than
ever before and the affairs of these
roada tare conducted in ca more busi..
ntess-like way. The object now is to
give first of all a first-class service, and
then to pay as :arge a dilvidend as pos
sible to the ownvmers of the stock.
Kansas makes money out of her con
victs. T-icir earnings for the last
fiscal year exceeded the cost of their
maintenance by $41,000.

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