The People's Journal. PICKENS S. C Ilefore the Leave Taking. The season at the national capital was at its height; the whir of fashion was in the air, and it seemed the so. cial question would if possible absorb the political one. K street was crowd ed, for it was "Cabinet Day," and two members of the President's olfcial family resided there within a square of each other. "Somne people just think they are en joying themselVes," Richard Stacy ox claiimed, indicating with his cane the stream of callers pouring into the Sec retary's door. "They are not after pleasure," iar vey Johnston replied, smiling, "they are following the band." The two men had walked into the street together and stood in front of .J1ohnston's home watching the scene. Oh, vanity of vanities, IIow wayward the decrees of fate are; How very weak the very wise, flow very small the very groat are, Stacy quoted-following his friend into the house. They left their top coats in the hall and went directly to the library. The low book cases lining the walls were filled with handsome volumes, some of them rare and dilicult to obtain, and the center table was covered with mag azines and journals, scientiflc and po litical. A bronze head of Minerva held the letters and loose papers on the desk in place. Stacy seated himself in an easy chair and appropriated a footstool. ,"Thoughts are battling with each other for a channel of utterance in this room," he said, glancing up at the busts of statesmen standing guard over the books, "no wonder your editorials are a surprise to your friendsl" Harvey was aniused. "But my va liant effusions are launched from the ollice down town." "Nonsense," the army oficer per sisted, "1 (1o not care where they are written they are inspired in this room, I believe in this chair." Johnston was looking for a box of cigars. "I thought these could not be lost," he said, placing the IIavanas before his gueIit. It was growing dark, and the fire had become the significant light in the library. Clouds of smoke curled lazily above their heads. "I wish you would not leave Wash ington tonight. 1 want you to go to the Warrens' with me, they made quite a point of your coming," Johnston said. At Iirst Stacy way back in his chair seemed too comfortable to reply, then he leaned forward. "it is out of the question, old man, I claim a social furlough when away from home." "Tell me, Dick ?" the editor watchedI the rings of blue vapor as lhe spoke, "'were you ever hiardl hit ?'' "If I uinderstand( you, no." ihit the question aroused his inter est. "H1aivey," lhe continued, "do you remember a picture that hangs ini my room to the right as you enter ?" Johnston nodded, a look of genuine amiusement, shiowinig in his eyes. "It, was copiedi from a rough draw ing I made mi war times.'' Stacy left his seat., andI st.ood with his back to the lire. "Today 1 thought I saw that face again ; it, was some what older and very miuch sadd(er. 1 was going to the Navy D)epart,ment Lo see McNairy and passedI her as I crossedl the avenue from Lafayette Sqiuare," The servant came in to light the gas. Many carriages rolled by outside, an n1ounicinig the fact that the Secretary's home for thie present, had lost its im p,ortance as the gathering place o'' fashionl. Iharry watched his friend with in creasing interest. "I shall induce you to remain over another (lay," he de cided mentally, "upon the chanice of meetmng this love of long ago, and take you wit.h me t.o the Warrens' tonight."~ When Stacy was presented to Miss Clarke, of Tennessee, that evening he wa1s conscious of a suddlen exhilara ion. "Of Tennessee ?" he repeated. The notes of low music fllied the house, palms waved their graceful fronds from niches and archways, and brilliant women, aind what is better, beautiful ones, moved from room to room. "A good many years ago," Stacy saidl, "I was much interested in a fara ily named Gray; they lived twelve or fifteen miles froii Memphis. The old gentleman's four sons," he went on reminiscently, "were in the Confed erate army, but he dispensed a lordly hiospitality, and later wheni an order ws issued to destroy his tine ancestral home we were able to prevent its exe cution." Isabel Clarke smiled brilliantly. "TJLhe Grays are my dear friends " she exclained, "and I have often heard them tell of the time when Jean ]'rentiss dropped on her knees before the handsome young officer, and pleaded so eloquently wit,h him that he revoked the order to burn her guar dian's home." She glanced up Into Col. Stacy's face. "I conclude you are the manl" Hie bowed his head in assent. "Tell me," he said earnestly, "what has be come of the Grays, of Miss Prentiss?"| lie had not known before the young girl's name. "The old people are dead, the daugh ter, Lucy Gray, is married, the family is scattered and the homestead sold." "And Miss Prentiss 7" "Jean is here, in Washington, visit,. ing the family of the Member of Con gress from our district." lie bent eagerly toward her. " Would you object to giving me her address ?" She gave it to him, and he left the Warrens' that night thinking that at, times It is well to follow the load of an editor. know no one by this name," Joan I from t Prentiss said next morning, when of th, Stacy's card was brought to her. tha n Below in the library Stacy was hav- pl ha ing a bad half hour. It was not a gottin sound, brit an impression that made(u brougl him turn his head; a lady stood In the podo loorway for a moment, thou moved bonds slowly across the space dividing thoin. Aat U The eyes he well remembered were valid. looking again into his own. cis 0 "My apology for coming, Miss P'ron- quent tiss," he said, "is that I amll it ail notice with a memory." hands "And I, too, have not forgotten, Col. reasoi Stacy," and she extended her hand action cordially to him. the v "I have found her," he exclaimed an Unitei hour later, bursting into Harvey's the de 3anctum, "and she is all I thought or sa.d 1 ioped her to be l' the be "I have been thinking of the old non-ri ,imos simce I saw you," Jean Prontiss the sa laid to Stacy. those She was very beautiful, her eyes would parkled like sunlight on a jewel, and said b ior laugh was as spontaneous and that I norry as when she made the bright- count iess of Gray farm. ords a "I, too, have been retrospecting," of th io replied, "and there is one scene the v that will never leave my memory." then I1e drew a yellow paper from his until pocket and spread it before her, tainod 'This has been my talisman since 1 ships lirst saw you." dale Jean's color heightened as she bent Stt aver it; she saw a kneeling figure, a lectio, fair girlish face uplifted in supplica- alreae lion, and great wondrous eyes that pendi looked an appeal, that carried a com- and it mand. Below she read: the pi this y " 'A face to lose youth for, since To occupy age with the dream of, least i To meet death with ' " aioul "1 could not be so impressive now," their she said, gazing sadly at her other self. cont "This was the audacity of youth that the S had confronted no failure." Th< That night she wrote to Lucy Gray L,wn Claire: alone "I am coming home to be married ; inter all the happiness of my life except this dollat last has been shared with your people on be and I want to associate them now in coh this new era in my life." As a post- f,ctei script she added: "Col. Stacy says that inous Isabel Clarke must be one of the wed- debt, ing guests." will meet of es AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT over ships To 'rH VoTEns or SouTr CAROLINA: ror I The townships of Dunklin and Oak Lawn in the county of Greenville; Cokes bury, Ninety-Six and Cooper in the county of Greenwood; Sullivan in th county of Laurens, and Huiett and Pine Grove in the county of Saluda, hereby call to your attention the proposed amendment to Article VII Section 11 of constitution of 1895, which seeks to de stroy the corporate exis'.cnce of the said townships, and respectfully ask that you vote in favor of the said pro posed constitutional amendinent, for the reason that it is the only hope to re lieve the tax-payers of the said town ships from the payment of an enormous debt for bonds issued in aid of a railroad which was never built, and for which they have received absolutely no "con sideration. The said bonds were ille gally issue1 in the beginning, as the citizens of said townships respectfully Ph allege and will endeavor to show, and fact I the said indhtedness hla been recarcd stay. null and void by the enupreime court of a unn South Carolina, whose do cision should the o be accepted as final and conclusive by is at' all loyal citizens of the State, the decis.. enzai. ion of any other court to the contrary grip notwithstanding. So then, the tax- and : payers of these townships claim : case. (I) That there is no moral considera- D)r tion for the said indebtedness, inasmuch cures as the conditions prescribed by the Act -andl upon compliance of which alone the pirat: bonds should be Issued, were never corn- for i plied with and the peeople of these towni- have ships have received absolutely no con.. It sideration fror the said enormous deht, the p the principal of which amon'nts in aridt the neighborhood of one hundred thous- tivita sand dollars, and which has been diraw.. so ii lug interest at seven per cent for some- cich thing like sixteen ycears. "A (2) That the said debt does not consti- ery,' tute a legal indebtedness against the said 22 townships if we accept as final the do- As'a cision of the supreme court of Southnoh Carolina, which it ls our duty to do. ri{l, That the decision of the Federal courts A upon questions of this kind is not an thority bin ding upon the State courts or the citizens of a State has been fre- a quontly In the case of Congaree Construction thei company vs. Columbia township, report ed in 40 8. C. 585. At page 539 the -- court uses this language : - " Again, it is urged that, inasmuch as the supreme court of the United States, in the case of Folsom vs. Ninety-Six township, 159 U. 5., 611, has been called upon to pass upon the same questions as were considered and decided by this court in Floyd vs. Perrin, and has taken a different view from that adopted by this court as to the constitutionality of the statutes there involved, (our own court in that case having held the bonds -~ invalid) this court should now, with a view to securing uniformity of judicial decision, abandon its previous well considered opinion and adopt the view rA: taken by the supreme court of the Uni- an ted States. While this court fully rec- i-'ino ognizes the superior authority and bind- tt",, lng force of all decisions of that, distm- nAll guished tribunal in all cases involving sni:) the construction of the constitutio nandi oa laws of the United States, and is al- ~rc ways ready to cheerfully follow and ac- Tia quiesco in such decisions, yet we do not ;dic recognize the superior authority of that ne tribunal, or the binding force of its do- i'coIi cisions, involving only the construction 31 or ialdity of our own State constitution .. and laws. Upon such questions it is our -- sworn duty to pass, untrammeled by the, dicta of any foreign tribunal, whether liii State or Federal, no matter how high its rank may b y, and to decide such ques tions according to our best judgment." The facts, are briefly these: In 1885 the Legislature passed an Act amending an Acmt to incorporate the .Greenville and Port Royal railroad company in cortain important particulars, an d amo"ng are thisincoporaingcertaintonhp ten alog te lneof the said proposed ra ~ ile way, and authorized these townships in to subscribe to its capital stock upon the vicml terms and conditions thorein expressed. reccil These conditions were never complied themil with, and the records in the office of the Main county commisioners for the various counties will so show. The said bonds would, therefore, be invalid in tl.e hands __ of the or1iginal parties to whom they were issued. Notwithstanding the fail ore to comply with the conditions prece dent required by the Act, bonds on be half of these several townships were Is fra sued in an amount varying from ten to twenty thousand dollars to each town - ship. A comipany was organized for the L. pre tended purpose of constructing the said road. This comnpany pretended to Whol be gangn the rad, hreb secured flO he county commissioners the issue said bonds. Shortly thereafter impany failed and loft the grade ucompleto condition, and the poo ve no prospect whatever of er 4 the said road. An action was it in the State courts for the pur of testing the va'idity of these and the State court decided the icon stltuitiunai and the bonds in (Bee Floyd vs. I'urrin, :30 8 U., .) Thereafter certain parties, who d to be non-residents and subsc purchasers for value and without (the bonds being invalid in the of the originmd holders, for the Ls above splecilled) brought their In the United States court to teat lidity of the said bonds, and the I States court refused to follow cision of the State court in Floyd rrin and decided in favor of the loud holders. That Is to say, that 'nds were good in the hands of the Isidents who might have purchased no for value and without notice of facts above recited, and which go to impeach the validity of the nds. (This too in face of the fact he records in the ofilco of the v conmmissioncrs for the various .s, which records are public ree nd notice to the world, disclose all facts which would go tt impeach alidity of the said bonds). Since the matter has beon in litigation, finally judgments have boen ob against several of those town upon coupons representing a part of the accrued interest, and man have been issued by the United court authorizingt a levy and col 1 of a tax to meet the judgments y obtained, and suits are still ng against some of 'he townships; masmuch as the first instalment of incipal of the said bonds falls due ear other suits will surely follow, it appears that these bonds, or at large portion of them (the exact it we do not know), have found way into the hands of non-resi who can sue in the United States and thus evade the decisions of ate court. debt against Dunklin and Oak townships, in Greenville County, amounts in principal and accrued st to something like thirty thousand a each. The principal of bonds half of Uokesbury, Ninety-Six and r townships amount to $4S,800. ther townships are similarly af l. You can imagine what an enor tax will be required to pay this and the number of homes that have to be sold in order to this unjust tax, it t;ome means mape cannot be devised. It hangs the property of the said town as at black cloud, striking ter ,o the hearts of our citizenship, ysicians are calling attention to the .hat intluenza or grip has come to In the larger cIties there has been rked intcrease in dlisess axiTectintg rgants of respi rationi, which increase nbiluted to the prevalence of influ P'ersons wh'lo are recoverin~g fromx er influeniza are in a weak condijtion )eculiairly liaible to pulmonxary dlis Pierce's Gohlen Medical Discovery coughs, bronchitis, lung "trouble" >ther diseases of the organs of res. on. It is the best toute medicine hose whose strength and vitality beeni exhausted by an attack of grip. purifies the blood, cleansing it of oisonous; accumulahtions which breed feed disease. It gives incereaised ac to the blood-inaking glands, and icreases the supply of pure blood, withi the red corp)uscles of health. word for your 'Goilen Medical Disc writes Mrs. E. A. liender. of Keetic, cxon Co., Ohio. " We have been uisinig it amnity ntiedicinie for more t han four year,s. cough remed y and blood.- purifier there is g better. and aaler having the grip D)r. e's olden Medical Dilscov'ery is Just the nmedicinec for a complete bracing up." cept no substitute for "Golden Med D)iscovery." There is nothing "just >od " for diseases of the stomiach, 1, and lungs. e sluggish liver is made active by se of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Hairy, or Sand This. v,alul winter and nar ly pring pasturA crop iH rap. indly inai n .'itg in popuilarity. Aloa fnne hay--crop, a great fortilizor o'f tihe so1I. Vine.. are' ofte 10O to 20 foot in ilongthn. P'lant in octobnr nd' Novema bor 15 to 20 pouds to an ac're with Ry0 (Jr Oats, or alone 310 to 40 poinud to acre. P'rIc( 16 to 20 pounnds at 12 cents pnr. pondn. 30 pouindls RtY vE'TOH. or more at 11 ets. per. pound. tish, or Winter Vetch (Viciasatlva) for hay, plnItIed nIow, I nul(' (60 lbs.) -o. P'rico P'eck St.00; iusihel $31.75. NUINE (OILoIA HEED RYE. wINTrER hEY, BUitR, TiURiF and otheor dEEI)OATS, ) wIJIEAT, A LFATLFA, ESE1X nAlPE, andt GRA8SEs anl OLOV/ERH. Wvrito fur our s. Menition quanti ty.. &ahoon Seed Sower. 'tbest h,and imapiomoent fur bro)adcasting seedsN. 63.00. Pail eatalogue, scribing all Vegotablo, F.lower and FJioldi I for thilsplantimng freo. Writo for it. exanider 8eed Co., )RIugusta, Ga. 3 D)ime Liver4 Pills, For BIilousniess, Sick Hlenche, Constipatlin, ~uaran1te.ed equal to any P'ill on iarkeo,, for only 10 conts; 25' pills box, If they are not kept in your ty, send( 10 cents in starntlp and1( re a box by mail. Nichols keeps at wholesale and retail, corner and Coffee streets. Address F. NICIIOLS & Co., Greenville,8S. C. -der Your Fish >m, and ship your Produce to T. Daniels & Oo., osale anid IMetail Fla. and Produce inrn S'r, CIIARLESTON. S. C. shutting out all rays of hope for the fu tut . Unuless relief is had this debt will practically dos troy the value of our proporty, siuceo no one would care to purhase property, or move into a tuwn ship with such an enormous debt hang ing over it. We are advised that the supreme court of the United States it solf has decided that in cases like this, where the charters of the municipal cor poratious are repealed, and their corpo rate agents removed, there would be no lon ger in existence anyone upon whom the F"edural courts could lay tboir hands in order to enforce the collection of the tax provided for by the Act, and that the said court is limited in its jurisdic tion to enforcing the machinery provided for by the Act a'tlhorizinlg the levy of the tax ; that it ' annot itself levy the tax, nor can It place the said tow.ships in the hands of a receiver, and that in such cases the creditors are without remedy except to apply to the Legisla turo for relief. If this constitutional iuam ndmtent, therefore, is voted, the townships having no longer any legal existence would have no corporato agent upoi whom the Feudoral courts could lay their hands for Bad Couqhs 9. -asssmanum r ae " I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried A yr's Cherry 'ceto ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected co!ds always lead to something scriots. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consmlo:r:*,orI. Don't wait, ht i t:tber Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as yotur cough begins. A. few doses will cure you ten. Three size': Zc., .. . $1. A:i drugi s. Contiau t y ur ,1e e . If .. uyr tnk it, thon do as h-, ray A. !t hel t- '!. Su not to toko It. thotn 6. t't tal-- 11. 11o kuue. Loave It wit h himn. W1.- :n " v;iling. .J. C. .AY I.:n C(?., r-.% '1, m.:e. P AIN T. lu ra i b ity, 4 c'lvermn' sIn face, u .=e Masury's Paint. Leading 'aint on th( marke Saml)ple .h.,tlcs se"nt /-'/'M;1'. W rite f'"r c:siinn:ti's * (ff (10.lC )l tC I.. c Litle& ellelt o. Chaleon - C AllKids f uiler --u pis Speaal Price on LKNDEloAlTNOlGN fo onemothony. 5.0.$6 00 al 70 00. Dliveed a our -, $5 0 acopn ore.T(1i ha -' McCOlD MMtCHADISM CO..Lau. -Fs for tvster. 1L. 0 A McOwr r., M'gICrN. rona,Sinet ofC..tvPode r repChfulsctd 6o. y LeMsl,. -Fish and Osters from The Terry'1 sh C., AtCarles.on S. C., lo Te Coubir Fihol andc reoiocouia, S Et1C, andhry i,o to. -onr tnl ~ po...pcait. Fish E AR,Nd and telrsA Fr i ofe S1pecr st c oCles aa td Co., Columb a (, and wrot DR. J. .AROiLvEr Groenvilo, S. O Offico over Add isons D)rug Store. an19t. the purpose of compelling the levy of the tax. and we would thereby be re lieved from the payment of this unjust, illegal and iniquitous tax which we are called upon to pay, and for which there is no consideration either legal or nioral. Wo, therefore, ask our fellow citizens to stand by the decision of the State court. If a citizen of South Carolina held any of these bonds he could not re. cover. Under the decision of the Fed cral courts a non-residnt purchaser for valuable consideration and without no tice can recover, thereby unjustly dis crimninating against the citizens of our own State if the said debt is a just one and should be paid. We moat earnestly ask our fellow-citizens to be sure to vote the printed tickets, which will be fur nished the managers at the next general election, "Constitutional Amendment of 8ection i1 of Article VII of the Consti tution, relating to Counties and County Gove,nniunt, Yes ;" and also use their influence at the polls to see that others vote the same way. "Do untu others as you would have others do unto you" under similar circumstances is all that we ask. )unklin-C. D). Smih. L. T. It. Dan il, .Jesse L. French. Oak Lawn--1)r. V. 1). HIopkins, W. A. M< Kelvey, Gco. W. Sullivan. Sullivan--Wmn 1). Sullivan, 1. W. Nichols, John W. Bocks. Cokesbury--Wm. .1. Moore, T. J. E lis, W. It. Moore. Ninety-Six---M. 11. Coleman, J. P. Phillips, G. II Taylor. Cooper-J. II. Brooks, It. W. Town seud. Pine Grove and luiet --J. E. Brunson, W. 1 Stevens. Mrs. P1ilgoy: " I don't see how you can manage to go to church three times ont Sumay." MIs. Bland: "t1 <10 it simply by tioitg no work of any kind on the Sab bath. I think it positivel. wicked< for womrent to stay home and cook (linners for their husbands on Sunday.'' M rs. 'ngey: " I suppose, then, you have cold lunch at noon?" irs. 'land: i ()h, dear, no. I al ways Iike dinner at Mr. I hand's sister.'s ,She's a splendid cook and she always tries to do her best on Sundlays.' Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney ttoubie preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon * 3 .-disappear when the kid neys are out of order .t~ .or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon afflicted with weak kid-. -- neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bl:der troubc, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the imnmediate effect of Swamnp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, in fifty- o'' cent andl one dollar g . Eil sizes. You may have a . . ., ,,. H i. MS9 sample bottle by mail " "' . f ree, also pamphlet tell- nlomo of S~~amp-noot. ing all about it, includIng many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured, in writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. HICKENS RAILR{OAI) TDI13E TiA lIlh No. 2. lYctive 12:01 A. M. , Feb. 1st, 19)01. lRemo D)own. Ihead Up. N o. It). ST ATION S. No. 9t. M ixed. M ixed. 1t0:.10 a mi. Lv. Pikhens A r..2:55 p mi 10:45 a in...*egsonm's...2:4i p mi 10:55 a1 m.........*Paron's.....2:30 p mn I 1 :ti0 a mi.........* rars......2:25 p m II :05 a mi..........Malin's......2:20 p mi Il1: a ai.n... A r Easley Lv..2:15 p mn No. 12. S3TATIONS. No. 11. Mixed. ' ' Mixed. 4:00l p in.... v. Pic:kens Ar..:10 p~in '1:0)5 ' in......*ergson's..... :3) lp m -I:15 P m.........ason's,... ..6:15 p im -1:20 p' in.........Ariil's....ti: 10 p mn -I :25 p in.......Muldin's...:05 p mi -1:-it0 p m....Ar Easley' Lv...6:00) P mi *la~rg Stations. All trainis daily except Sund(ay. No. 10 (Conniects wit,h Southern tailhvay No. :33. No. It Conne(cts with Southern HI iw No. 12 No. 12 P'oi. eetn with Soullhern Railiwy N o. II. No. 11 Connects with Soot horn Raiway No.:Mi. EO .For any iniform ationi apiply to (leneral Mana1;er. La. WV. P'aecle Pr eparation li A s - w similating lhceFood andfceguda ting LtheStoitchsul IBowels ol' Bear Promotes 1)igestion,Cheerful - ness and Ilest.Contains nellher O>iuml,Morphiinv nor Mineral. 'e ?,OT -N utu ()''I. n&rg OfIdir F' l11WI/A/ Iiny!a'n &Sd - dhex..1rmenow IrAaM &t - /At.".'dtt liefria .riavkt - + 1!%rtr; l_i__l_: { 7/.vs .1}gvr Apefect lRemedy forronsiLpa rion, Sour Slotuach,1)iarrhoca WVormns,Convulsions s everish ness nd LoSS o F SLE EP. FaCSimilo Signaturo or NEWS YOTRK. - 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. TN1.' C[ Sefling at Every t1h Owin to oi) r4 posie" I v ("1171!."s 1in onr Carriaes, Sureys, Bui Ph aet( At an A bsolute Sac U[ il our 4)11 is remon. rI~ itoc dlay. Anottc'p 20 ii ol3 to urenitn., sendl4 250 for outfit; s&t,. LIOIA s (0,L 'Ah.ThTA.AA 041A