OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, February 12, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1903-02-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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OL I. I-ICK1NS S. C,. T1IU lSDAY, EIM Itl'ARY 12, 19:- N 0. .
Grave Robber& Before the Court of
Alexander CIt<ims That Me Is of (iood
Moral Character While the Negroes
Who Testified Are Not.
Ind ianaI:ipo(lli. vSecial. ''he deflense
iII the trail o! 1)'. ,P. C. \lexallder,
'hargeid with h(eiig implicated ill tl'
grav/ rOlhing 4ase S(i, outlined its evi
d1e11"( :t, 5ooln as thet 'Ottr't 01)(n1)('
Monday. The ( pen'ling staitement was
tuai'e by Mr. I'Traan. 'T'hie defense, a('
corlding to 1r. Spaan, proplsed to
'low that I1i. Alexande'r was of good
tiIrltd (" iiat ("ter. while the neg.-oes
wi, ) t'stitied tj gaillst liml I were riis
reputabilc aud lnworthy of helief. The
deft'ense is that wh^n ('aitrell and
Mirtin wt"nt. to ir. .\lxiln(der's ofice,
they w'ent Iher(' for the purpose of se
(tlring (,mploym(nt to cleait 11p the
ollog.', as. they had ilone that kind14 of
work at Chicago) and other hilaces. I)r.
Alexander told thrn that such (m1
1loymet vat mut of ils Ile)attmllenit,
but II enll again and he woltld give
them ani answer. Inl the meanlime he.
clinsultrld with S;everal members of the
faculty and was told that he might em
ploy Cantrell. ::n(I IDr. .\lexander
agre^d to pay hlim) $30 for the worki.
On 1he se"ontl djay (antrell told him
that in: was furur,ishing dissveting sub
.litits for colltegr. anid woul like to
I'urnish some f;1r Dr. Ale'xander. i)r.
.\lexlindclr repl"ied that it he o hii(1 get
the bOdiei. legitiately he woul pay
Tli dltn<(s said th:t it. wmild show
Ihat while ('iitrell was befor' the
grant .imry he wrn( to a teleplio- aind
called llp 1)r. Anderson. whose of
Ie w:1s atross the hall fromll I)r. .\lex
andler''s Offite in th"' Claypool building.
('antroli tin' defe'nse asserted. manle
itifs(lt known ill ask'I lir. An:ler
'(In to inform Dr)'. Alexatler that he
i.t t not fear, thai he I(Cantr('lli wIs
leing paid for what Ie was loing and
Itat no harm should comie to )r. Alex
alnier. T' defense said It would show
Ihat Cantrell had received $,: and
that this mtoey c:tme to hiin at differ
(lit timnes inI a whiti ent':elope wit h1 nO
signature and the a(ltress wIitt i in
a Iisgised hand.
'lie theory of tIh. (lefense as set
forit to the jury was that sole 11ne
had sent. this money to Cant.rell to pay
him for the testimony hle was giving
before the giran 1d ,i)y. Mr. Spaan aii
ihat the defens.- wouli introidulce expert
testinyllV to .-how that a manl aitiiet
I as Cant :ell was, as shown by his
list'harge from the army. was a moral
mnonst(r and1 has nO 'on("eptionl of
riz;ht and wrong.
Bowen Not Satisfied.
Washinrton, Speial.---Although \l r.
.llitw,i al(t th othier n1egItiatirs ar'
ehisely guarding the prlvisions of the
s've'al p'otovols. it is undt'estmod that.
the demands whii are khnown to exist.
in the (G('rlm11 in1!d I talian agreelients
as they'\ are at. pre(sc'nt draftod which
.r. How"(n vannot. agree to, concern
ani in("rt'n ed paymen.t. by \'tnezuela
p+rior to It (" handing do(w"n of, The
Iingue's delisioll rcgarling the allies'
..on.tenltion fr ;. refer.' tia l uon 1sidera.
t ionl ini thei siltth-menli. t of their claims.
ii is reptortedl that th-rmnany aisks that
ohie rei'Ovi' in additilnl to~ the $'2.5ei
c'ash that .Mr. lowen thts agreed to
lpaiy, ai ((rt a iniV'' pe naige of tin- 4us
11oms rOeeipats unltil thle remaltler4' of
Itie m11oney d emiandEhed inl the' origintal1
uiltimaltuml nlidress5ed by Ger'imny to
President Castro, last, auotumn,11 is pa1idi.
II1aly. it is beli eved is inIsistinzg on a
sImilar dlemandii. thlouigh thle amiout
alsked for' inl heri ul1timaitu waslVi, over
It is tile principle, however, to
whihel Mr'. IHoweni s0 str'enuoslyS3 oh
jiects, and( wh'IIich lie has inf ormedi' t he'
('ermlan anhd ltailiati envoys lie (anntot
subscr(libe( to. Until their prt'otiols are
re(lheveOd of these objectionabile de-'
mandll(s. Mr. Bowen saIys thlat they
mus,t remain un111signed. H-e 'onltendsl
that Germany and Italy ar'e insisting
otn preferentlial treatmeOnt, ai ques~tionl
which thley agree in their pIrotocols
shia-l go to Tihe Hague.
.It is the firm opinion of both the
Italian anmbassador' and1 the German
tuihnisteri that tile itnsertioni iln their
protocots of theose demnanda I; tile ie
suIt of a serious mfisunlder'standing on
thle part of their Forein Offices of d(er
taini phiases of tile negotitilons whieh
wereC su1pposed to be0 sett led. T1hey are
uts,ing every effort to hatvie tis mis
undi(erianndin hg elear'ed uph andii haive in
formed Mr'. Ilow'in thait they' hope to
submfilt the(ir oenftionsi to) hi tm in at
fewi~ days.
Protest Ag'aluist Smoot.
row'Vs-, chlaiimani of the comm1 liit tee on
hli'vios and( e't,lecions, has rece'i vedi
a hb'otest against the seat.ing oIf Hon11.
lid Smoot as a Senator fromil Itiiah,
onl the giotand that lie is ani apositl e oIf
the- Mormon. Chiurelh, andl that. as such
lie should,..not represenlt the p)eole iof
(Jtah. in .the Senate. The doeument is
very v'olpflInlous and qluotes liberlly
froml :tile sermons, speecee and1 othet'
Mormon .utterances, shlowing the
power of the prtesthoodi of the Mot'
mon01 Church over all matte,rs, spirittual
am.1t temporal.
Appeal to the Powers.
Sofia, fly Cable.-H-Iaving received~
official Inmnforation regardhing Turkey's
(decision to mobilize twvo army cor*ps
at Adrianople anti Monastin, the Buil
garian government hias add ressed'
reprCeentatlons to tile powers, invoik
ing their good offices at (Constanti
nophe to procure the cessation of the
Turkish mitarye pearations.
Interesting )iscussion in Virginia
Richmond. Spec I.--The bill to place
at statue of Gen. Itobert E'. I,ee Iin Stat
Iary Hall in the Capitol at Washing
ton was the special order of the Vir
ginia Senate.
The discussion indicated that. there
is a division of sentiment among the
Virginia lnawmakers as to whether this
action shall he taken. Senator Dan I.
Ilaisey, the patrol of the hill. made an
I loitlent speejIC In favor of the passage
of the bill. In the cour'se of his spe"'lh
Mr. lialsey said:
"In presenting tlis bill I diu so from
no desire to off('nd Northern senintiment
( : to reopr'n old wounds. now happil.
heale'l. iTath('r i did so froml) entirely
oposite lotives, for. believing that. th-'
feeling of goo(d will between the se(
tion Is now greater tlan e-ver before.
I considered this all opportune time for
Virginias to n Ee;ep tha- invitaItionl so
long held out to her by the l"ederal
(;overnnm('nt, and place in the national
Valhalla, by the side of her Washing
lon, the Ilgur'e of himn wthomt she d(eeIas
to be his peer. and the fittest of all her
sois for this high dlstinc"tion. thus
clhowing Ih"' good feeling of \'irginia
towt'ard thle nation of which she is a
"R ight ghl(l aln I to feel Ihat thos( t
who are the Irtlr"st exponetts of Ithe
ntintliaIs of the North sustain n. in
my beliet that In this ( ra of good feel
tg the statue of I.'e may be thius
pled without. exciting passions of ;:('E
1ional anlmosity or tirades of hit.ter
omnlent I did not hope. of course. i
hat the ideat would meet with the ala
proVal of everybody.
"I rec'ognize the faet that. there ar'e
hose in the North who are still Ir
re(ona'elable as well as those in the C
South who are still "unreconstruatcted.' t
i use that word In its Northern sens:;
ut I lake it also that the irreconcil
a(ble of the North are no more repre
(t:ntative of the t1rue sentiment of that
sr(ction than the aaircos(tlurucated are i
representative of the trile sentiment of
the Soauth, and therefore I beiieve at.a t
he great heart of the Nort.h heats in
ilnisonI witi that of the Soutl in hon
'Iring thle n 'nry of the great eXIo-EE
lle of the chiva-!iy and tlhe( giory alid
ltE -tri-Eie malnhalod(i Eli th,' 41th. jus:;t
is I know that ti olth (I(Elight:: tea
ha0or the memiory of his great a1 ie
arEy. whoi~ wa's tEoo IlhilrEous tEl .
+(pt his sword .1 .\pplr<lnnattox. ;lnd
whIIse words, 'l.et is have 'a(.' IE!
likE1 a benedi(tion upon11 h('r sore atil
w oundeci spirit in the hour of her p..grea.
ribulation and distress.
"It is not as ia representaai' of al
pir"it of secession that Virginia will
ffeI the statuate of Iae(', nor as inasis(
ing that the right of secession now ex
sa.. I .ee was naevear a secessioni1st. but.11
mn the contrary. he callcd seces;ionl f
anarchy,' and said that if he owned
le 4.000,000 slaves in Ile South he
would give theml all to save the in1on.
II is only as her superhest example of
manhood that his statute will he
chosen by her. helieving that 'iln per
feetion of character. as tested by strug
4le, victory and defeat. he is uneqataled
in history.' and that. thearefore he anid f
o other should he placed by tlae sItl^
af her majestic Washaington, that to
g ther they may stand through the
-enatauries as chiEfs of oaar grand armllly
If inmnmortals.
W He Y I.:I: IS I' II i' ll.ls Ifi).
"Neither do wve offer I.'e her'auslwl
have not others wrtliy to stand iin tlhat
congregation (If the aatlion's gra. It t
is rather from snil :a wam'alth of m.1
'i:al that we ii:st draw that it eist!
'ut( s 'all (111br1ra.smen iIlt of O1ce1' Our
!ah11. all (If thESE' any3 manyii oithers are'
lie stlattle oIf Wash ingt .1n1 is al ay. I't
place as5 lOtlu' epresentaI tive oEf theai r'e'V
luaiaray t ime, it seeaas thaat thle mioist
li1tag selCE tin we ennl naow' m11ak( is
tea t akE' the ol har froml a latear time
an th1 at molst st iriag per'iad Elf oaura
hiastory's. ande satrel y naone can lIe 1f1untd
iaiore worthly of tahis ntion laaal ('ommlaelai-'
a atloll thaao an st a inl Ess alaieft:a in. r
RobIert iCdward tl Lee.
"O0f thec abIsolulte legal righaIt ofi l'r
ginlia 1(1 ch(oose wVhoma shae wIll to( rep
aesenlt haer itn statuae in i s nationl
panlthaeon there cana lIe no doaabt wh:at
"In Newe Yorki~ thae ictur o1'' f I .eet
hangs 011 the walls oft tile' iall oft lFamae,
andl thae st:atue (If oneii ex-Conifedecrate,.
thaat (If Senator' John11 E. Kenna,5 of
West. Virginia, alrC2edy standis ill Stlatti
arly H all. The por'taiI (If JIeffer'soan Ia
vis, for' a tlime disappaearing, haas r05ap
pearedl inl th e War aD epar ttmenat, amon111g
those (If the( othaer ex-Securetaaries. withIa
Out cr'eatinog atay hiysttlrial excit 'eent 0
ini thae army, and so thlat Elf Gen. S.amua-f
('I Cooper, ai Na'ew Yor'ker', whoE heame lS
Ad(juatant-Genler'al anid tallkillm ;GeneralI
in the Conafedlerate Armya, also hanugs In ,t
"'These are thae wordls of Prtesidenti I
Ro(osevelt, uattered'i on the 9th oa(f haitL
A pr'il, the anilversar'y (If thec saurtren
der (If Lee, at thae Charleston E~xpIoi
Ilont, wherae he said(1:
"We' aire no0w a unIted ple;lIt theo
woundacs left by thae great Civil War, in
i'omparabtly the grea-test war of mild
(all tlimes, haave hecaled, and1( its miemlo
ties are no0w pr'iceless heritages oft
honaor alIke to the Northa and to the f
Soauth. The dIevotIion, thae aelf-aeainte,c
the stetadftast resolutioan and lofty daar- r
ing, the high devotion to the right as
ehaeh man saw It, whecthera Noarthierai ori'
Souathaern, all these (Julities (If mien
and womenC (If the ear'ly sIxties now
51hline lumnous aid brilliant before
oua' eyes, while the miists (If anger' andI
hatr'ed that onlce dlimmeid thaem havec
pass5ied aIway forevea'. All of aus, North a
andl South, enn glory talike in thle valor. c
oIf Ithe meni who wore the blaae and thlel s
men whvlo weore the gr'ay. - I
'"Mr'. Roosevelt has also( waittenl such
high paraise of laee as a soldlier thait
nIone of his 0111 follower's can say
mfore(. in his life Of Thos.15 H. [Bentonl ini
the 'Amnerlican Statesmetn' series, on
piage 34, are foluand these words:
"Thec world has never' seen better' aol
dier's thani those who followed Lee;
and their leader will unfdoubhtedly a'ank 1
as, without anly ex'ceptionI, the vea'yI
greatest of all the great captain that
the English-speakin11g people hlave:
brouaght forth-and this, ahthough the
last and chief of his anltagonaista may
himself elaim to staind asR the full equal
ne Mar,,r-aa,h an Weoinn "to| -
Eighty Islands Swept By a Terrible
)oath and Devastation Sweepl Over
the Islands of the Pacific, and Ter
rible Consequences EIusue.
San I-'rancisco. Steial. News of a
earful loss of lifc in a disastrous stormn
vhiebh swept ()Ver' thc' 1oullthiSa Isl
11nds Ilas,t mtonth!, rc:"hc<d twre ti(ndlav
)y the ste'alamer" Matriposa.. dir(ert fr"om1
'ahita. The loss of Iit(' Is ,s(it attel at
,0(10 persons. On .lmtuntry 1:1 last. at
loge t itlal wvav c, rr.romlpani'd i)%y a ter
iltl hlurricane. altarkred th ei Seoie?
slands anti thi l' 11a Ioto grouIp wit t
ea rful force ('n:-inlg dea'th and detvas
at.ion never bef'torc' e(liiled inl a Laint
I g'eat. storit s. Thr' storm r'agei sev
rah (ay-S. l-"'011i thc nI e s rete"cived tp
o tle time of the satilitg of tit st'I1am1
r, it is estimtat(tl that 1.000 of the ist
nders lost thei lives. It is feared that.
tlter adivites will increase this numlber.
'he ilrst news of Ilite disaster reu-hed
'alet'e. Tahitii. .la uaty 216. hy t h1e
chooner le .i1meo. 'T'hc captain of the
chooned placed the fatalities at 500.
'he stoainer Ext:(elsior arri'd at 'a
eete the following day with 400 desti
ute survivors. 'The taptain of the t'x
elsot' estltitated tI e total loss of life
F) he 800. These tigtres compsised only
he deatLhs on the thtee islands of Ilao.
liketra and Malkokaa. whose ordinary
'opulation is I.8041. On Iiikte'ra Istland.
v'here t.000 inhabitatnts we're engaged
it pearl diving. neatly one-half were
rowned. On a arja. -ent. island. 10011
1ore were wash'd out to sea. Makokan
tl 11a are d'popnlated. ConservatiVe
stinlates at Tahlita pla("e the nttnler
I islatmls visitt':1 ):y the tidal wave atn1d
tn'rieann' at u.5 1 All of them alr" tnde'tr
he ('ont rol of t he t"'t'enchl govern or at
'alita. Tle surviving inhabitants arl.
'ft. destitutc' of 1'aod1. shtIcr and ("loth
11g, all having be)1en 5Wr'l) away by Ihe
TheiI F'rench go)v("rn111ent, onl rec(,iIt
if news of (the disaster. took prompt
acasUres to rteliceve tilw distressed Iis
tiVtS and dispatch(d twt1 warships
ith fresh water and provisions. As the
tpply of fresh watert and provisions
'as totally cxhausted by the storm. it
s feared that. many lives will h' lost
iefore the rellef ships can arrive. As
as as Is known eight vihite people
vere among the drowned. Inlluded itn
lhe se were Alexander Brander. N. I'.
'lunklett. of Oaklant: T. 1). )onnelly.
ormerly a firenatn on the steamuship
tstralia, and the local agent of C.
3oppent'ath. a tnerehant of 'ap)eete.
i(dd(1 to this number was an u1nkntovn
romanl Who committted suicide fiot
As the islands were barely 20 feet
hove sea level and were not stir
ound'd by coral reefs. It was iteces
atry for all inhabitatit ts t take to the
oeoantut trees when the tidal wave bc
an to cover the ttid. 'I'hc'sth trees grow
tin iammense hteigitI. any11" reachintg
n altitide of 100 feet. All of 1the lower
rees wet' ctovet'etl by tit raging srats
hiclh swept. with pitil('sS forcc ab"outt
tinl over them . TI he n: tiv's in the tall
r tresa wtere saf' unIlle rr(annot.
ots ae wayg tnd thena.- th y, too
er(tait Swttt ito thie, sie. The' (li
uxtrviors brouight.atby th toxcelst ior to
apte gtatine th,eli shlip't tsitby swim
ting abthrettandy .i foumi' t'at~etpas
It te toianiuift ih!tre . A noitmt,
b'tfoght htdly d.amagd bys.f'o the strm,
reata a lbrotg. ff ials many. (rt
s o uled swimt t t het site lte liet the
2xce!saitrtlbning unable tota rutn cltose tag
lie shroecsiseragre tea of thevi tn t of
he. 3ca Isweltl. whitnsch cotinu1.et to
untator ally(It ith for tatf fioek ater
h~ee utida di'subne..nte
nesanrIlandcs In0 mile away.en
ontered lthe fhoratnll whitles t
Itt to ''athe later'' C plit itantid onl ts
ti. 35 pig and 30 ''tons fel ott on. jt
1so ed savd'he lit-tIitt le ( aft from de-ltW
F)truct in. bittno ithtg this 'eton,
heata lift iof oNo a wias tat y waest
pig th dt cks.o th i )'t i 'vt
Ea irthukee nMide.et
rThe Shtock Fwasi fIlliherisa
:4v ocncinnynih. Pit euscWae5Tcftures t
lrVOshaktn fombt wlsand itab. s
Ma,oi,vil. K.-A tiht hearith
uaese as felt her'.lrc' igtle atttaboua
:DI. he virattlion caSd Loindow
Stun. Kytl.-A lihtt *artae
hoae ockre here abot 6:t St l'clock
undaySuda nigh.tN damae wsit:' dwn
ndeduat o ofj thonvatonwa
rybtmrie cal aorWle
Thealshock Feltein lindeof.
ttion soutery IinIs Sun,dIey
lovorda from blood to Isonin
'sain oaig t was ead.o I ed
oaDshe~s Ratlso in vetr. aLor.
8St. Loureisw y isIncth earth
va,dt vicnt betwen at:20inanden6:25
Dabna eatefslat. Dontidson, Mr
eBaltimore Splelcal.r VajorIt Wlteir
dad wit Juius Brtu BC. i
What the House and Senate Are
No Extension Granted.
he senate met at noon Tuesday and
nearly every senator answered to his
naet when the roll was elled. A num
ber of papers wore received fiton the
house and read the first .ime.
Tle lirst mat(t: that camue up that
pIrovoked any disrussion was Mr. Iy
irick':; join resolution to extenl the
timlr' for I the pa)ytlelt of taxeS witIot
penalty uitil Marrh !, 1903. l t
MrIi. Hrie mtoveri to ininiiiteiy post -
1nte the inensire. III sllppor't of his
i)tionl he saii the treasitrers and arl
(litors are' complying with the law an'i
("llerting>; the overdlue taxes Wit I the
l enlalty attached andl Ihere is n"itht-r
Ire ssity or exrnse for this extettsinll.
,i1s1 Sit <h arts as I hese tea(1 1 hi It e pr
ile to expert it tvery year 811(1 in ItI -
en(d it always mnaakt's t::xes 1iyher, for
the unlrertainty of ;;ettinl; the- 19)mey
at th"t appoin ted lit i' calses t hose
whIo dfo workt 1or the State ur (onnutyc
to charge a it igher ta e. Thi 11111 p 1, jiajt
has tore noett !y ill I (eertit Ithatn
after .lanuary. but iowing or bwliev- u
ing that tIhse annital -xItensionwll I
he grantetd stiiande:s his m)eney
Christmas week instead of apply ing i1
(o the payment tft taxe.s.
MIr. Hen'indon expreslsed the I(initin It
that the totnty treastrers had alro ea
ll cttedl the' p)en11 Ialt ati it. wol i bi t
almost Impossible to return th:ese
small amouants scaltt'red( amtongl sr
Ilally people.
Mr a. Biake saidi tile it'ks hadt been 1
balanced lp for ,anuary and lthe 11a
tee was now rlosed anI he saw n) ne
c"essity for an extension. which aIi wiys
puts a prtemium it min delays.
Mr. ilydlrick si lported his resoltioln
and said that the dem1and) (1 had come
to him from the treasiirerst ill a t- a
dlitors all over the State coupled wtithi
the siatements that it was impossib le {
to write up the books from month to {
month and the necessity exist ed1 for
the relief offered by his joint resolu- ' a
tion. Offirer:s should not he n cle to
violate, the law, but the Various ount1y
treasurers had1( no power to collect 4x
''e't whiat the4 audaritors hard palacedi upon41
r p htth utoshdpae pnItheir books True the people t'ouldi n t
pl(11 "hart times.' f'oar tast, year was
1) unulsually prosperolus one. but it is
to remedty a dlefectiv4 htw that the ex
tension is nu\\w asked.
Purther deobate was participated inl
by Messrs. I lough. Mower, von Klonit z
and] C. W. Rtagsdale.
Mr. Sheppard was the last, speaker.
-Iv said that the reason alreadty give1'
wet e abnimOt it toa coninc 1.e thar seniate
of thte nece(ssity frt tahe extenision. antd
further than all these he helieved there
were hundars of peoei who hadi not
paid taxes simply herause they did not I
have the lon'y nor" crtild they until I
arrangements had been made for thIt
pr't:nt year.
lie ine. a,1 (S I. rtaine d froi the (1mnty
treasurter at Edlgefield that all those
who Were able had paid their taxes
and only those who really did not have
the money just now were th" delin
rluents. He dild not take any stock 1
in these statetnents that any harm
could come either to the State or the I
counties and believed that it was the
dlty of the geteral assemlbly to ex
tend any kindness possible for tie t
amelioration of the tondlitio n of the c
nmassc's of the people. He demanded r
the yeas and nays ont Mr. Unie's mo
tion to idtelinitely postpone the joint a
resolution to extend i!tha time for the q
payment of taxes without penalty uint it t
.\ar("t : 1 % 1! :1. 'ITe vote I'r'sultCd as 11
Natys- .\hlariah. littler'. 'arapenter, l
1)aviis, l)enntis, Goodwrin,it. latiadi. liyt
diriekt . ,Nson't. Mi'I eatnig.Ot Marshall,'t
ifoy. Raigsdiali. G'. \\. Rayson,1 Shtartpe,
Shieppard.i Stanhand aav.~ on Ktnailtz. \\al
i:r. Williamtas--:2t-.
So th4'e10 mt(ton to ptost Ione1 wats die
tird ieaiding andr wais sent1i. toa thte
maovedr to limit liar lime to Maarcha 1st.h
'Tahis was also diefeated'r.
Thei rhouilse of repre'senttives put11 in t
four hou11rs of wrak Tiuesdiay maornaing
and1( disposedt ot' mnty matts. Tihetre r
wiere sevea new hilts praoposed. Mr a. o
M. (G. D)onnaald wvants to 'rdutce the
piriilegeK tax oni fertiiz,ers; NIr. Sinkler' a
lad blls to p)reven1t sucht etittotn d
fraudars as were rep~oart froma Clarl jes- h
t oi last. Biummernt; land Mr . ,10ihn P'.
Th'iomats br'ought in a bill relating to
tahe fostering af higth schools.
The laouls k Ilied Mr'. Auli's bill to
authorize counties 'to baond thaemselve's
foar thet p)urpose oif buildlinrg goon roadrs.
The' object iona to the hill catme' from I
count i(s which have vot ed a diirect taxa
rath ier t han toa buradeni themselIves wit Ia
bonlds. MIr. Auli diec'laredi in his speechli
thtat no ronatIy could ber forteeti inato
lanin itg it st'lf. H Iis speech~' on Itahe hilt
wvas hi; flrst e'ffoart on the floor, aind [
was a very senUsi tle arigumena'ft for good
il it i tE.\DIN(I.
Tthe houase gne 'hird areadring to liae
six lill.s wich pr'a jssedr secondir readcing
M(ndiaty night. The1ise were:C MIr. Ratits
ita's' a bil to proav e' aiginsmt uasur:v;
Ma'. Motrgatn's bito p1)irohblit the draiv
lng of c'attle' inito the State from othier
St:it<s; Mr. WV. J1. -otinsor.'s lill to i'
chatter fees; Mir. Hill's hIll in refer
etate to couintIy ;ovrn ment in Coile
Ition. permiittinag the two cotmn.issionaers
Itacnt itn Crt ain (cases in making ('onf
tra'ts; Mar. I taskeli, to fix th.t third
'iTuesday in January as the daite for' the
inautguati.ona; Mrt. Laogan's bitt relaitinag
to (lie pubtllic'atin of sunmoms.
Second Reading Billis.
Otn Saturay, liar Hlouse gave secotnd
radaling to Mr'. Siikler'sa bill to providle
at amen'tdmfenlta t oh law rotating to
the at' oti'f mtedicinesr atreadly pre
paretd. The; baill reqiren'ct that thecy beo
rueared accord!ug the Unitedc
States phaarmnacopia, which Is said to
be~ thte stanidard baook. This hilt was
prepjared lay thae State Pharmace-utical
association, as was thie following:
Mr. Sitnkler's bIll to provitde that in
small villages and in the couintry pra.c
tIcing physticitants shall hav'~e the right1
to cOtopound drutgs ontly on liae condi
tion thatt they aare giveni special-'
licenses biy the association otr areo grad
unates of p'harmnaceutical colleges.
When the~ chIld labor hilt came up
for' t.hird reading, Mr'. 1)or'roh de
mandeitd aL viva voce vote, butt after
.......R ....l.,...(h1. 'OnWn this'etoi nIahr
inkii N lr. lI(rber. thinlking that
there n.ight he a tight on it. mado a
few i remark:s tin the(,bill. When the bill
had1 passe"d third reading and had behn
ordred e nrill(d f(or tatitiat(n 1as an
a<41. .\r. (I&'rbe't h1ad1 th houseP table
the fourt rietaainin5, chibi labo l ls t.
lintline id byv .le"ssri. Aull. We"bb, D.
( . l'nih t. and tihe- r:ubst itute b ill in
trodu tI-l l.' tlie naajol'iy of the voul
aniltt or ," I c inmtiercce" and nlantlnac
Iitr(:. -\nd tlini emnded thie thiref.
Sarse ffiglht io ee i ched labor lI'legisla
lil''\t(NA .
'r. Iceolper's bill to bct1 fl tie
'rsi('s v Orinn 'olle"g'N of iutth ('aro
lnlan There were impor10tlantt hanges( K
hth' in ith("' tn r of le'cting trus
I s' s thait (.very l'r"('sby"1('itrI:1 itt
Ie ysiln tid IIf' South l' arc lina. or y lie
litably rp resi nted.111 nn the' bo eari.
Alr. .\lorgan's bill to emtpoiw r heli
rs1i5e"'s of i?re(nville" ("ito " schoolhsu to
SStll bondes no(t to x c"(eed $.!ituui fo,r
ht,"1lrl nsv of buy\"ing l ots an ' btuili
119 gr'a(d shelols, proiIVided (this is
ht wi l til' f, h votri s in an elc'tion
alled for Ol petition olt ho mtajorittr
,f Ibe freehi ol'rs of hiio ' sc'hoo dis
Al'. I)otwlinig's Lill to allow liam
erg s11 hool dist'ie t No. -, townt of
lamb1erg. to isstie $I1,0.00 inl b onds for
he purDyo;o oI (iili g a irad'li
c"hool. 1)r. Black had th ( bill s
ine'l d' that til t it(lllment a1n0 furin
,1hings must also) be Imidl for out of
he amtlouti r(ealIic'd fromt fthe sal-s oif
lIt( bonds.
MIr. llinIon's bill to authorize an
lectittn in liashy o n the ( ittlon of
suig bcot bonr school purtposes. A
tajority of fr: rhnld'rs Iutst. first pl
itionl for thl' h tioll. Ti' ihe sue of
onds cannot ('a;c'('('ii $If5,00 n. I.atter
Senator ('apenter's bill was sub
tituted for this. to Save. Iroul Ie" of
tilting it hous hill through (the S("n.
Mi. A ll to amnlld tn a t of I12 to
hat. truste'cs (if I'rospc'rity" graded
"hOOls may huny at lot nut of proceeds
t sile of hon-Is issfefd for c'reti("1on of
s(hool b iling.
Ali. i)cnrroh's bill to re('qluire l tIll
oard of IrutISeis and fiac'nlty of
latimson C'olhl'Ke to proVid aduli frn
41h short coursts of ne' m111n1hi 'aCh
i th' textile dc parltmint.
Tlhis wats amtend('d by Col. 1). U. llcr
crt. sn that the tulition will be ' 1ree.
Air. oI'will's bill to allow flalcoml
' Harris of 1,exington., who is 1n111dr
he 1c'gaal age lin'.it, to prac"tric(' law on
lis graduation fromt law (uo1llg.
.\l'. lIealv's bill to authorize fth is
,u(' of $5.0o0 bonds fot' graded s('hool
i town1 of Sailuda if so ordc'red in anl
'le'"t.ion y n th1e p(eopl(' of the Soollo
listrict. wht<n prope'rly pet.itionedl.
Senator Stanlapd'* hill to p revc'nt
hc' sale of toy pistols passv(d sveonl
"1ding without any disculssionl so
iistl was It deemed In its tendency.
Mr. Tl'homai1s' hill to re<quie the
State' lbrariaan to furnlish at houme
ropy of the code(" of laws to each leml
h'e who has not alr(1 ad y bee'n prtovid1
led w\ ithl one.
Alro the bill to require tlte'se vol
umrs for judges and soli("itors.
ir. D1eruhl's hill to raiore th
Stati treasurer' to publish in tWC
laily papers, one In Columbia, at
nonthly" statement of the finanil
onditlon of his olil' and the names
it' the banks in which mt l'oe is de
Arr. I,yle s' hill to authorize' towns
.nl cities to own) and olvrate rock
atries, to work onvic"s t.h'erotn and
o e ixtnd the police jurisdict n of th
tnllticipalit es th ( s tch real estate a:
5 ase'd ill this tnannc'r.
.1(". Bors ar''s; hill to allow "ott uity sit
~idhatosti fo r s'lm)clhiol bokain
ot. romtle coitit prlia cowhene
hIr ownltltiie arel tilo psiall fof a
r. llilat ulin'bllgI aidvov whe du.I
Ii'et byof i sueriord of teista Cti' or
iiiown lan/ l te upo thecek e x.o
iteatulti l xllIn t hll tat C ti woldt Iiut
own aiol g r man useI(lesslll saritis
ndl ouh 11m11 nthe rnstrtoany if the
aindor blttonded (olicias. Orytn
Mr. ilootills ill ato angOleirom 5(
Mr.1i0dasth thoumh it ah istresso
pass are des1fo inte in00 oin 24:l
frte CivlCoe.
Mr. dayflin the'oeatea devid of1(
lwnedh thaton te Iebersht timel
sat oe for earneustr wrknd Uithe size
pa te alenar s prarndoftile tats
futhe msltr hipons ii the nextwold11
ax ies'Ii sIeeid pao.Tth adount
IIackedlli ntI iotonhil as a tmndeds by
~~er neartethey are0 oy in theol
.\lr. .lnrshall said that it P desired it
'list inetly nnder Istood .thalt 'he hilI wA
dler di.-sio.tn dil 11ot1 origtnate with
t'he South ('arolitia <( h-e. blt on the
<ntrary it was propo+ed Iby the sfe
tt(,minational Colleges. lie had h("-r
Iiifrrmed that the idea -,wrgi nated witA
P'rof. Snider of Woodford e.ollege.
Whiite the South Carolis. college was
not Itwkilg 'or this hill. t .ie w"r pe1r
f tetl.Y willit g I ilo the ox tra work
which the bi ti will impose' upon them. +
Not wi(hslanding that not ane c.nt of
the aptr( o 'itlion of the 'ill will go
into th> tIreatsury of Ihat college, ie
said I(" would favor the hill and pro
posed l hat it he amw-nded so that -he
denomlinatiotn college shouId he allow
cid ' reev the bD:eefis oef the
.\lr. l tlnkp be1 ted to th. m ea sire
he(,a'Usles it dhI 1ot i.-ielludr- the gi:l
g;raIluates. a; they uttstitutedI by far
the nlliorii of thi' reachers In the
("Iiunic schuhls of th( St:ate.
Mr. Brown favorcd the imenlasur, and
belied'(1 it to he hut. tie' eIgeinning of
'new era I higher edn ti ni 111 iii thi
State and telt conufilde'nt that n'ucih
}Iel woulI 1 e ; e i l otupli:ehed.
.\ir. ,hc"ppar"d 01ff'e(1t an aml)endnihnnt
that inia.II11cn1eh aF there are ten 1 tial S I
c oileg's I ie' State andt flit the num
h("r- of h( cctihi:1( s hing lilmttr'l to 1(;
il;,at tIhe farit of each of the" col
lege: of Stait.h Clarulinlt, ecollege. Clem
*on. ('itadel, Furman. Wofford. Er
skiiti, Newherry, Charleston. K in g's
\lotintain Military Institulte and ('lin
ton sele(,t annually on(' oif their gradlu
at(W to be the beIleficiIry of 1hAis Nd14.
As far as Ilhi' girls are concerned Ie is
nnalterably opposed to girls attending 1
any college exeept those espee"illy (s
t.ablishedl for (hemu.t
M r. Ilerniol opposed It. on t he
ground that the commlIOn Schools are
the on most needing the aid of fite
State anlt until all the schools could
he kept open nine months in the year
he cold ntot) iote for any appropria
tion for post-gratdulate study.
\ir. .1. \\. Ragsdale'e ar"gilel that tie
comimon schools coul he won(er1i1ly
improved by i'l r(ei-ing flt captnity
of the Isa:hers.1
Mir. Hiough :ai({ that, tho educational
inlist itutions aIre now top heaivy andc(
ohjetted to tile- bill biecause he regard
ed It. but an opening wedge for an un
nu1ial increasing app topriattion ar.d ar
gored for the imlplo(nme"nt. of the com
rttol(1c11 ei(JQIII.
\lossrs. .Jojiuson lood and Good" in
argued froui the san' staidpoint.,
Ilattig the State could noL offord it.
Mr. Mower ad'ocated tiet Imeaslre
and believed that it. would he the
mteans of promnoting federationet wc'u
the colleges. lIe said that imtpression
had gone ou. that. 1h4 State was in a I
had tinancial contdition, but. it Is not
lrite. The hooks of thio State treasrer
:+hoW tihat. on the first day of iebruary
the cash balance an(1 luncollec:tod taxes
amount. to $438.358.44. Last year the
general assembly made liberal aipro
priations, espeeially to pensions, and
ins0tond of going into bankruptcy as
some believe, the State is on a splendid
flnancial footing.
Further debate was ended by a mo
tion to indefinitely postpone. The yeas
and nays wero demanded and resulted
as follows:
Yeas--Messrs. Blake, Brie, Carpen
ter, Davis, Dennis. Douglass, Forrest,
(anes, Goodwin. Ifardin, Herndon,
Hood, Ilough, .lohnson. McCall, Me
)er' m'iiott, MleLeod. Pelrifoy, Willians
Nays -Messrs. Blrown, Manning, Mar
shall. Mayfield, AMelver, Mlower, J. W,
Itagslale, llaysor, Sheppard, 241tanlaind,
vo(n Kolnltz--lil.
o the bill was killed.
Preside ntial Nominations
det' . has senIt lie- toll low ing tiomi)in:i
tIcills to tIhe- 8-1i211'-: Hinite-d Sr'ite at
w'es'tern'1 distri 12 ofee 1.114isiani:: se'rc-'
tary'3 of' legationi a) It' tie. SwitzerlatIai , d
Rtogeri Shieian41 Gai es 11:m44tcil. ofI lli.I
nois; ilest 11as1t('rs--- l.euisiana:i. Au
C., Iteilly. (Clinton. 1114he'ionfir'inat'iins
by the4 8en)ate Mo(alyi were: l{eogeri
Shernmn121) Ga2tes Ito1)f.'1, 5i4e'etary olf
le'gat 1ion a HeuL,' Swif'zerlandt. l'ont.
(Ladsenl: .l. TI. P'itt, Flor'enc.
Tldeni Banquiet.
N ew~ York,. Spial.-211 A banlqutll in
h)1 ii (I f Samue1l .1. T'ilen was bel at
D)owlng, pre'(siden't or the ('lub. wats
toastmast er. Among f.hose at tile guiest
tabile were. Jo.sephl W. Folk, di1strIct
attorne'lCy of St. Iouis; W. tI. 1 Iensel,
formner' Attorney Glene'ral oft P1ennsyl
vanla; Charles S. I lamilIn, or Bos5ton1.
Asitantlt Se'Dctary of t.he Treauisu ry
unde Prli' uestdor it Cle'velal1id; and At
t.ornIey Ge'ne'ra I Johin CunnIecen, of NewI
Yorlk. The Ithr)ee4 spleakeiCrs' were Mes'.91S
Illmlhin, i"olk and Shepa'..
PolIceman Shoots Another.
Roanoke, VaI., Special ---Offleer
Hou)iston Chil dress, of the h'ist ol, VaI.,
pollee force, was shot andh klledi oin
the streets of that cIty shlortly3 aft erz
mTidnhiht, by P'olicemnan Griatt Walk.
There had bmeen hand liood l'utweenu lhe
two ofic'ers for' sonme time. Thley met
on the street and after some words, It
Is alleged, Walk fii-ed two shots fro(m
unlderi his over(oait , onei >f' whIch
passed thu'-ough ChIld re's:' bo'dy. Walk
CIvil War 1:1 hionduras.
Paatnma, Iy (Cablir.- -A cablegramn re
r'as ann iounle<4s that, civIl war' has br'o
1 -n ou1t in that countriy. AccordIng to
th e ispatc eleni. SI i'rra, the retIrIng
P residentl, havinig r'efuised to give uip
Ithei p)re'sidential 1p0:t, to tIle Prtesidlent
elec't Senor' Honilla, tile latter' has
starteed a cIvil walr. The date of the
r'evoluttionar'y otbrea'Ck is not known.
WVheni you are only skiml-iflk i
ethics' you cannot make up for It by
beink cream in theoretics.
"Sometimes I thInk so har'd It maksies<
mo tired."
"How thoughtless! "--Cleveland( PlaIn
FIany Suffocated By fumes from the
Burning Acid
the Illn'es Due to inhalirng Fumes
of the Deadly Ntric Acid From the
S4tamp and Seal Coupauy..
.\li-waake.'" tipecial.---hF('ar firemen
rt" I,'ll anld nine ot.hers are :111(I to
si riouttsty ill floll the efYects of
n!alittg til (1t11.8 %f nitric acid
.hilc tigit.in' a thire al the plant of
l. St"1hw":a1, Stami an1/d Seal Compiany
'llvsda night.l . The ric''im.s of the dis
ateri -'rt 11w11r . tlvc omt)ie for 13many
cus aftter Ite fire. Wtht"n one by one.
A\ 4"4 m11h4e list (1f th.i dl-a(d and1
e3 i,. I iuIjt'ed is as follows:
l aul: .lm >; I-'olcv. ,"hiet:; Andrew
\'hitc, calI;iin trucli No. I : li dwad
lcan, pipeman. I';nl;ine Company No.
;lThonlas lIro ney. piln'maln, E'llgino
murIn No. I. Serioiisly Injiured:
ainieI .\let'ar thy. truckmuan. llngino
'cnulmuyt No. I. TIht" following will
ra1b11lyl r(-cover: William. Meloy,
erg g l"lanranau, \Wiiam Kenn11edy,
kohn I.iuc han..t" Nunwash, George
tyan. all trnckn.'1n and .Jack .1. Hlen
(stev 1ieut nt"tltli. Assistant Chief
Ilanc.Ey's cotnditio nl is critical and the
Ihysicians who ar e Watching over him
annot dleterline his chanves of lv
Captain I 'eter i.ancalster is dying
md(l 'I'ruc"kllan \\'illial Ielo' and
Villiam ie inet"ry' are seliously ill. Th
nit-n bc("nm1 ill and rapidly grew
V( rse. I)oclor's worked over them.,
mut ('aptanin I,aneastter appeared to h c:
lying and at priest was sent for andtl
he last riles o f the Catholie church
l(initlitist ercd. II was hopel 1lm1e1r
nd Ml eloy woI1 re-over.
,250,000 Fire in an Oklahoma Town.
Okihthola City. Okla., Speciat.--F'ire
hat. started in the ,IAtn Store, dealers
in general mcrc"handise. here, caused
I lo ss of $250,0(I0. ThE insurance is
t1hu1 one-third of cie loss. The en
ire stock and huldling of the .ion
,tore was contslumed, entailing a loss
if miiore than $17.,:tt1(. Another fire Il,
I framle huiling ol broadway at It
sa1u0 timuO c:aused l additional loss.
News Notes.
'T'he Kaiser h1s issued a decree
which is the death knell to the black
vercoalt of (Ii" (;erman ofclleer. After
April i only I he light gray overcoats
are adlmisisille. These are worn a good
(eal already. bult many ofllcers still
prefer tile lacl( coat with its near red
collar a.nd cliffs. Ilis Majesty d(3iddes
ulpon the uniforms of all his many
1regiments--not a button or inch of
gold braId but. has the Kaiser'a consid
eration and sanction or disapproval.
In a recent, contest for suggesting
the hest way to make $5 grow the prize
was awarded to i mian who advised
hat. the amount he invested in eggs for
ilnteing. Hie cited, among other things
lie case of a boy who exchanged at
elnny for an3 egg. and this egg grew,
eceesslvely. Int(o a hen, six chickens,
pig, ia calf, and a pony, with bride
nd saddle.
Agents of (ernany are seeking to
uy warships from Chile.
'ihe first 10a1t. of the l"reneh Army
itdget was adopted in the Paris
hliambe l o'(f 1Depti hs nmlid ai patrioti c
PImonistraion m.
The Briis CI hannuei SquadrIon ia ex
erim1entingJ with (Il as fuet.
i''lft'rn sa3ilors l''( w r f t iln a collis
Iln het.weenI tihe Titish torp)edo-boat.
'stro yer Or'well -and( tile (crulser
ionreer near Cork)fu.
Thei Wite' Star liner Cedric, the
krgest. 81hi.In the world, left flelfaset
3r ALverJpool 0n her trial tripl.
Ilrigandls aire c'reating aI reignl of ter'
or ini thle Caulcasus.
To Purchase Beauvoir.
JTackson, Miss., Speelal.--Ten thous
nd( dlollars, the amount requlire. for
le purchasb(1e of Unautvoir, the old home -
f Jefferson Dlavis, former President of
he Southern Confederacy, was Snb
erhed at a meeting of the Bleauvoir
ommllit.tPEe of the Sons of Confederate
7Eoter'ans iln this city. It is said that a
!eed wvill lbe granted by Mrs. D)avis Ia
few dlayS.
Two Women Hanged.
London. Spec'ial.--Amnella Sach and
\nnie WVaIter's, "haby farmers," wvere
langed at I ioly jail Tuesday. The
'Vomanil werel re(ommllendeId to mercy on
wrountii. (If thir sex1(, butt the HomTe
4'ecre(tarly waIs unablek to grant the re
irieve usual1 ly acecorded. The women
valke{d to1 the stoaffoldi unailded and d1is
Ilayed remark{able fortitude. No we
nan I ha d Ipreviolusly been hanged in
CnlandI E sincre March'I, 1900.
For Liberian Sditeme.
AllantLa, Speelal.-The republic of
dheria, throu03gh Bishop H*. M. Turner,
f this city, has donated to the Col
'red National and Commercpi.l Asso
lation the sum of $25,000 to a(ssist iln
murehasing a steamshiip to ply between
lie United States andl West Africa, for
'ommiereial puIrposes, as wveli as for
mligraltion. It is the b)ishop's desireO
hat white as well as coloredl peop)le
murehase shares in this eniterprise, and
Issist negroes who wish to remove to
'giber ia.
RooseveIt Invited.
Wasin gtonl, Special. - President
Roosevelt receivedi an invitation WVed
nlesd(ay to attend the unveiling of the
mioinment to 1)e erectedl at Orchard
K(nob, on the Chicamauga battlefild,
in commemoration of the servicen of
Mayland soldiers on both sides of the
lvil war. The mionument comnmission,
I(alded b)y Col. 13. V. Taylor, of Bal.
Imore county, was presented to the
'residlent by Senator McComas. The
'residlent wals shown a handsome wa
er'-coloredl drawing of the mlonuiment,
lhe unlveilinig of whIch will take place
11 .July 22nd next. HIe gave no definite
ely to the invitation, aying that lhe
vouild take the matter under consid

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