OCR Interpretation

The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, March 19, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067634/1903-03-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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finor Events of the Week in a
Brief Form.
''he following new concerns have
been chartered: Stone I4tl1 Con
pally, of Gr'eienville (coniiss10:io)
Capital stock $23,000. Corporators,
W. G. Sirrine and P. 1. Stone.
lo\wlan L:oanl and Trust Company,
of Bownian's tharter.) Capital stock,
$5,000. L. 14. Fastcrlin, president; T.
i. iruce. s:ecretary and treasuror.
Itob i;son-I.llimt Company, of
Winnbo'o (conImission.) Tihe ( m
pally proposes to cngag:' iu farm(in1 g.
Capital stock, $30,000. President, 'T.
K. Ellliott; vice president. aml( g(en(ral
muanager. .J. L2. Robinson.
Gaffncy Brick Company (charter.
Capital stock, $5,000. Corporators,
Thompson I(obbs and J. Ii. Curry.
Iauline Oil Mill Company, of
Pauline, Spartanbirg county (comn
mlisson.) Capital stoc"k. $15,000. Cor
porlators, S. T. ). l.anenaster, E. 1).
Foster, V. S. Montgom)lery
Lydia Gin Company, of 1.ydia, in
hJar.1ington coulnty (charter.) Capital
stock, $3,000. O. 1). 1A'e, pr,csidenlt. and
general lanager; W. F. I)al'galm
Sumiiiteri lgI, Ice and I'owe. ('onh
pany, of Suiite' (charter.) Perry
loses, president; P. A. Hultman.
secrotary and trcasituro'. Capital stock
.lamcs L. Tapp Company. of Columnl
bia. de par'tmntt store (c"ommiissiemn.)
Capith! stock $1 .u. (:corporators,
Jas. L. Tapp. foim2rly of Chariottc,
and WV. Ii. f,yles alld .i(hn J. \e.
Mahan. h'il co ny)PI' will (wel at. tle
.leCrecry stan(1 a1 (ene(.
A spe("ial froi N'hv."i,r; 'y says: \'d
llCSdlay in1gOIl . alnr(t : U'l,. 1i8'
hom," of lIr. .. . )a ) ir \',' om1 -
1)ctrl'' dr5iirIy( i by hr'. T1'm tire m-i
ginat'd from t1 m o -,itsi'li d m l th hluse
w\'aS ,(lmhost nV(l0copcd in llamcs be i'e
the mman)r.tes w,:e ar , 1n1 tIey
barely hal tine to m:i:e thir escapte.
Nothing wa;s san .. li e\ven the cloti -
iug of the fur1il;,. 'i'm illsl-l -" is
Very small co:natrced to the l.ss,
alounted to $1.70i.
A Greenvillr" spc(-m! says: Jlagis
trate Clyde h8s rn:endti(I his de-isi1)11
in the cases against C. W. Clifton, in
dicted for petit. larceny, and the de
fendant was given (0) days or $150 line
to cover" tht( sevcral cas s Ipo( n n- hich
he wcaa tie-d. '1'he remainlr of tlie
case' were abandoned, as the me:
chantts tild not wish to put the county
to further expense. Since it is expect' (l
he w\Jill remain in jail and not pay the
fine. Clifton has furnished a weelk's
sensationi alid has not )1'ofited himself
in reputation or' inanc' s, while he
loses as a book agent, In which he had
been quite successful.
Saluda, Special.--"elix Bouknight
MahloI n Johnson and Alfred Johnson,
Colored, have been lodged in jail to
await trial at the court. of sessions, on
the charge of being accomplices of
Robert Iouknight in the robbing and
burning of .\Ir. J. T. 1lerlong's crib a
few weeks ago. Frank Aiken has con
fessed that he was in the party. bnt
he his not been arrested. Abram IHol
loway was also sispected., but Magis
trate I ittlI dismis se(d himi heeause of
the lack of evidence agalinst. him)n.
The Ic-gislature has provided for the
appointment of a 'olnmission to wind
il1) affairs bet w: n Smititer. 1)arlington,
Kershaw an1d I_(e ioun t ies. ''he latter
was carv'1ed out1 of parits of the ibhree
count its namedCt firs3. antd there aret
to be s t.tled severa I luehst ions relat ine;
to th1e old( 30ount1ies f' r past i ndebtedl
ness, et c. Gov'ernor H-iywarid in1 comn
p1lance wit the neit' 11 hasi' rtie]stedl the
legislative delegationi of each country
to inme two membIl ers of1 thle (0omminis
slin. Tlhe govero w'10'~ ill hiim3self a p
Governor' Ileyward has1 been very
much.'l pleaisedl on acEcoun lt of the num11
her of inv'itat.ions extended to 111im to
deliver comm11e1nceent addr11esses, but.
le cannot compl1)y with them all.
WVithin the past two (lays lhe has re
ceived no less thian seven such invi
The secretary of state has issued
charters to thle following cocens
The Church of Christ, Charleston; the
town of Fort MadIson, Anderson coun
ty; and to the Br'usy Creek Gilnnery
companlfy of Anidersonl county, capitlal
stockt $2,000.
Th'ie Internal r'evenue deCparltmlent
has h1ad conlshierable trouble r'ecently
On aicount of complaints that parties
r'epr3esenltinlg them2selv~es to be rePvenue
*officers have endecavedc to ('olleet a1
goveirnmnlit tax fronm merCchanlts who1(
are as a rule keepers of small11 grocer'
stores 131 the suburbs of Columbia.
Paul JT. Steele, a (2ndet (of Clems:on
College, (lied there of pn3eum3~onia last
Mir. N. W. lirooker, the chairman of
tihe Richland committee for thle H-amip
toln mfOt;3nent fund, Is niow v'igor'ously
Pushing the canvass in this city for
subscriptions to the fund. So far he
has secured about 300 suibscripiMons,
anid has collected about Oime-thlin 'dof
the amount suibscr'ibedl. HeI finds, he
says, that dozens of men say they will
subscribe, but ask himn to COlme back
later. This Is hampering the work
badly ,and he urges that all try to say
exactly what they can give when he
calls. It is of great importance for
the work of raising the $10,000 that
must lbe secured by subscriptions at
the eairlilest possible moment.-.Colum-i.
bia State.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Atlantic Coast . Lumber company- was
hleldl last week and a nimber of prom..
1oent men were in the city. There were
ablouit 12 in the party and all are mil
lionaires. DurIng their stay here they
were the guests of Presidlent F. S.
Farr' of the Coast, company. The party
consisted of Messrs. Sampel P. Colt,
Commodore E. C. Ilenedilet. James B.
Ford, John J. Watson and H1. M. Sad
ler' of Newv York; Win. Dupr:e, Arthur
.L. Kelley, Win. 11. Perry. Richar'd A.
R1oberttidh, Samuel Noirris andi Cyrus
P. Brown of Providence. R. I,
Now Recovering.
Gr'eenville, Special.-Williami Rt. Gos
nell, who was supposed to be danger
o11siy w"ounded at Glassy Mounitin
church on Sunday, March 1st, it is now
ascertaine d. is speedily recovering
from his wound. Lie was shot by Wade
flowers, a brother of Alexander How
ers, who was convicted last year for
killing one of the IHowards, and whosu
case has been in the supreme 'cotrt
on an appeal until a few (lays ago. Hie
was .Sentenced to three ye?ars on the
chaingang, and when he hiealdi that the
supem'('Iie ('Oti't r'0fulsed to grant liml2 a
new trial, he camt- to Greenville and
Surrendered to the sheriff. who tur110(1
himl] over' to tho county supi'lrvisor and
he is now helping to itenladamtize the
Ilillncom b road just outside the city
limits. lie read the' supremi('e "ourt.
lec"isionl inl the newspapers and th1en
lost no time in coming here to sur
render. WVad1e Howers is a young 111n
not more than 20 yea!,S Oldh amd ;i i:.
n';t known what the tlroulble was lbe
tween'I hiimlif115c' and (;osn''ll, who is a
married a1n1111 :1111 ab)otit 35 years of
ag'. 'I'l' I wo men met. in the road not.
far from th le Chtr1h 1on Sunday mior1
ing. and wit(otl. ally Words passing
betwveen them 1'owers is said to have
drawn his pistol and shot ("osnell, the
hall passing through his ov"'r(-oalt into
the right breast, inflicting a painful
but not dangerous V0un1l. 1t is 'e
p<ried that. he has bleen working a10out
his preimiise's in the last few days.
Gosnl(il is related to tlh,, lowards, and
it is eoijetulred that the origin 1 this
sh:otillg datos bark to the killing '4t
Sit iisi On loward. for which :\lexan -
der Ilowers is now serving a sentem-e
onl the g:Inlg.
One Rascal Captured.
Spa rtanbuilt rg, Se eilll.---in \W'eIn-s.
(:ay two gil ent'' looking whithe mi'n
'ivuliI as their nam('s .11orris ,1ud
Bray. hir'd a 1(11Out from iilin:,
lham "& lioyd's stal)1's and (Irov(' in the
F'airliot, dection, ealrr1yinlg (ntalogu('s,
a1v 'I'tisilig themi selVt's as r:pres( ta
tives of the hohlse; of Sears & Roebuck
of Chicngo. Ill., mlanuifneturers, of
wvagons. bIIggies, pianolS, ( rgans. 't('.
Tih('Sp mn inl their travel meL t) p1withi
Mir. .1. I1. Bridlwell, who lives between
Moore and Iaim''(ont. They son struck
a trade for a huggy. Oh the advalice
payment1. of Bridwell - of $20. Morris
wrote him a receipt purporting to be
from the house for a $35 huggy, the re
mlainder of the money to be paid whlen
the huggy was received by BIridwell.
The receipt was signed oin an ordinary
piece of paper with pencil. I3ridwell,
after the departure of the men, not
feeling exactly secure. came to the
city and sought Mr. F. T. Cantrell, a
local dealer in wagons and buggies,
having been informed by Morris and
Bray that they had sold Mr. Cantrell
a car load of buggies. TliS proved to
he a tale without any foundaion after
a short conference with that gentle
man. Bridwell then appeared before
Magistrate Kirby and had a warrant
issued against the two men. At the
time the constables went. to the board
ing place of Morris and Bray in the
city, it was discovered that. the two
men had disappeared. It was also iis
covered that their baggago had been
se(nt, to Coluibia. Saturday aftel'noonl
a telegra mwas rceeivel here stating
lhaI. one of the two me11 had been ar
rested in he capital ('ity. which one
the dispatch did not state.
Caught In Gecorgia.
(Chesterfiel, Specinl.--Sever'al weo"ks
ago onie .John I 1(orton, 'olored,l was ar'
rest (:1 oni114 124) horile Ic'harge of in-'
tfant icde;: andc worst of all it was a
whit4' wonman who w'as his accompllice'.
TLhiis was niear' Ca:tarrh., in the we'(sterni
part oif the counitry. 11y sonic meanis
he negro mianaged to ('scapie ando imi
med'(iate'ly disap)peared'(. Knowinig that
thle ne(gr'o had reclativecs in Georgia,
Sher'iff 1D. 11. D)ouglass wr'ote the au
thiorities thiere asking them to look
out for him. In a shor't time a telegram
('amle alnnncinig his (caplturie. Sheriff
D)ouglass at onice left for' the place.
H-ornerville, Ga., aiml in a few (lays
r'etunecd withI his prisoner, who is now
in jail her'e awaiting trial. The negro
w~as caplturied at the same town as
WIll Urewver, colored, just one year'
ago. Br'ewer' was tIe niegro who killed
Albert Mann, at H ornisbor'o, this couni
Emingrant Agent Arrested.
Gireenw~ood, Special.-Some excIte
menOlt existedl f'or a short t Iime Sunday113
a fternoon amlonig the colored 1)01)ula2
tion, caused by the arrest oif MIlly' Annt
flush., a negro feniale enmigrationi agcnt.
1l'or someC time crowdIs (If niegro womnen
hav2~e beeni leaving here for' New Yori2k
anid as a result there has been andi( is
a great scari'cty of cooks and( house
servanOits. The Ilush woman wasi ar
r'estedl b.Y Clilef McMillan. and at the
pireIlim12iary heainig b)efore . Judg(e
Austin thiIs afternoon she wvas bound2(
over to thle circuIt court aind bond
fixed at $500. TPhe woman Is a native
of this conmty. An old negro man pr'es
etnt at the trial made a side remark on
the sItuation that wvas somewhat
amusling. He saidi, "Don't kno.w what
gwine tei' be'cum 'or de niggers; one..
halt uiv demi gwin'e tre (Ie (debil, and dle
obber half telr New York."
Marion, Sp)ecial.-Thle tial of .Jose
pinfe Burns was ended Sunday morn
ing at 2:30 o'clock by a ver'dict of not
gulilty as to the c'har'ge of mler(Ii, ando
guIlty as to carry'ing concealed weap
mis. Judge Trownsendl imlposed a fine
of $20) wvhich was promptly paid( andc
the young woman was released fr'om
Telegraiphic BrIefs,
Jubilee gIfts werel' presCented to Pope
Leo fr'om the Dioceses of Brooklyn, N9.
Y., and( D)allas, Texius.
King VIcto Emmanue1i'2iiiil dlecoratedl
Rev. Williami Iut, bead (of the Anmeri
can Methodist work among the Itali
Trho Czar's mani1festo( dl''eei ng rel'l
glous toleratIon in ilussia has Created
a sensatio'n throughout Euroe.
The dehnte in the Frenulch ('hambiier
of D)eputies bn the religious or'ders5 iv.as
A Decree That Shiows the Progress of
the World's Thought
L.ocal Self-Government Granted in
Some Instances-A Long Step in
$t. Petersburg, Bly Cable.--hl'e Czar
has piiblishei a decree providing for
freedmen of religion throughout his
(omainl'ons, establishing to some de
gre.' lo:al celf-govcr11nmen;, and nak
ing oth"r conlessions to t. village
Coiimittc'(s. The decree, Wltich was is
sted in Co)il inenoration of the anni
versary of '.he birthday of Alexanider
lii, is colsi(dere( to be the most sig
nlilicanlt act of state since the em11tUne1i
pation of the serfs. 'I'he public hails
it as tie Proclamation of anl era open
ing up bright prospects of the e:urcy
ill proveiuent. of Ittissianl inlternaI ad
im inistration. The text of the decree is
in part as follows:
''The trouble agitating our country,
which to our (e(1 regret have partly
been sown by designs hostile to the
State and partly engendered by doe
trines foreign to Russian life, hinder
the general work of aneliorating the
well-being of our people. These trou
bles confuse the pli)hi mini remove
the people from lrod(uctive Iabor, anid
of('ten1 ruit families dear to ou:" heart,
an(1 yo,ng elicgies amon1' 1g high and1(
low, neccssary to the inicrll dlevelop
mentt of the cotuntry. In dlemianding;
the fullfillaent of this, our will, while
rentainling strongly oppose'd to any vlo
lation of the normal course of natlon'
life, and having con!iden(e that all
will loyally dischalr c theuir local (I1u
ties, we are irrevcocably decided to
tatisfy the necl for wVhi(h the State
has hecome ripe an'l have dceuil it
xp("dient to strengthen and decree it,
expedient to observanmce of the 'rin
ciples of tolerance laid iown by the
fundamental laws of the llmssian lin
pire, which, recognizing the Orthodox
Church as the ruling one, grant to all
our subjects of other religious and to
all foreign persuasions freedom of
creed and worship in aecordance with
ather rites; and we are further resolv
?2d to continue t.he active carrying out
of measures for the improvement of
the material position of the orthodox
rural clergy, while enabling them to
take a larger share in intellectual and
public life.
"In accordance with impending
measures for the consolidation of the
national economy, the efforts of the
State credit institutions and especially
the nobles and peasants banks should
be directed to strengthening and de
Veloping the welfare and fundamental
liillars of Russian village life and that
of the local nobility and peasantry.
These principles marked out by us for
the (lisposition of the laws of the rural
population are, when formulated, to be
referred to the provincial government
councils, so that with the assistance
of persons enjoying the public's conii
(ence, they may be further developed
tlnd adapted to the special conditions
of individual localities. This funda
mental principle of the inviolability of
co0mmunal property is to be maintain
ed, while at the same time means are
to he found to render it, easier for the
indivadilal to server eonnlie.tionis with
the community to whiich lhe belongs, if
he- so desires.
"Without delay measures nmust lie
taken to reiease the peasants from the
present bu rdensome l iabi lily oif en
forced labor.
"Thriough reforms are to be effeetedl
in the priovincial governmmenits ainld dis
tricts adlimiistrationial by the local
representatives, while attention will
be dlevotedl to seuring closer co-oper
ationi between t,he communal authiori
ties and parochial trustees of the Or
thodox churches wherever piossibile.
''Calling upon all oui sulbjects to eo
operate in strengthening the foundla
tions of families, school and publ ie life
under which alone the well-being of
the people and the confidence of every
one in the stablity of his rights can
develop, we cmmiand of our ministers
and chIef officials concorned in thih
matter- to submit to uis th.eir views me
garing the execution of our inten
t.i ons.,,
Swvorn, to K'tl ils Unicle.
K ntxville. Tienin., Special.-GOarrett
HIeddion,. an alliegedl moonshii ncr, has
been etabbhed to udea th by his brother,
Riley I leddon, ini Polk county. A year
ago in an altercation11 with another
br'othIier, (G;arreit k illed lim and( this
mnurdher led to his own deathi. Ga rrett
and Riley hail visited the town (if lie.
hiance andu had started home when they
became iivolved in a (luarrel about
Garrett having killed his brot her, t he
result beilng that Riley plunged a knife~
through his body. Garrett wvas taken
home, where, after his family had as
sembled, he gave to his eldlest son,
aged 10, his l)istol, making him swear
that lie would kill his uncle whien hc
was large enough.
Justice Day's~ illness S~rins.
Washington, Special.-The A\ssoci.
ated Press is inifo~red by a niembor
of the family of Justice Day, of the
United States Supr'emo Court, that he
is suffering from a severe attack ol
grip. His condition, It is adimitted, ir
serious. Mrs. Day and two 501us ar
rIved heie Friday. Two other sionig
one at the University of Michigan.
andl the otheri at a school in Asho
ville, N.. C., are being kept (closely ad
vised as to their father's illness.
Another Restraining Order,
Kansas City. Special.--An injunction
was grantedl to the KCansas City Trrans
for- Comlpany against thio" Team Driv
ers''International Uhiori. No. 45, and
the siympathiizers -of th'o strike, by
Judg- .Johin i". Phillips; of the United
St.ates D)istrict Court. The action was
brought on the ground that the corn
plahuiants are government cartmen, be
ing emnployed by the governmnt io
transport.ingr bohedm goodl,
nillionalre Morgan Knows a (lood
Thing When tie Sees It.
Tampa, F"la., Sp'('ial.--A(lvi("es from
Havana. whiiih ar"e considered reliable
state that while in Cuba re'ently J.
P'ierpont Morgan, representing t lie
American T1oba(cuo Company, ("h>.' I
negotiatioils for the pnrhlase of all th'
1ands in the Vuelta Abajol i disri't,
u)on w\"hith is grown the line.tM g;a'
of leaf tobat"t"o in tlt' worbl . I is
u!sl inl the mninl,faltnre f' i r.2t-s. IL
jlrlt'lil) v of I hei purchas t is . tr1
tll of this ine tobacco .i4 iii ,.ly for
the use of thep fa'itrir-s (if till\n-a
.enn ('ica a ('iarompany, vhii" h is a Iriat) I
orl the .\m)''''1'ican 'Io o ;iiI llt, II
lt ( t i iSt n l ln ar ' ,arii l !'I t
indepr ndf ntl ('lear liav';ia i(oi s in
'lnlla. New ()rleians, Now \o 't
othvir Iitits, will ha, .I. t lto i; (lst _
Whre for' their' tlne ':1"i uf iI;II I(.
havco .nc'arly' all of I1' : l2 bIlt i ip
plied ntow\ from the fit"I (1 rt"I,iII ttr
have h'en bought by .\llreti::. I: will
he at great blow\" to inl'l''it,hut trains
action. Thle salr inv\' ,I . -''\r;ll mi0
lions. Negotiations hoit + i1 till'I(.
ted w\ilh a numbec"r of imii bi-mulw
(.s of 1ands.
Of the I,ar gst 1'ar II :1a'; f:a>iori (':
Inl this ity -four ar(' (1i) lanted mbl th IIa a i"1 epm-.
aitedi by t he Il:liana.\ ;ri-an (i'im
Standard Oil in Cotton.
ilostan. .\ass., speviai.- :4 of thel
l's(';nt Imlov3 et' . 11 ( :t( ;11td (lim
(11ing ((ontsi lid(at1n o11 f a'rIjiiu ott)n
l'iro(iet 3" 1 ompaiist a3' St . I'lrd (il
3e, w\hos' representliv's 're hae
ing both sides of the mak+rlo i: and s''tk
ing; t t llrry out p)lans whIich -t;andar.i
Oil has hail for V n(' s 1 ,.' ' , ot-1de(ra
ilin of t nt1 r tl i g i n 1h-- , iii 11i'i r, if
1!1'' "o t r y thriu'h''1i h iig j0rov d t al
(i3: pro' 5 . S '''lly. t: ' bhi, otton 11ill,
i a prolt g of 33 .3 t :-. .\1. W ll ot' s
by 113i . a t h 'r o f l ' t ' Cl'p r
(Company. I Ieuli.'sb o. h:( hein ,tto1: i
n3' i;ild )ig man,~' wvin> .3 han int been
1i1 1134-' l':, A V . lt;'1:t' ( fli i's 111tli::1 ar.
(hi( 131 ai 1 dirett"!' inl the Planttt:'e
Col11r!'.-.,. lit' age Ac d e t l j .. j
't"o llai;ist y ear andi frofited $1,S00.t 0
b' he dl.. sy .tl 1 ;e is a pertonl
friend of It. If. R eopt"r:, anotIher Statn(l
ard( Oil lagnat'e wh has an in(fter
In y the nters' ('ompr:s anof they are
woring to ,ilcr lle trol of the
Amrnoitan cotton tradh'.
TIwo Accidents.
('harleston. R. C., Special.-A News
ile Courier speeia from Sunter, S.
('., says: "l'.ohu F. aughrey, mao
ar an iine of the proprietors of 1.1he
l.ukiens litlnher-Company, of this ty,
was fatally injured late Friday after
noon by the explosion of the fly wheel
of the saw mill engine. A fly wheel of
the saw nilll engine. A flying frag
mlent of iron struck him in tlie fore
head, crushing the skull and face. He
was taken to the inflrmar.y, bult noth
ing could he done for him and the
dot'tors say hie cannot live till mid
night. The saw mill was c'omplotely
Wrecked anod pieves of (ho wheel fell
150o yards fromi the mill after pm;sin;;
th rottg,h tl)e rool. 'The wheel w\as ten
feet in diamet('1r and weighi'd ;,000
iigh Point, N. C.. Special.- A 'pholl
messa"g from the country says Ihat
Willial 11(, who lives ne:ir II is
:lace, and a negro 1101n. met a i".'
Ileg' we('re Ingaled". inr etiing ftd iin
a steamIi ('1431'' whien 3the fly-wheli
legs~ an3d illin)g 3h ni'Iegro ins1tanrtly.
Asheville 011 in P)roizpect.
Asheville. N. C., Speeiai.--Tlhe 31irst
wor3k of xink3!ing a well to fInd (il a:iil
gas will be'gin Moniday on1 Dr. .1. TI.
lIa Iird's farm (1n 1 liav( r Dam,)1 fivu'
miles~ from A shevilleit. The huiln I ol)S
311he deic(33'k will beg in then3 but ('on
side(rablle lumber)'l and1( 3ackle to be uised
in Its (on3st rucetio31n hs already been1
hlaled' to the spotI anid thle contr3 atorIIs
whio wvili ('re(t thle .derrick are h''r'
ar E. W. 1I .tten andt Wni. lihal-l, of1
Sard(iis, 0. These gent limen are pro
fessional derr''iick11 Iuidr and 333 are
T hey saidi thait the wells 1in West Vir-.
gillia were at least 3.0003 feet dee'p and3(
that theo cost oif making a test here'
would( be0 over $15,000.
Tried te flurder Family.
111un3tsvill e, Ala., Speclil.-.Jos. Po'w
era, ai younig.whilite' man11 of New Mar3
ket, Ala:., attempted31( to cx terial e a
whole family near that place 1"riday.
P owe.ra3' had1 a d.iIIiculIty with ,i ohn1
Winkle a few days ago and determ'3)in
ad to get revenlge. lHe callied at Kin
-kie's 1h01me today and( opu'nedi fire 13pon1
t' famiiily throughl a win Idow. l"ive
hahly anti two women. Winkle's sonl
was shlot in tile eye. Imm3leiately af
ter' tile shlooting Powers took a trailn
for Texas.
The I'other's Congress.
New York, Special-The anhlual eon
ference of the Natilonal Congress of
Mother's wvill be hgld this ycdW.at De
troit, Mich., May 5th1 to 8th. To the
hoard of management the conlgress 11a1
enltrulsted the condullct of Its biness308
for three year's, thusl givIng more time
for conferences, disensaions, etc. An
Important feature of the work of the
congress Is to secure tihe eo-oplerat 'on
of hlomle andt schoo01, whlech has been
effected in hundreds of schools on
plans outlined by the congress.
A New Merger.
RaleIgh, N. C., Special.--J. S. Wynne,
secre'tary and tr'eatulrer of the Rlaleigh
Cot,ton MIills, of this cityi Is athority
for' the1 statemlent thaIft a.' new F"ries
merger' will lbe formed bly the0 aid of
New York capitalists~ andI that the (0on
solklation Is e?xpcted to1 be effected
'arly in April. The Raleigh mills wvill
Many Matters of General Interest in
Short Paragraphs.
The Sunny South.
Ileavy floods are Ilreatenlilg townw
Ol the lower .\lississippi.
TIhc SOUtherni Rtailway will g;reatly
enrige its shops at tipelcert.
'Ih' North ('arolina (ieneral .\ssEint.
bly (lese(t its hi-annu(al svssionl .\lon.
Alio g the .\lississippi the lev('s are
being )IIr4'ngth(nedt with hags ofI sotn(
andi the levees are breaking in plIa-(.
G;overurnulent enginteers repElIt that
the highest wler evEr la. i il' i
-\lhissipj li is to bo f("ared1 Lefur,- 1i1.
p'esentl IIthId .;!ibtl's.
S'rrtar( y (I 1114he .Navy \l(cIy. w 1!
a partr l of (fliE ials, Ie't ('liarh to
. ( . at lit)em \\'e(In(-sany ()n (,.(i
pattcl hOa(t I ((111 hil f(r a rhlise' il 1 hO
\\'e:t 1udi s.
T 1e ('(ilditi(on Of' ('X-S( tI'i'to .Iala('
l. Jone's, Of .\rkcan:;as, w\"m) ms h(' uf
ill for ,'Ol d1a.:,. is rlpo rt((Ed as inl
pIove(1. .\ pairuxys m of hiughs whicb]
lastedl two (idas greatly (Iistresset Ihe'
pat i 'int. ht the I)hysicianls ntw hmve
this tviioI rabl(" sytnptnl ' u l er c i1o -
irol n:'! the family (xprI'('ss te hope
tha(t ho will ('ntir('ly reccO\er.
.1. It. .\1"I ntosh. (ee a Ouns-l of
t(,' siutir, I l (livi sin of thi l' O.jal
ill' 1111 h (''1n1)plny. whto has been ili
In A: lnt I f111 IOr some( tian( w\iith p n u
m:onia, w;as h::st nId"ht rep,)rlc(t to be in
a very crt -a on(lition. IH('i ( fo. )i:;
reeO\"ery has bh'("n l ra(tically abhanOOn
edt, alllh('lih his physi"i:uls siain that
hi' Inay. lIve t w',o Or three da,ys.
At The National Capital,
' hr' hi-l i (' of Iie ()rii n O 1by"
Y' rn(u At is *X Nl ( (t !h. -
internat. ioal c1 lie iOnst.
Ut')( "1c"i)l:11 i t"(~'. o 1114 ti-, i &\ :('.
lli rsen1tatis h t hrreee alil i\mera
cas W'il nlct at the iiat, Ib pai11 -1 nt
to c'Onsh(-1 t ' 'an i.\m waria a:t iilI'w:1
Thei P'I'r es ide1 'n t ha :ls InomIinaI-I W1\."I
at.P liley to I Assistant 'nit( , : .
reat ;rc at New\ York, ,twcs ("ling the
late Conrad Jordan.
At The North,
At OIea , N. Y., 1 to (it l ersuna
w ( ' kille :11il lilu le Ihat i i -l )
in.Iure 'L by an explosion of oil.
The ftrryboait, Neptune wasi sink by
the river steamne " Margaret a.t Pitts
burg, but. no lives Were lost.
Tm unsatisfactory bankl( -tate(ntiit
and the assig)''ent, G ciDress( r & ('o.
caulsed1 'to("ks to break sharply in Wall
The protected cruiser Chatt.anooga,
for the United States Navy, b)u11t by
l.ewls Nixon's company, was launcbed
at Elizabethiport, N. J1., Miss Lillian
Chabl)liss, daughter of the fayor of
Chattanooga, Ictilg as sponsol.
I'he irectors of the Western Union
Tclegraphi Company dleelahed the regl
Ilar (li u'y (ividend of I I jor
fIi(l. A statiment issE'(i trhnales the
nlt revente fOr tih' (uar't(tr eidiing
Mlarcb ::1 at S.oum
A\rthinr It. P'ennrlll (o-r"(spontient inl
the d!ivOrc"e stiit of Eldwin 1,. 1t)l icl
who wa.,s myst(riousjy lnu(der('(I a
lluffatlo. was dashd to death in an
atImoily, a:(1 his wiTe who as with
him, s belieEd I)o be fatally injured.
gaon. William J. ryan, addrssing
the I liebig1':ui.lud'i IaV11 l i'on EMItoion .
(lletI t. \ '1EriticiE 4 ::.>.sie t C e
'ii9 1(1 (1ockholerst of the Pennsv/i ... o
meeilt ig 5I a t Philad-1ha. t( 'i) lt in
(lrlla1se theI Li' rapta s e n If thie (Ifom-i
Judle A 0 I((I. I Adams,a at i St . Ii,o is,
nale March 17~ asi the daii orh'r
ngie i argments In Ithel Wahashdltai
roadero inucillaon. Beln
SJ(ii silng deaths on teIKsaramania
which ar'ied in N'ewlork fromic
S'outh'rn (ifuoe u the h eaIita ulth col
filas to111suspect' M (hlera1 killing ordx
plrsons thIeIvesel etained in' uaran
Pte Leou h XItIit rae eived a jul(I((
dloeleaimoss. ts Clois
Mlnstode ae oth Antrnetiae
CTon Naival Comminto ltel otte.
Nraw York expniue.
Ina tI). Sarench Il Chabe of, I IgS
ofuire y.\lrc
Nineteen lnia!i401o: dretbined toi
have' benc1 drone byjliE'tif i the lM i rf
a lirr boau't'z oniyt he . isn ariona
Sptcr Ialst, Ne ork.rcekfo dwl
fr.ihtrEandl sat down afd t' foiln
ofl eatvidhenrscen.ne f i
m Ie sp /h i h lu e o ar s
Th (m e f fh nsandv re
Lockttart Mills' Additions.
Lockhart (S. C.) Mills' stockhOl!
DI.Ii will meet April 11 to ratify action
f tho directors in r'esolving to In.
roase cap)ita\ stock from $h50,000 to
$1.300,000. This inee ing will be moir'
formtal routine. In its issue of I)ec"em
be"r IS (Ihe M1anufacttur' it eord
mlentioned the einLrgen ts which
thiy incr'eas''d caital is to pay for,
namely. (he erection of a No. mill,
piltltnnel for 651.000 spindles anl 1.50t)
toums. Only 25,0I0 sitil.dlt s :and '; 0
()c111: will be instalbttl-.upont tht" ('11m
lolioti oi ft mlinl strliu t ure. imt'
ith 'r mllaelhincry wvIIl hn" il:tall('d at'.
er tr first half of thet (.qulipmni"'o i):
it succl' s.-fil l ()iperat ion11. 'Thlle t"com
tily is lrote dlinig wviih th" wir'l in
ttItetd In (llt':; ONxt'lnSiVt bet.tlerment.,
I h as (On ta ted for(i. all h mi.in.
' ry\". : :e enred-' t" bric:k ft r Illtiti bu i lng.
,Vhich will he a live to'l ::Ili i st r t"e
30xt1) ;l'lt. in the il 1thIster inow\ inl
)1't)),I'e.":; of erectioni. .\ ll I t ';- "
.vat 'r- ior,t'ks syst em I' lr1111 n a "tt(,.
lun-.i:lllt)I rese rv" ir ;itlt a t "il
>ridge acrtoss: I. -lroad I itr wil It.-li wi ll
On"mst IA. Tlhis new ;;;ill w\ ill emt
'Oltt 'Itil Ki.
21y abot ou)11eop1 .1T I ioriginal
Doubling a $450,000 Mill.
TMiona:t:an 'Mills of Glreenli10.
C.. ill doullec its tx(;(tiive lant.
1'he directors': antd : tucl:oder's (if fl,
O'1'a Ito (av e2 iilbhOij.('.d (t lau in.
Moven ln. "-. Il1d will Ii h t llemii it
Io lit)ni lhi!; year. Ti c't" lreSenl in
fallation Of $ 0, ) .till n acline'r ib :0.
Hill ;;Iitdll'., atlld - ;t It !: .. wh Iich w ill
Ie dtl lc ;:tt"1' $10 :at ite; o to b e
'reted. Ti- <1e:;r;-lte'r ( prod -t goill
-iitinue I )1to b lio - t." .ttt.. -o . t 'ly, wide
)int tlol at a .l , i,i'' he ki t ) r
On er t io ..l I'. ;ay1}' I i- I I 'd
)1t r .act It $ret0 ih, Illill cxI(llteiO .
1114'erl : Ireell1e t t11 Ilo c om p l('l, it. by
ritaii d t.
Tiextite Notes.
1t. Ii. tiIte ' r o f i blin. TI'4x;w. is
'Orre.witntiing wtilh Glalvestoll <T'I x;as)
ltie:; r0el:1ativ to it c"rrlion O a
:II'll tot ('O l mill at fIublin.
. C. tillGachtorn, ildimnt. C, ..
ntetlplates 'sltabi liing t knittint;
nill. i wants inf"ormntat'iofn regarding
thc knittin); indlltil'V , I rit'(s on mta
'hinery, etc.
It0 is Iroos)ed tote tablish t Otton
fatu'y at duatlun, Mliss. M. A.
llit gc, one of tht' towni's Iner('hants,
offers to dlonatte ten acres of land as
site for thie enteririse.
Messrs. M. Illnan, 11. M. Rtcmmei,
.ohn G. Flcther and others of Little
Rock, Ark., propose the cstablishment
of a $250,000 'otton mill. The1i1ir plan
is to securI $150,000 at Little Rock and
$100,000 from outside cap)itallists.
Messrs. l y Walkcer & Co., dry goods
mcerchants, of St. Liuis, IPro., will es.
tablish at Tupelo, MIIss., the knitting
mlodd mentioned last medfoth as proposed
by them. A bout $50,000 wvill hie Invested
nI start. with. Thlle prodt will be ho
Ms.irs. W. L. WVt'lker, Ilenry lild
one, .n(1 1 1'. wEdington, .i. G. lhins n
Ind Lt'on Jos tlmon have int'orpo>rat.cd
ti Souil thern T'lext il Co. of Knoxville,
I'nu.. for mlaofl l'aCturin cottlon, lllax,
htm1 .'lc. The capital stock is $10,000.
No fitrther details stated.
-. . . lu l 'ush, If ayton, Va., contem.
ilat fin s I itali mach... l ,ig .nery or t b e
mt fnte C''tt of 1ier of tnderwar.
numbe of machsines tin ore too utiiz
matin ar'e 11121stibe o tec requir'
Avhi ot Mills Bastonya, N. C., as
(lamagediil ony theu $3,00 In orthil mil
heiti windt o rferrdl t las111tI wek
2eirlt s to,00thetibi' (ay.arel
Ghrolio N.s C.,esen bineer in chroW
o furnish, parts fo the daaed'lo o ma
h000nery. Ifhl About10,t8 bpndes band 300
cgiomis aro aprrated. WtCC I'
nanuf aidre f tansratin cassimere
(winll gnlrou nd pov t pat
Sifting of the Evidence in Sen'satiou
of National Interest
Sie is Only Sixteen Veara Old, But
(iave 'estimony in a Satisfactory
l.1 t':ilo, tipe iaI.-- ,\1iss Marion'
I'urrl lek. ;he pi tty, rosy-eleeke(1
iaughi'r of id. l"'lVI 1 Hllrick, wUs the
tnost interestiung wititess at the int
c11t'c: hc'fcre .Ildt ge .\ I'1pity. Marion
a 0ye,11%; old anld heat-si a triling
reseihitttev In- hr maother. Like Mrs.
Mill, I.t vohtiteereal to linformlation.
Sl, aillswel'f'd tin nllo( yllab1LS, whl'
vtr ct1 l,sible. it was "ye(,s" or "no."
\\'hen I hose rcr.lie: wo.uli not. suflice
shi usNd as few words I.i possible. She
was not. easily contused and there
wias In git of agilat ion or emotion
whlt n thl' district attnrnc y questioned
her clnlsely regariing the events that
oellrricl at. tlie t imut, her father was
mrildred. .\ttlrncy ('(oatsworth hIe
gan l.v slt:lin, kindly to tin girl, and
caretfully c"hoesing his words In putting
(1i0 51s ts to her. I.lter he fired itlues
tilns in raiil sit ;s:iotn, all of whith
we1r4 mll.t. with rclI;s bo)th sharp an1(1
tcisi'vt. At (o Hl(it,e wIlen the dis
trict aitlrno.v asked the Same ciues
t ion sit erall Iisties. thi k,irl cautsed a.
mur'u Il' ill tlwe c'lrt, rino by raising
her t"n'.t t sh:Irl.l inl a ch-ar emtphatic,
"I don't ;i nv."' NntIin;; of intportanco
w%as ellicitt d fr Iin i t while she wis
n lilho slanci and It' district attorlwy
IV ltc in tlt ;lutiI.
~ Sthc ::aidi that. Grandmonther IIItl.
ir:st iilnormwtl hIor ihul ier 'att her was
ill in lis '"tltn. ' That was before I)r.
.\ar-y arrive d ltini hefore Mirs. Ilull
liw'V uis tivly, accrtlin"gi to her owln
t.stinmy, Ihat it wias lir-dick's otly
lying in the couch. Tht district at
Ilrney tried to get Mario n to tell why
she altpiarntl. tonl; so little interest
in her tather:'s illness when she was
tol of it, by her grnimot her. Mlarion
replId that she Inew that when it
wats propcr for her to ntw (rand
mtht('r' 11ul1 would tell her. She loved
her father ant he had always been
good to her, Imt. she wotutl not. admit
that. there was attything wrong In her
not. imunIirintg about. his illness or that
she should have done d1itTerently.
Marion admitted that. she knew of the
divorce proce'dirigs instituted by Mr.
flurdi-k against her mother. She
sympathized with her father, btt.
would )lot. admit. that she thought he
was right in driving her mother from
home. Neither vould she admit that
she knew of her mother meeting
Arthur R. Pennell.
Dr. Wml. AI. Mircy, the family phy
sicitn ann IirSt person to see the deacd
body after the muritlerer 'over'e(l it
uip, was the first. witness of the (lay.
)r. Alarey admitted that lie told )r.
ilowland, the medieal examInetr, that
if it. was suiclde, or lookod suicidal, it
wouli he all the better for the family
to atake it. out a case of sulcile. I at.er
he agreed with I)r. Ilowland that the
Suicide i heor"y Wats untenable. )r. Mar
(y was sharply (utIst ioned on his sui
ide statemtnt and in telling why he
nail, it said:
"Well, I thoght it would save Tut'
i (k's gioid ntanti'. I saw litm almost.
disrohleil lying iii the t'ouch, and I saw
lie iiinith on t hi tabile, estpet.ialy as5
thie dii vorce prio(Cted igs htad b)een
Te it ness si d Alr's. IIltll had rnot
askeid hint at. anyt3 time' how iarii'ick
hadic ben il iIled. lie t houight hte had
had a w'.omanlh there. it re'spontso to At
torntey Hertsell's (lest bits, D)r. Marcy
sa Id lie lhad ('ome( to lith onlusli.ion
that II urdleIk wats killed betweent maid
night. andit 1 o't'lock ini the morinilg.
"W~hern yOtt first looked att the body
did y'ou seeth' wii' oundis oin thte head
and brinis seattired abtl)t?"'
"es, sit'."
'"And youi hiad th i dea that It mtight
ho a ('ase' of sujidi'ie?"
"'Well, 1 did( not know. I had niot
"'Then fact that thtere wOre pillows
pi led upon)i thle hody' was (contfirmationl
of y'our sihilde thieory ?"
A ttorni-ey IIat'tst'll br'otightt ouit the
intt(riestinug fact thtat thle gas in the
hall and it the den was lightted b)y an
t'ltctriie appillianite. Ily priessing the
buttort thte gas roithl lit lighted. IIy'
press5 ig anrot her bui tton it. wvas extirn.
gishieil. Ont thle night, after the rurt
de r it, was foiind thtit tue electiIe ar
rantgemnt did not wor'x. An Iivesti
i.ait ion showv.ed that some1( one had. tura
ed oiff thle gas In the den instead of ex
I iiguishm lg it by nmeans of the hutton.
'i he at1 torn'si '5 puripose in br'liging
ott thIiIs fiat was to show. that wvhoever
was In the hrou,se otn the night of the
miurdier' was niot famitilar' wvith the elee
tric ar'antgement rot' tuinig out thto
Wm.t V. D)elahunt, the cabman whto
took an uinkntown man from in fr'ort
of thie Trift flouse to the cornrer of Ash
landt avenue andl( Bryant str'eets, thro
nIght of the murder, told his story.
"Dild you afterwards see Arthtur RI.
Pennoll in te distrtict attorney's of
fiee?" asked Disticte Attorney Coates
"Yes, sir."
"When you were asked in my ofrido
if he wvas the mart you hatd taketn to
Ashland anti Bryan streets, what was
youri treply?"
"I saud I could not tell. The man
looked like thie samte. I . could not
swvear that It wvas Pennell."
1'Te hiackmcnan then t'oltd of taiking a
p)ar'ty or threeC on t.I1e mntt or t.,io mur
ter fr'om.ltho p0'forne of.Nor'th Division
street to the 'or'ner' of Asifineid aye
nuie and1( Summer streets. In tite party
were'( a man, a wvomani about 30 years
old with lightt red htair', and an elder
womtan. At Sutmmer' and Main str'eets
Uthe man and the older' woman left the
aial'I" '.-nd he ttook the y'otungor we
nan to rho cornttcr of Summer('u anti
\shland( 9 . ets. Shte waiked (downi
\sihlpnrd treeCt ini the dIirectiti of
'Burtdick'ts hiouso. lie saw (lie samte \vo
nana about two hours't lter' downi town,
iut coutld riot say whiether' she was tho
<amne w.omarn he had seen ort West
luDe sret

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