GENERAL NEWS. -The license for retailing spirituous ligours in cheraw for the present year has been fixed at $300. -Moniey is scareer in Oconee Coun. ty thban it has been in several years. -Corn in Wailhalla is selling at 85 vents per bushel, cash. -Mrs. 1.. 0 illiam and her son, Dr. Win. C. Gilliam, of Newberry, are spending the winter inl Vienna, Aus tria. -Trin tty College, Norti h Carolina, has nineteen Cherokee Indians as sti dents this year. 'Tle State is py13hIg for their education. -Cliristmas parties in Tampa, Flor ida, dined onl watermelons, cncumbers, tomatoes, beans15, early potatoes aInd oranuges. -The public schools in FEasley and in some of the other townships, Pick cns County, will not run as long this year as usual,ast hey have to pay debts incurred in 1882. FRANK JAMES, the famous out law and the only survivor of the Jaimes brothers, lying in jail at Kansas City hopelessly ill wit h1 collsinuption. SJNATroR BUTLEMR was one of the pall bearers at the furneral of Senator .Johin J Patterson's wife. By the vote of Patterson General Butiler becamsne a Senator the first time. TIHE trial of young Nutt for killing D)ikes, tihe slanderer of his ister and the murderer of his father, has been beguhl at Pittsh1trg. A jury has been (etculre(d which is thiought to make ac qulit-tal certainl. Jas. C. Lane, formerly of1 New berry. but now of Philadelphia, has given $1,000 to 'Roanoke Col ege, Va, -In the Senate on Friday Sen ator Brown, of Georgia, argued a g ainst the constitutionality of the bill that attempted to exclude Mor nmons from voting. -V-ennor says t hat the mildness of i hese e'aly winter dyisaverilleat ion oif his propheciee. I Ie now predliets a su mmer wannlithi in mnid-winter, but. 1 hat we shall cat ch it hot -t hat k~ col andt heavy alonig in March and April. -Th colored Baptists of South C arolini a have 550) churches, 3M) ordhin ed in iisters; 20 alssocialt ions, and1( a stat" C'on vention. Tlhey support a mis1 sion ini Africa andt help) aupport an ed-. uteational inistitultioni. --V'and(erbiltl's (aJp~ia of gold i~ greater than all the gold there was in th iCworld-conquerinlg Rome in the reigni of ~AuguIstus Coar~i. 200,000,00(0 dollars in golel ! or 350 tA lns of gold ! or 700.000~ pounls of gol ! or 11I.200,000 on ices (avoi rd ipois) of gold ! Ilow amanmy freight cars wonl be re.. qutiredI to carry this gol? TPen, you will s&ay at a julmp. No-thir t.y-five. TIurn t he gol inito gobIln "engrles' ten) dollar ('oins, lay them inl a eirele, 4bdges touching, what would be the cir cuimferencee of that circle? It would bie a ring over 300 miles in circumfer encie.-Johni Swinton's Paper. -Sn~bscr'ibe for THEI MESSENO ER. TH1IE1lE Is some s1rprise'1ong Sena tor Butlers friends at his modilc(d at titude oin the repeal of internal reventue laws. Ile appears to have adopted the views of Mr. Phil. I'hnpson,of Ken tucky, whose bill is said to be really that of Speaker Carl isle, and represen t a coml prom ise I h it the whiskey men a gree to. As Senator Butler Is to make a speech upon this subject, it may be just as well to wait untilh defines his position; but I am pretty contident that It will not differ m.iterially from his puiblished opinion in tihe News and' Courier of last week.-Augusta 0 hron Mde. H0RRIL~E SUsrICIONs IN NEwDEmt RY.-A few day:s ago a white woiln was fomd ii her room i Newb'rrv County Jyin1g dead onl her h1 -Iia rth w%-i: i bo1th her ans biiuled oiY. She was the d(iighter of Me nel Kinard. a white mn 80 years old, who Is a roo doctor and whom reputatioln wals mnaulet unsavory by tihe fact that le associated entirelv with niegroes and hved with a nogro Iwomanu, his daligiter livingr ill a house in his yard. There are susp-i cions of foul pliy, and the coroner's jiry decliled to reinder a vertdict tuntil the contenits of 111 dead oimn's sto- i Imlael have been ainalyzed. ler fath'ar adlitted hIvinmg giv"nI a lose of root mlediciine, but denies that. there was an1Y poison in it. lier name was, L aur1a and she was 30 years old and recently ill-; herited some prioperty. The whole family is well to do. -The grading on the Green wood, Laurens and -Spartanburg Railroad is rapidly progressing fr)m Saluda River to Greenwood, by the energetic contractors Rice and Coleman, and their subordi nate bosses and ,working hands. By March 1st, they expet to have the road graded from Greenwood to the Saluda near Rosemount on Laurens side, (old Cunningham place) ; by 1st of May the construed tion train is expected to reach the river, and1 thent an iron bridlge will be thrown across. Terrible Slaughter. FOIL THlE NEXT FORTY DAYS ROBINSON & WYATT EASLEY, S. C., Will sell at thme LOWEST figures, the remnaindelr of their Fall and Winter stockofg ds consisting of o od, D'E G-oons, Notions, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries and Grocers Drugs, in order to mnske room for their SPRING STOCK. We keep constantly on hand a full line of choice Groceries, To bacco, &c. af'Give us a call and we will be sure to sell to you if low prices are desired. Jan 1R--129m Easley Academy. First Session for 1884, will begin January 14th, and continue Six School M1~onth s. Primary liep'm'nt, per nkmonth, $1.60 Intermediate " " 2.00 Academic "4 " 3.00 Select (ourse, " " 2.50 Iucidental Fee, per Sessioi, 50 Music extra. Board in private faimillies, per Month,......................... 10.00 Each1) scholar's pro ranta of Public Funds will be deducte-d f roin his Tul tionl