OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, April 30, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1903-04-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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Hapmims of a Local ad rseal Natre.
--Don't forget the early closing ol
the stores the-1st of May.
-Dr. W. F. Austin, dentist, will
be in Easley May 5th and 6th.
-When you want bargains iI
,most anything go to R. C. Carter,
-Sheriff McDaniel's brag patch of
wheat is looking fine; it has begun to
head out.
-R. C. Carter, Liberty, has a few
more northern seed Irish potatoes tc
sell at 30c a peck.
-Miss Sadie Rtichey is visiting hez
.end, Miss Morgan, daughter of J.
.Morgan, -of Prater.
-N. D. Taylor, photographer, has
is studio nicely fitted up and did
ome. nice work this week.
-Hands Wanted-We want a lol
hands at once; good wages paid.
2w23a. Pickens Brick Yard.
-There was little improvement in
small grain during the last ten days.
The latest sown wheat looks the best.
-C. J. Murphy, clerk of the U. S.
district court, spent Sunday in Pick.
ens, the guest of Col. J. E. Hagood.
Fldra Lathem and children,
of flinto attended the funeral of
ebrothe a.Dr. J. J. Morgan.
-There is some fuin pMlhi IC
t cotton, even if it does drop toT
ts by the time it is ready to mar
-If yon want to get bargains in
t of goods read the advertise
,in The Sentinel.Jour
every week.
-Miss Hester Cureton, who has
been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W.
E. Robinson, of Arlington, S. C., re
turned home Saturday.
-Dr. W. T. Field, of Pickens'
unty, who is a veteran of Lee's
Ly, has been in the city this week
Greenville Mountaineer.
-You can always coun t on a full
and regular stand of crab grass by
the last week in April. That is one
sure drop in the Piedmont.
-There will be an all day singing
at KRewee church the first Sunday in
May. Everybody come and bring
well-filled baskets and song books.
--Read ad. of J D. Moore; he is
again m. the produce business in
Pickens and will -give you the market
price on everything you hav-, to sell.
-...Deputy Marshal J. T. McKinney
has been confined to his room because
of sickness for several days. He is
DOW much better and wiil soon be out
~-Mrs. John P. Griffin and daugh
7i,"ittle Miss Clara, are visiting rel
atives at Fairdeal, Anderson county;
and policeman Griffia looks mighty
grum these .days.
. Taylor. photographer, will
intdio, Carey building, on
~Tesdy ~4Wednesday, May 5th
all on himfo
-Johnnie Harris, son of our towns.
man, T. D, Harris, while playing last
week, had the misfortuno to fall and
break his arm, near the elbow. The
doctors were called in and set the
broken limb and the little fellow is
doing as well as could be .expected.
-The projected trolley line be
tween' Anderson and Greenvalle is
meeting nith enthusiastic endorse
3ent along the entire line. Belton',
Williamston and Greenville have
~granted a liberal charter, and thbe en
gineers, it is sai.1 will soon bagin 10
eating the line.
--A party of young meu spent a
portion of last week 'ip in the moun
tains on a fishing trip. They say the
sockar-bit right along and that their
lck was phenomenal. Unfortunate
ly for their friends, they ate all the
fish caught and failed to bring any
back with them.
-The first Governmenlt cotton re
port was sent out the 15th instant.
Planting had progressed finely ex
ept in the flooded districts on the
Mississippi, the upper portions of
South Carolina and Georgia. Good
stands were coming up and the pros
pets were fair.
--Cards are out announcing the
marriagze of Miss Ansie Lizette Wel
born to Mr. Henry D. Hendricks, of
Anderson, at the residence of ttne
brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge
-M. -Web~rly their, a f~coun
try home, thre mJls north of Pick
ens tonigh t, the 30th instant.
-Mr. A be Mauldin, who is one of
the best farmers in this county, na ill
make magnificent crops this year;
all of his land has been 'veil prepa5red
and put in fine fir, and despite the
incessant wet weather this year, he is
well advanced with his farming oper
ations and his crops are now "hump
ing themselves,"
-Soli'.itor J. E. Boggs has been in
attendance upon the Federal court at
Greenville, as the prosecutin: attor
ney in the ease of the State against
Van Freeman for the killing of one
Duram, in Spartanbhurg county. Mr.
-Freeman being a guager, in the em
ploy of the U. S goveinment, at the
time, necessitated the trial being in
ae U. S. court.
--The first "Gasomnobile" (comi
eonly called "goober'' parcher) to
run on wheels, ever brought to Pick
ns, has been purchased by Craig
$ros. It is a "trick" and always has
a sppy of nicely roasted peanuts at
the right temperature. It elicited
Eonsiderable comment and no littE
surprise as it was being put up b'
James B. Craig..
-The County Superintendent ol
Education hopes to make the occasior
of the meeting of the trustees of the
v'arious schools in the county a me
uorable affair thie coming July. The
State Superintendent, Mr, Martin,
will deliver an address and it is hnoped
that Governor Hey ward also will find
time to be present and speak. The
people of this county were delighte
-Read R. U. Carter's new adver
tisement and see how yotr like his
-J. E. Hagood; jr., of Easley spent
Sunday in Pickens with his father,
Col. J. E. Hagood.
-Mrs. E. B. Webb is spending a
while with her father's family at her
old home in Clarksville, Ga.
--This section had narrow escapes
from frost several mornings the past
week. The winds kept it away.
-Mrs. W. E. Robinson, of Arling
ton, S. C., is on a visit to her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Cureton, in Pick
-If you are looking for a nice line
of spring and summer shoes, do not
fail to see the stoek carried by John
F. Harris.
-Read Craig Bros., advertisemer t,
after which you cannot afford to nis.
them when hunting for the best
goods for the least money.
-Mrs. Dr. W. A. Long, of Phila
delphia is visiting the family of Prof.
Dendy. Mrs. Long and Mrs. Dendy
were school mates several years ago
at Wilson College, Maryland.
-FOR SALE. -Eggs for hatching
from pure bred barred Plymouth
Rock.-50 cents per dozen. Ad
dress with stamp for reply, Airs. L.
A. Dickson, Meet, S. U. 2.
-The 'State Superintendent of Ed
ucation has issued a statement that
the State summer school forteachers
would be held at Winthrop College
from June 23d to July 22d. The de
tails of the program have not been
m 'Vd out, but the very best instruc
tors ava lable will be employed.
-John owen, colored, who is
known all ove- this county, died at
his home in the " .v Mountain sec
tion, Monday morning, f consump
tion. Jdsse Davis, also color 'd, had
charge of the funeral arrangeme ',
and was in town that evening getting
donations to help defray the expense
of burial.
-Mr. James M. Martin, of Easley,
who is more widely known as "Martin
from the Creek," was in the city sev
eral days ago. He gave us the pleas
ing information that he is now a
teetotaller, and says he will never
again use intoxicating liquor as a
beverage. He is still an ardent Re
publican, but is not using "the ar
dent" any more.--Greenville Moun
-The Isaqueena cotton mill, Cen
tral, S. C., mentioned two weeks ago,
will start on its no e mill at once. It
will install 10,000 spindles and 275
wide looms, all of which have been
contracted for. The kind of goods
has not been decided upon. Steam
power will be used. Plans are now
being drawn for the plant. D. K.
Norris is president. The snperim
tedent and treasurer have not been
selected yet.-Fibre and Fabric.
-The annual division of the pen
sion fund is now being made:; the
warrants are being sent to the vari
ous county clerks and soon the old'
warriors will be spending the pittance
given themi, r-i 1b
this Stat he number of benefi
eiariesJ4 increased very much since
r, the greatest increase being
noticed in Anderson, Greenville and
Spartanburg counties. The amiou.nt
of mioney to be divided with old1 sol
diers in Pickens county is $5,287.05
We hope each one entitled to a share
in this amount wvill soon get it and
that it may prove a blessing and a
real en joyment to them.
-Mr. William J. Burty of this
city and Miss Florence Boggs, of Lib
rtwere married yesterday at 1
oclock at the residence of ~the bride's
parents, Mr. anld Mrs. John TP. Bogzgs,
the Rev. WV. L Boggs, of Greenville,
Iofficiating. Shortly after the cere
ony Mr. and Mrs. Burty boarded
the northbound train for Greenville,
arriving here at 2:30 p. m. They
will make their homne at Mrs. White's
boarding house. Mr. Burty is a con -
tractor andJ a young man of splendid
qualities. Miss Buggs is very popu
lar at Liberty and has many friends
who were loath to part with her.
Greenville News', 28th inst.
-County Superiutendent of Edn
cation Hallum spent last week among
the schools and has just returned
from visiting the schools at Central
and Calhoun. He is delighted with
te way he was received by the teach
ers and pupils and says the schools
are in excellent condition and thor
oughly managed. He also states that
the trustees of the school at Liberty
expect to establish a graded school in
that enterprising little town at the
commencement of the next scholastic
year. The people of Liber-ty have
long felt the need of such a school
and there is no doubt that the action
of the trustees will be approved by
all concerned.
-Easley's crack ball team came up
last Friday evening to plapY ball with
the Pickens boys and brought along
a goodly crowd of young ladies and
rooters to see tbem wipe up the earth
with our boys, but they wvent back
"sadder, if not wiser" fellers. The
Pikens boys hsd not played ball
since the Central games last
Augst, but their ieputation was at
stake and they all came together with
a grand rush, got their "Ir-ish" up
and put up a good fight, and, at the
finish the score stood 14 lo 10 mi
favor of our team. We sympathize
with Easley in her defeat and hope
they can yet learn to play be.! and
win a few games. To themn, and all
other would be champicus, we wa-.t
to whisper this in your ear: "You
will never catch the Pickens boys
napping " They have the makin g of
good players in them, and will always
put up a good fight, for they do not
know what the word "fail" means.
I )arty Closing.
We, the undersigned nmerchants of
the town of Pickens, agree to close
our place's of business at 6..30 p. m ,
commening 1st of May, 1903. until
1st of September, 1903. Saturda~ys
and public days excepted.
Hcath-Bruce-Morrow Co.,
Folger og Thornley,
kL. 4. Richey,
RJ.'F. Harkis
The Enon Singing.
The ikens county singing con
vention met at Enonii church the fourtl
Satu*rav and 9unday. Oa Sunda
the gonvention was opened by tLi
president reading the 10th P.aaln
anil prayer by Laban Mauldin.
Those who led in siuaing in tb
morning-were, Prof... J. F. Lesley, C
C. Foster, J. T. Bagzwell, W. M. MAtr
phree and V. W. Norris. A collec
tion was taken by the church for For
eign Missions. Adjourned one hou:
for dinner.
We re-assembled in the church an(
elected officers'for this year. J. T
Looper, president- M. P. Rogers, vice
president; J. A. Duckworth, secretary
J. F. Lesycv, conductor. Labai
fauldin, P. D. Dacus aud E. M
Bolding were elected as the ex.ecutivi
committee to select .time and plact
for.the next meetingl. 1he commit
tee to select a suitable book for the
next meeting were E. M Bolding, J
F. Lesley and M. 0. Looper.
Those who led in sicgintg in tho af
ternoon were Profs. I. M. Bolding
M. 0. Looper, Bennett Owens, P. D
Dacus, Lomuel Chapman, E. M. Bold
ing and Arthur Rampey.
J. A. Duckworth, Sec.
Timber Land Purchased.
Capt. R. E. Johnston, of the SaludF
River Lumber Company, and C. G
Drake havo returned from a trip t<
the mountain section of Greenvillo
Uhen seen by a News man, Capt
Johnston said that ho Lad added tt
th- poss.ssions of the Saluda Rivei
Lumber Co., 20,000 acres of timbei
land. With the assistance of Mr
Drake he has secured in all 60,00(
Capt. Johnston says he hopes soor
to have industries started in thik
county Lbhat will employ over 1,00(
laborers. It is the purpose of hi:
compa-ny to start a furniture factory
together with a bugiy factory. Nen
Mr. Drake's home at Carl posteffic<
it is also the purpose of the cowpa'1
a tablish a plant for making ex
tracts , ing purposes.
Mr. Drake say re is unlirnitc(
ater-- p wvr in the c(on .u surrou
ng his hime. On Fall Creek at obe
place there is a water fall of over 300
feet and also a strol'g fall on "Head
foremiost" Creek.
It is rumored that ih old Swamp
Rabbit road is to be re')uilt, extend
ing as far as Carl postoffice, a dis
tance of 24 miles The road will be
rno for the purpose of furrrishing a
means of hauling the lumber to be
secured in that section.
It is said that a movement is on
foot for the development of all the
pper sectioli of Greenville county and
that in a few years lumiber mills and
other industries will be a common
sight with the mountaineers.-Green
lle News.
Dr. Jesse J. Morgan Dead.
The death of Dr. Jesse J. Mor
an one of the most prominent and
nfluential men of Pickens county,
cured Monday morning at about
eight de'lock at his home in Da
For the past twelve months, Dr.
organ has been confined to his
home and during that period he
.ras-eegoneduite~nse Jsuffering.
e was 42 years old.
He was born and reared in this
ounty, njear where be died, and
was a son of the late B. F. Morgan,
at one time Treasurer of this
When about twenty years old,
vh deceased was graduated from
the college for phys:cians and sur
es of Baltimore, Md. Since
tfat time he has beeh engaged in
the work of his profession and had
cquired a large practice, extend
ng over the eastern portion of
Pickens county and the western
portion of Greenville county.
Dr. Morgan was an active mem.
>r of the Dacusville Methtdist
church and was also a Mason, be
ing a member of the lodge at Eas
ley. He was. a man of strong in
tellect and powerful influence
which extended throughout the
ommunity in which he lived. As
physician he ranked among the
first. He was a leader in all local
matters that tended towards the
upbuilding of his community and
the advancement of his friends
nd neighbor3.
In fact Dr. Morgan was regarded
as one of the strongest meen in the
Dapsville community, a man
whose advice was frequently sought
nd who was respected and es
teemed by those who knew him.
About twelve years ago the de
eased married Miss Ella Lathem,
ho survives him, together with
four children.
The deceased was a brother of
Jas. H., M. A. and B, A. Morgan
of Greenville. Trhe following sis
ters survive; Mrs. R. A. Bowen
nd Mrs. Florence Grifii of Pick
ee, C. H. and M rs. J. N. Morgan.
f Central. The deceased was also
an uncle of Mrs. T. M, Norris of Ca
teechee, and 0. S. Bolt, of Lao rens,
children of Mrs of Mamie Bolt,
The fiz eral service took place
Tuesday at noon at the Dacusviile
Methodist church which is locat-d
a very short distance from the late
residence of Dr. Morgan
Te following friends and neigh
bors of the deceased acted as pall
bearers: John Looper, Win. Trsyn
ham, Frank~ Hogsed, John Turner,
John Jones, George W. Griffn, T.
. Robinson and M. V Hunt.
To the bereaved family and rela
ives the sympathy of the entire
ounty is extended in this, their
hour of Eadness.
Not ice of Elect ion.
The voters of each school district
or this C.1unty are regniested to meet
at their respective school honses on
May the 9th, 1903, for the purpose ol
electing three trustees to serve from
uly 1st, 1903, to July 1st, 1905.
y he embers of thne present bo)ards
of tratees wal act as nianagers. The
I erk of the board is re~quested to
snd to this offioe the result of thE
eection en the following day. It .u
of the utmost imp..rtance that ever
non that is interested 'edct'
ard the welfare of their s ool d
tcits should turn out and te
00o4 trustees mleans go
Qaan lgement.l -_
.-J (!orntv Board of Bd'~
1 Health
"For 25 years I have nevesl
I missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparila
c cvcry spring. It cleanses my
bicod, makes me feel strong, and
- does 'Me good in every way."
h :P. Herette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ptu! r nd rich blood
carries i-e:; life to every
Part of the body. You
"re invigorated., refreshed.
Y0u f fe lanxious to be
ctIe. You becomestrong,
w hat Ayer's Sarsaparilla
. do for you.
G3:~~ti. AlIdraggits.
a~~. 11c Lii.wc nil zlxbUtthf~thra"
~ kFollow his advicea"
J. C. A Y ER Co.. Lowell. MIL.
Assignee's Sale.
The entire stock of goods of W. P.
Dickson & Co., Meet, S. C., will be
sold in bulk on Saturday, the 16th
day of May, A. D. 1903.
Bids addressed to the undersigned
will be taken up bon the day-of sale
and considered. If no satisfactory
bids are received, the stock will be
disposed of at public outcry at the
store house, Meet, S. C., on that day.
Terms Cash On Day of Sale
a30-3. Assignee.
Always on hand a select
strek o,' Jewelry, Watches,
Cocks, Cu .uttons,..vdas
T&c. A few se s of Silver
Knives and Forks, Tea Sets,
Repairing promptly done
and guaranteed.
VQ@tLilison's store room in
the Lathem Block, Easley, S. C.
MeAND .#
Stoves, and Tinware, Reache's
Base Ball Goods, Sewing
M\'achines and Organs
Cheaper than the
agents prices.
Bellows, Anvils,
Blacksmith Hammers
Iron, Pea Hullers, Har
rows, Binders, Cut-a-way Har
rows, Etc.
Easley Hardware Co.,
Easley, S. C.
and bring your
Do as you did a few
years ago and sell
y our produce to. .. .
I will sell yon goods
as cheap as ever be,.
fc.re. Bring me your
Chickens, Eggs, Raw
Hides, Beeswar, Tal
kew and anything you
wanst to sell or buy.
iI pay Cash or Trade.
Would that we could
with the strengt . a mifnen vole..
IDr. King's
..m.Paeumonla,Grsp, SoreThroat
Pric an'd $1.0o. Trial Bettle Fr...
Da'ye Was My Life's
Agony From Inherit
ed Heart Disease.
Dr. Miles' H eart Cure.
Cured Me.
orne person in every four has a weak heart.
Unless promptly treated a weak heart will
easily become a diseased heart. A little esrtra
strain from any cause is sufficient to bripgon
this deadly malady,~the most common cause
of sudden death. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will
tone up the heart's action, envich the blood
and improve the circulation,
"My trouble began with catarrh and I have
always supnosed it caused the trouble I have
expeenced with my heart. I had the usual
symptoms of sleeplessness, lost appetite, con
stipation, palpitation of the heart, shortness
of iureath and pain around the heart and n-x
der left arm. My mother suffered in ahe same
way and I suppose mine was an inherited
.tendency. At one time I was in agony. I
suffered so severely and became so weak
hat my doctors said I could not live thirty
c~ys. At this time I had not slept over two
h urs a night on account of nervousness.
'l e least exerels, such ag Walking ablogte
wiild bring 6n' pitation and fluttppygg et
the'hat-m5 severe that I would have to give
up everything and rest Nerve and Liver
Tils cured mue of constipation and heart
symptoms disarpeared under the infiuence
of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure.. I am.Pa
better health than I have been in twelve
years and I thank Dr. Miles' Remdisfor it
I think they are the grandest rmde
Wdahae, Tex.
Anlld.- frs hu
UurvnITrailn Opamils
R. C. Carter
is offering the good people of Liberty and surrounding country
the best goods at the lowest prices. My customers are expe
riencing a satisfied feeling and a sa ing of money such as cin
not be found in.any other store in the county. I want every
body else to know what my customers already know.
aZ Spring Goods.
I am showing the daintiest weaves and newest effects
in soft lustrous mercerized Oxfords, Madras and 1903
waistings. Of DIMITIES, LAWNS, MUSLINS and
PERCALS I have a varied and beautiful assortment.
White Cotton Towels, - 5c the pair.
Red Hankerchiefs, 5c for 2.
Dress or Work Shirt 25c each.
Overalls 39 a pair.
Sweaters - - 25c each.
*3b. can Standard brand Tomatoes at iic.
Rice. 16, 18 and 20 lbs. for $1.oo,
Syrup, 25, 35, 40, 45 and 50c a gallon.
Genuine Muscavado Molassess, 45c a gallon.
If you want the very best flour try my "Queen of
Patents" at $4-50 a barrelil.
In Hardware I claim to lead. Competition
but I lead the procession. I have all kinds of tools
from the cheapest to the very best and I am selling
First class steel plows at 4Y c a lb.
Guano Horns Tube in one piece without a joint I 2C.
Red Ball Top Hames, 48c a pair.
Georgia Ratchet Plow Stocks, 75c.
Swingle Trees i5c and 25c.,
I also have a big line of Buggy Shafts, Poles, Dash
Boards, Cushions, Post Diggers, Razors, Table and
Pocket Cutlery and all sorts of Trace and Wagon
chains. Yours for trade,
At Shirley's Old Stand. - LIBER TY, S. C.
If you are afflicted with that
~ "TIRED FEELING", come to .
seenus. We can give you the
best Spring Tonic to be had
and at a reasonable price.::
Pickens I
. T. MoFALL, -3. Mo)D. BBUCE,
Preu'ident. . .Cashier.
CA PIT AL, - -- $ 20,500.00.
PROFITS, - - $ 10,312.09.
DEPOSITS, - .- $100,055.29.
Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management,
Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers.
-Big Value
Big Store.
The largest business in our history. Our Millinery and Dress Depart
ment has been crowded from d-,y to day. This shows that the people ap
preciate our efforts along this line and this has encouraged us to make
greater effo'rts. We have arranged to offer some special values for the
next few weeks. Don't fail to see him,
Another shipment of theo
luat arrived, so come in and select your suit
before the sizes are broken, you just as well buy a suit that fit., when it
doesn't cost any more. -
A Big Line of
-and they are going fast. . Come quick.
We have not neglected y w.wts in the Vehicle Line. A big line of-'
....Buggies, Surreys, Wagons, etc...
Another car of the famons "BOCK HILL" to arrive soon. We like to
sell Book'Hill pu~giea liecause they give satisfaction.
Oery Hawe and Goc Departent iscmplete. We hantsp'o
yoh.Yours truly,
Hieath-Bruce-Morrow Co.,
Your attention is especially called to oft-l"Z,
Dry,Goods, Clothing, -4
Gents FurnishinGo
A complete line of Lawns, Dimities,~ ereali in iA
cerized goods in all colors with Laces and r ni
We have the prettiest line of plain and iece d d
ever Shown in Pickens.
Gentlemen it is about time for you to begin tc*thin
Spring Suit, Hat, Shoes, Shirts Etc. The tra't eu
yourself is. Where can I gat the best suitedl DB02>
that fits every way but the right way. Ifgy 1
so style and quality and the right prie, a0ive 6
of your time and we wil be only too glad to-show you
line. We have by far the best line of clo ing thisZc
ever carried. -
Shoes . Sh
Ynu know what the "Battle Axe" Shoes ar-e he
of shces, but the "Bottle Axe" downs themn a n 2P "e.
rhFor Men and
We also-have a nice linc of Patent Leather ors C :e :
of Hardware, Ilorrows, Hoes, Plows, and Pts So",A
Belting, Shingle Mills, and Mill Supplies, aynng cvr
with prices right. -
We havn't the space here to tell you one-tenth. t in e
lko to but we invite you to our store and- we o o
interest you here. -
Just received a big lot of Ise
We ask you to read our new advertisements ,ideh il apen a.
aue of the Pickens Sentinel-Journal as they will entit a n i
economical buyer can aford to miss. We !aveat51nt sv g
and you may feel perfectly safe in serding even a i 1d - phii7
any article of merchandise at our store as we have onlyONE PBICt TOM.~
ALL. 5
~ompare Our Prices
On anything from a palper of Needles up and you will J us th e
We Don't Blow
our horn over so many pounds of sugar for $.00 whielrs e d ' my i
trifle above cost, to make it appear that evati~i cheapi
tion. -
elow We Quote Some Very .Low ri~:
A feir Georgia Batchet Plow Stocks to close out a005o eac.
A nice little plow line for 10c. 32 feet long. You mis e barg~sm/
Oliver Ames' Shovel No. 2, for 90 cent. -
No lady can aiford to be without a Half Gallon Caps. -C. e 5 3
Try our Farm Bell Florur $4.40 a harreL
We sell the International Stock Food. All pa ages bote se- 25si a
cat price.
We are in a position tilandle all the chickns, eggs &ein tL- wecu y
fle. Come and see us.
One-Price (Cbh Btore.
Fall and Winter &6
tBARGAIN PRICES. Come at once an re eno cc as
rice will move them and they won't iason~g.
Thanking those who have traded with me th p ist se
id hope for a continuance of the same, m ni
Yours truly,
All Half-Shoveis 4%4c. per lb. Twister s -
Shovels and Scooters from 2fr inchesiand u, 4 I
These prices for consumers only.
A good New Orleans Molasses at 25c. p
if you ever use my 1o lb. Green Coiflee; a -o
to sell you again.
I want a lot of Hens and two or three g -
Cows. ._
' akPpa
anted aAh.. umt
A. S. BYERS CO., Atlanta Q
Will pay SPOT CASH for Oak, Pop,
lar, Ash or Walnut They will sena~
man to receive the lumber at loadon
point. They will pay you the high.s
market price. Write them stating w
you have in the way of H ARDWOO
A. S. BYERS COMPANY, Atlanta na
rhr a ena iewe u mreat nurserh~ '
*absoluter free from diseas. -~
-e York1mpe
The Prince of Winter Ar-,
apa.!eBTry orchara. -rree stands
?redcolo ad mo erclei - a

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