Pickens Sesti&el-kroal. HaDPenings o( a Local and Personal Nature. v.. ?It. K. Olivor of Birmingham Ala., is viBiting iet Jfickens. ?J. E. Hill of the Daousville side, was in Piokons last week on business. ?Photographer Taylor will be in his Piokons studio noxt Wednesday, Lot everybody that can attend the old soldiers reuuion in Piokons, Friday, Juno 3d. ? J. It. Ashmoro left for Atlanta last Thursday to spond a few days with relatives, ?Dr. A. B Wardlaw will bo in Piekenp, Tuesday and Wednesday, Ma.y 3lst and Juno 1st. ?Miss Bessie Ashmore is quite ill in Atlanta, where sho wont a short tiowj o^o for treatmont. ? M. F. Heater is in Atlnntn, visiting bis sun, J. Wilton, and daughter, Mrs. W. A. Gresham. ?Strayed from my place, a black berfeshiro pig. Re ward for return. T. D. Harris. ?The Liberty Township Singiog / Association will meet at Liberty on the Sunday in June, 1994. J. W. Henderson, See. ?Coroner B. F. Parsons made ft Bhort trip to Groeuvillo lftst week. Ben is feeling alright; Dr. Blnck has dismibsod him and pronounced him cured sound and well. ?There will bo ft reunion of old soldiers fit Pisgah church, below Kasloy, on June 10th. J. E. Boggs will deliver an address. A grent time is expected. ? J. D. Moore has moved his "c?rnor storo" back to his old stand in tho Carey building, whero ho is better prepared than over to sell groceries and supply the demand for fresh meats. ?Claude Heater, who is at work iu Atlanta, and who has boon on a visit to his mother, Mrs. M. F. Heater, and othor relativea in Pickena, returned*to iiis duties in Atlanta, yesterday, ?Mr. Allen Duncan carried J. M. Clements 120 pounds of wheat aud got 79 pounds of good flour aud 34 pounds of bran, which mado 113 pounds. Mr. Duncan is well pleased with his turnout, and says ho is going to tako Mr. Clements his wheat. ?The Fickens Baptist chuicli in conference, last Sunday, decided to ( build u pastorium on tho lot recently purchased on (iarvin Btreet. A coinmitteo consisting of J. T. Taylor, C. E. Robinson, and Jeff. D. Holder, was appointed to go ahead and havo it built. ?E. D. Meaders, who lived on tho Maj. J. M. Stewart place, north of Pinkftna. died at hia horn#- Monday i ^ ' morning, of consumption, after n short illneap. Ho loaves a wife and several children, besides a host tf relatives and friends to mourn his death. ( ?Middl^ton Hester, rural mail ' carrier on routo 2, from |l'icckcns,. han been, apd is still, quito nick. ' His friends hope it will not prove i1 iu.I i.~ ?in 1-- ---? I QUI IUUO, unit I/Lioti UU Win HUUIl UU Ullt again. His father, It. A. Hester, is delivering mail, and a right good lmiul ho is. I ?Mrs. C. E. Watson, one of tho , Stato officers of the Woman's MisBioBao"f-Juiou of this State, will address tho It liof- in tho Methodist church next Saturdny afternoon at four o'clock. All th? ladies of tho community aro urged to attond, as this wi'l be an interesting and instructive meeting. ?Tho closing exercises of the . Pickens Graded School begin tonight in tho court house. Tomorrow, (Thursday) Prof. John G. Clinkscnles ' of Wofford College, will deliver an i address at li a. 111., and at night the graduating exercises tako place. The ( Pickenq Cornet Band will furnish i music for the occasion. Tlio closing rcises will bo the best ever rend by tho school. 1 Jhmes H. Ambler, a promi en 6f Pickens county, was a for u few hours on yeslesday." Mr. Ambler has j ost successful farmer, and tontod tho old District of tho Legislature. Ho is vi yeais of uge, and is halo ', and enjoys, in a remarka, tho society of his many oowee Courier. no of bnll between Cen iiiHt Wednesday failure. From tho registirod by tho 1 til in tlio seventh i and threatened to 1 ?)? team walked off lo not know bnso- 1 read tho rules of hile we may bo 1 * see why thoy ed a Moe, smooth niu * ? ltov. W. Arthur Christopher i \ preached an excellent sermon in \ tho Baptist church in Pickens Hunday night to a large and attontivo ' audience on "Hope." He handlod < his subject well, nod drow a splendid | picturo which he colored to good of* fost with apt illustrations. Arthur is n splendid young man and will make a good preacher and will ho a power for good in his noblo culling. His friendt* in Pickeus bid him <*od v apeed in his lifo work. ?It. E. Grandy ha>N finish^ romoddeling the dwelling ftrytist of J. ' D. HoU'^r, and with the and shady pip Jefi now hiB one of the pret'f .. uotnes anywhere in the county. It is on a prominent knoll, surrounded by a handsome growth of oaks, overlooking his broad and fertile acres, with well tilled hot toins in fr nt. whi.-h tire beautiful? grain glowing there thin season, .leflf ia well fixed, nnd his cuttle barns nre filled with aleek, welbfed cattle, making a Atting back ground nnd at the same time furnish richness for the soil nnd money in his purse, l'iokeus oounty couid lenrn a lesson of thrift nnd economy from him. Mny his norea expand nnd hia ah Ado w never grow lets. - \ ; ' ,/ ? ? ? - 4UM W f ?^irs. E?{a Morgan of Daousville, is reported 'quite ill. Her friends hope for he ) a epeljfly recovory. ?Mies Jontt B(>^g0, an attractive young lady of KfHjey is spending several days with' berssister, Mre. Dr. Halluni. ?Mrs. Flora Lathcm of Clinton, was up a few days last wook to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella Morgun, who is quite sick. ?Itov. D. W. Hiott desires to return heartfelt thanks to his people for a generous pounding received 1 Tuesday morning. ?Mrs. N. E. Thoruley will soon begiu some extousivo improvements, which will rosult in a modern residence that will bo an ornament to tho progressive town of Pickens. ?Drink Red Rock Ginger Alo, best made. Refreshing invigorating, healthful. No dopo no alcohol. On ice at all times at our Soda fountain. Pickens Drug Co. ?J. Sam Wilson is a bustler; ho camo to Pickens last Monday, bring ing six wagons with which to haul buck shingles. Ho intends making extensive improvements around his t home shortly. ' ?There will bo a children's day at Oolenoy Baptist church on the second Sunday in .June. Speakers have boon invited and an interesting program arranged for the day. The public is cordially invited to attend. ?There will bo a regular commun. ication of Koowoo Lodge, Saturday niuht?work in tho third degree. Visiting brethren from other lodges cordially invited to bo present The brethron will tako duo notice theroof ' and govorn thomaelves accordingly, f ?Elsewhere in our columns will f be found a notice of iho summer I school for the teachers of Pickens J county. Pickens county is rapidly t improving along educational lines, and it is hoped Hint nil the teachers ' in tho county will avail themselves of tho opi ortunities for self-improve- s ment offered by the State. j ?Prof. Clias. Lane lectured according to announcement, in tho court houso Friday evening to a largo and enthusiastic audience, on tho f subject, "Talk and Talkors." Prof, t Lane l's an artist in his lino. 'J he "Georgia Cracker" cracked some good jokes, as well as a few stale ones that our grandmother told us. ?Married on tho 24th ioBtant, at ' tho residence of Mrs. M. F. Harris, ] mother of the bride, at 3 P. M., Miss f Stella Harris to Mr. Malcomb Johnson of Greenville, tho Rev. J. W. Shell, of the Greenville circuit performing the ceremony. It was a very quiet homo ] ii* i . . / . e i\ i . weauiug, oniy a iow 01 uio most inti- , uiato friends and relatives of the contracting parties witnessing the core- ( mony. Tlio happy couple left on the afternoon train. ?Tlio Libert)' graded unhool will ' hold its closing exercises 011 Thursday and Friday nights of this week. ^ Thursday night at 8:30 o'clock there . will ho contests in essays and declamation interpersed with music. Tlio * following night will be taken up with a contest in debate 011 tho following query: Resolved, "That war is an < evil;" followed by tho readiug of es- 1 says by pupils completing tho course. Tho concluding featuro will bo the \ annual address by Prof. D. W. Daniel of Clemson Gollego. Commencement Sermon. 1 There was a very largo congrega- t tion out fit tbo Baptist church Sun- j Jay morning to hear liov. 1"). W. Hiott preach the commencement sermon to tho graduating class of the > Pickons Graded School. Tho text ] was from Ivouiuuh XII 1; "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by tho mercies of (Jod, that jo presont your 1 bodies ns living sacrifices, *vhich is * your reasonable service." Tho sub- \ ject of tho sermon was "Self Denial." Many forceful lessons were drawn from Biblical history illustrative of f aelf sacrifico and self-denial, the most t striking of which may be mentioned t the recorded instances of tho sacrifice jf Isaac and tho trial of Abraham in giving up his son; tho sacrifice of Paul in becoming adisciploof Christ. Practical illustrations were then \ drawn from our times, showing tho c sacrifice find solf-deniftl of foreign missionaries, holding up tho spirit of these self sacrificing men and women r iih being- worthy of emulation. A btriking lesson was then drawn from ( Scott'a "Lady of tho Lake." The minister, to rnako his subject still mure practical and forceful, narro.ved down its application to the ] individual members of tho congrega- ( tion, and clearly demonstrated that what each individual had accomplished had been done by sacrifice and self- 1 .1... !-l lilt ll 1111 The fact thot sacrifico and selfdenial is , ho true measure of great hoh8 in thih world, waa impressively and logically proven. Tho scrniom wiiB a powerful effort and in sure to bring forth fruit in due season. Such was the first commencement sermon of tho Pickens Graded School. Card of Thanks. Editor Sentinel* Journal: We desiro to thank the good pooplo of I'ickena for tho kindness shown us during tho sickness and death of unr aunt, Mrs. Kennemore. May the richost blessings of God be given to them all. Respectfully, } J. Archie Morris and wife. The Summer School. The Bummer School for Piokens county will be held at Pickens, beginning June and continuing for one month. Tho major subjecto will be: Hughes' Mistakes in Teaching," Petermon's "Civil Uovarment" and Wentwrorth's First Steps and New School. Alge- * brae. Instructors *nd other sub- 1 jeclH will be announced later. Instructive and helpful lectures by able men of tMc Htato will be J t ' ? ? ] deliverod during* tbo aetftion. , Let every teacher in the county ' attend. Kespect fully, K.|T. Ilalluni, Oo.^Supt. of Ed. < 1 fa From Turkey} 1 Luck is work, And those who shirk, Should not lament their doom, ' But give their p]aco, ( And stand apace, 1 And let tho other folks have room, t Fiuo weather for cleaning crops; : the ground dry, but plows l>oauti- ' fully. Very littlo rain has fallen hero sinco tho 1st of April. Cotton is coming up nicely, and tho prospect is good for a porfeot jtand. The corn crop is in fine condition and generally a good stand. Tho light showers of ruin havo f successful agriculture might ho I vritten in two short sentences, t 1st, make the land rich! 2nd, koep ^ ho weods down. If tho word n 'weeds" can be construed to mean ^ jvery hindrance to the particular 8 ;rop desired to be grown, that ? vould be correct, but there is more ^ loeded in successful farming than t mnply ''keeping the weeds down." 8 )very old Granger knows that. n I guess wo will have a line crop ^ >f candidates to chooso our county jllicers from. It is somo connola- ^ :ion to know that so many of our b >ood citizens, both old and young I iro willing to bo our servants. But ' i?ill Rilvs h? Hnop.ta that, tho HH.Inrr ^ ia? a pood deal tor do with tlioir ' 'pattertism,'' and I reckon Bill v C110W8. * W. II. Lawrence and wife and 1 ion, Ralph, visited Mr. and Mrs. 11 Liowig Sunday. ^ Tho school election in Hampton ? icliool district on the 7th inBt., re- > jolted in the defeat of the special c ax. Rustic. ' ? \ From Rock. 6 Tho most of the farmers aro work- ( ing over their com and cotton, and ^ ^ou can hoar tho noise of the hoe? striking tho rocks in the cotton . ield. \X7/^1 I P.Ani? n t\AI1 ti uii) vuny, j t>u vv/iu auuuu liJ^ j [rishman and the mule, but you ( lever told whether the mulo got )n or uot. ? Homo, what haw becomo of you? You needn't quit writing because j the gourd was so large. June Sweotner, your gourd i3 rerv large; I think it would he ( setter to ride in it because it isn't is heavy as the eleven gallon gourd" j Oscar and Herbert Jonos visited ^ rasou Entrekin of Prater's, last , c Saturday ':>ght. . c W . 1). Hendricks and son, B. F., ^ vent toGroenvillo last week. I 1 haven't soon any candidates 4 cot. They don't seem to l><> in any lurry coming around. I guess ^ hoy think it is plenty of time yet ^ to hIidw themselves. Miss Janie Hendricks spent ln?t y Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Josio Ohaatain. v I see whore Old Hiddlo is right n getting help to work the roads. "Jomo again Old Riddle, I like to . ead your news. Farmer's Hoy, please tell those (iris to not let their hearts fail ,heni, and to niako that leap year rip. Mountain Girl. ^ Central Dots. We are having some very cool veather thia week, but ihe days ire \ory pleasant. A Health ia not ao very good liore 1 it present. J The little son of Mr. and Mrs. ^ J. G. Rowland, who has been quito t 11 for aome time, ia improving. 1' MisRos Julia, Freddie and Janie r. :&oggs, of Newry, wero the guests r )f C. C Frieks' family last Sunday, y Rev. II ollaild filled hin rflonlnr I (J ippointmont in tho Baptist church 0 a?t Sunday, delivering an t>xcel- ^ ent sermon. The little daughter of J. W. 1 [lopkina i? quite ill at this writing. 1 The Wesley an tent meeting is 8 >rogro8sinL' nicely at this placo, a ind will continue until Sunday * light. Kev. Kinard has preached lome very interesting sermons. t Mias Florence Bowen, a charm- ^ ng young laut of the ear window on "the Moody Held of long ago, it recalled he fearful struggle between the Northern and Southern armies, low many noble young men went lown ben oath tho deadly fire Hie roaring of tho guns, the clashng of Ihe swords, tho groana and tries of tho dying, the upturned aces of the doad, wore all recalled. Phon I thought ol tho maimed oldiers still struggling on in the yorld. I was told of one young nan who went to tho war from Jliattanooga, who was in that feartil battlo around tho city, and was Iriven back by tho enemy until at list he reached the yard of his f;iher'8 homo, wlmn lin foil nioiv>oi1 , .. ? ' 1*^ >y a ball from the enemy ; how sad. lany year# have passed sinco then, ot many of the old vets an loft o toll tho story of thoir conllict; oon tho last one of thorn will nswer to tho roll call up yondor. lay thoy all bo ready. As one of ho younge? generation 1 feel iiko landing with uncovered head while ,n old soldior passes by . May iod bless every 0110. At Nashville many interesting hings aro pointed out to the tranger. Nashville can boast of icr institutions of learning. Perlaps no other city anywhere in the 5outli ean surpass her. Vander>iIt University, lTnivoreity of Nash- j 'ille, University of Tennessee, Kisk ! Jniversity, I'eabody Normal, Colege for tho blind, &c. They aro .11 ~ ~ 1 1 _ J r ~ 1...: 1.1! k'? 11UC HUIIOUIH ituu IU1U UUlIUlUgS. rhe State house is beautiful. The ;rave of President Polk and wife, loar the building, the monument >f Pres. Jackson, the grave of (Jen. iwell, the grave of Gen. Carrol, vho fcerved as Governor of Tennes100 for twelve yoars, aro sill places, >1 interest. The object of my vixit to Nashville was to attend tho meeting of Jie Southern Baptist Convention, it was a great meeting, one thousind and eighty delegates prose:.t. Ex-Gov. Eagle of Arkansas was re-? dected president. In taking charge if the gavel, he said that ho conlidercd it a greator honor to prolide ovor that body than to be President of tho United States. A iollection was taken for the Semilarv. which amountfifl tn snmr?tliinvor $50,000. Many groat sermons ind addresses wore delivered. Poriaps the grealuBl day in tho hisory of tho convention was Moiilay, when about twenty missionaries were 011 the stand at onee, lOine just t/oing out to Foreign ields, others just returned from oreign lands to iC9t and gain trength to go ag.iin. Dr. Ii, II. Jravos, who has been in China -IS 'ears, was present and made a talfcj \.ftor tho missionaries had talked iwhile and the congregation had ILllO. Mild Tir!l.V(tr fnllniuoil nrnvnp 0? X J W-M VV. I vhile the tears coursed down all jheoke, Dr. Willingham, Secretary if tlio Foreign Board, asked if any n the congregation would ofl'er hemaelveg as missionaries to fc?i lign tiolcls. Many young men and vonien rose and said they would ;o. Oh, what a time we had. "Heaven camo down, our souls to greet, And glory crowned the mercy seat." IJIIU 111 i'aonvMiv; ?# . J., Vatkins, a native of South Caro< ilia, showed nio much kin?liihhh. Ir. Watkins is a son of W. C. Vatkins of Slabtown, and a cousin >f R. F. and W. C. Smith of I0as oy. Mr. WatkinH lias a nice Im si icsh in Nashville, and ib making noney. He went thoro eighteen ears ago. All his children, five laughter a, are full graduates'. Two if liro. Watkins' children have lie; ?S?coinl hurch, Easloy, $fj.O(); total, $24.JU). trust I may ho a better pastor afar having attended such a mootnir. I>. W. Tl. Card of Thanks. Editor Sentinel-Journal. Through our columns we wish to thank ur friends for their kind deeds nd cheering words conforred upon ur doar husband and father durng his rticent nicknoB and death. Ve commend thorn to the givor of 11 good tilings, and may they bo ewarded, if not in this world, in ho world to como, where there is tornal happinoBH and otornsvl day. Mth. M. C. Wiuthcster, Lillio Winchester, Wife and daughter of deceased. t?k Your l>ritl?r for AIIah'n Foof-Knuo L powdor foi tho fo?t. It ouro3 Hwollon lore, H' Culloiw, Aoliinfr, Hwfnting: Ooi-oh and liunioiiH. At nil Drtift[ietrt and shoo stores, 20o. Ask t' ft "Is ii Kroutful drink ) > *ri!< iinticnt*. i If mill luKKcniiiK nnusi'ii mid ;n?lu distress \\ II you liiul your symptoms in VV arc t?ai // all the rest of you, the cure is at (( / . 'J)\ . )) Pickens Drug Cor ?, u rii};s cc auruonc S Miss Nono Tht)i vFasliioiiahlo? $ \l I] i M\\ \ 1 ir? North 31ain SI. - - ok and v in showing you our goods you buy anythin or not. \v. T. ."\pr.v Li * SIS I I i I i ! MOWn? ill i i i i n i nrrn*ri ! I * M * ksii .lLa I la ?THAT IS NOT A 1 ?v>-> \\ R want to dispose; ol certa to move them quickly will sell i) at nn \ S a tt U ' _!_ ,'r^ All oi our line of Crocker)-, (11; Pitchers', : : : : $1.50 Bowl and Pitcher to at Si ate reduction all through these lines. Come early taelore ^oods an: picke selection. : : : : The best of everything and everyth ,91; f.he market we have it." Call early . Mrs. K. L. Union Meeting. ^ TilO I'liiou im-ctni^ el tlie l'ickt n.s Association wil? h<* hold with Pickens Is Baptist, church, lic^iuiiii The need of a con 'crated chu'.oli 1 r* memhershin. Oiu'iinil i>v 1Jt v A. .1. ? zf .Mnnlv. X Church discipline ? Wheif and li 'W j 59 f-lioiild it, In- exerciHcd' O^eno ' l>y IM. Hendricks. $jf ^ Are the churches in any vay r> sponsible for lawh ssnet-s and crime.' If so, to what. extent, and wluet is | ^ j their dutv in regard thereto.' Opened iff by Joel II. Miller. j (* Should any ono I><> considered ;? 'Jj consistent nu mber of the church who does nol usually attend its regularservices nor e xdrdmte recording to // his means to itfl support of tliogo-- g[ " I pel, generally? Opened hy Kev .J i '.<> IE. Foster. I) Sermon Saturday niyht l>v 1 lev. d. m bj E. McMmiaway. B .Sunday morning, 10 o'clock, dev. tional exercist a by Dr. A. -!. S ^ Thomas. 3 KhUO? An oxege.six of Judo !1 verso by Rev. < inuie. d Sunday ni^lit will bt? drvubd to a fii missionary muss meeting, and fe.ver;d filiort addimsea will be m?? in is jig ? HioiiH, its importance and bow to do gf p ( missionary work. jg A fidl representation of all lbc ?? ej . 'lurches is requested. \L C. E. Kobinaorr, Cbm. J? ?) IIMotliorn I Mottiarnt Molttrrn! I A' Low ninny children uro nt thin hcmsotj ' K ? ovoiish nnd count iputod, with Imd .-loin- J Inch nnd hondncho. MoUht Orny'n' j| | Hwoot Powders for Chid ron will alwnyn i j# euro. If worms aro proflout tln-.y wdl t < romovo them. At nil drugr;iflts 2f? <"18. I Sample mailed FREE. Ad^lref-n, A''cu I m H, oWted, Lo l\oy, N, Y. \ 1?B^ ' * r > > .,:m-. .c > , M > , _ ' , , , ESL I![nEWSP tne weatner )) ? )) EVERY I jI over i900 // iMiiylnu thirst // |)!{S <;0<>i>S IN this if vou j) . hWuis i-f ulMli- lat , J /f I jllWllK lit) I I Jl-'linl !(!S, pi t and II your for uku ts \v< Imvo < v<*r slio id "< I UUlircd" I) simply \v:ilUii>{4 iiltout // K<'*t si 11 <{ best Into of ?!l?ittij ()l" orraso otir clothiog tfmlo ^11 but lifrttcliiHK clolniiig. I'J fflliij'l] II j Tim goi d old tstiiiiiii* IB I kinds of summnr iro'uls JJ of ox folds for iiio') , women VV l eloi> tliey are pieked ovoi VV W hen .you uio in to ?.x, ' ^ I] Furniture, Unties and ^ J * ' if Furniture mid bundle. llin I i'Mitdiell ami you will get t Fo 8 eg ? v ? < lotliiuK. Shoes and W Sol'1 Agent s for I he lrivnn and tttionse f Till' Host Fit tins sS?>% i I s i i (' r \. ^ TiMl Villi', S. (\ ^ $ |< ^ ^ i fy -^ I ^ Four-nii(l?onc->linir mil Ill i | ,, Gen era! | M 1 landK;s nothi ? but th Dunnes, ' ? t, I J3 I bo liauing piimn ots, oou & (.au Huvethnm money, ockeryuare, ^ Mrs. IIattie Craig \ i: 111 \ i u: Li! in lim.'s ol goods, and v> -' ? " ' \ r,l?:i-OKIi YO isswani and Howls and s I(mK al thi V N V |~X Hj .OO. and ;i 1 iiv?' ?nrt\t .!i- s>' I 1 ? P- ' v : j i ^ 1 1 t N " 1 I u over anu mukv your injj the Iw:st. "H II is WiM U: '".t-wn an. m.i oit,v 1 lion, and will make \ jreat ** Sacrific TO SAVE EXPENSE OF I Sh'v (vnnrlc M. J ! :> ('alien. First 2,.">()<> ynrds Standard :?s inch She-Ming. Wire y?i(Is iSt.nndard Cheeks line of lu v 11 4 t, c . i Cushions, All to So at 5c per yard lii?'li ^positively loss than can I ? bought r muiiy v\ iso u t-iwnpirir iii,r> < i i.iwii", j _ iniiMc4. Percales, Madras, Bit-aching, ('.tin- | (jTCM )? , Muslins, etc. to go at cut prices. L'-Nll -T Notions ;;'i for only H Overalls fro?u- JJOc up. lor $ I 75 A Inrjre li?t of pants at S|? cial h>\\ price* 15 pot O mmI (Iny halC hour striko ('locks si inatoeH, T _ . ' __ I ha this sale Shoes. |)OU,S1 lhavo the most complete lino of Sho.-s over *'f"n tlc?r?;5jjuinr i ..?w i<>i >c. Special cut pi everything' .RC. CARTER t ":) Ipp RINGGOOdSI ? <>l^ _ *jB >ESCRIPTION I (ilSKAT J KOFUSION! I s( novelties in wliito ?oods and colored J atesf lot of waist }><>ods and black goods 9 \vn. When it. ? >m>'K to clothing, wo Imvo (> 1,1 r.i-,. villi .... tl.n 'I I.., I.:? F rvi r hliown in I'ickrns. Wo fry t'> ill* ?*n'-l? year, nix! to <'o this \v?> l?nv iio111i;?'j L' J'WS IO 1JUV THE liKSI'. i Units in most l.ero uiitl we will ucetl Is nml oxfotilM. Wo liiivi' u (< mill rhiklivii. (Joint! mitt f*?-t jx wn di'ii'l fn'l to idok through c. \\ 'lis. Wo kt ?>|) a <*<)iii|>It'l* ) st liuggii's iiim Wagons initili he best. lours 'J i nly, TTBufwra ? .. . w u a U B H H a (li nt's fn imliinpj fr I Dos. Ili^li A I ' lolliii)^', ; Clothing in The Wo I Vv \ / lili V.J _IT JL A' is cast of Pickens and four miles Yj Merchandise.. f1 i li -i . P' lie I s M'i 11 aIB I' :' ^ ^ I 1 3 _ 1 iiitTchsiihliM* l<> iro li CSC ii'0 0(|s III |M l!?c Itrouji SSousc Timothy hay for$1 .() *? p i 1, choj>prt(], per l>n-hol,H clt'iin hVed ()th tor piH White S'.lt > ?<; p r hundnfl I -stork: tour! H Liberty, 1 / M