t PU1U/ISHRD BVEItY WKUSKBDAY MOJINING. TI__by-? i Tho Sontinol-Journal Company. 1 Thompson & Richby, Pnors. i t J. L. O. THOMPSON, Editoh. Subscription ?1.00 Per Auuum. Advertising lV?toH Reiisouable. Enteral at I'lckonR PostofTlo.o as .Second CMnss Mail Matter PICKKN8, S. C. : \>eunes?iav...Juiie l, mu*. COL. JAMES A. HOYT. The dcws of tho death of Col JusA. Hoyt will bring badness (o I ho hearts of his old comrades and friends jn l'ickous county, for ho was goner nllv known throughout tho county. Only last Juno ho stood buforo his old conirados in Pickens and ro" hearsed tho stirring fcenes of former duvfl. related tho stories of Iho oainn tiros ami told of tlio docds of daring iti tiercost. buttle that moved tinhearts of thv vast audience befon whom he ttood. Col. lloyt was the truest typo ot the Southern soldier, and his body bore to his dying day the murks that tohl of his u! Hitching courage and ii uu uiuv^i}. Groat iti buttle, greater Btill wcfo tho lights for tho right ho fought in times of pence. I lib fucilo pen and forceful logic wore u power in the {Stutfv * f W^T Col. Hoyt wkh 11 prico among inei^. \ 1 who Imd I ho couragc of his convie in o.ii... ii\;no >i i iiu dint pj;i PICKENS GRADED SCHOOL. TUo Commencement Exercises of the l'iokem; (iraded School woro held in l.ho '.'nurt House Mav '25 and '2(5 There were nix young Indies in the graduating o!a^s, and, judged l>y their graduating eppnys and the high order of the entoi tiiinm^nt provided by tlii! other students of this school, even the casual observer i.s obliged to c ncludt: tliut the w.uk hero doner has l)ct if* thoroughly done. Even student taking part in these com moucomcnt txcrcivos acquitted tier ' ?i If proudly and each one showed f that she carried with her a thorough Hppreeiation t,f the important fune tiou of Mich a school na this and join ed most h'.utilv in the spirit of the occasion. / If out" could hnvo C )ini)!iroil tlwso Biimo i-itudf-nts willi tlio'r udvnnot*ui( itt and proficiency of ono year a;jji>, puch comparison would liuvi di inoiihtialil fully lli? ?to. Wlr.u j' "\^ tcnchew hsno Bllch material 11 pon / ' whom to expend tin ir accomplish jjood and' dt (init r? nults This community ,lr to l.o congratulated upon tl>o main teimm'o of 8Ui-h an institution and I ho tu-ht willies of all our peoplo sit t(;im 1 fhf'iO *ix younjj ltidicn who ontt r more aetiso fiol?I ? t>f cndtmvor, and tho other Hludonts whoso aspirations look In tlio Haino end. OLD SULDIERS. On.JuiK !id lil-1-!, the annivvrsary ?11 Davis, tin* only pr'siiiojif v, will KlIJXTViHO in tin giving of '| |.r.i|n 1:11< exercises in Com ntei ii<.'in11"ii of tint unparalleled services of t('onfoderato Kohlici'ft tliroiled) four voniN of war On I hut ocOAHion crosnos of honor will l?n be Glowed upon nil ve'oanH, wlio, having made application iheivfor, aro on t t!< d fo Ihr name wnd r tho rules of the order Tliii will bo an ocenNion j in which IIioho I)jui!flitr"'i for the part he plaud i'i the ^rofttost conflict of modem times. Tlioho eroHt't8 are in catimah!. badi?oH of u Hi#! v ' >!' Ilio most patriotic I women in i lie world i.s capahlo of l>o c stowing high). f A full pr ;:nui of this occasion i? I published ?1:-?#<.vluto in 111ih issue, i rant to iIh-m- <.x-vcUoa < v< rybody i? j inviUd. I.' t tho ladiiii?;< tho childn n pi opart ll to Hpend f, tlio day with tho hnnpitablu pooplo (>f | i'lckt.'liH, mi* 1 it will united lio a day k worthily ol: v?!cl, and (.no !<>njjf U> (' bo r(:ineinb('n'd t>y I ho j.c .pic of thin 1 to.vn ntul c(immunity. 'J'ho IndioH ' i want you, /our fi-ionc^ want t> .1 .. <'oi tnin 1 Or Miili Yiy i'ickii-iiH I)'< iJB ^Lkoub mii t I1. N. lluutcr, Li'boi^Hk I i ** * .? * ? ? ? ? . '' " " : ' * " " / PICKENS.COUNTY POLITICS. D The office seeker iu Piekons ounty has a tnoro luggod jroatl to o ravel than his fellow candidate in v ther sections of tho State. The w dlls are longer and steeper; at e nidday the tun phinee just ag hoi a is m tho sand hills. The roiighei 1 ,1)0 country tho more thorough hie anvasB must ho, for the foutlofed nountuin vole may bo justtmnigh ? 1.. .. 1 iL - t ! 1 * 1 _ ? ~ * x -o muu me anxious uunuuiuiu mv i )fiico. The candidate locks tiii< eoret in th-j repository of his owi faithful breast ~nd makes tin rounds from house tohous*, feeling t i&tisfied that the other fellow will i never penetrate the mountain ?e sar, but deep down in his heart there i.s a sort of "vein, vidi, vici" feeling. There is not a county in thy State in which there is a livoliur interest in local politic* than in Pickens. Shpriff Nova/c Home The weather is exceedingly hot and dry at this writing, but tho oottou crop i9 looking well in this section of tlio county. N, IT. Welborn has been quite sick, but is improving. inYiVi&siouer A. J. Welborn, who had a stroke of paralysis 'i fow days ago, is al?o?t tl.e same. He cannot use one arm and leg, but h<1 is still in good heart and us jovial a8 over. Wo hope to see him out again soon. Mrs. J. W. Sht?iilV is visiting Mrs. Dr. Wyatt at ICasley tliIts week. . ; ^ Mi'h. K. Sheri 11* is the champion turkey raiser of this rectum. Sin* already has fit'ty-two hatched with tnoro ck?9 setting. She hopes t??j raise 100 turkeys from three liens. Mrs. AI (rod Sheriff has been on ft throe weeks visit to lierMsiugli I ter, Mis. LaBoon. Mr. and Mrs. James LaBoon have 11 lino buy four wooks old, and can't filid a name for him. They are waiting for somebody to snggent one. Mr. and Mrs. Luthor White of Ola, came homo on a visit to tho latlors father, A. J. We] born, last Monthly. Luther 's looking well, and so is his wife. They brought with them a lino six months ol' >ji UrrVsiUi <> J arn. Rev. Banks is the now pastor.' They have preaching owe a month j to iarge congregations. Mr. Bank.*; is a good preacher and seems to ho j popular with his congregation. Mrs. Walter Mallentine la ! in};' lior mot hi i', Mis. J. K. Mull nax . Mrs. N. K. Bullcnliiio has thrtv ' sons married, and they all married Mullinaxos, and t-lio hns another ono old onough to marry and he is going t?> seo a Mnllinax. They are all good (armors and aro making money. ?7. W. Sheriff is f-nlarging hi* Haw ; 11 I...,.;. ..i i -- 1111 j i ihiv1r? y pur* , chasod another yoko t?f oxen, a uuw drag iiliil a now lon?> foi Ili?> \ limit in body by Hurgory. Organs mo takon out nnd Hornpcd nnd polisiu'il ami put b ok or ilicy may bo lomovtuloiitiio ly; bono* aro HplicoJ; pipon tnko tlio l>laoo of iliaoaacd hocUouh of voins; antiKr-pti?* ilroSHinf/H aro npplicd t> 11IV I I I Ikliri'M I 111! 111 III 1 oil without inatuudion and i i ono-thud ' llio tuno n?(|uii'i (I l>y tliu old treatment, j ('lininlxrlainH J'ain Malm acta on f 11it-i | Name principle .It is an anthop'io. ami { ' wlii n applied t'? mioli injur.en, ciiiikcm j lip in to lical very quickly. It also n'l ! ( njs the pail) and HoroiunH. Keep a hot- I lie I'aiu Halm in .your home iiml it will ! < 4m ve you tiuio nnd luor cy, not to ineiilion ' lh<' i:i?-?>11 v? nieiK!" nnd KiiU'eiing which | inch injuries ent ul. 1'or sale lmg ('<>., Piekinn; T. N. Hunter, Liborty. I A Word From Robert Stewart. Art 1 h<*<* my name appearing in y<.iir valuable paper as a candidate ' "or Supervisor, I will say it. has not N xjon my intention to hocomo a ' :andidate in thU campaign, but 1 or the Holicitaliom of my neigh- ^ >nit myself unto tl.c will of the ' >eoplo of 1'irktMis county. I will v >nly ay to the voters ol nui(l noun- ^ ,y, if 1 ho chosen for 3 our standard 1 1.1U ru r it tt? ill 1 wi ????? in 1 ftnl 4 /? "HI, i? MM' 'V J,,.y 1 4 ' I v" I I-1 1 ' I I IU ervo i |)?'.?|)1m of tho wholn ouuty to the very l>. at of myabil- f-( ty ; if othorwifm it will bo witisHCtory to me nnd I will rotir.i to ny littlo homo. It is concoded >y all that thin in on> of tho most |j mportant ofliceR <>f tho county, i hero fore tho welfsiro and the in* ci i^rest of tho wholo county depends ^ n tho Stipervi?or nnd Commision tJ r?. Very respectfully, Robert Stewnr'. c< Aloxandor, May 23, ni y edication of Union Church, Cateeohee. J/ On last fifth Suftday ab.>ut 9 'clock, a. in. the dismal clouds o /hicli had thr< atoned inclement reather, rolled away and the bum luminated this beautiful world ), ..it. ii. _ _ a J . _ a. a 1. .1 _ ruu .in renewing ntvs, iv inn ue? tl ight of many who were anticipate ng attending the dedication of the iew union chuioh at OateCcbee. (l Vt half pant ten o'clock music bo:a? at that edifice with Miss Zinu ] iaines at the org >n. After ting r, ng several sacicd hvms, Itev ,J. V ) \ttaway of ti>e Norih I'ickens Cir , >uit was chosen to paeuch the <1 *d ^ cation sermon. Mr Attaway tool 'or his text th? 18th chapter tin | Loth v( rsu of tho Gospel ac jordit.^ c o St. Matthew. lie show* d that j t,Lo purpose of si hutnati life vwib < If) devt)lo| nnuit of the chrrac'e At the close of his serin n tin church was dedicated and Ii-iv Holland of (Jrrenvillo oll'ercd u tervect prayer. Col. 1> K. Norrir. 1 prtbident ol tl e mill sit Catec In o, 1 r.ise and made a low remarks, 1 amoi }; which ho mid (hut tin ehurch was a union worship of all christian pnoplo. Of course each denomination will t.oon orgaiii?e and have Ih ir Sundav for wor ship. This church won hi be h credit to any city in appearance. Tho contract for the buil ling < ! the chiuch was let la&t October to B. E. Grandy ot Pickens. Wt>rb was eomtucncod in December, and tlio building finished in April The church is H'> feet widn and .r?(; feet long, with two room* in the lour which may bo ugod us classftj(V,Vkft-or ilrosting rooino . In Iroid^ is a v.-shbuUi 1*2 ("? ( stpimo, teiminating !JO foet above tho roof in a belfry of very symmetrical propoi tioim. The cost. <.f lln> church, including pointing, seating and furniture, wan $ii, 1(H), all of which ban been paid for. This monei was raided from three sources, viz: contributiona from ^onerous friends abroad, local t*oi11ribtitions ami funds from the Nutria Cotton Mill Co. Tho mill put up dollar for dollar f? r ovt ry dollar raised outside. Kifj'it hero wo wish to tsiy that most of t lie contributions were raised through tho tin ana of Mrs. T. M. Xonirt. Thu church also owes its location pi incipully to lu-r It is fit mi tod right in t lies heart <>! town under a nic.o gr .ve of oak and fruit trees. It in also essential to 8ay that there is a nice baptistry under the puipit with a nice roatruin around the pulpit. The pews, which are the nicest we ov< r saw, wei'o purebaaed in (Jrand Kapidn, Mich. We havo been requested ny i?<> mirna i otton wuii (Jo. and Mrs. T. M. Morris to return their siuu??r?> thiinkB to tlioso who contributed frooty to this bjonovo1 i?iit canst!. May tlio All wise lltiler bless each and every d?>n? r with the richest blessings, and at the coming 0LV irTuay* may j \. wr.tcs liinlcr ?l.i)o of April 14 '(l4.f\H fllllllUK- I !iut l\ll IM..VU l .. . year, while in New Yoik < u liusini'H* f??r inv Iiouhi', I oouj'lil a sever-' cold. wliio'i laid ilit- up for se\ end \v< eks and lefi me weak and norv??us. I iiad little*or no ap].? !ilt*. and my di???i was very pt or. My pliy.siciunH could not get at tlm cmiiho ot' my trouble, as mv digestion seemed so mueli iinpiircd. f decided to try llyd de'.s Stomach Tablets. l.tinar iismih d by a freind, lliey woroa ffoud dyspopsia iiicdieiiie. After iiwii)^ tlmm a fow day, 1 I liejfui to realiz ill t I was ^ {:iI ol {nr. I f^av?) up tin* doctoin pivwrption and haw gained 20 pounds whilo usii g | two Iki\ h of llnho t il'lc's. I never fell i ' l> tier in my 1 >f< ami ueeiedil Iiyil.de'* Stomach Tal>;eta havinfj; eiiri'd me. I i'in reeoimnoiid tliem most heartily, t?> sidfeis from ncrvons iinli<; ? | * I I 11 I I < '. y- i. Pleasant Hill Dots. As I liavo goon 11 ii a few lots. The health <>| thi-i conimiii ity J* ' (ood. Tho faruwrH an; working ov< r heir crops. Cotton hot ing is the I , I -1' of tlu< (l-iir Cvn\* ! <> u y. I M\v wcatfH r | ?n* v.* 11 - ov(M ; 111 h 1 >art f>l L' ?* moral vim >aril. There is preaching al 1'I??a -ai?t ' (ill oveiy first and iliird S'uu?I iy1 it 1 I o'clock. What about th? ^irln t-l;i\ int? at ' i?>111, M> close III tllC | M I I " I lIlIK ' varin weather, when tln?y ou^lii to ' )0 ^oin# to Bee us I><>yy. (Jet a 1 novo on yourselves girl?, >m llif; l>n, i. C. Cow IJi>y c How'm riilx? \ We Ono llumlii'il DoIIuih Howard * LM IIIIJ I HW- I'l ClIlllTl II Ulilt lill.UOl ne 1 nrnd hy Ilall'H Catarrh < nro. 'j V.OIIENKV & Co .Toledo.O. * \ Wo, the undoralKiud. havo known V. jj . Cheney for the )nat l.'? yearn, and boovo him perfectly lioiityriihlo in nil hud. obi trannaoiionH mid financially nhle to nrry out any obligution' made by tluir rin. ? aiding, Kirtnan & MArvin, Wholesale H rti^nlHlH, T-ilfdo. O.' y Iltilt'a Catarrh Curv in taken inttmaUy * siintf directly upon' the blo>d and mu- <* >ua Hurfac?? o? tim' &ynU in. Teatiino- 01 lain bont froe. l'llqe 76c. per l>ottlo. 1' - Ill IMPBIMIIIIIII WES A. HOYT HAS PASSED AWAY. r?eath Camo at His Home in Greenville 1 Friday, 27th ult. * Col. Juincs A. Hoyt died at his * ome in Greenyille Friday, May..27 t 3 o'clock. Col. Hoyt bad been ill si ace lust \ londay, a stomach trouble uflectig other organs and causing death 1 The funeral took place at 1 li? first Baptist church of Greenville 1 it 5:80 Sunday evening by tin tlasoiiH, Col. Ho)t having served 1 lie ordur in South Carolina a? 1 [rand master at on<> time. The surviving members of Col. 1 [oyt's l'amily aro his wife, th;ee lnu^bt'rs, Mrs A. G Furmnn and biases Gertrudo and Lucy Hoyt of Jrreonville, and Mr. James A Hoyt, rr., of the Columbia State. Col. 11 oy t' 8 cftroor, which is sketched moro fully 1) 1-?%v, was )'?Ulhle for its constant aetivil ies )uly last week lie was a mem hi i md prominent participant in the Slate Democratic convention, a id .VttH oh clttd a district delegate to ilio coining St. L'UtiB Kaiioi til Convention, receiving the high-hi number of votss cast in tho dis Mict cuucus. Iii this State eon volition, at a critical time in the debate over the quostiou of hearing expressions fi\>m tho deleg:iti s 13 to their ehoice for tho Democratic nomination, ho arose, and in a brief, bt rung speech of (ivo Minutes, convinced tho convention. which way oviueiuiy wfln rmj;, oi the wikdoin hearing from the daU^gri'-Thus, in tho lust few days of his lift1, hh was contributing service to his elate mi'l c iuntr\ through his party. In all public service, in war and in p.-ace, Col . Hoyt was at tho front; when anything was to bo dono his hands wvro ready to do and ho was randv gilttd in mental ability and poia? , in gracious tact and moral and physical courage together with unflagging industry, iii.s life was freely and geneioualygiVHn through ail lis years rather to the bervice c f his church, his country and his t'tfllowruan than to Bullish accuniulation, but he was ablo always to l.vo indej endantlv, to ine.ft all ol his public and piivate obligations, and thus his lift} \vus in tho hroado^t and highost s-nsi sueoei-sful. Tlio campaign of 1900 when ho was tho candidato of tho prohibitionists within tho IX-moralic organization lor governor and when llo was second in tho raoo, his compjtitois hein# (lov. MeSwccney, the incumbent, Mr. K, 15. Gary and the late Mr. A. II. 1'alteison, was his last partieipation in p di t'Acnpi mm a wi i i.i'i in im* liiiihrv and in the eonvi-iilions. lln il man, howovcr, always to lie reliefupon lor Ht'rvi*'0 whenever noedty in a I riiniiLiLud he wiU^o sadly inisseil in South Carolina. Jatm's Alfred llovt was born Oct. 11, 1 s:i7, in Waynesboro, Va 11ih futin r, .1. 1'f'i k i oh II- yt, was a native ol New Hampshire, a jtuvelo. i... *... i i .v o ..ih i *... i)y limit?, \viiiF t ?i ii?i5 o.'iun i * i nm health an 1 located in Virginia, f f t* man i< (l M iss June Johnson of Virginia. ('<>1 J. 1*. Iloyt was a highly cultured man, and at one time edited the Lauie'.iBvilln Herald and the Anderson Intelligencer. From Virginia the llojt family moved to Clarksvillo, Gi , wli'-re they liveil a hIh rl cilice of lint I,minus* villo I f<*?:i' 1 ii* nil prciili(-c. j W'liun ho was IS ye irs of ag t h?, ivont l |>nI )i<* and Q. tvhIiiUvt, in which bin command v ?h lot m*y tiHiiiK itydale'H Liver 1 'nblet*. Tie y aire all hv-r trouble, 'ley euro coiiHtfpatioii. Your mom y f wok if they do uofc give tntinfiietion. i Are Your Lung* wcvki Dot'R the e >ugh, left by the'grippe? r the nohl oontrnoti d dnriiiff llm urintnr. (ill linng on? 1vJ(1h1?,h Elixir will ciip . our songh iitul lical yon.' \venk htnga. t kills llit) ffortnN (hut OAiikfl ohronio dm f hho it ml liolps until ro restore tho weak ! netl oiguuft to health, 'l r ul nizj 25c. J 'iimily eizo M)o. g I ( l ' Ur-'' 2AJ . -A Y fj* ' N Uv-. mmm? v i i Pickens, R. F. D. No. 2. Mr. liiltor: An. my last comnunioiitioii did uot roach you, 1 vill try to give you a low dots tide veuk. \Y? are j;lu our cloVer noud, Middlulon Hester, ablo to ie mvfT n Ins route again. 15 Gurrult bag the line-t oot? I _ 1- - * ? " -I ,uu wj mvo seun una npnng. Ml. Reuben Parrott lost a fine j>?w last week. Mrs. C. H. Abereroinbio eayt 3l?e con get a most* of beans by the lirst Sunday in June. Well, 1 see wu ate getting a I urop <>f candidates our, but I don'l think we will have as hard a time thinning thorn aa wo have had ii < ur little cotton. Tho all day hinging at Six Mil* wuh a day to !>% long remonsbeicc \\11 nil litvnru -?!' r-viioi/i ??..? I* VJ .V.VIU WI kUUOIUi If XJ IllUt II iho mining ut nine o'clock am had Suu'lay school, and afA lis, Until), lit tho llnic 1 notice .is hniiiied In. No ilevintion from tli rule will 1 o intele. fur 11 o ii ho ill !t< itroxeii tat Ivpii I heroliy announce myself a camiiilutc for tl House of Kcpit'SfiitntivCK, I'lckens county, hii Jcct to tlu< action of the Democratic party tit tl aj>|>riiaclihi|.' |>riniHi\ election. T. J. MAI'1,1)1 N. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for 1 election to the House of Representative.-), sti Jcct to ihe action of the Democratic party In tl primary election. .) ASIIMORK 1IINTON. For 8li?rlll'. I hereliy announce myseif a candidate for tl olVn e oi sherlll ?>f I'll kens county, subject the action of the Democratic parly in the I' nniry election. i:. I'RAXK I.OOl'HR 'I he many friends of A. .IKKK \\ KMIOI! respectfully announce him as a candidate I Sherlll' of I'lckens county, subject to the imtli of thc.approiichlni; Democratic, primary. hereby amiouu>'c myself a candidate for t oilice of Slit i ill" ol I'lckens county, subject the action of the Democratic party in the p marv election. .1.0 J KNMINGS I hereby anmiiiiico myself a candidate for t oHico of -Villi' ol I'lckens county, subject thcacti .. . tiic Democratic primary election IIKN I'. I'AKSONS At t! c i itatlon of inanv friends I here annoiim i > f Shvriir for t'lckens ounty, subject the act Ion of the Democratic imrtv in tbe j> nary election. DANil'X I'. SI I'll KULA N I) For dork of Courr, 1 hereby announce myself for re-election the ollice of Clerk of ( ourt, I'lekens count miMeet tii the action of the Democratic vote at tne approaching piimnty. A. JOHN HOGli For Trenailrt>r. A t the solicitation of a few friends, but mo to my own notion, und in accorilance with 1 ...... ..v...... i .. I.111 > >i-ii ii cuini uinU' I Treasurer of I'lokor.s County. subject to tlie ti linn <>f the Democratic I'riinary election. .1. I). MOO UK. I hereby nnnouice myself n candidate for i e!ecti>n t?ilu> oilieo >I Tieasurer of I'icke "Tr.r.Mjtv. Mibje.-i to ill.) iielion of the voters in t The ninny fr5i*TT?ls of .IOIIN T. FKNNHI hereby announce him a candidal* forTienxni of I'iekcns eoiiuty. subject to the nctioii of t Democratic party at the approaching primary, For Supervisor. I hereby iinnoiiiiec myself a candidate for i elec tion to the <>tli< e ol County Snpervlsor I'ii'keiiH county, subject t<> the action ;;f t! Democratic pi rtv in the primars election. 1-. I). STKI'll KNS. Tin; many f rlemlsof M AT'l'lI K\V IIKX 1?UI( .'I respectfully iitinouiice him n mniliiliilc for tl otllce of County Supervisor ??f Pickens eon lit Milijc.' t to the iictinn or tla' Democratic prima cltctioti. Tlic inthy frie:ult< of W. W.AIKKX respet fully ntmoiinoo him h cnii stipe; visor of I'ickens county, subject to the a lion of tlic Democratic primary. The niiiny frieiulKof HI 1.1,1AM It. OATS r spectfuilv ii11noii iico liiin as u Cainliilale for tl oiiicc of Supervisor of I'lckcus county, milije to the action ot the Democratic party in the pi nntry election We lietchy annuMce ISOItl'.IlT SThWAKT . .... ...i-win. .- in iMiuiTvivnr ?'f I'lo 1'iis county, Nir-Jeet in |liu iiction of the Dtim ci'iiHi' |>rlnmi v election. Voter*. For Com.ty ?'<>iuiiiln?loner. The nn.iiy frleiulxof N. II. \looui;. resjiee fully huiiounee lilni .t cuii'lUlute lor tin- ollii <>i ttin mis -loner of I'ickcu < county, HUbJet'.t l llio ml urn of liu: voters in t lie Democratic |ir iiinr) electi oil At I lie request of nuiny frlpmix I hereby hi noun i' myself ii enn the action of tile Democratic |>rllnnr\. JOHN 1*. SMITH. I licre'iy Announce niysolf u enndlilHte for it olliee ill' ( ei niy Commissioner for I'ieki I ( on ill y. mi lijei t to the net Ion of the Democrat |mrty in tlie pi liniiiy flection. (?, \V. HOW KN. 'Die in'tii> frleiuN of ( I' I IKM) rehpectfu ly Million nee lilui n eiiuilliliilo for the olliee ( County t.'iiiiimi?sloiier of IMckens county, mi Ject to the tictWns o| the Democratic jinit)' In tl luiuiiiry election, W the solieitiition of my frlenilx, I ftiinounr uiixell ii ennilMute for the olliee of Count I'onuiil*' inner of I'iekens county, Milijcct to tl ik ihuiiii nil- i?< iiu?? r:t11< |>' in the iirimai ok'i lloii. It. \V. hlOK. I hcieliy announce myself h caiiilUlatc for tli oilice ill Count) CiiininlxHldiier of I'ickci < on hty. su lijcu't to the hi* lion of (lie Democrat I I>iirI\ in Hie primary election. SAM L HOGGS' I hereby announce niyaelf u cuiidi'luto fr i 'on tily (*v in in isH loner, I'lekenn county, sulijei to the action of tliu Deinocnllc |irinmrv .1 M. ('Ill I.DHi:s3. The many friends of AI.I.KN 1! ST H WAR lieiehy announce hi in n camllilnte for tlio offlc of County Connul?K'0:ier, rickum County, Mil Jo.'ltolhe action of thn Democratic voter* t (tic approaching primary. I or Supt.. of Kitacatlon. I hereby announce myself a cniiiliilate for ri rlectlnn in lite o:)ice of County Superintended cii Kili.i utlon ol I'lckens county, nuliject loth actloiihf I lie DeinocriUlc primary. It T. HALLUM. K?r Coroner. ICy (lit* solicitation ol many frlcncmocr?llo inlmary. .1. J. CHAN 1)1,KR. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for th lllro of Coroner of I'lckeuR eoQnty, subject b no n-uoii 01 ino iicmocrutl'' |>iuty In (lit, nil nnry election. I' i'. CAIITKK. We, the f rlon inillllfpoi Pr/.fu W f' ! lt ..n _ ? I ? Garrett, W. A. porter and It. Holding to sing 15 minntfts oacli. ft" Hour and a hAlf for dinner. lie- CL 0 assembled after dinner i.nd Pro ft. W. A. Portey, P. I). Nelson, W. C. s^r Gnrrett e.^Cli led the c,1uhh 15 inin$ ntffi each, Mel). Wonms' solo, CC'' i; 'The Grfino of Life," was fine. Leotard on music by P. C. Cart.ee y The (flowing professors then led ? the class 15 minutes each: Will .. ' Thotaas, D. P. Hudson, It. M. sl,3 i. Bolding and Mcl). \Vonmn. /This elided the association with grand prospects. Theie was fine p music throughout the day. Mr. [>j Editoi*, yru ought to have been there and enjoyed come of that . dinner. Adjourned to mewt with 5 Coufrnl lla|>tist churolS^lho first . ?tiuday in July. P. C. Carteti. ^ i Driven To D?N)it>rA !!??|)?rtition In ??im ??f i ro?ultiugi(i Hui n?, (Jut*. Wonnil'f^^krn, ; ?uo. Uy, lii n Mipii'y of Salvo. It'H Uxt I >, "."..'l.'l Jjl.. - ."?1J,1 ?11UJJ. ordinary S ?OF? is For This W ning we will put ok ) prices. -These good we guarantee they ; "OR 25 CENTS, XLbreilas, nade of goc e with steel rod, si; ntity to be sold Mon X)K 80 CENTS. ad fifty in this lot. ^ I * nu rti ( nn I 1*0 r-n r* nr / j /j | / ev l cvj ^vjii J .L CtllJLW \Y ndies. Value $1.00, s and umbrellas 8 nercerized goods, siz< iu want. These are 11 price 80 cents. IIANDERSON 0<31>ri*: USY BEE H 4 /wa ^r mm - - ? iuo main street, mmiwwwm3 and sun ir Spring Suit. Two piece Suits arc lade of "Milton Cloth." Every sr m A BIQ LIME... jfi \ /, ; z filJ AMOUS \ v ClothiflgL % ^Z^=== / g is famous in all the ' ty in style and fit and vvhi t tailors arc: employed in :h-garment is inspected J^|9 ilg a variety of styles *ough. I big shipment of Hour this week that money. Call and get our prices. ce-Morrow Co ) i V) rn v. vi Jfcj Job i\ i iz. navt; juy JE fV beautify ^ Beautiftyi Jfi -bA ird, lor 2?r fl ' nts pet^ ? Swiss^WBJI nts. Madras for waist or nts; that is very pretty and^ZM nts per yard. We have a small lot of^jJM ong and wide, that we will sel ifl its per yard. It would be a bar??B ,..towb| We have a small lot of towel^^ Ejhtly soiled, U1 go at 15 centsJM If you Send by yo'fl fm KM1UU I Wo have one of the prettiest! 1, and tliQ prices n* ^eek .. . i I l sale two lots s are all this | a,fe un match )d quality of ses 2Guand c28 clay sit 25 c. J Mens sizes 28 H it]i stout rod, J Si.25. ? 1.5CL. M 9 c. M ade of 3 20 inch, any^ ic best vain ad .. n n B : all the ra^e it guaranteed. i ^lilill , . r-^ y jSfl jJm v BE