r .. ? I P^SERMON FOll SUNDAY An eloquent discourse uy the rev. a. b. kinsolv1ng. Hiiililrcti "Tim Debt to Coenar mid to (Soil"?AVo Muitt Not IVniilt ll>v H "ilujo Muclilna" to Kmi Over Our Souls. H SiM m on 1 ,i" ' vinjr, rcctor of Christ Clr.i/cii, Clinton fetreet, Brooklyn, pre-ielied tiiere f morning in St. Andrew's y)une Church. JH His subject \vns "Our Debt to Caesar and I Our Debt to (Jod." His text was chosen ^^^^roni St. Matthew xxii:21: "lJemJor tin ! /-. unto Caesar the,> tilings which are ; and unto CJWd the tilings which arc God's." Dr~. Kirisolving said: Were ever words more palpably just and , fair? Could any statement he more calmly J I self-evidenoing? Could any disentanglef 1 rnent of tlie provinces of God and Caesar H I he more distinct, or any declaration of our 1 A respective i vr vouug Pharisics?I he ohl hacks ii id recently retired in confusion- had joined with some Herod inns or Jewish nationalists to put to Jcsiis a catch <|iiestion to ensnare "Him. '"Master," said tlie.v with feigned earnestness, "\Ve know that Thou art true, and teachcst the way of (Sod in truth, neither earest Thou for any man, for Thou reganlest not the person of men. Tell lis, therefore: What thickest Thou? Is is lawful to pay this distasteful Roman poll tax or no?" | If lie had answered Ves" Tie would have been at once disercd'.tcd as tiie I sinh ? King of Israel. If "n>>" it would have been treason and rebellion against Rome. So instead of falling into the trap sot for 11 i i)i, with a complete, a divine grasp of the whole situation, lie declares :i principle which is the kev to this wnole .......:i.. 1:r i vwin|riv.Mi\ 111 iiu: wiifi'i'vcr 11 may posstti.y occur. "\Vliy tcmpst Me, yc hypocrites.' Show Mo (lie tribute money. Who-e ima^e is this stamped on your current coin? Caesar's. Very well, 'l'lien what i-t < "aefair's jjivc hack to C'ac.?ar, aiul what is God's to God.'' The impression it produced at the mo |Kenr was profound. "When ih<*y had HUthesc words tlicy marveled and '< ! I went their way." lie ha I lilted H>lo controversy out ot 111irmu pa into ^Hrt' larg< st and \\ idest -talesman-hi;>. ^9 the centuries ot human hi.- ory ?h it ^^mlkd by >ince have not exhausted its ^Hnoin. Render therefore unto Cac?ar the thin;/ that are N is. it deal time, I take i;. needs to he spent in enforcing this hell'St. It ln.llks the sanitv. I he wholcsoiiicness of Chrisl's relk'ioit. It s no star-gazing cult. *l"ln> charge aea'tist t ui' inveterate olltt r wordlim -- 1 a libel. Jhristianity lias always taught m. .1 t > <1 > lobi.v, patiently, heroically hi* full duty lo .he State, to rulers, to society. We are part ?f a Koeial system which has aln ..| ?. > our a.,-; jiir era of civilization, our nation. State, iiy, community. All that is .mum.! us is lutt t^he providential sitting and environ ment of our live-. It is never perlect. rhere i-'. and for n great whiie to come is likely t" be a vast deal thai i- fr.iltv about it. l'.ut we have no charter from < hrist !> he hopelessly sour in our attribute- toward it. W e are to trust., yau ami I. t he upward erowih, (he slow and painful <\<>!ui:oii < ;' Iranian civilization. W e are lo believe that i:t tiv heart of t'i moM ineiit there arc dcap hidden, interior principles v. hi '?. ill co-operation with leo.-e -| ?? 1 and i >wcrfill iicenlivcs whi - >me iu t!< i- in! iimetit A( .! ...<> -J . LI I. >. it-- i. .-! in' ii, o\o:i v. : i 11 we IliiniM in the nation, t)it> municipality, the neighborhood, .'!) U'luiij.; ovi'ii \v11? i? v. hco tyranny and corruption mil nlm- v.c nil' not [ii ri.nl 'I ti> (lll n . '\ i:i it . ii n: i 1 f i :. \\V have ii < i.iil ; yt.md aioni ::i i. our Ii.iii !> wm:i ! in* i 'anon ?tte< 1 l.y any onlac! w ith it. I niil try t't < i i - * i our *1 litv to tin- rivil mil -n!; powers, i HDOcliiijj tin- iiioi il woith of iIk- tiiiii.'-i of < 'aesar, ami eoiilidcu: !v tin-' i;r t: ; "!i ami < til .i.ul humamtv te into organized hum.hi ,-oi u ty the liraltliful rit >! ; he 1cin _'?!?>*i> of Ip, to keep tilO two Jiphorc-i dl ! i' with entire honesty with tin- fa - of i n c To ]. e?uine to n o religious autlmntv t > deny tin; ascertained ami verified c* mc'iiinoi' o| a genuine scier.ei wax done, for instance, in the ( t-? of I'alilco, and hr> often been urtred funic. ii to i real; * ! : command. Natural iCtice inu-l pro ed nloiiit its own distinct and siparati 11:. , It cannot ifo out of its sphere to leach tin World religion. It* function i-- to -< <: < .Kit and interpret material facts. I'.ai m it-; own proper ?p!ierc we lllllst resp t il. We II the ti'ilnilc of Oltr Miicei We inu'-t I'-nder to ( a< - r t!.e :h - th fll-O 1 'aiwv'd ... i ii.?. ii ' . in 1 > >? I II ' < III I I I I 1K-?U 1<> us ii we 41 ! lit pains at tin- ; mo ] t" ''reii lor t?? Clod the thinps tli.it arc I God's." lint is it in the point tlint i have been urging that most men fail nowaday?? Is it here that wo ii(cd (' throw our e:rii>!insis on this "l{orid<".' to < arsai Arc iii> re riot certain forces in the i> iSt?i of (.'.>?> uwhich of thcmscl\( s e\a< c the payment of what i- due there? J)ocs not (h..s tribute fret itself paid in as !<> the Slate taxts 1 >y a -ovt of self-acting |y tlie very headway of sucee-s, tlie very stress of com if, ,1 ion, is found to he using up all his strength. .Soon his prayers j;et thinner ami poorer; he li;ts scarce time for them and ueis less and icss need for Ihem. When his >l.-y. ..on liichUs at i he olliee are through with, lie recuperates his lired energies a, tiie club, where he e he goes out of town to gel the relaxa'ion whieh will enable him to keep hi* place in Caesar's kini'ilmn He does not n;; an at (ir-t to renounce his obligation to Hod. For sonic time he pays it in tlie worthies.* currency <>; ^<>0(1 intentions and good-huriiotTd apologies. 15,v and by even these are omitted, and tic anil his friends ben in to j-.tstify tlie dereliction to (!od on the fiii i' oi the increasing claims of Caesar. This laxity on the part, ot men and women ( day i.i giving l>acl{ to Cod the thinv's tiiat arc CI d with the privileged. what is to he said when we all >iaiul, as stand we >hall, before the Son of .M m? "Ve cannot serve <;.h1 and mammon.'' Christ .It- us does not olodv I he way of our paying our just debt to (Vtesar, hut lie does warn lis with the utmost plainness not to give Caesar everything. If we allow "the huvre mundane machine" to run over our sou.s, iiko some ear of Juggernaut, crushing out our religious freedom ami initiative, we shall be horr.biy flattened in our manhoo l, our .sympathies, our ideals, our eonecjitions oi life. I lie results may not appear tullv for a while, but in the end there will 1>.? experienced an imp iverishment. an atr. phy, a sinister, maimeAlh which will make us unfit tor our citizenship in the higher kingdom here or there. St. l'aul. in beginning his Kpistle to ihe lloma'>s ? that is, io the people who then lived at the (.ipital city of Caesar's realm -a?coants ill the following words for the sin and ,,,; 11... r..:i ... i i - > > - I? , tin 1*1 mi i c ?i ii > i ui i .mi'lK'C <)I lit .tillcmloin: Jlc tells them that "ulicn tiny knew t!od, they glnriiied linn not a* (jo e, they became fooU. '1 hey changed lli-i i rut ii into a lie, ami worshiped and served th: creature more than tin- Creator, w ho is blessed forever."' J t was in awful blunder. No great'-i could he made by any man or pcop.e. They made the world they lived in their g' 1. and the strong beat down the weak, ami the rich were gorged and the pour wore sent empty away, ami strife and cruelty filhd the earth with violence."' That was hamieiiiiie ;;t tin very moment ( lui^t -;i !. tin >>. tremendous word : "l!i lull r t < id 11 tilings which arc Ilii- is tlx- .-ort of heatheni-in which in.-is everywhere on this earth win n' it is not j i? i -1 -11 1111 y kept down l>y tin- spirit <>t u.- < i11 i.- *. "In (io:l tin' liiin.- that arc < I" ' "To fjtxl the things tin! ac ?in 1-!" I.ft that cry hiiint you until u c??ni|'!s yon i<> jay \ our ?!elit. * ..vi' ill" coin.i i- i > look on the one hand at \. ha: y.in an , .v,u^ to the world represented l>y ('iu-.tr. ami on the other nt what you are actually (jiving to (Soil. I- (So.I missile Hi- r.-_*lus? Is your duty to 11itn i'ureal neil !>v the power and ;.'>iii;> oithi- ni; c.rth? Ah! then lie all the initio < . n nil li.ai \ war uel.t to he.'vrii i> |i;iid. Ily the ! id o! tin- ("rucil!eil. give i .uk to Cod v.!: it really la-long* ;<> I'iin! "N"i>tii ' , vi.ar h irt. your convictions, your tpiriliiai reality, your eternal Itciiiv all illCFf tO (.'o.l. l'ov they are llis. Itclicve 11 mi when He i..'s vuti that all el- III.I: we mi* . :!11 i is hilt a -h id'. W niiii |iiis>u(ii iiway. .Aye, trust llim wlicn 11 pleiLi y* >11 III- ii. . ' wiiciK \ i : vnii incei !'.y v ml t<> ! >i w llim. an ttMiji-j'le on liy youi .s '11". I in - uul> liim wiio ? n i< -v -mi. 1< > 1 I: :. in ..iir iicarts, \.'no by llis spirit "lie,petIi our uiiiruiii i< If. in in.'ileu such l i.l \ I?- . t". II.- wili .:< eept nothing III ti.1 , 1 111 1,1.1, |)o not ellltiil I lit* pill t 'II l..lt t'.liletll to you auiI txv t ? iir.e Hum a'.l to v.iiu-alf I ! I ~ ....... I i i - 1. " iu'rtr tl".' I'".r. !r i - voice or co ilifl face J hilt v. Ii.iti \. r \.'.i ! > lifiVn from Mini, whether hiore oi' less, try to onjov it an a rhild hi vuiir I* 11:i v ii i-,. ii!i: II.- r.ii'.f. In tlio i.i. of tin- t icmeh'lo.is |.;<--u;e of cart It, win -Ii in.!;-' (!iv - >ii!. ivso!sc lu .ri! n v t: ii y<>u will not y.ril; lll.it I lie jllt.it a ii. I 'i,-: << nil 11 : 11 I litOiK <>. ( hri.-it. "TSiOil love the Luril thy r!i - !y, i.-.' : i ii - ii t were silo.I with ivn:il.- Minus .V. (J irfielil. < >od 11 nl- ' in r.i ?r i . i - in <1 . )>;.i \ is. What we |me hrM, wliid we covet most, 111(1; ;:ivis tii'?i y o.;r ii<\ut-. T. L. ('liy !i :. 'I lie p.* we have misled in iIn-; w i: I > , i,. - ii. k" u- .nl: I>i:i. I! ie sail t liiiiv:* 11 11 we it-ive m: ? -iI r-linuld in.ii '.iti' our :imv md u'p.e us a >jiirit nl ai.-i'. I niti ii I'ic-I \ lei'i in. On, tin- in - of tin- live* tlint wo aio living! < )ii. t.." v. ' v in which we fail Iicti'I, (! nv to i'1::-' \< - l lie i <>1 lli.it ihniX wliteli it to I i iii.in. to in; a ciiild hi (Joii! I'!i . - 1 i i > 1; . A religion i li.u s' i. - ih t ' Itv.i !- is of n?i u'? to at?> 1 iv. must be ?!< lilliU', !>!; ; I ,i i ii.?; oi ?laii.v !ii' >.' i -i' it i- mileii .i iiini'k rv tin- i' S ! j?i,n it \Viicm 1 of the !)uiltl> hial. rlli'.ll!(!p ill.I Yuan.; l'fopjo. The I'nwit r tin* < ? a. i an, lias i n\ tli" pootl ^ "I < In i?'i.nis, < * i ; siin LiVm-.-' !!(. 1 M'.'Iit me imiug those lour months I v..-- Witli him. I;i '.sTS 1 went t'? 11i111 J ti'juil ' i(I a< tin- I'llten'si atheist in l.nndfii. I v\as tin re mvuy from a worldly world. ! ...w tlii.s solitary i>.il mail theri'. and asked myself, "Why mi i .nth d H - "[> lie: -: I'lir 111?1111lis iiilet' te.et, I tniir.il ir.v.sell' listenin ; to him and wondering ti?e i>.i cai i yir.; > m .11 1 in 1 was s.uit hi t In* Bible1. Lilt It* i v little hi* tiiies tor other* h.-eame comnii .1^. .Mine was aroused. Seeing Ins piety, It is gentleness, his /1.1), liis 1 arne.-1ui'x. .ind how quietly lie \\ 1 111 al ihe Internal and tId- lulinite, are >..->!v ?1 isplaeed froin mciH min-ls oy undue admiration for the ;v hicverneiits of a culture based on material progress. and supplyim; < Very need 01 human nature exo pt the very deepest -tlie need of Clod.?.J. Skin* ncr. Wh.tn Small Tlilngf* Hreomn (iron). The smallest things become great when God requires them of us; they are Htnall only in themselves: they are always great when they are done for (Sod, a.-.! when they serve to unite us with iliin eternally. ?Fenclon. neapolis, Minn., tells how woman's monthly suffering racy be permanently relieved by Lydia EiPinkham'sVegetableGom pound "Dear Mrs. I'iskham :?1 have never before given my endorsement for rjny medicine, but Lydia. 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has added (>o much to my life and happiness that I feci like making r.u exception in this case. For two years I every month 1 would have two days of ' Bevere pain, and could find no relief, but ! one day when visitir.fr a *riend 1 ran across Lydia E. Pimcham's VeffOtable Compound, ? she hud used it with the bost reKulls and advisvd mo to t -y it. 1 found that it worked wonder with me. ; I now experience no pain, and only had to use* a fort bottles to bring about this wonderful ! change. I use it occasionally now when 1 am exceptionally tired or worn out."? Miss Ai.ick m. Smith. 8ivt Third i Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn.. Chairman Executive Committee, Minneapolis Study (dub. ?$5000 forfeit If or -inul of atcve letter proving rjonuuiennsj cor,not ba produced. Lydia II. Pinklmiu's Vegetable Compound carries women sal'clv through tiio various natural crises and is the sal'o-^uard of tiiiiiiiiii > lieu I i II. The truth aixuit this great medicine is t letters from woiwu Wmmpt published in I this ?? >? ' WOK!,irs FAIR ST. JiOL'IS. | IiOiiiKvillo and Naslivlllr Itailmnil. If you nr<> t > ttio World's Fair y >u want tho best route. 'I'll') I.. N. lit tho j shortest, quii'ki-Ht ami l">Ht lis;". Three trains daily. TliroiiKh 1'iillintiu SJ?,o|-i;i-^ | Cars find Dining Cars. I,nw Itntn Tickets | pold daily, (Jut rates from your kvnl iik'Ti' and ask for tickets sla I.. .V N. Ktoi-hvimi Ai.i,owm at >tAMMOTII CAVH. All kinds of information furniMiM on np- j plication to J. O. HOI.LENiiKCK, l?i.st. I ass. Ayi'iit, Atlanta, ( preacher sank to n horrified whisper. "An eternity of torment.!" ho repeat-Mi. "Do y.;u bethink you what eternity is? 1 te'.l you it is as lon^ as it would seem to you if you wore going to ttu* theatre and \v< ry Royai Fmir Wash. Stops CimNni;. Curos Sweating, 1'iirtiiiivr. Swollen. Tir.-.l Foot. 25" i lit I >riiKj;ists, <>r p"-tpuil from I Eaton I'nni Co., Atlanta. (In. Money : If not satisfied. Mamplo (or 'Jo stamp. Measure a Body's Fall. A "Rravonietvr" is what II. S. Chamberlain calls an instrument he has < nslructcd for d>ierrn;:ii:it: the acc? deration of Kravitaii. il. The invon;or, who is an instructor in physj ic* at Indianapolis* Manual Training School, believes that he can attain very nearly p 'l'ln t results with this instrument, the variations from C?fi/W ?WW,?. Iw.i. ?r (I 1 . - ou ? t Uv I iliUV ,1 II on l 11?I I 1 I (Ml cent. The nravomot? r Is an okctrieal device by which (he recor.l of 'hi' falling body is in a do on a tape by a pen. In the month of M.ir< h 4>U vofscN pastii'il the Siiv (ana!. riflo'* C?r<> cannot !? ? ti"> highly s|>'?k"n *>' fig ft cough euro. -J. \\. oliuiKN, ;i'JU Tliir.l Avenue, N. Minn" u Minn., Jun.0,1 *.?<> > A parrot in Storkimi. Cal., is .so liiut it, enjoys a hlundoi <>i a jnlu1. THE UKAL Til INC. j "Yon." remarked thn bald ?: \ido I was cleaning j out the attic today I for.iul thi ohl wiro hustle. Isn't it oldfashioiud: Mr. Forth?Vos, hut koop it. It | will eomo in handy noxt An.rnst. Mru. Fortio?Why, thos<> things will never oomo in stylo apraln. Mr. Fortie?Hut it will make a . sphndld muzzle fur Rover in the dog " ;.;?!> the South American. Tho stone was held for tcu years before its owner could rnako satisfactory arrangements for its cutting, which has now been undertaken by a lirm in Amsterdam, Holland. It was transported from London to Amsterdam under special police protection and a carpeted rojui with a specially made safe has b< n provided for it.; care during tho process of cutting and polishing. The.* , responsibility of handling and guarding so precious a st no may bo gathered from the f'let that its value may be almost anything. When discovercd it was estimated to bo worth $ 1 000,000, biu in i:s finished statu it will command a fabulous price. The story of the discovery if this wonderful gem is uf no little it!' : f t. It was found 011 June "?o. ISHo, iit Jagersfonteiu, in the Orun.ne Kfc State, South Africa. The stone ?as picked up by u native whi!<> he v as loading a truck, and, although a while overseer was standing near him, ho managed to secrete it and keep it 0 and a Inuve. saddle, and bridle. Tli diamond weighed in tin* rough exactly '.?7i : 1 carats, or about 7 minces nvi irdnpols. It is of a beautiful b!;i:sh-v hit" color and shaped like the broken 1' end of an ie:ele. The diamondil' r us moiister measures ; inches in length. 1 1-1! inches in greatest and 1 1 -'.I inches in lea.t breadth. The Iixcel cn.i iiti^ now i? v';i uriiK'Mi into six'oen pieces; tin- largest thr e arc lr.S, 1 ?7 and 1II' carats, respectively. The se individual gems, in lhe:m;i iv? s of extraordinary si/.<\ will bo, when fully cut and polished, among the finest in tlio world, and the value of the original stone will thu.i bo multiplied. Arsenic in Conirr.on Articles. Sweden prohibits the importation of nrticles containing arsenic. The law particularly aft' ct* the importation f wall paper, carpets, dry y. >ods and ! textiles. W'liil<^ It 1;; admi:tod tiiat ] nnilino dyes, oiie r colors and man- ! L'anes-A oxide may contain traces of nr-i nir vol till ? ;? *?'. fin r* f' f fearing injurious effects "'"refroiu. j riTS normnnenMy cnre'I. No flt?nrnervousi .?* lifter llr-t iliiv's us" of 1 >r. Kline's (treat ^ervcllivt ir?T,r 'Jt ri:tl 1 Vt le nu:.i f.?r l>acl; r.s the sevciil' eiilli century. I'tf AHen'fl I'ttrtf- 1 'inc. I: !<< tlie l< . to lie shaken into t lie shoo*. < lires Willie y. I , walk. At all Dru^-flsts flint Shoe Stores,i.V. I Ilon'l ae'ept any suits!Itute. Sanj'le sent 1 iu:i:. AMf", Allen S. Oln ! I,el;, v, N.V J _ j One til !, . i ;i!i tlcrlis timing last \v.liter J were from |>tn lenotiin, ? iMaiiie'n > Ialehmen. ' It is many years slneo Malno I::is cl:;lii^eil its Uep:vs(>iit;ilives in Cue :l fires-, except \\ !e u SpenUiT Keed re M s.jriMMi or (lentil lias iuier\ened. All i 1 Hir of tho present ?!? ! nation have irst heou i; iiiiina!? 'l for !' 'election l?y ; ] llie Ki piihlieaiis of their d -dri. 1 i Sta i i". i r Ohio, f'n v ok Tot i.i.o, i l.l . AS ClM'N ! v. I I'UANK .1. < lli'.NIV :?U ' '>!lla t'lftt 1 < I- t 1 r.i'>r ; :irtn<-r < ( t !ir:n of I . .1. Cnr.XKV .'? | i . i|' ait? I'lisiiiVKs iii tin. City ??f T-i \ t ii.: > iii! Mil' - ?r r - JI i. I ;.!|<1 tlin! - u ! ' ; nn will |>ny t'i<- sum "f on i: hi s; iiki> i i - [ I ?.!; < r -'l II' 111 ivcrv eilse of I ATM I ilial diiiiik : l>o cured I v the um* Of Mai Ca l A It nil ( I III . I'll AN I. .1. < III.M v. .Sivohi to before me nnd sui'scribed in my I , - - | r'-si-ie-o, ilii- Oth day of le:n> >i u . ' I'l'i , A. I, lsso A.NN . (11 i Xotftiy rut,a.'. ; 11 ii 11': Cnliirrh ( ore is liikou iuti-raali> 11 m < I ; nets diri i>tly oil the I I '! nnd mucous f:t of t!:?' system, Koinl f->r testimonials, ; l! < ?. I'. .1. Ciii.m:\ A ( Toledo, O. I nil Drii^r^ i-. 13e. I < lukf Hall's I nrniiv 1'ill- lor y way lor nnj yoiin^ lady to Keep Iter hands niee find soft A linddinjr damsel in Sturgeon. >! >. sent H i- ea>!i. and reeeived tlii> advier "Soak your hands in dishwater throe times a day. while mother rests." ; nop botanic f t ij.D.U.BLOOD balm > 1'he Gre.it Tested Remedy for the - r i ? i ^ and permanent < ire I rofulu, H)k ? V !i ?tn, C.atarrIi. I'Ucr , I / r-.u. ,Si tc . i t } ii i?., Weakness, Nervousness, and til > GLGOD AND SKIN CiSEASlS. \ 11 i- by fjr llip lir st In ii.!. i.1> I ., I T v Mood Purifier ever oTer it I ? I ? k i . rs !i I ' i !, i n- ii I fnf?. : v, ^ kl ni.- v, ana i ess r J > <{ \,r*i i i; jno^crti". Write fur Bor'? o! Won J ,3 cl:/lul O'jres. son! froo on npplic&tion. X aj I' t kt|.t by > ur I M uci i t. lenil Y ^3 I r .1 Uri;<" I'Mile,. r i <> ( i ix Imtllr |T J uinl i.fo.cinc will I e ? .it, freight | at.], by JT jj BLOOD LALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. |? V > t" MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 1 rULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA r t . i.?. i 1 j 1 .i' 1 ; f. - : u I i 1 I > irni-lf lat* i.ii * ;??h mill nt-un lant li ; iiui ! i _ I.ils %rv uiu*i. it ?'hii!itN Hospital with '* ' l*"?I.* fill 1 I > ] alien:* am null\ spt olal Instrn< ti??n |h I \ ! i .ill;, at tl?<* I t ?|y i?t<- : tl .? n K I ! rn xl ' * I'-ri ln'tflliw (?ct'?li('r 1 ! ?*'4 l'??r ? ataK?K?i'' j ii i in'oiiJ.a'i-ii i'.'M? on** S I' ('II All.l-L, I I l> pen11. I' O I m iiw? . 1 ,\. w Oilo?uiv I n j \ ney refunded by your mei ( Km w * j vel >.4 I'/mit sti ml > of ifonifii s'i,fJ r /'/ < iicrndisiii'ss (i 11 I dm'! l.-iim- I'. I/' in t(l l>! n .1 I >1'. II 1 rt m 111's I' rn n 1. I 11 llm1 a ml 1111 ifimriiri/iiiiH nil I h res to Minnffjiiiinryj free allsl,r REGULAR ?r \ l i B vwrn'c H iv i ? ? ? I i i :m,I\ j u> i SOUTHERN DESMT/ If you nr? 1 iitcrt'stt* '. '. ! iililntnl f.?r fr< ciiliilii^in' hi full liiiiri; *roi $ YOUR VACATION CAYS j ""0UKft tj Purr Air, [loatliin, HMiInn, 1 5-' v? Ciolf, J \rr \ tliln<) to Amusr, I n ~ ., *f r% ? r> i js (jouci tfowelb, Low Uif^joc p. M . ii jy w J ' ' : s* jS Krvrr, Asthn.4 a'd kir.Wrild j*. l-'r? i* 9 gladly call. \\me ( i Uv* kin * Thj on* Mrs h ij and Inlotmation. nur ttic f?tr Cioi" & D. O. EDWARDS, Passcnoer in l%m&2MmMr"w^:aw3asss3mv?i<2L M ZOYAL Absoiutefv CurpR I NKII.I >1 IIIN, < \ i v i:i: II. nii i; \ i .IV, U III .1 \\ V I I S M, IIIIMII) I'dl.MlN i :.it V< .1. I' !.n? i '-.'i f .1 IT WIS.I. CI Ri: VOll ! II.. , !!.; It-C fr. c GuRMCTUtfl MEDICAL CO Malsby <& Co. 41 South Forsjtb St.. Atlanta, fia. Portable nml 8i nt lonarr Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complst? Ii>f carried in Hock for IMMEblA TF. thipnun!. He?t MacIiIi.?rj. I I'rt. fB and !!? ? l#rnn Write us (??r catalogue, prices, ftc.. before buying. Give the name of this paper vvhen writing to advertisers?A131-04) vr.?Klr.\ccVVHil; Thompson's Fyo Water chant, so why not try it": t l~", 1 A. iA tlcaut'l'iit Younor Socictv ]] Woman's Letter. ST. I'ai'I., M,ii!i. I 521 \\ - li.i - f i] ' Dr. 11.1 i t maii, (.'oluinbiH, ' j j Dear Sir: j [ " I took I'rrunu lux! sti m- 1 j nii'r i eh fn I if Kit all run j | 'Irncu .ft lul hud u Ii rutin ell' j ' uwl bnrkurh< ,uml nn urn- 2 u Ui/inn. jul' ui/'/fli iii o. / nun || t'crl ns well us I t rrr tlid . !j in. till mi/ Hf'r, nut/ till j 'hunk s i < due to ifnurcx- j| j 'cUcni J'crutiu/Irss F. j Hon! if. | I 2.0 syinptoim < inn; r < j 'urr:i aiv ?juilc un':l;? i!i!Vcrcn! '! < ivcs, !,h( the most i'iniim:i ones nc ii !.is?:'.ndc, j ' i v? I i! . j lirffl ?nt, u?e?l-tip. r ui-'l i-.\ ii f'j j m;:-, < .mb;:icii wi'ti :iior? or i?s~ -f fi I: nvv. stupid. i!*tU'?s, tnonl.i! 1 $ <<:i ! ami ,1 U ' lie ability to t fnoii -< cms j' jj I, i... |(.. ; j j| Skin ? ! .pt c"* x- ;j on. bili"iiMii'ss. < at '1 tiiMffiw in I ! Ii'ful. iric^ular sleep. >! , to ' complete tin' I ' ',:! c wh. : is s> I I! I common nt t -i- i? i. 8 | i I'oruna s i \ : in- -j! a'.j ; jj I kV .. ?ou of t ' . < Voav in ftr i $ I .v ::n| i" !>!? ? it ! Po-iu-na Contains iio M.ic tics. (i;ic U .S.m IVniiij lias foil:i'i |i nr.iii'.i'nl mm* in mi many MOI1-- I- I i. 1 " IT r!l< I l. ll'( <>: : ?if ,:iy k .n 1 IVnin.i i.- fi' : iVrtiy har!ii. It <>iii be uscil ( u? i . :* '' it w tli ml a?r I (Illicit^ tlie ilruj; h-1:>.t. ^ in /trlrir cihtrrh u ii I en In rrlinl i i /' :'! /' it I'll 11 lif/ II lull tic (l>~ til. /, CIS", iarantee.1 to Cure ;h and ttesiilting Disorders. spepsia ReS!" < .?*. f.?.\ 1.::i. i>?*|?i < . \l i.am a.ca 3'j*Mnavakvc?. .*?v?x y-zxx. vjoe- -xrA >J, COLLEGE, UiX? i iiji ii l.-ii;: ! cci .cm lot;, w 11;? it-1 tun. ih cutler street, at| uta oeokgia. a?i^ Wi- I St. Louis SUMMER IN THE mums COOL KCRTHV/EST f i'r >""?" Tl.? C II ,v 1) nun S tin .ujtli I ijt*.' '.'!iicap> -JB in n itto C"nncriiti - ( ht rc with km !I I?AI do r' 1 k i"r ti i fai'H ' gj| urslons W i.v:: Ki-soris. also Hi I liuibOiiy's f Y<-;. .wsi ;ie 1* a r k . 1 t?p n- . u? C?.:ur:ido ftti-I Che I ? >> 'i 4 Irs'-: trery Week 03/ aving a Gallon \ ROUNJ THIP RATES | ifflc Mnnaurr, Clurlrtnirfl, Ohio ' i M* . ? .V ?r < f ? r? . . ' TI . ' . * \ - . *>u!Vr*r 'r : ; ut .i? * b f : ' ..? t r < . - " . ' k i i. . t'ifi- .? ! ; i?-?r ?;r..K- .* tii r'-i * ' > : f- u ?. ..* i . II- - ar- ik ft. * ' r ft V .1 ? r r! ! t ' ?: till. /L . v.- " ' ' ' IU. I'fc est for The Bowr. > CANDY CaTrWJITIC l? *.??Ant. PaIafflMe I ' ' * ' 1 ? - - . K^r- ik*M r - 4 ) : v i in IhiJk T: ' u,# ' i C. AKKUAL SALE, TEH tftiLLIGh! 30XF.S y' i- erti a P \ I di -?.* : "ft? ii 'IMI l as or' /|k ?* ? ' ' : ?? (fT^i (iv iiitic Mm nVft.crer WfiS&ft'tzi' ?' ' ' " t'r.?: l>. < cec's Sen*. ' ' Sp(cl)li*ro? ?" ' v> I At. /c>>4 ..tut . I. . l! \(fipk?6V$2' ' iTBmMP h\c'. w *.'? -nl!*. k . H'ilrf v ' n (* r *t mffnitr .. Tin r ' ? tp.? 1. ?-n< ij? U (? -!? . < i lifiur.V Ai. i: i/Ki ' - 11 ' . MN |1( OUHIS WHlfU All USt. IAlib. gj lydpfepfey^ryia |fe * Price 50c. \