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The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, April 19, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1905-04-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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~OL Entered April 28, 1908 at Pickens, . C., as second lass matir, under aYt of Co1g e of, 1 9.
"Rover," a Former Correspon
dent Writes Again.
Pays a Compliment to The Paper and to
"Uncle Zek." -
Crosby, Texas, Aptil 120h, 1905.
-Dear SentinelJournal You
know the old song about "The ciat's
come back again ;") well it's the
dog this time. The old dog "Ro
ver"'' that used to visit the c flices
of' the Sentina''l and tic J<,ur'iIl
quite often. But that tihs been so
nny years ago that ho vill nut
nieition their it umber, for ie is
till an old "batch," and if ho was
to take a notion t6 marry in his
old age, all thO girls might think
he was too old.
In the olden days, the Sentinel
and the Journal occupied different
households; but now, since they
have wiarriod aund beceiu ono, a
sitigle visit only will bo necessary.
I supposo the mnarr z has been a
happy on", for "T' combination
beois to be doing finely, especially
8incO "Unclo Zeke" has hoome
one of the family. Now I have
never had the pleasurc of knuwing.
"Uncle Zeke," but, ho rer..inds mu
of what I have of ten said of "Josh
Billings; " that ho wrote more
good hard 1sens, under the cover of
nonsense, than almost any writer
in the country.
I suppose soie of your readers
v ill wonder why old "Rover" came
back again, atter all these years, to
have a chat with them again. Well
I've often thought of doing so, but
never made the thought a deed,
until I sqw the "dispensary" ques.
ti'o.le rongly agitated.
Now, if any of' you older readers
re-mem ber me, they remember that
I was never a temperance tman, but
a red hot., straight out, "teetotaletr;"
hated whiskey worse than the
devil. While it is tie that I canl
say, and tha, k God that I can say
it, that not a single drink of the
accursed poison ever went down
my throat.; ye t it is gnly too sadly
trua, as some of you may know,
that tho "trail of.serpetit' has gone
over 01ne of mty people, and left
its deadly sting behind. And
A could you people hatvo seen all I've
Been, knowtn all I've knlown, they
wold' wond~er thatt I'm so bitter
against, It. No words can tell how
much I aibhOr' it, but the last stan
zu of that said, bittr little poem
called the "DI)runk1 l ard 's Daugh ter',''
oomels as near it as anything I ever
road. It is somnet hing like this:
"Tell mec I hate the bowl?
Hate is but a foeble wvord,
I loathe, abhor, my very soul
* With strong disgustL is stirred,
Whenever I sco', or hi ar, or tell
Of this dlark bever age of hell."
When I fir'st i'came West, I was
otten asked wherio I came fr'om1. I
said from South Carolina, and wvas
proud of it, but, of late years there
h ive heel) times whlen [ hava been
actually3 ashamted to own that
South Carolhna was my inother
* State. It is pretty hard(. isn't it,
when a boy is ashatmed of hiis
mnothet? 1Ar there is nothing
sweeter, better thani a good1 mot her.
TIhiere is crtiitly somethlin g r'ad i
cal ly wrontg withI the boy or the
m nothler.
Boys, men, how mianly of you
that bave good mother's, would likre
to go aroutnd and brag about it,
and say ''my miother runa a big
Swhalesale atnd oetail whtiskey shop,
thle biggest thinlg in the State."
Yet that i~a what miy o1ld mrothter
S'' t is doing, and1( I11am ashamed
of her' .
-W<I left old South Car'olina
thero iuldn't be au drink of' iquor'
sold(- s a beverage, legally, ini
Picke~i acounlty, and weo not only
Shivedj bt~t thrived without it,
V tors of Pickens county, how
id you hike for your legislat uro
o.,pasf an act. w~or led something
r ike this.
Whereas, it having comoi to the
knowledge of thuis legislature, that
there are parties in various pats
OUR Mfillineay Opening lai
frsom the pattern hats sold anl th
crowds of women, eager to see th<
Everything new atnd fashionable r
binations of' colors in every styk
High Class Mil
Cut in price, not cheap hats at cheap prices,
niilinery at reasonable prices- We buy our Millir
houses in the fashion centres, and the crowds at t
expressions as to price, saying that they had r
gotten up at such low prices.
pose of inaking money, rob, steal, No Dispensary is Wanted.
and murder; we agree to give the rho little town of Chapii, il
State of South Carolina the right Lexington county, thi- State
to do all of this robbing, stealing, seems to be Providentially hindor.
and murdering, and make all this od from having within its confines
money, that the citizens may got a branch of the great moral
all this "Judas' blood money' to tutioi, the State dispensary
educate their children." Some imo go the State Board
Sounds horrible, doesn't it? Yet of Directors endeavored to rent a
you all, overy one of you, know. vacant store in which to open ur
that the whiskey traffic canes alll
these evile, and many more. Somfethpeleotelittwnoth
say that the dispensary is ai loss pooiinabidn ol e
evi d betee to vil cooe o Dispred. r s atd
the leat. "Thecnl ittle friwnd of hpe in
Ssy nverchose ny vil b exsituton dicoveentt thr Stae
fightall, oth geat id sell, s vaat ot in thevide n t at h oer
Som sa tht rohbitonis mo oed o haing withnots woines
good.I wil giv an iem o bra id nc Nof thek great moralgti
iiioppsiton o tatstaemet, toaued timo lumbter tanteord
fro Teastatstis: 3 puhi aot Dietor uidhenod Chrent P
hu ounieshave't sigle on aoantsorem to whihton onu
victin he 0)01.~) Contie hae diusp 1eaye bto avore wer
oiiy Oe cnvit, ach i~l(I39the peo.le o udthetto n o the ii
eviile Ld couwe nty evilscoono boin ecured. mte on
c t y, heas".vcs in te nll~, ae i.acodtoita
"I. noalineoershholdeeverybeviodbuo
Some say that "Unclebon is no5teprmss
thod fIhe ofl divenary ife o, wo u heol hnglf
tink oppostion touthwas statn emthe sesr or o(0wt
fomTan ttisichs: don trhiCsls htwilb
aire honies uhvo't ao oing con- tobese
Now, inth on."9scouis havte
ioly pcoe cofnvickensacounty be39eR F.N.6
fouicest have thiy 2ou conv fic Apiinh-eii etnlJu
allite whily Lamar misty, Le saonal:Pes lo cal
them riseo of ispeisry ; ifh spaeyu Iual api o
think with trueth nwas "no;wn,( ewln.
i aregled o hois fromd I rknow aie ntisscircnl
ogr mand thngwe hanon that hI 0(Rilewn tkowwi
kinl h red ofalokg in th ain-'
frieds illbe eligtedto eadteltu.in m dicvrtat therlo was
wrie aain5011 nd ftn, r, ilongded sino a Mr.n S ct wIho re
alwys indro fo hi aricls.- e itn bNew fo. IThugh Ibouh
[Editor Iitl haued thf oume wand eren
aout ouild' he Charles.
"Ab I iged th manwith the lo. (la und thaeS et to, origi
s~ait har,"Shkepeae pok Iy naded (lom thet ate.ko Matixi:
trul whn hosai, 'Te eil Chaphlin, aft homucn thes ton wa
named, mado a ilcoditopiontha
man o lies aterthem' " nh liqurmsol er)very bus tord.
For b itsad, hescatyhairel igbou thie sonly~ hivecnt leftoi
mai hd rcetlymarie a~vilo th ipnsary weadg oilsowill
witha tn-yar-ld n wo ws aringar o Cpin is tnook buid a
moro.-hiag Nw.casle t. wl wi1)0doe.o
goopeplofPicen contnc ley R.k F.s D. oe ye,. u
fr 12 hvethis fol traffdic Aprh il 1-Da Sentging o-Ju
planed frmlyiter mdst? Lt l sleae llow ~e ad give
he prise uph no r er wi b pae in ymaourt vaeluabe dope fore.
thelpn voe.Coe, n no."t MruAie t allMr. Nlo aeo
o ar glao bo oarefro MrAdrlaienthsscin Freentr.
S VMIL~l INl". R)
it. week was by far thle best We've ever had
e humber of orders taken. Our store was
new spring styles i n Millinery, antid all wer
Aepresnted even the most extreme shapes i
Tresented7 ev 0 dc
lining's. -. -.-.
Ve are offering some sl
but the very finest and highest One lot of 40 inch Book
iery from the leading Millin -ry ready seller for io to 1 2 Cent
he opening were free in their One lot for i o cents thal
ever seen fine and stylish hats A few huncleed yards of
the price to 2 1-2 cents and 5
Only One More Week Before the Close-Th(
Winner in Doubt.
'Remember the Vote Closes on April 29--Senid inl Your Cou
-on 018while P70l cani,
Central Baptist-CO ntral434
Pickens Methodist-Plic ke is43
Oolenoy Baptist12
Pickens Baptist--Pickens 8
Zion Methodlisw-Easley73
Cross Roads Baptist4
Six Mile Baptist 4
Ruhamnah Miethotlist
Mile Creek Baptist ,3
Secona Baptist29
Gap H-ill Methodist 6
Salem Methodist-Norih Pickenscag
Griffmn la ptist20
Liberty Baptist2
Twelve Mile M ethlodist
Camp Creek Baptist
Concord Baptist
G;oldlen Creek
Keowc Batis434
~ ~432
801 lOI~AR 1I IP QON E1r 3
~ Los Neto;~I ~ik ~88<2
lV~is I eil l~alel1ifl--- .eiitr4
Cico ns charge 24
Withdaw nPick:;;27(
V/aler CntrcL-l 'rv240
Deowee Bpinhst ..
,friom every stand poiint, especially (
throngeld For two <days wi h great
e .Tld in) thiri prietor the bhats.
n1 "all1 the latest colorigs and col.
ress Goods.
ecial values in white dress goods.
Fold India Linen for 8%yj cents that would make
:would be cheap at i 2 Cents.
Eibroider'cs left, and to clean it up we have cu
Does Prohibitibn Prolubit. i moral inllience of th city was
against the .'. o .n1, but tho business
'I ho Spartnutirg Hlorald of a interest's aided gr1al2y in the Con
rocoit dato cantaCinjis this: tost, and I believe at least 75 per
cent of the men01) in the n1i1ils me
to~i(P. a 14-t te f' imifr i1411r
c nnig prohibitiI n In Char. chanic, carpent rs and other work
lot te, MI r. He'riot (la rkstOil, soli-- men, voted against saloons. I think
1r (.- the 12th jldicial district that so far prohibition has workod
wh has puti ca m Charlotteieyond the mot
fr I w n i y yenr, w ritel s as follows: saguine oxpectation of its friends.
( hIarl- t te, N. C., April 5.1 o . 1eriott Clarkston.
I will g.vo it asI myi Opmlion that lIEHLWi' E TO mIAL
thee hs eve ben moelere lTe SpartanburglI1, Hierald editor'
ficinl act to the citiz '1ns of h lu infly ays:
commnoiity than the aibohloiI jliiii ltoni of t.' a nnldlc
the sialoojis in) this1 ' ity.'!i' T he tplae. o alt touri by its opponen is,
art practically all ovenpujied th i~iit vtir aillowinig it the grace3
wer i(:t~l fy lQI'OI wh h ofv ai fair I rial. Whfat real chance
Skep ht saloon0!s. Two (.i the places~ Ims proibiio over hand in the
Saeof Sou th Cariohna? If mn i
sell 51hoes, two iimat mariikets, on010 s osNu n n
the "DIeiny (n te," is ani ip-to-dte (""urage~ flih, 11w 1tl they aiecjn their
restaurant~li, withi ai bouniful aipit- vlgiuu proadchinig of mnorality, as
nielt I~r tonelit~etin~ are in their liece political
T refer you1 to Ithe folifnig par-- 1i11 111( andicampaign twadle, w1,o
sho0uld1 not so oftoni hear theO weak1
t ies, and( whati theAy 5ay abot t he a- ot "Pr'iohiition (108 nlot pr.
results ef proiuition in1 that (ty- hiitI." '' oes not? No, of course
Mr 1. 1F. M. Shilimonihioii ', the, not1. Nothinlg does anly thinig when
reco(ler of the4 city, sauyL: '-'lbii it. (dest not exist. Nothing was
~~ ~ ~ser tTV. acomplished be thioso
crimo s <111fit era I i'bou Io wo st stil d fol thirli uid
thires; ad thegeneal reulo uni ry lmpossible! ''
phohi bit ioni has mad i a greatr la ocu atnLint
d 'nl eaai r for thle othicial of ti ll o' ii ia ~ ~thsiseo h
( <ity tot i maintIa in law and11( 't orer,"'1 rdi rmM.I ro lak
r, W. H. Alexanderei ge url) tan- hjgatonyofCaltt
ager of ahewer-to t0e a'm, 01(a pand
) 'ri.1(' i iii'VMI V Ile t ~tHIiCS uWe toar ladto call'ti aetion o
1- i ( tlt i ~ ) tIii Y~i 1115 communPi()iati onrin thirs 'isuoo lthe
Vii\ S fjtt ie kVand lii t11eiral o fro Mir. eitClrkson, wl ipa~
aW laingpu l attny oO Chrlo. hit
(~ llI e111 iif'i ti i 311 Mmc iso non lanswe o the samei'cr wol is
lii ifnutliO~ ~i ito 'fl~t tha ion to tcho t so ofte of
sO inet he lir. 1)11 of .1tO tft he yer asbnprhiito wors BI tht cie
o1 nois. J Ahrhr been loro rea reinglCfaS Id) ivsnt to-tyhis
b it ' 1. sae elr l~ c o wne lt18 opuotn but uo ear. Shan
~~~~~* , elestate trnar i er ic r-nn o s t h eorder, thod i si -
itionfrciS haYs n ito effet tha1npos iin toi watch thae moral qffect
or thes p erod loftbh' 1904.1 of the lawle ths saingi' th crime
lie is. J'bf. tu enesn&hardecred abmut to-hirdos
Bro, nalesttodeaer an cllo ied asmolques etndaesi
iruaiuier 1, 110 on m Staea Nosvtte a st owinht buosi.
o Jris ornts, Rys that rlohbitionst thi inot caim been quhck
has hep notderably and .th dned vinco hben pasnagn Cofttea.
thiain fvr heome. 'raett o who etre about oury bgsies
Nr. hos.T. Aliso rea est te opr ityito nut inecpiesr
mic.anag ry than t So uiy1u1thernSae battl theet retne. t Proh
Tr,us opny as ihat vae bitonist wol not belaim thatge '
'be ndramed and os thidr victoi-yh ha benwni hearlotte.
inavesmndswhayt thesnd grator "Etra iac"i eesr
. fovico theooad heo.I ndad
sicot Januay than t n ly time the batenee eae..Btwt
case-t boio.tht

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