THE groat dispe sides has its ea it's a "fight t~o the In From sur10nia partment Store *(only) bu~y her shi outside of Greenv they can find eves in both dress and This is an age of concer birth of the Department Store, looking after your personal admpt attention. We will use o1 .iest. Make this your shopping >mne to Gre L D C 211 and 213 voice faltered, they sat in deep si, lonc~o listening to her story. "My husband had been drinking d1eply, I had not seen him for two days. 11( had kopt away from his "One night I was seated beside my sick boy; the two little girls were ini bed in the next room,while beyond was another room, into which I beard mny husband go as ho entered the house. "The room communicated with the one in which my little girl were sleeping. I do not know why but a feeling ot terror took hold of me, and I felt that my little girls were in danger. "I arose and went to the roomi. "T~he door was looked. I knock eon it trantically. I seemed to be endowed with superhuman strength, and, throwing myself with all my force against the doer, the lock gave way anid the door fell open. "Ohl, the sight! the terrible sight.!'' She wailed out in a voice that haunts me; and she covered her face with her hands, and when she rermoved them it was whiter and sadder thani ever. "D)eliriumn tremens! you have never seen it girls; God grant that you never may. My husband stood beside the bed, his eyes glaring with insanity, and in his hanid a large knife. 'Take thorn away!' he screa med. ''The horrible things, they are crawling all over me. T1ake them away, I say!' And he flourished the knife in the air'. Re gard less of the danger, I rushed up to the bed and~ my heart seemed suddonly to cease beating. "There lay my children, coversd with their life-blood, slain by their own father! For a mioment I could not utter a sound. I was literally drunk in the presence of this ter rible sorrow, I scarcely heeded the maniac at my side, the man who had wroughit me 'al this woe; Thleni I uttered a loud scream, and my wailings filled the air. The serVants heard me and hastened to the room anIt whlen my husband saw them, he suddenly drew the kuife, across his throat. I1 knew nothinst more. I was borne senseless from the room that contained the bodies of my child. ren5an the body of my husbandi T:he next day my hair was while, and my mind *o shattered LES ARY C ncLation of politic brains aind acknc ; Arnold Aing Greenville on where women ca for women to be [it and hat all rig1 iat they not only Millinery Depart Nanyt y grew" is the spirit of progres r needs under one roof. Our I id Smyrna.Squares; also small ] UR M ir best judgment in filling you headquarters while in the city a enville's Gi O.'S DE N. Main Street, Gre "Then eyes of all were riveted upon her wan face, some of the women present sobbed aloud white there was scarcely a dry eye in that temperance meeting. They saw that sh was not done speak ing, and was only waiting to- sub due her emotion to resume her stm ry. "Two ysare" she continned, "1 was a mental wreck; then I recov ered myself from the shock and ab Horbed myself in the care or n. boy. But the sin was visited up. the child, and six months ago m* boy of eighteen was placed iin drunkard's grave ; and as I biti lo ing mother, stood and saw the so heaped over him, I said, 'Th-ai Godl I'd rather see him there tb Jive a drunkard ;' and I tur ned my desolate home a childless W an--ona on whom the han1d od has rested heavily. ~."il, it is you I wish to ro ci: frsnm the fate that overt oot in Do. not blast your life as I bln-Ie mia; do not be drawnz into ii. mal1,n ssofmnarryling a drulnkar.I You love him! so much the w ar.. for yoolI for married to him, thi greater vyill be your misery bocan.'e of your love. You will marry and reform him, me you say. Ah! a w.. man sadly overrates her strengtb when she undertanes to-do ti. You are no match for the gianut dlemon 'drink,' when he possesse a a mani soul and body. You are n<' match for hinm I say. 'What it your puny strength beside his g: gan tic for ce? He will crush y ot boo. It is to save you girls, fromi bho sorrow that wrecked my happi ss that I have unfolded my hi.. Bea th. Ihs Kind Youfn lwas Bas To the Trad (ou wvill find my stock of goods voi Dry Goods 4 atflost, all kinds. Great bargain Youths' Suits, Men's Odd Coats an Men, Ladies''Jackets and -Skir ts, Me Underwear, -ive me a oall and be as 'oheap hereras anywhere. WE 6ELLSALAtOR'8 RLODI MKal LAE M A NP )RNO al circles from th< wledged strenti. Against. a shopping expe 3 secure their nee as independent a it here without hE save time, but m( aent is brim full Pepartn s. Old-time, hum-drum metho iandsome stock of Rugs, Curta ugs to match. IAlL C r mail orders. On mail orders nd do not hesitate to ask us for 'eatest Stot PART enville, S. C. tory to you. I am a stranger jn this city. I ami merely passing through it; and I have a message to bear to evey girl inl America "Never marry a daunkaird!" I can almost sOee her noEw, ju-t as h. stood1 therM amid( the hushed audi ence, her dark -es ge'" ing a' her frame quiverin g with- emnoti n, 's she utterd her impassi.nate '.ppeal, 'Theni she hurried out and1 they n'ever saw her agait. H-Ir "words fitly -poke-n,'' were -t withbout effec', however, and 'au~e of them ther' 15 One girl eegle now . Macide Est es, (Chesterfield, Ala. Sonme Seasonanle Advic. I' mafy be a piece of ftn1prfluous ad ee to urge people at this season of the ear to lay mn a supply of Chamberlain 's otugh Remedy. It is almost sure to be Ie'ded before the winter is over, and uieh more prompt and( satisfactory re Ils are obtained when tukon as soon as o cold is contractedi and before it has "come settled ini the Ryarom), wvhich can iily be8 (done4 by keeping the remedy at acnd. This remeaiy is so uidely known udso altogethe~r good that no oue 10on1(d besitaite about buying it in pre -rence to any other. It is for sale by Piakens D)rug Co., aind T1. N. Huutor, Liberty. TiRi "10SS" COTTON PRESS t Silet.EST, STRIONOEST, BEST Thu MunnAY GINNING SYBTsu Gins, Feeds., Condenseri, Etc. GIBBEf MACMINERY CO. Columbia, .1. C. ing Public. y complete this fall, (o--sisting of nd Notions * in Clothi ng atnd Shes, B -.vs' and di Pants, Overe';utQte fr B n.' andl( n's anid Bos' Kit Oversins ney, by coming direct here where of all the newest ideas in millinery tents. Is of merchandising are being rapidly relegated. Hence the ins, etc., makes' it possible for you to touch up the home while )RDERS we pay express or freight charges on all purchases from $5.00 any information or favor. 0e. /lENT STORE. ~Discrim mating Can be pleased in their shoes if they come to us. Our stock is large-selected with care. Selected with the idea that good value makes and holds customers. If you have not been buying your shoes from us, try us next time you need a pair. Pride & Patton, ORE3ENVILLE,S5. C. FO.j SALE. 70 acres of land near Marietta, S. C., on Pumnpkintown road. $10 por acro. 120 acres near Travelers Best, joinling lande of Mr. Thos. Cunningham. Part of thA Butler Watson 0old home. $15 per acro. AlIso small tracts of land, 20 to 60 acre. We have also some very desirablo lots near e r liht. These b' 'e a along the car line-$60 eadh. THACKSTON & SON Greenville. 'S WOFFORD OOLLEGE HENRY N. SNYD)ER, LL. D., President; Two degrees, A. B3. and A. M. Four courses leaiding to thce A. V'j 8 rce. Nina profoesrs. . - Departmnent EFtics "nd Astronomy', Mathemnatics, Phiysies. -an~d Geology Uiology, and Cl mistry, Latin1, Greek, English, Germicn, andi Fi enen(, llntor and Economic.,I Library and Librarian. The W. E. Burnett nyi.a:z0mnx unldor a compu-tent dik'eotor, J. 1B. Cleveland Science Hall. Athletic groundH. Coursec of lectre by the ablest meni on the platform. Rare mneical opportunities. Noxt Board from $8 to $16 a month. For Catalogue or other information, nadre~ss .1. A. G AM WELL, Se. parta.nb..., ......