OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, December 20, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1905-12-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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41 ~ 4*xA,Oop~i.
itvUU% % . i eer Aped n
ns Pos
)(Ay by905 au.'o lv.
~ve h~e a'~ays be
- i'-a au w~l llye. that the
frmerdr is h. ckle of the coun
try, anid vc id ,ever upheld and
iuA by bi' his fight for a living.
TA ho colun i this paper have Ill
vvnyti inw o to him& we have pub
lihod , M r atter for his benefit,
im v ii o time we have ad
'1ed i,- f7,,- s to hold their cotton
b- and as cotton has
b ye cent mark we ur
Ill that owe anyling
) rush a few pounds
nd pay up their sub.
another year. Next
year anti you cannot
uout your county pa
-) And Pneumonia.
follows Ja grippe but
pse of Foley's Honey
la gr ppe cougl's and
3nia and consumption.
loney and Tair and re.
nitute offered. Mr. G.
SOsgood St., Chicolyn,
had a severe case o ]a
8 ngo, and it left hey
ugh. She tried a bottle
y 'nd Tur and it gavi
', A 0 cent bottle oured
Ay." nefuse substitutes.
to. R. F. Smith Eabley.
p for the Legislature
ieer yesterday. ",outb
s a statute requiring
ivil suits to put up a
)s costs, in tho event
j L it would save the
ially the sheriffs, a
raoney, tbey -are allow,
.tle fo their costv
1< w" bm a case goes against the
.-m o br I1i:.gs it. Of course sheriffs
:M~L da d payment in advance,
A t ustomary nor conven
of ten impracticable
rolina there is' a law
otiffs' tb furnish bond
,over the costs, before
ill is taken. That pro
.y and furthermore doe
irage the bringing of
or on trivial grounds.
.. courts, much fruitless
- th Carolina has never
* law I can't imagine."
-'., e faIlEid to find a better
emed~y fM ' lihs, colds and lung
tobs t' Boy y's Honey and Tar.
f . A r, a : i , :~h, heals the lungs and
.(4 m ilr . results from a cold.
* 'v at least half a dozen
ch medicines and had
'4 from' two physicians without
beniuefit. A friend recomn.
Honey med Tar an d two
Sof I' bc~tle cured me. :I conside
a u ia cough and lung medicine
-( t utor was learning his
trade the Sentinel was handed ar
tieles to, pnblish about fat hogs, or
weddinmg, but a nice quantity of meat
or cakes galore, were always handed
ini at the same time, but in this. day
>f cheap notoriety and fast living,
whole columns are pushed at US about
the "lovely, beautiful sad charming
bride," and the. manly, gallant,
*ourtly atnd hiuxdsome groom," a fine
O. L 0. hog bopght from Mr. ----
GkJHTERN wEMKs OLD that was
iIed by our genil, well-to-d:, neigh.
pfriMr. Soxssa-so, which netted him
0O pounds o firm me eat. Such ROT
4od ot-interest any one, but thosei
dIetly interested, and it takes up
,aab thbt could be hllsd with better
*tnf---.adrertiaing that would -enabie
~ m~pet to make the "Ohost
du Sm~atuy )ights. Hereaf.
we agiU ou4a gasbing marri.
6atIops, obiturks. and all such
( 'o~hespaes ty dgserted. Uards ff
tteIuwill tnot'm ISeded unless ao
V 0~%~sied by om1 4olar, fe fee for
notices of igsg will bef
ed'. and spatei i do.
$ttI It "o for pubU tia bft as
- ~*4I~n~ o od fatb4
ca . M~way,
th#4r.I IIG n .tmuary;
e n u g r 0 ,bl ,in ofGo
7 I0gstrate'sMdlnse~
agis te J. . Harris was quite
usy hinday disposi of cases--e
ggregate being $100 i: fnes and
Iree months work for the county.
'he oases are as follows.
J F. Brook, transro ting contra.
Onfid whiskeyr guilty; fined $100. or
10 days. By order of Solicitor J. E.
3oggs this case was compromisodi
spon a payment of a fine of fifty dol.
ars which was, paid.
Will .hackson. colored, was tried on
three couuts; petit Iarceniy, breaking
I)opeu * resl 'ackages In the custody
of the l'ickenis lailroad and re
moving the conitents thoes upon, while
in te (mploy of said company, and
trasporting whiskey, and was given
tha Ly dayh ou the gang in each count.
There is also another case on the
same charges tow peiding againt
De ro izuia.ro, petit larcntiy (steal
ing whiskey from Will Jackson, which
Jackson stole from uxpress office)
plead Ruilty nail wa. tine 1 $20.00 and
costs, which he pii].
On Sunday chiuf constable Cure.
ton and cousi4inble Nealy reouted out
on the L N. G. cr brick yard planta
tion and flushed a covey of gamblers,
catching ten aid abonat as many more
took to tLe tall timber, but they are
known and will face "hizzonjer" later.
In the lot of birds bagged there were
two white fellows, Frank and Benton
Rabinson. Theqe two and Fred
Chambers and Dero Sizemore, col
ored, plead guilty and by order Soli.
citor J. E. Boggs, their cases were
compromised upon the payment of
$20.00 and cost by each defendant.
Will Simpson. Bob McKinsie
Zlliott Allen, Joe Smith, Morris
Hayle, and Claude Lawrence, charged
with gambling, waived their prelimi.
nary and gave bond for their appear
ance at February, 1906, term of court
Chief Cureton got the "bones" cards
and money, and there is no chance to
claim they weie having "a social
game," or were "merely looking on."
There has been and is too much
disorder, in various forms, going on
in and around Pickens, and we are
glad that some officer sees his duty
clear to try to put a stop to, at least
some of it. Social "crap shooting,v
"raffling" in all its forms, "throwing
high dice for cigars or treatg," "7
come ll" for nickles, is all to gamb.
ling-and gambling leads to other
vices and even murder,
Brig9ter 2 -acreas
Prospects i.' *1ed *'e
We haVe niany actual
photographs of eetton
iioids on which no fort'lizors were
used( and pictures of 1101(ds 0n which
"other mkos" of fortilizors were
uised. Rtosults of those crops woe
dismal failures T1hore are much
"brighter prospects" ahea~d for the
grogressiv.e farmers cf the South.
Tw'lo and three bl',is to the acre are
only ordinary yields where
Virginia-Carolina Frtililzers
are used with proper cultivation.
bMake your cotton mature early, and
thus escapo the boll wooviisand other
damaging insoots. Yout can easily do
this, as wvell as increase the number
of bolls(n nd thciraizo)oen your plants
by pleuttifully using Virginia-Caro
lina Fer tilizers. Tihis method will
tremotndous norens your yiol
ing asusttute.o. lditol
Virginia..Caroina Chouia.Co.
LGuiriam, N. 0.
o)harleston, 8. 0.
lBaltimrnoe Md.
A tlan ta, Ga.
4 Eavannahu. Ga.
Under. Auspices
Pickens Cra
The mere mention of his na
ne college town he has filled Fe
'agedy, humor, and patho~s anW
iculous to the sublime in a renu
ima a peer to any entertainer on
act satisfaction.
h~~ #'r him, hi
~'~4~P~e mA 4~4J~~16elves t
Btho '~a.t ioniouely low
e, ay- i'auf instances giving
he paper away, jist In order to get
igiiroulation. and get high rat, a
rtisIng. All newspapers,
edetofore, hav. b. on allowe,l tran
lision through the tAiRial at pound
ales, hbt posutmnaster genetal M au
At 1i, lastyiar, e'isd an order th.'
i newspaper, to beallowed the privil.
'ge of the mail', must show a gener
ad circuiution and the sut'Acrilbols
must be paid in advanco. We [rii d
to comform to this ruling, and lost
fall undertook to got on a cash in
advance basis, but many of our read
ere, good busineas men that thgey
-veie, got awful mad at us for trying
to conform. tp a law. We were
forsied to adopt the plan of cash in.
advance, or go out of business-and
we didn't care to quit the business.
The ruling, as it now stands 8 such.
that people who subscribe for a news
paper in the future will t.e compelled
to pay in advance. As shown by- the
following clipping from the Oircula
tion Manager, a recent &olsion of
the Postoffice Department bases the
right of a paper to second-class post
age on paid-in advance circulation.
If the Sentinel-Journal is to continue
as second-class mail matter it must
be able tosbov that it has a general
airculation, that is at several post
offices, and that circulation is made
up only of paid-in-advance sub
scribers. Shall we continue as a
"The country publisher now has
an opportunity to arise and call the
postoffice department blessed. Mr.
Madden, in charge of second class
mail matter, has issued an order that
newspapers and periodicals, to be
entitled to a oontinuanc of the sec
ond class mail privileges must be
able to show bona tide subscription
lists, and he defines a bona fide sub
scription list as one made up of
paid-in-advance subscriptions'
"The old subscriber who has paid
nothing for five or ten years will
have to go. He must'bo made to pay
in advance, or be crossed off the libt,
The fact Lhat he has not orderod the
paper discontnued has nothing to de
with the "cast. An, a ' supposedly
tangible asset on the subscription
books he is to be counted as down
and out. The fact that he once paid
for the paper and is presumably good
for what he may appear to owe ac=
cording to the books will not have
any more effect upon the postoflice
department than the Ilowers that
boomed last summer."---Circulatior
We hope our subscribers .see how
we stand on the matter. 'We have
to conform to the rulings of the
Postmaster General or give up the
newspaper business; in fact, all news
papers of the country must come in
under this head. If, after your time
paid for is up, and you do not renew
at once, this ruling will not allow us
to send the paper to you at all, even
on the promise to "pay in a few
days;" We can only mend it for the
time actually paid for. The depart.
ment's view of the case is a logical
one. A newspaper with 500 cash
subscribers is much better off than a
paper with 2,000 circulation on ai
credit. A man 's name to the circu
lation of a paper is naught, unless
he contributes his money in support
of the paper and pay for what he
gets. If he hats l'*en on the mailing
ist for five years and has never paid
a cent in that time, although ho be a
illionaire, he is not worth a darn to
hepaper, The man who planks down
iis dollar to pay In a~vance is truly
he backbone of the enterpt-ise,
ruly he is the aalt of the earth and
we sincerely hope his tribe may in
We give those lengthy remarks in
xplanation of the course we are corn
.elled to pursue, and if you fall to
~et the paper you will have nobody
ao blame but yourself.
Conference Appointments.
onl Monday evening Iiishop~ahdler announe
4 the followIng appointments, reveral new
strlets being Oreated and old ones changed;
renvile Drisirict-E 'P Taylor, Presiding.E.
-Cinton, WI Hf Hlodge! Easley circuit,. U M nlu
oe! Fountain Iun. D P lloyd; Grebtnvilio,
.ncombe 8t. W M Duncan: Groenvi..e at
ulN L., Wigins: Hanmpton1 aye, A E iDrig
-rs:GrenviMills, N I [ialiengor, R R lDoy.
;Greenville Ireult' II) Jo~nes; Greer. C H
arons circuit to be supplied by W U Kelley:
rth Laurens, J F :Andersen; - Plakens, R F
Nrth Plekens J P Attawa ' Pledmo'~ 8. F
lman1 Traveler Rest to be supplied bTA A
ian atesvie J 0 Hlugg ns. C
sro'.fltrit---R IHerber Johos, Presiding -
Ier-ndSfSt John R e Truesd1e west '.
d W ign: Orrvile, a T Creech An- 1.
,ne L Mecin: Donnald#, J JE. Ueard' A
in evle, R W Harbor; McCormik, .J K Me
n; rel,'R (I iul ware; P'elzor, G R
nd;letonam lv l enry; Starr, J w
ne -1 M A bndy; Townsville.
kSi;ff I
wvl iI
X'.~h 6-great rule of health
A rsilS epp' tiqbo els. rogular.
Want yotir mnoisache Or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
abeautiful browneor rich black? Use ae~ae.a~m....wa.
.A. K. Park's
We have a full and com
plete stock of dry 'goods, un
derwear, notions and shoes
and will sell them at the low
est price compatable with hon
est merchandise.
Avoid the store with differ
ent prices for different people
-you may'be the one to get
the highcr price. WE HAVE
ERYBODY-That price the
lowest. We. give courteous
and polite attention to every
body. We want your trade
and if goods are -not as repre
sented, your money refunded.
A K Park,
West End, Greenville.
For Christmas.
This year has been the best one -so far, in the history,
of our business and we want to make this month the largest of
all the past ones.
We have filled our store with good staple merchandise
that you will need for Christmas, such as the very best flour
that can be found. You can't find cheap flour in our store.
GOLD MEDAL, $5-50.
Coffee, Coffee,
Five Pound tins of Mocha and Java for one dollar, Lever
ings one pound packages for fifteen cents, Seven pounds bulk
coffee for one dollar.
Granulated Sugar ao
lbs for $1.oo.
We always have on hand for Holiday trade plenty of
One-Price Cash Store.
of the Pickens Lyceum Course
pill Appear in the
dod School Auditorium,
Night December 21 st.
me guarantees crowded houses everywhere he has been~ In
ur Return Dates this season. Te fills the prbgram with wit.
caris is adience from tears to laughter and from the tea
Lrkable manner. His dialect and facial expressions .rendei
the platform. We guarantee him to give aibsolute and per
s facial expressions will keep you laughing for a month.
Bus*iess Suil
This is the Suit that you should be,,
most careful in selecting, as one lives in a
business suit six days out of seven, and
one expects naturallyto be more satisfied
in picking out this class of apparel than a
more dressy suit.
Now we Have Given Special
Attention to This Line,
And are ready to please any one. T see
is to buy. Come in and be one
of the lucky ones.
L. Rothschild,
Sole Agent for Hlawes Hats and Dutchess Trousers.
To the Trading Public.
You will find my stock of goods very complete. this fall, consisting ( f
Dry Goods, and Notions
of most all kinds. Great bargains in Clothing and Shoes, Boys' and
Youths' Suits, Men's Odd Coats anld Pante, Overcoats for Boys' and
Men, Ladies' Jackets and Skirts, Men's and Boys' Knit Overshirts and
Underwear. Give me a call and be convinced that you can buy goods
as cheap here as anywhere.
Mrs. L. E. MANN, Six Mile, Se C.
A Woman's Hat
When a woman goes
to buy a Hat she in
sists upon it posessiing
three things:
Call and let us show
you how -well we can
please you on these
111 S. Main St., Greenville, S. C. Mliey
N. D. T AY LO R, Photographer,
--MAKdER 01.
The kind that are made at the best studios of the larger cities.
The kind that will not fade. That are natural and lifelike,
and finished on the latest and prettiest cards to be had.
Nice line of mouldings and frames of any size made to order.
70 acres of land near Marietta, S. O.
on Pumpkmntowni road. *10 por acre.
120 acres near Travelers Rest,
joining lands of Mr. Thos. Cunninghami. Part of the Butlor
Watson old home. $15 por acro.
A lso samtll tracts of land, 20 to 50 aeres.
We have also some very desirable lots near e y limits. -These lots are
along the car line--$60 each.
Greenvilles S, C
of dread t m ~an e .
ereoli lefnied -.
an. ZKeanS

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