PIK'SS -J0 KNO--33 ~>PC KN SS ENTIN L J 01UNL' VOL. XXXV PICKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY 10,190o6. Hazel Happenings. Christmas passed off quietly there beiug no drunkenness # The children and grand-children of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Winches ter' gathered around the old hearth. stone. Dinner was served to all present. Mr. and Mrs. Wonches. ter were the recipients of a nice winter lap robe on this occasion. Miss Lucy Mauldin spent the whioliday vacation) of her school with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mauldin of Contral. She re turned to her work on the first of Janunary. Miss Ida Davis of Easlsy spent a week with frienid' and relativas returning home a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Gillespie lipont last week in Rosmani and Brevard, N. C.. A. T. Winchester has accepted a position with the Chicago Portrait Company of Chicago, as dolivery. man and collector. Hie ha. recent ly pulch)ased a pair of black muatch mulIes. SThere has been a great deal of moving this witer. M4r. Elijnhi Winchester has moved to his Stewart place on Easqtatoe. C. WV. Parrott of Groors enntam pla tes moving to his Jerry Parrott plac9.. Mr. Columbus Pairott of Var. nells, Ga., made a visit to friends bora recenitly. We were pleased to mnet our old fienod Robert 1,. Giletrap and his oxcellont family. Bob is as lively as ever. . -M. S. The. First Re.quIii.- of Beau bp. The first requnisito of beauty is a clear comlexion. Orino Laxative F'ruit Syrup eleara a snllowv Llotehedl comleXion as it stimulates the liver and bowels, and *the eyes become briuht and (clear. You owve it to your friends to take it if your complexion ia bad. Or-ino Laxative fruit Syrnp doces not. nlanseate or gripe anid is very pleasant to take. lefuse substitutes. All ol their ust C one o all. Year, Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the b l o o d in a -healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be conmes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health followvs poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTTS EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan tage ini this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. TIo get the greatest amount of good withI the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it. We will send you a sample free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Sco-r- & BOWNE I ~ Ccmias . 409 P~ea&r St., N. Y. re Wish our friends liI)eral patro losed. We I I pleasure ai Wishing yoi we are Yours Y( EATH-BRUC] Pickens Route 2. Allow one cf four readeri to come in and chat with you a little. Christmas Is over and the new year is ours. Let us enter upon the new year with the intention of doing more good this year than ever before. The idea is, get in the gang that is making for the front and not foxtrot along by ourselves any longer. I1ev. J. C. Pairrott fro.m Georgia, has been visiting his brother Mr. R E. Parrot'. Mr. Perry Durham of Orangchiurg is on a visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Durham. Mr. H-eury k'artin of Elbierton,Gai. ii iopending a few days with his fr ie nds in this se ction. Mir. Barhie Parr'ott is on a visit to Cobutta, Ga., for a few we(eks. MIr. IRufus Durham ieturned home from Coloiado after several months stay in that country. Mr. W. I. Graveley and daughters, Misses Lula and Esthe.r from the up per part of the county visited rela. tives in this community recently. Mr. Calvin Wooduon has returned from a sisit to 1bia pairenits at Union. Jan. 1, '06. Torrap. Six Mile Sketches. NIlies l ath Willimon is visitig her cousin Miss Man~id Snlyder' in Green. ville this wveek. M. Mauldin lost at fine COW one day3 last week. inrae Merek has purchasedl him. self a new surrey. Mr. and Mrs. L L~. Willimon are on a visit to the tat ter's mother .'llrns. Shelton in Greenvillo this week. WValter Willimon is on a visit to his cOuisin "Budi~" Snyder of Green. ville this week. Miss Lizzie Alexander of the Stew art section spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. C. L,. Willimnon. Miss Mlary Trotter has been veiy I aink for savnral (lays to ThaE and custom( nage for the rust it has id of gain 1 t a prosperou 3ry Truly, B-MORROW There has been several marriages in our community and ye scribe has not seen a piece of cake and it is known that I do love cake. Never mind, when I gat ready I will be like the old darkey, I vill have a wedding of my Owl), ha, ha! I haven't much news for this letter but expect to leave for Anderson on tihe 13th. I expect to have plenty of newt for my next leitter. Wake up correspondlents andl let the people hear from your respective sections. Mrs. M. 0. Fuidley of the Stewart section visited her father, R. W. Wil. limoun last week. Th'Iis pcribpe had the ;)IenImure of at tending ths singing at Milo Ozeek the fourth Sunday. Old Riddle has a severo sore throat at tIus writir.g. A merry greeting and a happy new year to the Sentinel Journal and its many readelrs. Old Riddle. Pickens Route 3. We are glad to weolcome the corn ing of the new year and the bright. prospects bofore us. A. year or so ! moure of ten cent cotton and the farm-f1 era can see their wvay clear. 1905 seemedl to have been1 a good year for t the merchants, and through the ad1- 8 vertising of the Sentinel-Journal r Journal trade was exceedingly good. ' Now as more than two thirds of the (dear old Sentinol-Jou nail was devoted to advertising in 1905, wel 8 think the matter abould be reversed in 1906 and the farmer have abont half of his county paper in intereet.i v ing reading matter, It would be0 ' moa0 to have one page~ for farmers t corresponder e, and have letters each week from the bent farmers in the I cou.ty giving their ideas on farming. 6 Subscriber. stops the .ugh and haesllungra k krs for I iyear been o you S New I. 0. Moore Sel.s 'em Cheap. I bought a stock of goods at a bargain and will sell them the same way, call and see me for most anything you. want I have a few dress skirts and Boy's knee pants to go cheap. Calicoes and Outings at a bargain. A lot of Shoes to go cheap, in fact everything cheap. Remember the old meat market and bring me some P ork and all the Raw Hides green or dry that you can get because I am selling goods. I don't forget my meat market so call and get yonr meat or anything else you want. TIhe Old Meat Market. J. D. MOORE. Pickens, Route 3. -- - Christmas has quietly passed off. and the new year dawned upon us. Health ini this commnunity is very 'Lho hun ters caught a grey fox on Christmas morning. They had a fine Don't try cheap cough medl hasecines. Get the best Ayer's Mr. and~ Mrs. Towns visited the Cerry etrassit yeat a amnuly of Mr. .J. M. Gillespie on the rcrdthasxyerso Mon Ed Gillespie and Marion rKr. F4rank Townes has moved to cue!Ak ordcorI he P'orr Farm. He has taken charge h os' s tfwcuh nid will reside there this year. We hotadln rul3 egret very n uch to give Mr. Towneg .s on htAbeO*Je1oM p. They ar e good neighbor.1 .botvoiinIebpevto Mrs S. D) Gillespie returned to her M ADM*M~, ..NY ome) inl East Fork, N. C., after a ~ '' o ' bort sta.y Nith friendsgniissae __________ Suze. uz ,z ii1 Do not be deceived by counterfeits Orotaytnee ocnt~& len you buy Witch Hazel salve. Thetiwthmllde 1Ar'Pas. aumi of E. C. D)ewitt and Co. 1s onj very box of the~ genuino. Pile5 in* ouhsiancrkehad eo Wen wo form will aOOnI pass awa itol crdb u wil. aPply DaWitt' Vio zllSavbtnL.Wts Witch azele alve might and morning. Best for ~~oa plelo.wl ~nts Burns. Boils Tetter, Eo:xema, etc. ke h knsf n moh e oid by Pickens Drug Co. frEzm~ct.Brs oh~Ec Bears the ~AIht Kind You Ha lwasBog M om fBinBedn, thn thDrog anw ugtru s for .