Thnwtituve that 0os :0ot z: A) or nauseate. Pleasant to talle. - a REEN PEAS 'he treated with a fertilizer containing a high percentage of POTASH, in order to get the healthiest, fullest pods. "Truck Farming" and "Plant Food" are two practical books for the farmer, which we mail free of any cost or ob ligation to those who write for them. They contain valuable facts about truckugardening as a profitable business. Address. GBRMANKALI WORKS. - New York-93 Nassau Street. or Atlanta. Ga.--22% So. Broad Street. * 0 I have a good line of CL OC KS Among them are the recommendablo old stylo Seth Thomas Clocks with weights, which I am Melling at special bargtins. Aid a new line of SILVERWARE. A I) 811(1 Goi and Silver WAT1OIIES. A nico him of Syetaclos; J gualr niro glassos to fit eyes. All kinds of Iepair work in th jw -Iy hue. HI.SNIDER, - - EIsley, S. (. O THE "D0GING. PERIOD" of a's fe, is the name often given to the "change of life." Your menses come at longer intervals, and grow scantier until they stop. Some women stop suddenly. The ' entire change lasts three or four years, and is the cause of much pain and discomfort, which can, however be cured, by taking WINE OF RCARDU Woman.'s Refuge In Distress. It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, irritability miserableness, forgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot aa~ cold flashes, weakiness, tired feeling, etc. Cardul will bringyo safelv through this ''dodging period,'' and bui upyou srength for the rest of your life. Try i. At all druggists, in $x.oo bottles. ________L WRITE US A L.ETTER "EVERYTHING BUT DEATH frccly and fran in trictest confi I aufd cd," writes Virginiza Ili-on, de, tellig ai an you 11y npton of Easton, Md., "until I took Cardiul, a tro ble s V il r e nd frc ai c whic lo m reso< qickly isurp~ri.e{ Dep., heChatanog *odiciae o., taking it. I wvish I had known of Chatanooa, Txin.Cardul earlier in life.' - J. OARTE~R, 1'res V f IA'A.VCirA f C. sHEJILNY Cuser. LIBERTY BANK LIBERTY, S. C. CAPITAL, - - $25,000.0') PROF'IS, - - 5,474.48 DEPOSITS - - 53,254.00 1)1RECTORS F. B. MORGAN, Wv. Tr. O'l)E.L, j. CAR-TgR, J. i ilkwI.C W-. I- ChAPMAN, Z. T. CASTI.iBERRY, Pres. First National Bahk, Gainesvilld, Ga,, J. N. MORGAN, Pres. Bank of Central, J. P. SMITH, Pres. Liberty Cotton Mill. *Safe and Sure EA S H-UNS norsd bZ eading.physicians as the BEST remedy for ChIset sCroup and Whooping Cou gh~be6se - ooitans NO -OPIATES. The action of Ball id's rs1-. - hound Synupis mild and benign, it is adapt ed to infants, aa well -- aeadulteof every variety of temporaiment and constitutid~ ead Thik Remarkable Testimonia.A as sick for three months .j4te doctor tod me he had qulokocon... pto.We oored tt8of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and $ hi4m. . is a~woll man, but we always keep a be~I thai pJ~a6 #6' equal fori ptlhvonary diseass." ~ TLOUIS. ?70; ~< 4~IPO Q M5NORO MY PU M'_ Stomach and Uvit trouble and Chronic Constiption th, Easley. FAILED. All efforts havO failed to find a better .emedy for couglis, colds and lng troubles than Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops theo cough, heals the hings and prevrets serious results from a cold. J N. Pit-tersonl, N4ashuaf, Iown, writen: "Last wit4'r I hadl a bad cold on my lung4 nid trie.d at least half it' dozen advtitised caugh medcines ani had tre:.tmnut from two phymioiana without ett-i'g iuy len- flh. A friend recom -Ini(nded Foley's Honey a d Tar aid two ti.irds of it. hottle cured me, I conside it the greatest cough and Ivug medicine in the wor!d." Pikntiu Drug do. R. F. Smith, Easley. Notice to Pensioners I will bo in) the court hoise ev-ry hsy III J1naryt. 1906, for th1#1 purl)pose of mIkirg out epplicalitn for old soldiers and waiows that are not now getinig pniisions and wvish to up ply for penislon. All now draWing will conltinuo to rceQC~v Ie thir pensions wiLhout filr .he 1111lppliention. Jani 3, 1906 J. B. Nowbory. PnonCommlissioner. Fario'us FiIghtig. "Forseven yearsi," Writos Geo. W. lfoffm:nu, 1f Iarper,'. Was., "I had a itter- ittle, with chronic stomach and liver troublo, but at last I won, and 4nrod my divo..sea, by the use of FElootric Bitters. I nuheeitutingly reo '>mm1ond them to ill, and don't:intend it the fituro to bo without them in the house. They ,ro cetainly a wonderful memimcje, to havo cured such a bad case its mine." Sold, uider guarantle to do 'iIIme for you, by Piekens Dru!g Co.; tb0u. a bo.ttle. Try them today. AUDITORI For raking Ret I will commence t year 1906 on Janu taking returns until after which time a p will be entere( agai 01eC, black or white, noc make the rounds is the year for return and I cannot safely having dulplicate fron ref(eence in man~fy musit he signeut ! by pai becford Ma'tgistrate or will unot be accepted thie penalty will be a iddIition to the Capit; E FOSTEI We Never Disappoi We Fulfill Every Promise and U WE CR **"ttu' *i''-' the --l cured never to return, dtbent mefrouy Vigor Positive.Iy taet striale of - .. - ' andrlicensd physnle ti n'i:uIon is*o * b. ac ta ofa en ent~ NY l S R ERE219 CHOeeg |In h N. K. KIN G.e.eD. XCroet sa " CO~ ULTA'r ON,1neX MnoATwn Scrstfained ane on Pupkint W road.y n10 p Watson oldrhoma.e$15oper ac op yal ract of ane. o 5 acre t o aeas oevrleiprebl Iloto alon te'c oardin-$ou0 C) are Grfeln vil A2 THE4 I and "I -threate feeling RE Bobbitt C1 Dear Si ohtit th fourbottit since. I ti under two suilt, until say. It has medicine Everybod Samo resul S NOTICE arns Year 1906! iking Returns for ths carry try 1st and continue .E February 20th 1906, nalty of 50 prr' cent. "1l DI nst each and every tTrtiln friend or foe. I will is here totbre, as 1906- tho" ing all Real Estate weard list all realty unless ri Auditor's oflice for cases. All returns aner 'ty making his rctuLIn ~ Notar'y .Public or it1 by the Auditor and41 dded. All (logs will >ersonal pro)perty inl uioni tax of 50 cents r'selves accordingly. ? KEIT H. Auditor. 'ot Our PatientS. ~vor ld Out Falso If opes, eor isougle and VaricoceJo w IlhouC usinesm; ContatIousa Bloori Polasnn r miner'al mixture; of IAtanig ured; .. at~anulant but peormanenS. ial Co au Ltuua o rganized nder the saeases. Dr. (N. a an. hefunro of * . dia nr o ehronio dlsce is unsurpa' pped with a. Lhe ~a vant., faradie battee ethomedical p.tgeai Oursaatnt urmi att ndn a. restilary qualifie gradustot ns being in Charge. . s orunaak < for litetaturre ar oant -ti as specfided timae. and ltaddor troubies1 Rheumatism, ad aignant trouble s,4atsa of ir and I ungs. Disases. of Ifye and Er, adsch weaknogses of w ment nprom blanks for born treatmenp )N AND) ADVICE~ FP E ummmg ~~ Atlant Ga Ur M~variett a, S.6., CA~ r acro. assists Colds fro elers iRest, Svstem gentlynmi; nlintgbanit. irt, of the Butler the bow': for croup * whooping Lear 11 y limits. -These It are pax N &SNS"Ht 'asp e, S5 --0 * ~ .'*..' Sold,* )NLY REMEDY THAT 4 iEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. thl after a. sweeps all the lakes Ycu Well All Over." Those pains arqd ns tie enth- system. Headaches, Pains, Bad Indicate that you need A OVES THE CAUS Qmiicy Mao s July18,1905. Cured 00-yea lemlcal Co, .atiniorc. ?&I had ufaered 201 9:I w Is laid iu hast November with Methodist minist in in: feet and ankles, bat aftr tikin more. after John s of R heumnacRle I have not been bothereci Wilkes of Dillon. led every old kind of liniment and was were crawn up a dotors, and all I tried had the same re- at once. Sample [got Rlheumacide. Now, I anl pleased to not ben r necessnry for e bo take a for alRheumaitisin since February Ia" 3 BBT th t I recommended it to has had the t. Yours verytruly. P. RANAGAN. Manager, )uiucy Industrial Co-overative Society T AT TIE 01 I. EDITOR : Please Pay to your readers and my f Complete liine of Reliable goods which I have for fact, at the prices which I ai quoting I c)nsidet little of "anyt-hing and everything," and am sol IF YOU NERD HEAVY WINTER SHOES, W4 R and HEAVY KNIT SHIRTS; also, a good line From now until Christmas we invite the ladies t( .Y GOODS. DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. Will make the same offer as the al)ove to the me 8, Valises, Gents' Furnishings, etc. The nicest Flour, salt and barbed wire, by tho car load to go A complete line of the good kind of furniture an; 'ing stoves and Chat'anooga Plows-two very nece t of their kind on tho market. Chinaware, Glas well. A full line of Undertakers' goods and a nice Hear Your patrornage solicited and you will be treated P. S.--All persons Owing the estate of W. T.X Mci Bigger A given number of acres fertiliz - greater yield of cotton, than the sa Farmers' Bone does more than th~ the acreage and increase the yie] who uges Made, W has twenty-orie years of fertilizer - 13,000 'carloads of Royster fertilize: SThis volume of business stamps Fa LOOK. AT OUR TW N 18-25 - 189O-I,60 -- 1895-12,Oi 1900-58,4 1905-130, *olok .a. F.S R Y T ORIGINALQuke VE COUGH SYRUP To Coughs and- ,h e ni expelling Bo*nad h SL\V nthe, Honey e 1S n - ough. a CHAR LESTON afsteeda .Lv. ,Oreenville - - Lyv. Auguata I Y LAXA TIVE ThronghlPullm: Round Trip Winter Tour k"N * A *3 . W. LIGON, A er CO ON AO o ~a 6 A. RUNE >T my Pickenw Drug Co :URES 1 RUBBING DON'T CURE. Rheumatism is an interWI dis ease and requires an internal reinedy. RHEUMACIDE "Uets at the Joints from Inside," and that is the reason it Cures other remedies have failed.. Rheutnacide poisonous germs and acids out of the blood inger signals, warning you of a disease that Taste In the Mouth, that "No-Account" E OF THE PAIN. --old Mrs. Mary Weborn. of High Point, N. C., after she ,cars. C~ured Rev. J. It. Wheeler, To Years old. a leading ir. of Reisterstown, Md. Cured John F. Eline, of Haiti Hopw!ns Hospital had eOmPletelY failed. Cured James sC. after he had been In bed three Years and his legs natIsi bak.Bettor get a bottle from your Drugist ottle and boklet FREE If You send 5 cent sforpostage. CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. 's Danger in Delay. r siAND. iends that I anm '"still at the Old Stand," with a their inspection and sale at very close figures. In theo goodis are Rare Barg-tiis. Toil thomn that I ling at a close profit. ) have them; also, SUITS, PANTS,UJ NDER of OVERSHOES. Scall and we will make 'thoim close prices on n folks on Clothing, Slioes, Ha11t, Undorclothing, Ilne of these goods we Lave cver carried. at prices that defy compotition. nice matting, carpeting' and . rugs. Agont I.' ssary things it, every W0l1 regulated tamily au 1 sware, Agatoware, Tinware and other ware that se. RA r rih. Guy MoFall all will please come forwaldl and make settlement d with Farmers' Bone produce a nie acreage with ordinary fertilizer. t. It makes it possible to reduce d. Try it this year. The man ith Fish experience beck of him. Over s were used% 9n the crops of '1905. rmers' Bone the best. T YEARS' REQORD o TONS 30 TONSd1 55 TONS 91 TONS S Tarboro, N. O. GUANOs -uMacon, On. atnd Best Route \NNAH, JACKSON VII L.E, Anid all Points VIA InFLORIDA & WESTERN CAROL l1MA Railwa 12dI4 p. mn." Ar. 5 &valnah 2:2O 10:20 p. mn. A r. Wayer. sa e,0a n rrive at Jacksonville&:40 a. ni:01a.m n ServicN betwcon Auigusta andi 1Jacks onavii eo a mnaderat Jconi'Iar aU pointe South, at Excursion Tink.'ta Now~ on Sa1'Q t> FJlrida Resorle et, - ORO. T .. N , (-'IA G reenville, 8. c eneral)hl P~assengerAgIJI