OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, July 18, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1906-07-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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The t1n.Journal4 Ompnyv
TuOMsoN & RIiHY oiZO.
J. L. 0. Tui'MPSON, EDnTos.
Subscription $1.00 Per Annum. a
Advertising Riates Reasonable.
intered at Pickens Postoince as scond lass
Mail Matter
WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1906. 1
Notice to Old Soldiers.
The surviving soldiers of the State
or confederate states in Pickens
county aro requested to meet in each
township on the 4tb. day of August
at 3 p. in. -for the purpose of electing
a representative to meet at the court
house the first Monday in Septeui
bcr next to elect a county pension
board for the year 1907. The place
of meeting in each township is,
Easley township, Easley;
Liberty township, Liberty;
Contral township, Central;
Pickens township, Pickens;
Hurricaue township, lMilo Creek
Eastatoe township, Antioch church;
Pumphintown townshi p, Suthor
laind's store;
Dacusvilie township, Looper's Gin;
When assembled they shall organ.
ize by electing a chairman and sec
rotary and shall then elect by ballot
an ex-Confederate soldier not a hold
er nor an applicant for a pension as
the representative of the voterans of
said township. J. B. Newbory,
July 11, 1906. Pen Con.
Union Meeting.
Program of the second Eoction of
the Piedmont Association union
meeting which convenes with Con
tral Baptist church Saturday 10 a. im.
Devotional oxercises con(lucted by
Rev. J. L. Vase, after which dolo
gates will be enrolled.
11 a. in. Introductory sermon by
llev. D. W. Hiott.
12 mn. intermission.
1 p. m. 1st query-Low to in
crease religious intorest in the
church? IRev. F. R. MeClannaban.
W. T. Earle.
2d query--How to (xperienco the
fullness of Christ's help? Ed P.
MoCravy, Rev. Win. Abbott. J. L.
3d query-How to interest the in.
different in religion? iev. .1. It.
Moore, W. T. O'Dell, J. TV. Ilydo.
Sunday 9:30 a. m. Maitss ieeting
-Addresses by J. M. Goor and Rev.
T. F. Nelson.
11 o'clock sermon (missionary) by
P. F. Crawford.
All churches aro requested to eleet
delegates who will attend and tall art
expected to discuss the ab~ove (p100~
F'or Comn.
Union Meeting,
The union meeting or the Twelve
Mfile River association will moet at
Keowee Baptist church on Saturday
md Sunday July 28 29.
Services will open on Saturday at
.0 a. mn , Introductory sermon by Ii.
'. Murphree.
First topic for discussion is Hocb.
0:25. Are the churches living up
to this command who hold services
only once a month? Opened by
Itov. W, C. Seablorni.
Second, Are wo not falling short.
'npoel compensaiitinig our pas
lors? Opened by 1). A. Parrott.
Services for the Sabbath will be
arranged by the brethren on Satur
Major S. Nimmons Withdraws From
I desire to withdra~v from the
race for treasurer of Pickonts couinty
as I havo made othber business air
rangemoenta. T1hanking my mna'y
friends for their encomtagoment and~
support, I am,
Yours truly
Major S. Nimmnons.
TIhie average man (lees not save Io (ex.
coed ten perJ cent of his carninigs. ].[e
muist npend~ nine dollars in living oxpeni~.
lies for every d1ollar Aavedl. That being
the case lho canniot bo too eareful ablout
* ll~unnecessary expenses. Very oftetn a few
cents Properly inveutedh, like buying seeds
for his garden, will sav'o several d-'lars
outlay later on. It is the samne in biuy
jug Chiamberlaini'5 (olio, Cholera and1(
Diarrhoi'a Remedy. It costn but a tow
cents, and a~ botti of it in the houso often
saves a doctor bill of several dollars.
Sold by Pickens Daug Co. and T1. N.
Hunter, Liberty,
. Auction Sale.
Togive me more room for y
n at market I will sell at public auc
tion on Saturday, July 21, all my dry
goods and shoes, 2 show cases andi
uotenls. All who want to buy come
aoturday at 11 o'clock.
J. D. Moore.
Bridqe Notice.
[will let to the lowest responsible
PN bdei the building of ai bridge at
6 af~' mill, four miles south of
ley on Ju ly 26th, at 10 o'clock
A. B. TrA LLY,
- ~Co. Comi.
0ma'SWCOLt Powders for Chiblren,
&ltjr Gray, a naurseo in CThiren,%
-O ork. lreak up Cold in 2-1 hioursa
Afelias JcadaichIo, Siomadh Tlreoubles
~ri1~ - ao1~1~~aadJDestroy .Woms. A
N.pl aid YR . Ad
*WiSad bladdir right.
ft I'lebp of-Ileal Moort H I L
1QXJatpC Ind 't I n &e b
Imag1innjfAs a Itaiher wklhard
stiandaird of Monetary Value.
Of all the obstacles that confront the
nglishmnun the guinea Is the most
mnusing. The other day an American
test iniuired of me, "What is a guin.
.?" Ito had been asked for one by a
irculating library. It scoms an easy
uestion to answer, but as I had been
uzzling over the division.of an linagi
ary guinea into four parta the expla.
ation took time. It was as difficult as
xplainiug cricket to a German-in
".how me one," said the American.
I confessed that I did not possess
"W'hat, not $t5.251?"
"Yes, hu. not a guinea. We don't
lave a guinea in England any more."
"But ywt talk in guineas!"
"That's our fun," I replied lamely.
Nevertheless there Is something to be
;aid for our system. Indeed, one might
irgue tit this incessant obstacle race
>ver the multiplication tables that we
myae to enter Insures a bracing of the
muscles. We are always kept on the
tlert to fathom the relations between a
pottle, a perch and a guinea or some
such absurd and fortuitous combina
tion. And one may suspect that this
tightening and strengthenlig of the
muscles in the obstacle race 18 really
the sotrco of lngland's greatness.
For all practical purposes the guinea
--iI which we talk-is tile most prepos
terously absurd coin in the worid, for
it does not exist-corporeally. Some
few honest citIzens wear spade guilneas
onl their wat.l chains. But if they tried
to pass them over. to the booking clerk
oil the underground raIlway they would
be In danger of the judginent. There
are no guineas in England. Yes, In
imnagillatioll they exist.
And never more accuse yourself of
belonging to an ulnimaginative nation
of illopleepers' The guillea i; the coin
of coril esy, Just becauiso It Is not a
coin at aill. And its preservatlon as an
ainoimaly is a curious proof of tie In
nlate courtesy of thle En'lglishmaln, who
will face 'ny arithmetleal ineonven
lence rather than put at slur on at
This you may see froi the lists of
subscriptions for the gentleimlan in (1i
tress. You cannot offer him the nees
sriieics of life. When the friend falls
by the vay :ilde it 11111t be guineas, not
sovereign.s, that you supply, and one
feels g1ad that the renarkcs of the
mleatnest sport that exIsts-the sport of
idIIgs--offers prizes in "sovs." It is
nierely the analogue of that convention
which regulatos gifts between equals.
Etiquetto forbids your sending a
friend a leg of mutton-that is, a sov
ei-('Igi, the ordinary, humdrum coin.
Dut youl may sendi himi pheasants, oys
ter., grouse or salmxion, iore esci)Oially
if the sahnon is the victim of your own
drode, 1olo and perch." Possibly the
rld explanation is that, is a mtter of
courtesy, yoiu nitty not give a Inan
whoi tho cou11 ld otin at tile nearest
51ho1, It mus11t 1he somethling that 1s nlot
Nowv, a guhilenl is not easily obtalna
bhe, and tile dlin'erentce between oITer
tng ai mnl at guinenl and offer'ing him a
Hoverein~ is the difference between
msendintg a1 man1 at leg of mttonm and
sen~dinlg h31i a)barre1 of cyster's. Thai
Illit lilly shililing stuckl on to the sov
ereignl, thait retenltIOn of tile ghost of a
(oin long dead 11111 borne on a watch
chin~il, with the loc'ket containinlg a
twist of' greatt-greait-auntfe's hair, was
its ilgnliitlance.
It is the embodiment of the langlishl
manl~'s1 innuato liloalism. ?t is like the
equallly silly "Esq." which we tack on
thle namelis of friends. There are noc
esiluires ntowadays and no guibons, but
we'( see0 them3 with the eye of faith,
.And we sacritice to our faith consider
able mluselar exertion, many blobs of
ink andt~ sunldry' shillings that muight
otherwise stocli our houses0 witht cheap~
reprlintts or tile world's besat books.
You will naturanilly conclulde thlat J
dlid nlot pult thIs view~ before myl Amer
lecan frliendh(. Ie would scarcely under
stand1( it. I led him11 gently to th~e plala
tial bantk premises50 lato whichl I hur
riedly caust my weekly wvage for fear I
shiould~ loso it ont the way homo1 and
poinlted{ oumt to him (lowering my v'olco
discreetly, ais becomes the supplliant in
the temle) ofl0 wVealth). -
"Note that youn~g m11an," 1 said. "lIe
is atdding upI three columnts of figuires.
There are guineas, tlugs that won't
fraternize with half crowns or four
shilling plieces or heorna or half sover
eign~s or sovereignts, but y'ou will por
ceive that tis young man11 is taking
thenm iln his stride. Now, whlat about
hist 11nusces?"
"I should1( ('1cclde'," said 1130 Amleri
canl guest thoughtfully, "tihat a young
man who can~ put 12 guineats togethler
and( mal~ko 'emlf dlollars cani do any
"'The guinea," I explained as we
went out into Piccadilly, "is tihe sourceO
of England's greatness." And the
Ameriean guest remained thloughtfuL.
--London Chronicle. ,....
TIol,nco Smoke.
lTho ('omfpositionl of tobacco smok4
is comiplex. Analysis gives nticotineO,
1pyrcIle bases0, formic aldehyde, atmmo
111a, mlethlyi llmin, pyrrol, sulp~hurlettedi
hydrogen, prussic acid, butyric acid,
carbonic acid1, oxide of carbon, thle
steam~l of water, art etherized em
pyreumatftie oil, and talrry or resin
Ouls pr'oducts, amlong whichl we de
tect smuall (ilanmtitles of phelnol. Of
all the prothlets of tobacco tho most
Venmous are nilcotitne, p~yridie and
methylami~n hases, prutssic acid, 5111.
Phturetted hydrogen, oxide of carbon
and emtpyreumlatle oil, and acli thlat We
draw luto ouri~ lungs with more or less
natlsfaction,1arpor's Weekly.
noesa luxuri growh h
NIover Walls to Rlestoro Gra
of trouble to contelid with, Apring frem
at torp( idvZ'r and blocka led bowels,
tun 0 n youtgawaken them to their pr*
r etri awith Dr'. 1(t3g'5 Now Tifo
Pilu t'o f pli*a~t .hdmat effective
AppOndicilis an<1( tone l~tl ~t)~
25o at 1Piekens Drug Oo, em
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea
In use for over 80 years, has borno the signatnre of
and has been made under his per
- sonal supervision since its Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Qounterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
. What is CASTORIA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
COatoin sneither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
nihbstane.. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
"allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoa and Wind
Voli. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures -Constipation
and Flatutency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Childreu's Panacea-The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You llave Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Owing to the change in the man
agement of the Earle Drug Co. and
consequently closing ol same for
the present,
Dr. F. H. Newton,
will stop at the Pickens inn one
day only;
Friday July 20th.
Everybody kindly take notice of change.
I will have a p~rivate room at the Pickens Inn equipped
for a thorough examination of the eyes.
Examinations madec withouit charge.
.Prices as Low as $11003
Bnidge Notice.CA * O M
We will relet to the lowest lOesp n
sible bidder at 10 o'clock a. m. Aug- FoIfatanChlrn
nst 3d, 1906, the removal of Co'c andThKidYuavAwysBgt
Farr bridlges on Saluda River and
building eoeibridge above Farr M*ill,Berth
using material in' above bridges. Sgaueo
Specifications and plans made
known on day Of Jetting. et eriywe o eln el
Also on the same date the building ikogtrvnhmefangtsvel
of road from of butment bridge to Tesoieioc vivrems
public road will be0 let.haertthsaeayorftor(y5
Supervisor P'ickens Co.getwhtyuetadivstare.
J. W. WALKER, Pt tbc ncniinaan o
c nan'tfe odwth adhlderent.
Suprvior renvile o.The Kid oldb Ha enwas Drughto.
If youwant o sellyour andoi Sc~nnot~ iue a Mowr aW nmal to
her lnd ortown ropery see o hatl hen otligwel l ~sto~o.A
Thetuach onc everorked, Atl
writeme an I wil sav youhoney est2~ hesamle asyrfee r Aleyes.
T.You don'tEhave to starvo totreAttyour
.- I EI'm
own t cutme tor buy Cfabrai'or im
berlad r owUprprtyse.o
nwi m tad I ie CsaE you wiolned
u will nedMIt quicly.aJJySaxT Pwnu EML ION (#~ as as
now tnnysae lfe Fo n b the t arrne the wearkne andv
okos Dru Co. nd T. N. Hu ter 1tred ste m aloetg nIi a r d v
Liberty. r m uot .In o edIna r l t
Now ivs he ot to bChmberldain's ealSeeNw ok
o li, On.oDare theedy. notn
es cetai th e nold soner and inate~ru Jr
mendcwe. Dhayspoeps ou il n- atutiedyae l oe
itlamdy ok idlnedo hoi qusipyato Alotfb at's MUL~oN Wehvte asim
ito, a aysae me. Foaranteed by dridges and cvarrythe5sl wekerywhere
Pickens Drug Co. andc T. .aHu t stre2yse5lngutlo.cnfn
ONLY I alwasyOsh want fors chiens a. am
fel ha w~yasloa e Ele- wille pand asoo anc or uorei ast.
trio othoterdo'isayraMe..*E. D. Brunson,
Tho Union uetdiog of tho Pickenis
Baptist Aseociation will meet with the
opoes Roadao Baptiet church on Sat
trday before the fifth Sunday in July
1900 at 10 n. m.
Devotional Service coliductod by 0.
E. llohinsonf.
Churches -please send delegates4.
Queries will be subinitteid to the
Union for discussion in which it is
hoped every delegate will take part.
AsK Fol. A LIUN'S FOOT-l.ASY, A Powst.
It makes walking easy. eures Cornis, illnions,
Ingrowi Naills, Swolen and Swenting feet. At
all Dru ggltts aid ihoe Stores, 2ie. lon't aecept
anicy uubstittute. Sampl Fumss. Address, Al en S.
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Theso are threo commnon ailmonts for
which Chianberlain's Pain Ralm is espec
inly valuablo. If promptly tIpplied it
will save you time, money and sufforiug
when troubled with any one of these ail.
menis. For sale by Pickens Drug Co.,
and T. N. Hun ter Liberty.
Bears tho The Kind You flavo Always Bought
In case of stomach 1and liver trouble
tho proper treatmnent is to stimulate these
organs without irritating them. O'ino
Lix.,tivo Fruit Syrup aida digestion and
atimuittem' t tho liver and bowels without
irritating 1Him(o organlis like pilla or ordi
nary enithnrtics. ItL does inot nniosento
or gripe and in mild anl plensant to tako.
For Alo by Pickena Ding Co., and R.
F. Smith Easley.
"MW* Early Risers
The famous little i11s.
Ai anitiotllt inet, itit Ithisiheiii inist be
paid for li lntee. The fee is N).N). No card
will be iisertei ln less ticcoinimiaedi by the
above amilcouit.
Thc channy frieiis of W. (i. ciiildin hirev
aiioince him n etdcihhidwitev Ior State Semitor
from Pickens vouity, suije c to tle D lemo
(ratle primary electioc.
Alr. ml. W. iester is hereby anit otntecd &is ct
cnndlclite for the setint. fromc Piekens Coincty.
subject to the action of tlie voters in the Dcii.
ocratic prinary.
The mny frecld of lion. C. P, itobiinsoc
respectfuliy anniioice himl, as t t (nudhlcitte fcll
hlie Senitte froin this cottity, su bject to tihe nce
tion of the voters in the iciticraic p imarhiy,
The many friends of lion. B. J. johnison res
pectflilly aiinoicne'e hint t% i eniltltlle for Satte
Senator subject to the tetion of hlie volers inl
the Democratic priiary elec'tion.
lioi. C. Hi. Carpenter is hereby actnnountce'd ccs
a tcacudilate for reeleetion ia.." Stite Senator
from Pickens counti sjliject to the nticion of
tle voters fin the Democratic.
The many friends of Ilon. Ltbin anuldi here.
by Alinouice ilmc a enndidiite for re-election
to tie liouise of Represenitatlves for l'iekens
countity, sucbject to the fcetion of tle democratle
voters ait the appronehing iritacry electiont.
We hereby nominte lioni. Jairnes Pj. Carey ats
at anididate for the H~ouse of Representative
from this county. Knowing hi to be ca hcman
well fitted In every wiy to represent the people
we feel that his election will reflecet honor up11on0
our couity. lie will abilde the restil (if the Fri
mary eletoion
MA~tv iFiiuus.
Th'ie mniy frienids of Fred Wi illimns annioui1ccc0
imc as a cinndidel fcst or IIcuse' cof itepcresiecta-i
tives tsubject to thce IDemccrcctic prlimcary elec
I annoinnie myself as aicccc Indhinte focr the
ilouse of Repcresectl iveci subje ic t' to thte cnetioni
(If the voters in pcrimnary eIlcin
J. ASH ilLOI liivos
Thie muaciy frietics ciof W. LI. Mcorgai:t rce(eet
iucly cnouniice himc cc ccnicc atce forc lice liuset
of Ilcepresen tatlives sicicjtet tic lice ncll ic ofi hie
voters in lice lDemrocrattie i>rlmary elect ion.
Th'ie inn y friends oft 1I. I) Gaitii incke piens-ci
uire int cannoucinlcg himtascc enidalccte for the
0ilii'e of C ounity Tirensiurer, tibiijcct to tice result
cit thce I cemoc rcctIc prn niirv.
Thel frleitnds or 0. S. Stewaurt nerebcy canntocincee
himc a ennidalcte fo Olice cit Coutyl Treasurr
Pilckecns County, subjicect to the aetoon (If Deco.
oerctt vot eras cprimcary election.
A t lice socllciitn of iniany frinds I hereby
adcocnnee myself ci ccccditdates for reelection to1
the oilice oif Tr'easurenr of of I'iekens ('octnty,
subljeet to lice cnetioni of lice voters inc the pri.
macry electiont- ii. Wytag
T'ile friends c of .htm ces Pic kenis iFreeani re
peefuillIy ccnnliouniceii hcn ccs cc eccn dnte focr thie
01cu0e of Tlransutre r cf i ckencs counit, iilbject
to thce iceIIin cif thle Demcceratie parity lice piri
ciaccy election.
Th'ie frienids oif W. .\. Chirisitcchher is hereby ccc
ncce lis hc iin for Ithe oliih'e ocf A udclitor cit l'lcek
etns county, sut hje(t .to the ccetuin ccf thle vo(terFs
ic the pcri inacry eetionc,
The cmaniiy frietncis of .hmaice' A. I findricks
hierebcy annciountce himc cc ('cnnlict focr countcy
A cccitlor of P'iekensc cotcccy subijecti to the ne(tloti
of lice De-,.noc'rat ic prhnaicry ('lect iccn.
'Thie manyli frkiinds oft . 'c. 0O'l el hc rebcy lin
ticuc'e hcicc a enndiliiidte for lice icilice ofi .rnj.
10r for l 'IckeniN coun iity. subjcl tc- hIe cieticic oi
lice voters Iic the lDeniiccrcntIc prlimacryelcilon,
U CA 't ION,
I hecrceby canncoctcnce cccyself a' cc ciccilicicctc forc
re-clelcioc toc the ccthec- of t 'cuciccy Sciliiltc'iiet
cif I-:dticni Iccn of l'iekei ci 4 ccintlv, suhi~ject tci the
nceltin of lice voters ocf tihe cdetiilcrcitic pimaicry
At lice icicitiltion oif cicaiy vccters I hereby
cccnnocunlce mi scelf ic a nicciici te fcor reelectioni to
the octhee cil 'robtcce Judicge ccf P iekencs (ciii iy
cubjcect tc lice rc ulos gove-rn Ing th iiplri ciry' elec
-1. it Ni:wntc-:ny.
Th'le many frienidic of .Joi.f ii. 31i i,i,i.;it here
by3 canntouce imc c cs a'ctc endilcte lior thei cciice
ccf Suplet visor of i'Ic'keic Counctiy, ciijeet to lihe
anteti of the votiersi ii thie Deticoerall pcirimacciry
Malcj. G. M1. Lych cis hereby ccoiinilcntedi focr
.ce-elctin to holice o if Sic crv'isor of ick
enis 4,cunity, subject tco the rescult of lice iDemoi
Clratie pirhniary
E. I'. Le(opcer ii erebiy annitonnied ('ciis cc cnncc I
date for t he culicec Suiperviscor cofI u 'ies cout y
Hlibjectl to lice ntio luticf thIc voters ini lic I ('ao
cric plrimary ) elcin.
AtI thusolicciationc oif friecnds iherebiy an-i
tiotitlie my3sel f ia c'cncdidacte fccr Coun lty, Scuiec vi
iccr ucbject to the voteors linIDemocetaic pr marycI)
electioni. A. II.'~lv
WA. WA. A Iken Is herebyl anncun tcecd ax n ccitt
lldate for (coun ty Sup Ietvisor sucb eet to the
voteri cit the Demtioercilic pairty li pitucary
Th'ie mccay frinds cif Wiillianm Iillic respcectlcly
unnocunce him cn ecnni ddnc for lthe oillecti of
Joty Cionmmmcisicner of P'ickensc coticty subl
eet to lice aeticn (f the l)emnocriatic voters itc lice
rlcmary electionc.
M~lr. Jlohn PI. Silth is hcetruiy noinatted a
'nnidcate for re-elctlionx to lice otlice cif county
'ommccissoner, iccbject to the resulit of the
irimiary cielcti.
Th'ie macny'friendst of (1. Wc. liowen resupectful
y anunounice hum asc a enncdiate for the oile of
;outnty Comicclssiocner of Pcickensc cunty 11ub-)
eel to lice neloio of lice votersc In tne primary
8. A . McAlIsler is hereby acnnountced as a eacn.
ildate for Countly Vomcmissioncer tibjeot to the
cetion of lice Democractie voters icn primacry
A t the earlnest scolicilationi of inany friends, I
hereby nunccce lI n yself a enicldate for Malcgls
rate itt Pickens Trownsthip, ictibject t lice resuit
f the Demoeratic primary,
. W. (I. lcA~fiE'rr,
At lice earnest solicitationi of c'vany frimcida t
igancn offer for Migxlrte for P'ickencs townshilp
cubject to the netiocn (if lice pcrimary eectionc.
Jolc I'. ilAnna~c.
The friends of (3. C. Ilowiandi hereby act
louince him as ia ennidcate for rOee incto to,
lie ofiche of Magistrate cit Cenitral, lchc ajct to
ice actiont of tlDe voters in the0 pIria e ction.
A. ''K.Park, Greenville,
S. C.-Dry Goods, No.
-tions and Shoes
W are now showing the Igest and *
most stylish, up to (lato Ptook of new
Spring Good that we have over shown.
S Tine anu oney waR spnt in soleet
Sing this stolk, and wo do not hesitato to
0 state that vo will give the best-Vaines
for tle same uonoy that cai ho had any
where. WhLa you trado at P'ark's storo,
0 you protecet your pookct-book. That is
w"hy our eitomers stick to us. We
pledge you the best of store sorvice, and
our goods must be what wo say they are
or your money givell blaiok. Our show.
ing of wool dress goods is fino-Greys
* aro very popular also Silks, Mohair,
0 Cashiinors and Serges-from cheap to
fine goods. Our Black goods are al
wI.ys full we dare not let them run down.
Our White goods, M --
are so comipl-to that
thei. Our prices on
6 ceonts to 50 cots.
derwear departout
valites we ever lond.
Ladies vests, 5,. 10. 15 and 25 cents.
-Mcui's vests, 25 & 50 ets, can't he beat. 0
.See our Men's 50 ets shirts and you
will buy.
Mons and Ladies Oxfords to suit your #
Salosmon, Mr. Thomas Ligon and Mr.
Henry MoKinney.
$ A. K. Park.
# West End, Greenville, S. C.
Now is a good time when there are so many Sales goi
in our City, to find out how reasonable we have always
selling our merchandise and for how less you can buy our
goods now than the advertised prices of our cornpetitors.
We have still in our always superb stock, some very hand
sone two and three piece suits which we are selling at remark
ably low prices considering the quality.
L. ROTHSCHILD, Greenville, S. C.
I keep the best extract on the market and have all flavors.
Get your flavors here for your ice creams and cakes and you
will have no cause for comiplaint.
Luziannee coffee, already ground, in one pound tins can't
be beat at the price, 25c the pound and money back if not
Fresh full cream chese--in my ice box-home raised and
good, at 20c the pound.
Ice cold drinks of all kiinds. Best line of Fancy Gro
ceries in town. Your patronage solicited and satisfaction
Try a sack of Copyright flour-pure and wholesome.
This week it is Laundry soap and washing powders.
Cleanliness is next to godliness
J. McD. Bruce,
CAPITAL , - - - - $20,500.00
PROFITS - - - - - 1 8,ooo.oo
DEPOSITS - - - - - 140,ooo.oo
5: 5Per Cent Interest P'aid On Deposits-:
J. F. Banister, B. A. Hagoodi, W. M. Hagoodi,
J. M. Stewart, J. E. B3oggs, J. McID. Bruce.
'T. N. IHunter, H. 4. Richey, J. P. Carey,
70 acres of land near Mar[ietta, S. C.,
on Pumpkiotown road. $10 1)or acre. 4
120 acres near Travelers Rest,
joining lands of Mr. TPhos. Ounningham. Part of thme B~utler
Watson old homo. $15 por acre.
ilso small tracts of land, 20 to 50 acres.
Ve have also some very dlesiraiblo lots niear city limits. These lots are
along the car line-$0 each.
Greenville, S. C.
[here are Pictu'~
. -For a photograpi' tat is trute in every
sense, just as the camera sees you, every
feature sharp and clear, every detail shown
is what I give.
Only the best material that is used will
/ be found in my work. My many satisfied
patrons, their repeated orders, is an attest
>f my good work. I do framing and enlarging.
N. D. TAYLOR, Easley, S. C.

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