OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, August 01, 1906, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1906-08-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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ac,, 7r L ier and'
Chfo nic Constipation.'
Pleasant to talo
1oW It W1ou1111 110it the 5lMIn 4fn
Ily 81114 Little Mon91e.l.
A faililly, With a iiitlkSt ikoisI' SiIr'
rounded by ait a'eve of gxni soit, evell
where the work has to lbe, IeieIdllv~1
by n illbers of the fam ilty wih ao ore oc
cupied duing the li hiour: of t he
day it varotis occupti'n vill ])ro
duce ulimat ev;'rything led in tihe
famnily. Anl acre of grouniil thtmrouaglly
well cultliid, witht a little (' ich ickel
yard as 2n adjunct, wilt redutice Ia a
Very innteiri way the ex(elsOis 01' tile
Of c(orse nere lots are inpos.ibile inl
Side of tLe city liinits or even verv
Close Po the eily lhiits. h'ie pers
seeking so large a lot inlust go to II
consilderable dist a croin t!he bI
ness centor. but the xteniol of elee
riv lines enlables evei working pei tole
to live at a conliderabli distanto froini
their place of eniployment. A nui
who earis !$2.50 to twice that muin ia
day and whow tiaIs a fainilly conlsist Ing of
a ninooiher of children often inds sonie
dillicility inl brilngilig them tilt I nIl'oi-Ily
andl giving theil tle kil of 'Il ela
tIon 1he woul wih. tuih a in
tit'ii xii itl, . &h. lug wl lit I iv '()I.S
Inent ats thi3 saving" Itto syO
inonith an lhhgeg ii12kinds
Of Vegealible a11is well i 0miderablo
of the fruit that gs to xna!k.e up the
dlaily rationt otf each nlinh01er of the
faitly, will tiuke h-is strIgy le lin life
unch ligite'. A iinanx who has such a
Ostake i tihe CoIIIttry will be In every
wiay i bettir citiv'ni thain the one 'who
Spends his week's ('a rnilgs 11 so1n i
they coin( Into his 1111d, If not it week
beflore they ar11e earnedo.
processesg iln driawilng out wlatteve'r ol
ability a 11ian Possesses. loere lies th
Ildv:tatxtge to tle eoiIniuiIty -one sux
pertor to nll ecollointel gatbix---of the silth
Urbii aiero lot for the lxonie (o' tle. ci'S
walge earner. Theli cultivaltionl (ql'i.h.,
nere titernatiittoix with hit, thlr em
Ployienit will bring1 1 hijrn Inte'llf-cin1:i
anld spiL fua1111 l i n Irgenltenlt, while1( it
Up his fai nily'.---. ax, wllfN 1 I .isznamin.
Ante, 1oti and T'inyern'r e seeru to
lsn11, No in1t ir nsa w. m mizo.
Thie Salvelinus foitiihisi, wv'hiehx Is
cirrently but ocurately called brook
trout, wasi supplosed for 11na1y yetars
to ho u sniail1 isIh. Agatisz w:1s
largely ilstrioiiautalI In exploding tis
filley. It Is i1ot ix c11onuo thing
for ni) lingletr with ordiiaiiry luck to
get a sIx or tiuvexi pound trout of tihis
V'Irhty. It Is known that 11 tr-ouat may
grow to weigh Olevent or twelvo pouuds.
There is, however, great dillicul11ty inl
accounting for its v'atriitionx in' size.
lin northeastern niint thereli ar
lar'ge strens and ktes ln whiih onxly
lingerlings have ver been faini. li
the liinnted iaito vIalnity o~(f such waxters'
three andi t'our poti troutt ire ttiite
coliuimon un d sovent ad teight ponnli~t ers
tersa cirusta '''n doI rotl aboial; tiere are
nto smaitll tish ol' any13 kind lexet sinuall
tr'out All tie ish on areipur Ily tfe(Iders
A t sielt place'~s, it Is trut, xt:og xabond,
lod suly'm its no'llt' ant adint'i iuex
jdhx ationx f'or the di ffeence ini gr'owthl.
Tlher'e Is no substritxtiatl dIff'erene in
the waxters its to to'ili'nrture, HizeA,
are'( flt. tao. 'lThe anni tr'out I taken
re--t'vrgin lakes it wvheh thieret arel no0
flish have soxinetimies grownx to at greait
and1( someLtltie have't not thriv~en. Theli
axngler's whox hiaunt thiese wters t'' live't
not ymmt founid ai ! Satintory e'xi hn
tioni of thtis tteenharxi consliti 111 tatIhin':.
It is onio of thme ayister'ies wh~ji teinds
faxsciti on to the art. "YOiou e'vr ca
tell whiat lis goingr to happleni wvheni yotu
Mo fishing"-St. Paxul Dlspixth.
Liunn~ 1wo(ran or shmoit t
Wltht slu~til wo pr'efer 1: 1'eec andix
wiltinxg? Alitnost teerybody1 will vote
f'or thle shior't 'ord. :0i li]htnIxost t'very-~
bodly wiltl be v'oting for the best enni
dida11te. Th'i shoti w'oirds arxe usuatlty
lhe stront:g woirds. Tihiey inake upi lai
ate al live('liness wttnxt (1hey lack in
3ys the' .Ianich ester 1' nhou. And11
xto r'eadlily Iia the eyes of meni
.tve thiouighits tht they03 wish to
in other minds(1. A .man who
tlii atIion! ('(laliigr'atiton! (on.
v~oiuld 1)0 though t to be ma11kIng xx
ors't wher'o ideats arie to beo hiaxnded out
qiclyv and ('learly-thxe short wox'd
hasg first cholce.
Coehflghtinug lAong- tihe Gr'eek,
Tho sport of cockfllit ingt 5l'ensi to
have origInated with Th'eainiistiteles oe
Greece. When'i heo wasi leiitg.ig aai rtt'it
pgainst the Perisians he notedl twoV
cocksi ja de(s'peratto battle. T1( sim
la~te 'tho courxag(e 01' hIs soldiers lhe
J 0lited out theo brxaver'y of bir'ds, anti
a irvitig won his baxttle wIth the Per
~elan Ip ,ordered that 1an annuxtal ('ock
flgl *tould ho hteld to rn'loebratt hits
MitIn E~nglanmd the rec(ordls show
)th~$ t h rst cockflghxt took 111aeo itn
Whpt le Menn it.
O A&rget tovisit the liystery
1* you are ini Eturope."
he, thant's tat oneo of the Ger'
t's In Blorne, Switzerltand(. I re-*
tilb itetrntioniI sausaigo exxhi
4~.I)Cheland Plai Daher'.
p tdbroko hislbo.Sml
Yokllve Alwa Bougl
axative Fruit Syrup
is IDi'tr Cominy aiid Dr. R. F. Smit]
To have a happy home
you should have children.
'They are great happy-home
makers. If a wcak woman,
you can be made strong
enough to bear healthy chil
dren, with little pain or dis
comfort to yourself,by taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain, reduxC
niltiaua tion, turo leurrhea,
(white.), faling wombll , ovarianill
trolel , di.wide'red mnelist's, back
ache. henaitlhe, etc., and make
chldti 1 r ~r. ~rl an~d easy. Tryilt.
At all 0 i1'rs in medicines, ih
M$1.A otls.
is my hihy girl, now two weeks
old,'' writes Ml Is. J. I'i~ ,of WelI,
stor ('-(%y, Itpwa. "-sh. Is -1 11ne.
mlth'y beie andl \' arce leth loing
ity. I aoln i llI taking arui
- ad wcuvld lt e withlt it in
' tilt. 11001111.91
for chairout safe. asurce jo oolatea
A St. teen11th cetntury Wgver That
1iitpiti He 'olemy.
'Th1e sto-y Is tohl iII .o0bert', 'Pop
i-hed tt liverdileax, F'rNiaie, in 1IIt,
that one olonelle, a jester Itt (lit) court
ol' Ohe Duke of V"errara, 1insist4ed once
upon a (1 tue th11t the tratde whieh Imd
Iho miao4t t'ollowers wils thit of' doctor.
Too provf- his sat'i' 1ht left his h1o1ne
hirtce moriuinhig to) g') to the palIw with
1is nightrap oil ind 111i jaws wrapped
up. The first person he in1et stopld
hiii with the 4jiuvstion, "What Is the
nintteri w iih y3 ,(;. l ? "Ak terrilblo f
to Ohaie ll ..." ".(tih)), , I itat al? I'll tell i
youl what i l I ltr It." A\ndl ever vp - f
Son lle tinet l:tld -.cIIw! ilviLet to) give
ihiu I
WhnOwJstrrah~ the dulke'sI
b:inht alni cinestion and an
prinue, "it know t' l'(netheingi tat w'ill
intci thle jeain riit a2way3." (;on~ielle
instiantly' lthewl up l kcerehiet', saying:
"Andu, tooi1l Ie, n~tos ieu. nire ai dOe
t or ? I imivo only ptissed t hroughl on1e
streeett 1in tominlg fromi 12ny 1101use tOYO
am~il ive eiited~'i ilnere than 2(i0 of
thienii. I helb'vii't, ould ((21 n 1 0,(1 00) in
tla ely. \'threr the story la truel or
it'ulse, 1 i rmhI hie tol cgalin in ourn
da ys, and ot nelle inl w 2 in is wa24112ger
T1WENi'TY YI-A I lt\TT1'it
"I wats a2 loser ini at twuniy yar balttle)
withI chri 211 ilmO~ and imligimnit Mt)res,
22nti1l itied lliecklon's Arien e Salvo;
wh i/ch f~2V' in n iteote do bycuin bIO h,
I rac of i armvi iile, Va.t ices for oni'd
2t .2 k1:., tie';-,iCo.
11 i alw~ ellt havi a box of ia'tlve
in the~' h's Sanhu,e~c* ts brires,
n sA hWiomyinl't Dactk Wtc
li (iolst Salf Sholdgo kn~ei alibox ontI
hanru at alI i l ieug to provide r emncr..
gencis. Fo yeas theaItgi'eii ie slandar, ut~
folloed by lluiny i mtlihel i'tri U 01'r
elon it ioi telsniyn ll it'sweu \Vic'h
If a iy uaS l'al e. al t iiby ' cit le ;ilrnt o.
l~iist~ijel u Ic. e enp i'''tie oveur faorty
lciias many ce s ie a is, etstmtt -
wea' kcnessii eiuiand alin, oi'~r theriplaie
d a rkli~,tt2i~ spos lo i 'i before i JIn. tyes, ti'
ligcltnftuuin elin. stnitehtdaagin arN
le r 1inter w in lc al'i intil or p l
d ras,c~i fa i sple'le) I w ~iilii('igtj ifc itl I __
\'itc. tf ili tnit'erali unhool of lieaiav
itha'itdc~tei cl giv1012elo reif -or mor pe F
n inen l ed than 222 )r.2i~ ieree'sl Favoite a
Prevciy ion. a t.may a~e irieic tf ovier fory
yearsl (f enri s, 2 'cit. ~ is elt. e l most otecnt, -
vo uk nciwni to meitnl i ict. is made11l~4
for thi gll ri tact fat ieedici-r~_
COl rooItsO foea tinoul forest andui con.t
tansco a ittl ofamblore cl thmfu.l, or
witorin rug . lighIth igredianoateN
tt - an st i acr >t, of -re and t- 23
liver irah't tyorlroleuteori aito tI'r
tort Prescr of ipti'2 ou has ithe wittenou
Ic ro~v 'lith uo~at inen t.hs medial
hy(~ ~ire vera soolys o, e
iribuaillted utarilynr hqaving be te -
;gloa anher to oed th o tndreents
givedy ay.thrmdeneotn o
Clean sejthe system
thorotghly and clears.
Sallow cbhiplexions of
pimples and blotchese
It Is guaranteed
Women as Well as Met
Are Ma4e Miserabld by
- Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, di.
,ourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vig<
and cheerfulness soo
disappoer wheti the ki<
ncy are out of ord<
or diccaed.
.-Kidn6y trouble hn
become so prevale:
that it is not uncomrnac
for a chil I to be bor
afflicted with weak hi
ncys-. If the child urit
- ates too often, if ti
urine ncalds the flesh or if. whcn the cil
t-eaches an ago when it should be able I
control the passago, it is yet afflicted wit
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cau::e <
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and t:ie fir
stop should be toward3 the treatment <
these important organs. This unplcas;:
tiouble is due to a di::ca-ed condition cf t!
hidneys and bladder and riot to a habit c
mo:;t peoplc suppose.
Womnen as well as man are made mi,
cable with kidney and bladder troubl
and both need the same great remed3
The mild aid the immeinto effect <
amp ot i.;son re:li:.cd. It is so!
by druggi ts, in fiiv- . '^ t
cent and one dollar:
si.c. You may have a 6'vtz
:ar:.ple bottlc by mail '
l. al-o pamphlet tell- romo of Sv~'amp-noot
:ng all nkjaut it. including many of th
of te:til.rinial letters receive
.on ::1fiercr. cured. In v/riting Dr. Kilme
Co.. Di:ghamton. N. Y., be surs an
irimntion this paper.
Don't rnak. amy mistake, but rememb
ue i-:ne, S.:on-Root, Dr. Kilmer
Swimp-Root, and the address Binghamtor
N. Y on evarv bottle
When youl wnnut pleasant laxattiv,
ih 1 t il easy to tAko and certnin tomet, ne
( hatbiIerlin's Stomnoiuh and Liver tal
letm. For Rnle by Pickeois Drug Co. all
1'. N. Ilinnter Liberty.
cItarleitoti, south (n rolitin.
t-: triltie exitin aillittions will be heldl In til
4u tlity Coil rt lionse on Prtdity,.11 ily (1, it 41 n. 11
lit' -'ree 'Tt oit Scholrsi9 to eatch couinty I
;oii 'uarollut itwirded by- the Count,y Sitj
)r ti; i int iot and .1 tige if I 'roate. 1loari an
r nitshei' room ilt Dormitory. l I it 11 onth. A
-aid liintes for ittinision are ierlitel to Voi
e.t- for vin ntit toyee sitiolirahips whi leh i
In0 it yenr. Ieor vintaogi I iie oi wilt toni Itin nre
liarrisot R tiiolph, iesientent.
Every person shoule know that goo
ialth is impossible if the kidney or
laranged. Foley's Kibney Cur will cur
atuey and biridder disease in ever
(orm, and will bnild up and strongthei
Itoan organs so they will perform thei
i1nidtiotia pioderly. No dingen o
'right's dae or diabotes in Foley'
tidney Cure is taken in time. Pickei
)rtg Co.
Chimil dren Iliko Kenne~dy'st Liixativo THon
-ough 53yIup) to lake, because it cotnin
10 Opiatest. Sold by Picketns Druig Co.
At len'x fooit- -Einse, al powdter, 12u rea T ired, A ct
1naSwent ting. Swioll leet. Xiamplet sentI .It a.. I
iiN Stinu iet if ti'or-.:ANK S.a N lr.Uy Ian iix1i,
l i i ovI litIll. Aidress. A Ilien 8. 02Olsted, I.
lo', N V
Bears the h Kn You Have Aiwa s Boug
esueto he0 property equliip.t-~obtain the STEV.
I 4iN ane yuL c'Axor eo wiioNG. we mak te
RIFLES .. . from $2.25 to $150.00
PIoLS ...from 2.50 to 50.00
SHOTGUNS .. from 7.50 to 35.00
As ou ealer an. iInsit Seiid f-n 14lo-pae itlus
oni ou Iopla itak I ~1f iratedt catalog, if inter.
youcanntotaliiweshtp Icsteil tn SilooTING, yot
dirc, c ari,gr charges r ouigtltohave it. iiafaedJ
j re'rd, upon receipt oft for four cents In stamips to
catalog price. Icover postage.
Our attractive three-cotor Aluimlinrn Hanger wtll be
senlt any where flor Io cenilts i tamps.
'9P P. 0. lbs 4096
Ohicopeo Falls, Mass., U. S. A.
WANTEl!--500 cords of dlry pingy
')od at 01nco. We have for silto plent
tottotn Heed mea0.l and hulls at raeson
let prices. Pickens Oil Mill Co~
D)oes evil still, your whole life fill?
D~oes woo botide?
Your thoughts abido en suicide?
Youv need a pill!
1w for proso and3( facts-DeIhWilt's litle
rly Riners are the most plensant ani
able1 pilla Iknown today. TIheir novo
p)o: Sold by Pickens Drug Co.
or YU NG LADi ES, Roanok~ Vm.
Opni ept. 25.1906.. Onioo f the leaing hoots
r onnj LaPin. the south . New bulktlng
atnos ain eqth.pment. ('amnpls ten acres. orand
i c sto nry In Valloy of Virginta, famed
ito an Eoc ton. r feta. Wtesoy
tidenta fromi 30 states. For cataloguoe addM
F. D). No. 5 EASLEYV, S.0,.
all the germs and
spots In the bod)
Nature's way. Pt
most powerful o
time regulates th
Up the entire sys
that cures rheum
other remedies
Percelle, of Salen
dreds of dollars fc
by half a dozen
2120 Ramsay str
man." Mrs. S. A.
It cleansed her bl
After Noted Doctors F
d Hero iq -1 case cured by mI
CIDi after noted New You
ists had failed. Mr. W. R.
writes from A tkins. Va.:
"Four bottles of 1<11EU
have entirely cured me of
standing case of rheumCu111ant
retl tnrIovcd myIIIr~
cs.a toa vin
matisn for twentyyears. I s
cral weeks and nch iumoil
svecialists in New York. btit
MACIDE is the oniy cure
found. When I began to
weighed 140 Vouinds. Now I
oounds. my normal weight.
"W It. 11UU
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bpd breath
general debility, sour risings, and catarr
of the stomach are all due to indigestior
Kodol cures indigestion. This new discos
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach
combined with the greatest known toni
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsla Cure does not only cure indigestlo
and dyspepsia, but this famous remed
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing
purifying, sweetening and strengthenini
the mucous membranes lining the stomacha
Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va., iaya:
I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years
Kodol cured me and we are now using it In mit
f or baby. "
Kodol Digests What You Rat.
Bottles only. $1.00 Size holding 2% times the tria
size, which selis for 50 ceNts.
Prepared by K. 0. DeWirT 800.. OHIOAGO
Sold by Pickens Drug Co
~~ Cl~ea a 1 es e~ iloair.
-_ Hail to at t u Clr. ra
Job work of c
donehere with
Railroad anc
Letterp and Note
and Statemen
and at reasc
Give wii
Senti nel=Journa
A Sure CL
Glalls, Bruises, Contracted Mt
Frosted Foet, Burns, Sc aids, eo
rnadon, and drives out Pain.
promotes a free ciroulation <
-natural elasticity,
Tenn.. writes: " I havn
flot Springs, Ar. for a
etmore relief from B
an any medicine or an'
InotsedSnapostoffee o
large bottle by Southern
Ballard Snw
DE goes right to the seat cif the disease, s
poisons out of the blood, Wleans up all the p
r and sets all the organs to work again in
arely vegetable, non-alcoholic, it is yet the
F cleansing medlcinis, and at the sarno
e liver, tones up the stomach and builds
tem. RHEUM ACID is the only remedy
atism to stay cured.
NE has cured thousands of cases after all
ind famous doctors had failed. Austin
i, Va., spent $200 In medicines and hun
r physicians' fees, and at last he was cured
bottles of Rheumacide. 0. Dietrich, of
set, Baltimore, says it has "made him a no
Combes, 114 S. Gilmor street, Baltimore, sa
ood, took away her pains, and made her "fe
like a new woman." Your drugg
ailed. and recommends Rheuma'cide.
1ACIDR Sample bottle and booklet frE
sill anfor postage to
ad rheui
I trwilts w
!Y Bobbitt Che mical Compa
I have
H ET S.i E(
.I ( ITOR: }) z-e say S yoUlr rev a Ip r a -8 0d r
ComlIplee line of lel'in. f- goods whicAl I hav
Nc, at the, price. whie I -mIll (uaoliwg I con:
carry a lit It le f "aniythiig al v thing," and.an
SEA(R nd 1I A V Y KNIT Si iRTws; ale, a good I
From now until Christmis we invite( tiie ladi<
Will Imako t he siame off i a tIe .boy o to th
-lTruiks, V ass, tst' Fuirr hings, te. The n1i<
Flour, salt and barbed -.i- by tho car load t<
A complete lno of* the good kind of' firinttuir
Tron King stoves and Chaltantougm Plows-two vory
the best of their kipd on tho i:Irkot. Chiinawaro,
wears well.
A full line of Undortakers' goods an d( a nice I
Your intron e olicited anid you will be tri
P. 8.-All pecrsons owing hie es~tt-l of W. TI.
a sena ly as possi ble.
C)R K -
very dcr3'lipItion
reatness an d dis
Are you maji
--- ---- makiung all you e
I Ciomm ercal a E ou. Wmld
yo0 e1 Cal) a l
L[eads, Bill Hi eadlsse
ts, dlone neatly .
niable piiVGcs. '
ICO., PIlC K E N , S. C. - L. P. Smith. T.
ovor to a
for Rheumatism, Cuts,." ij
~ prains, Wounds, Old
ores, Corns, Buionls,
soles, Lame B~ack, Stiff Jointar Et UR
itops Irritation, subduos Jaflam- ~ ( i1U44If
as,. Ioodons the Fibrous Tissuos, V UNICRE
t the Blood, giving the Muscles K.K ,
500 CraIg St., Knoxville, )iOI
been trying the baths of
siatio rheumatism, but IlnCet(
allard'e Snlow Liniment
rthing I hav ever tried. ~ lt ~o~
i-der or $1.00. 8end me
I~Zpr.ee lwesh
Liniment Co.a contw i
ist sells
,, Rheumatism,
e if you send five onts Sciatica,
Rheumatic Gout.
Lumbar >.
[lyV Proprietors, Baltimore. Coip~tronble
Liveir Diseases,
La Orippe,
DAY Contagious
r Olood Poison,
13 LL TCDAVAll Blood
yN frivnilds haJlt 11111 "Atill ait tla . Old Stand," with a
thei inpect ionl Rild Sale at verIy closo figures In
iler tl good1s aro"Raro lhirgi. Tell them that I
hllin g a t. a C lo se 6 g r fi .
W o hve them also, SU~I IT. PN ,U D R
ine of OVERS3IAOE8S.
)s to call and we will t.ake them close pricus on A
men folks on Clothing, Shno, Hate, Underclot.hing,
(St ino these god s we 1. ave vor carried.
go tit, prices thiat d6fy (omlnpo(tit.ioni.
and nico matting, Cpiletilg and r-u gs. Agnu t ip.
iccesnary things in overy well regulated tamily and
4ussware, Agateware, Tinware and other waro that
a. Guy McFall
M~c["all will pleaso come forward and make settlemenit
he Land of B!IG CROPS
ng as much oif you oni as you oughat? No d1onhlt you aire
n. Theli tro on hi tito 11arat coats too flu'II. R takes8 to mmiie
ag farm, andi no you aire tryinag to inak o a livinig on a smflall farm,
ro rentang one n11(l paiyinig a good l are of what, yott ranis, ilj
it beI better to go) where t hie I rice of good land in no little that
farm i. ---where every awre of the groundl is wori iig fo- yo
i.la mivmg you1 gool profiibe
(hulltiis ofI 11eres of ICeitl innti( ina 8''ulavest along [hi, I15o of
lIouthe tha.:t, c*anl hei 1~n foiy h- frona 83 to $10( ano acre. This
inl vainchtii1 yearI.
th-e Southwest at Smnall Cost
Soulthwv~ent wvouId com'~ain.r yon Ilmat your besnt itorest. lay ill
ettl ing ther(ea. 'J hie trip cinn lie inad~o at very hirtl texpes -l 10
ha th li ir.'t and4 irnd Taiei-day of each lmonath you pmrchamso a
01i11(1 trip [ikl to an1y point in the0 Soutliwnt on v'ia of the
-ot t n li 'R tout e at Very hlrait es. Stop)-over~ will be al -
owaei Ihr yeon to a MNaiin anly locality you arec illtorntedill.
\\ rite at OnIco for free copies of b'oks descr-il iig t hiq won-.
eafia ui I a-11ry a111d for fullI i ifortnoticoai abouit cos-t of ticetn.
P. A., Cotton Belt Route, 203 Equitable Bldgq. Atlanta, Ga.
'or Disappoint Our Patients,
Every Promise and fevor hold (Jut False Hopos,
brioturo wlthouit theo knife oe buagio and Varicocelo wit houl
sin or dfetenitiona fromn bulainess; Oontfag.aona 111ood ?olaon
eiturn, wit haorst rnorotury or mliera lmixture; Loss of Manil
VIgor l'ositive ly icred; 110 atimant btat permituen
Trbe Dr. K ing Me. ilial Co. Id nan nstitutl io orgaulized under h
loa of e state of Go rg 'a for thtot on rt and eore of l
I1orVousand14 chrotle dh er. Dr. N.I I. Ing, the fouar i
thje~ l1tituion , Ia Oi bechief consuling Rpe'ialist, beIng aslatO
by a Staf of etnInem'. physicia1nsand. sutrgeo,'a
ouir succoas In. thu tretmenrt, or ch1ront o diseases is unsurp0s
sod; we uso both medical and electrlcati agenoles.
tca. X-ray, violot, ray, and fIInsen ray;n fact, every electri t
a. conartrico known to thewmedlcal profeasson. OursaniiurlAi
traa od ando efeirmt at nclarals, reg<a ry qua ilod g tauo
undt lIconsed physicIans being ian charge.
we emtploy no mhisleaiding mca psa to scuro patiente ~i
pntronag'o-naoO. O. I).'sor unasked forlitoratearefare-sent, 0
by thils inatution. Our terats for treatmenat nyeraho from $8o
to P100 per amont h. (medIcines lanotudod) and we give te5asa
Sace of a curo within a spoolded time.
IC 19s UH RIllC DIEAE~ cu*"e alebruoenied'ae
eauch nS Ridney .dh sil Ti der troubeD, TRheumatismn,
111upture, flydroolo. Ura ns; LoalsoS, 0to and aj Privato
Nses Thro a a lg n-Ot i 0 of liyo ana Er
a. Charnailo i)iaena6o I eomen, uch as Diaplacements,
srloAMe. UnlnaturailDisachiqae 'ad such1 weaknoeses of womnen.
day regardIng your condton-Iflyou are sick or sidlIcted. - On request Wy
T0ou our lteratture, includlig symptom bliaks for homlo treatment.
EDIOAL 00, Ma ..t Atlanta, OG
tton has put lots of money in the country.
ve been robbed and killed for their money.
;e tried the
t theimoney. D~elays are dangerous. Open
them todlay andl your money will be safe.
i onl time dleposits.
HI. C. Shirley, Cashier.
open an accont with the Libe..y n..

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