OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, September 26, 1906, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067659/1906-09-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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Will Cu-e ny case
b6yod the reach of n
_iokens Drug
Farmers' Ulion
Bureaul of
. .......................... ..
-Conducted by the
South Carolina Fariners' i-Alucational and
Co-Operativo U1ilon1.
Commui Cations intonded for this depart
ent should be addressed to J. C. Stribl~Izg,
Pendleton, South Carolila.
Farmer's Union Price is 11 Cents.
If the 10 cent iniiuiim for
cotton is considered a victory for
the conservativo element of the
Cotton Association, then th e
whitewashing that Cheatham got
at the same time must be a victory
for the cotton gambhng element !
If the prices for labor, mules and
many other things that are in it
to produce cotton now are doublo
what it was when we got 5c. for
cotton, there is no more profit in
10c' cotton now than there was
back yonder when we got only 5c.
for cotton.
If you can't get profitable prices
for your cotton, what is the use of
soiling it at or below cost and
keep on climbing up a greased pole
and thei sliding down again,
busting tho bottom out of your
constitution against the hard
Farmers' Union pric, 11c-, will
give you a profit for your cotton I
10c. and below will rob you and
many others who are dependent
upon the prospArity of the farmer.
Tle strength of the Farmor's
Union is built and maintained on
our faith in one another.
If the miner should strike a rich
vein that'wouldjbring him in three
times the amount of profit for the
same outlay, has the world of
trade claimed this increase of for
tune of this miner? Well, then, how
could the speculator or trader
demand any part of the fortunate
increase in the bountiful crops of
the cotton farmer?
There is absolutely no such thing
in it those days like the supply and
demand governing the prices if the
producers of cotton prepare thom
selves to tako care of their surpluc
products as do sensible busmness
men in other occupations.
There is only one legitimate
way of making money and that is
by creating wealth by producing
something, and when the farmer
has made this money by his indus
try it is the part of wisdom on his
part to prepare himself to husband
this fortune for his own by joining
his faith with his own craftsmen'
About theo ootton Assodiaitiona Minimium
A That was a great big skip, hioli
and a jump forward and upwards
that the Cotton Association made
when it discovered the leakage :xi
Washington and jumped from 11e
to 15o. for cotton.
But they have made a h--of n
fall backwards when they tumnblod
from 15c. to 10c. for cotton, and
virtually made an attempt to
screen Richard Cheathamand his
associations with cotton gamblers.
Since the rules of the Farmers Un
ion forbids admittance in the order
of any one except farmers, some of
odr best Union men think that we
need seome sort of an organization
where the whole business fratern
ity of the South can meet with the
producers of cotton in one grand
council for the common good of
our whole interest, whose pros
perity depends upon profitable
crop, cotton.
Thjbre is no getting around the
faot ihat. the growers of cotton
shotla have the aid of most all
~tbe business occupations in the
didout to back them in their efforts
tointain profitable prices for
' otto the beginning of the sea
a~, d gt*he mutual benefit
'at ~* 6Je 0futer~est to do it,
A~etien e kin~gwe should like
neo z do "iuther4 Cotton Asso
T[he business farmer need not
~~~ gostkd W8In10hooor any-.
~qqip4~~Lq~p~ r .ttloood of
g ~ r en could ~alu
'Ct on c 4 on oud f
of Kidney or Bladder Dist
iedicine. No medicine can d
Company, Piokoes,. Parken's Phari
cottoi gambling clement, no doubt
Farmer's Union men eculd then
claim kin with thom and join in
wich them with some degree of
confidence in maintaining pro
fitable prices for cotton.
if it is true that the cotton
farmer has made a fine crop this
season this good fortuno belong to
the farmor who dug it out of tho
earth, and tho farmor can keep
this good fortuno for the use of
himself if he will only join in a
concert of action among cotton
producors to tako his cotton back
home from off the stieets ovory
timo that the price drops below 11c
If you owo bills don't dodge your
croditor but go right up to him
liko a man and, if you cannot
arrango matters with him to help
you keep your cotton off of a
glutted and dp)ressed markot, then
your last chance is to store your
cotton in a warehouse and give
your crelitor the benofit of all that
you can get oin your cotton, lie
sure to act holest anid square with
your creditors overy time and then
You cai't help from feeling comn.
fortable about it.
0 * *
When we come down to earnest
business consideration of the pri)s.
ent cotton market, it is much easier
now to raise the price from 10c. to
11c. than it was to raise it from
7C, to 10c. 1for our '04. crop. In
'04 our Farmer'is Union mem
berbhip was loss than 400 thousand.
imembers; now our membership goes
over GOO thousand and cotton
farmuors now ow loss money and
have more food crops, too.
When we take into consideration
these facts that as our menmbors
pIroduce from a fow bales each Ip
to 100. and now and tholn sonie
reach 500 to 1,000 bales, it would
appear to be a reasonabio calcula
tion to put the Union at an averago
of say 15 bales. Now, if the Union
will retire from the market an
average of only five bales oach,
this would tako i( hand throo
million hales an1(Md make it easy for
the tnjion to domand and got, pro
fitable prices for their cotto n.
* * .
The Farmner in the South who
has made a good crop of cotton
andl sells it at a profit, has added
just the amount of his profits toI
the wealth of t.he South. 1ie has
gained just the amen t of this pro..
fit to his own wealth without mak
ing anybody p)orer. These profits
thus deorived -that can only be
hadii by proflitaIble prices for cotton
-ena bles thle farmnor to pay oil' all
hiis bill s. The mierchiant and supply
m1101 get their profits, the banker
gets his interest, the fertibizer m0n
get theirI profit and the mule-ma n
exchanges his white paper monely
for legal tender and is tremendous
ly happy. Best of all, there is still
monl~eylLf to pa~y the proacheir the
(toctor' and1 the school teachers.
Look at the dIifferenco. Suppose
we all get alarmed at our own suc-.
cess in making a fine crop--the
very thing that we started out to
do in the beginnmng of the, year
-and this being the very th ig,
too, that all those creditors of' ours
wished for, and thon tho farmers
get to rushing and racing wvith oach
other to see wvho can get their cot
ton off first baforo it falls in price,
then a regular stampede ensues
and the price runs clown away bo
low cost.
Then all our creditors become
alarmed, too, and a regular pamic
Lakes place0, leaving the whole of
our interest the losers wvh'ro for.
tuini should1( hav() smiiled ubon01
every interest in the SouthI.
The wealthi crea ted by the
farmers of the South have been
squandered by unpruident market,
ing of outr money crop for many,
y'ear~s, when if the blusiness moni of:
tihe South had come to the aid of
the farmer at the right time all .4
this great loss that has gone to on-r
rich foreign interest might have e
been placedl to the credit of the gen
eral prosp~erity of the wholo Sonuth I
(100d Work in Newlberry. s
Stato Organ izer Mahaiffey of tl.e p'
3outh Carolina Farmer's Union
>rganized four Unions last week in
bree days an~t then wound up n'
vith a splendid county organ
~the time is ripe to organize the N
srmers, apd the boy8 ore driving
evn the skes right ialong.|
Dd teisk haing
ase not Bright's-Diseage
o more. or Diabetes
rincy, Liberty.
Saturday, September 29th. is tho
day. it is a very thoughtful habit
that is growing upon our people
-the setting apart of the last Satur
day in Soptoniber as a day to work
for the orphans.
On that day, unless yourself is
in need of help, devote your income
to th fatherless. Give thom the
proceods of your day's work.
Thoro are 250 orphans in the
Thornwell Orphanage, Clinton,
S C. And this is only one of our
Homes for the fatherless.
Remember what Jb said "If I
have eaten my morsel, reys.lf,
alone, and tho fatherless hath not
eaten thereot, then let mino arm
fall from my shouldor blade, and
mine arm be brokei from the
blade." Whother, therefore, the
reader of these lines be Jew or
gentile, protestant or Cathoho, let
hii give the 29th of Sept hmber to
work for the orliaiM, seindinig his
Con triblitionl to the Iustitition that
he is most interested in
W n. P. Jacobs, 'lhoriwell Or
phanage Clinton, 8. C.
The person who disturbed the cougre
gation last Stuuday by continually congh
ing is requested to buy a bottle of Foloy's
Houoy and Tar. Parkins Phanrmnacy,
Liberty, and Pickeis Drug Co.
- Apoetior Por Cattl,.
A solling cropj 1a not grown itli'ely
for tho nutrition contalind therin.
Consequently lI suminier the wIse feed
or cuts green atuY us soon as It begins
to ninke crop whenl gatherilig Is cOll
paratively easy. The mn11 wvho has cat
tie on a dry imatlru wil! do well to cut
corn aid feed, oven If (he nut rimeint In
the plant hs far below what It wIll bo
come. Tho groen stiff N au aippetizer,
much as fruit or salad is to thle human
Ilate, and assists In keepiug the di
gestiv-o tract Open, itniid In good condi
tion.-Breeder's Gazette.
. %Motture Retquiremuents.
It Is s tated by the stato experliment
station that when the straw necessary
to produce a bush'l of wheliat Is OtJ
iated at ninety poinids the water re
quireio In Coloraio to produce a hushel
of griali itiloints to )(;.2,- tois. Moro
m1oisture 1.4 retliulired to usa1turo el ops
under semlarid thaIni iudexr humild con
<litions. Ranking from lowest to highl
(at in the amiount of wvater reqiired for
.miatirity, the commiion field crops aro
given in the following orler: Coin-, po
tatoes, wheat, barley, field peas, oats,
alfalfa and red clover.
(ureonsmi o', mUtr ou..
GIreeniville, Sept. S. -A t a meet -
ing of the hoard of polie comlmis
ioners, he'dt hioie yesterday, winch
lastedl for five hours, and( endled
after midnight last night, Chief of
Police C. L. Becknoll was found
guilty of ofliaiail i scondufct, but
exonlerated1 from any crimiinatl ini.
tent or imiplicationi.
Th'le chief im medilately tend(1ered
his resignlation to. thet hioard and ii
was acepted So -far nlothinlg hlas
ben (done ml thle ma0t ter of elect inyl
a now', cief.
The chairge againsut Becknoll is
that hie in 11(o a eltimi on tile city
for- rail road .fare when he attonded1
tho meeting of the Americani Chief's
association, ini Hot Springs, nni
it wats follnd(, that ho was ridling
on a free pass. Anjothier ch arge
was that he~ has been inl t ho hog
rai sing husiness at the e.xpenslo of
the city.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preya upon the nmnd, dis
COurages andllessens ambition; b'eauty, vigor
.seand checrfuilness sooni
F, 0 . disappcar whein the kid
neys arc out of order
-- - or diseased.
____ K idnlcy trouble has
become so prevalent|
fo- cidto be born
uirine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reachecs an age when it should ibe able to
tontrol the pa'sagc, it is yet afflicted wVithl
>cd-wetting, depend upon it. tihe cause of
hc difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
tep should be towards the treatment of
hlese Important organs. This unpleasant
rouble Is dlue to a diseased condition of thle
Idneys and bladder and not to a habit as
1ost people suppose.
Women as well as man are made mis
rable with kidney and bladder trouble,
ndl both need the samel great remedy.
he mild and thle imrnediate effect of'
w~amp-Root Is soon realized, It is sold
y druggists, In fifty.. '
ont and one dollar - . 'n:,
izes. You may have a i Ml ?IU'
ample bottle by mail * " ' *
ee, also pamph let tell- fnome ot5uruo.
g all about it, including many of the
ousands of testimonial lettcrs received
om sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and r
cntion this paper.
Don't make any mistake, bumt remember
C name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
vamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, r'
Y., on every 'bottle.
"f]flW EarIy Risers
nefamous IUttIo, vil. 1
H appy
To have a happy home
you should have children.
They are great happy-home
makers. If a weak woman,
yots can be made strong
enough to bear healthy chil..
dren, with little pain or dis'
comfort to yourselfby taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain, reduce
inflimination -ur3 lcucorrhea,
(whites), ft'ling woub, ovarian
trouble, disordemed menses, back
ache, headacie, etc., and make
childbirth trittural and easy. Try it.
At all dealers in inedicines, in
81.00 bottles.
Is my baby girl, now two weeks
old, wriks Mrs.'J. Priest, of Web
ster City, Iowa. " She Is a fine
healthv bahe and we are bloth -ioing i
nicely I am .lil takin'. Car.ui, [4f
and wolli .lot be Without it In
th~e h1m11.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
iius, headacIhe, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stonach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov
cry represents the natural juices of diges
lion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonio
and roconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsIa Cure does not only cure Indigestion
and dyspepsIa, but this famous remedy
cures all stornach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
ir. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W. Va.. says:
I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured mao and we are now using it in milk
for baby."
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. $1.00 Size holdinft 2% times the trial
size, which sells for 50 cents.
Prepared by E. 0. DeWITT & 00.. OHIOAGG.
Sold by Pickens Drutg Co
!lennujfs Lil ~ti) r the h ir.
k _-o Faf ts rertore Ora1
- iauir toj ita Youthru1 Colce.
Ec~r~n$1.Wa Drug lsts
Coals~ !1)p (Ise' s lrf.llt
.on en'e a'li\Xalive li.oine'y ald 1,1. i s
theo the ori;:inal inlax, trei ("oulgh syrtil1) anld
combinies tlhe <ual~ties ionwsvsaryv to re
liev 1thle 11 ug and 11i)(1 pilgo the system1) of
cold. Contd inies no opiatts, Sold by the
Pickons Drug Co.
.Roalra the ~Th KillYou lav AlwayS 80u0h
Whou two str'ong mfonl ('olu to blows,
e'ven ii they aro wvell iatchecd, it is not a
p~leasing sight, but if the mon who gets
lhe worst of it will une DeWitt's WVitch
Hazet'l Salve, lic will look better and fael
b)e.tter in hiort or~dor. Be rer you gel
I)e3Vilt'H. Gjood for everything ai salve
il used for, iludI.ling piles.' So1(1 by
l'ickensi Drug Co.
Graded School Notice.
men.'lce its s-'8ss iof 1900 1907 on t he 10.h1
of Se'ptembuer', 1900, Each pupil wvill he
rturev to ity aL matricttlat ion fee of
.ly cenits on enteririg schiool. Pup1Iils
can regIs? eyr. and are regttested( to do so,
Inu i2ng the weuek pr'ior to the oeig t
wiuch1] timeit 11hey will pay3 matringlat
re't. 'Registrat(1ion books~ wii le open1
fra11n 9 to' ii a. II, and1 fromi 4 to 5i p.
'in,, ene lay (10~ during week beginnin1 g
:-..ptembe )(r 3 ini piticipail'st room at
A tulitioni fee of $1.00( per'i mon1th f'or
grade(s4 oneI tot fouir iniclusiveO and1 $l.50
i'r grmkts ftive to nine inlive1 ', will be0
chariged al Ipumpil Itmatr'iculatinog who
reside' l toutsie of the school ditrict.
,J. W .S WV I'I'EN 1iilmG,
, A B3old Step,
rea'tso:ile' ob)jIcttonst of theo mlore-l intl
I lt'ent to te use of secret, mued iinal com-i
pilunds, lIr. 11. V. P ier'ct, If ilini Talo, N.
deture franI' the11 11i'sual11 cou~rs(, Ipursue~d
by t liaker's o[ piut-uip mei('cin1es for do
mes8ie use84, ar1u( $44 hias 1)mlIlshed broad-.
1Cast and1 (ld I to 4)11 t 'itobo worII a ful
andt ' 41 cmh-t e l ist of all thie I ngred lints
entIein g into thi 1compo111sfto o111(f his Spidoely
h)1Is in (1eus patrons an patient- intol
liy (ibis hubI step l)r'. IPiere' haii, shown~i
thait his8 formllliuias are of such ex t'(lh'lic4 -
thle fu1lesf scruitinty.
Nt ('nly doe ( he 1SI1'wrapper4( of EViery bott1let'
fanions mediliew for4 weakI Stornach'. itorIpid
wh414'reve4r loca((Iited hae 14r1 iited upo it, in ;J
phon il I-:nylIhsh. 11 full and1( 'omphtle li1st (If nll
41tiiltd i ndit' ni co lon t, b amall l' l'
)Uook~ hals be ile from nunwrousIhos I liilii 14
hronual~ J4's4ible terms, each anid eVery ingrle
Ilent contained ibi hr. Ilert'e's r~h di's.S
)no (If t hese liiit le bolos will lht m4..,Iid fr ei, ..
iid ret(ine4stin1g the ('a~rr(. Friom tis little
0o 4(It will be leanedi4l that l)r. Ie,'s0 04'SIldt
4.e'n tS orm (It her' 1IoISous41 1 oinuious )me. i
imd that thoy arto in ule fromi itativ e, leiso..a
ai roots8 of gre(at v.'~ ne' also flint somet o)f P4
h( nosilt vaml~iable ingred ients iountm Ited Ill
I4 'I ere4''s 1. Ilvorite Prcip(8''1tioi to)' wea 00l
<'1 ingo. 16. I li Inihans for siinilar alimnts i m
isetl v i ''ilinllWs. In fact, 011e of 1th4. eai
.o t VII1)116 14( meitch1al Ilantms nlt ein g 1in0to
144cmoosti lion (If fir.I Pit r')ee's Favorite Pr
eiti loW '. n 1io'.' to Ite indlins as of
-~iaW~'cl (444 knowh'dge, oI4,f the uses '4 fj
4(1n fc. wOf ou r naa valualo mnative Vt'1
s, aite h'. I nhmroved 4an ld ('xact, 1ro..
fisOlt; re a 'oi 4 l I 'eet'4' on1( "s ao most, ...
fletn ''nl' r 4egulatiing all tho wIom-)
rca~us tin '4s, corre ing t displeme~nt, as
>ylh fodi all dteailr in medihclies,
Ik. Wdnya ind Madder Right
"I have been tifli6ted *ith kidney ond
bladder troubd for yeiri, passing gravel- 1
or stones with exoruoiading pain," PRys
A. H. Thuined, 'aeoll knowNu coal opera r
tor of Buf'tlo, 0. "I.got no relief from
mediome until I began taking Foley's
Kiduoy Onro, then the rnault. was our
priAg. A .few doses startbd the brick
dust-liko substance and now I have no
pain across my kidneys and. I fool liko a
new man. It has dono me $1000 worth t
of good." Foley's Kidnoy Oure will
c'uro every form of kidioy or bladder
hisease. For salo by Pickons Drug On.,
1nd It. F. Smith -Easley. 4
Ouros Colds; Prevents Pnsumoula
Allen's i'oot-Ettse, a powder, euresTired, Ach
li1g, Sweating, Swollenl feet. .Sainile sent iit e.1
tIs Sai1 (prle 1-' I SAN I.urr Cuon Panu I
new itiven1tita . Addrs,. Ailln S. Olimsted, L.
ato%, N. Y
or caildr" sa fe. asure. Pamo opiate&
A. A. Ieirren, Finch, Ark. . writes:
"Foley's lLot-y aind Tar is the best
prepairation for coughs, colds and ling
trouble. I know that it has cUred con
sit III plioll inl the first stages.'" You nover
her. 1 i any (.f loneusing .Fol'y's Uoney
a.d TUar i.d not being satisfied. For
a it by, 'icke'ns Drug. Co., aan R. F.
Smith -n ley.
Full* & - Co., Cliengo, originated
rionevy and Ta-r as., a throaxt anid lung
rm dY, iand o aecount of he groat
m (it ind popim!arity of Foley's honey
in d Tair uony imitations are oil'red for
he gctinine. These worthbless imitations
hve simjilar1 scunding niatmes. Bow. re
of tlil. The gilnuillo Foloy's lione Iv
ind I'I is in a yellow package. Ask
for it aud refuse any substituto. It is
the ib'st remeld~y for coughs an1d colds.
Pirki ns Pharmacy, Liberty, and Pickens
Drug Co.
This is to certifyv thact all druggists are
authorirized to refund your money if
Ve!v.y's loney of Tar fails to cure your
cough or cold. It slops the cough, heals
the I hlings inld prI vents serious results
frm a cold. Cures In grippe coughs and
plIevents pneumonia and consumption
Contains no opiates. Tho genuine is in
a yellow pickage. Refuse substitutes
Parkinis Pharm'. cy, Liberty, and Pickons
Drug Co.
Poley's Kdney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
A bath cleanvses the skin and rids the
lpoms (f refuse. A bath makes for bet
ter ftliowsip and citizenship. Not only
sloull the outside of the body be
c-lens1ed, but occasional te-. of a laxntive
or cnthartic opoens the hiowels and clears
the systet of effeto matter. B]st for
this aro DeWitt.'s Little Early Risers.
Pleasant little pills that do not gripe or
sicken . Sold by Picke1ns Drug Co.
For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, V.
Opens Sept. 2.5. 190)6. One o f tlie lendcirig Schools
for Younig l... tra i tho Routh . New bulinrgs,
pheinOs atui eti, punit mL. ('alnpuas teni acres. Gran'dl
mouintain scttery In Vnlney of Virgiia, famed
for healtha. Europwan anid Amnericani teactiers.
Fatll couarse. Conservatory advantages 1I1 Art,
Mussic and ElocuatIonl. 'ertiflcates wVellesley,
situclttt front 30) tatles. For catalnoglie ad~lress
Mi.\TTII P. I HARRIR, l'reatlent, Roateke va.
Mita .1I1) 1)5:ut llAnItIS noATWRIGT1,~ vIce-l res.
We earnestly request all young persons. no nuatter
how limited their means or education, who wish to
obtain a thorough businesstraining and good post.
tion, to write by first mall for our great half-rate
offer. Sutccess, independenceoand probable fortune
are guaranteedj. Don't delay. Write today.
The Ga,.gla. Blusiness College, Hacon, Ga.
Thle sworni statomont of the mta nu
factinrra prtect(s1 you from opiates in
K inmwdy's Laix. tive. Honey and T..ar--the
c'onigh syruop that dr ives Ithe cold1 out of
.your systemn. Holdt by Pickencs D)rug
Coman pny.,
County of Pickens,
By J. B1. Newsbory, Esquire, Probate
Whecreas, A. J1. Boggs, C. C. P., hans
macdo suit to me to grant him letters of
dadmnistration of the estate of and ef
fects of d, L. (Jollinus, deecased.
TrmAinS THEtoonsui to oito anud
Idlmotishm all anud singular tho kindred
tad credlitors of thme saidl J. Lj. Collins,
:1eceasotd, that they he andc ap
peaar lieforo me, in the Court of Pro
oate, to hoe hld at Pickons Court . lonso,
S. C., ont the 1 7th clay of Octobor, 1906,
tetr publ1)1icationi h Oreof, att 13 o'clock in
lie forenoon, to show cause, if any they
tilve, why' lhe ,atidl admninistration should1
oft be granted,
(........~G(iven under mfy hand andi
'SEAIh seal, thtis the 5t hday of Sep
timber, 1906, in theol~hityear
f ourV Indeendceneo.
J1. 11. Newber'y,
. IP. P.
I wtill apply to J. B. Newbory, Probate
udgegc for Pickensi( 'ouinty, on the 3rdc
'.y of October, 1906, for a final settle
ent (of the estate of B. J. Hlamellon,
'cc soed, anid atsk to b)0 diimiied as
Ilmtim stratrix.
Mrc~s. Hatitie F. IHamtiltonl
.5,190)6, Adlministratrnx.
Not ice uf' FiasaI Nettlemen;t
IOTIld is biorolby giveni, thbat I will
make aplplication to) J. 11. Nowbory
ci-, Joudgo of Probate for Pickoe
inty, in the State of Smuth Carolina,
the 19 (lay of Hept, 1906, at 110o'clock
thoe forenoon, or as soon thereafte'aso
d ap~plicattion can be heard, fnr leave
make a final settlement, of the deltate
Noro Hailumn dece~ised, and clI$afn
charge as adlmnilistriator~
Don't be misled by high flow
ames and whole volumns of slush
noth bargains and all such rot, to
ood,. hard earned money for good
Lt home with people you know ant
:o always "makegood" on any trad
My stock is complete in every
_oods are coming on every train.
md first-class and the prices are aF
Try this store on one deal am
noney's worth, never complain an
Yours for prosperity,
A Full Line of Coffins and U
A few suits of Ready-Made C
The Land of I
Are you making as much off your farn
ma.ing all you can. The tiouble is the lan
money to buy a big farm, and so you nro try
or perhaps you areO renting one and pnying
reit.. Wouldn't it be better to go where ti
You can own a big farm-witere every acr,
and all yon raiso is paying you good profit
']hero "ro-thonsands of acres of fertile
tihe Cotton Belt Routo that can be bought
land is increaRing in value aci year.
See the Southwest
A trip to the Southwest Would con'vinic
settlinig' there. The tripo
On tho first an(d I hir Tie
rotiud trip ticket to any pc
Cotten Beh Routo at very
J lowed for y.iu to examine f
Write at once for free cn
4 0 1 derful country and for full
L. P. Smith, T. P. A., Cotton Belt Route,
We NevernDisappoli
We Fulfill EveryPromise and He
WE: OUREa E*or deteninfo t
cured never to return, wvithout mercury o
b Te Dr. King Mdi
lawsor thea t of1
- eurucoih
lc X-ray, viole ra
contrvmac known
an"icense ph*ici
Wetronaoy no 0'
to 1'000"er month, tI
anmce of a cure withii
uncpt. .e +lyr'
Writescs, ' isoer a'd
T1en cent cotton has put lots
Ilany p~eole have been robbed
safe blowvers have tried the
.nd failed to get the money. Del
.n geccount with them today and y
Interest p)aid on time deposits,
$1.oo will open an account v
Job work of eve1
done here with nea
R ailroad and
1etter and 1Note H-et
and Statemnents,
nua at reasonal
Give us a
$entineldjournal Ca
-talk and high s V.d1nW
descri;ing big stod, a
rush off and part ithYour
s that are inferior. Trade
I with folks tiat stand ready
e that proves nnsatisfactory.
line. New I J1 and Winter
The goods are all -right
low as they can '. sold for.
I you will always get your
J go home happy.
:idertaker's Goods.
lothing to go at a Bargain.
a as you ought? No doubt you are
A costs too much. It takes too much
ng to make a living on a small farm,
a good share of what you raiso, in
io prico of good hand is so little that
I of the ground is working for you
1111)( inl Sontht weAt along the line of
for from $3 to $10 an acro. This
at Small Cost
e you that your best interest lay in
iau be made at very littlo expenso.
;day of each month you purchase a
int in I he Southwest on via of the
low rates. Stop-oversi will be al
my locality you are interested in.
pies of booka describing this won
information about coat of tickets.
203 Equitable Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
at Our- Patientes.
ver Hold Out FalseHopes,
or bougie and Valool wthoq9
siness; Vontag ious lloodIPisi
r mnineral mixt re;- Loss of Ma'on
uired; no attmulant but perssreU
ali Co.s arn in5Lituhion organt sd Uir
eto consuho t speo at,. eing sa
01 c h ron1o dieases is unurps
~P with al rh q al r adte bt
tho medical e bsion. Our se~aws
att ndants, regushlquso u
ia being in charge.
sadiog rae fs 9 perattu patient.
r t . o t oqtmn andra fr at.
aselc D li e i r
and areicati tble ni tLW
dmptoiganks frome tr tt
a"'S.ungs Atlsef.an a f
of money in the - counitry.
and killed for their money.
ays are dangerous. Open
>ur money wili be safe.
H. C. Shirley, Cashier.
rith the Liberty Bank.
y description
tness and dis
ids, Bill Heads
done neatly
>1e prices.
)., PICKE3NS, S.C.

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