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The Anderson daily intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, February 19, 1914, Image 8

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THVB8?UY MOItMNi,', FEB. 1?, 19U
... AT THE ... -
This great and powerful drama in Natural Colors?A Three Reel Feature?has never been shown in this city. You cannot*afford to miss it even
if the cost of admission was double what it is! If this special feature meets with the approval of our patrons, we will arange to have one of
these Special "Natural Color" features one day each week. We believe you will be more than pleased with this arrangement, and only ask that
you patronize us on th? merits of our show. NEW, MODERN, SANITARY AND THE BEST OF PICTURES FOR YOUR APPROVAL.
*; h
Tire F?rlce Is Always
-Is Always Tire
The Man that Put the 'MOVE' in Movie s.
Electric City Sparklets
Items eff Interest and Personal Mention Canght Oier the Wire
lest On the Streets of Anderson?
Land Deal.
Of Yesterday.
V. B. Cheshire yesterday bought
front the' R. 8. H1U estate, through
the Anderson Real Estate and Invest
ment company, two beautiful build
ing lots on Best Orr street, the lots
adjoining his present handsome new
homo. He has uot yet decided what
disposition he will make of the prop
erty, but will likely buitd on them for
renting purposes, haying erected in
the Pfst, few years several houses tor
renting purposes. The price paid was
*?,50O. '
- Anderson needs more residences for
rant am -It it* unitAMtAnri that thAr? ta
not a vacant hoUBe in the city,
J. J. Major ysstsrdar disposed ?atUbte year, on
two business lotsen Church etreet to
the Bowling Realty Cdnipany. tire con
wideration being ?8.800. Both of these
.. quite valuable and are de
Baltimore L?dy
Died Last Toesdtty.
A W. Kay received a telegram !
Tuesday Infortnfng him of the death of
Mra. Humbrfcbouse, httf %ntter-in-lawt
which occurred in Baltimore Tuesday
morning about 10 o'clock. Mr. Kay
at once left for* Baltimore, Mrs. Kay
having been at her sister's bedside fer
some.daya previous to her death. Mrs.!
Humbrlchouse visited in Anderson last '
summer and has hundreds of friends
here wiu> wl3flT>e much pained to learnt
of her death. A particularly sad fea-|
ture of h er-?Wh is the fact that Mrs. I
Kay lost another sister less than one
WAAk a Cxi.
hich comes
ill be gen
the following Mon
of the- county have
for the- most part arranged a very In-J
terest.ng program and many of these!
win hold their exercises on Prldi
day. Tbe
New Coat Suite ~t New Dresses
if KIaia* w?u?.
ai Men fTiuuoui a ato
New Tango Pins ? New Vanity Veils
??*e wiiKtiiat fuiiaaiea neaayiu-vrcai Store.
The banks of Anderpon are to bn eloa. i
ed on Monday, tuking this day as the j
holiday, and It Is presumed that the1]
postofllce Will"observe Sunday hours
on Moriiluy. "'" ;
Anderson Fcople
Attend Welding.
Among those Andersott fta?pl? who ,
ybaterday'went to Monroe., N. C, to-,
attend the wedding of I obdrt R. Kinn ,
and M Hs Hudson were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ijco Q. Holleman, Mrs. Kula Pilling-j
bam and Dr. and Mrs. if. P. Vines. Mr..
and Mrs. King will receive a hearty,
and cordial welcome from all sides
upon their return to Anderson.
Not anticipating such an enthusias
tic repaonse on the part of the m.ll
workers of the city, those who planned
the night textile school had intended
holding all claBses in Cecil's Business j
School but the attendance on the first
night of th* school clearly showed that
this would be impossible, since there I
were nearly twice as many students
nnrniio/t ?. ha/i been anticipated.
Therefore the plan cf dividing the
classes up has been hit upon and the
elementary classes' of Brogon Mill
will hereafter meet at the Brogon mill
[school, where their instructor will be
I and the elenimtary class of the An
derson mill will meet at the Anderson
mill srhoplhouso, However, all of
th? classes in mill calculation*, me
chanical drawing and textile designing
will continue to meet at the Cecil Bus
hes* school.
r ThoBe who have this work in charge
"tay that they were very much encour
aged over the first night and that
they now reel the possibilities of the
work they have undertaken to be far
greater than they had even dreamed
of when the plans for this night schoof
were Aral formulated.
3!f?*?us? Ctrl
Js Here Tonight.
Theatre-goers 01 Anderson are look
ing forward with some pleasure to
the second appearance of the "Mutual
Ciiri" at the Klectric theatre tonight.
This picture was shown in Anderson
ror the first time last Thursday night
.' and the second Installment will be the
! feature at the Electric tonight The
production last Thursday night made
' a decided hit and aa those who saw
it have passed word of it on to their
friends, Manager McCullougb is antic
ipating a crowded " huUae ' tonight
: Splendid features or th? Mutual and
'Utonaed servtet? 'will ulso.be on lo
hlghtV.' program.
Mr, Klug Is Ott~?
Buying Millen.
j. Mack King,: Anderson county'b ca
pable .and efficient supervisor, left
yesterday morning for Springfield,
Ohio, where he goes to purchase ad
ditional mules 'ter the rcsd-. srsrklr.g
crew of Anderson county. .The coun
ty now has between 50 and 60 mulea
and It Is the intention cf the supovvl
1 aor to purchase at least 20. more on
Ithia trip. When the fresh stock ar
rives the people of Anderson can rest
assured that the roada of the county
vil! bo worked in earnest. Mr. King
is expected to return to the eity some
:imc next week, probably tibout Tur-s
Wv. Whaley Gone
fro A.sheville, N. C.
i'orter A. Whaley, eccr?jar
Anderson Theatre Company
retnry of the Anderson Chamber of
r'oiKJiierce, left last night" for' AsYe
vilbt, N. C?. where he goes to confer
with Charles J. Lynch, a well known
A Hopi Legend
Nestor Indian drama with Wallace
Reld und Iloroth) Davenport.
An Arrowhead Romance
WWffS^ SSV!* Lm*rA
Frontier Corned)
Fourth ^eetfto'kf ^ejected* r .
Comlifc faffcrTdwf "ROMANCE OF
?Srea?elaar?nc * 'tf*1' VIctor wIth
fuiifipt t '-iemV ;
BSow Out At Santabana
American Hip 2 reel Farce Western
uur mutual \*ift
Mutual?The 5***#d ef thftt nnnualr
series that Is coming to this theater.
Fourth reel lo he selected.
4 Big Reels? 10c
Mutual Movie* Make Time Fly.
The Thrust of Hate
?"nmn?T???e?- frv? ?r?l?rr in natural
colors? Presented by the Electric
Film Co.
The Thrifty Janitor
Kdixoe Comrdy. .
This I* the he*| program ?-ver offered
fn this city.
hcatr'.cal man, In regard to the. local
lieatre situation. Mr. Lynch ownes
ind operates a largo number of then-.!
res in various, Southern cities., and;]
nan^.|Antd?rBpn,.{Wpsto| hope that he
.v.ii| ,fiieur?; the lease on the local ven
; l. r.yj- ' "??!'.t
\o Adlon In
.School .Matter. <i . < ? :>
?. (^,Mh Cants* superintendent of
he Anderson- public schools and a
nember of. the educational board, and
I. 11. Pelton, county superintendent of
iJucatloo, have returned from Wlalhal
a where they went Tuesday to confer
a-Ith the other school officials relative
o the consolidation of two schools,:
l)oth of which are practically . cn the j
'aunty line. For tom^ reason some'
if the school officials fallea to show i
up and no definite action was taken on ]
the matter Tuesday.
l'reparlatr Fer
Field Day Exercises;
G. W. Chambers and J. B. Felton
yesterday went to Iva where they de- j
rated the entire day to giving, sugges
tions and demonstrations to the school :
boys or tost piace tor the various :
events which are to be held in con
nection with Held day >u Anderson on!
March 27. The athletic program as nr. I
ranged for field, day. is replete with in- j
tcresttng features.
Local Five
To, Westnthis?eT.
The Anderson High School, basket
ball team will Journey to Westminster]
next Saturday afternoon, the weather)
permitting, and proceed, upon their
arrival there, to lift the-scalp of the
five contenders from the Westminster.
H'gh School. Play Is to be called
promptly at 3: CO o'clock and the lo-j
cal boys will be accompanied by a
number of high school "rooters" from
here. The Anderson boys feel cond-J
dent that they will give a splendid]
account of themselves and feel that
the game- is ?lr?&Jdy *4 W*&r j
Travelers Go
To Greenville.
A niimbor of the traveling >n??t of
Anderson have rc-c.G ,vt? invitations to
be present at the quarterly nu>Atlng n? :
the Greenville chamber of .commerce,
which takes place tomorrow night.;
The program for th s meeting Is de
voted entirely to the traveling men of
Greenville and vicinity and In their
honor an informal smoker, followed
by a, luncheon* will take * place.. An
deirspn,. wju, have several repr?senta-,
^ive^.ts?, the srri->ker If none or the!
present plans miscarry.
Lieut. Bowen To ...
Deport ut Glenwood. .....
...Thp statement was made yesterday
in Greenwood by, Col, F. N- K. Bailey
of the Bailey, Military Institute at
Greenwood that Lieut. George C. Bow
en, the United States srrsy cff.ccr ?he
[haa- been <reiaijed ror service at B. I?.
!.. -will report on Feb. 24 to assume
the position of commandant of that
school. Thla will be Interesting to
Anderson people as Liant Scwsr, orig
inally came from Anderson county and
,haa many frlenda In ali sections of
the county. .' .:3&s91HR^RHHi
Starrrp* ort Letter Froin Ander
, son fo Columbia Can Be Paid
For at Oher End
Not many Anderson' people know J
that they can now send a letter With- ,
out a postage stamp from Anderson to
Columbia or any other city without aj
stamp and have the party to whom the}
letter is addressed pay for it a&JLlf?i
ether end, but such is the ease. This'
may be news to the officiate of the An
derson postofflce, but is a fad.
Under a recent ruling of the post
office department letters which are
mailed without postage stamps will be
delivered to the erson to' whom, they
are addressed provided the addressee,
is willing to pay double' the regular
postage. In other words a; letter that
ordinarily . requires two "cents post
age, affixed at the point of mailing-Will
be delivered at Us destination' upon
payment of 4\ cents by the adderseee.
was the rule of. the department to hold
all rraW wlt'iou.V vostago until the
Beuder cpukl be notified. , It has long
been tlic cuatplp to forward.' air rp?\l
matter .of. the." fjfrst'.clasB..to:j?easmar
tlon If.p>rt postage was.paid'.at'point
of maKmg?, requifpg the. addressee to
pay. the remainder due, but tup deliv
ery, of ?eUers yrhtch have b??h mailed
wlt,h no stamp is an innovation. '..
It is net the des.re of tac, p<mofli?e
officials to encourage the .adoption,.Of
thb> plan by the ppblfc, but It wW* lni
troduced for the benefit of bus1npM<
men and firms '.who mail, Huers in
nantit lea and often overlook the plac
1 Ing of a stamp on a few pieces'.s Know
ing that*'aome times these letters deal
, with matters of utmost importance,
I the new. regulation regarding their dc
1 livery upon payment of double post
age by recipient was ordered.
I . .::
i vyi ITTv TvwcrkO vrtv. aici
sending you this paper
free to prove to you the
I Tierits of The Daily In
I telligencer. If you like
it, let iis know how
much.0' 81 c
t ('<
;?ByvAsaocjgted Press.)v , ,
Washington. Feb. 18.?The ' annual
hirg?ht d?gteieUcy ;'apjSty?nrlatIon bill
naming m on y m 41 II ?in a nt doH?? to
j provide fur eiucrsom:; unc?a ??i Va??
; lous departments including the Pana
ma canal administration work and
J the postal service, will be reported to
? rscrrow by the house committee bn
The pension appropriations bill will
'follow this measure.
And All
Snininer.Flowering Bulbs
Are Novf Ready. : Be yon Want
Things t? Smoke.
L&dies, and ,"-* f
Patent Medicines for
? H. SEEL. Prop.
a. 8.
Second i^mui/;
-I ' vf. / 1 1
Bleckley Blag. Anderson, B, C.
Cttlseno National Bank Bldg.
Raleigh, N.C.
Than Pleased
Wifriv the business received since taking over the plant of the Rope^rint*
ing Co. It has far exceeded our expectations, but it is not surprising
when one reflects that a discriminating public knows whereto buy "JOB
PRINTING" to get the best in QUALITY and SERVICE. Send tss your
orders large or small.
Anderson Intel
rnune Wo, o^ JL,

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