OCR Interpretation

The Anderson daily intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, August 02, 1914, Section One, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1914-08-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TWO

In orjder to accomodate every one, and so that the ladies may be able to avoid the rush at the evening shows, we have arranged Special Matinees for the after
noonr-3:00 to 6:30, with a 10c. Admission for every one. - Admission for evening performances:
up to'12 years of age
lOc. Regular Run of Pictures as Usual. ADULTS
Two Performances in the Afternoon. .% .\ Three Performances in the Evening.
;j ;Want Adverl
Twonty-f ivp \yords or less, One 1
SixTimes 'fl?eo.
All adTer?s^ent over twenty-fi\
word. Ralr i on 1,000 words to
?on. r
No nd vertement taken for Jess
If your ?ftp,appears in the tole
your wantTKr?r821 and a bill will
I . prompt payment. - -
|,- j-f J?Smfggjj j . :
FOB SALK-Electric auto lighting:
outfit; Tua .Sellable Oarage, lil
Church street. 8-2-lt
FOB BALE^-At' a bargain, good rub
ber tiro carriago and buggy; also
splendid driviug hor?o. Apply 1st
onco to C. B. ?nrlo. * . 8-2-Gt.
?.i pfc;..?'. '.' ' f' ' ' "*
FOB SALE-Onri lBolr-pacliing cotton
. preis". Apply to Pat.. W. Major, An
derdon. BvFV'D:'N?',l :{$:i6tp
', Coonee county, South Union road.
High state i ot. cultivation. Weil
watered. Good pastures. Fine or-j
?lmrd and Ecuppornone vine. Four
tenant houses! su;d: l&rge barn: A j
bargain for some man. A. T. ^Thomp
son,' Westminster; S. C., R. F. D. 3.
FOB* SALE-2B0. farms So. Ga:i Wost
; Green and Denton, Ga., $10.50 round
trlpj," .Jf, ypuwaro Interested v.Tlte
or noff m?'?t once.. C. ?. Ikey, County
Clerkesi fijCfli^ Anderson, 8. C. tf
FOR 8ALE-Tin i frlut cana In any
quantity from" 101)0 to 10,000. Quarts
92.60 per-himdrod; No l, $2.00 per
. hundrpd, tGaa]L,wUh ardor. John 8.
Cromer- Phono 44; 927 W. Market
^^o?t/A^d^rson. 8. C.
. lng machines
'. one Hg
yon to
All work _
Honea, Path, 8. CL.,
* us
FOIL RENT-2 Furnished rooms down
. stairs, cl oso \iu , Phone-617. 8-2-3t
WASftF/lr-TO scli tot! Plymouth Rock
hohjif yearlbld.' DY ?. Graig; Per.-1
? dl?jg^Nb; 2r-p'h??r.4320; S-l-ltp
WA^B^r^^.f5V^r>M .polo's.
Con furttVMl^n> IPASth and slzo dc
Bir??tln n good, grade of bjack ??d
red^hcasW?Orawes^ ship
ments, .^^tba^.ybor wailtfl and I.
wlU n?ttt? deUVored?' p. ?cos. Ad
dress .J?^W?t?, BYanttiville,: s: C:
h?niibfte?pln?t^on^?nleji\ ' td" main
i; ?? part o?'town. Address Box 216. 8-2^
f^?tw?,-k:-.,.<j..,,...? ?t.
' " . w^c^?^l^
<j.'. you catt:fcrtfor them. FX C. McCante,
'I /' ?.ftpMrtt 4&? ?arma." ' ?. ,
p^ 60 to. BU^roff,HO to SG0 per, acre:
*. Come ; and see. Write for folder.
kWestem Carolina Realty Co., McCor
:ising Rat?s
'Imo 25 cents, Tbrco Times CO cents,
'e words pro.ata for each additional
be used in a month mado ou ai>pll
tban 25 cents, cash' In advance.
i phone directory you con telephone
ibo malled after Its insertion for
There will be an election in Martin
district, No/ 16, on Saturday, August
8th, for the purpose of'voting on a
special 4 mills tax. Polls open 7 a.
m.. and close at 4 p. m.
Clerk ot county'board of education.
Shiloh dtBrict No. 49 on August 10th.
Delinquent Hoad Tax Notice.
All delinquent road tax collectors
are' ^rcvMed. with aa cff.cial receipt
book' with numbers, and stub numbera
attached. Pay no money to collectors
unless you get the official receipt
ss above provided for.
tt County Supervisor.
? ; AU persons having claims against
the est?te of E. L. Smith, deceased, are
hereby notified to present them prop
erly proven tb thf undersigned with
in the time prescribed by law, . and]
those indebted to make settlement.
J.H.Campbell, . i
J. N Shirley,
, For the convenience of the voters of
Anderson County the board ot regis
tration will meet tho following ap
pointments, to register and ronow or
t ran sf er certificates :
j 'Anderson court'house, Monday, Au
gust 3-:
; Hi?ea Path, Tuesday, August 4.
i Belton,'Wednesday,: August 5.
1 Will lam ii tori, Thursday, August 6.
Pel ?er, Friday; August 7.
: ' Gluck Mill, Saturday. August 8,
from' 9 a; m., to 12rm. "' .
.'Or? Mm, Saturday, August 8, from
3. p! tifr to 4 p.: m.
Piedmont, Monday, August 10.
' Pendleton, Tuesday, August ll.
Town ville, Wednesday. August 12.
J , Iva, Friday, August 14.
. To saw ay, August 15, from 9 a. m"
to 12 ?pi. ' Sf '
Anderson Cotton Will, August 15,
jl.to'm. * .' .!.
a Anderson com . house, Tuesday, Ant
?us- : ' .-.4 * p ???
A i defson court house, Wednesday,
August 19;
W. LC AN DEI7. S ?N,
? w. c. Btmniss..
! Board of Registration of Anderson
County, . i-,
I payton s ?
I;'.-: jsi,?<?'?t? Ju. 1
? G?QP Creom W
wi rs Ice Cream I
Eat More Of It, ?
I Illllltll IIIMWKBmWBBmmBM?kWm
* _
* Items of Interest end Person
* Wireless on the S
. r lamond Merrhmt
Here Yesterday. ?
How would you . like to travel
around over tho country with $:?.>0,
OOO worth of diamonds crowded down
futo your vest pockets and your trous
ers pockets? That is what Anderson
hud tho unique pleasure of witnessing
yesterday when S. K. Jonas of Now
York city arrived in town. Mr. Jonas
imports his own diamonds and travels
for his own Arm. Ile does not believe
in risking suit cases and handbags (or
carrying the valuable gems, but in
stead he carries them on his portion
and he bad a' wonderful assortment
here yesterday. This was the first
time that he had ever been to Ander
son and he said a number of nice
things about the town.
r -o
Hard at Work
. C'o'jiylng sames.
Four clerks have been engaged by
County Chairman S. Dean Pearman
fdr the purpose of copying names from
the registration books and these men
lmvo gone to work. The copying of
these names is quite a task and it ls
going to take the clerks several uays
to get lt completed. When all the reg
istration books come in it is estimated
'that there will be about~8.800 names
on the lists and this will be rufflclent
to take ail four o? tho clerks at least
a week to finish copying. Tho enroll
mert in this county is far larger than
anyone expected.
Vote Sat ord ay On
Combining Schools.
The county'board of education yes
terday, announced that it had chosen
next Saturday for the date on which
the ' election will be held In the ML
Airy, Airy Springs and Mt. Springs
districts* to determine the advisability
of bavins these schools consolidate.
It is Bald that some of the school pat
rono lu the districts concerned want
the consolidation to take place, while
others oppose it, but the general opin
ion seems to be that the vote for con
solidation will exceed tho anti-vote.
Interested In i he
i Firs! Speaking.
Thtrbilftrbouty the county consider
able interest is being evinced over the
first campaign speaking,' which wilt bb
held next Saturday at H on ea Path
Some ot the mill voters have, al rend j
had an opportunity to hear tho
speeches hilt , at these meetings all of
the candidates have not been present
and it ls not thought that the q?tlino
of the .various platforms were as' com
pl?te;?*-,they,may he when the regular
campaign opens. Indications are that
there will bo., people, at Honea Path.'
from all parts, of the' county and
doubtless th are will be a large attend
ance from Anderson.
j?pwoftn' iwgae . :
(Jolrig Into C''I?I?>.
Members of the Epworth League QI
St. John's Methodist church ar? now
billilly, planning for a . camping trip,
which tho v will go on within .'tho next
few days; Tho party will go to Hail
ey^ Ferry on tho Savannah river and
?hore', gt} into, camp for a -Week's stay.
'Jhey aro all looking .'?rward to a
i ig timo and thoy will' hardly bo dis
appointed. (
Weh Pleased With
i BusinessCondition?.
,..W. R. Taber of Greenville, ono.oi
tho oin dals of, the Southern. Railway,
with crapes, ,ln Greenville, spent' yes
terday.'In''Anderson and while' hero,
told a reporter tor The Intelligencer
that hts road .was very well pleased,
Indeed with the .volumo ot bus!nest
get out of and for Anderson. Mr,
_...ur says , that business conditions
.n'-his section of the ?tabs just at this
UV* aro decidedly good.
Anderson arlin' . ? ? ^
?ot Scholarship.
Dispatches from Columbia yester
day announced that tho teachers'
scholarships1 at tim University of
South ' Carolina had been awarded In
the vurlouo counties and that r.?. L.
Bowen of Anderson secured tho schol
arship for this county. Mr. Bowen
deserved to win and he will receive
COngrAtulatlon-? from many friends. ~
aJ Mention Caught Over &e *
treots of Anderson
Anderson Folk to
Visit l'aplt?!.
Following tho nnnounoemeht of the'
Southern'Hallway to thc effect that 1?. I
excursion will be run from this .sec-1
tion ortho country to Washington and
I Virginia points on Wednesday, August
12, a number of local people have an. j
nounced their intention bf going. Thia
excursion ls an annuli affair, at which
time lower rates are granted than at
any other season of the year. The
railroads have announced a round trip
rate from Anderson of $12.50, u.round
trip rate from Anderson to Richmond,
Va., of flO.CO and thc same figure tu
Norfolk., Va. There will bc many
from this city to visit all the points
I Georgia Man "'
Visiting Herc.
Rev. Fred Tucker, of Demurest,. Ga.,
is Spending a few days in the city
with his father, C. L. Tucker, on Eliza
beth street. Mr. Tucker- has been .In
Behool in Georgia for the last tour
years. After he had,'completed two
years of his course lie'was made as
sistant pastor of one of the Demorest
churches and hie is now the pastor of
that church. He has a number of
friends in Anderson and they are all
pleased to eoe him back again.
Another Candidato
F?r Legislature.
H. B. Hendricks of the Brsay Creok
section spent part of yesterday in*Ah-i
derson and while here told rome of
his friends that he is considering en
tering the race for the house of repre
sentatives fruin Anderson county. Mr.
Hendricks'ls one of the Last, known
planters of his section and enjoys a
inf ge acquaintance in all sections of
tho county. Should he decide to enter
the race he will most certainly be
heard from and it now seems that he
will get in. "-V
]>r. P*trfck't?
French Sermons.
Anderson people will all. bo inter
ested In the announcement that Dr. R.
G.'. Patrick, formerly president of Jiftr
sob' college at Marion, Ala., will oc
cupy . the pulpit of the First Presby
terian.church of Anderson, both' at the
morning end evening service today.
Dr. Patrick ls a brother of Mrs. W. yf.
Sullivan and he has a host of friends
In thia city. He is'one of the south's
most prominent divines .and ho Will
probably be Greeted "by ? large audi
ence at both these services.
Chances Made ,
. In Businesses.
IA?gUBt 1 ls a date-when the "mld
' Ummer" changes go into effect with
he business firms .around the town,
Several houses .make their changes on
this dat? if any are to bo made. ?. P.
.Vandlvcr, recently elected vice presi
dent of the Peoples Bank of Anderson,
assumed his new duties with this well
known' ?? Institution yesterday and' 'was'
greeting his friends tiferb. tbjfOuglmut
the day. Frank Brownlee, o' well
known young business man' Of the city
has assumed his duties With the' Bi O.
Kv?n's companv aud went to ''wbrk^JreSV
t0rdfl^ ?? o ~ >
Brown Ihilldlug ''. . .. ,
i Js Being .Rented.. -y^v^,
: ; S. D. Boykln, ono of Anderson's well
known watchmaker? ; and? .3owe^?&
with headquarters now located in the
Anderson hotel building, \ has retrod
one of the buildings now ho lng. erect
ed by D. C. Brown on East Whither
street : and will move into the % ne;
place as soon as It- fo>fihlsb??i :. M01
timor McCown bas also rented one pf
these buildings for; his grocery?etore
and'Mr. Drown say? he 1ms practically
cloned (leals for all' the remaining
bulldlngo, No matter how fast .busl?
hobs buildings aro put up in Ander
r.on'r there are always occupants to bo
found for, them.- ^ j
tMBgilJalet At'.;.;. ??
i Chamtia- of Commerce.
ThlngB 'lave been ; painfully, quiet at
tho chamber bf commerce for the lost
fow days, the explanation of this fact
being that Porter A.. Whaloy, thc sec
retary of the l?c^l assoclaUonrJllM
boen in Charlotte for a brlei etsy. Tn'o'
atmosphere of thc whole town ceema
to change when tills liva wire tc ?way
and the people of the city almost in
stinctively know that Mr. Whaley is
out of town. He returned to the'city
Inst night and said that he had a Une
trip, Rnd, Ju hopeful of success' of a
proposition upon which lie ls working
for Anderson county.
Incited to Attend
Merchants' Jubilee*
A r. umber of Anderson, people have
received invitations from Columbia to
attend the Merchants' Jubilee, which
will be held In that city on August
11,12. It ls said that 15,000 of these
Invitations haye been distributed all
over the state und there will be hun
dreds of South Carolinians to spend
those two days at the capitol! The
program for the two days calls for a
number of interesting events, includ
ing automobile rides, a luncheon, a
banquet, a baseball game and various
other amusements. A barbecue at thc
Riverside club is also to bc a feature
o? the two days.
IUIMK Reek Will
Leave Anderson,
Miss Forella Beck, who has been
employed as stamp clerk at the local
post omeo for' some time past, lias
been promoted ind will leave within
tho next "few'days for Concord, N." C.,
where' she will' accept a better posi
tion Mn tho'postal service. Miss Becfc
by her courteous attentions to the pat
rons of tho local post office, has made
herself very popular with the public
and her departure will bc regretted.
Newt* From the
Hospital ru-icnis-.
Friends of E. K. Chapman wlllXbc
glad to learn that he ls now Improving
at a rapid rate and was able to sit up
some yesterday. Mr.. Chapman re
cently underwent sn operation ot the
Anderson County Hospital. and has
been' confined to bis bed since that
Hine. John W. Morrow of Mt; Carr,
mel, who was brought to the .hospital
t ome time ago for treatment, is: said
to be doing nicely and is how recov
ering.' This will be good news to the
many friends of" both the patients.
Civic Association
Will Meet Monday. ,
Mrs- Rufus Fafat, president or the
LadlfeB' Civic" Association bf Anderson,
has Invited that organization to meet
with her Tuesday, afternoon nt her
home on Jtiver Btre?t./ She bas, re
quested that all the members -bring
with them' their needles and thimbles
and has promised" that tho afternoon
will be interesting. '
VAUDEVILLE-Lamb & Lamb novel?.
ty, singing dancing and comedy act.
?c.a?r,1 2 Tripel'melodrama'., .
Universal -iiU.5 Comedy.
, No. 46. Al?lhoMat?st'c?rrent nows.
? Coming Tuesday "Lucille LOTO'' ser
rle* No. 14.
' Vaudevil\. all, the week with a
change. .of plctures/.nv/wy . day.. ...Adj.
Mondy's Program
-'keystone. Dotl'f miss this comedy
Amercnn, A drama featuring. Vi
vian Rich and Wm. Garwood- . Sup
ported" by en ?lt Star east.
Beauty.. Featuring Margarita i??
richer and Harry: Pollard. A sentimen
tal 'diadem' of pathos and realism.
Biograph. '
Ec?pl89, A strong draina,
Sells the Shoes
Why? Because our shoes are better
? and we sell thom cheaper. We sell for
cash only and of course we can sell
cheaper than credit Kt ores. Then our
styles arc distinctive, and you do not
find them in every store. Pumps and
oxf or du ia al styles at.
$1.00 to $4.00
Yesterday we received twenty-one and
every one a thoroughbred in style, quality
and fit.
As usual, of course, our garments will .be
prettier jthan, any you'll see . other, places.
We've g ot the habit and just cannot quit it.
Also, we are,showing; something newer
and strictly different in
Suits . . .... . . . $20,00 to $40.00. y
Skirts ........... ; . 5:00 to ?l6.5'0
It won't cost you one penny,, tb step in and
look and we are al Way glad to ha ve you
and show you.
? . - . i:
..... - ,..4-,.. ?.^^-rVrV^-^^ ;- - ...... 1^
' , . :.'BtoETIS .;.. .]..., ..> : BTOiJ2TI3f' ' ?
Antwerp, Aogo?t 1-A ^spafeb Manchc,sf^
[rom Flashy
M'to*^8*^*nJfeT nnju of tfec ?? VT?3S?*X hf * . H "
Sas^rra?^^ W^countvyK
turned baek. a-?????? tA*d. ?biflenegro I?: ease *f .' n
At present there are several Brltluh scTcranoc of relut J?os, with IhufO
ttpgrona crnltdng North of FlubhlB?. countries,

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