And There's None So Good. Healthful Restful Delightful Afir i Tempting Ice Cold Bottles Try It Once CHERO-COLA BOTTLING ?CO Anderson, S. C. A. P. SPENGE, Pres. I ?? - 0 4 ? ? W. W. POWELL, treas. There's None So Good There's None So Good! The One Best Drink 6f ix ay Paint that Dugan cks with his paint lowiedgeip good paint. Pto Why Be?|t?^o? Buy Anderson Paint fi Color ||\ Company. ^Beckley Bldg. Phone 647 i ' . ... - m .-?.y|:> ?o?a? mm . . IN GROCERIES i .vi We have a complete and choice stock to select from. Ni -Irish P?tytoes, ; String $eans, Corn, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Beets, etc. IVe^, Spring Lamb, fatten, Native and Wes? ?rn Beef, Live and Dress "Poultry. 2l^a Main. Sain D? Harper, Mgri ii?fl'dldate? for county bffl I Mn. C. B. Barle waa the charming hostess on Tuesday afternoon for the Palmetto chapter. It was the r?gu ler July mee tl nt, and there was a good attendance of members. Mrs. J. M. Sullivan, Jr., read resolutions on the death of Mrs. George McConnell, program was given: Vocal solo, Miss Rhoda Vandiver; instrumental solo, Mrs. Charles Spearman vocal solo, Mrs. W. J. Muid row; recitation hy Miss Mabel Acker of Atlanta; vocal sold, Mrs. J. R. Vandiver. During tho social half hour delicious cream and cake was served by the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Clarence Sullivan and Miss Rhoda Vandiver. Mrs. John Sullivan and Mrs. George Bell Tlmmerman also assisted In en tertain lng Mrs. R. J. Ram sr was hostess on Thursday af torn oe n for a few of her j friends when she entertained at cardB I vin honor of Mrs. R. C. McDonald. Her pretty new home on College Heights will always be an attractive spot to her friends and those who were so fortunate aa to be Invited on Thursday spent a very delUj/.tful afternoon. Thc price, a lovely hand painted dish, was won by Mt'}. Ernest Cochran.. Mrs. Ramor served her guests with de lightful cream and'cake. Among'those present besides the honor guests, Mrs. McDonald wera Mesdames 8. N. di mer, E. P. Cochran, J. L. Gray. T. E. Howard, John Frank, Bond Anderson, 8. R. Parker. C A. Gambrlll, P. K. McCully, A. 8. Fanner, Alice Sykes, Misses Rampey and Margaret Evans. , A charming affair on the.week's so cial program was given on Thursday evening by Miss Frances Trlbble in honor of. minn raino auu fiuBS Edith OOSBCtt. ? J i The instrumental music by Misa Rhoda Vandiver and the songs by Miss Anna Tribble were a very en joyable part ot the evening's pleasure. Misses Frances and Lois Anderson; served nectar on the broad, cool porch wbere many anent the evening In a. social way while others enjoyed dane- : lng within. Dainty refreshments ended this de- ; lightfully pleasant evening and lt was with reluctance that the guests bada their attractive hostess good night. ; Miss Lie wi lyn Lig?n charmingly en tertained on Tuesday evening at Rose Hill, the home of her sister, Mrs. J. : M. Evans in honor of her* house guest Miss (Grace DePro of* Spartan burg. ] The affair was a pretty compliment to Miss DuPre and many ot Ander- j son's younger social set had the pleasure ot meeting, this .attractive ? young lady, and spending a delight- < lolly pleasant evming. I Miss Mamie DuPre of Spartanburg 1 Was Mrs. Joo Evana' charming guest of honor on Friday afternoon at her j beautiful home. Rose Hill. About t twenty-five g?eptB were Invited lo i come and bring their sawing; ana 1 Qigytwere entertained on the broad, i cool piazza of this lovely old hame. It waa a delightfully Informal affair. The laughing and sewing being In terspersed by a sweet solo by Mrs. W. H. Nardin and several instrument se lections by Miss Mamie DuPre .ca the piano, accompanied by ber sister, Miss Grace DuPre on the violin. Mrs. Evans assisted by Misses Grace DuPre and Llewllyn Ligon serv ed an elegant salad course. . Mr. Tom Smith bas returned from a ton days' trip to Black Mountain and Montrent, N. C. Miss Georgia Marshall returned Fri day, from the University ot Virginia, where she .has been taking a six wooka' course In domestic aclenco. '. . Miss Martha Richardson is a guest at a house party at Dr. Noah Richard son in Piedmont. Miss Nell Bewley is spending a month in Cheater with her suiter, Mrs. Sam Klutz. Mr. C. A. Forest of Norfolk. Va.,has been here for several days with his wife who has been spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Arnold. Mrs. Elisabeth Whinier of Atlanta a week's visit to her aunt, Mrs. ET. M. Rucker on her way home from the mountains. The following unique and attract ive little Invitation carried Joy to many a child's heart thia week: "Tho UUfcs Craigales Wedntmday Afternoon July 29th From 6 to 8 ' R. 8. V. P. * ' Promptly tn response to this Invita tion about fifty little folks gathered at the Craig home on North McDume Gt root and hore several . happy hours were spent playing the pleasant gamea so dear to the little folks' hearts. After serving - delightful. refreshments the afternoon waa ended with an au tomobil o ride, and a souvenir for each* one-and each c?i.?d carried home the recollections of a very happy occa sion. Miss Vllo? Felkel. the attractive guest ot Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Felkel, was happily surprised by a party on Tuesday evening, given by some of her frlends. Music, games. and refresh ments were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Some of the little folks have gotten a big touch .ot the North ' Anderson spirit. Last Wedesday Misses ,/Sara Prince, VS loa Felkel and Elizabeth Robinson ; carried their Sunday school classes, out to the ht tr act lye place for a picnic. It was a very happy day tor all ot theft, 'i And as ono little fel low expressed lt on his way home, he "wished that Mr. John Lindley would let them have all the time pic nics up there-" * jp lilitht Miss Avery Laughlin was the pretty little hostess for her friends, on Friday evening, when she. enter tained at a party tn h^nor of her 9th birthday. The little folks spent the time-in playing gamas on the lawn, arter that they wer? sereved willi ..dainty.-re freshment*, and each little ^uert waa wry cordial in wishing Miss Laughlin many happy returns, of the day* OOOOOOOO??O?G0?O?OO o BAPTIST NEWS. * o O . 0000900000 o OOOO ooo?. (Prom Tho Courier.). . I Pastor H. M. Fal law of Westminster ' ls making good on hia field, Mr?, i Stribllng writes: "Brother Fallaw is giving* us a series of sermons which are so full of wisdom We will be. stronger Christians and do more er- ' ficlent work for our -Master. Our church has taken on new Ufo under bis consecrated leadership, lt Is beau, tlful to ace the devotion of our men to j him and how' willing they are to got forward in all Unes of work. I know j you will-rejoice with us when bur now house of worship ls finished*" ' .- ? . It gives us sorrow to record the death of Mrs. Kugley, the wife pf Pas tor E. IA Kugley, of Hones Path. She was brought to Green vino some weeks ago In the hope*that the change, would prove beneficial, but it waa unavailing and on ' last Sunday afternoon at tho home of. her ..parents, Mr.-and Mrs, E. E. Kenncmore, ehe fell to sleep. Be sides her father, mother and hu sba na, Mrs. Kugler leaves four 6weet chil dren. Sho waa a truly good woman. We extend to these loved ones our ten dered sympathy. On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Elisabeth : Hammond Bleckloy of An derson died. We can hot'say that a great loss has been' sustained in her, going, ..-for ehe had lived a life ; that death could not . touch., What we can say ia that her church, her city, and her state are the richer and-the purer because* sho'lived. No one can over estimate the infinite worth of such a woman. Hers was a life, well rounded but in years, In character, in achieve ment, and in honors and rewards. Blessings upon her memory. MINERS OPPOSED TO WAR Convention From AU Nations To Pro test Against Straggle. (By Associated' Frais) 'i i ) ? f$ ,w Cardiff, Wales, August I.-;Tho; o*c- i, cutido council of tho South, .Wales Minors' Federation today refused to accedo to tho suggestion of the British j admiralty that tba miners in the col lieries supplying vessels of {.bo na' should work on Tuesday and Wedn day neat, which bad been A a* rain ors4 boll days. The conn the ground that it was not ne? for defendive purposes for tho to work, and they declined l courage British intervention in a ropean conflict. !:.'"'. , The members of the council st gested ?hat this waa an opportune mc mont Tor th? minore of Europe to force upon tba government th?js- views condemnatory of war and urged the calling of a convention of miners all nations with this object in view. A Message to You Your dollars are as valuable to you as ever this season, .You Vike to get the utmost value for every cent you spend. . - .?....;.v...: i vA 4 Then Should Inteii'est You! Would you like ??let H New Suit of Clothe*, worth $20.00, for $15.00? Orari?.00 su?t for ?11,00'? You can d /lt If yoe act quick. Wc are closing ont our Summer stock of clothing, ?very suit In the ?tore la reduced tn pri?? to accomplish sn immediate clearance, so yon buy a good suit here now at a big saving, mm ?' .. . . . . ri,-'..;' ^'^'\^??{|?^t??r~.... v ,j-.?y'-\--i:- 1 . ?: < " * ' Ali Odd Trousers Reduced. All Boys* Suits Reduced. . '. '. 'V -? '?' ..... - . ' y : ' -? " .' ? ' ; '.'? '?>".'?.''/'.'?.^'?v Goiiie atlO?ce! v