OCR Interpretation

The Anderson daily intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, October 11, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1914-10-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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This National Movement
to increase thetiome consump
tion of Cotton goods of' al!
kinds has our full and hearty
We firmly believe that it
will assist materially in the ef
fort to create a bigger demand
in this country for Southern
made cotton goods, which will
naturally stimulate the raw
cotton market.
tri SOO.
.j . .* * M ? m ? rna** m. . _m m m m m ? ,t. .1. ,t|jti f _f_
The following invitation has been is.
Hued by Mr.'and Mrs. ll- K. Beacham
M.i- and Mts. Bolton Knox Beachaui
rt-nie: i tho honor of your presence at
thc marriage of their daughter
Lorena -
Air- Walter Eugene Johnson
on the afternoon of Tuesday, tho*
twentieth of October
at four o'clock
First Baptist Church
Abbeville, South Carolina.
See Tuesday's
\ Intelligencer
for Bargains
in all
Cotton Goods
Thc following invitation has been
issued by Mr. and Kirf?. Jas. F. Bradley
Mrs. and Mrs- James Foster Bradley
request the pleasure o' your company
at the marriage of their daughter
' and
T.I3V- Henry Elliott Presslcy
on thc evening of Wednesday, tho
fourteenth of October
at halt after eight o'clock
at home
Abbeville. S. C.
Be Patriotic and Loyal to
the South in her hour of need,
and Buy something made of
Cotton during this week.
Read our Ad in 'tuesday's In
telligencer for your own profit!
8lms-rhIllIpK. .?
Mr. and Mrs- Abner B. Sims
announce tho marriage ?>? tlfclr daugh
Ollie Lee,
to ?.
Mr- James Killin Phillips,
on Thursday, the eighth of October
nineteen hundred und fourteen
at their ho&io,
near Pelzec, South Carolina,
At homo
in Belton. - South Carolina, after the
first of November *
"Mirror's Old Stand."
J Ellls-IInrper.
Dr. William George Harper, who
made lils home in Anderson, until a
few years ago hus sent a number of
his friends here invitations to bis ap
proaching marriage. Dr. Harper is
pleasantly remembered here and baa
a In Ot of friends who wish for him
a happy future
Mr. and" MVS.- Jerire Calvert Bills
request the pleasure of your company
at the wedding reception ot .their
Miss Mary Gillam Hodges
Dr. William George Harper
oj* Thursday ftveplng, October 27
from i? to i " ojciock
At home
Abbeville, S. C. .
Miss Seybt Honored.
Miss ?Marie Seybt, whose marriage
to Mr- ..Hill on MJonday evening will
he tho leading social event of ' the
week in Anderson society, was the
guost of honor at a miscellaneous
shower Friday afternoon when Misa
Alberta Brock, one of Miss Seybt'a
attrr/dahts. entertained !n ber honor.
The guests were grctted at the door
by Mrs. Clarence Brock and invited
Wedding Presents
Quality and Taste
When a friend marries, the most natural thing in
the world is to remember him with a present in com
memoration of the ?vent To bc sure, you wish to
give something nice-then where'ehe would yon go
rather than to a fflt? Chu? Jeweler?
Solid Silver
It sounds well-there is nothing quite so sweet to
the ears of the bride as sterling silver.
Cut Glass
There is nothing handsomer, nor more prized for
ka beauty and elegance man' a piece of sparkling
cuf glare of the first quality-wo keep that kind
only. s
We carry a very comprehensive line of jewelry
that i> vary suitable for wedding gifts at almost any
price that you care to pay.
hlarchbanks Babb
The Neapolitan Orchestra
-s (All Talented Italians)
Presents Fir it "Number of
College Lycetmt Course
Friday Evening* Oct. 16th
College A u?itorium
I, A/ili A Ait lii.iti.i.li sfisfissVi I I
[ET Y il il
h4 ?++V*"f*4"M-+
into the ltviug room .-/hore tho host- j
ess. honoree and Mrs- William McLean*
Missus Ruth Fretwell, Lois Jackson j ?
and Maude Holly received
After the guests had all arrived
thoy were invited into thc library]j
where a chair had been placed Just
under a beautiful white and green
wedding bell, for Miss Soybt. Dainty
little Theodosia Hrock and Helen Al
lon in their little white frocks and
hugo pink bows announc d that the
bride would bo showered. Many ex
quisite gita were given Miss Seybt. |(
Throughout tho house a pink and
green color scheme wa3 observed
Bowie of pink roses and Jardinieres
of ferns were placed In every avail
spot t i
After the Shower thc guests were
{Invited'into the H?ning room where in
'tho center of the room the bride's ta
ble .had been placed and around this
small tables for thc other guests.
A. vase with exquisite pink dahlias
and ferns made the central decoration,
for tho table. On the ligh*U of tho
chandelier tiny littlo bags had been
tied and Just as Miss .Seybt was scat
ed a string wns pulled and she wash
showered" with rice- The other tables | ]
used the l'aine decorations as the
bride's- Painty hand painted cards
made as flippers and wedding bells
marked thc places for tho following
Mrs. Wlullcr Nnrdln, Mrs. U. E
Seybt, Mrs. s. D. Brownlee, Mn,
Dave Gray, Mrs. Eugene Harriss,
Mrs. Eugene Watson, Mrs.^Earle Lew.
ia. Mrs. raymond Fretwell, Mrs. Ar
thur Hollman, Mrs- Dick Llgon, Miss
Louise Ligon, Mrs. Tom Allen, Mrs
I>. A. Led hotter, Mrs. Walter Heatly
Misses Lorena and Ella Mae Cum
mings, Zadie Fretwell, Ruth Fretwell
Maude Holly, Lob-. Jackson, Mrs. WU
liam Mci can, Mrs. Clarence Brock
and the honored guest, Miss Seybt
Birthday Party
Dainty little Miss Katherine Mar
lin, the attractive-little daughter of
Mr- and Mrs. F. J. Martin, has h'ptose
to a number of her friends Friday af
tcrnoon when she celebrated her
fourth birthday at the home of her
parents on East Orr street
Games were enjoyed for an hour
?after which the guests were Invited
into thc dining room where a beau
tifully decoray3di Irfrthday tobie
{awaited them. A huge hlrthday cake
with* Its four candles stood in the
center of the table. A yellow and
white color scheme was o?*ervcd and
carried out in every phjrsible detail
Delicious ices, cakes and candies were
For ved tho little guests who were:
j Louise King. Annie Elizabeth Crowth
er, Shelbv Crowther, Frances Hamil
ton, Ira Hamilton, Caroline and Evelyn
Starks, Mildred Hutchins. Gertrude
Wllklu, Sara Wilson Rowian. Nancy
Dlwer, Nelson and Vivian Cheshire.
?Edward Elkin, Aaaron Hcmbree, Mir.
tha Wyatt. Harold Johnson, Marshal]
Sherard, Sara ' nndj Crook Bura'sa.
-Toff Clinkscak"--. Sara Alice McDaniel.
Nan and Louise Martin, Jam ?ii and
Frank: Martin, Ceraldine Trainmen.
Elizabeth Dugan. Ethel Pruitt. W.
N. Newell, Allen and Pauline Smoak
Circle Meei inp.
The Circles of thc First Presoytcnan
church were most pleasantly enter
tained Monday afternoon at the fol
lowing houses:
Number one. with Mrs. Fred Bur
nett on South Main ?treet.
Number two, with Mrs. B- O. 'Evana
Number throo, with Mrs. Frank
Farmer. Mn's. Anna Weston, Miss
Loutee Humphreys, on East Whltncr
Number5 four, with Mrs. George
Townsend and Miss Hunter, in Nprthj
These meetings are always delight
fully Informal and bring the members*
of thc church in closer touch with
one another
After a sbort business session a
social hour was enjoyed and ' each
hostess served tempting refreshments,
The following Invitations have been
received in Anderson announcing an
other interesting October wedding in
Mrs- Frances E. McPhail
requests the pleasure ot your com
pany st the marr Iago of lier daughter
Mr. William Thaddeus Willingham
on the evening of Tuesday tho twtsn
tlHh. ot October st eight o'clock
. at home
Peno'oton, Sooth Carolina.
IIb? Cohen Again Honored. j
Miss Sadie Cohen was guest of hon
or at a breakfast patty given by Mis*
Hilda Meadow ort t?n Saturday morn
lng, her other guests being the mem
bers of the Crochet Club. The decora.
Hons in the dining room were both
beautiful and unique, the colors cho
san or the motif being red and yel
low. In the center ot the largo round
tobie was a punch bowl, filled with red
salvia. From the four lights of the
chandelier, which were shaded with
yellow, wore suspended showers -of
sai via; and yellow ribbon on which
were strung quantit?s of little wed
ding bells, was hung from the lights
and brought down to four caudles oa
the table, tbe caadles haring Shades
of yellow end tied'with yellow tulle.
the effect being strikingly ai tractive.
Covers were laid for twelve, the
piare cards being Dutch shoes ?nd
other odd shapes which the hostest
bad obtained during hor recent trip
U> Iloll&ud. An elegant breaktast ot
ave courses waa served, at the el<*ae|
of which an interesting end originel j
..gama ve* introduced- The guests {
were pvesent^d with HtUe b4okw, anti
ced "Conversations be*~is,a Sadie
and ?? m& -
Illustrations of their acquaintance
md courtship which thc young ladies
were asked io give nunn s to. Boroo
rory clever answers were given and
?aused much - amusement.
Wesley Pbilathea Meeting.
.The Wesley Pbilathea Class of the
it- .Johns Methodist church will meet
ruosday afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho
lome of Mrs. Remus Henderson, on
Marshall avenue. An iutercbling
acotlng fa expected and all tho meni
>ers are invited to be present
Parties fer Miss Cohen.
Tho following clippings from the El
l)crton Star will be read with the
greatest interest by the, many friends
)f Miss Sadie Cohen, who will sonn
-?nie to Anderson as Mrs. Marry
On lafct Friday afternoon tho at
ractivo home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. It
ttattox was thronged with guests, thc
-fas''"" l>el*"* i reception given by
ftes Ellen Mattoe aal Mia* Jen
i.cu irvin lu nonos of Miss Sadie
folien, whose marriage to Mr. Harry
Oelsberg o oe. ure next week. Tlie
rooms were bcautiully decorated
Arith golden rod und fcrit*. and thc
lights, covered with yellow shades
:ast a warm, ssoft glow over tho scent
presenting a striking contrast to thc
hill ruin on the outside. In thc re
ceiving line were Miss Sadie Cohen,
Vii'O Ellen Mattnx. Miss Jennie I .on
Irvin and Miss Minnie Cohen In the
lining room the decorations were
-perinMy attractive, the large round
.limy lunch cloth, thc center pluce
teing a large bunch of golden rod.
\ delicious salad course W.T. served by
Miss Daisy Irvin. Miss Lizzie Irvin
?nd Mles Alice Muttox, all of whom
wore dainty white dresses with large
mellow scVihos and yellow bowe In the
tiair. They woro assisted bv Master
vflke Mattnx. who passed th*? mints
' pinned on ?thc favors, which were
vhlte -heartB bordered with gilt on
vhlch wem the letters "C" and "O"
-eparated hy a golden wedding bell
Miss Elizabeth Mattox served punch
Trom a bowl alun st burled in golden
.pd; she, too, was dresser! in white
with yellow sash and hair ribbons
Mrs. Mattox wa?? assisted lu receiving
'he guoirts by Mrs. W. H- Irvin and
-/Alice Stevens. A large number
it friends called during the hours of
lie reception.
A number of* Rev. Chas. Haddon
N'a bc rs' .friend j- have received .Invl-.
'.attona ?nouncing his anproachlng
marriage. Rev. Xabeii* made his
heme In Andersen at one L??ic and hus
thc best trishes of all his former
"Mr. Jefferson Da\ ir, Whiteside re
rmest|i the honor ot your* presence at
the marriage of Ms daughter. Minnie,
to F.ov. Chnrlrn Haddon Nabcrs on I
Tuesday afternoon, October the 20th,
rino thousand nine hundred and four
teen at four o'clock, at home. Hickory ]
rjrovo. South Carolina. At home af
ter October 23rd, Prosperity, S. C.*
A MyHteHo?,? ?Colton nail.*?
A very enterprising charitable or
ganisation in Columbia has decided toJ
?rive 2 "cotton ball" In thc ball room
at the Jefferson hotel about two
weeks from now- Tho whole affair is
exceedingly mysterious- All the
guests arc to wear cotton costumes
ind tho ball room will - bo. decorated ,
n cotton boin?. Every one should .be
m thc lookout for one of thc in vii
la*ions and havo a cotton gown ready.
The bali will undoubtedly be e pretty
iffair and all thc more enjoyable ho- j
sause of this unique Southern fea- j
(are.-The State.
Ladies* Day.
Friday was ladies' day at Elks Club j
md a number of enthusiastic, card
players spent the afternoon In the club j
rooms. Tables were placed In tho la
dies' reception room-, reading room abd !
billiard room and from four tii? six i
auction was enjoyed.
Those playing were Mrs- Swain Oil.
mer, Mrs. George Aide, Miss Lydia
Orr, Mrs. Ralph Hamer, Mrs. Harry
Orr. Mrs. Louis Gray, Miss Land. Mrs.
Sam Orr. Mrs T. t?. ?ely. Mrs-- G. B.
Greene. Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. McDon
ald, Mrs. James Baldwin, Mrs. Levis]
Sanders, Mrs. J. L- Sherard, Mrs. Al
bert Sidney Farmer, Mrs. Clydo Floss/
Mrs- -Lucille Bray, Mrs. John Frank, J
Mrs. Bond Anderson, Mrs. Horace
McGee, Mri?. Leon Rice, Mrs- Har
rington Godfrey, Misses Anna Rossi
Cunningham, Weean Gllrner, Jessie)
Browny and Caroline . Vance.
Birthday smarty.
Miss Louise King was a charming i
little hostess Saturday afternoon when
Hie celebrated her sixth birthday at j
the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. j
J- King, on East River street
The twenty-five little guests were
Invited from 3:80 till 6. After
the usual ?ames had been played the
hostess and her guests were Invited
in the dining room where everything
was beautifully decorated with > 'len
rod and terns- In the center <* the
dining table was tba white birthday
nalia with istx tiny yellow candles to
mark tho years ot little Miss King's
life. From the chandelier to each cor
ner ot the- table were broad yellow
batta ribbons to add to tho beauty of
thia happy little orcwd with their
dainty white frocks and colored hair
ribbons. Delicious lees and coke and
candies all in the yellow and white
wera served the ittUe folks.
Another Skewer.
Conspicuous among the many de
lightful attentions being bestowed up
on Rock HsH's group of fair brides ot
the month, was tho shower given
Wednesday afternoon oomplimentary I
to Miss Ladle Fresrjfry ber cousin.
Mes Margaret Frew. The roo mr und
hail way of tho r-^fidenco were attrac
tively adorned *lth a color harmmy
of white and yellow.
Upon arrival, the guests were seat
ed at tables where progressive Old J
Maid afforded Intense emu semant until !
car3* wera laid aside for the terring!
sf two counses of delicious refresh
ments- AU were then invited into the
lining room where over the tuhle was
suspended a white parasol, decorated
with golden rod and with satin rib
bons extendiug to the corner of the
tjiile "Showering" from this and
bunking thc table beneath wero num.
tiers of interesting looking packages,
which ' tu being opened by the guest
>f honor were found to contain all
ort.", of lovely things dear to the
heart f a girl. For tho gamete. Cu
pid score-carjls tied with yellow rib-1
bons wore used.
Miss Lucile Frew was elegantly at
tired In a gown of "now blue" char-1
meuse, wth chiton draperies, black |
velvet hat with black plumes.
Tho hostel's wore a dainty gown of ]
lace trimmed lingerie.
For M?s? Frew.
Miss Frow, of Rock Hill, whose
marriage to Jaine?; Marsha!! <*!'! tuke|
place Wedneeday evening is bcinst
charmingly entertained by her girl
friend* previous to ber wedding- The j
following clippings from tho riock|
Hill Herald will ho interesting to Mr
Marsha'ls friends and t> thc friends]
MIBS FT JW will make when she comes I
to Anden en as Mrs. Marshall.
L HnrrlKoopJone*
Anderson jieople aro greatly inter
ested In thc marriago of Miss Mary
Connor Harrison and Hayna * Janes,
which took place Wednesday . dron
ing In Walhalla. Mrs. Harrison has
a number of friends in Anderson and
Anderson county who regret that ber
marriage will take her out of this
county. Tho following clipping from
the Greenville ri ed mont will give a
vivid desorption of this beautiful wed
ding. \
On Wednesday evening, October the I
seventh, at seven o'clock, the homo of
Mr- and Mrs- Frank L. Harrison, of
Wulhalla, was tho ?jeenc of a brilliant
wedding when their daughter. 'Miss
Mary Connor Harrison, became 'tho]
bride of Mr. Hayno Jones.
Thc homo was beautifully decorated
with potted plants and cut flowers.
Ibo -color scheme beldg yellow and
Just before the ceremony Mrs- Wade |
C. IJ ughs sen? with unusual swaet
IKI s th* w ilding song from- Mendels
sohn- Mendelssohn's wjedding marchi
AMS played by Miss Grace Heard as |
the wtiddlng party (entered in 'the1 fol
low order: Messrs Frank E. Harri
son, Mack Neville and Earle Beard I
formed ribbon aisles from the recep
tion hall doorway to thc improvised
altar In tho ceremony room. Next!
came thc maid of honor, MMs Janie !
Harrison, sister, of the bride. Herl
brunette type of beauty never looked
prettier? than In her lovely yellow
accordlan plaited chiffon gown with
lace draperies and carrying huge yel
low eli ry .san th em urns tied with yel
low tulle.
? Little Miss Mary Louise Beard was I
ring bearer carrying the ring in tho|
heart of a white rose.
; Miss Carrie Darby Harrison, (sister |
of tho bride, entered next as flower
girl, bearing a gold basket filled with j
white roses tied with whito tullo
Hot ii flower girl and ring bearer were I
lovely white lace dresses and yellow ?
The bride entered on tho arm of her
""lither- She was a picture of dainty
loveliness attired In her woddlng
gpwn ofwhit? Ivory satin with duc,h
css lace bodice, draperies of chiffon
r-mbrcldercd in pearls. The ?ung
wai' ; tube v- n wuk J tleet a a v.
sprays of Illy of the valley. H or bou
quet of bride roset* with shower of |
valley lilies .was gorgeous.
* Thc bride was met at the altar by I
thc groom with his best .man. Mr.
Luther. MjcBue, Jr-, of Greenville. -The |
ifng ceremony was performed by Bev.
J. L. Stokes. During .the ceremony
Miss Graes Beard, softly played, a se- j
lection from Tanhouser
Immediately after the solemn and]
beautiful sc-r/'co th nt united tho hap
py couple, a brilliant reception was
enjoyed hy the largo number of
guccta present.
LU Ho Mis . King.
A number of tho friends ot little
Miss Noys King wero delightfully cn- ]
teri nilled when she asked them to
come Saturday afternoon and share
Uic pleasures of ber birthday with her
at her timo on Hiver street.
Aile'. ?lt the guests had arrived
and i-anV delightful games played
they were invited into the dining
room where a beautiful yellow and
white color scheme was carried out
fe every detail Thc ease t&blc deco
rations used earlier in thc afternoon
for little Miss Louisa King's party ;
were again used with the exception
pf the birthday cake which- held thir-1
?**s tiny ye!le*r candids. ?ess, c~k??
and candles were (served the little;
hostess and her guests
Staff 8upp*r.
, Harry Oelsberg, whose marriage to
Miss Sadie Conen, of Elberton, Ga.,
Si H be one of the social events ot
ie weak waa the -guest of honor at a
stag (rapper Wednesday evening. In
the dining room of the Hotel Chlquola
a tablo nad befa beautifully decorated
and Lore this supper was served,
? Tiny caros with the mena on them j
wero plseed at each plato
Oyster Cocktail
Broiled Trout < Tartar Sauce
* Celery rickie? On vee
Fried Chicken Geisberg Fritters
Oreen Peas - Potato Croquettes
Waldorf Salad
Chocolate Cream Wedding Cake
h" ' Mitihs
October 7*h, 1914.
Billy Lyon acted as toastmaster and
a number of amusing after-dinner
speeches were made.
Covers had been laid for the honor
ed gttest, ***x Gelsberg. Ernest John
sou, BUly Lyon, Donald Brown, Har
" 'i ? .V. . ^^HaBHS
leaton Barton, Allic Barton. (Hoon
Evans, Dr. John Major, Clifton Ligon,
Eugene Watson, Henry Cason and
t'lydc Mallison
Hhower fer Miss Frew.
Miss Emma London has issued invi
tations to a Kitchen Shower Friday af
ternoon in honor of We* Lucile Frew
S5**a Minnie Bussell to Ko to Panama.
A cabio message was received Wed
nesday by Mr- W. W. Russell stating
that Miss Minnie Russell had been
given a position on the Canal Zone.
Miss Russell fc? at present teaching a
school near Rock HUI and has not
been communicated with yet, it is pre
sumed, howover, that she will accept
tho position if the school board for
whom she IH now teaching will re
leajsc her for this term.
Ladies' Aid
Tho Ladles* Aid Society of Nie First
Baptist Church will meet Tuesday af
;crr.DO!> at four o'clock in the church.
?t... \,r.,ll_... _ T ".."i.,t?, I
?no. .fl.-lou - unu?nii?i 13
Girls' Club
Tito Girls' Club of tho Baptist
church will meet Friday nfternoon at
four o'clock ln-tho church. Mrs. A- L.
Smothers Is loader of this club and is
very aurions or all thc girls to bo
Dancing Porty.
Mr- and Mrs. Henry Orr entertain
ed Tuesday evening nt their homo on
West Market with a beautiful dancing
party. Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Cude of
italy, who are receiving so many lovo
ut tent lons during their stay hero were
again the honored guests on this oc
After Mjr- and Mrs. Orr and Mr. and
M rs- Aide had welcomed all thc
guests the ono step and hesitation
wero enjoyed from nine 'til ono, with
a short intensif rion for supper,. Nec
tar was served throughout the even
The dancers were Mr. arid Mrs.
Bond Anderson, Mr- and Mrs? Alert
Sidney Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Christie
De Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. William D. M eari,
Mr- and Mrs- Swain Gilmer, Miss Lin
da Thompson. Mr. Sam Orr and Miss
Lydia Orr, Archie Cathcart, - Tom
Cartwright, Guy Wentworth,, of
Greenville, William Marshall and Mr.
Mr- and Mrs. Jess Stribling and lit
tle children, Virginia tad Harry, are
spending tbs week-end with Mr- Stab
ling's parents In Pendleton.
Miss Genevieve Singleton, of Green,
wood, is the guest of Miss Lois Reese,
on South Main street.
Mrs. A. Wv Carpenter, of Washing
ton, D C. who has been the guest of
Mrs- Lizzie Sullivan, on Franklin
street, ls now visiting Msw. Wyatt
Aiken in Abbeville.
? .'.t..
Miss Maudo Holly, of Cokcsbury.
and Miss Lois Jackson, of Iva? er$
the attractive guests of Miss Msri^
Soybt at her homo just east of UM*
Mrs. C- Br Walton, of Spartanburg,
arrived in the oity yesterday to bo
the guest of Mrs. 8. D. Brownlee, on'
South McDufie street, for the Seybt
lilll wedding on Monday evening.
-Mrs- Zeigler Marshall came down
from Asheville yesterday, where aaa
has been for several weeks to attend
the Scybt-Hlll wedding- Mrs. Mar
shall is stopping with Mr|& Dare
Gray on Bast Church street
Miss Mattie McLees, of Dillon, is
spending the week-end with Mrs. El
sie Gray on East Church street.
Mrs Stokes, of Walhalla, sad Mfess,
Hallie Pelser, who have been the
guests of Mrs. Elsie Gray, have re
turned home
Mrs. Frank Sloan and little da^gh>,
ter, Esther, havo returned from At
lanta, whore they spent the past
month- ' }
- ' "v..~
Miff. Ruth Provost and little son,!
Claude Townsend, are visiting rela
tives in Atlanta. . ,?
Mrs. Harleston Barton has goos to
Greenwood, where' she -will spend sev
eral days as the guest of Mrs. Jack
Abney before going on to Elberton,
Qa-, to attend tho marr lag of Miss
Sadie Cohen and Mr. Harry Oelsberg,,
on October tho 3.4th
I Miss Marguerite Adams, of Chafies
ton, and Miss Bessie Allen, of Green
ville, two of-the teachers of the Bel
ton school, are spending the waek-1
end wini Md?. J. p. Trowbridge, on
Pr?vost street.
Mrs. G- A. Hubenstein loaves today
for Elberton, Ga-, where she will be
ibo house guest ot Miss Sadie Cohen j
until wednesday. Mrs. Bubonsteln
will act as dame of honor for Miss Co
hen when (arlie and Harry Oelsberg aro
Miss- Sara .Witherspoon, of Green
ville. Is spending the week-end with
Miss Caroline Vance on Bast Church
W. -O/W. Unveiling
Oct. ii-l4.
Water Oak Camp will unveil the
monument to their late Sov. Mack Bl-)
nam in Silver Brook Cemetery, Baa
day evening, Oct. ll, at 4 o'clock. Tte
degree team and members will meat;
at their hall at 3 o'clock. Visiting
Woodmen are ' invited to take part
with us- *rv-'
R. E. BMPTH. <?. C; .
? - i i ??fiiaac=B3g?sasaw
??t???- -i
Have your eyes
? tif??ally treated by
those Who Know.
asa Vrv'i
Dr. R, El Cochran,
Authoritative Corset
You want a corset that will shape to
Fashion--support in easy supple com
fort-preserve your natural figure
lines-and stilt be serving you tong
after an ordinary corset would have
gone to pieces. Ask for.
Merchants everywhere have the author
itative Warner styles for Fall and Win
ter. Make your selection Bow, alid
weur it w'hen your gowns are fitted.
For every . figure-large or sma?l
there is a Warner's fashionably de
signed to support the figure Wftfi easy
flexible comfort.
Not to Rust, Break or Tear
Wear a Warner's Brassiere with -
your corset and your figure frota
shoulder to thigh will be pe rte t
ly supported in lines cf present
Warner's Corsets
Warners Brassieres
50c to $4fc
We feature ali Cotton goods this com*
ing Week on account of the "National Cot
ton Goods Movement."

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