OCR Interpretation

The Anderson daily intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, February 21, 1915, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1915-02-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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Item? of Interest and Person
Wireless on the St
Ab Old Tea IN
Bark: ?? -Market.
Mts.-Mattie J Hall. ?Well known
lady of the county, discovered in H
seed catalog gome days ago un adver
tisement of a particular *ype of Kng-*
Ils!? pea which has been oft the local
market for 20 years. She showed the
ad to Furman Smith, the well known
seedsman, and had bim order a
quantity -of the seed. It is known an
the early salad pea. lt is sahl to be
the earliest and sweetest pea grown.
Tho nea ls not hulled like the ordinary
English peu, hut is broken up like a
string bean. The pea'Hhould be plant
ed ?'bout now, it is stated.
Super?I??r Wishes
To Borrow Money.
County Supervisor J. Muck King
will shortly borrow $7f>.000 for county
purposes, according to a statement
yesterday by tlint official. Mr. King
states that the county will need about
$30,000 by March 13. Last year the
supervisor paid 5 1-2 cents for money.
This year, be stuted. he han ulreudy
hod a promise of 5 per cent money.
Both local banks and outside agents
are figuring on lending the comity
this money. Mr. King stuted. The
notes for this borrowed ' money will
bo /etired with tax money taken in
next fait'._ '_
We have Just moved to Anderson to
mike this ?My Town.? and if hustling
for business, and strict attention to
the business entrusted to our rare,
will build a business, we will be here
. immanently.
We propose to conduit, a .Bierde
and Mvtorerelo Agency, featuring the
celebra ?cd "la?laiW Motorcycle, also
do rep Air work on bicycles and motor?
YTc solicit a share of yow Madness,
Gates & Smith
ISO West Whltner Street, Phone 198
If it does, we liaxe t
to paint it with. We 1
tomobile Paint on the
Let us show'you soi
were painted by, the c
ing Guest paint.
We Will give you f
structions on how to i
Guest P
'Guest Sell
Increase your chance {
If you have bought A F
help us to sell your /rie
we sell and deliver 3'OO.c
next August, you'll get ye
lo $60.
Ford Sedan $975; <
Car $660* Touring Car $
Fatly chopped, t. o. fe.
On tfep?sy sod s&U
Y? ?f> ?f. ?'?> ?i' !(. ?{> ?f? rf*? 3t? 3f> *f>
_ *
[d Mention Caught Over the *
bree ta of Anderson ?
******* -V- ***** ?
.Mr. rearman WIM
Helter Siitiirday.
Clerk of Court James ti, l'earmuu,
who was taken ill at hi? office last
week ami who ha? I -cn confined tn his
room since, was somewhat improved
yesterday, il?, spent u fairly restful
night Friday nicht und yesterday wan
able to take nourishment, lie is ?till
suffering considerable pafii from ?
severe attack o? tonsilitis. His rriendb
hope to see him out again soon.
Washington's Birthday
Turfy Monday Mgiil.
The "Little* Workers" of Uelhel
Methodist church will give a Washing
ton's birthday party Monday night at
7:30 o'clock at the Anderson Mill Hall.
Recitations and music will he a part
of the program. Icc cream and other
refreshments will he served. The pub
lic is cordially Invited to attend.
Hospital Wunts
1"?? Hose Ruthe*.
The Ander aon County Hospital
wants about lf>0 rose hushes for a
big ros.. Karden which is to be planted
in the front yard of this institution, on
North Kant street, declared Mr. lt. S.
Lig?n yesterday. One generoua heart
ed Indy has already donated. 22 cut
tings for the garden, and Mr. Ligon
thinks that lhere are others who might
wish lo contribute-ff few to tho cause.
All vsritles of cuttings will he ac
ceptable. Tho hospital association IB
also establishing a scientific library
for the use of the doctors and nurses
of thc hoapltal, a number of medical
Journals, text hooks and periodicals
having already been placed in a room
set apart for tho library. ?
Traction Scrape *
Csed on Streets.
Various streets of the city were
scraped yesterday by means of a big
traction englue hooked to u road
scrape, and the arrangement proved
more effectivo than the split log drag.
Early In the mornlug the big tractor
took a bucking spell while coming
down a steep inclino on West Market
street and for a considerable while
cut up several "capers" altogether
new tn the behavior of a traction eu
gine. Before tho ongine could be stop
ped in one of its flights ll dragged the
road scrape over n high manhole, with
the result that the blade or knife of
tho latter machino struck the man
hole full force, breaking some parts
of the contrivance.
John R. Pruitt's
House Barned.
About daylight yesterday morning
the huuduomb home of Mr. John R.
Pruitt, about ono mlle from Emer
son's bridge, on the Craytonvlllo road,
waa destroyed by Are. The structure
wan a complete loss and only about
i>ne-th|rd'of the contents were Baved.
The origin of tho Uro ls not known,
and ls thought to have started be
Auto Need
ixactly what you need
have the very best Au
me of the autos which
iwners themselves, us
ull and complete in
>amt your own car.
'amt Co.
s the Best.''
o share in our profits,
ord since August 1st,
nds. Remember, if
loo new Fords before
mr share of from S40
:oupe!et $780; Town
490; Runabout $440.
i at
tween the ceiling'and roof. The house
WUK erected about two yearn ugo and
WUK valued at about $4,000. Mr. Pruitt
larrit:! $:'.,325 insurance- un the houfte
.md contenta.
Messrs. Held and Kum*
Ri cv it ed Injurie?..
People of Anderson learned with re
Krot yoalerday of injuries receive?! by
Repr?sentatives S. A. Rums und
Qeorge M. Reid Thursday night when
the plnsti rill, on tile overliead ceil
mg o? tli?" room they were occupying
in a hoarditiK notise on Blandlng
street, tn Columbia, tell. Mr. Rehrs
?ace was lacerated and bruised, while
Mr. Burns suffered bruises ,m his
irm. .Mr. Reid's bruises were no pain
ful that the atieOwing physician ad
vised him to go home* Mr. Rum's In
juries were painful but not danger
ous, and he was able td remain In Co
lumbia until the adjournment of thu
general assent! !y.
Two Fine Musicians
At The Paramount.
The two new mtiHicians which Man
ager Fred M. Hurnttt of tho Para
mount Theatre lian brought here made
their initial appearance yesterday. Mr.
Leroy Vc.id. trombone soloist for
years in the famous marine band of
New York anil the band of Signor
Ferdinando Napp!, la one* of the
musicians and tho other is Mr. A. H.
Weinberg, a cornetist from Rerlln.
The addition of th?se two artlBts to
the orchestra of the Paramount will
Improve the music dispensed at this
amusement bouse wonderfully, lt is
doubtful If a (mer orchestra is to be
found in the Carolinas. Tho patrons
of the Paramount appreciate th'* ef
forts which the miutagemrr.L ts mak
ing to give them the best of every
thing in music and pictures.
li. f. Tillmin Out"
For Congress.
lt is with interest tliat Anderson
people have learned of the statement
by Mr. H. J J. Watson, a newspaper
man of prominence of Greenwood and
the new secretary of tho chamber of
commerce of that city, that Mr. Henry
C. Tillntun. a well known lawyer of
that town and son of United States
Senator B. R. Ti'lman. will be a can
didate for congressman from tho third
?ittrict in 19IG.
Antic?pales Rig
Spring Business.
Miss Dora Oelsberg, who is in New
York city buying millinery, ready to
wear, etc., will be home Tuesday. She
writes that she has purchased a big
assortment of pretty millinery, ready
to wear, etc., for spring. Miss Geis
berg writes that she ls going to en
gage one of the very best milliners in
the east for the spring business, to
arrive in Anderson about March 1st.
Hear our Orchestra and
see the best pictures. An
derson Theatre.
? ? i ? - . M. A AAA . f .a .A .e. J .A. A A> e s ? .
Mica Marte Elms of tiasley is spend
ing the week-end in. the city.
IO. G. Evans of. Pendleton waa
among the visitors ia the city -ester
day. '
Miss Nell Mccutcheon of Pendleton
was among thc shoppers in thc city
yesterday. . ^^9^H
. ''Uncle" Oavo Taylor of Saudy j
Springs was in thc city yesterday
L. L. Bannister of Cray ton vii le vas
in the city yesterday.
John Staub of Aiken a cadet at
Clemson College 1s the guest of Arthur
Barton. .
J. H. King of Carswell Institute
was in the city yesterday.
W. T. A. Sherard of Iva was antoni*
the visitors in the city yesterday.
Reid Sherard of Wtlllamston was in
che city yesterday,
Pat Hobson ot Sandy Springs , was
a visitor In the city yesterday.
J. B. Stone of Six and Twenty was
In the city yesterday.
J. W. Hall of Iva spec* yesterday in
the city.
Jes. E. Cok? of frincinnati. and A.
W. Dlrgin of New York Jewelry drum
mers, were in the city yesterday.
S. M. Jones or the Emerson's Bridge !
section ?pent yesterday In thc city,
John Brea/aale of "Pendleton was !
imong the visitors in tho city -rester- 1
H. M. Garrison of the Sandy Springs
?eetton was a visitor In the city yes
Mies Nettle Mcphail oft Hopewell
eas a shepp?r lr. the city yesterday.
D. H. Mcphail of H'jnewell was in
lu? cRy yesterday.
C. C. Jones of Starr was a visitor
n the city yesterday.
A. McPhail of Hopewell was In the
atty yesterday.
L. O. Robinson of AntrevR!? vrac a
isltor in the city yesterday.
Oliver Catey, ot -Btptus spent yes
crday in th? city, \
Miss Pensacola Branyon of Start
pent yesterday in the city.
H. B. McClellan of Roberts tras ta
A two reel Victor featuring
Joker fumed)
l tno reel C?tld Heal Li ?una featuring
??tor Comedy featuring
Two reel Blg-C featuring
LKO Comedy
Ninth EpiKude
Sterling Comedy
Inp Two Keel featuring
Nestor Comedy
Bison tittie reel featuring
Two extra selected reela^added
each day, making FIVE big reek
dail". The final episode of the
?ncut&? Doil?r, Mystery ai Vats Bi
jou March 2nd.
Open at 2;30 to 10s30
P. M. .
Prices Only 5 c and 1 Oe
V A. G. Thompson of Starr spent yes
terday in tho city.
W. H. Duckworth ot Wiiiiamaton
was In the city yesterday.
E. H. Welborn has" returned to WJ1
II am s ton after g short stay in the city.
B. Cromer of Townvllle spent yes
terday in tho city.
James Relton nf Roberts was a visi
tor in tho city yesterday.
J. B. Felton and family are spend
ing tho week-end with relatives at
Misses Elise Merriett aud Clello
Mooro of Townvllle were In the cltj
Miss Estelle Bruce of Belton ls the
guest orLV. and Mrs. 8. Q. Bruce.
Prof. M. R. Mahaffey of the Long
uranch school w?o ls ?io yity ycstcr
**rot. L. M. Mahaffey bf the Lebanon
Behool spent yesterday In th? city.
"Willie Fant ot Town ville spent yes
terday In the city.
W. C. Kay* ot Townvllle was in the
:lty yesterday on business.
M?as Maggie M. Carlington went lo
Laurens to spend the week-end with
lier grandmother.
A Very delightful party waa ?elven on
rhursday afternoon hy Mja. John.Hail
t her pretty country homo, in houor of
ter guest. Miss Cecil Parker ot Iva. A
arge ?umbr, cf friends were pr?sent,
ind the timi?pleasantly spent dancing,
.aler a splendid shoper was eerred.
Calomel m?kes yon sick and yon
ase a day'* work. Calomel la a
asty, dangerous chemical
our sluggish liver and bo.
onntipated, hes/: .us, just a
0-cent btfn of harmless Caecarets.
?hey work while ' don't
ripe, sleltr
o o
The regular monthly meeting of tho
missionary society of the First Baptist
church was held with MrB. S. E. Lov
erette on last Friday afternoon. Thc
meeting was presided bviar hy the pres
ident, Mrs. W. A. Miles. '?Three most
interesting papers were read by Mrs.
B. B. Willis. Mrs. G. M. Bchrimp und
Mrs. 8. M. Jones. After the business
was over, a social hour wau enjoyed,
during which the hostess served a
sweet course.
.Mr?. D. A. Burrlss spent Friday in
*nd*rsow shopping.
Ur. J.i). Wilson was In Lowndes
vllle a few hours Saturday cn pro
fessloual business.
Miss Virginia Wilson hus returned
from a few days' stay in Ixjwndesville.
Mr. E. R. Horton of Anderson wa3
In town Friday on business.
Mr. Ous Townsend spent a few
hours in Anderson Saturday.
Dr. J. E. Watson of Anderson was
here Friday on professional business.
Mr. r.'.dd Sherard of Belton Is visit
ing his mother, Mrs. V. E. Sherard.
Quite a number of young people
from here attended the play "Down
in Dixie" last Friday night at Starr,
which was rendered hy the pupils of
the Iva high Behool.
Dr. J. J). Wilson baa returned iront
a business trip to Anderson.
^ Mrs. 8. E. Anderson was shopping
tn Auder; un Friday.
Mrs. S. O. Jackson and daughter,
Ml . M. E. Jackson of Store.Hu were
visiting relatives in town Friday. - !
The civic improvement association
hell a v|iry enthusiastic meeting Fri
day afternoon in tho school audi- j
torlum\ This meeting waa presided j
over by the vice president, Miss Lucia j
Price. Prof. C. D. Coleman made a
very interesting talk which was much
Mr. Dud Wardlaw of Troy spent
Friday herc on business.
Miss Maggie Thompson spent the
week-end with her parents In Seneca.
Mr. A. B. Davis ot the Jackson Mill
has purchased a handsome five passeu
?er car from Mr. A. L Todd of Ander
son, j
Mr. J. Li. Jackson and son of Store
vtllp were business visitors here a
3hort while Friday.
Mesara. F. W. McGee and W. T. A. j
Sherard have returned from Charlotte, {
N. C.. where they attended the lay
men's convention of tho Presbyterian
<Mts. S M Jones was shopping in
Anderson Saturday.
Misses Ruth Grace and Ray Jones of
Antreville visited at the home of
Mr. J. C. Jones this week.
Thc Timrod Literary Society held
Its regular meeting last Friday after
noc and'the following program wai
rer red: ?<f$$J
?bate, Resolvpd, That basket ball
should be established In 'every high
school. 2*4l4Kp
: Affirmative-Nita Adams, ColumR?
Burton and James Belcher.
Negative-Bertha Burris, Lula Bas
I kin and Kenneth Badgin.
Jokes-Florido Burriss.
I Current Events-Hope Baker.
Reading-Bessie Adams.
Misses Kate Rampey. Nellie Wyatt
and Corrie Howell Were shoppers T
Anderson Saturday.
Miss Kittie Jone?; of Audron apfent !
n ihprt Thilc- here this we*.* at the
[ home of her cousin, Mrs, J. C. Jones,
i Mr. T. B. Godfrey, circuatlion mana, j
;er' of The Intelligencer, spent a few
hours in town- Saturday morning.
Mr. Feaster Jones of Starr was a j
business visitor here Saturday.
Mr, T. E. Stribllng ls spending a]
fow dayd In Seneca with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mullinix and lit- j
tie Frances left Saturday for Pclser, j
where, they go to spend a while with
Vary Pickford ia "Cinderella."
Everybody in Anderson, both young
and old, are greatly Interested in the
announcement that the famous class
ic, "Cinderella1* ls coming and tbat
orld's sweetheart," Mary Pick, j
ford is to be seen in tito five film fea
ture. A special ladies' program will
go on exhibition at 10:30 a. m. Mon
day and. both 'Monday and Tuesday
afternoons-wjjl be devoted especially
to the children. The Paramount is
preparing to accommodate a record
breaking crowd as "Cinderella" has,
wherever shown, broken all atten
dance records. Following ls a brief
In the e-^ufottely fanciful fairy-,
tale "Cinderella, . arranged from tho
beautifully embolie and century-old'
m story. Mo'-y Pickford portrays Ute
j-r?t??c:ic but bewitching ilttlte clnder
' girl, the herlono of the world renown
ed <and universally loved tale of ?no
abused stepsister who was at last
rewarded for tb? virtue and patieuce
hy -s splendid triumph pver Ute
haughty sisters and unkind stepmoth
er, and crowned ?linceas, and sov
ereign of her true love's heart. This
nsw and modern version ot "Cindo
rcl!a" is a delightful blend ot com
edy and pathos and provides a con-'
r.umniately artistic treat for people1
of all ?ges. ln the imposing and ela
borate production which has been gi v.
en thia wonderful story, illusion and
reality aro skillfully mingled, and' the
famous little heroine of the children
of all tUae Ihjes and breathe? UIMA
the screen, immortal thoro as in their
hearts, with a tender charm thar ls
all Mary Pickford's own. The vary-,
lng viciaeltudss of Cinderella's life, j
with har roany sorrows and her ?feat
triumph are depicted with a fase ?.
nntlng degree o frsalism and the in
spiring episodes of the beloved tale
Are dramatically and plcturesqnelv de
veloped ia this mont ?harming 'and
unique of fairy photoplays. Just an
they ar? chronicled In the beautiful
story that i? its origin,
As announced above, ene exhibition
wm begin at 10.?o a. m. SIne? tfctir
areV? resift and H takes approximately
15 minutes to reel, the first n
will go on every hour and n quar
after 10:30 a. m.
it. Us*
for yourself, if you seek men, if ye
fixtures, equip-ment.
Want Advert
Twenty-fire words or less. Ooo 1
Sis Times 1100.
All advertisement over twenty-fii
word. Rates on 1,000 words to
No advertisement taken for l**s
If your name appears In the tele
your want ad to 321 and a bili .rill
prompt payment.
WE BUT PEAS and pay the cash.
Forman Smith-Sccdman. Phone
464. DU
MULES FOR SALE-We will have a
good load of mules, in Friday morn
ing ana we want to sell or exchange
for your old mules. The Fretwell
Co, 2-19-3t
WYATT, the $6.00 Coal man is still
Bellina the best coal on earth at
$5 a ton; and you get 2,000 pounds,
too. Phone ISL'.
cut 15c, shave 10. Best servjce. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. C. A. McClain, |
trade for women. Pays $60 to $100
a month. Prepare now for spring
-.season. Ideal Millinery School.
100 1-2 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga,
|YEif-We teach you the barber trade
and give position in our chain, of
shops at good wages or $30. At
lanta Barber College, 10 E. Mitchell
St, Atlanta Ga.
2-21-ltp. .
? AUTO BE PA IRS-Tops recovered and
repaired7. High grade springs msde
or new leaves put in place of old
ones. Paul E. Stephens.
HAVE YOU tried our dry cleaning de
partment? If not, WHY NOTT Ros
I enborg, the -Tailor Who Knows
How. PhoHp ?0.
FOR SALK-Beardless Barley, Esslx
Rape and a seasonable assortment
of Field end Garden Seeds of best
qualities. Our. phone number is
484. Furman Smith, Seedsman.
? PHONE US your orders for cos! and
wood ix?lh, ?f??mtXZt Csai.&Sd Wood
Co., W. ?. Dimer, Phone 649.
2-17-3t '
The Day ?? Congrus
Met at noon.
"Work resumed on !saris!Etive ?nnro
prlation bill and provision for agri
cultural cenr-us was eliminated.
Committee investigating charges of
I a lobby against a ship bill resumed
taking testimony.
Passed - legislative, executive and
Judicial appropriation bill, $37,000,000,
and sundry civil bill. $126,000,000.
Took jap army appropriation bill.
Recessed 6:17 p. m. until ll a.
.m. Monday.
HOUSE: Met at noon.
Debate contined on diplomatic ap
propriation bill.
Passed diplomatic appropriation
bill, $4,000,000, and military academy
bill, $1,037,000.
Vook up fortifications appropriation
Adjourned at* 6:10 p. m. until noon
Sunday for eulogies on the lato Sena
tor Bacon of Georgia, and the late
Repr?sentative Goodwin of Meine.
?Two Cutes Disponed of S-iur
I day m City Police
The following crjr.es were disposed of
yesterday in tbV court of Recorder
Russell :
WI? Telford drunkenness, $h,
. Oscar Dc jal d. drunkenness, $.-.
i ii i 'iTn ? i milli
See ft
Any *
C. E. TR?B?
-*\ .
i$ gone.'1 V/Tomorrow docs not ex
ODAY is )he day of Opportunity,
the colounin of opportunities. Read
; it-if you seek a broader opening
m wanlib buy or sell machinery,
rr-*rrnr~rri-~r-rrr-.r-inr~TT-Y^-rir---ra'r-rr "nrt
I Columns
ising Rates
imo 25 cent?, Three Times Sf cents,
e words prorate (or each addlUonal
be used In a month made on appli
than 26 cents, cash In (dennos. \,
i phone directory yon eeo telephone
Ibo malled after Ita Insertion Cor
WANTED-To correspond, confi
dential ly, with anyone d?sirions ot
becoming permanently cored of tho
morphine or whiskey habit The
BIA, S. C. Box 76.
WANTED-The privilege to care
tobacco users at home. $5.00 boys
the core. Information if desired.
LUMBIA, S. C., Box 75.
Dr. C. Mack Sanders
Associated with Dr. J. Levis Sanders.
' Office 304-5-6 Bleckicy Building.
Office Phone 4*29. Residence Phone 149
General Practice
I Office in Llgon & Ledbetter Building.
North Main Street.
Office Phone 210.
Residence Phone 385.
Time For Mrjk?as?"'S=-S?sfi? CrfiiFefc,
Please take notice only* 15'. mora
days time *o? rstrtz* 'cr !?*e?*"t3r
s-oserty wtii fe cttS, K^spcctirsiy
ask' all cities and towns and tho
country to please minke effort to
make' returns, otherwise you are" lia
ble to 60 per cent penalty.. Board of
City of Anderson asks that returns ba
made to Auditor at once'.
February 6, 1015. .
Reward la offered for information aa
to the whereabouts, or leading to tho
apprehension of one Joseph B. Tay
lor, who left home about the 13th of
February, 1914. He ls the emref F.
M. Taylor, ubout.30 yeera old, 5 1-"
feet tall, weight 180 pounds/ clean
shared, blue eyes. Ught hair,'small
lump on loge ot left ear cod walks
slightly pigeon toed. Waa a firmer,
and would likely bo OP. a tarni' now,
and was sober and industrious work
er. He left a wife and two small
children, who with his parents are ,
anxious to bear from him. Write Mrs.
foe/ B. Taylor, Starr, ?. C. R.:Fr D..1.
Thora are a number of persons who
have been listed for poll tax by tho
school trustees of the Anderson school
District No. 17, and the city of Ander
son, wlio nave hot paid yet. Please
call for poll tax when paying taxes,
and thus save yourselves a penalty of
$8.00. Tm? time ter paying without
penalty will expire March 1st
County Auditor.
Feb. 15, 1915.
Syria, almost tho only country in
the world In wheh pistachio nate are
cultivated, produces about half a mil
lion, pounds of them, a year.
. To cool fever patients a Missourian
bas invented a aeries of rubber tubes
to completely surround' a person and
be filled with, ire water.

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