OCR Interpretation

The Anderson daily intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, March 06, 1915, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1915-03-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

Condensed Passenger 8cL?dule
Effective January 17tli,
31.8:2* a. m.
38.10:00 a. m.
35.11:40 a. m.
37.1:15 p. as.
39. 3:40 r-. m.
41.COO p. ni.
43.f:20 p. m.
30..7.15 a. m.
32.9:00 a. m.
34 .10:30 a. m.
36 .1*05 p. nu
38. 2:80 p. nu
40. . 4:45 p. nu
42.8:10 p. fc
.C 8. ALLEN,
_ Traille Mmipjrer.
via .
Premier Carrier of the South in Con*
ne.etion with Blue Ridge, From
Anderson, S. C.
$17.50 Cincinnati, Ohio.
And return account of National
Educational Association. Tickets on
sale February 20. 21 and 22nd, with
return limit March 3rd, 1915.
$4c?0 Charlotte, N. C.
And return account of Laymen's
Missionary Movement. Tickets on
sale February 14th and 15th. with rc?
turn limn February 22nd, 1915.
$18?5 Tampa, Fla.
And return account Of GasparlllniJ
Carnival. Tickets on sale February
9th to 16th, with return limit Febru- j
ary 26th. By payment of $1.00 ex
tension will be granted until March
91540 Mobile, Ala.
And return account of Mardi Gras
Celebration. Tickets on sslo Febru
ary 9th to 16th with return limit
February 26th. By payment of $1.00
extension will bo granted until March
15th. 1915.
$19.20 New Orleans, Ls.
And icturn account of Mardi Gras
Celebration. Tickets on sale Febru
ary 9th to 15th, with return limit
February 26th. By payment of $1.00
extension will be granted on ticket;
untir March"TBTHT
$14.55 Pensacola, Fla.
And return account of Mardi GraB
Celebration. Tickets on sale Febru
ary 9th tb 16th, with return lima
February 26th. By payment of $1.00
extension will be granted until
March 15th.
For complete information, tickets
and pullman reservation cali on ticket
agent, or write.
W. R. Taber, T. P. A.
Greenville, S. C.
W. E. McGee. AG PA,
. Columbia. 8. C.
Charleston & Western I
? ?
Carolina Railway
To and From the
_6:00 A.M.
_ 3:35 P.M.
.....10:50 A.M.
..., 4:55 P. M.
Information, Schedules,
rates, etc., promptly |
Augusta, Ga.
,T. B. CURTIS, C. A.,
Anderson, S. C.
No. 22
No| 6 .
No. 5 .
No. 21
Through PaUauta Sleeping Car Service
Premier Carrier ef the South
Effective Sunday, November 22nd.
1814. Sleeper handled on
Nea. 27 aad 28.
8 a. m. Lv. Chariest?-u Ar. 9:40 p. m.
12:65 p. nu Lv Columbia Ar 4:4$ p. au
4:30 p. m. Lv Spartanburg Ar 1:46 pm
7:30 p. m. Lv Asheville Ar 9:20 o nu
12:05 a. m. Lv Knoxville Lv 6:10 a. nu
10:55 a. m. Ar Cine nnatl Lv 6:35 a m.
9:00 p. m. Ar Chicago LT 8:55 a. nu
Passengers from Anderson aad
Greenville territory will make connec
tions by leaving on trains Nos- ld
to Greenville and 13 to Spartanburg
and connecting there with the Chica
- go sleeper. .
In addition to the through sleeper to
Chicago, Drawing Room Bleeper,
Standard Pullman Sleeper. Dining
oar and through coach.
For full and complete information,
tickets and pullman reservation ceil
on any ticket agent, or write
W. E. Taber, 7. P. A., Greenville, B.
O, or W. E. McGee, A. G. P. A., Col
matte, 8. C
Inner Tube Bag
Arkon, Ohio. March 4, 1915.
Mr. C. C. Gaines,
Anderson, S. C.
Dear Sir:
The tube you asked for has
been mailed you from our Akron
office, and we trust you will lind
\i very useful in keeping your in
ner tube from injury. The De
Luxe catalogs you desire will be
sent you 'within a few days.
When buying tires, please re
member that Firestone Tires are
built with much thicker treads and
side walls than other makes, also
that whenever quality demands,
we use an extra ply of fabric.
This of course means that Fire
stone Tires will last much longer
and pva less trouble under the
most severe road conditions.
In every Firestone Tire we de
mand correct design, careful,
thorough workmanship and in
spection of each process in the
making, lt of course stands to
reason that the largtst tire or
ganization in America can give
vou the the which will produce
We note that - is
your dealer, but if they are un
able to supply your requirements,
we will be glad to have you sec
Mr. Archie L. Todd, who is our
regular dealer in your town, and
who can give you the best service.
We are advising him today of
your, inquiry.
You can buy now at reduced
prices, so favor our dealer with
an order for a. kast one tire and
let us back up our claim of Fire
stone superiority.
Yours very truly.
Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
Bv H. S. Firestone,
F. A. S.
Write Firestone Tire and Rub
ber Co., Akron, Ohio, for vour
size inner tube bag free. Call on
Todd Auto Shop
. For Their Goods.
Cold Weather Coal!
. ..?lt?.?
$5 the Ton
[Talk does not make good coal,
but good coal makes talk.
Our high grade "Blue Gem'
block coal meeta the critical de
mand of the competent and care
ful housekeeper.
If you are not "fully satisfied
with the coal you are now using |
do not think all coala are alike.
We supply the demand for a good
article by furnishing the best coal
on the market.
Call or phone 182
B. N. Wyatt
"The $5.00 Coal Man."
Eat Where They
All Eat
128 W. Whittier St.
(Basse ola; stead)
Remodeled, deaned, pf ?tc ted and
equipped wita up-to-dat* estares.
It anyone owes you money furnish
los an Remised written statement of
|the account.
If you owe anyone-money, wo will
[help you par the debt hy
Oar Mutual lom risa.
Vue "Indian'* will call on slow pay
ters and collect had debts.
That is his business.
105 1-2 W. Benson BL
Anderson, CL C.
O o
9 .
The following paper on retail ad
vertising was read Thursda? evening
at the meeting of the Anderson Ad
Club by the president, Mr. Harry
What I have to say applies to every
man here tonight. Though it may not
in a direct way it will indirectly. Ad
vertising is essential to eVery line of
business. There are certain men In
every town und etty who when the
question of giving their business
more publicity arises, fortify them
selves in the position with the ideas,
"I will leave well enough alone. I
am doing fuirly well the way I am
running 'ny business and will not
permit my...ir to be talked in to
spending a loi of money unnecessari
ly, but will continue to do business as
my father and ?ny forefathers did be
fore r.ie. Their methods were success
ful and there ls no reason why they
cnould not he successful for me. All
this talk about advertising is bosh."
To those merchants who do not see
the necessity of conducting their bus
iness differently from the methods of
their forefathers and who just us soon
havo their place of business situated
out tn the woods, five miles from no
where-who do . not sell goods to
their trade, but permit their trade to
come in their store whenever the
spirit moves them, and buy whatever
they choose to buy. It brings to mind
the following paragraphs from the
pen or John Nicholson jaeffel, which
shows this world ta on "thc jump all
the time.
To make our city a id our natlou
greater wc must make our Individual
selws greater. There ,s nothing sel
fish in saying, "I am strong, 1 can
do things, 1 believe in myself." Only
the narrow minded will look on thc
man who speaks thus as an egotist.
The day of the humble ?a passing.
This is the age of the strong, ol
those who can make good. Success is
not for him who stands back. To do
big deeds we must broaden our out
look. No success IB greater than
the outlook of the man who achieved
it. Narrow minds and knockers gc
hand in haud. We knock our neigh
bors and forget our own shortccra
Lots of us fear to attempt new
things because we are afraid to aban
don the old. We must become bettei
optimists. There ls too much fear ti
our hearts-fear of the unknown,
When business slows up, too man: o
?B stand around and tell how hat
lt is instead of devoting effort t<
bring about betterment. We stol
planning for the future. The minut<
we begin to plant gloom pictures wi
admit that the gods have us guessing
and we are duly qualified candidate!
for the toboggan.
1 wonder if we belong to the clas
who think advertising ls a goo
thing, but that our plac. 's so wei
j known that it doeg not need any pub
liclty. If we belong to that bund
let's ask ourselves, why, if it ls goo<
for the other fellow why isn't it
good thing tor us.
Mt. John Wanamaker of New Yor
and Philadelphia ls th. "Merchan
Prince" of this country and he ha
advised all merchants to .use printer
ink and use lt liberally. He li im se i
practices what he preaches. Mr
Wanamaker is as well known I
New York and Philadelphia as an
other man in either city, then if he I
doing wrong by advertising sc aiue
he I? certainly wasting lots of money
On the other hand if he is corree
that is-if advertising makes monc
for him the man who falls to do bl
share ls losing money every day.
I dare say every merchant carrie
fire insurance. It is ridiculous 1
think otherwise. Suppose a morchsi
has all the trade that he wants c
could take care of. Ho has no gurai
tee from anyone or any source tin
lt will stay with him. Ad vc rt is i n
that of the persistent kind, is tl
only trade insurance he can get.
fire insurance is so really neceBsai
that we think lt ls absurd to think <
not e*en carrying any, why not thin
a little about trade insurance? Froi
actual results we are mere apt to su
fer loss ot trade than loss of fl"
Nothing succeeds; like success -ai
you will find that 05 per cent of tl
successful merchants today are tl
persistent advertisers. And to?, u>
vortising will pay the small man i
much as the large man. It is a gtai
for a giant but it goes hand in hai
with the child if the child has tl
ability anu tuc uuiuiuuu.
A good plan I think for Ute adve
tiBors, is to first determine about ho
much you wish co spend in s yeal
time. Then arrange to have conti
ubus news in the papers. This
think, ls as necessary aa the keepit
open of one's place. Keep your nae
before the public all the time ai
don't use up your adverting spa
In a few big ads and then have
be idle for weeks and months. It
far better to have a. small ad' dal
than a few large advertisements.du
lng your busiest season. Gentlemc
the old methods of "store keepin
are now obsolete: The merchant
today, to be successful, must be wi
awake and up-to-date in-his metho
or else he will hit the greased ali
as certainly as two and two are foo
Different people havto different Ide
about the way they should go aft
the trade. A man catering lo t ct
tain class of trade may think di ff*
ently about bia advertising method
In my opinion, matters not what y
have to advertise, lt is absolutely <
genital for you to tell the "truth
Matters not how much you may bc
to say, whether it's a little bit or
big bit, tell the facts and tell tin
in a way so they'll readily undi
stand what they are reading.
While all 1 have satd plays an 1
portant part tn a man's buslne
there Is one thing that plays the m<
Important part ot all in my estimad
and that ls, GIVING V \L1
CEI VED. It's a settled fact that l
best advertisement la a satisfied c
tonv-r. Absolutely the biggest ss
you CAD have in business is your
phtation for honest, fair, square de
lags. Therefore he certain tn g
every customer honest vak?" . honest ]
measures and honest book ceeplng.. I
Su leta all be enthusiast ?. Au en
thusiast is a construction'.'.,!. lils
first inipulai/e ideas for bulhling
great structures may have faults, hut
if the enthusiasm is present Uie pro
per waya and means to the pictured
end will come themselves. Any one
can be u destructionist. Anyone can
tear down. Tho profession of the
knocker is the easiest for which to
qualify. I! is the man who, recog
nizing all his own limitations, goes
ahead,and fights for what he wants
and wins.
First-get thp name down pat-then
huy lt of your druggist. Just the very
best thing for con: tlpation. sick head
ache, sour stomata, lazy liver, slug
gish constipated bowels. The pleas
antest, surest, nicest laxative you ever
used. Tastes good-Ilk lemonade.
Acts promptly, without pain or
nausea. Gives you the most satisfac
tory flushing you have ever had.
Evans Pharmacy.
Program For Season Longer and More
Diversified Titan in Five Years.
NEW YORK, March .'..-Nearly
four months of racing on tracks in
tho Metropolitan district and at Sara
toga was provided for at the Jockey
Club stewards' meeting today. The
Jamaica track 1B to he reopened and
meets will be held there, at Aqueduct,
at tho Empire City track In Yonkers,
as well as at Belmont 'Park, where
both spring and fall meetings will he
held. As usual all of August is given
over tb Saragota. Thc program for
the season is longer und more diversi
fied than at any time since thc pas
sage ot anti-batting legislation in this
State five years ago.
Spring Anda many afflicted with
lingering, hacking coughs that weak
en the system. Slush and wet cause
more colds than zero weather. Croup,
bronchitis, and pneumonia are preva
lent. Every family should have a safe
and reliable cough medicine ready for
?B. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
contains no harmful ingredients, lt
eases a cough, checks a cold and re
lieves inflamed and congested mem
branes. It clears the air passages and
soothes inflammation. Evans Phar
Then Cuts Throat of 15-Year-Old
Girl and HanT Himself to Hall
.?ann ist er.
BUFFALO, N. Y.. March li.- Harry
R. Norman, a 55-year-old negro, to
day Shot and killed Mrs. Gertrude
Stanley, white, 55 years old, cut the
throat of Mary, Mrs. Stanley's 15
year-old daughter, and then commit
ted suicide by hanging himself to the
hall bannister in the Stanley home
at Sloan, a sn im rh. The girl is in a
critical condition. The police ?found
no motive for the crime.
Locates Sanken Steamer.
March 5.-The" coast guard cutter
Onondaga today located the sunken
steamer Washingtonian, near Fen
wick Inland lightship. Buoys were
put out to mark the -wreck's posi
tion. The Washingtonian collided
with the schooner Elizabeth Palmer
January 2.".
?Irs. A. F. Llppincottc of Philadel
phia, will arrive today to bc the guest
of Mrs. A. G. Moana for several days
The Court of Last Resort.
Around the stove ot the croBs roads
grocery is tho' real court of last' re
sort, for it Anally, over rules all others.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . has
been before, thia court in almost every
cross roads grocery In this country,
and has always .received a favorable
verdict. It ls in the country where
man expects to receive full value for
hta money that this remedy ls moat
appreciated. Obtainable everywhere.
m A Dollar Spent With .
the Hom.? Merchant
Circulates at Home
and Helps Home Trade
Us?> a Ettie ?sire money to
good advantage jost now?
Haven't y O? sftmrthfng to sell?
Do y ou own something yon no
longer ?se, bot which if offered
nt a bargain pri?e would ap
peal nt once to some one who
does need it? j
Ad will Inna Aa trick.
r ? ....... ; .'
in charge of a hospital train. "Tell
them I have been Bleeping on that
car seat alx weeks with the barp
alonmihie of me nod the Union Jack
over my head. It was a fine time
we had when (hey let me load my
train with wounded right where the
shells were falling, but they du not
permit that any more."
In tl>e outskirts of a village where
German shells fell at Intervals thero
were seen Infantry detachments prac
tising at hand grenade attacks and in
the defense of trenches. Nobody wor
ried about thc danger from Germau
sholls while they rent the air with ?
their] own explosions of bombs thrown
at closp quarters.
At another pluce the correspondents
entered a building which Beemed
neither wholly hospital nor wholly
Y. M. C. A. Ti:j reason that the
location of this and many other
placee c's not given Is because no
German aeroplane bombs are want
ed. In this particular building men
overexhausted from their vigil In
thc trenches remove their filthy
clothes, get warm baths and a dis
infecting spray, and have a warm I !
meal, including bread pudding with j
raisins or currents Itv lt. of which I
they are extremely fond. There are
also clean cols where they turn in,
und u reading room with games. Here
no one is kept longer than 14 days.
If In that timo they have not suffi
ciently recovered from thc exhausting
demands of the trenches to return
to thc front, they are sent back to thc
"Itocsn't sonic malingerer," I
asked, "ever hesitate to face the hor
ror of tko trenches."
"Occasionally there ia one."*was
the answer. "That's human nature.
We ure amazed at how few. When
well enough the average man goes.
He says he will play the game. You
will soon know what he is going to
Before leaving thc convalescent
home the correspondents wore given
each an identification metal disc
with his name on lt. "It is best to
have one." was the remark. "You arc
going into trenches tomorrow."
by Germany the state department at
Washington has begun an investiga
tion of an allegation that dumdum
bullets are being manufac/ared in the
United States. /
LONDON, Mt.rch r?.-Except in the
central Beskld Pass of the Carpath
ians, where fierce Austrian attacks
have moderate dsomewhafc, . the Bros
nans are on the offensive along the
whole Un,, from the Baltic Sea to the
Rumanian herder. Apparently they
have definitely disposed of the German
and Austrian attempts to outflank
their two extreme wings and are
moving slowly westward.
After retiring to tho Dnehiter
River, the RuBslans again have cross
jd into Bukowina and unofficially are
reported to be back in Czernowitz.
They already have captured Sada
gora, a few miles nortbeaat of. the
capital. Farther to the weat they
again are in possession of Stanlalau
and have crossed the Lukwa River,
a forward step which, in the opinion
of military experts, proba'bly will
compel the Austrians to evacuate Buk
In tho Beskld, Tukholka and Uzsok
pases tho Auatro-Germans hold strong
positions whence they are continually
attacking the Russians, while ia the
western passes, especially the Dukla,
the Russians aro on the Hungarian
slopes, where the fighting has.degen
erated into trench warfare. The Rus
sians are sending reinforcements to
this Uno. {
In northern Poland the Russians
are advancing westward from. the
Niemen River and the Germans are
fighting a rear guard action. At one
point only ie tho German attack be-.
lng seriously pressed-against the
fortress of Os so wet E.
To the south, according to a Berlin
dispatch, tho Germana have evacuated
My HZ.vu HM\ on the East Prussian bor
der, northweat of Lomxa, while far
ther west, near Mlawa. they are e
lioved actually to have crossed the
order after a defeat at frzSsnyss.
The Russians also show revi' id ac
tivity in central Poland and h..ve at
tacked the Germans east of Block and
near Skiernlewlce, southwest of War
In Oie west the Anglo-French ar
mies sro doing most of the attacking
but apparently without making pro
gress, although they claim to have re
pulsed German attacks which were
delivered in an effort to regain lost
ground. i
.The sinking of the Gorman sub
marine' U-8, as officially announced to
day, makes the fourth submarine sunk
by ?British ships since the beginning
of ibo war. the others < being the
?-16, the U-18 and one rammed by
the destroyer Badger off the Belgian
coast, lt ls helloed s French destroy
er also sank ono sud the captains of
two British merchantmen claim - the
prizes offered for t?:- first merchant
captain to account to. a hostile sub
There was no news tonight of naval
operations in the Dardanelles.
DONT MISS THIS. Cot out this
?lip, enclose five cents to Foley ? Co.,
Chicago, UL, writing your name and
address clearly.' Von wilt receive in
return a trlsl packsge containing Fol
ey's Honey' and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kid
ney Pills, for pain in aides and back,
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments: end Foiey Cathart1;
Tablets, s wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic? especially com
forting to stt at'persona. Evans Phar
? I
v y M ' 1 terday is gone. Tomorrow does uot ext
U V?Hmist- TODAY is the day of Opportunity:
This is the coloumn of opportunities. Read
it. Use it-if you seek a Dreader opening
for yourself, if you seek men, if you want to buy or sell machinery,
fixtures, equip- ment. 1
Classified Columns
Want Advertising Rates
Twenty-fire words or 2<MS, One Time 26 cen tr. Three Times 60 cents.
Biz Times $L00.
Ail advertisement over twenty-five words ero rs ta for each additional
word. Rates on l.Ouo words to be user", in a month mads on appU
Nn advertisement taken tor l*ss ?pan 26 cents, essh In t/*vanos.
It your name appenrs in OJO telephone directory yon cae telephone
your want ad to 821 and a hill will be malled after Its Insertion tor
prompt payment.
FOR SALE-Agricultural Lime-prlc
CB reasonable; will make extended
terms io good fannel s in car lots
where necessary. Write us, or
what's better, call and see us-wo
will not sell Lime on credit over
telephone. Fm man Smith, Seeds
man. Phone 464.
FCK SALK-Seed Corn. Anderson
County will Increase acreage more
than 60 per cent. Furmun Smith,
Seedsman, Phone 464.
FOR* SALE-100 bushels Cllvenah big
boll cotton seed. Pr leo 75c per bu.
Guaranteed sound seed. F. It. Mar
tin, Lowndesvllle, lt 2. 3 6 3tp
o I
WANTED-To correspond, confi
dentially, with anyone d?sirions ot
becoming permanently cured of tho
morphine or whiskey habit. Tho
BIA, S. C. Box 76.
WA STEH-Everybody to know where
they can get their bicycle, motor
cycle, locks and keys repaired at
reasonable prices. Wc aro agento
for tho Indian motorcycle and
standard brands bicycles. Oates
Smith, 130 West Whltncr Street.
Phono 193. j
STRAYED-Texas Pony with saddle
and bridle and ropo halter on.
Broke loose just boyond Slr and
Twenty. Call or write D. O. Richey,
Pendleton. Rou to 2. 8-3 3tp
WASTED-Second hand iron safe,
five or six thousand founds. Coop
er Furniture Co. 206 East Whltncr
WANTED-A reliable repr?sentative
In every community to act as agent
for The Intelligencer. Llbcrql conv
missions paid. Apply The Andorson
Intelligencer. 2-28tf.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Dime Savings Bank.
Anderson, S. C. will be held at their
banking house on Tuesday, the 6th
day of April. 1916. at 4 o'clock p. m.
Anderson, S. C.
March 4, 1916
? ;. f ooooooooooo
. e
"Is the young man safe?" The heart
wrung cry
Has an age-long ring that brings it
'Tis the nameless dread at the fath
er's heart,
As ho sees his son from the homo
'Tis tho burden of many a mother's
For her boy who wanders she knows
not wtier?;
'Tts the harrowing fear that will not
Till lt plows lu the forehead Itt fur
rows deep.
good education wants position as
clerk In grocery, drug or dry goods
store; does not drink or smoko. D
caro Intelligencer. 3-4-?tpr*
WANTED-The privilege to ours
tobacco users st home. 96.00 buys
the cure. Information If desired.
LU??. ??. 8. C., Box 76.
MONEY-1 have funds available for.
loans In any amount on Anderson
County farm ladds. Ep.^y teems.
Apply to me personally or to S. M.
Wolfe, abstrating attorney In An
derson, 8. C. R. T. Jayncs, Finan
cial Correspondent, Walhalla, S. O.
$25 REWARD-I will pay a reward
for information or capture of two
bay horses, stolen February 31,
Horses weigh about one ?thousand
pounds caph, one with white hind
foot, the ether with large left an
kle, li .ith have white spots on fore
head. It located write or wire W.
T. Smith, Greenwood, 8. C.
3-6 ltp
EAS and pay
the cash.
.Is the young man safo?" Can he
safely tread
In a path with crime and pitfalls
Can he pass unscathed through the
devil's snares
That are clustered thick In thc city's
a he rest secure when he little
IThat his seeming friends are his sub
tlest foes?
the young man safer' when in
very thrnth
His path ls strewn with the wrecks
of youth!
Safe? When thc State protects the
V <&r "
That :gvats lt still with the lives of
ife? When a man for a paltry toll
ly set a snare tor a fellow soul?
"Is the young man <afo?" when our
laws condone
The "Thou shalt hots" on tye slab
ot stone?
"Is tiie young man safe?" *Let Ute
Church and l?tate
Heed David's cry ut the city gate;
Let Ute city guard as Us cboclest
The young man's vigor and moral
Oed make us wise-for the hour ta
When Ute youth ls gone and the man
ls here. *
-Record of Christian Work.
Will O'.-gsnlse March 5.
WASHINGTON, Msfch 6.-The new
federal trade commission will be or
ganised here March 16. Oeotge Rub
lee of New Hampshire, the only mem
ber unconfirmed by ike senate, will
serve under a recess appointment.
HOW MUCH wood would a woodchuck
chuck if a woodchuck would chuck
wood? Wo dont know, but we do
know that we wUl chuck you more
fire wood of any and all sorts for
your money than any other wood
chuck. Dry pine wood, cut or In 4
foot lengths, or s'sbs, and dry. li.
N, Wyatt, "Tho $6.00 Coal Man."..
cut 16c,. shave 10. Best service. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. C. A. McClain.
Mgr. .
bushels orango cano seed, and 1,000
bushels early amber and eau savo
you from 60 cents to 76 cents on tho
bushel . I will be tn Anderson cm
the 13th ot March in the court
house to' take your orders.. .1 will
be at Honea Path on the 20th. 8,
M. McAdams. 2-26-2wks
Dr. C. Mack Sanders
Associated with Dr. J. Levis Ssndoes.
Office 304-6-6 Bleckley Building..
OftVe Phone 429. Residence Phone 1*9
General Practice
Office fa Llgon & Led better Building.
North Main Street. M
Office Phone ?10. j
Residence Phone 386. n
\gm i*K {Te Secaste faqs try.
WASHINGTON. March 6.-Chair
man Walsh of the senate special com
mittee to Investigate sn alleged lobby
?..???ip? the r-'weramenreh'o nure haw?
blU which failed la congrus, has call
eta the committee io resume <'G. lne><try
next Monday? R ls probable only a
few more witnesses witt be heard, at
least until next fall,

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