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The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, November 02, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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jvertiaing lRates Reasonable
sieserption Price One Dolar a'Year
In Advanee.
2ered tM PtIeen Foutomce . Secon clas.
Srt insertion per inch 81.00
uenkt .. ". "- . "r 50
o~beradvertising for three
ager wil be made at reduce rates
be had on application.
We are not responsible-for the views of Cor
To publication copy maust he in the
imokter . esda; nop the week
p blicatio'n Is desired.
THURSDAY N.V. 2, 1911.
A blue pencil mark across this
mieans fat your subsciption to
this paer has expired.
Why Leave Pickens?
Again we ask the'people why
leave'Pickens county when they
can make as much here as any
where and more than they can
There area number of cotton
fields in the county which have
not had a lock picked from them
thisseasoi). The corn and for
age crops are the largest in many
years. The people of this coun
can make as much and as
v anywhere an the Soi
Whenthe a , ealth,
se sngamnfmany other advan
tages4re considered which we
ve in'this country there is no
6n earth to equal it.
metime ao we published
Mrs Henry Pace on the Sa
ould make about $10,000
7 arni this year. That
was copied in many of the
yand weekly papers of 'this
d other States and wasa ine
vertisement for Pickens. It
as indeed . worth sending
ple outside, of
Piekens eounty know what a
fine country we have and it is
our purpose to doall.we. can to
attrac ' re an e
can to eep those :We now h~avd
from leaving.
ac story may have
unded filiy to some but the
cts were ~vouched for by a
thfni man,. and a neighbor 1
of Mr. Pace. And fet here is
another equally as "fishy" if
iyou wish to call it such, vouched
1forand is open investigation.
T. iver
and has charge of Mr. R. G.
Gaine's -farm on the Keowee
river has., itis reliably reported,
I athered and saved 15,000 bun
, .ushelseof corn. He ex
pects to-gather-seventy bales of
-cotton this year-besides his for
ageand other rops. At present
- p-will net between
- 0 .And there~
arms in Pickens
the Wrong Man Lyhiched?
Easley Tuesday last we:
a gentleman fro " ear the
e recent Pt
* e ne-4
~z~~llynched there
e namneless crime was the
g one. He stated that he:
thisdiformnation from a
t reliable source, and that
Sof those who took part
in t~he- rible affair were now
of the kpinion that the wrong
one was lkilled. If this be true,
it only adds to the enormity of
the deed -md shows how danger
-.ous mob law is. -The only safe
way is to stick to the law. Let
the law deal with all classes of
criminals and then our hands]
wd.1 be kept clean of human ]
The people of Pickens should
not be satisfied with present ar- t
rangements for expre ss matter.
'We ought to have an express
office here operated by the
Southern Express Co. There is
business enough to justify an'
..rifangement like this and our i
business~ men should take steps
to have it established.
The reasonl why so much
Go rgia land is advertised for
sale in this state is because those (
Georgia people want the South ]
Carolinians to teach them how E
to farm. They want to know a
how to raise two bales-of cotton
and from .one to two hundred .,
ndfl sels - f corn per c
any sections of the stateai
adapted to ceorn-raising like
coun y, and that is anti a
-l wh our nenni.Shnudir
Are The Missionaries Sete?
A feeling of une:siness for a
he safety of American Mission- n
ries in China is everywhere li
nanifested. The uprising and s
pread of the rebt, cause has ,
,reated no little anxiety for the r
ioble men and womeil who e
iave laid their lives on the alter s
>f sacrifice for I he good of
reathern China.
There are quite a number ini
Mhina from South Carolina, and
bherevolution, therefore. is of I
more than usual concern to us.
From the Columbia Record we
take the names of some of the
missionaries of the Methodist
and Presbyterians from this
State as follows:
Among the Columbians now
in China is Mrs. Fletcher S.
Brockman. a daughter of Mr. I
W. A. Clark. His dau-hter's
husband is the general secretary
f the International Young
Men's Christian association, and
is in charge of the territory ly
ing between Hong Hong and
Korea. His headquarters are
at Shanghai, at which place. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Brockman now
are, according to a letter receiv
ed by Mr. Clark from his
daughter recently.
Rev. J. 0. Reavis, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church I
>f Columbia, is in receipt of late t
information on the situation in
Mhina, though Dr. S. H, Chester
secretary of the executiN e. com
mittee of the foreign missions
work of the Presbyterians o the
United States. Dr. Chester is
located at Nashville. For six I
years Dr. Reavis served with Dr. c
Dhester, as a secretary on this r
:ommittee, and though he has t
ecently been succeeded in this
position by -Dr. Edward W.
mith, he has maintained a -
orrespondence with Dr. Chester a
md is an intimate friend of the c
atter. According to the info:
nation received by Dr. Reavis,
)r. Chester cabled on October
10th to Rev. S. 1. Woodbridge,
Lt Shanghai, inquiring concern- I
ng the safety ""of our mission- e
uries in the present disturbed t
,ondition of the empire. He re
yeived the following cable from
;he Rev. Mr. Woodbridge- "All
afe, Excitement increasing.
)overnment protecting us."
Among other. Presbyterian o
nissionaries fromn this state lo- ~
~ated in Bhina ai-e Dr. and Mrs.
?, Frank Price; whose leg
iursaeat Na ~g. Dr.
1s ?~anain Inn, in
li-eenvi county, and is a k
~ousin of Dr. George A. Wou- is
~houpe, head of the department
f English at the University of
south Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. '
rice are not now in China,how- v
~ver. It is stated that th Ey are at
present on the ocean, enroute to i
hina from America, following
recent visit to this country. 9
ith them is Miss Nell Sprunt, 9
laughter of the Rev. Alexander
Among other Presbyterian S
~epresentatives now in China E
who are well known to South
Jarolinians are Dr. and Mrs. J. b
E. Wilkinson are at So Chow,
t the Elizabeth Blake Hospital
which is said to be somewhat *
)ut of the territory of the rebel
ion. They were in America
ast year.
Amiong the Methodist mission
ries in China is Rev. B. D,
ucas of Cheeterfield county.
Ee is located at Soo Chow, and
so far as can be learned, is not
roubled with' the uprising at
his time. The Rev. Mr. Lucas
s a cousin of Dr. Thomas C:
Lucs osteopath, of this city.
Another Methodist representa
i've who is doubtless well re
nembered by many Columbians
s Mr. Gist Gee. He is also lo
ated at Soo Chow.
There are a nu~nber of South
arolinians, members of the
aptist denomination, n o w
vorking as missionaries in var
ous portions of China. In the
outhern sectiods are Miss Lula ai
Whilden of Greenville and the
Elev. Mrs. John Lake of Edge
ield. Miss Whilden has visit
id America 4eveial tim s and is
well known to the denomination
hroughout this state. She is
iow located at canton. Mrs.
3lake was formerly Miss Carrie
0stick of Greenville.
In the northcra portion of
)hina at Teng Chow, is located
iss J. WJ. Lide or Darlington,
diss Lide is a daughter of the
tev. R. W. Lide. D. D. pastor
f the First B- .ptist church of.I
)arlington, and both father and
aughter a r e w e 11 kn:>wn
hroughout the state.
Of Special interest to Colum
>ians is the fact that in the in
erior portion of China, at Ching .
how, in the province of Honan,
LIre located the Rev, and Mrs.
V. W. Lawton. Mr, Lawton ai
originally from Lawtonville
n the lower section of the state
and is a brother of Mrs. Phdebe,
indsay a proiminent dentist of i
Among the South Carolinians
vho did long and untiring ser- a
-ice in the cau- e of missions in
Jhina was Dr. Hampden C. Du
le who was among the lead
rs in the mission field for half i
,century. Dr. DuBose was a
epresentative of the Presby
erian denomination, but is
ridely know~ n throughout thi)
ountr~ among all the Christian
hurches. He died in 1910.
Ers. DuBose. his widow is still
China, following the work of
es husband. She is loated at
oo Chow. Also at Soo Chow
re the Rev, and Mrs. Palmer
t.DuBose. The Rev-. Mr. Du
~so is a son of Dr. Hanir~di~o *
In addition to these there are
thers, from these and other de.
ominations, from South Caro
na, who are now in China. ]
)me of whom are connected!
rith Columbia people. The
tev. Robert Wilson. D. D., is a
epresentative of the Episcopal
hurch. He and Mrs. Wilson
pent part of the summer of 1
910 in Columbia. Mrs. Wilson
vas formerly Miss Sarah Rhett
>f Charleston. She is a niece
>f Mrs. 'A. T. Smythe of that
:ity and is the sister of Miss
lannah Rhett of Charleston, I
VIrs. Ernest Gary of Columbia
mnd Mr. John T. Rhett of Spar
anburg. -Sie was highly suc
essful in settlement '. ork in
ew York city bsfore her marri
ge. It was in New York that
;he met Dr. Wilson.
Farmers, raise your own
)read and meat.
Farmers, raise the price of
Four cotton next year by rais
ng more corn, wheat and oats.
President Taft has issued his
;roclamation setting apart Nov.
;th as a day of n ational thanks
With pork at 10 cents the
)ound the farmers can utilize
heir refuse grain crop in hog
aising to advantage.
The fourth Sunday in October
tev. Dr. Arthur T. Brooks cele
)rated his first anniversary as
)astor of John D. Rockefeller's
:hurch in New York. Com
nenting on his relations with
he oil magnate he said:
"I preach to Mr. Rockefeller
s a man; I dont know him as
millionaire. As a man he is
ne of the finest Christian
:entlemen 1 ever met. He is a
rue Democrat. There is not a
race of snobbishness about him
Ie speaks as kindly to the poor
st in our chur'b as to those
hat have wealth. He is one of
he last men out of the church.'
Liberty, Route 3.
Cotton-picking is the genera
ccupation in this almi ous
omm fi ift' our folks will
KW little visiting once in a
.'hile. '
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Par-)
:ins of Texas. have been visit-)
aig Mr. J. C. Duckworth. )
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Nations)
isited relatives at Seneca last)
Miss Essie May Porter has re-)
urned home after a five weeks')
leasant stay with her grand-)
arents, Mr. and Mrs. Cantrell.)
Thea i-day singing at Camp
~iee last Sunday was well at-)
eded. There was some fine)
inging md several good speech
s made.
Come on,correspondents; don't)
e afaid of t -e new editor. )
Euthymol -:- Toilet )
Parke, Datvis & Comupany.
While elegant and de
ligtful to use, they have
the advantage of being sci- )
entifically prepared by ex
pert chemists and are posi
tive and reliable antiseptics..
Euthymol Powder,
Liquid Dentifrice. g
Price 25c.
Ge the Htabit
0OF t
Drug Wants. t
We will be as careful with q
your order as if you were
in our store.
Goods Delivered Promptly.
Comniited Suicide.
News reached here last Mon
Iay of the death of Mr. John W.
Elopkins, of Central, by his own
The sad event as told here is
hat last Saturday morning Mrs.
Flopkins after dressing a sore on
ier husband's face excused her
self to go' into the garden and
,hat before she returned, which
was not more than five minutes,
;he heard a pistol fire in the
house and hastening in found
her husband lying on the floor.
She immediately called a near
neighbor but before he arrived
Mr Hopkins was dead. It is
thought the cause of his act was
despondency. He had been af
flicted for several years with
cancer on the face which had
made its way into the muscles
f the neck and was continiing
its ravages, and becoming des
pondent over his condition he
sought relief in death. He shot
bimself just above the heart the
500,000 Acri
Of I
land,-that produces al
to the Southern Ui
$40.00 per acre.
from 1,000 to 2,5&) O
small farms and reso
twelve months.
~ oo,ooo acres of cut
to $ .oo per acre. i
who takes holdof the
low pine timber in tr
65,ooo acres at from
Every day that you proi
you. These lands are in ti
oping section of the United
continue to rise in value. N
the grounti1~r4Yoing-tt
wan1ts to
A. BAILEV, Real Estat
4 Per~ Cent, of A
* BONDS and I1
)From the Compendium of L
Union Central.........
Life Ins. Co. of Virginia.
Mutual Benefit ........
Penn Mutual..........
Fidelity Mutual........
Mutual of New York....
Equitable .............
New York Life........
Sate lnn~
S We believe in South Car
money in First Mortgage Re
SSoutheastern Lif
Fall plowing time is here
ion to Win. J. Oliver Turn F
>rove this-ask any owner
eason and only had one brokei
asiest part about a turn plow 1
ee every one of the Wmn J. Oli
We have got the best thing
tew feature about them is a
'n springs which, when striking
ilades to give. This is an im
hine, and will have to be seen t
Btoves and I
We carry a full sine 01 the:
tange is as good as can be fout
pecial attention to the "Odess
ur window. This is a beauty.
Come in and see us.i
~roceries and Hardware of the
?idkens HdM
ball going through his body, and
the weapon used was an old
army pistol, cap and ball, and
one which Mr. Hopkins brought
home with him from the war.
It had not been used for many
a year, was kept by him as a
relic and was thought to be too
rusty for use.
Mr. Hopkins was a brave con
federate soldier, a man of the
highest integrity and counted
his friends liy his acquaintances
He had been a citizen of Central
for a number of years and at
the time of his death was about
78 years old.
The remains were carried to
Seneca and in terred last Sunday.
The sympathy of all theii
friends is tendered in their sad
bereavement to the widow and
S. R. Kelly, Central, S. C.
sells a brand of tobacco at
a dime per plug which is
worth i5c a plug It is
eorgia Land.
,ooo acres of fine farming
undantly every crop known
ited States, at $15.00 to
A large number of farms
res that could be cut into
Id at a profit in less ihan
o er lands at from $2.oo
i fortune for the in- estor
N.-ioo,ooo acres of yel
acts ranging from oo to
$9.00 to $25.0o per acre.
rastinate means a loss to
t most wonderfully devel
States, and are-going to
'ou had beiter get in on
r'see, or writing your land
e and Investment Co.,
Imitted Assets
fe Insurance Reports, 1911.)
E............78.76 per cent.
....... ......77.22
. ...........20.42
.............14.50 .
........... 2.17 -
lina dirt. and inyvest our
L Estate Loans in this State
md we want to call your atten
low on the. market to-day. To
e sold 50 of these plows last
ifrog returned. The frog is
o get broken and we guaran
ver Plows.
yet in a stalk cutter. The
rrangemnent of the cutter part
a solid substance, enables the,
portant feature about this ma
o be appreciated.
se articles. The "Tip Top"
id. We also want to call your
a" Cost Range on display in
Ve carry a complete line of
better kind and will treat you
r. & Gro.,Co.
Your Fal
HAVE you made up your m
your trading this Fall?
your attention to our store. N
kind-we do not buv seconds :
to spend their good money for
packed with the following relia
Dress Goods and Trimin
plete in every detail.
Ladies' Coat Suits..H ere
ness, Most everybody wan
don't bame them, as they c
save lots of trouble and wor
We also have a large stock <
Cloaks-very latest styles in
Shoe Department.--We h
county, in both Work and D
Walk-Over, Boyden, Godma
direct from the factory and
Clothing.--We have 5oo Sui
These suits are made by son
the countiy, and we guarant
i We also carry a full line of (
Sweaters..-A full line for IV
If You Are Not Iarried
It Will Pay You to Come in and.
There is no better market in
The price of cotton is not what
merchant will have to divide p
want the farmers and the peop
trading at Pickens-we want tt
home when they get here. W
and get what yoveeiI.
Don't forget we have all the
plete stock-Buggies, Wagons, I
ness, Hardware, Staples- and F
Heating and Cooking Stoves
got it-can get itor it -isn't mad(
-the quality and the price.
Sole. agents for Walk-Over Shoe.
New Home Sewing Machines, C
ons and Mitchell Automobiles.
Folger, Tht
Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gen1
One-third of a
.......in Americ
Message to
HAT old, reliable 4-cy
T touring car, uncha:
before the public, ex
put on the market fl<
the last detail. The 2
ter for $590. The Modefl
a new Delivery Wagon on
for $700. These prices inc
1ension Top, Automati-c
Lamps, Generator and Sp
wonder that
"When Ford Speaks
If this were the announcement of a new s
merits, but Ford Model T is the best kn<
on the highways of the world than there
This is the fifth season of the Model T and
oo satisfied Model T owners. Think how that
ard service. Ford owners in every quarter of
'Cars are reliable in every emergency Lnd of s
itions. After all of the millions of miles those
odel T is right.
And that's the same sterling car that is beir
fatures which go to make it even more conveni
lrgely increased production, with consequent e<
p912 has been largely reduced.
We are now ready to clot
and DealeJs for
Johii L
*Distributid(g Dealeid - -
ind where you are going to do I
If you have not, we want to call.
Ve do not handle tfash. of any
r jobs. People act very foolish
trashy goods. Our store is now
bie and standard goods:
ings.-This Department is com
s whare we are doing the busi
ts a Tailor-made Suit, and we
ok better, and cost no sr ore, and
ry. Prices from $10.oo to $27-50
f Ladies', Misses' and Children's
all sizes.
ave the best line of Shoes in the
ress Shoes-Battle Axe, Fairfield,
n, Zeigler. We buy all our shoes
ivery pair will give entire satisfac
ts of Clothing and can fit you up,
ie of the best manufacturers in
ee to fit and please you. We
lothing for the little fellows
[en, Women and Children.
to Some ther Merchant
see Our Goods and Get Our Prices.
the State to buy what you -need.
the farmers expected and the
rofits with them this season. We
e of Pickens county to do their
tem to come here and. feel at
inter will soon be here, so come,
other lines to make up the com
'arm Implements, Furniture Har
'ancy Groceries, Paints and Oil,
in fact EVERYTHING. We'e'
.Remember we have the goods
,Hawes HatsIron- Ki
ase-City Buggies #I Wag
rnley & Co.
s' Furnishing Goods a Specialty.
dl Cars Made
the World.
linder, 5-passenger' M el
uged during its tour years
oept for a few refinements
>w for $690-equipped~kto
VIodel T Commercial Rdad
' Town Car for $900.. And
the saine Model T C seis
Lude fall equipine 'Ex-~
Brass Win , Gas
eedomgeter. s there any
the World Listens."
nodel you might be sketical of the car's
>wn car on earth. More of them are
tre of any other motor car.
its absolute reliability has been proven by So,
car has been tried and tested in four years ot
the globe wdll tell you today that their Mode
urprising efficiency and under any and all con
cars have traveled, evertybody knows the Ford
ig built for 1912-75,000 of them-with added
ent and valuable for users. By reason of the
:onomy in buying and making, the price fore
;e contracts with Agents
1912 business. -

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