LOA REVITIE SAe ThIn !oi Knit ad Somo YIO DOEL "oT About Oir Towns, Coalty & People Have you done vour Chi ist nias shopping Yet? The decorations and toys i ihe s4ores remind us that Chrisi m as is near. only eleven more days befor Christmas, and Pickens is th ac to get your Christia upplies. Don't forget Buster Brow and Tige will glie a free per formance at the Big Store 01 Vh- 20th. * We apolozise for tie scareita ojf -eading matter in tiis, issue Alvertisements and joworl roared in on us, and there ava :. dodging it. An interesting communica ticn about the Sunday schoc ivention at Libe-ty is crowdei o-t- this week. It will appea: in i-ar next issue. Twenty-five bales of cottor were burned on the platform at I-berty last Fridy, supposed t have capght from a spark-of 1 pasing, engine. The Pickens Cornet Band i putting in good timae practicing They are making great progres - and will soon be ready for a public concert. Mrs. Rebecca Masters, widow f the late John Masters, died-a Ihit home of her son-in-law, Mr J. R. Keith, on the morning of Zh 11th inst. She was about 7 ve ars old. O.ut of an appropriation of AM ,000.from the state treasur3 * s aid to high schools in th< st aie, 'the following is Pickenf co'~nty's share. Central, $500 Liberty, $500; Pickens, $500. On the afternoon of Dec. 15t1 no' Daughters will have a salt of rticles suitable for Christmai tinthe Freeman building T as wllbe a rare opportunita 'Scenes for a Day in the Unior Depo lay given by the roaring success. It was wel1 rendered by the finest 'ol irmateur talent. Thei door re. Spts were $40). The Farmers Bank at Central isl a very prosperous condition. .Uder the excellent manage me.~nt- of its officers in the .fivE vearxs it has been in business '$S.00hias been paid out in div idendsland they have now $3,50( t" their profit account. Messrs. J. E. Parsons and J ". Ash more have bought th< eck of goods of the -Keowe< a:pply Company and will con tnue business. We call atten tie to itheir advertisement ir this issue and bespeak for then alberal patronage. The Pickens Chapter U. D. C 1l be at home to their friends on Friday afternoon, Dec. -15 mm 3.3& to 6.60, up-stairs,4E! ~he Freemani building. ThE b lic is cordially-invited to droi and have acup of tea, ani munine and buy the various pt icles displayed, all of which w 71 bi for sale. Dolls a spe ilty. F'or genuine kindness and bb ;'olence there are no people who excel the Pickensites. A few days ago it became known n town that there was a case of great suffering in our midst, brought about by that terrible malady, pellagra., Many hearts went out in sym pathy and mai~y ? nuds went into pockets for ma jal aid. Even so, "Ye did it e1ro the least of these." arer's Mass Meeting. the Farmers of Pickens :-I have been requested 0. B. Colquitt, of Texas, ameeting of the farmers 2; hers interested in cotton m wing and prices to meet al :kens C. H. Saturday, Dec. * .h, at 11 o'clock a. mn., to take 'e action on the plans sug sted by the governors' con 'ntion in New Orleans, Oct. 3. >rther information given Sat lay,and every farmer is urget h e present. Jorns T. BoGGs, Rep, P. C. 'he half million dollars th( >ple had to pay for schoo * )ks this year could have beer sed to them if our laws wert what they should have been. Never uzsed Dr. Miles' Anti-Pais Pills .adache? Better start -DOW. .. . . . . . ... . . . . ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AegtItepaMionfrAs :similainghelodaudRegia romelesDigestintreu o a o c W"rs AOdo NssaNTLss OREP. * NOTNARCOTIC. ~,ssJ~r Wormth aIn SfasU. me'satr. ' fWupr -asm 0om-O Marriags.M As the holidays approach marriag and given in thiarriage increase. The festive season will wifn m. the fruitful work of Cupidc and for the next few 1weeks, his arrows will fly thick and fast. Dhring the past week he brought eight victims to Hyv men's altar. On the 3d inst. Miss Ida Hester and Me. Claude Moore were untd i the holy bond hLe hound otherie' p artsage newbersy atnr H se nti t he.blc saerdaymand b the r 0nthf6inst. Miss H aa Keey&Mr. JererB. Myesrkn had C.The hert s an duhter bofn ther wit F. mriager merlysuperntedn by educa tionery this offic. Ontht the same fdicter said e rswihd Miss na To whes happy young~ pepl Mr. Jese . antyrel of t.kln nporTh coride sdhtng ftook plate at Mr. F. BrigTlley's Tersptehdbe a con educa in and tha cnumeronihbr wern'thee fte the smhufcern sdthe grds whihor meade Miss mAi Anaer obndon.Jae Thi Ssentdl jonthermny h houert go out ishes. ear Thes twJee Cared, Shot Ctelgr was htold rolbehav He fulled outepistoLaandmbe venpt bckofo rom The showd, took pacte aMr. A.m B. Taes here pisao inthe drcon shucke inrowd. almoents thatpistol wand adnumerge and nhbrsl erh,.Afe the balhstking mi h Thero avbenowd beei twen Candstre widthea yng wn here thadspunotprovcatio Thes stoon wer sarll. ,an The negro wad his eave Hd pullt been captd.Iti ade Mrgantre aksf frothe rwodd and acre the aeim to alvies hiastol Pickns he direin ofcuhe ctivatIn baancent patue pisto woadsarednd ntrellod fell, 7-roo ballstryn himse. thet makereahadiceenhat words bnees tween Canteiathe seioi yoand t wse no provoatio for. hootin atral .C andlspatorandnesdaybacrning hawotbe 5c apue. It is i PENN' CanrlHi ayIonded Subcre r a Thal meniles. tian, balyancoser inatue a mak a prc tha.t wil nte+rTbet. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind Youi Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For pOver Thirty Years CASTORIA The Big Store.. Twelve or thirteen years ag this immense plant opened fo business in this city. Have the: done the business since that timE You know it. The people of th entire community were not sloi to recognize the ability of thi firm. /They were not slow t understand that the very larg line of goods carried made possi ble the satisfying of every vant and. that garments of meri could be secured here as well a at any other place in the state hence the gathering of the pec pe from all quarters. The manager,Mr. R. E. Bruce is a gentleman of recognize ability, and because of his mar ner and methods there has beel an advanced movement yea after year% Doing, business 03 so large a sc ale has m|adeC it pos sible for this'store toi ever trave at the head of the .procession Facts and figies are not neede< -to prove to :oui th'at when a (the mfarkets buying this firn can command the very closes figures-and buying right al ways means selling right. I Central, Route 2. Business is progressing nicel in this vicinity. Mr. Henry Y. Lawrencei running a saw mill near hi home. Mr. James Holden, formerl: of Califoinia, has returned ti his old home on Keowee to lool after his father's estate. .Miss Pearl Pelfry was marrie< to a Mr. Dickson, Sunday, Dec 3, at Newry. Kings school opened Monday Dec. 4th, with Miss Jessie Chal mers in charge. Garvin school began the' sam time with. Miss Elma Clayto: as principal. Long Branch school is plan ning to give an entertainmen Friday, Dec. 22 to help raise fund for an organ for the nev chrhsoon to be built here. The Long Branch people ari hauling lumber to build a nev~ Methodist church near the mair Central road, between the home: of Mr. Gordon and Mr. Coke Palmer. Mr. J. R. Morgan is having grist mill put in to run in con connection with his gin at thi place. His son Leslie will hay charge of it. The public~ ar ,cordially requested to patron ize it. . Miss Bessie Smith and Mis Ethel Lawrence attended. th Sunday School Convention a Liberty, as delegates from ou church. Miss Berta Jones, one of th teachers at Six Mile Academny spent Thanksgiving at home and attended services at Pleas ant Hill church first Sunday She reports the school to. be i: a fourishing condition. A RE.\DER. Notice of Final Settlement ani Discharge. NOTICE is bereby given th-it I wvi make aplicatiori to J. P.- Newberr Esq., Judg of Probate for Pickens cour ty, in th Stafie of South Carolhna, o: the 15th day of Jan.. 1911. at . o'clock in the forenoon, or as~ soon thiere after as said application can be hear< for leave to make final settlement.< the estate of David B. sloan.iece ase and obtain discharge as .\dministratri of said estate. Dec 144 Nannxie P. Sloann. A dministratrix. Before going to bed take a-Drh. Miles Eazsatve Tablet. L HEADQUARTERS FOR Christmas -:- Goods for Pickens county. Call and see and decide for your self: iRST We have the goods for the little folks. Santa Claus can find a full supply for the Xmas stockings, such as Dolls and Toys TH EN For the grown-ups and near grown-ups: Chinaware, Cut Glhss. Toilet Sets, Xmas Candy in Fancy Baskets and Boxes. Stationery in Beautiful Packages, Foun tain Pens, Shaving Sets, Ladies' Hand Bags, Desk L Sets, Cigars in Small Boxes, Meerschaum Pipes, Ko aks,. Dollar Watches, Razors, Pencil Sets. IN JEWELRY Which we are very proud of, you will find the fol lowing: Rings, Bracelets; Lockets, Locket Chains, Stick Pins, Brooches, Tie Clasps, Cuff Buttons, Pen dants, Waist Sets, Belt Pins, Fobs-both Ladies and Gen t's-Beauty Pins, Collar Pins, solid gold and gold filled. In gold filled goods, we have Watch Chains, Collar Buttons, etc., etc. IN SILVERWARE Spoon s,= Forks. Knives, Ladles, Carving Sets, Spoon Holders, Sugar Dishes. Syrup 'Pitchers, etc.. Many V of these articles are Sterling. Our silverware com Dosed of Community, Rodgers. Wallace and Reliable S brands, all known and guaranteed. by.us.and the man ufacturer, and not the peddler's tind. We can not name all we have. Just come and see. YOURS TO PLEASE, PICKENS DRUG COMPANY. j SALE OF MILLINERY ' We ha~ve A for............ Here is a lot that will sui t. These suits are $17.5o. Do your Christmas Shop] epartments many things tha ome here to do your Xmas si Heath ont 30 bush s white multiplying onions, at L per bushel, in trade. --Forland anywhere in Pick as county see or write J. IR shmnore. 'The Land Man." FoR .RENT-Wheat and'cod . ElF aria innery. -CaWon B. P. KELLY, ov23 t3 R. 3, Central,S. C. FOR.SALE.-400 bushels of rn at 75 cents per. bushel. ] H. E. Hamilton, - Pickens, S. C. rov. 30, it Wanted- 50' cords of good ry pine wood, at $2 per cord. H. M. HEsTER, dec7 Pickens, S. C. For Sale-Two mules, about years old. W. P. STEWART, Pickens. S. C. -- dec7 R. F. D. 1, Whben in Easley call on John . Cr'aig, in the White Front, or bargains in general mer handise. dec7-1t ' For Sale-A good horse and uggy. Apply at this office. If you desire anything in. the swelry line, I have the best: ratches in solid gold and gold-i illed that are miade. Prices that vill nay any one to call and see.I H. SNIDER, Easley, S. C. If you need anything in the ewelry line for Christmas pres! uts I have it. Bracelets,lockets, ountaiti pens of various styles nd designs, cuff buttons, silver-. vare of many and ailkinds H. SNIDER, Easley, S. C. FoR SALE.-I offer for sale the touse and lots known as the A. L Cameron property, in thel own of Pickens, and in a good >cality. Reasonable terms can e had. T. J. MAULDIN. dec14-3t I have not visited Sani a Claus, ut Santa is at my store, to re iain until the holidays are ver. He has all kinds of toys. ee him. He will save you oney. T. B. BoGGs, dec14 West End Store. I WANTED-In Brevard, N. C., good, sober, eapable miller, 'ho can grind good meal and'I mna rve mill. One of the best] tiller's houses in the state,with] arden attached. Applicants ril please furnish references. WM. E. BREEsE., or DR, R.] JRXsEY, Brevard Mills, Bre ard, N. C. dec14 t3 ] FouD-A sum of money on public highway, by Dr. L. F.1 obinson. Owner can get it by roin'g property and paying for The Real 3rown and g Store, I it in front of our store at 4 o'cloc md the children have a Special il OILLINERY EOIR E [afs'to close and in order to clean f in two. These Hats are the h they are going. -85c .$2.00 Hats 81.50 3.00 - Hats..-. . 2.00 4.00 HatsZ 3.75 6.00 Hats 4.75 - 8.50 Hats. 6.75 - 12.50'Hats.. extra hat at these prices. )AT .SUIT SALE. Coat Suit stock by January 1st. iave ten suits of Black and Blue. 'ill close this lot for 8 Suits of assorted colors, -Blue, fit all of you. This quality is $12 t every one's taste. We can giv( We will close for $15.00. All sna 3ing early and avoid the rush. T. 6t are suitable for Xmas Presents, iopping. UMPANK Leaders in Low Pices. The Motor Car wiih2 parts of the- world, f satisfactory services. Pord Model T, the motor e expectations without any Lower in price and higher The lightest weight 4-cylinder -car md capacity considered-60 pounds fo ~eavy-weight is vauab!e in a motor ci the heavy cars'advertise the fatt? -The $69O .0o. 1& Wihcomnvenieencees. knon rom"Geenasiyop pemuter The ca ofi medant pbilty o t as reiabl, seri~ceBle a ndihebld pae te Tsothe ily. Sur ayou' quait than goweever o e otea Keepg sth esign factsimind; bExtrs covniumnses (siniialyhar nebilt i th ae car. For plasvn to moehanm.000 tow25emile Ther sa 10,000 fm renons tires Everta advercariofismadfate adtbioflitt< pend steeof the city. Surely yoi< grt o, ao and tegothreer yookelet nKaddithese ats inR mod; TTr Vaadumstel(sietiicll hate deivr neq uied int the B. For pln ord spring susoenion l Fora 10,00aleso R ombeseoftr.Eer adetti i Complt nohn- f~gi agerquien. Yo. ca Denuo o een po Cars OD MdlT k, Wednesday, mitation to co n them u test styles and We haveI The o Gray and Blact' ise 5o. We iR sel this you a perfect Iailb i ppy colors. ou will find in- all-ou it wi p - **' IC- - )dl teferu[tb suchih reery ssom nrtefarm s i 0nofgaoin..0 ostadeen readn~ek n ruing sgenraiis -advrtiset s ar.tImmdiate elier Car weave ofo .ll nne utharas sgr mey sqippciyd, axl. Qeutik d MdeLT