OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, October 03, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1912-10-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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ln mi;ory Emma Deloma Edens
eft this world of sorrow
he 25th and has gone to
%h Jesus. She was sick i
bit a short time and seemed to I
have her affections set on things t
above. She was always so good C
and kind and we miss her at i
home so much, for she was all t
ways ready and willing to do all t
she could. She would often say, f
Youwill miss me when I am]
'me." And it seems like it is I
De than we cn bare some- t
es. She was the youngest c
and we all loved her so C
'm uchI.
She seemed to be warned of
her death. A few days before
she was taken sick she said to t
me, "Esther what would you do t
if I was- gone." I told her it
would be hard for us to part. E
We always stood by each other I
in sorrow and in joy. Andi
n.e seems almost like a wilder- t
- ince she is gone, At home I
and everywhere I go seems so f
lonely now. Earth weeps to I
give up such such a jewel, while I
heaven rejoices to receive it. E
She was a laughter of M r. A. (
C. Edens and was 16 years and (
5. months old, Her remains !
were laid to rest at Mountain I
Grove church, of which she was I
a mimber She loved the ways t
of righteousness and led a quiet, I
peaceful life, and I believe she t
is in Heaven today singinL<
praises around God's throne. I
Hallelulah. Esther Keesler. I
Tribute of Respect.
Whereas. Soverign G. Frank
Lathem, a member and Advisor i
Lieutenant of Hester Camp No. c
589, W. 0. W., of Cross Plains,
S. C.. has been removed by i
death. Therefore be it resolved i
by this camp that In his death
this camp has lost a faithful
friend and officer, aid useful!
member. The community has
lost a true neighbor and the
camp one of its most loyal mem
bers. We as a camp extend to
the bereaved family our deepest I
Good-bye and farewell, dear
brother. Peace. peace, to thee
and thine.
Adopted and signed by order
of the camp, and ordered pub-j
-lished in the county paper, this
21st day of September, 191'4l
L. L. Smith,
Leigh flunt, !
C. E. Day.
-Committee. a
J~he Con
M andthere is vc
corn. Buying
Syour crops expe
WVe wish to
Sfarliners that tlh(
one or two acres
Sthree would be
Sit well and sc
a Between the mn
Sot next May yoi
M in and after th at
Q your crop with .
MYou can ferti
Sthis fall with o
M and top dress n<
M soda. This will
iThis 10-4 is a f
4 oats or wheat ai
n you try this phi
will pay you.
SAnderson Phos~
he Pick
A Card From A. L. Edens.
'o the people of Pickens county
I take this method of thank
ig one and all for the kind hoE
itality given me in every se(
ion of the county I visite
uring the campaign: also
vant to thank one and all fo
he votes given me in both ele(
ions. I sincerely thank yo
rom the depths of my heari
learned just before the secon
rimary that I was branded a
Jones man. It was freely cii
ulated over the c->unty, als
ther tales to blacken my goo
ame, and that I was rich an
id not have to work at all
ould live without it. No,
ese are all political lies put o
a defeat'me. As to my positio
.s to governor. My opponeni
11 agreed not to declare ou
osition as to the governol s racq
agreed with them and stoo
y that agreement to the en<
was the same man after th
rst primary that I was befor<
made the race on my ow
erits. I did not try to get o
ome man's coat tail to get int
ffice. I made a clean race, m
onscience is clear. As to m
vealth. I pay taxes on aboi
750.00 worth of property, I ii
'ite anyone who might doul
his to call at the auditor's offic
nd find out. All the rest c
he tales are just as false as th!
ne. It is true I have a sma
ome, it is a very humble on
and the latch string hangs o
he outside like it always ha
Yould be glad for anyone froi
ny1 section of the county t
isit me and enjoy my hospita
ty as I have with you in man
My desire and prayer is the
he Jord will bless all that hav
ried to blacken my name, wit
n over-fowing fullness e
iever before. Sincerely,
Alonzo L Edens,
Saved by his wife
She's a wise woman who knows ju
hax to do wheni her husband's'xife is:i
aigr, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Braintre
nt., is of that kind. "She insistedc
iy using Dr. Kong's New Discovery
'rites Mr. F. '-for a dreadfui cougl
-en I was so weak my friends a
ught I had only a short time to liv
n it comnpletely cured me." A quit
ure for coughs and colds, it is the rmo
afe and reliable medicine for mar
broat and lung troubles-grip, bror
rrhages, A trial will convine you.
Octs. and $1.00. Guaranteed bya
C e
ls Year
iost a failure,
y little earlyj
-corn make
sive. k s
mggest to the
y prepare well ]
to the plow,
better; fertilize]
w it in oats.
Lddle and last
1ir )at.s will be
youean fmnish
ery lit tle corn.
lize youi' oats
ur 10-4 goods
xt spring with
nake fine oats.
ie fertilizer for
d is cheap. If
n we believe it
hate & Oil Co.
1, S.C.
AN, Pickens,
)RNTON, Easley,.
of the can that hol
users are slow to r
s strength of this col
required compared
The cover continu
saves half the c<
as far. Its qual
it You'll say, "Ies ti
Many imitations
it popularity p
nold everywhere.
s The Sentinel Buys New Engine
The Sentinel has just had 4
new gasoline engine installed t<
run its machinery. It Is of thi
very latest model and said to b
tthe best made. It was set u'
~and put in perfect running orde
, last Friday by.a factory exper
n sent here for that purpose. Tb
engine was purchased throug]
1Heath-Bruce Morrow Company
,agents for the Internationa
k Harvester Co., at this place.
II Lawyers
Pickens S. C.
A Piet
All men look pie:
this choice tobacco
S quality and true, natu
Smoked in pipes by th
known to cigarette smokers
We take unusual prid<
S Mixture. It is our leadin;
andevey awnmkd i
tbcoinevery way '*ual
S price, and with each k
papers FREE.
. If you have not smoked t
Ligge.t 4 MJyers Tobacco Co. at
Get a Camera
Save the coupons. With
able preser
-deligt ted I
-g out one c<
B ~ *. llustrate
* . on a
ds Luzianne. New
ealize the extraordinary
fee-how little of it is
with other coffees.
dly reminds them that
ffee bill-goes twice
ity speaks for itself.
ice as good."
prove its popularity;
roves its goodness.
Accept no substitute.
.OR CO., New Orleans
Liberty, S. C.
SPractice~ at (Cen'r-,! --v.-.*' Wedneda;
.1. A. McColiotw" I1. F Miart
E. M. :lythe
iM~llollgll, Ma tlll & BlytlI
t Msonic Temple Grecnville, S.
Associate firm
I Anderson. S. C.
Practice in all Courts.
Ire of contentmentII
sed when they smoke
for all men like the richp
ral flavor of
ousands of men-everywhere
as "the nakings."
in Liggeft d- M3yers Duke's
brand of granul:ited tobacco- 4
challenge to all o(t her tobacco
sack of this famoaus t (bai(cco)
ounces of choice gr ~ 1 jhded
o the best you can buy at Lany
you get a book of 1. i;aette
e Duke's Mixture made by the:
Durham, N. C.. try it now..
with the Coupons
hem you can get all sorts of valu
ts-articles suitable for young and
women, boys and girls. You'll be
o see what you can get free with
:nt of cost to you. Gjet our new
catalog. As a special offer, we
it free during September and
r only. Your name and address
ostal ilal bring it to you.
pons from Duake's . f:x' are mn.:y be as
RES (1 Sin d.u 'e cou') PIC U
other tags or cupons issued by us.
Premium Dept.
iCkens oun
Democratic Gains in VerrfitIf
and M .3 :pressive.
Third Termers to Poll Their Entire
Strength From the Rapidly
Thinr.ing Republican
That the result of the state eleo.
tions in Vermont and Maine mean. a
tremendous Democratic victory in No
vember. is freely admitted by all ex
cept the bitterest partisans. Politi
cal experts have done some analyzing,
and some claim to have reached nove)
conclusions. But these facts stand
On Monday, Septeinber 9. 1912, the
Republican and Third Term parties
combined elected William T. Haines
governor of Maine, over Frederick W.
Plaisted, the present Democratic in
clumbent, by 3,023 plurality; in 1908,
a presidential year, a Republican was
elected governor by 7,653 plurality; in
1904, the plurality was 25,800, and in
1900 it was 34.132. In other words, in
12 years the Democrats have cut
down the Republican plurality in state
elections by 31,109.
In this period the Democratic vote
has increased from 39,000 to 68,000
whereas the Republican vote has de
creased from 74,000 to 71,000. The
Democratic vote of this year exceeds
that of September, 1908, by 1,000, but
the Republican vote is about 2,000 less
than that party cast four years ago.
The split in the Republican ranks,
following the election of William T.
Haines, is pronounced. If the divi
sion in Maine in November is as it
was in the reednt Vermont election,
si.tenths of the Republican vote will
go for Taft, three-tenths for Roose
velt, and one-tenth for the Demo
crats. It is significant that the latter
party has to date suffered no losses,
as compared with the vote in previous
years, from the Third Term move
ment. On the contrary, it has gained.
The result in Maine may be expected
to be something like this: Wilson,
74,000; Taft, 42,600; Roosevelt. 21,300.
The returns from the recent Ver
-4 mont election show, in rqgd figures,
that the joint Republican and third
-iarty vote was eight per cent. short
pf the Republican vote four years ago,
while the Democratic vote in that
state shows a gain of twenty-five per
cent. over that of 1908. It is of spe
cial interest to speculate what will
hiappen next November throughout
Sthe nation if the Republican and
-bemocratic vote for the national
intckets happen to be affected aq
the gubernatorial vote this month
in Vermont has been affected. Theq
New York Evening Post lhas done
some interesting figuring along thia
iiee and as a net result it is shown
that, under the contingencies mentiom1
ed, President Taft would erry only
two states in Noyember, Rhode Island,
anrd Vermont, all the others going for
(jov. Wilson. The conclusions reaclb
ed by the Post follow:,
"To compute this resuilt we shoul4
hiave to deduct 8 per cent. from the
ve cast for Taft 'four years ago and
apportion the remaining vote in the
ratio of 62 to 38 between Tat and
Uoosev elt, an4 we sh~uld have to add
85 per cent. to Bryan's vote in 1908,
and give the 'demnition total.' to
Woodrow Wilson. in other words, give
Taft 57 per cent. and Roosevelt 35
per cent. of Taft's vote fQu years
ago, and give Wilsoy 3,25 per cent. of
Bryan's vote four years ago.
~The result In round numbers would
be as follows, so far as regards Taft
and Wilson.
States, Taft. Wilson.
Aatbamna.......... 14,000 93,000
Arkansas..........32000 109,000
alifornia .........122,000 160,000
Colorado....,..... 71,000 159,000
Connecticut.,...... 65,000 85,000
Delaware .......... 14,000 28,000
Florida ........----.6,000 39,000
Georgia ...........24,000 90,000
Idaho ....-....,...30,000 45,000
Illnois ..........-.360,000 503,000
Indiana .......---.-199,000 423,000
Iowa .......--.-157,000 226,00(
Kansas ...........113,000 201,000
Kentucky ...... 135,000 305,000
Louisiana .........51,000 79,000
Maine ...-.------..38,000 44,009
Maryland.........-66,000 145,00C
Massachusetts .. 152,000 194,00(
Michigan ........--192,000 219,000
Minnesota .....-...112,000 136,000
Mississippi ....-... 3,000 75,000
Missouri .........199,000 448,000
Montana.......... 18,000 33,000
Nebraska.........73,000 164,000
Nevada.......----- 6,000 14,000
New Hampshire.... 30,000 42,000
New Jersey.....--151,000 208,00~
New York........497,000 834,000
North Carolina .... 6,000 171,000
North Dakota.. 33,000 41,O00
Ohio - --- -- -- -- --. 327,000 528,000
Oklahoma....... ---63,000 153,00C
Oregon.-..---..--.. 36,000 48,00~
Pnnsylvania... 426,000 561,00Q
Rhode Island ... 35,000 81,001
South Carolina .... 2,04Q 78,000
South Dakota ..... 39,000 50,001
Tennessee.-.-.-..-.- 68,000 170,000
Texas..........---37,000 271,000
Utah.......--.-+-. 35,000 53,000
Vermont.........-23,000 14,00(
Virginia..... . . . -- 30,000 103,001
Washington....-.... 61,000 73,001
West Virginia... 79,006 139,000
Wisconsin ...-.--.-.. 142,000 208,000
Wyoming.....- ....12,000 18,Q01
A Log On The Track
of a fast express mhea~ns s.-ric us trouble
ahead if not removed, so oes loss of
a petit e. It means lack of vitality, loss
of strength and nerve weakness. If ap
petite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly
to (VIrome1I h - casuse by toning up the
stomach and curing the indigestion.
. ichat I Ilessheimer of Lincon, Neb.
had been sick over three years, but si,
ottles of Electric Bitters put him right
on his feet aenin. T1hey irive put
lod, strong nerves, good digestion.
Only 530 cents at all druggists.
You owe it to yourself, your family and
your work to keep in the best possible con
dition. If you have strong, ready muscles
'-rich, heathy blood and a clear brain, you
can do more and better work and really
live, and enjoy living and be a blessing to
those you love.
Much of the eternal grouch and many
of the aches and pains you see every day
are caused directly by a lazy, torpid, over
worked liver, and all of that may be abso
lately cured by R. L. T. (Richardson's
Laxative Tonic). One fifty-cent or dollar
bottle of this magnificent tonic will prove
to you that it is the finest laxative and the
quickest strength building tonic ever of
fered sick, suffering humanity. Get a bot
tle from your druggist today, and keep it
always in the family medicine chest ready
to put the Liver right in one night or cure
malaria, constipation, or bilious fevers in
the shortest possible time. If not on sale
in your town, write R. L. T. Co., Ander
son, S. C.
R. L.T.
A Perfect Tonic
S0 & $1.00 per Btle. All Drug Stores.
Clerk's Sale
State of South Caro'ina,
County of Pickens.
In Court of Common Pleas.
In pursuance of a d'ctal order m-e
in the following named caie and on file
in Clerk's office, I will s-1l to the1 highest
hdder during the legal honrs- f sale. at
Pickens. C. H , S. C. on -ale-dav in
October, 1912. the foil -*wing desco lbeu
real t state upcn the tei Ims hereinafter
mentioned, to wit:
H. . IlIebter, Plain':if,
C. P. Uentr', et al, Defendants,
All -bat piece, parcOl or tract of land
-ituato liI kh. U *u'ity and tat-- trorc
ai-l and -known as tr-ct No 4, in the
suit for pal tition inl the cas- of E. S.
' iffin , t al %s Lillie Janns.m s shown
by Judgnent Roil No 22%o inl te C 1 k's
offile of sail county. adj inirg hlnds 6f
tracts No. 3 ar-d 5 of -aid divii06 . E. S.
Griffin and othors ail containting one
hundred and twenty six (12;) i.cres,
m >re or l-es. rermus: One-half c<:s.
and the balance on cr-dit of twelva
months: the eyediat portioni to be accuredl
by a bond of the purchaaer ar-d a mort
gage of the~ premis-s ruld, te band to
provide f or interest from day (of sale, at
the rate of 8 per cent, per antnumu, and
10 per cent. fer attoruev's fee-s if col
lected by an attosrey, by suit or legal
proceedings. The purchaiier may have
the privilege of pa; ing all ce sh on day of
sale. Shoumd the purchaser at said n~d..
fail or refuse to comply with (he rerms
of sale within one hour thereafter the
said premises will be r,~old at the risk
of the former purobaser.
A. J. BOGIGS, C. C. P.
NOTICE is hereby given that 1 will
make apphecation to J. B. Newbery Eal.,
Judge ,f Probate for Pickerns county,
in the State of South Carolina, on the
31 day of Oct.. 19l2,' at 1() o'clock in
the forenoon, or as s)0on theren fter as
sid application can be heard for leave
to make linal settlement of the estate
of 3. B. Freeman. deceased, and ob
tain discharge as executor of said et tate.
B. S. Freeman.
0O:t. 30, 1912 Executor.
Notice of Forfeiture.
The following described pro;perty
having been seiz-d from Sam Griflin on
S -ptember 2nd, 1912, for the violation
of Section 3296 R- S. U. 8. Onei g ray
mule, one buggy and harness, 6 gallons
oorui whiskey, Persons making claims
for some should make application to
the Collector of Internal Revenue at
Columbia, S. C. within 33 days from
date hereof or the same will be' declared
forfeited to the United States.
R. Q. Merrick. D~eputy Collector.
Greenville. S. C . Sept. 2, 1912.
4t2 '
Yonah Land.
The famous Piedmuont section. North
East Georgia. The land of.'eprturtty.
Special indi cement t o rrmlt gr'.wers.
dairymen, stockmena and p, ul try na-t
A great demand for diversified farm ing.
Some products to seil '.-ii) h
clonnm" marke t anid best pr ic s.Twn
ty odd Tourisat hotels in llah'ersh~am
County. (both sumumer ande wite-r re
sorts), o:.lv 78 miles fromt A tlantai on
main line of Sont he-rn Rnilw:uy to Wat-h
ington, D C. Ten :,ocres apple archaerd
produced 3300) hu'hels c~f apple-s ntting
$3900.00. Equally as good for pe-ache'.
pecans.urapes etc. The best of far m-ng
ands will produce from 1 to 2 bales of
cotton, 60 to 100) bushels of corn per
a cre, besides 1ar~re crops of small grain
and bay. Pure water, fine climate, no
mosquitoes. splendid scentery, Ii ne
schools anid churches, 190'0 feet el.--v:
ion. Prices range from $5.00 ro $7 (
per acre. Send for descripuve Pa:i-h
let and price list.
Made A NwMa~
"I was sufferinot fv :n~ pain tr a
stomach, head and L..," w~L
liver andkidneys di nol
but four bottles cf i LCric
made me teei like a new mt.
A Distinction Wic
.OU may not always g
It takes a goodjudge
but if there is one su:
is-you pay for all you ge
able to see the difference
similar appearance at diff
you buy from a reputable f
the difference in quality is
I H C Oil and Ga
cost more than some othe
more carefully made, an
tested. Skillful designin
better workmanship, more
and more thorough testir
run. Given equal care an
less per year of service tha
you can buy. If an I H C
the work it will do, pumr
running the grindstong, fee
silage cutter, repair shol
separator, churn, washing
it will pay for itself in a
money and labor saved.
I H C engines are mad(
horizontal, vertical, air
stationary, portable and m
operate on gas, gasoline, ker
tillate or alcohol, in sizes
Kerosene-gasoline tractors,
45-H P.
The I H C local dealer
logues and full information,
International Harvester C
I H C Service Bt
The purpose of this Burea
of charge to all. the best infi
on better farming. If you ha
tions concerning soils. crops..
gation, fertilizers. etc.. make yi
and send them to I H C Servic
Building. Chicago US A
(Prickly Ash, P<
Its benencial ei- Stul
fects are usuially yie
felt very quickly ~
r :um cicrsthe brain -stenlgt1
1They interlock and overlap each et
hardest driving rain or snow cannot sift ui
Won't pulsate or rattle in wind..storm
last as long as the building, and never ne
Southern '
Schedules Effective Sept. 2
N IB.-Th-- folloivngr -ce-dule figures are
No 44 AT L A NT \ ....
S-.- s~ tom clch arL.. pesagers fro
psegs for l'h-,,ritt. atnd bey<
No 36 NEW OitLE ANS and AT
stop- only on S1
No 4.2 SE.NFCA (Daily except 81
e~' A'l'LANT1'A.-..........
0 lhMINGHAM an AT.
IF -r W,' :Ls.n'gon anid N..w York.
eni r~ II wm A L;anta an.! t.o re.cei
8: to' ink. onj p.asengers ft
: II<H lLOTT lE.
i n.vnle. 5 C.
ii a Difference
et what you pay for.
of values to do that,
e rule in business it
t. You may not1%?
between engines of
erent prices, but if
rmn you may be sure
soline Engines
-s because they are
I more thoroughly
, better material,
careful assembling,
ig, tell in the long
I H C engine costs
a any other engine
engine is given all
ing, sawing wood,
i grinder, hay press,
machines, cream
machine, etc., etc.,
very short time in
in every style
and water-cooled,
>unted on skids, to
sene, naphtha, dis
from 1 to 50 H. P
12, 15, 20, 25 and
will give you cata
or write
ompany of Amenca
S. C.
u is to furnish. free
>rmation obtainable
re any worthy ques
land drainage. irri
>ur inQuiries specific
e Bureau. Harvester
ke Root and Potassium)I
erful Permanent
bborn cases Good results are
d to P. P. p. lasting-it cures
: othernmedi- you tostay cured
is are useless.
ood-cleanses the entire
Lens digestion and nerves.
>son and skin diseases..
s the Pain; ends Malaria;
er. Thousands endorse it.
cD Bruce, President ~ .
Mauldin. Cashier.
her ini such a way that the
ier themi.
i.They're also fre-proof. will
d repairs.
V 09., Pickens, S. CD.
2,1912 from EasleY.
published only -as infortna'inn and
ni Aanta, or to receIVe
LANTA..--g4am ,
mda ).------..8.35 am~
- -.-_--1.5pm
--..--6.25 pm
.A NT A...._- 7.55 pm
on' to discharge pas
oga engers~ for Char
TrON.......-----6.50 am
c Atlanta
-11.55 am
-----4.00 pm
~unday)- 955 pm
~ent or write
W. E. McGEE. A. G P. A.
Columbia S. C.

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