OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, April 09, 1914, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1914-04-09/ed-1/seq-6/

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During the past year, by th<
sands of smokers, all inclinati
for any obacco but STAG.
A significant fact is Stag's in
stant appeal to old smokers-men
who had long settled down to
something elses
These wise old critics are per
haps the most enthusiastic of all.
Convenient Packages: The Handy Half
Size 5-Cent Tin, the Full-Size 10-Cent Tin, the Pound
and Half-Pound Tin Humidors and the Pound Glass
For Pipe and Cigarette
P., Lorlliai Co. -Est. 1760
Rapid Transit via
Indian Motocycles
When you own an Indian you possess your own
railroad or trolley line. You are independent of sched
ulesZ You can make your own time-tables-start when
you please-ride as far and as fast as you like.
Mounted on an Indian you have the assurance of
amiple power, perfect brake. control, absolute ease over
the roughest roads and tustworthiness of every me
chanibal part.
The iEdian Twk. Motor has a reserve power that
% in qual to any aemand that can be made upon it. "A
twist of the wrist" gives fou instantly any speed from,
4 -to 60 miles per hour. The smooth-acting Cradle
Spring Frame, thle greatest comfort feature ever de
vised, absorbs all road shocks and vibrations. AJl
models are equipped'with footboards.
FOR 191+.
The new Indian models for 1914 Chief among the 38 Betterments
rain the many mechanical and for 1914 is .a complete practical
comfort features which have given electric equipment consisting of
-the lndian the supremacy it enjoys electric head light, electric tail
today. In addition they em- light, electric signal, storage bat
-body many new points of excel- teries and rear-drnve speedometer,
-ece fitted to all standard Indian models.
Weroer you ride hadian Dealer Service is always at your cal.
demonadsate to yoiu Indian Motorcycle Values. 1914 Catalog rea.dy -
Ask y~cpyr
3 Ditribtor or Pckeand7Oconee Counties.
Saturday PAril11, ~cknly
1) Anodertankl nin uga Setiel
A 'No
bU- El
00 {{ff
Cat.J T. Talo made
'Suie . . Bog fLber~
C. . Sit ofLbrt ot
| wa in ickns o busnes
Te Conyls emoraicClb
B.l mF. priln wilselh2
>Mrnd of. b.s Muan ofo Sx nex
Edin Erpet hartur t
li s m in Pickens afte bsied
ng tewntra nFlria
C.n F Esleth was Libertycout
y wsatPcn on businesstiwek
hE.F "RoeMi of the Oorano'i
renvil last Tesdyvein
MedmeB. F.Prsn wilnsl a2
aturda TornlysetMna
fgtenter shping Florieen
Mr.Iv M.lt au'inn spei
evealo daslast week atth heu
nother Milre Cox REatotne
Jentrosl d"a.h Gadi
B.eF.daes has a Bnw an<
. and Thrbaly spenlrt ona
ftenoosn thopwn nGr
yrs.t 2 was Mauikns s
veek ntr buinsse_ ore
B. live narnhaa Picewns.
Misse line coodunking jewel
'd y.. probbry aet hi
fficAtil in town.
Mr. Evavn Niarrett, wof Lie
nnected buiness the fother
yel lepone CPicnClubi
isstinn t i me.nknan
rTPae ofumbett wesusrer
esondith the enSotice
;ent out by The Sentinel is ver'
ratifying. We hope we shal
ot be forced to cut off a singi
ubscriber next week.
H. D.Gibso isvsiigi
sea .D.bon bins Tnesitay.h
SJ. A. Finlay of Easley route
5 was a business visitor at th<
county seat Tuesday..
J. 0. Hughey and L. B. Free
man of near Easley were ir
Pickens on business Tuesday.
W. J. Crenshaw of Crovw
Creek was among the businese
visitors at the county seat Tues
Tday. ___
The April number of th<
Piedmont Magazine is out ani
Sis better that the February num
Sber. Send in your subisci iptioi
SRev. Fulton Childers of Green
vilule, paid us a pleasant call las
Saturday. He was on his way
to Keowee church where he 1i
7Prof. J. W. Ballentine ani
several other Pickens peophi
went over to the Piedmont In
Iter-High School track meet
held at Greenville Saturday.
Mr. Hammond of Greenville
was in Pickens Saturday. H<
preached at Oqienoy Saturda3
land Sunday and was called tt
th pastorate of this good church
Rev. J. T. Lightfoot of Eas
Sley has recently published
book written in .poetry form
which contains about 85 page
and sells for twenty-five cents
SThe Ladies Aid Society of th
Baptist church will give ai
Easter egg hunt next Saturday
afternoon at four o'clock, a
I1inwood Park. Everybody i.
invited to be Ipresenlt.
Deputy Marshal Alexande
and Constable LaBoon, accom
panied by Special Officer Gore
Sdestroyed three distilleries and
about 4,500 gallons of beer ii
Pickens county this week.
'Miss Maud Reeves of Easle:
2has just returned from Balti
more, where she purchased a bit
line of Millinery, so now she cai
Sfit you up with the right hat a
Sthe right price: for she has bati
rfrom 10c up. Some beauties fo
198c, $1.98 and $2.98. See then
Sbefore you buy or you may re
gret it later.-Adv.
are very tempting if they
be two plates of our pure,Y
diciious and refreshing Ice
Cream, which we guaran-.
itee to be perfect in every re- $*
spect. We have -it in all i
flavors, and it is a delight
fully cooling dish ini the hot.:
days of summer. It is notf
simply children alone that .{
like it. Older people find it
agrees with their appetitesy
and fancies wonderfully. --
monstrator Razor rii
not cut you. It cuts the )
evice is very simple. At 11
at the same price. We
. N. .Hallum, Proprietor.
>npliments on the quality of
ie cake, and what they say
oes. It was delicious. These
ond people have our sincere
ianks for this kindness and
Mr. Winchester said there were
averal motives that prompted
im to bring this present. He
rought it as a token of appre
iation for what The Sentinel is
oing for the people of his sec
on, and we assure, him that
Tbatever we can do for these
ood people we will always do
rith the gladdest hearts, and we
re truly grateful to hear that
rhat we are trying to do is ap
Mr. Winchester stated that
ome people had an idea that the
iountain, people were nothing
ut "blockheads and clodhop
ers," and that they didn't have
nd didn't know anything. But
re can assure him that anyone
rho has that idea will but have
o go and be associated with
bese people to find out they are
aistaken. Right in the foot
ills of these mountains that we
ee every day there lives a peo
le than whom there is no better
n earth. In their veins flows
he purest Anglo-Saxon blood,
,nd from among them have
prung some of our bravest, no
lest and best men. There is a
o more free-hearted and hos
itable people to be found any
Shoes and
We have just received from
amilton-Brown Shoe Co., of
t. Louis, one of the most comn
lete line of Men's, Ladies'
nd Children's Oxfords w'e
ave ever shown.
We shall be glad to show
ou our line, whether you want
> buy or not.
Ameridan Gentlemen Oxfords
$3.50 and $5.00
merican Lady Oxfords $3.00 and $3.50
Craig Bros. Co.
To Pi
.With this at
~the good county
our magnificent
For many y
Speople have bee:
Sthe fact that ye
Sto buy Shoes is<
are able to plee
Scation to us.
Finding the
Sexcellent people
business with m
We do not <
Smerely because
Sgive you the bei
ever bought.
We not onla
SOxfords in this
Svariety of styles
Swho study noth
Swho sell nothin:
Sknow what the
Ssell more Shoes
~good proof that
Swant, but that
We now ha
Serly of Pickens,
Sto our store and
Sshowing you thi
Our new Si:
Slatest styles, an
Buy; your SI
Durham Duplex DE
25 Ce
This razor will shave you an<
same old way. The safety d
our store 25 cents. By mail
pay pastage.
1 The Rexall Store.
Preliminary Track
Meet Held Friday 9
The preliminary track meet t
was held here Friday to select
men for the coming county con- s
test. The records are withheld h
from the public, but great swift- I'
ness was shown. Many county c
records were broken. The fol- d
lowing men were selected: t
100 yard dash-CAie Seaborn, y
Hovey Seaborn. .
Running high jump-Charlie V
Curtis. Hovey Seaborn. a
One half. mile run-Oliver v
Boggs, Ralph Gillstrap. V
Discus throw-Colie Seaborn,
Hovey Seaborn. s
220 yard dash-Hanselle Biv- 1
ins, Doyle Looper. t
Pole vault-Colie Seaborn, t
HoveySeaborn. a
Running broad jump-Char- s
lie Curtis. Colie Seaborn.
440 yard race-Oliver Boggs, t
Colie Seaborn (tie.) t
Shot put-Doyle Looper, Colie r
Seaborn. I
The county track meet- will s
be held in Easley Saturday, I
April 18. C
Early Closing
We, the undersigned merch
ants of Pickens do hereby agree
to close our stores every day at
six-thirty, except "saturday,
this rule to begin April 15th and
Ro to Sept 15th, 1914. and in
cludes every day. pay day at
cotton mill included, with the I
exception of Saturday:
Heath-Bruce-Morrow Co.,Fol
ger, Thornley & Co. B. F. Par
sons, Craig Bros. Co., Pick
ens Hdw. & Gro. Co., G. T.
Mauldin,' R. B. W aid ro p,
Findley & Stansell, T. D. Har
ris, H. A. Richey.
Let's Have a Clean Town.
Those who, for some reason,
have not'done their spring clean
ing will please do so as soon as
possible. We cannot tell how
much it may be worth to our
health and how much it adds to t
the appearance of individual;
places and the town as a whole.
All the merchants and others
will please not just sweep loose A
papers instreet or back of stores,
but will please burn them or put
them in receptacles so that the
trash man can get them. If -
just swept out and not burned
or. put in a box or barrel they
will be blown all over town and
a dozen nien could not keep up
with them.
Let us make Pick-ens one of
the cleanest towns in the state
and one of the most healthy,
and that can easily be done if all
will do their duty, and ]I know
they will.
0..RI. HENDRICKS,. Mavor.
A Clean Town
The state inspector recently
made the following report to
F. H, McMaster, state insurance
commissioner. This report will
.no doubt be very gratifying to
our citizens:
"Dear Sir: T L.e. this date
inspected buildings and premis
Ses at Pickens and it gives me
pleasure to tell you that condi
Stions have wonderfully imkprov-'
el since my last inspection.
Te town is practically free
from waste accumulation.
Yours very truly.
B. A. WHARTON, Dep."
Only one tract of land was
sold here on salesday in April.
The Bell Shoal place, on T welve
Mile river. containing 160 acres
was bought by Dr. R. F. Smith
o Easley, for $6,570.
SRuhamnah school, near Liber-.
Sty, closed Friday. -Last session
was a most successful one under
the supervision of Miss Essie
Kelley, who has been re-elected
to teach the summer term.
Whitsitt Hiott, who has been
with The Sentinel for the past
year and a half, left Monday
for Atlanta, Ga., where he will
take a business course in the
Southern Business College. He
will be greatly missed in The
Sentinel office.
Mr. Ed McDaniel of Ruther
ford county, -N. C.. visited his
father, Mr. J.. H. G. McDaniel, .
in Pickens last week. Ed has
been living in North Carolina
several years, is prospering
there and seems well satisfied
with life.
Gave The Sentinel Cake.
Mr. A. T. Winchester of Nine
Times was a pleasant caller at
our office last Friday. Mr. Win
chester brought with him and
made us a present of a nice box
of cake which was made by his
We-are still closing out our Dry
Goods, Shoes, Notions, Clothing,
+ Millinery, etc., and we aresoffe
ing some special values in Ladies!#
Queen Quality Oxfords and Men's
Crossett. Oxfords. Almost any
shape or leather to select frorm
We are giving a substantial cut
on these well known makes o
4 Oxfords.
+ We'are closing out this depart
ment and you can buy a nice hat
for less than one-half the regular
w I ill pay you to visit the Big
Store before you make your Spring
4$ purchases.
W Heath-Bruce -Morrow
Company ..
*Pickens, -~ - So. Qar.
ekens County... 0
People: .
vertisement we invite the people of
of Pickens to our store to inspect
liin of Shoes and Oxfords.
ar's a great many .Pickens count
buying their Shoes at our storead
r after year they come back to us
ur best advertisement, and that we
ethem so well is a source~of gratifi- ~ -
the people of Pickens county are+
to do business with we want to do
re of them.
xpect you to do <business with us
e want you to, but because we will +
t values in Shoes and Oxfords you
have the largest stock of Shoes and
section, but we have the greatest
.And our stock is bought by men
ng but Shoes and sold by salesmen
but Shoes, and consequently we
eople want and we buy it. That we
han any other store in Greenville is+
we not only have what the people
ve give good values.
e with us Mr. J. I. Callaham, form
ad he will be glad to have you conit
see him. He will takeplau m
our stock.
ring Oxfords are now here in all the
lit is a beautiful line.
ioes at our store, save money and be .
* ~. . ~-A. * + 4*4

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