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The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, May 11, 1916, Image 1

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. I.,'MAY 11, 11
-~ ~ r p CCk DLLR
LCENS' .C, MAY. 11 91i. $iuh.
FrPeasure of
Sentinel Readei
The Sentinel cousilers itsel
Ztunate in being able toseCyre
the benefit and pleasui of
itubscribes the seiltet'y
16hhbe ngins in ,this issue.
"Afoul of Villa's Men" is the
title of the Wor. and we call re
ommend It to you as being in-.
teresting and delightful reading
matter. And-it.ls an especilig
timely story. Most everybody
has beenireading about Villa and
his men for a long time and. in
terest in them has not coased.
Any good magazine or news
paper in this country wonjd,be
glad to get this story for its read.
7 re, but It would cost an enbrm
ops sum to get the exclusivo
rigbts for its publicatidh., By
-coibining with a good nianvn
Other papers in different 866ians
of the cotintry The Sentinel was
able to scure the rights to_ pub
lish it in Pickens county and we
take pleasure in presenting it to
our readers -and hope they wil
Onioy it.
No other Daper in this section.
is'givitiths - readers"the speeakI
featurns that The Pickens Sent
mel. Is giving its'readers. We
are not only giving the interna
tional, national, state and coun
ty news, but. we are giving good
serial stories, and most every
week publish special articles on
different subjects. Of course it
costs us' more money to do this,
but we want to give Pickens
county a real family newspaper
and we ollit..your support on
the basis of merit,
Every citizen. of. Pickens
county .should be a suficri
bor to The Pickens Sentinel.
It is now costing subscri-)era
less than two cents a -week
and it isworth more than~ that
to anybody. The More sub
scribers, we have the better pa
per we can pUblish. 'Wort you
help to niake your county paper
better? .Th)epmn who-thinks.Je
is saving two centsa Aveek b
doing without his county paper
is practicing falke econom y.
Pickens Co. News
of 40 Years Ago
The following items were tak
on from The Plekens Sentinel of
May 11. 1876:
Robert Mc W horter, an old and
respected citizen of this county,
died at his residence four or five
miles south of this phwo on Fr
day, 5th inst.
M.S. Ulendricki is -anuotuced
for school commissioner and J.
Riley for sheriff.
R.E.Bowon,Chairimn, c'ails a
A demJ)oc)atic club was organ
ied at Oolenoy Saturday, May
6, with J. II. Carlisle as temp
orary chairman. John r. Lewvis
was elected rersident; Col. WMm.
*Nimumons,. first vice president:
John L. G}raviey, second vice
president; R. 8. Le wis, secretary
*and .treasurer; M. Winchester,
W. a. Stewart, Jacob bowls.
Col. L1. N. Rlobbins anid Eli Stan
sell, executive committee.
Itickens county .Dirctoy.'
Senator, R. E. Boweon repre
se~ntative, DP. F. flradley; Clerk
of court, S. D. Keith; judge of
ptobate, 1. H. Philpot: shriff,
J. Riley Feorguson; coroner, War
* r4 Bloyd; school cohiuiissioner,
Rt. A. Blowv n; treasurer, - . A.
Losley;i auditor, Alonzo M. Fol
ger;.county comissionere-Johni
T;dY ilossett~., chairman; R~obert4
(hdaig G. Mr Lynch; ..Ho
li- ngworth. clerk. Trih'al juntic
e08-Easley, Luke t.~Ariaih: ai.
ubtity, J. 13. Clayton; Central,
Jaxpos IA. Liddell; Pckcen O.
R,3 7L. ollingsivorth and QG
W.e aylo Dacevllle, J. 1.
~~ .J. U.Carllsle is principl.of
< &~e i&tke His school. The
eoqastic te'rm Is divided -Irt
of 20 wenks'a
1'V~ ~ utn $a~
Pickeis County
School dotos
One of the largest rural school
iuildings in thb county is to be
dompleted this ivek at a cost of
$3025. It is Reunion district be
tween Eagley and Liberty and
the trustees are, W. .W. Norris,
T. E. .Smitb tnd;- Qarlisle New
ton. Co-operation, an extra levy
6 rill $ax . fo) .ol purposes,
aid from the Stae' .Ad County
Superintendent madelhis build
Ing possible. Babb'Bros., c6n
tractors, of Pickens, did the
building. I; contains three class
rooms downstairs and the second
story is an auditorium with a
seating cabacity of five hundred
with a metal shingled roof and
storm weather boarding. This is
a splendid house. . Mrs. Lillie
Boggs and Miss Arrie Smith'of
the county taught the session
just closed.
Pickens County .Teachers' 4s
Sociation met at Ealey lastSat
Urday and had a pleasant and
profitable session. After the dis
patch of business a lunch was
seted-by the-tac of E 'asloy
and an automobile ride was giv
en the visitors.
Many applicants stood thei
teachers' exaniination .May 5.
They filled the court room and
Supt. Halluin says it was the
largest crowd that have stood at
one time. A well known young
man who was in town that day
said he wanted an examination
hold evory week. Most of the
applicants were of the fair sex.
A modern brick school build
ing, containing 4 class rooms
and a commodious auditorium
is nearing completion at Norris.
Peters Creek school closed an
encoulraging session .-April 14.
Miss Ruby Baker who was prin
cdpal, resigned to accopt high
school work in the Pickens school
three weeks befor the session
clpsed. Miss Cora Porter filled
44Ut6the.unexpired tedn. Miss
Catherine Wilkes was the as
sistant. Miss Baker is filling
the vacancy in the Pickens
school caused by the resignation
of Miss Isadora Williams, who
was operated on for appendicitis.
oanoke school will close a
successful session iext Friday,
May 12. Through co-operation
this has become an ideal school
community, which enjoys an
eight-month sosion in a nmdern
b)uihting. Prof. Giyens is the
princ4ipoL.and is ably agsi,,. od by
Miss Shirley of entral an' MIss
(ltadys Parsons, 6f Picke-us.
. State, SnperCinl~tlin t f du
cation J K. Swearen;xen will be
married In Ju~ne to Miss Mary
Hough, of H'Jarlowtowvn, Mont.
The weddig wvill take ,place in
Gov. Manning
Spoke Here Fri. i
By special invitation Gov.
Rtichard I. Manning made an
address in the Pickens court ,
bouso last Friday afternoon to a r
epresentative and appreciative
iudience. The cou ntv teachers'
xamination was hekd bore that
1ay and it was prineindfly to the
~eacherp that the goveiner spoke 9
~ho his address was interesting ~
o all. That the governor would
speak here was not known until
:i few hours beforehand, but the!
tiews was spread quickly and aj
good size crowd was presoent.
Next to) law enforcement, the ~h
governor said tihe cause of edu
3ation was nearest his heart.
Rie is in favor of better' traineda
upd better paid teachers. HefN
lid not touch much on political
iffairs, but said that a year ago I
eoopla had told him the whiskeyr
awv could snot.- be enforced in I i
Ijharleston, butt that all- admit. I
4fow that the law' was being
itrcdthere as well at any
awas (lovernor Manning's~
rttime ini Pickenns since' the
gnMm~ii two years ago and he
n0 w.'friet$ dio p
mtoevays her,
Afondin\ TA
Engagement of
Popular Couple'
Judge and Mrs. George Cal
vin Grogan, of Elberton,, an
nounce the engageren't of their
daughter,- May Stark, to Mr.
James Hagood Bruce, of Pick
ene, S. C., the marriage to take
place in Juie.
The above announcenepit in
Sunday's Atlanta Journal will
prove of great interest to our
readers, Mr. Brnce being one of
the best known and deservedly
niost popular young men of this
section. He is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. McD. Bruce and holds a
responsible position with, the
Pickens Bank. Miss Grogan Is
Elso well known in Piokens,
having at different times visited
In the Town of
About 75 acres, ten or two
creek bottom in high state
acres of upland now in goo
the upland dark red clay.
wears out.
Good eight-room dwelling
fashioned hoise, but in g
tenant houses, one now. I
in good repair.
Good pasture and plenty
sprinvs and creek.
The improvements on thi
from $3,000 to $3,500 to 1
acres in the corporate linil
of depot: cotton mill and o
The-city Public Schools al
of thisiplace.
rhe Place Is Well Worth $75 an
On Easy I
This place is kni
(ntiae orts Insrte -t htolumni for
For Cogress d
I announce myself a candidate for
~ongress from the Third Congressional
)lstrict of South Carolina, subject tQ
he rules of the Democratic party.
I am a candidate for Congress from
he Third Congressional district, subject
n the rules of~ the Democratic primary.
I aumounce myself a candidate for
ongress from the Third district. I
ri abide the rules, regulations and
esults of the Democratic primary.
For Solicitor
I announce my candidacy for Solicitor
f the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, sub-!
ect to the rules and results of- the Demi
eratic Primary election.
I amn a candidate for Solicitor of thel
hirteenth ,Judicial Circuit and pledge
byself to abide the result of the Demn
3ratic primary and to support the n om
ees of aame. .JNo. ni. DANIEL. p
HI. H. HlA.nus is hereby announced as
candidate for Solicitor of the Thir
9mnth Judicial Circuit, subject to thue
eofte Democratic primary.
For Representativei
The many friends of W. CLARENCE ~
ANN hereby announce him as a candi
hte for the House of Representatives,
ibject to the rules of tbc Democratic
I hereby announce myself a candidate e
r the House of Representatives from
ickens County, subject to tihe rules
the Democratic primer . .
Platform: In favor of th tte tak. t
' anio out of the hanso.h pc a
lorand placintg It in Its -~han 't6 j
tee te armrad i Nt in -
ytoyeducation. Wr l. Co
Iceless Refrigera
tor Demonstration
The demonstration of the ice
less refrigerator In thq Home
Demonstration clubs has, been
arousing a great deal of inter
est. A number have already
been made by the club women
for use in their homes. Miss
Mauldin will meet with the wo
men of the Martin comMunity
Friday afternoon, May 5, for the
purpope of organizing .a club.
The meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. S. J. Nalley. The
ladies are asked to come prom pt
ly at 3 o'clock.
relatives here. She is a young
lady of charniing features and
manners and is a favorite with
all who know her.
Pendleton, S. C.
lve of Uvhich Is high-class
of cultivation. About 35
d state of cultivation. All
3oil-the kind that never
with six fireplaces. Old
ood repair. Two 3-room
Plenty of outbuildings, all
of water-two or three
a farm alone would cost
ulldA.. About twenty-five
ts of Pendleton half mile
11 mil.
re available to the owners
Acre, IBut Will Sell for $4,500
'ickens S. C..L or'
'ON, Salem, S. C.
own as part o
For Clerk of Court
0. S. STEWART is hereby announced
as a candidate for the office of Clerk of
Court of Pickens county, subject to the
rules and regulations of the Democratic
party in the primary election of 1916.
I am at candidate for the office of
Clerk of Court of Pickens county, sub
ject to the rules of the Democratic
party. J. L. Box/..
I amn a candidate for Clerk of Court
f Pickens county and pledge myself to
ibide the result of the Democratic pri
nary and supportthe nominees of same,
Aerthe solictton of a few friends I
eeyannounce myself a candidate
~or the office of Sheriff' of Pickens coun
~y, subjecet to the rules of the Demo
~ratic primary.
1iIENRY A. TOWNES is hereby announc
d as a candidate for Auditor of-Piekens
ounty, subject to the rules of the Dem-.
ecratic primary.
I am a Fadd or Tresurer of
icescounty, subject to the rules of
he Democratic primary.
or Superintendent of Education
I hereby announce myself a candidate
or County Superintendent of Educa
Ion of Pickens county, subject to the
ules of the Democratic primary.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
or Superintendent of Education of
'Ickenh county, subject to the Demo.
ratic primary. C. L. CstAto.
W. S. RICnIUURis hereby announced
a a candidt for tho Offle of Sup rn.
endent of ea~tion~t-PliknsC'on,
ubjeet to te f~Ies of the DemocrA.&t
Dr. Odomn is yo& eye's bee ]~~n
.ot him tmke your glsss See date 1
Notes From the
Mt. Carmel Side
Farm work on this'Aide of the
county Is practically at & stand
still at present for thlaiack of
moisture to germinate theW.6ddi
especially cotton, and it looks as
If the small grain crop will be A
failure, especially oats..'
'Pastor Coker preached. two
earnest and instructive sermons
to Lrood congregations Saturday
and Sunday. -Quito a number
of old friends and visitors were
noticed in the congregation Sun
The patrons of the Mt. Car
mel school are addinr, 4roat
deal to the appearance of the
s-chool building bv painting and
otherwise improving the house,
A. W. Tanner is also Iniroy
ing and beautifying his resi
Mr. Ben G. Field and family,
of near Pickens, were welcome
visitors on this side the week
Miss Alma Lathem attended
the Sunday school convention i.
Charleston last week and report&,
ed a fine meeting and a great
0. T. Jones and family have
joined the Ford Brigade, but Mr.
Jones denies having anything
to do with it, but admits that ho
gave the children the money to
buy it with.
The Dacusville township sing
ing convention held a find ses
sion Sunday p. m. and had sonio
fine singing and a large audi
ence. The next meeting will be
at Nine Forks the first Sunday
p. m. in June.
Rice's Creek Lo
cal News Notes
Mrs. Daisy Jackson of Spar
tanburg county Is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiarper
Mr. Ernest Waldrop visited
relatives in the Cedar Rock Sec
tion last Wednesday.
The Roanoke boys met Satur
day, May (. and organized a
baseball team for the coining
Miss Wor-tic Stribling spent
the day with Miss Belle Roper
Mr. Ernest Childress and fain
ily visited at the home of Mr. J.
P. Gantt Sunday.
Mr. C.. G. Gantt and family
were spend- the- day guests at
Afr. S. A.. Roper's Sunday.
On last Satairday Miss Myrtie
Hughes gave her Sunday s.chool
pupils a picnic at H-Iunter's mill,
there being about twenty flyce
present, including Al1ri. P. T. Ne.
son our muchl respected superiug
tendent, and wife, who we( in
vited to accompany us. We al
so '-isited the neOw power hionse
that has beeni built recently.
We hadl a most olhjoyale da.y
and wish to thank th~e people of
that place for theIr hospitality
to us.
Miss Ada Wahlrop.01 visited~ her*
cousins Sunday, Mis4ses May and
Oleo WaTlrop.
Susie, ,weO sure (1id miss5 you.
Gal loway-Satter
field Reunion
Mr. Editor: Pleas~e annuounce
bhat the annual Galloway and
Batterfield reniion will take
place at theo rosidence~ of U. B.
Batterfield near Six Mile on the
L2th inet. Ever'yone who wishes
re) cordially invited to ~omoE3
Sring a basket and help to make
~he occalsionm a success.
Pickens County
Boys Join Army
Among the five young a'n
who joined tho U. S. army and
oft -Greonvillo MondIay for~ the
raining camp at Colum~bus, 0.,
ihree are from Pitkena couoti'
I- Q- *3need of Easley willi entep
ho cavalry service and Me~vln
3hildres.of .Pickens~and Jame
-. Meters of 10aeley .wIUet
2ho0-eoa#t artlerf sovery~
Sunday Was Big
Day at Oolenoy
May 8.-The first Sunday in
May invariabiy attracts a larg'e
crowd ti Oolenoy. Yesterday,
was no exception. Among the
visitors were: Miss LillianBrock
man, and ,Warren Gibson'of
Forrestyille, Misses Robertson,
Messrs. Edons and Sutherland,
of Pickens, Miss Sutherland, of
Dacusville, Dr. Cannon and fam
ily, Mr.W ade Chastain and fam
ily, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. sutherland, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Rigdon of Greenville;
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Keith of
Pickens. Dr. and Mrs. C. W.
Smith of Liberty, Mr:' Welborn
and sons Robert and Charles.
Miss Lara Jones, Mr. Willis and
family of Dacusville, Mrs. Geo.
Hendrix and fitmily. of Cedar
Rock, Mr. Joe Looper of Cross
Rev. W, 0. Seaborn, the pas
tor, just newly elected greeted
niany old friends which he made
during his many past years of
work here.
Miss Oleo Wendrlk is spending
*omd time with relatives in
Misses Mary Roper and Jtesse
B. Edons were in Pickens Fri
Miss Viola Hendicks has
Teturned home after spending
several- weeks with -her sister,
irs. Morris of ?ickens.
The Oolenov.Home Diemon
stration club met Friday after
noon. At the next meeting.
Friday before the third Sunday
Miss .Mauldin, Home Demon
strator, will be present. A full
attendance is desired.
Jas. A. Hendrix, S. B. Edens
and family and Ray Lynch at
tended the opening of the "Great
Vhite. Way" in Greenville. nn.
Thmii'sd av night.
Pickens Boy In
jured at Rosman
While working at a saw mill
near Rosman. N. C., April 27,
Ernest Pace, a so) of A. A. Pace
who lives at Hagood Mill re
ceived a fracture of the skull,
and it was at first thouight that;
he could not live. but at nresent
ho is doing very, well. Tlle
cause of the accident was an ov
erloaded truck of' lumber over
turning and the platform under
it gave way, both lad and truck
falling a distance of about tenl
feet., lie was immediately car
ried to the Mission hospital at
Asheville,- where m) operation
was performed. The injured
boy's father was called to his
bedside and has returned alI
made the above statement.
A Letter.From.
-M. W. Hester
.Ed it or The Nentinel: M v ob
.ect iln opplosing theO mbotj)i of
the Ea.'ley delgatlion) was to
brmng out 'intelligent discugsion
of the matter andl that all might
.he somewhatj enlightened. But
it failed. to bring out' any thin~g
of the kind and It' looked to mec
like, all were ready to take every
thimi for granted. And really I
beClie3ve most of the conlvent'on
was mocre lfnterestepd in dinner
'Who is hurt- by the fiv e hun
(lred million dollars; lost on the
1914 (cotton1 crop? T'here is no
internationall law on cotton sas -
contrabanldandI cotton is not used
as anl explosive. If It was Frances
wvould have shot away all the
cotton hii tlhe U. S. In the battlim
of Vem'dun. Eveif if cothton was
san explosive it's a queer inter,
l)ation ship It to one0 sideo o~ h
warring niations and 'allow it in
ship munitions to the other side.
I am wvilling to be led by corn
potent, good mflen, bt1 am not
willing for them to pil the wool .
over miy eyes5 and1 dWV '1e m.1
-We wanit yen to read tkhi 4 -.'
por over and see ' If y~f'ij. *
son can afford to do with tt.'it~
Er two cen1t8 a wook. -
Ar o diseowraa d about youreys? 7
uso, sejZr.Odo. See 4tt.

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