OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, July 11, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1918-07-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Pickens Sentinel
J ULY 11, 1918
E xnteredl at I'ckels I'ostolic' us Second Clahs
Mail Mailer.
GARY HIOT'r. Manager.
NMy Country 'Tie of Thee, Swoot Land
of Liberty."
TiHEs Russian siIoat ion looki pretty
VI.AT this country needs is a
skid banana peeling.
A1i. thoroughbred men in this ,untry
are not registered yet.
I YOU don't want It work yo'u had
better leave this state.
Titi: eloser the Ifuns get to Paris the
fiercer the French tight.
IT'S .O-T the ticket agent's fault.
See Mr. MfeAdoo about it.
I!' Mn. BETHEA is eiected we'll have
to rent out the governor's mansion.
QrI' :dea of wasng meal is to allow
a Greek to make cornbreai out of it.
To Sw.. -'Thre' pair of nice pups
to swa; for ;igs .1. 1. . 'ho)mpson.
a work foir me andl a work
for you: 'eth:n. for each of us now
t do.'
'TilIii:H is somo'' good in everything.
A scientist says parsnips are very nu
W'II.AT has become ol the old-fash
ned white biscuit. that mother used
to make?
ToE only rich relative we have is
our Uncle Sam, and he's borrowing
money from us
LENINi's real nano' is :aid to be
Vladmir Ilyitch IlliUnov. 'robably
that's what ails him.
l'itl: next ec lipse of the sun is sched
uled to occur in the year 'O Don't j
think we'; wait for it.
A -GN on a Greenvifle window says
" Peaches ('an taloupe " Still we notice t
that occasionally, they to.
Pr lis been some timie sinc e we
heard a prohibi tionist tellI about what
prohibi tion dlid for R~ustiia.
lPfANv:T- in bags may b~e scarce and
high-priced, but the political nut is as
plentiful and cheap as ever.
NOMl lost his grip. -licadline in
'reernville Pliedmon t. lie may get it
lack by advertising for it in 'The Sen
Tiun young sprout who drives an au
tomfohile and continually practices to
see how close he can piass another
automobile without hitting it ought to
be in the asylum.
Now that Uncle Sam has taken over
the Anheuser-Busch brewery, believe
we could hold down a governmn.nt job,
.at least as long as the war lasts
TIiu: "spider-web"' dress is the latest
creation, according to a fashion noite.
The dear things will soon he enveloped
only in smiles if the war doesn't end
REcE'NTLIY a lady wrote to old [)oe
Brady and wanted him to tell her the
best salts to take. lie tol her to take
three or four somersaulta daily, but
didn't invite himself to the circus.
SKInTS and wine are about to disrupt
the nation's legialature. The salons
wtint to go home and fix up their politi
a1 fences and tell the "dear p)ee-pul"
how it happened they "saved" the
WILLIAM BANKs, editor, ariculturist
and inspector of thinga that explode,
has resigned his position as editor of
the Columbia Record to accept the
editorship of the Carolina Farmer and
Stockman, the only agricultural paper
published in this state. Our old friend
Harold C. Booker is now editor of the
There is a guy named Kaiser Bill
Who'll prove to be a quitter, son
We'll give that guy a large-size pill
And it will be a bitter one..
Rmn...a what da of th .ya
The now famous "okeh," Presiden
Wilsoh's word of approval which it
good usage is certain to supercede the
nonsensical form "O. K.," has create<
almost as much discussion as the sub
ject of the split infinitive. It is of in'
terest to find that the Century Diction
ary apparently slipped a cog in the
spelling of the word-the correct form
of which is "oke, " not "okah"-and
that there is a second error in spelling
in the dictionary's citation from Hying
ton's Grammar of the Choctaw lan
guage of the form of "yai okeh,"
meaning "Thanks to you." The gram
mar actually reads ''yak okeh."
The form "oke" (meaning "it is") is
to be found on page 483 of the English
Choctaw section of the oflicial "Die
tionary of the Choctaw Language."
edited in 1915 by the United States Na
tional Museum, SmiIthsonian Institution,
bureau of American ethnology. "Okeh"
does not appear.
Aplare'ntly the first tracing ot' "O.
K." to the ('hoetaw banguage appeared
in the Septerm ber, I . nutmber of the
Century M . azinc, which is published
by the elito rs of the ('enturv )ictiona
ry. In the article in tha: number it
wa.; suggestedl that ' ). l." had its
origin in the Choctaw "ke. "
lRegardless. however, of whether the
apelling of the word with the final "h"
is a dictionary slip. the tact remains
that for all practical purposes 'okeh"
is the ideal form, as it easily lends itself
to the spellings "okehed 'and "okeh
ing." which would not be the case if
the form "oke" were used. The Gov
ernment Style Book now prescribes the
forms ". K..'' "'O. K'd' and "O.
K'ing." Why should not the govern
ment follow the sensible lead of the
resident and adopt the form "okeh,"
"okehed" and "okehing,"
Francis DeSales Ryan.
Pretty Dry Moonshine
atrney Ledger.
Because a newspaper down in Florida
tad what it termed a "Sunshine Col
imn" Gary Iliott has named his para
traph column in The Pickens Seitinel
'Moonshine Column.' We are whlling
o bet that he will have no more relig
ous readers of it than Watson Hell or
Lion McKissick.
Fine Place, Too
['ugaloo Tribune.
We're not talking politics, but they
always have Fair Play in Oconee coun
y. -Pickens Sentinel. Fair Play is a
nighty fine place, too.
It's Already "Doctored"
partanburg Journal.
A "Doctor of Alcoholics" is proposed
or South Carolina. We nominate Gary
Iiott. of Pickens and if he can't get
he job we suggest Rion McKissick of
We Couldn't, Either
Newberry Observer.
A South Carolina congressman sends
ms from Washington our copy of the
?~ickens Sentinel that got wrapped up
n the wrong wrapper and went to him.
le said he knew we would miss it-and
,ve did. We can't get along without
l'he Sentinel.
Is That So?
G;reenw'ood Journal.
The Pickens Sentinel is running a
'moonshine" column. Well there is no
ther place in the state where, if re
torts are true, such a column would be
Tiore appropriate.
By Going To Church
lEasley Progress.
It has been said that if you want to
know how many people there are in
E~asley on Sunday meet the passenger
trains that stop here. Wonder how you
'ouldl find out how many people are in
Pick ens?
We're Guilty
Greenville News.
iEditor Gary Hiott of the Pickens Sen
tinel was a visitor to Greenville yester
riay, ile spent most (if his time and
money at the movies, taking unusual
interest in the vampire pictures.
Sounds Like Booker
Columbia Record.
A Pickens county man out at the camp
says he likes army life all right, now
that he has gotten accustomed to wear
ing socks and shoes.
A Prayer
F'athber, .into Thy dear hands
We commend our precious~boys
Until ,they've broken the tyrant's
And retvrned to our shores with
Jesus, thou ever-guiding star,
In thei1* heairts we beg Thee shine
Until wars the nations no more shall
And the world is wholly thine.
Holy Spirit, thy teacher true,
Comfort their troubled souls an<
1 ntil the morning shall break anew
In a world of peace and flowers,
I lw, dear Lord, we humbly pray,
Let thy kingdom to earth descend
\May all'that live arise and say,
You are grand. Amen,
Pickens. -A. W. McNEALJEY.
This Is campalan year -and 1du~ wl
Soldiers' Testaments
No more appropriate gift could b
made to a soldier than a New Tests
ment, and believing that many Picken
county parents would like to make ud
a present to their boys, The Sontine
has secured a number of copies of th<
New Testament which will make par
ticularly pleasing presents for the boys
These testaments are emphasize<
with the words of Christ printed in bok
face type. Strongly and neatly boun(
in khaki colored Morocco grained water
proof Keratol-flexible limp cover, em
bossed back bands, round corners,
khaiki edges, gold title, beautiful em
bossed American flag in colors on th<
outside cover. Printed on specially
strong Bible paper. Only 3x-l1 inchem
and half an inch thick.. Type is plair
and clear-self-pronouncing. The four
great American hymns are printed and
bound with this sailors and soldiers
testament. These testaments are iade
especially for boys in the military ser
As we have only a limited supply we
can only let subscribers of The Sentinel
have them at present. The price is -l2
cents each.
For Sale
Thirty acres of landt two and
a half miles from Pickens, on
roa(d between Pickens andi Eas
ley. Good pasture, running
water, very good house; good
neighborhood; close to church
and school. This farm will be
he sold in t short time at the
price it is going at. See or write
me at once.
Central, S. C.
Announcements (not to exceod six
lines) under this heading will be in
serted until election (lay at a uniform
charge of $5. This charge includes in
sertions up to second primary for those
who are to be declared in the second
race. No announcement will be in
serted unless paid for in andvance.
For State Senator
At the solicitation of friends I an
nounce my candidacy for the State
Senate, subject to the rules and regu
lations which govern the Democratic
primary. J. H. EAnLa.
For House of Representatives
Many friends of J. S. Leopard hereby
respectfully announce him a candidate
as a member of the House of Repre
sentatives from Pickens county, sub
ject to the rules and regulations of the
Democratic party.
For County Supervisor
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Supervisor of Pickens
county, subject to the rules and regula
tions of the Iemocratic party.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Supervisor of Pickcens county, sub
ject to the rules and regulations of the
approaching D~emocratic primary elc
tion. J. T. McKINNEY.
E. F". LOOP'ER is hereby announce(
as a candidate for Supervisor of Pick
ens county, subject to the action of the
voters in the approaching Democrati
primary election.
For County Commissioner
Friendls of W. T. BATES hereby an
nounce him a candidate for the office o
Commissioner of Pickens county, sub
ject to the action of the voters in th~
approaching Democratic primary elec
The friends of Jon A. FINLE-Y hereb)
announce him a candidate for the office
of county commissioner of Picken:
county, subject to the action of the vo
ters in the approaching Democratic pri
mary election.
For Probate Judge
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Probate Judge, subjec
to the voice of the people at the Demo
cratic primary election.
Cateechee, S. C.
T[he friends of G. W. Howen hereb:
announce him as a candidate for the
office of Judge of Probate for Pickeni
county, subject to the action of thi
voters at the Democratic primary elec
At the solicitation of my friends
hereby announce myself a candidate fo
re-election to the office of Judge o
Probate for Pickens county, subject t
rules and regulations of the Democrati
primary election. I was undecided fo
a long time whether I should offer fo
re-election or not on account of m;
health, but it has so much improve
that I feel I can render the services re
quired.. I am grateful to the peopl
for their kindness and indulgence, an
respectfully ask their support this tim
for the last. If my health fails agal
so that I cannot perform the duties o
the office I promise to resign. Re
spectfully, J. B. NEWBERY.
For Magistrate
At the solicitation of friends I all
nounce myself a candidate for th
office of Magistrate of Eastatee ToWi
ship, subject to the action of the votel
;In the Democratic primary election.
P. 0. BioWIE.
FrCotton Weigher
At the solicitation of friends I here
Sby announce myself a candidate fc
Cotton Weigher at Pickens, subject t
t the (etion of,the voters in the approact
Another Shipment of
Shirt Waists and Skirts 1
Just Received At Exactly the Same Price As Formerly
? Our business on Ladies' Ready-to-Wear this spring and summer has been
? much larger than ever before, and on account of the great scarcity of merchan
dise of all kinds it has been very hard' for us to keep our stock complete, but
? we think we can show you, even this late in the season, the most complete
~'stock in the county. cmlt
Our line of Shirtwaists range in price from $1.00 up, and Skirts in all the
1 different styles and colors from $1.25 to $8.50, and the price of these Waists
and Skirts are cheaper than the goods would cost.
We call your special attention for the month
of July and August to our remnant counter. On S
this counter you will find some splendid values in
Dry Goods, consisting of colored Lawns, White
xrrn Goods, Poplins, Voiles and Silks, from one to
twenty yards to the piece, at 10c, 15c, 20c and
B TA25c yard, and when this lot is sold up we will
N Buy Them And have no more. Take into consideration the fact
Help Win The War that the cheapest cloth made today by any mill ' 1
casts from 25c yard up, you can easily see what
FOR SALE EVERYWHERE bargains you will find on. this bargain counter.
Yours truly,
Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods a.Specialty
Sole Agents for Walk-Over and Godman Shoes, Carhart Overalls, Iron King Stoves,
New Home Sewing Machines, Chase City and Sumnurs' Buggies, oihell WagoTs
m No better lines made in America. Therefor there are no0 better lines socld.11 grs
Says Mr. Clarence Poe, ohe of North Carolina's foremost citizens.
'Thei Pickens county men who read THE PICKENS SENTINEL have the advantage over
those who do not. The Sentinel is primarily a county paper and purposes to serve the people
of Pickens county, irrespective of class or politics. $1.50 a yr., $1 for 4 months. 50c for 4 mos.
Beginning Saturday, June 15th i4
We will place on sale our entire stock of MEN'S PALM BEACH and COOL
CLOTH SUITS at less than wholesale cost of these suits today. The truth
is we are overloaded on this class of merchandise, and since we believe it will
only .be a short time until the majority of our younger men will be doing ser
vice in the army, we have decided to let these suits go at what they will bring
regardless of cost or profit. Now this is the chance of a lifetime for you to* 4
get a summer suit cheap. Do you ever remember of having such an opportu
nity to buy a summer suit at such a reduced price in the middle of June?
Note the Prices Below and Be Sure and Come
and Pick Out Your Size and Color
Men's Palm Beach Suits, cream color, ta as As
- value $6&50, our close out $3.9 MtuWsHtsA o
M en's genuine Palm Beach Suits i
Palm Bach color, value $49g Every Straw.Hat in .our store will
$&50 ourclos outpricgo on sale Saturday for $1.00. The
Men's Beach Clothi Suits, linen color, regular price of these hats are $1.50
valne $4.00, our close out $2.98 to $2.50.
Men's genuine Cool Cloth Suits in If you are needing or thinking of
ra, tan and dark mixtures, in buying a summer suit or a straw hat9
- ted an plain backs, values $8.50 ouwlsaeevrldlrsbat
to. $10.00, ~~~~~~~~our close out $5 98 ou ii aeeeaidiasya.
price$4.98and........ ednthis sale.
Edwin L Bolt & Company|
"The Store That's Always Busy"~

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