OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, October 13, 1921, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1921-10-13/ed-1/seq-8/

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A series of revival meetings will
begin in the Pickens Methodist
church next Sunday morning at 11
o'cloelk. Dr. W. H. Miley, of the
Presbyterian church, will do the
prer.ching and Rev. J. T. Hooker, of
the Mlethodist church, will have
charge of the singing. Both of these
gentlelman are evangelists of very
wIe relput.tion. :,nd a great meet
ahre is .Okd forward to. Ser
vices will be held twice daily-at 11
. m. and 7::)0 p. M.
Members of all denominations,
non.churcl mmbers and everybody
.cordially invited to attend the ser
vices. Pastors throughout the coun
ty especially invited.
Dr. Miley, Who will do the preach
ing, was formerly superintendent of
evangelism) fr' the general assembly
of the Souithern Presbyterian church,
and for miolre than two years he has
been synodical evangelist. for the
Synod of South Carolina. He is .a
j)reacler of great power.
Health in this comlunity is very
good at present.
School at, Holly Springs is progres
sing nicely.
Rev. T. F. Martin, wife and child
ren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Caitrell.
Mrs. Rehece Lynch is very feble
at this writing. She is 89 years old.
.Mr. Elliott. Lynch has bought a
farni near Table Rock.
Mir. and Mrs., Nelseni Chastain ..and
daught( spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mr. tond Mirs. Oscar Chastain.
,Mr. NathiikIl L.ynch spent last
vik with his brothe-r and sister, Mr.
and M1rs. larivey Harper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lynch and 'Mr.
and Mirs. M. ). Cantrell and three
daughters. spent Sunday with their
son and daughti,Mi. and Mrs. Leo
Mrs. (. "I. Lyich vkited her neice.
A Mrs. Myrtic Brcwn rcently.
Farmner Wife.
Cream o1
A grease drying crean
red and roughned skin.
Other aids to
Leve o ":r no0w for
real phonourh'~ i,'th a soul.
Where "Service~E"i
ig te .tol ro~ I ( Assoelt u
I~st track,09 ll kono wn II9~ d i i'
On Testldyn, Wednesday t1 nd9 Tm.
ady, also or epl e~o le"99~
fromi evr sci 'on of tho state1. 1ncil
also (.Gils' Cib wor9)k.
Tlhe one1 bIg football gamio of th
00(0I919( (0etor. F~oot ba11 .l3ay T.'Ihi
Adlmiisionsi Aduli.. 75e; ehslldret
atexs forsthool ehlldre's tiIctm
tiiekeis not mold at fair' grounds, bn
1rea19urerC and will b. redeemed~i at
F~or.preminna lint or' inford tSon,
TOLE $78.00!.
Wyatt and Nigcne Lwrence, eb
ony-hued artists who have been shine
boys at eece's and Porter's barber
shops respectively, are Vow shining
on the Pickens county chaingang.
They stole about $73.00 from the
cash drawer in Will Ferguson's store
Monday morning, resigned their jobs
at the barber shops and went to work
for the county Monday afternoon.
Wyatt got ninety days and 'Gene got
sixty. After stealing the money the
boys hid $66.00 in a ceal pile be
hind Reece's barber shop and the
balance under Bivens & Co's ware
house. After being questioned they
admitted their guilt and led Chief
Nealey to the coin, all of which was
Manager Matheney announces that
the Alexander theatre will give a
berlefit show next Wednesday night
in favor of the Pickens Mill band.
The band boys are doing good work
now and the band is really an asset
to the town of Pickens as well as
to th-e mill village and it should have
the hearty support of the people.
The Liberty singing convention
will meet with Rice's Creek Baptist
church the third Sunday, October 16,
beginning at 1:30 o'clock. Every
body invited to come and let's have
a grand singing, and this is the
place to have it.
R. C. Robinson, -Pres.
C. E. Rogers, Sec.
I will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, October 22,
1921, at 2 o'clock p. m., the personal
property of the late William P. Free
man. Sale will be at the Freeman
home place, near Pickens. Property
c~onsists of household and kitchen
furniture, farm tools, two wiagons,
buggy, etc., and some stock.
.3. T. Hutchings, Executor.
i that will prevent chaps
hand beauty
a Nail Files, Buffers, Scissors
the Christmas Edison, the
is, s..C.
s Our Watchwotd.
hCarolina Fair.
n- 4 oinie and see' how, otheras are mleet.
"Iedr (arx-~lt~$~~ InIe amounlt to $2,0n0.
i44~i . (t. nH,3 . l'J n an TrIot ig
ed ' e .~oio 1114ner- Un nn lIa s fo
'ol Extl'~ time ev~er '4uun in the
Ire or 4' .44nsdy ad 'nr
or'ilthani Sh4ows, featurling 30 att ractIons,
dina Poutry~ Ir i .t ' .\ , t%44
u tnder 12 years, :tsc. Fdurther redutacedl
then h'ouaht In advnace in hulk. Tt'besi
I inust he *ecut'ed in advance front the.
full vanlue If not uned. Prices Zoc an/
Bretary, Columbia, S. C. y
EinE 2-2
List of claims paid by Picken
county (luring September, 1921.
A. E. Davis, Engineer,--.... 62.5(
N. A. Christopher, Pro. Judge, 43.5
V. L. Matheney, Clerk Co. Bd. 7'4.1
F. V. Clayton, Supt Ed. ....-. 153.0
0. T. Hinton, Treasurer.....-- 5,.0
S. B. Edens, Supplies and lum. 190.9
Wi. MeJunkin, bridge work-.. 2.5
0. S. Stewart, Clerk of Court, 411.8'
J. W. Julian, Rural Policeman 150.5
H. R. Jones, County hand-.....-- . 33.2
Claude Welborn, County hand 60.0
Herman Willis, County hand, 25.(i
J. B. Anthony, County hand, 30.0
V. E. Hunt, Lumber, etc...- 14.1
W. V. Hudson, County hand..- 11.6
W. L. Hilton, repair work.....- 8.5
L. A. Dale, sup. and road wk 13.0
D. T. O'Dell, pay roll rd. wk.--. 490.8
J. D. Simmons, road work ... 2.0
S. D. Gassaway, county hand 45.0
R. E. Alexander, county hand 40.0
E F. Holcombe, county hand 22.5
Lewis Holcombe, county hand 50.0
C. C. Grant, county hand...- 60.0
Reuben Stewart, cook ------ 27.7
B. G. Nealey, foreman------ 86.0
C. L. Adams, bridge work..- 7.0
W. H. Nix, bridge work .... 3.7
W. H. Fields, bridge work -. 4.51
M. R. White, county hand and
paid out ---------------- 76.5
E. F. Keith, county hand..--- 60.0(
Ernest Nix, county hand.--- 25.0(
B. K. Lewis, cook and sup.- 65.(6
Jike Lewis, salary and for
cash paid out ------------ 81.1
A. F. Stewart, cook------- 5Q.0(
C. B. Grant, engineman .... 35.0C
J. A. H. Townes, bridge wk-- 8.0(
W. F. Hum-ion, road work..- .71
Elisha Youngblood, brdge wk 4.0
Rebecca Reeves, aid to poor 3.0(
R. T. Chapman, Rural Police 150.5(
Nancy Sanders, aid to poor...- 3.01
B. B. LaBoon, Rural Police..- 150.5(
J. S. Swords, road work.._.._ 5.0(
J. L. Medlin, bridge work-.. 6.0
Postmistress, stamps ------ 2.0(
F. L. Finley, supplies ------- 11.0
H. L. Williams, bridge work 28.6
E. M. Kinu', lumber- -------- 3.0
T. T. Arnold, road and bridge
work -------- ---------- 36.7
J. E. Friddle, lumber and
bridge work -------- ---- 136.5
G. T. Smith, lumber, etc... 25.9
11. T. Pace, lumber, rd wk... 82.0
W. L. Masters, road work..- 1:3.7
0. H. Holder road and bridge
work -------- ---------- 8.8
F. L. Burgess, road work.... 5.5
M. C. Finley, road work.. -- 2.6
C. M. Steele, supplies ------ 17.(
B. S. Stephens, road and bridge
work --------- ----------- 7.4
W. B. Mann, lumber -...---. 278.4
C. L. Roper, supplies ------ 52.4
Cleo Finley, lumber .-------- . 7.6
L. S. Galloway, migistrate.._ 11.'7
B. P. Ellenburg, road work...- 273.53
J1. W. Garrett, blacksmithing 27.7
D). S. Holder, i oad work..._... 6.0
I M. Welton, bridge work... 36.4
W. M. Gr~avley, road wvork_.. 4.2
Pickens Motor Cc.., supplies_.. 35.4
F. E. Stewvart, road work....... 17.0
Blivens & Co., supplies_-..---102.9
John Chapman, road work... 9.5
C. E. Dalton, lumber............25.3
A. B. Childress, lumber......24.8
Easley ' Motor Co., wvork, etc :32,1
.J. F. Lesley, County Comnmis
sioner----.--------.. --........41.6
Easley Motor Co.. repair wvk 14.6
J. W. Langston, supplies...... 55.2'
Pickens Lumber Co.,. lumber 1 6.7
.J. TP. Skelton, road work_...... 5.2
HI. A. Townes, Auditor ....... 75.0
F. V. Clayton, Supt. Ed......... 151.5'
0. T. Hlin ton. Treasurer,-....._-..58.0
Hinton & Townes, lumiber,_ _... -33,7.
B. R. Keith, road work,..--._..43.5'
Phone a t Court H ouse..----...-21.1'
H. Tr. Cox, road work,.............7.5i
E'rnest Nix, Coun ty hand,........ . 11 .6~
B. F.. -Riggins, County hand,.. -45.0'
Elisha Youngblood bdl. wvk, etc. 5.04
.J. TI. McKinney, exp and frt,... 42.8'
A. W. D~urhami, blacksm ithing, 9.21
lFolger & Heondric.ks, supplies 55.54
l'ie'kens) Drug Co., su pplies.... 36.3
Mary Rowland, aid to poor 3 .
months.- ....-- _-- ...... -....._ 9.04
L. L.. Leo~pard, magistrate toi
July 1.'.......--- ..---....... 20.d2
A. I". Stewart, County hand,.. 30.1
E.S. Griffin, bridge work ,.... 1.5'
,J. A. F'inley, Co. ( omim...-. 25.04
.A. Robinson, terra cotta... 56;3.7;
l'asley Lumber C(o, supp)lie's.-. 9.7:
A. E. Sheriff,. suppmlies. - . . 5.0'
Cart er & Fa ir, reQpa irs &~ sup. 131.54
.Jone1s & HJIedricks, supp)llies.. 58.8'
A. C. Sumtherlandc, su pplies . 1. 6.61
Jake Lewis, Ipd. OUt for sup. 9.8.
P'ickenis R R Co., frti and ex p, 4.81
D r. R. K(irksey, ex. Inunat i,.- 5.04
The lie'ck man m Co., 8 dlozen
blanmket.:, - - - -------- - . 26.0(
loy .Jones, cnsh paid out,.. .. 8.2:
.L0. Stewart to1) soil fomin. 25.04
T. L. IBenson & C0., supplice. 11.21
She'rman Cilstrap, b~ridlge wk, 9.04
Stamte HTighway Dept., supliies 178.01
-. L. Hlenderson, constable wk, 48:41
Chats. Sanders, aid to 1)oor
Aug., Sept.,-..............- ...
L,. L. Leopard. nmagistrate, to
Sept. 1,------- -----------..... .0(
T. F". Furguson, road work, 2.21
,J. 13. Anthony, C2oun~ty handL-. 28.1(
J. F. Algood, supplies,-------52.75~
Pieleens -R. R., freight..--. - 78,$6
National Office Supply. Co.,
. ofCe 'supplies .----------- 22.40
T. A. Stewart, road work,.. 21.751
W. T. Beasley, Coroner,--- 20.88
D. A. Lubricant Co., grease, 08.30 th
1H. A. Townes, med. etc. for a
blood hound, --------------- 4.50 P
Herman Willis, County hland, 25.00 0
A. E. Davis, trac.tor eng,..-.-- 62.50 In
E. F. Holcombe, County hand, 22.50 s
D D. T.' O'Dell, pay roll hail 01
Storm Listalet-, ---------- 363.67 C
W. M. Lawre'nce, printing,_- 20.00
5 Belk-Kirkpatrick Co., supplies
j for court room, ------------ 9.6
A B. K. Lewis, County hand,-- 33.02
R R. J. Stewart, County hand,..- 25.00
1 R. E. Alexander, County hand, 25.00
0 Ernest Nix. County hand,........ 11.66
J J. S. Leopard, damage to
buggy, -------------------...-.1900
g J. T. Gassaway, supplies and .
3 differense in mule trade,.. 57.00
) Mrs. M. J. Cauley, aid to poor 3.00
SW. L. Matheney, Clerk.
3 The bccks for the collection of
) State and County taxes will be open
) from October 15, 1921, to December
31st, 1921.
Those who prefer to can pay in
January, 1922, with 1 per cent addi
tional. Those who prefer paying in
) February, 1922, may do so with 2
per cent additional. Those who pre
fer paying in March 1922, to the 15th
of said month, may (1 so by an ad
dition of 7 per cent. After said (late
ithe books will close.
Those who 'do not wish to come to
I ithe office can write me and I will
furniish them With the amount due
and they can remit me by check,
money order or registered mail.
Please do not send money without
reistering same, as it is liable to
get lost and it is at senders risk.
State Levy, 12 mills. 4
Ord Co.. 9 mills.
Const. School, 3 mills.
S1oad Bond 3 31-4 mills.
G Good Roads, 2 mills.
) Special Road, 6 1-4 mills.
Total, "f6 mills.
Road Tax, $3.00.
Levy for interest on Pickens R. R.
B Bonds, Hurricame township, 2 mills.
7 Levy for interest on Pickens R. R.
0 Bonds, Eastatoe township, 2 mills.
2 Levy for interest on Pickens R. R.
Bonds,. Pickens township, 2 mills.
0 Poll tax 1.00. (One Dollar.)
0 Every male person between the ges
5 of 21 t1o 60 years is liable gxcept
0 those excused by law.
Commutation Road Tax, $3.00. All
0 male persons between the ages of 21
1- and 50 years are liable, except those
7 excused by law.
4 Capitation Dog Tax $1.25. All
5 persons owning dogs are required to
pay a tax of $1.25 on each dlog.
Special School Tax by Districts.
5 District No. 1, 7 mills.
Dlistrict~ No. 2, 11 mills.
District No. .3, 8 mills.
7 D)istrict No. 4, 8 mills.
I District No. 5, 8 mlls.
3 District No. 6, 8 mills.
2 District No. 7, 8 mills.
I District No. 8, 19 1-2 mills.
2 Disriet No. 9. 20 mills.
District No. 10, 11 mills.I
District No. 11, 24 mills.
District No. 12, 10 mills.
D listri.t No. 13, 15 1-2 mills.
District No. 14. 8 mills.
District No. 15, None.
D Iistrict No. 16, 8 mills.
District No. 17, 20 mills.
District No. 18, 14 mills.
District No. 19. 8 mills.
D listrict No. 20, 11 mills.
D Iistrict No. 21, 8 mills.
Distret No. 22, 8 mills.
District No. 23. 10 mills.
District No. 24, 10 mills.
District No. 25, 11 mills.
District No. 26, 13 mills.
District No. 27, 8 miils.
District No. 28 8 milks.
District No. 29, 10 mills.
District No. :10, 8 mills.
District No. 31l, 20 mills.
District No. :12, 8 mills.
District No. 33, 11 1-2 mills.
District Nc. 35, 8 mills.
S istrict No. 36, 10 mi! In.
District No. :17. 13 m1aills.
Distriiiet No. 38, 16 mills.
District No. :19, 8 mills.
District No. 410, 8 mills.
District No. 411, H mills.
District No., 42, 18H mills.
D)istrict No. *44, 8 mills.
District No. 415, 41 mills.
District No. 416, 15 mills.
D)istrict No. '17, 8 mills.
District No. 18, 8 mills.
District No. 419, 1a mills.
Dstrict No. 50, H mIls.
District No. 51, 8 mills.'
District No. 52, H mills.
District No. 55, H mills.
District No. 50, 8 mills.
0. T. Hlinton,
County Trecasue'r.
GODFLOUR $7.50 to $8.50
Per Barrd
All persons holding claims against
o estate of the late Frank E. Alex
kder, must- present the same, duly
oven, on or before the 20th day of
-tober,. ,921, or be debarred pay
ent; and all persons indebted to
id estate inust make ,payment on
before the 'above date to Sam B.
Mrs. Ada C. Alexander,
Administratrix. 3t
15 Years' I
In the Drug Bus
us a few things
One is that a good- thing will hi
We believe is the best salve on
name and don't take a substitut
Sent anywhere upon receipt <
B1. E. Lewis, Prop
'1he most beautifully located an( e
oughly practical courses of study.
guaranteed to graduates or money
Write today for catalogue. Addr
We Have orn
With GalvanitedA
Screen Windows a
$12.50 up, Screen Hie
all sizes, Doors-best
Casings, Beaver Boar<
Come or Write us for
I have recently v
wholesale establishi
that the r ecent advi
caused a great advai
dry goods, especially
I have plenty of
the right price, and
right. There is no
the price of goods na
vice would be for e
Remember that I j
market for produce.
Your Trade is Apj
Car of 100-lb.4
sacks of Salt at
Morris & Co.
iness has taught
tve imitations.
the market. Call for it by
>f price.
Phone 24
quippe(I school in the South. Thor
Most reasonable rates. Positions
n jy1lSizes of
ire at $2.50 Each.
~t $1.00, Ice Boxes at
~rdware, Windows- I
made, Mouldings,
anything in our line.
isited at a large
lent and I find
mnce of cotton has
ice in the price of
staple goods.
goods bought at
I will sell them
telling how high
iay go, so my ad
verybody to buy
yay the Greenville
>reciated Here.

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