OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1911-2016, August 17, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1922-08-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Farmers' M
-4 What is expected to be the largest
and most important meeting of farm
era ever held in Pickens county is Q
scheduled for next Saturday, August
19, in .the grove near the residence
of Mr. George H. Hendricks in the
Cedar Rock section. It will be an
all day affair with an old time picnr! c
- dinner.
The feature of the meeting will be c
an address by Mr. Clarence Poe, ed- c
itor of the Progressive Farmer, prob. t
ably the best informed man in this a
country on farm problems and one.of 1
-the foremost citizens and speakers of C
America. Mr. Poe has not only made e
4 a deep study of farm prolilems in 9
this country and especially North (
and South Carolina, but has traveled s
and studied farming conditions in e
foreign countries. He is the most (
sought-after speaker for farmers' 'I
meetings in the South,, and it was t
only after much work and persuasion s
that he has been secured for the
Pickens county meeting. It Vias ne- i1
cessary for him to cancel other en- c
gagements to be here and it was only .1
after he found out the intelligent v
interest Pickens county farmers are
taking in things agricultural during f
these trying times that he consented 1i
- (to C.rhcel other engagements and n
come to Pickens county next Satur- s
M Iiss South, head of the home eco- h
nomics department of Winthrop Col- t]
lege, will also addies the meeting. t
All ladies especially should hear Miss S
South. s
The purpcse of the meeting will be a
to discuss the farming sItuation in si
geneial, but especially co-operative S
marktting and coirlitions brought ti
about. by the advent of the boll wee- r
vil. Mr. Pce is an authority on- these r<
subjets. ,l
Mr. Poe and Miss South will speak t,
ir the morning. After dinner the b
meeting w'1l be turned over to the co- q
eptrative potato growers and coop- T
crative potiltry association, and will E
adjourn in time fc.r those who care f
to attend the congicssional campaign
in Piekens at 3:90. s
Candidates are invited, but there o
will be no political specches at the y
'Evelybody invited to attend with c
well-filled baskets. * 1(
Several thousand people are cx- p
pecte( to attend the mceting and pie- S
nic. 11
* * * * * *. * * * b
* A telephone messagc from the * o
. Grcehville hospital says that *c
Jes's McJunkin died Tuesday *
* afternoon. . Ie was shot in the
* neck by Will Guest Sunday t
*' evening. *i
** * * * * * * * *. (
As a result of a fight on the Dacus.. S
ville side about suncwn Sunday even
ing, .Jcss McJunkin is in a Greenvillc ~
hospital with a pistol bail in him, ,
imnd Will Guest and Judge Lesley are
* in the Picelnsl county jail. Guest ~
is aho~( smliering with a (eep knife t;
cut in h'.s t ight arm i near thc shoulder,
se id to have been infliet'ed by Judlge ~
Leslcy, anid his left arm wvas nearly ~
brokeni by a stick in the hands of
Mc.Iunkin. The light took place in
the public read nemi the home of Mr.
Isanac Nimmons. It is not known here
* how sericus Mc.Junin~i's wounds are.
The fight seems to have resulted ~
from a grudge of long standing. This t
paper has heard only one side of the t
afinair anl not wishing to prejudice b
the case in anly way wvill wait for the ~
facts to conme out in court. -
The participants are all white meni I
and wvell known. McJunkin lives in I
the Ambler section, while Guest and
Lesley are neighbors in thle commnunli
yt where the fight .took place.
A successful revival meeting is in i
progresis at Enon church and wvill conl
tinue through Friday night. Paster
M'tehell ise being assisted1 by Rev WV.
L. Spinks.
A protra.tedl me-ting wvill begin at
Secona church next Sunday morning
at 11 ollock. Rpy. J. W. Guy of
Central wvill (10 theo preaching.
A spletididly written obituary notice
of Mrs. Emma Gravely wvas received
by the Scntinel Tuesday. It wvill
, a1 Pear~ nl the paper next week.
etig and I
Peveral Hundred People Hear Can
didates At Easley Tuesday
The speaking campaign of. candi
ates for public office in 'Pickens
ountysopened with a zip at Easley
uesday morning and gave evidence
If developirg Into one of the livilest
ampaigns of recent times. Two or
hree hundred voters were present,
.mong them being a dozen or so wo
len. The meeting was held in front
f the Easley city hall and was open
d with prayer by Rev. E. C. Wat
on. Mr. C. T. Martin presided.
:andidates for the house of repre
entatives and state senat'c were giv
n ten minutes each and other can
idates were given five minutes cach.
'en minutes each proved insufficient
'me for candidates for the house and
The candidates spoke in the follow
rig order: County c.onmissioner, sup
rvisor, probate judge, magistrate at
'asley, house of representatives, sen..
J. Q. Williams was first candidate
or the house to speak. Said we were
ving in uncertain times and law
iakers should be men who under
tc-l fundamentals of life and gov
rnment. Three major things for
twmakcrs to consider for welfare of
ie people are the system cf taxa
ion, educaticn and '.iprovenient.
howed a chart explaining the tax
ituation in Pickcns county for past
2veral years and showing the divi
icn of state, county and school taxes.
ays real estate bears too hcavy a
ix burden in proportion to other
roperty. Tax increase is caused by
-ad and school improvement awl
arge appropriations for state hospi
Ai for insane. Can reduce tax some
y reduction of government ex.ense
nd abolishment of useless officers.
'oo many laws and favors biennial
e[-sions of legislature. Time up be
ire lie finished spcech. Applause.
A. B. . ormer, candidate for hcuse,
ays half of farniers in low,er part
f state have not paid taxes for last
car. Crcps are poor throughouf the
Late and people facing crisis. Farm
rs are in debt and produce bringing
,w prices with lie market fer some
reducts. People must fight it out.
ays farmer is suirounded on the
ght by mortgages, on the left' by
oil weevil, in fronf by no marlk
nd behind by Irorciteers. Believe fer
lizer manufacturers are profiteers
eacause they charge $7.50 more a ton
a time price than they charge for
ish. Wants chaingang sentence for
refiteers. Wants san'e amount of
lant food put in 1000 pounds oc fer
lizcr as is now put in ton and wants
put up in 100 poundls sacks insteadl
f 200 pcund sacks because the large
acJks are too gheavy to handle. Been
?aching school twventy years. Gradu
tO of high sehocl, ecllege and uni
ersity andl tpkcs off hat to no one
'en it comds to scholastic attain
en~its. Says schools of Piecens coan
are banukruj;t and no money av'ail
ble for public schools. Too much
acncy being appropriatedl for state
olleges and not enough for puhlic
cheels. 'I imc up befoi e speclh was
nished. Appilause.
J. M. Gai rett said lie wvas bor~n
ai Laurens county, miovedl to Andet
~on and later to Piekens county.
Iowv magistrate at Liberty. Wancs
o reduce public expenmes and it is
ime to get back on cominon sense
asis., Would force state courts to
lean up calender at leest once a year.
selieves continuance of court cases
:reat cause of crime. Would have a
aw to enable people to collect debts.
hays homestead lawv a ciirse to the
ountry and ought to be abolished.
s opposed to law which allowvs a mar
ied man to ruin reputation of a wo
nan and escape punishment by pay
ng small amount of money for sup
rrrt of chiild. Would reduce all state
'xpenses except old soldlicrs' pension.
lime up before speech finished.
WV. E. Findley, next specaker, had no
imca oDf entering politics this year
u'. a few weeks ago when the peo
ple from every section ~f county ur
godl him to make race for the legisla
tide as a dulty. Says we are living
in emal0Crdinfary time. Must coop)
1ate' with !i ach other, worflk hardl and]
trust inl G;d. Onily a few ci old lliers
left rnd if~ we intend to do anything
lci them no(w is the t'me to do0 it
Picnic Next
Tax problehn big question and always
has been. Taxes are uneqully divi
ded, farm lands bearing too heavy
a burden. A. man with no property
but $2000 salary pays practically no
tax, while man with $2000 farm and
small income pays considerable. Not
right. Says Mr. Fortner does not un
derstand fertilizer, that-buyer can ge
any formula fert!iizer wanted, if he
wants as muqh plant food in 100
pouTds as is usually put in a ton he
can get it by asking for it. Used
this as illustra'lion of people drawing
ccnclusions without studying subject,
Mr. Fortner drew a laugh from the
crowd by replying that he ought tc
know something about fertilizer since
he had been handiing it for over
twenty years and knew 90 per cent
cf fertilizer was sand. 1M*. Findley
told voters to select best men for
office according to their judgment
and they would have performed their
duty. Applause.
J. A. Hinton said he was elected
to legislature first time twenty years
ago and then reelected. Has the ex
perience needed. Taxat'cn, roads,
schools and fertilizer are big ques
tions. Wants to stop the fertilizer
argument by saying that the plant
food in a ton of fertilizer could be
put in a shoe box but it could not
be evenly distr'butcd in a field with
cut a filler. Can tote a 200 pound
,ack of fertilizer as wcll as the bur
dens of a legislator. First legislater
that ever advocated issuing bonds for
pC: manent road improvemcnts in
South Carclina and now every coun
ty in the state has adopted the plan.
Progress cannot and must not be stop,
ped but ecomony can and must be
practiced. Favors;iberal pens'on for
eld scIdiers. IntrQo(ued flist bill in
this state to pay cvery old soldier
and widow pension. Gave some fig
urcs showing tax increase in Pickens
county during past twenty years.
Twenty years ago taxable property
cf county was $2,250,000 and tax levy
about 12 mills, today taxable prop.
crty is $7,250,000 and .tax levy over
forty mills. Expects to be elected
V. P. Long believes in free speech,
free press, frce church and separation
of church and state. What education
he has was cbtained by studying by
pine knct fire. Being oppresscd by
teo many laws. It's damned if you
do and danined if you don't. Intends
to discuss issucs acecrd'ng to the
Dible and referred to several passages
of scripture. Public school books
eught to be printed by state and sold
at ecst. Scme of school books are
cnly ncvels anyhow. First thing we
know the schools will be teaching that
man was hatched out by the sun.
"Rabbits law" passed( by men wvho
never ocne a r abbit. As long as
people send lawyers and school teach
ers, to legislature .wvill be no relief.
Asked Mr. Fortner if he had ever
read the book cf Revelations and
wvantedl Fortner to tell wvhat the
beast was. Mr. Fortner replicd that
that was the speaker's job, that if
Mr. Long knew anything about law
making to go ahead and tcll the peo
p:le. Mr. Long said he had told some
of the boys that he was going to
"ridlc" Mr. Fortne'r and that he was
geine to do it. Favors good roads
andl good schools andl ele~t ion of (lep
uty sheriffs by the p cyle. Oipposed
to hunting lawv. Willing to (lie for
goced of ebuntry. Mr. Long's rpeech
created much laughter a'nd applause.
John E. Craig was fir'st candidate
for senate to speak and wvas greeted
by applause as he rose. Says he is
no orator or politician. Is at
home andl will say only a few~
words. Vital issues are taxation
reads, schools, economy and progress,
Have been a little too extramgani
and favors putting brakes on expen
ditures an'd making dollars go far,
ther-. Tax comrfssion and other of.
fices should 'be abolished andl stat<
and county efficers salaries redulcc<
sonme. Old soldier's should have lib.
oral pensions. Paid ecmpliment tt
the ladies and was anxious for theii
votps. Fairest wvom~n of worli liv<
ir D)ixie and he favon all laws thai
will safeguardl and protect thiem. I
oleted to sente, wHl be on the jioi
and (10 his levil best for peOople. A p
p1lau so.
J. S. Leopard was:i su'rprised tha
his Opponent should have lived fift:
years, an oil hn,.h 1 * amd annoni b
Forty-three Men Asking For Office
In Pickens County.
The tne for county candidates to
file pledges expired Monday with the
following having qualified:
For Senate-John E. Craig and J.
S. Leopard. I
For House of Repitomithtives
J. M. Garrett, W. P. Long, A. B.
Fortner, J. A. Hinton, J. 0. Williams,
W. E. Findley.
For County Supervisor-J. T. Mc
Kinney, W. E. Stephens, K. E. All
good, H. M. Phillips.
For County Commissioner-J. R. J.
Anthony, G. W. Bowen, W. S. Mas
ers, Z. N. Mullinax, J. J. Herd, J. A.
Findley, J. A. Smith, J. F. Lesley.
For Probate Judge-Elias Day,
W. D. Griffin, N. A. Christoplher, R.
A. Hudson.
For Magistrate, Easley-J. M. Jam
cson, W. L. Pickens.
Central-W. L. Dickson, J. D. Maul"
Liberty-T. N. Hunter, R. 11. Cranc.
C'lhoun-P. S. McCollunin.
Catecchee-D. C. Aiken.
Six Mile-J.V W. .HollIday, B. H.
Eastatoc-H. F. Wright, L. S.
Pumpkintown-J. W. Riddle, A. L.
Edcns, G. M. Keith.
Dacusville-Jno. M. Childress, J. E.
Friddle, L. S. Edens.
Pickcns-A. S. Porter.
The county ean(li(lIte will speak
at Central Friday, August 18, Six
Mile, August 21; Anticch, August 23;
Pumpkintown, August 24; Dacusville,
August 25; Maynard school house af
ternoon of 25th; Pickens, Augu.t 2r)'
Candidates for congress will speak
in Pickens next Saturday afternoon
at 3:30, and state candidates will be
here August 22.
Greenville Piedncnt.
Deputy Marshals Lyon and Adams
arrested Irv'n Robinson and Avery
Cisson in Pickens county Wednesday
afternoon on bench warrants issued
1 y Judge H-. H. Watkins of the United
States District Court.
Both men are charged with viola
tion of the prohibiticn laws, and both
hafvc bcen under indictment for some,
time. Avery Cisson was captured
while conducting a class in music in
Piekens. He was later released en
$1,000 bond. Robinson is being held
in the Pickens county jail.
The Sentinel received several comn
municat ions too late for publication
this week.
the ladies for support at this late
dlay. Says! he introfe ed pr' ent
stete pension bil! and it is the one
ask~ d for b~y old said~crs. Saved
Scuth Ca rolina more mlone y h~y (jne.
bill he put through legislatume than
<nitir'e lgislature had savedl. Refer
ed( to st ate canal hilil which retiuired
turning ovcr the canal to the state.
Said Edlwin Robert son of' Columbia
had almort sucecedl in stealing en
tial fronm the state when he introdued~
the bill wh:ch saval it. Is responsi
ble for doing away with school at
tendlance Gfficer and we hav'e better
schools than ever besides sav'ing the
county $1200 a year. Wants to know
where school money has gone. Says
legislature appropriatedl it. Showed
a hunch of tpetitions which had bet n
sent him asking for different tnings
andl said if people dlidn't want things
(lone not to send him petitions. H-ad
over $4,000 tax money returnedl to
Pickens county by the state in 1921
andl this wvould more min pay his
salary. Took exceptic to Mr. Gar
rett's statement that he was ashemed
of last k.-gislature.
Mr. Garrett took the stand to, sa:'
that he dhid not say that he was
ashamed of legislature, but a~shamed'
cf some lawvs it passed. Also took
occasin to say he favorad out lawgg
' h: aud!ience at thl~e meet'ng wva
good hu mored and atten' ve.
T(he A~' nt nel expect. to give synop
?i.- el 'mecches of 'ihcr condidates
next week.
larence Poe
5469 Voters Put Names On Club
Book% This Year.
Below is enrollment of voters on
D,emocrat'e club books of Pickens
county for 1922, by precincts:
Alice Mill-- -- -- -------- -- 130
Antioch----- ------ -- . -- 87
Cateechee---------- -- ------ 171
Calhoun------ -- --- -------- 190
Central------ - - .---- ---- 379
Cross Plains----- -------- ... 92
Cro-swell---- ----_--_._....._._ .89
Cross Roads ---- -- -- -- ------ 67
Dacusville-- -------------- _ .69
Easley-_.- _-- ....- ._.- ..._. 878
Easley Mill No. 1------ ------ 215
Eisley Mill No. 2 ------------ 83
Flat Rock -- -- -- ------------ 91
Glenwood -- ---- --.-- .-------- 252
Holly Springs ------ -- -- - .--- 100
Isaqueena Mill -- -- -- .------ 220
Looper's Gin ---- -- -------- 78
Liberty.- -- -- -- ---------- 444
Mile Creek- -- -- -- - ----- - 104
Norris ---- -- -- -- -- ------ 91
Pickens--- .- .-- -- --------- 796
Praters Creek-- ---- -- ------ 94
Peters Crcek -- ---- -- -------- 50
Pumpkintown--....... . 136
Pleasant Grove- -- -- -- ----- 7:
Shady Grove-------- ------.. 64
Six lile--------------------- -280
Pickens Mill---- ...--9-...---9
Maplecroft ---------- -- . 53
Total---- ---- -- ---------- 54619
The 1920 enrollnnt was ;6:3.
118 GalIcus Flowcd Dcwn 'ickcns
Main Street Saturday.
Corn whiskey was literally flowing
in Pickns last Saturday afternoon
and Main street was muddy with t.
Sheriff Reark, Policemen Nealy anl
Julian gathered, up the contraband
whiskey which had bccn captured
during the pasr fev W(eks, put it in
a wagon, drove t'o Main strect anld
pourcd out 118 gallons. A large (n..
course of sorrowing friends witlcsse-d
the ceremony.
The juice was 'n all kinds of con
tainers, including kegs of diffl ent
sizes, jugs, bottles, cans, etc., and
judging by the smell there were many
different grades. As the whiskey
flowed in the street somebody set it
en fire and this with the hot F1un1
sline causeLd wha t must have Ieni t0he
fumes of hell itself to r-st. Th,
sickening scelt p-eI)eatcd the air
of town until Sunday afternon.
After the pouring out picces1s' Wa1%
finished somebody discovced a sm.0
peal of the stuff, a cup was s-cen pro
dIuccd(, several personl imbihed rathier
free.ly aind it is saidl that mo(re than
one of them became wvobbly in the
hcad and ikgs.
On last Sunday, August 1:8, the
ch ildrn at Mris. Di. E. IIl(ndicjks as
sembledl at the oldI home nea r Gri:
in Ichu rch fori a fam ily reuion. E n
Ptnessions (if joy anad happ: its coubl
be heard onl every side.
A t the n1oon hour a dle!ieiCuS i.
nie dinner withl ietd tea and11 cream
wns rerv'ed un agkri the larne oak trer.
Rev'. Hfammett gave thanks andl pray.
ed a most imlprcasive prayer.
Afiter cating dlinner tile (hIdren
rturnled to their childish games, the
ladies to the house' to talk over old1
times, and the men to the lawvn to
dliscuss boll weevil and1( politics.
Before anyone hadl thought of it
the darkness hlad begun to gather
andl all realizedl the time of parting
was near. At Mr'. Hendricks' re
quest some old time hymns were sung.
At the close "God Be With You Till
WVe Meet Again," was sung, which
was the prayerful sentiment of every
he art.
The occasion was miingled wvith joy
andl 501 row, but each one hopcd for
The Denver school baseball team
defeated the Flat Rock schconi t am
in ai hall game on the DX nve.r dia -
mond last Saturday afterncon, e
10 to 5. Denver made I ight 1iu.
the seond( inning and Fh.! P
scored five in the third. TJhe'w fi no
will play on the Flat Rlock Un P
Counnty -Executive Committee Met
At Court House Saturday.
Pickens County Democrati Execu.
tive Committee met in the court house
Saturday, August 10, and the follow
inng managers were appointed to hold
ekctionis in the different precincts as
Alice Mill-Roy R. Sinith; Clerk;
L. J. Connelly, Burris Ramey, J. G.
Antioe-h-W. R. McKinney, E. C.
Bowie, B. T. Wincheutr, A. T. Win
Chester, clerk.
Catet::hee-W. W. Cebb, clerk; T.
0. Wilson, J. C. Davis, L. C. McCall.
Ciess Rcads-W. 0. V. D. Freeman,
clerk; W. 0. Capps, C.. A. Julian, J.
F. Ligon.
Central-R. G. Gains, Jr., J. N.
Morgan, E. L. Iendirson, T. J. Wer
iner, clerk.
Calhcun-J. H1. Lawrence, Carlisle
Newton, J. I. MeCrether and J. C.
Goodman, clerk.
Croswell-J. 0. liughey, clerk, W.
C. Kay, Frank Garriscn, 11. V. Gar
Cre.- Plains-Jon T. H itt, cleric;
W. A. Leeper, 11. Laliei, C. E. Day.
Dacusville-J. A. Robinsen, G. G.
B3,111lhrd. J. R:. Lat hm and J. P. Jones,
EastyR.G. Wyaltt, J1ohn1 F. Renl
fro, Sam L. RMbinson, J. l. Smith,
Easkly Cotten 3Mill-0. M. Page, J.
S. King, J. C. Gillespie, W. F. Evatt,
Easley Mill No. 2-P. C. Cartee,
cleric. Win. Erncst Shirley, Henry
Moore, 1. F. Hunt.
Flat Recl-Al. J. BogrP, clerk; 11.
G. Fowler, C. I. Kelley, W. F. Young.
Glenwood Cottu 'lill.-Miss Vir
ginia Ligon, M is Nora Smith, A. C.
Brookshire, and 11. F. llagood, clerk.
Holly Springs-Jhn A. Chastain,
clerk; Elijah Chastain, It. F. M osley,
E. E. Stewart. 6
Issaquecena M\ill-W. J. Wallace, J.
If. James, Elias James, C. J. Tar
rant, clerk.
Looper's Gin-J. L. Looper, clerk;
D L. Iendricks, R. M. i i;l, Ii. L.
Maplecroft i All-John Hunter,
clerk; J. A.'Cary, D. C. McGaha, I).
B. Owens.
Mile Creek-J. E. Nix, T. A. Stew
art, C. E. -Tkdton. G. N. Reece.
Liberty--W. D. Parsons, J. H.
Brown, .1. L. Hunter, W. L. Boggs,
Praters Creek- 1. T. Murphee, Joe
Pilgrinm, Walter Seaborn, 'd. 0. I'op
er, ekrk.
PTbrs Creek-J. E. Singleton,
clerk; J. E. Foster, L. S. Edlens, WV.
E. Hunt.
Piecker-s-B3. F. Frt eman, WV. E.
litend icks, lFurmian Holder, G. G.
Christ opher, clerk.
Pickensw M4.'l--S. L. Adams, A. J.
Clark, i1. .Jones, A. .J. Je'well, clerk.
1umpintr~ on ---'l. J1. Keith, Robert
deIi. PinkEh us S. B. EdenQI), clerk.
.0;;- IL. A. Jiohnson, .J. Ml. IBoI(.
in-. IL .'W. F:< tr euijb, E:. W. TFate,
Shady Grov<-anus in '/chester,
T1. P. Wood,:, 0. 5. Gamlloway, Bi. P.
Six Mile-B. E:. Garrett, clerk; W.
D.X Ma, Rt. P'. Prince, J1. A. Roper.
Wherec there .have been over fifty'
cnrolled the Australian Ballot system
m. necessary, so eachI club wvill sec
to it 'that booths are prep~aredI, one
booth for coach hundred enrolled, or
fraction thereof, and then the mua
agers conduc.t the eketiion according
to0 article 45 of the Rules. So the
maniag(ers are all reqjucstedI to read
the rules and conduct the election
accor dingly. if on account of sek
ness, or somel( ethcr trouble any of~
the manage.- aebeve named cannot
serve, cit her nmot ify, WV. E. Finidley,
ini tinli to. appo)iint another, Or make
liim<) known to the other manaigers
and your Executive Committeeman,
as soon a, the fact is knowvn to- you
tha ou canno (i 1td serve'.
WV. E1. Finidley,
(County Chairma)n.
Wec Wish to t':.nk our friends and
ii- the siikm :-i andh dthi! of~ oup baby.
Mr. and M .*. WV. R. Nix.

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