OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, April 09, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067705/1878-04-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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S'1'I-WyIEI(1,Y E'I)ITION.}. _ . rNNSBOILO, S. U., TLT11)a'. APIL .1} 178. WOtL .N.2.
T 'O lRetail price $900 only $s8'.
PIANOS Parlor t)1 ' t), e $'.1;3
only $ 'a. P r . F. 1;E:ATTY, WNlas
Ington, N. J w
$ Q orCa aJn vII :,lla. I ttit V hll('el.
b i lti 'ls4 ci. -\l l- .. Ii ito,VN : St N,
1lit) and 13, Wood St., Itsburg, e lni.yvnia.
OANS AN ,haO lons
test, tatol4u0 a1-" (ireltlar4, ilLth inw ty.les,
ItC. lUl;l ItI(,'iv, lndf m1111h luiolrm at 1on,
etnt fr(o. MoAON t & 1.. \, IN 0 rganl ci 0o -
P'AN Y, Boston, New York or Chicago.
INhatt SANllFrIti)S IIA1lCA1, Ct-'tE
for Catarrh will n: L instauitly relleve
andl speeily Curve. I(,+rerenoe. llenry
Wells. Itst , Wells, Fargo k Co., Aul -
ror, N. Y.;- Wml. IMe,St. L.o111.
$5PestitnontaIs an Iu :treIiso byv m:a11.
t Prlce, wi l t il l)r+~'t'1 Iiha i e, t . S ld
5 everwohre. WIECKS f P'OTEIIlt,
Proprietors, Boston. Mlass.
At hanstoiy Prlces. Great lI(edluctiont to elo5e
out present,stock of 5111 New and tiecndI-hatiu
I113trumelntS Of live tilrt-cla5, miake'rs, fully
warranted B and a at PIll Ih:t. .EPY Olll'1i.
TI'T'ION fothi('las;of in;trumnents. A .TS
W\'ANi'EI) for WAT:'(sIlit' ';irtrll BEi-,1A, Mot.
GANS and lPIANOS. Ilustrattlti Catalo-.ties
mailled. iI0I(ACI. W\AI4C &C SONS. Mnamu(ae
tirer's amd Dealers, 4 East 141 hlt reet. Nei
Yrk. Also General Aent; for siI0NINGJOtS
Celebrated Premium Organs.
tions of ENSO NS Capelne P'orst aster in
the aiket. lle of them ton st ain dai l erou
mineral poisons. Eneh grenuine Ben on's ('a.ll
cine Plaster ha. the wor ('npCIntO e utIhrough
It. T1ake no (it herv.
BENSON'S Capehne P'orous Phlaster wa5 in
vented to overeomnr the "low acellon of t h^ or"
dinery p,rus'tla; 1)1rc. andi to afford qutick reltef
from p)ahn. P'rice, 2-2 (enl s.
A Goulds Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturers of all
kinds of
Force nd Lift
For Cieterns, ti0a, Rail.
roal, .Ste,oals,
11in,(lls etc"
Hydraulo Rams,
kor Uhurches, Schoole,
anti Plnntntions.
Corn-Shellers Sinks etc.
Pumps and IiMutorinls for
Driven Wells a specialty.
Natl*fa ctimniy rmran.ted.
Cat-diogues furnihed
nnon n pplie-tion.
A NA'I ON %L TM R'1)ItD.
W ebster's Unab"i.iged.
3001) EngravIngs. 1810 Pages Qulalrto.
10,000 Words aid Meauings not In othet
Four Pages Colored Plates. A
Whole Library in 1(seltf
Invaluable in any Fami
1y. And in any
Published by Q. & C. MERIRIAM, Springilel t
Bancroft, Prescott,
Motley, (George P. Marsh,
Fitz-orneno Iialleck, John (i WhittLier,
N. P. Willis, John ( Saxe,
Elihu Burritt, Daniel Webster,
Ifus Choate, It. ('orlerl.ige,
Smart., Ilorace .\lann,
More thin fifty College Pre;idents.
And the best American and E;ttroutnli ;ehlaias
Contains one-ift,h more n.atter than an)
other, the smnaller t3 pc giving miuch more On I
Cjontain115 000 Illulstratoin, nearly three tinmer
as many' as any other Dictionary.
( m LOOK at the three piit urest or a SIIIP,
on page 1751l--these aicone il lu.t,rat.e t he meani.
lng or more t.han I00 wvords ando terms) far- bettei
than they Caln be dleiloid in wvoal ]
More thin 0.11 0 copls have been1 placed i
the puic schools of t h-t tinitedI Statesi.
Rtecommnndeld by 9-I St ale Sttlem iintndetso0
Schtool, anld morei! ihan 5i Collig: Pro sidients.
lbas about 10.000i words an;i menaigs not in
Other Diet,tionaries.
Embodies aboult1001 years of literary labor. is
severna years later than and other* large Dic
'VTa sale of W~ebster's Ditct.ionaries is 20 times
as great as the sale of aniy other serics of Dic
"August,4,1877T. The Dictionary used( in ihr
Governmenrnt PrInting Onice is Wecbster's Un
Is it. not rightt.ly claimed that. Webster is
HAS removed to the store next to the
post-offnee, where he will be glad to ro.
ceive his friends and customers.
A full line of Satmples will ho -kept on
hand, from which customers may mnake
seleetions. He now has tho finest line o1
French and English goods ever broughi
to this markot.
He is also prepared to cut or to mak
up goods for these whIo desire.
Garments of all hinds repaired and
pmCleaning a speciaity.
Thankful to the public for past patron
age, he solicits a continuance of the
same, and guarantees satisfaction.
- 0mp4iS W, G. 300.
____umbia Business Cards.
1I EAD)QUA,lE1TR for cheaptest G,r
ceries and liardwtnre in Cuitul. bia
to be found ait the ol reliable lottse of
I'S, Potra"tits, Photographs, ;t,.re
oxcope", t1 e. All oli pictus
c;tpied Art (lallery 13uilding, 124-*1 Matin
Street, Ctlumiiaj:t, S. C Visiturs are
cordially invited to call and exitiiine.
('1iIIAlti i:S ELl\S,fit'ir.ily' of ('aniiienl,
lJ hasu moveM I to Coulumbhia, tun Nopin:,
a l-rgu stock, of try (oios' til Ntonsuin,
ioots, hoest, Tru:., ,td Vaiulj5s. Satis
facliim tttnrantte ed. - - .
t~ ,tK ,lIN(l'; G1A1L1.E"ltY - (t ;t ite
.L , the W1htoth; !Itn .t. P'ortraits,
PhIo(togra iphs 4, A op, b. xy pes nrt.t 1'ertrot jtp<--,
litiishedl in the( l..tt t yl of' ( t ht art
Old ptetnrt-s copied a:adl enlarged to ainy
size. W. A. I ;KLING, Proprietor.
h lTER'KS & D.\VIS, import"tr and
- dealers in W\'Oches, C'locks .Jow clrev,
Silver and Plated Ware. II ouse F: rnislt
ing Good:, &c. N. It. - Wtttchtes and jet' -
dry repairel. Coltmbit, S. t,. oct 27 -v
SPR1NG, 18Th.
S P I T- -
E are now receiving a splendid
line of
150 pieces Prints.
10 '' Canbrics,
10 " Cre:tones.
A fine lot of Wash Poplins, beatutiful
line of white and figured Centennial
Bleached IoIamesptns, Sursulcers, Cotton
)iapi-r, Table Linen and Damask,
an d the pret tiest, asisort ment Table
Cloths and Dolies to n;atch
in the mtarl<et, and mantiy
other goods which
llaise, call and
CX; line.
A full line of Straw, Felt an 1 Wool
We have always taken a pride in our
"hoe department. We can now say that
we have the most complete stock of
shoes ever brought to this market
PuoT. JuLY 16, 1611.
The follo-ving specifie points of supe
J--Great sianlIlcity in Cona
8--Eeceedingly Lightt Run-i
4-Sill Rassauning. Noiseless.
T-P'er'rnas all Varietie og 0
6---Benisty or Finuiwia and
Single Machines sent on orders direct
from the Factory, written-guarantee with
each MlachiIne.
J&eSend for circulars and particulars.
Thme Whsitney MfPg. Co.,
IWt. ' Nt C r1,.:.
D.., tr :--1 tc l.i t'ety frrul("ft f"or what ) utlr
n 'ai tb' abl -1w tn1e, \'eye' ('f. h-I; tl'n11 Il Inly
la t ',111. I wt; 'a I.) e. i(re9.s liy' Iha; ki2 h in.
l399 19932 n-* en t'u' - wu.ilon Ill eu 1 ,, IiI 11'3 :
If"o. t2 iv( y,u I::,w 3 0.: Vli .: tui , I:w h ..,t,
iuiu li - I e . " .. w% t (!:il'. .i i? .,. !',"e-r
al I A2 : . .'. . --!.1 wv * i , S i . I: 1. t 1 ,
I 2 , .!1rh l 3 t 1:111 wit It ; Ip'- 1i cij ...r
3 1. tli .i " ' " r1 . t il l l 3) oa I, .1 1
tfhu ' ; tu !'i).. in wV .t. r i r. i. 1h.(at t u' ilii nil h
in bu)t I. ti't '' r' 1 fl ii. 4-19di 2l92o. i lin) ail2 ;t
p-";i'tll. M , Il- rtlult tint lift ill; fi t 1r.11 llt!'
1t ' . 'lit, c itil Ito( iil) rt'.' w\': 1lt l 't"19 '1;-' ' .; I
1e'.I 'Ot ;ki \'1rIV'9 "e2!(jat 1.1 t1e .2 !l
(1.'9 '. tir il.f , i t. Ie , 1;, "li i it' . l,
(imit Iit lle r : ud liiu'ut l , : . . i lli.I j i .
hii.1 . II , (2l ' t a'. iY I h1 .l' i. 11.1 lil' ill 2 t
\t It h tl he " il"- it-- 's . :.t,l - .;aitlf l:; I ... h:1.9
ot,'k t et;;l i nte . ., t i Ith:"l . h w.tl'. . w ith 1.a
()t e l l"iore .lo.'t lu 1'i ll w',I ye "t1Ilu; ..
c1'( . 'iti':,p ( ('. :,l" i i' I . :,",(1 : t.,.' it'1. 'i ;I"ft"9.
1 ttve ,1 \o u n er 1 n.', liftter lt'!.:rs U. wtr'..-. :n
1.:-Ibyr' t to (.1111l... \1'he .('v r h1. It Cl-. uu.)
r+,1)in fil. lit t e nllf-4II. 1:11,% : a dos - W: \'."....
titue "- .t' 2.2' o h .t9 Iltl '1''t110: Ih' ,Y.t"tu li'a'
l1 .t .) 1 le Ia ^..:, .3l 1. ' n'.')ti ! -. ., l l ,- l t' .
I Chu(tr:tilly '1 +r 1'titw n,11 . , \" . ' .,. i,I+. In..a
Comf:II :2 . I Ii hi t. it 3.' 2 heL :.2 2 at.4 Ii t,.la
11 1 h :r ial Oe
i''. i i i!tlir. 31t' .I . Wt. 1.1.21) I).
VEG IN;.---h- i e1(' biou'I) h bn:n1 ". 1 i'.
Itll. n. ll, : . :;;"1: , v[. It.,'; 292r1om euat . of
\t"et,t her n' u. el2i2 I',. wr t29t of t" t'r.l.'. 1rr-ell
la r 11-t. or I 9e9 a;:I", of he'a iau . I lit' V"'eg'l lll('
WIll ri tw tilt blo):I, Irr. 1T lfT he litt; 3 I2 3
hImllant'r, cl3'1.t .e the soa' It' -. r I:ie Ih
1)bowels, .111(1 lt;yt);t,i a toa u : "glorl' to time
w 'ijle buily.
And ( enorarl Debility.
I'EIl AIt1)S'( N. MASS., 1.3.,
W\'e, Ie w r st'rr.iti 1e,f, it 1ti:I' ; ii. I V'. -31:..
l:ake lIi;ure in reeuummentilma' It Intill thn-e
Ir1 iblr"112 wit h titit11 'r; i" a it :. . 11 . li .
.\2 ' t;,:1,e:-,. ur .:'eral )I-h lil I It 11"'- ;
(hi .It Iilflutt I'li' if1er. mul)9 br ii 3,. ('r,- el'"'
S):1Ii \tw.tu :."1 i "e of 11 11::1a a!l oth--r 1,ttenl.
il,lteut llulcaie i t tir- t r'
Mhis. L. 1. i'El;KINS,
. )i'l' II's -..\ I '1"
VI'l'TIN' 1'I l- 2 th2.' 22 hteal.ih 1e1nret
1"It11111t.-1'!1 1x\'X 1'.it't' in h.trk. . r'"It : w 1 '1 22rh9
it, I, vey' p)lt'ea n (n i o .Ikc ,ue .'t;' Child, II:r.; it.
And Iihiviimanti:;m.
'INXi1NNAT'11, 0.,.\pril '., l577,
11. R. Sti'-:vrs, -;.q
I):;Iar sir-I h ive ii t' vt our 'e-ml ittt' fomr N 'r
t"u; 11''atl:e a he, ttnt!l t,:I 9(:' I lfil tn alIl.2 , an I
have 9(2(1 - 9entiro rt'1el f'rontl 32222t1, ani 2:2:e
g'eal 1leaslllre Iit renmm't lle-..d lg It to all wh"iw
la91 be il i w.tise ailletcil.
FUIl). A. (00),
it'4 .\IIII St., Clanhln,attI.
V h' SI' N I r. t rt 'l'. l houtsan il. I hea th
t\'ho 11l ben long 32(3 j1 iitll sulT"er41s.
3 it. 11. 1. S v :
I)ati" SIr-le have wen 2 ell2hg '301ur "^mn10y,
Ih2' h ,:2il2. ' l 229illt ilt'te .'' t rS. 2 3 1'ke
i ie;I-llir1' Ill re : n1inmiitn lin!g It to our ('li r I(I:'1'A,
;-tI)tt. lu 1 :2 .ii t1e" wh';1:rr' a l- 11'1 ptt: itler wt'o li'l
ri"'at'h Il39 e' 9:, ha it ever :taild f I to ('fee a
C1', to our knouiwlge. h 1tt1 1 certainly I tht
29m' j41I, If tra 0 re'ovtor01..
1(l':,l'et' it'l.
E. M. .\ l 3 i i Fll IiER) & CO., DrtIlggit-A,
uio lt 'ernii , I n,11 23.
Is ?..eko:w)lh'(gIetl y , cl.sre., o' 1propl i' I
he 1 h: .'rvr t' :221. a ).;t ' iiable bi.an 1 1)12r
tier In1 th' t'o:bl.
Vegineli is Mold by nll D)ruggist,s.
april 2-4wv
"~)E hiave itisLi rece2ived at ne0w and)t
The30styles2 are' new.2. and 3'r'etty and3( th
pr)1ices w'il sutit tlho timelN. 9 21l and
00ok a~t them:33 they wt,'Il hea21r the c'losest2
inspeion,I 3( nd) 9fIwe Iake 12dens.ure inl
show2ting i1hem. '2 ill r1eeive0 i in a w
(days1 a1 lull ass2ortmnlt of al.1 goodis in our
SARSAP3ARILLA with Iodido of Po.
k tasRa, Liver Pills, Anise Soothing
D)rops, Extract of ElBuch, Cattle P'owdersp,
('ongh Candy, Cherry Pectoral. Brown1's
Congh Mixture, Arni'n Linimecnt, E.'
310nce of Ginge~r, Elixir' of Girinl(lia for
A8thma, W~orm1 Lozengea, Hair R(etorer,
Essonce of Lemon, Tooth Powders, &o.
These Mediceinen will commend them
solves to physicianR and to those persons
who desiro to know wvhat they are s1wa1
lowin , since the recipe of ench is prin2ted
upon ts label.
10on sAE DY
;So.wi 0F' 01,1Il I,011 .Y', 01I1SNl? tVA
T!'IOs. A.v1 /t izliV I tiI:\'LiS.
Mit. Rachel and Her Dupr--Tho
IIy. 'eries of Emne 1lnrr--An Amnori
a i Girl's Advfn.iro--1w POr,S)Cw4
Tr"avol--Miss Stevens.
1 ,ur ie h ;ca ClIi ''r
L .:nox, F eb. 23.-lu y per -
haps relmual')r the 1n1111n of M..1 l.lc
Itachel, a villainous old harridan,
who )rof(ssei to be alo t) rendor
the c'oinplexion of her dupes
"b:aultiful forever." iho has just
served out a term of liva years' i im
pri'i'matli fo)r ob)t:aan:, 11 mayU by
swin111in'; u-.1 fr':u1 in thiis wv.ty,
anttd hais haitrlly ;pt o'it again ald
into a now shop), 1.: 1, b)1,-lgining
her ol,d tricks, sho is t:tkc::i in to
envdo.ly on -e il )mro. T';1; w)i l.r is
that sie.i a n ">) ioils oll l'"ceatur,e1
slhould be able to nukte n(ov (ul>es,
but. tlo1n ''.)ll..l)ln is at w)1ld," and
young ,-'eople w'lo wV'oro chiiren
when the other tri 11 to.)k place are
n1oV mU1Cn an,id womne11, and the p"t
to them is but a blink of croquet
balls an1id colle:.;e.
Mrs. Godfrey Pea rse, the present
plaintiif. is a d:ng1 hter of the
celeb)rated ('risi M trio, the opera
singer, ail is wesi.e I to a ma1n1 of
11;lu1nS. SiL is a ho u:ifi y ini
Creatul'(', just tw(.lty 1or y'as of
ttge, atnld on1e of the hast wollen il
London to require snt:l 1i.1 as that
o :.e.l hv A t. ml , t, v-.l"1. lb,
i'u n') ki.>wVie l,,.) Wi ttev.ers' (if tIO
w"ml a'l1l1s 11oIri'ir c.i'', .1 1 lolrely1
wvent int:) the shop (,v:liich ha.l upt
the si"1no ver th, di r, ".ab)ian1
Perluii1o' t. i te3 Q Lo''.) Li buy a
paper of violet p jwde'r. it t he
colurs:; of the )trt'n11 t :e i tclhol ask
(d her if she :t.l i i).) ~wis: to ber'
m:ul bestiIul irvr ? M:irs,
Pear'soey p:t'1 iu llyti asti.. h:,r
wihy, if sh:e pos)Ise,lc this secret..
she did not apfly it t. ) hTii's l. To
wh1ich It:icho!l replil, "Perha~.ps you
don't know how ol I amd ; 11 un
85." This was, of cour'so, til .rio;
she is not withtin a quarter of a
century of that age.
, Then begin the squeeze. Time
price forP Ciu uIling. wV.Ls said to ho0
p r2,500, and ih e helo asserted that
she was then doing it to "at
Countess" who had p:wnel her
jewels to her in p:yimlent. This
Mrs. Pea'se did ; nl I her inability
to get themn back, or to obb:tin any
redturn for her money or v'Llaiales,
axcept at plentiful Crop of pi.uples
ill over her f.te iromll the ):oisonois
v.ishies the "Arahm"l'il perfl11e1' was
ulin, led her to co0ess the mnat.er
to her hu:;band, wlho placed it inl
legal hands.
The subject is fall of interest to
me lCeautIso I heatr so much a0boit
"enamileling" and getting "fixed u)
inl Pai" and aill thait sort of thing,
firm the .ips of Americwan women
wh cl( omo here. It is really sur-'~
pr)1is.ing to see tile amiounit of
onl tis. sub1ject. TJ.hioee i set;tledl
to th'e ('flet tha t there is "a~ mal:n"
in Paris who. for the Fumf Of $200,
will enamel( a face so that thle com -
plexion will be for the spacee of
three years as lovely, as delicate, as
fascinating as a bit of Sevroes por
ce'lain. Of course I know w~hio "the
man"1 is and1( wher~ is shop is,
having often bought a harm less blit
ofi soap1 or' a tootilh)rush there ; buHt
I p:efer nlot to mndicate him11
definlitely, for I thlink ho0 gets miore
than enongh mfone1y fr'om our cou11
try wVomen0 as it is.
An A.merican girl wvent over to
ParIs wvith her brother, the other
day, anud thle instant shlo was left
alone with their companion inh the
carriage, a middle aged Fren(thman,
lhe insulted her. Sile told hier
bIrother wvhen h1 retnud, and1
thero was a fearful outburst. T1ho
Frenchman gave his card, and said
lie was deceply sorry, an I would
abide by the decision of the other
as5 to tuoe cJ1nsequioneos to enuo for
his mistake, but certinily lhe never
suspected Maidemoisello was a lady,
as she wvas painted I The b)rother
aplpealed to the boat author:it,ios inl
Paris in -these matters, to learn
what the code was under these cir
culmtantces, and all the med01 of the
Jockey (31ub1 told him thamt if his
sister's eye lashes were blackened
and her cheeks rouged, he could
have no redress, as thlese practices
were never followed by une
demoiselle dus monde.
Thero is another practice I wish.
onr woman would abandon. and n
whi"ih is far m.oro() general than paint.
ilg' tho face, and that is, loading
themusulve with jewelry when travel
Ung. In Europe you can toll
A Iat;ricall women as far as you can
seet them oilthe )ottS anld railways
by the quttaltity of jingling bracolots,
flishing :iril ngs,uneountable finger
rings. atd lod neck-chains, lockots,
ani cI it e!au i.;, which prolcail their
lack of k(ennes.i of porco)tion in
r(eg:u'd to tho Iitiess of things.
Iigh -bre:l womn I in Europo never
weac11 jewelry, except whote in full
Th! lost tine I 'went over to
P:iris thcre w. ia well-knowl botlu
tiflil Dat!hes. and,l her sister on the
train--bo jth) ('.rosses in their own
right. 'They all: extromtoly be:utiful
women, of tuo A dol:ti o Neilson
sttyle, only uore roIbuIst and healthy
looking. TIv had ti coupe of
the t"ain all to them selves, at small
c pallltrtm ent, holding three persons,
righ t l)ack of the engine, and tittod
with (iI'itliar )late: glass till arouid
tie front, s-) t he view is unobstruct
e1. This pr'ivilege costs something,
I promise you. Every tino they
got out and walked on the platt""
ftomIs, a t'ri"ier" deSCondod from
:mother c:-riage aul w,lked behind
t:he.11. A b ig like that used by
tucket collectors was str"atppod
atrolucl his waist, and hung in front
of him, so that ho could put his
hand m it e.asil,y. The ladies made
p:irhmases of anything and overy
t haing that suited their fancy, never
asl: ,t the price, and turned away
\vi hout si iking of money ; the
C': mitier' then inst ulv alvtcod and
s, t led the are,nut from the bagt,
which wis, as I. saw while he tado
ch;1 ia.e, liturally full of gold and
ler'. At lunch the ladies called
for' the mt'St exquisite wines, the
rarc.t fruits, great strawborries,
alost as iig as eggs, yellow
etIms, mi ctinlg with rip)etess ; the
cnII ier stood tat som1e dtiSalelCO be,
hind them, and when theyv had
fin ishel they arose and walked out
without a thought of paying. The
ibagmnvin promptly liquidated. They
no imlore turnied their )at"rician eyos
towrtd himt than ta:y did upon any
other serving n1r" abont. When
they arrived in I"aris, two men ser
vanIs atid at French maid were
waiting for them, and an open ear,
riage was drawn iu) at the door of
the station, harnessed with four
superb bays. They gave their keys
to the utid, that sh1e mnight attend
to "los bagages" with the customs
oflicers, atndl, entering the carriago,
drove away, beautifful rnd haughty
to the last. It was a perfect picture
of th.e splendid indifference to cost
which characterizes Englishwomen
of great birtli and boundless fortune.
Yet the pith of my story lies here:
That these proud and wealthy wo,
men, e:ch possessor 4)f more than at
do)wttr" of la princess in disunonds and
lace. to say nought of country seatts,
yaclht;s, town houses, works of art,
horses, carriages, and all the other
ap1panatges of luxury, wore dressed
on tis trip wi'th la roughness, almost
shalLbbmess3, which would open1 the
eyes of' manny tan American woman,
wvho thinks sho is in good formi
when sho ushes her diamond rings
at ta taible at lb raiilwaiy buffet, or dis..
turbs the quietude of a church
ser'vice by the jangle of her bangle.
T1hor'o are soveral AmeriCan ladies
wvho( aro' gr'eatly audmired in the
highest Fnglish cir'cles just now.
At Baron Ferdinanud Rothschild's
ball, laist week, the (Crown Prince of
Anstr'ia led out the hostoss, of
couruse, Miss Alico d1o Rothschild,
but tall the other' ladlies in the set
woro0 Amer01icanls, and each had a
royal princc for a partner. The
inicid(Ien t is alimost unp)roceden ted,
id caused a good deal of heart"
buirninug and commient. The ladies
were Mr's. Ysnagab and her daughter,
Viscoun tess Mandvillhe, and Miss
M~innie Stephens, tile "hotel keeper's
daughtor" whom Boston society
snubbel)d so sternly somai years ago,
llin g at herl money,3' poohi-poolhing
rut her1 be:auty, and stopping up its
oars aut her siren1 song ; for her
voice is splendid, and her style the
bes It:tliani. '.1:h0 Prmnce and Prin
oess of Wales have been remarkably
polito to Miss Stovens, and a finer
visit ing list than hers it is impossi
ble for tiny lady to have. How Miss
md Mr's. Paraun Stevens must smile
ivhon they remember their Boston
uighats I
You can't have everything yon
wan t in this world. .Life is like a
blanket that is too short; if you pull
it up over your shoulders your un
cover your fcet, and if you cover
your feet your shoulders must be
bare. However, somne cheerful peo,
ple manage to draw thi:' foot up a,
little and so pass a pleasant nighit.

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