OCR Interpretation

The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, August 09, 1881, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067705/1881-08-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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TUNits.--There is no crop that the
farmer puts in the ground that pays him
better than the turnip. We are awara
that with some persons it is looked upon
as of little account ; but it has never re.
ceived the consideration to which It is
really entitled, and those who turn up
their noses at it are not genuine farmers.
It is a crop, moreover, that Is put in at a
time when the hurrying work of the season
is over; wh-n it occupies ground that has
already been used for something else.
The cultivation also, say of from one to
two acres of turnips, involves compara
tively little labor. The crop. too, is har
vested in November, when there is almost
no other labor on the farm to interfere
with It. As to the variety of seed to sow,
we believe there is no turnip equal to the
purple top. A topdressing of bone manure
is almost indispensable to an abundant
crop. For an early crop take the E irly
Fiat Dutch and sow broadcast, and now Is
the time. The Purple Top for the regular
farm crop. This should be sowed in drills
thirty inches apart, and when the turnips
are the size of a hickory iut thin out to
eight or ten inches anart in the row
They seldom fail in offording a satisfactory
crop. The crop can be put in the first
half of August. Where land Is a little
short sow among the corn at the last work
mng. . They will not interfere In the least
with that crop, generally, and very little
when it is harvested. Be sure always to
procure seed from established seed houses
of reputation, and use that grown hero in
stad of in Europe if you wish the best
and safest article.
TlANSrLANTiSO.-- here is scarcely any
operation in gardening where there is so
much opportunity for the exercise of skill
and good judgment, as in transplanting.
The skilful gardener will move lis plants
so that they will hardly receive any check
in their growth, while the careless removal
of plants or the choice of too dry weather,
with subsequent neglects, occlsions the
loss of inany thousande of plants every
year, and much disappoimtment. In order
to bear transplanting well, the plaitt should
be in thrifty, growing ctn(ition, but not
by any ineinis "drawn" "long legged,"
as gardeners are wiout to cdh such plants
as have Buffered from crowding or too
rapid forcing under glass ; they should be
grown in sandy loam, which favors librous
growth of toots and should be well watered
a few hours before moving, so us to have
the toots n.oist when moved. Then care
should be given to have the loam in which
the pltaIts are lJlanct(e moist etiough and
warmil (noulllgh to favo irapid growth; and,
if possible, tiiey should bo shaded from
stin and wind for a few days after trans
planting, if the sun is hot.
VAnIOUC methods for hastening the con
version of cider into vinegar have been
recommended. A recent French method,
which seems practicable, is the following:
Seald three barrels or casks with hot water,
rinse thoroughly and empty. Then scald
with boiling vinegar, rolling the barrels
and allowing them to stand on their sides
two or three days, until they bicome tho
roughly saturn'ed with the vinegar. The
barrels are then filled about one third full
with strong pure eider vinegar, and two
gallong of cider added. Every eighth day
thereafter two gallons of cider ire added,
until the barrels are two Ihirds lull. The
whole is allowed to t-tid fourteen days
longer, when it will all be found to be
good vinegar, and one-half of it may be
di awn and the process of filling with eider
be begun again. In summer the barrels
are allowed to stand exposed to the sun,
aind in cold weatheir kept where the tem
perature is eighty degrees.
LraF-Motti.n. -if you take well decom
posed leaf soil anid sift and examnine it, you
will limi it is alto~tethlir a mass of worm
casts. lRough-rooting plats take kindly
enioughi to this, but tentier antd delicate
rooting ones (10 not. In order to inake it
goodi and readly food for all, I rub it hard
between my hiainds till it. reels as mellow as
flour. In this state and iniixedi with its
bulk of clean white sond and a little mel
low loam almost any hasty seed will grow
in it ; but for palmts, nyasa, Iraxinellas,
paninas, atnd other seeds that, takes months,
a year or moure to germinate, 1 (10 not use
it, as I nave fotind it has a tendencey to rot
the seeds. Leaf-miould is a capital thing
for mixing with loamy soil in spring, for
potting or boxing-ol seedlings, rooted cut
tinge, or winter-stored roots or othier plants.
IF elastic guim ts warmed, then expanded
and woundi~ in a sp~irai upon03 a glass tube
or wire, and cociled for a short time in a
coolhng miixtiue, it shows tie tendency to
contract ; but when it is submitted to hot
water It tetuirns quickly to its orimal
length. The phieinmenon can also be
made to appear witthout thie use of the
cooling mixture. If one holds hecatedi
gumn a second~ in ani exp~anded COnd~itlon it
shows no disposition to returni to its ori
ginal length, but if one imnmerses it in hot
waiter it; contracts to otne-f'ourthi or one
tIfth of its original length. Maxwell hias
found that similar phieniomena are prto
duced in gutta percha.
hlo-r weather suits the youing corn platit,
ando so corn grows fastest wheni tihe stut is
wvarmest if otheri 'oniditions are invorable.
Tlhe feeding I oots inicline for tis~ reasoon to
to keel) in the u~pper fonr or flve tnch lauyers
of soil. D~eep plowing andl deop buryingr
of manure or fertilizers are therefore not
coniduelve to the growth of I he cortn plant.
D~eep stirring of the soil with palows that
do not invert the soil, arie tnot objectionable
anid may be beneficial.
fTnERE are a grcat niany fartms atid fields
which can never he cultivated iat a prollt.
These, it planited with forest t rees, such ats
chestntuts, oaks of dlilfe ent varirties, pmesi~
anud larches, would produce a groIwthm of
timiber, which would be a source of prohit,
and1( the~n the energies of the fartmer might
be coticetrated upon his best land, and
his mianiure could be applied where it.
would do the most good.
IN propogating hoineysuckles cuttings of
wood wheti nearly ript wvdl strike if insert
ed in a shady border in atumnn and dluly
watered. Perhaps thle miost sutccessfulI
itode of propagation is by layers peggedl In
maoist soil ini the autumn, when the leaves
coninience fatl 1ng.
SUN1.owER1 5seed is recotmmiended as food
for p~oultry. It gives a glossy appearance
to the plumage. it Is excellent Ior stimu
lating the prodtuction of eggs, atid fowls
ate fond of It.
New Uscs for~ Osrichs .EUy.-There
are several uses to which Ostrtch eggs oan
be put. P'aiited in oil and water colors,
anud mounted in silver they look pretty
hung from a windowv or ceiling, with red
tassels dlepending. Or they can 1be turned
Into a work-case, set in silver, and lined
with silk. They can be converted Into pen
dants, coveted with coloredl silk netting,
anid tassels fromi the tel) and bottom, ando
suspendled by a broad ribbon frein the gas
light, or the centre of the window. They
make pretty receptacles for flowers mount..
ed on a carved wood stand, the teop of the
egg being cut roundh aind the edg~es bound
with narrow brass or gilt. Tney can be
gilded and then p~ainted1 with flors. D~e
ealcomanie can be employed with good ef
HousH PANTs.--Now in the opening of
summer, house plants require much care
and.attention. The -sunshine on clear days
will excite a rapid growth ; consequently
the plants will require a corresponding
amount of.air and moisture. Insect life
is now quite as active as plant life, and
the two cannot live long together. Destroy
the insects, or they will destroy your
plants. Young plants from seed sown in
boxes should be pricked out into small pots
and brought forward as rapidly as possible,
but do not suller them to grow weak and
spindling. Always remember that .one
good, strong, healthy plant will produce
more flowers than a soore of puny, weak
ones. Hyact nths in pots should be in por
fection of bloom this month. When tho
flower-spike is well developed and the
first flowersets begin to open cool, light
room. This materially prolong their sea
son of bloom.
-No one knows until she has tried lt,says
an. experienced housewife to one of our
contemporaries, how much she may change
the aspect of things about the house by
using a little varnish. On a sunshiny day
take the old chairs and tables out on the
poi ch or by an open door, and, after tho
roughly dusting and wiping off with a
damp cloth, apply a thin coat o varnish,
and so cover up scratches and marred
spots of all kinds. It will dry in a very
short time, and you will be surprised to see
how much good you have done. A tlannei
cloth, with a very little lnsted oil, is good
to rub furniture with, but the greatest care
must be exercised to prevent any oil being
left on the wood to aitract dust. It must
be rubbed until you would not know, ex
cept by the improved appearance, that any
oil had been used.
A DnEssNo TAB..-Cover the frame
plainly with a pretty shade of silesia in
light blue or pink. lake a flounce of
scrim, with a hem on the bottom, and an
edging of linen lace. Eimbroider a vine
above the hem in bright-colored crowels.
Make a scarf of scrim for (lie top, with
embroidered and trinined ends to match
the flounce. If the table has no frame for
Lhe glass, you may hang any glass over it,
then fasten a large hook in the wall above,
aid from this hang a drapery of scrini,
tent-fashion. Line this drapery and em
broidery, and trini with lace to match the
balance of the table.
PARKERn HousI R oi.L.-One pint of
cold boiled milk, two quarts of flour, 0110
large tablespoonful of lard rubbed into the
flour; make a hole in the middle of the
llour take one full cup of yeast, one-half
cup of sugar, add the milk and pour into
the dlour with a little salt; let it stand as
it is until morning, then knead it hard and
let it rise ; knead again at four in the after
noon; cut out ready to bake and let it rise
again. Bane twenty minutes.
VxAj. LOAF. -Take three and one-half
pounds of veal, tat and lean, one thick
slice of fat salt pork ; chop the whole raw;
take six connuon crackert pounded line,
two eggs, one-half a cup of butter, one
tablespoonful of pel)l)er, a little clove and
any herb to suit the taste. Mix all well
together, and bake into a shallow baking
pan with a little wiater, cover with bits
of butter, and dredge flour over it ; bake
slowly two hours, basting it as you would
meat. This is nice cut in thin slices for a
tea dish, and it willi keep good for sonic
FaleANDE1.is.--Take cold beef, veal.orm
any other meat, the more variety the bet
ter, hash it fine, and mix with it two eg,~s,
a little grated onion, nielted butter, two
crackers pounded, pelper, salt. F"ormn
Into balls and fry in butter-. Serve with
drawn butter lavored wvith lemojn.
GlNuiit SNArs8. -Bring to a si-ald oiie
cup of molasses and stir in one tablespoon
ful of soda ; pour It, while foaming, over
flue cup of sugar, 011e egg, one table
spoconful of ginger, beaten tcgether ; then
add 0110 tablespoonful of vingar. Fiour
enough to roll stirred iu as lightly as pos
A Piu~r,: Fu~ix -Make a 1ight,
smocothi frame of pine. Mark the size of
the pictuie on thme back, and glue on niar
row strips of wood to hold it, in place;
then cover the right side of the iraiine
neatly with velvei, gluing it dlowni and it.
tinug the edges smoothly. Uover the back
with cambric, cut, to tit, and put in a glass
if neceded.
CANDm.as are sometimies kept burning ini
sick -rooms or nuiseries the whole night.
An easy method or preventing a too. rapidl
conmbustion is to, place salt, tinly powdered
fr-om the tallow 1,o thle black part, of the
wick of' a partly--burnit caindle. Of course,
the light, is only sunilient for a berl-cham
diE~iir LuNOins.-llalf a cup of melted
b~utter-, two inbhlespoonfuls o1 sgar, 0one
cupi of sweet inilk, two teaspoonluls of
cream tartar, 0110 tenspoonflI soda, two
eggs, three curs llour, aid a little salt,.
linke in small eups twenty minmuts.
Wuim u~ Ar -One ind a half cups of
sugaur, half cupI of butter, two cuips or flour.
hlf~ cup1 of sweet, milk, half a teaispoonful
of saleratus, onie leas~poonfuli of cream of
tartar, three eggs; flavor withI 101mon1.
A L.ADY says thatt to kIll insects shte u-,ee
one teaspoonuilii of l.erosenu to a gallon or
water, and1( sprmlkles it ni thme p~hanlts with
a hiand- broom. It, destroys green likes and
othe r pests.
Do~uousmus.-One Cluar, flour, one egg,
cne-half eupI sugar, onie cup sweet nuiik,six
teaspoonfuls mieltedt lard, two even spoon
fiuls cream tartar, cine even spoon lil of
TuAT straw matting may be cleaned
with a large coarse cloth, dipped ini salt,
and water, and1( then wviped dry. Thec salt
1)1events the straw from turning yellow.
TJA-r buttermilk is excellent for clean
ing sponges. Steep) the sp)onge in mt' iclr
sonie liours, theii squeeze it out, and . ..sh
it, in cold water. Leunon juice is aliso
TPuA'r p)otato wvat r in which p~otat~oes
have been scraped, the water biettg allow
ed to settle 'itud atlterwarud strainedt, is good
for sponging dirt, out of silk.
PL.Ais J UuuLira --Oue pound of flour,
one-thalf p~ounoI of sugar, one-halt pound
of buitter, 0111 egg, essenic. of temion, or
lemon pe1el ; bake in a qiuick oven.
SKKILnToNs.-Tiwo eggs, three table
spoonluas of sugar aind one tabtesp-oonhul
of batter, flour to make very stiff. 1hell
very thin and cut, in tncy shiapes.
Uoiw meats cut im thin slices, servedh
with hot gravies and Vegetables, aru good
in the znorninig.
Sorr Cmuina.-Clean the crabs, dip them
in beaiten egir, theb in cracker crumbs, aind
fry in hot lidr.
Tux other night a policeman observed a
man hanging around the entrance to a
Michigan avenue hall in a queer sort of
way, and he asked him if he belonged to
the order thou in session up stairs. The
man replied that he-did, and the officor in
"Then why don't you go up ?"
"Well, I was thinking of it."
"Haven't been expelled, have you?"
"Oh, no."
"Aren't afraid of anybody ?"
"And you haven't lost your interest?"
"I might as well tell you,".said the man
after beating around awhile longer. "I
went down to Toledo a few days ago, and
somehow the-story came bac here that I
was drowned. My lodge thereupon passed
resolutions to the effect that I was honest,
upright and liberal and shining ornament,
and that what was its loss was ny gain. I
wasn't drowned, as you see, but I kind o'
hate to walk in on 'em and bust those reso
lutions. L've tried it three times, and I
can't get higher up than the fifth stair be
fore I weaken."
AT the mechanical school: , "Now,
John, did you ever see a saw ?" "Yes,
did you ever see a saw ?" "Yes, sir, I've
saw a saw." "What saw was it you saw,
John ?" "It was a see-saw. sir." A sea
saucer I Why, John, what do you niean?"
"6I mean a see-saw, air." " 'And whei did
you see the sea?" 'Oh, sir, I didn't see
the sea; I saw the saw, sir." "But if you
only saw the saw how saw you the
saucer ?" "Why, sir, I never saw the
saucer; I see the saw, sir-sc ?" "Well,
my boy, if that's the way you see the
saws, the less saws you see the better.
You may take your seat.
DEAooN lHUNT was naturally It high-tem
pered man, and used to beat his oxen over
their hlads, as all his neighbors did. It
was observed that when lie became a
Christian his cattle were remarkably do
cile. A friend inquired into the secret.
"Why," said the decon, "formerly, when
my oxen were a little contrary, I flew into
at passion and beat then unmercifully;
this made the natter worse. Now, when
they do noL behave well, I go behind the
load, sit down; and sing 'Old liun.red. I
don't know how it is, but the psalm tune
has a surprising effect upon my oxen."
A cou.unic profe3sor,who was very rigid
as to graminier, suspecting that a surreptiti
oes game of .ards was going on in one of
the college rooms, knocked at the door.
"Who's there ?" was the response. 'it's
me-Prefessor Simpson,'' was tihe reply.
''You lie,' roared one of the students;
"Professor Simpson never'd say 'It is mel"
He'd saidi, 'it is II" so you be oi or pIl
break your head V Tho Profe-sor saw the
boys had him, and qiietly left.
"'How in tha world," a'sked a lady of a
neighbor, "can I prevent my boy from
stealing sugar out of the sugar-bowl ?"
"I know low you can stop his Stealing
sugar out of the sugar-bowl," was tbe re
"How ?"
"By simply putting the sugar in the
milk pitcher."
To the oft repeated question of "Waere
was Moses when the hgnt, went out?" we
would tinally venture to anhwer that lie
was giving the farmer's daurhter on the
other side of the creek a gaime, and telling
her he was going to the ball t.hat eve. If
you don't beleve it, ask Bob.
IT was once sa'd of llorace Greely, "lie
is a self-made man aind wVorships) hii crea
tor;" but, lorace never wenit, so fari as to
TnE new (iar, it seems, stays strictly
withiin doors and plays with the chiuldre.'i
So long as he doesn't play the flute or. ac
eordeonovitchki his life, we believe, is in
no tdanger.
'I ins is his fIrst season on a farin, and lie
has planted teunacreu with ol tomato-cais.
tie exlpecels t he ground will proiiuce a hieavy
crop) of cannledi tomaitoes.
TniousANus of Detroit boys are iiear
ltighited. They will yell just as loudly at a
boy playing niarbles in the samte ring as
one flyve bilocks away.
Jt'sr now the women load( theoir dresses
down with beads. Next year it nmay h~e
the fasihion to wear from tliurty to eightty
cow belih. Nothing Is too romantic t<or a
wotman to adopt.
TE .Albany E.eput& (stalwart) has a
timely article on the great qu~estion, "M~ay'
a man miarry lisa deadi wifesa sister ?"
Mlu. T'osON of P'hiiladeilhia hiai se..
cured1( a dlivorce from his iie. Theli goodi
lady1 probably (din't nmind her p's aiid Ih's.
Poxu-Says Rloscoe to Tho'nas, "Let's
cut ol oili ose3." ''Aye," saysa Thloaias
to Rtoscee, '"just as you say, my miatter."
Jiu Bagxzrr prFopesL to sail around the
worldh in a yacht. W ill not soimebody see
it lie cah't, discover a juniping-uolf lace' ?
"'Pu AY, madam, why dh: you give youri
lhen suchl a peculiar niamie as Macduff?'"
"'Lecuise, sir. I wantd her to 'lay on.' '
Yono swsi.i. ; "'I should liie to have
my ni usltache dlyed." Polite barber:
'"Certainly ; did you bring it with you 7''
Tu'n aarcheory cltibs have coimmened~
practicinug, anti Ithe glass.-eye ma~iu nfctory
in P'ittsburg is workinig double tune.
'Tia ex Senators r'esemible the mana who
was being drawn outi of a dleepl well. Th'ley
let go to spit on their haudi3.
TiHiE scheme for a new militia lawv ap
pears to rest, largely uipon the conivichion
that the natioiia'guardl is N. U.
A Mit Ce(Ai. witeir salys chiildre'n i'eed
more wvraps thtan adults. Th'key generally
get, more.
Tins man "'whose dheparture left a blank
in the house"' did( not (lie ; he wias a ceon
sius takter, and~ wvill retturn again.
Ai.MtosT any good singer can get, up on a
high note, but It, is the loan notes that
trouble tihe average citizen.
"Wny, are you alive yet, nmy old friend?
I heard you were (lead." "Nie friend you
are. You dlid't even come tu my funeral."
"'Tis, not the. whole of life to live nor
all of death11 to die," 'tis raising cash to pay
OUt b)ills that worries vou anti I.
.IOA(JUIN Mi-LnR says lie has wept ont
reading somne of his own poems. lightt! 8.
shiouldi we if we had writte.n 'cm.
A GENT~i.MN up tciwn has naned lis
dog Penny, because it was one sent t~o
SUOIAncoA-r a fool wvith money and the
word's nnnnine will swallow him.
The cultivation of hemp hag of late
years attained considerable proportions in
Mexico. After the ground intended for
use has been cleared, and all the shrubs and
weeds burned, the Indidn'laborers dig pit$
six to eight feet apart. The young plants
are placed in these pits and left to take
care of themselves. They require from
five to seven years to attain their full
growth, and live about fifteen years. Fach
plant produces about twenty-six leaves a
year, each leaf being four feet long, and
making threo-quarters of an ounce of fiber.
(Cleaveland Leader.)
Mr. Orlaido Weatherbee, says an ex
change of ours, proprietor "The Spencer
Pharmacy," Spencer, Mass., reports: My
customers speak very highly of the Great
German Rtemedy, St. Jacob's Oil, it having
always given excellent satisfaction. One
of then, Mr. Ilenry Belcher, has been
greatly benefited by its use in a case of
severe rhuimatisn, and he refers to it in
terms of highest praise.
"According to. the experiments of At.
Grchant, air containg 1-300 of its volume of
carbon dioxide proved fatal to a dog which
inhaled It for fifty minutes. With another
(log of .the same size the fatal dose was
1-250. A rabbit resisted various propor
tions of mixtures of air and o~irbon dioxide
uitil the latter rose to 1-60 of the volume
of air ; while a sparrow (lied with 1.500.
A new method of producing light from
electricity has been patented in England.
Small balls of platinum or iridium are ar
ranged at the ends of snill platinum rods
enclosed in pairs in the center of a suit
able globe, and a rapid sicesuion of sparks
is passed between theni, whereby they are
raised to incandescent heat. A disadvan
tage is the noise attendant on the rapid
(Glen's Falls, (N. Y.) Tiies.)
A card.
Rev. Ali. L. N. S-r. Oos,
Dear Sir.--Will you please state below
what satisfaction St. Jacob's Oil gives you,
which you got of us some time ago, and
LzaoGxr & BUsia.
Very effective.
L. N. St. Oxas,
The Photographic News describes a de
tective camera, the invention of Mr. Bolas.
It is like a shoeblack's block, and may be
slung over the shoulder with a strap. It
carries gelatine plates already in posstion
and a lens that, is always in focus for any
distance fron twenty to thirty feet. It
may be dropped In the street any time the
owner sees a group he wants a picture of.
Wlien it touches the ground a bulb is
squeezed and the exposure is made.
'6 I
A curious fact has been noted by Prof.
Von Tiegliam. The cells in the root of an
apple tree underwent alcoholic fermenta
tion when the soil was very damp. The
tree then presented a very sickly appear
Fronm the liub.
There is periaps no tonie otered to the
people tat posesse, as muich real intrins:c
Value is the iiop litt':rs. Just ait this sea
8on of the year, when the stomach needs
an appetizer, or the blood needs pturi
fying, the cheapest and best remedy is
1101) Bitters. An ince of prevention is
worth it pound of cutre, donl't wait uintil you
ire prostrat ed by a disease that may take
nionthis for you to recover in.-- Boston
C'loth goods dlyed of a rust, bulf, or cha
mois color * wvith salts of iron are found
somletimes to undergo a slow combustion.
M. IBalland oifers this explanation of the
fact: The ferric oxideo is alternately re
diuced lby the organic matter of the issue
and reoxidized by the oxygen of the air.
A/r. Ground nmaintaiis that, the phiiloso
phy of lierbiert Spencer is hopelessly itlog
ical, and1( that the analysis of it is in direct,
contradict ion to the synithesis.
41!. ./auemann proposes to miainufeure
ani impriiovedl soap1 by dissolvmng twenty
eight, parts of soda ash in ene hundred
paii~rs of imolausses, andt thlen stitrinig ini one
hundred parts of oleic acId.
Wheat Alla You?
I' it a disordered liver ivamg you a yellow
Akin or co-t.vo howois ; wihih have re:subod
ini dli.iro sia ii c's, or do vosir kidneys re
fus., to p rformn ti ir fnntion., ? If ro. your
syntomi wili soon be elhagott with po5sons.
Tiaiko a few dhoses of Ki loea-WVort, and yeou11
foel like a now man-nature will LIJrOW cif
ovory .impediment andi uco. org~an will be
roady for uiv. iirugos ii soil both the urf
and iiqmd. -Eoaunsviid Tribune.
A .MaN eiiiered a shop where arc sold
thei orniainell i miottoes, iiore or less coim
framied anmd hiiiig in houses, such as "'Wel
comeii," "llless omr Ioiie,"' etc. lie in..
spuecited the stock, bu'.apmlpeatred dIissatislled.
"W'e have a largre assortmenct," said the
otliciouis propiietor, "a'ndh can ceiainly
suit you with ainyhing ini the market "'
"Wa'al" suaid thle man. " I'mi at lookm'
fori soimethini' to hmang. iup in a diinin'-room
striike jest what I waniit. ''
"'But if you1 will give me an idea of the
seiitiiiient . I aim sire we enni sipply yrtii
iieed11. Ouir iim is to sni t ouir paitr'oins,'
"Wn11'al,'" tial thle mun, "'I can't jest
put ii ie rigl' t way, but. l'! tell ye, no0w.
TPhe ideec ol what I waint to putL iup is,
"DJarn our boaitlin'-hoiise Il' "'
A4 N .:. gentleniian in Alar3liitd saiid
hn ea t r:nsed, h nis fami ly ou "'Sellers'
I,. Ver id s, "' ialiI 'ostsiderecd thieuin altlost
as essential to a famtily as bread. T'hat's
Two ladies, b'andsomely dlressedl, centeredl
a cur. A gent lemnan rose and offered one
of them: a seat. blue said - to the othier
lady: "Dear, you take it, I aim very
Iiredi, but y'ou are much more tired thain I
ami."' Th'e ot tier saidl :'"o, dear ; you
look so weary, andi 1 can't rot) you of it."'
Then another gentleman iose, both the
Iadies took seats, andl one said :'"What
a lovely time we have had. 1 feel so
imich brighter for runnmng out,"' wvhile the
other replied :"1 haven't felt so well for
ages. Shopping is a great pleasure. I'm
all in ai glow."
Iiedi-Iiagu, noenes,
flats, eats, mico, ants, flies, Insects, cleared
out by "itongh on Itats." 150., druggists.
Miitssis. ?iMoioAN a IJBADLY. Atutual Life
ihmiunig,'ciinth andl chestnut.stren i isy(ayn
hand1( a Superb stock or oxtra ine riual ity Dila
mionasi, wich thecy otTer at, as low prices as
stones of the tirst qualiy, perfect alike in color
an~d shape, cain be soul for.
If You Are Sic'k, Itead
the litney- vort *\dvertndeom ini another
colanon andt it will expiain to ye. u thec ratioal
miettud of geut ng utoil. .danor-Wort wVll
nave you inor doctor',. blisa than a'ny other
micino~i knowni. Actimg w'ithi nupoilOii nrgy
on thne ikdes eand liver, it cures the worst
diseasesi eausedu by taeir derangenumnt (J~o
it at onico. hin dry' and liqmd heom ithner Is
<qunaty efliein, then hqnad is the esiet,. but
Chills, Shakes.
DRn. H. R. 5i'avuxs: TARSoNo, N. 0.. 18TS:
Dear Sir :-I feel very grateful for what your
valuable medicno, Vegetin', has done in my
family. I wish to express my thanks by inform
Ing you of the wonderful oure of my son; also,
to lot you know that Vegotino Is the best medi
cine I ever saw for CuiLLs, SHAKas, FnvXa and
Aous. My son was siek with measles In 8TS
which left him with lil-joint disease. My soi
suffered a great deal of pain all of the time; the
pain was so great he d.d nothing but dry. The
doctors did 110. help him a particle, he could not
lift his foot from the foor; he could not move
wit hout crutelkes, I road your adverti-ement
in tho "Leulsville Courier-Journal,' that Vege
Line was a great Blood Puriller and Blood Food.
I tried one bottle, which was a great benefL
UO kopt on with the medicine. gr-idually gain.
inHg. e has taken eighteen bottles in all, and
he la comipletely restored to health; walks with
out crutolies or cano. Ilo is twenty years of
age. I have a younger son, Ifteen years of ago,
who Is subject to Curas. Whenever he feel@
one coming on, he oones In. takes a dose of
Vegetine. and that Is the last of the Chill. Veg
etino loavo no ba-l effect upon tie system like
in-8t of the med cines recommended for Chills.
I eticorfully recommend Vogetine for ouch com
plaints. I think It In the greatest medicine LP
iJo world.
Rtespectfully. MRlS. J. W. LLOYD.
VzoE'rw.-When the blood becomei lifeles
and stagnan', elth r from oaango of weather or
of eitmate, want of exercite, irregular diet, or
Irom any other cause, the VsZTINN will renew
the blood. carry of the putrid humors. cleanse
the stomavh, regulate tie bowels, and impart
a tone or vigor to ttbo wholo body.
Druggists' Testimony.
Dear Sir-We have been selling your remedy,
the Vegetino, for about three years, and take
pleasure in reconnmending it to our custoners
and in no instance where a blood purifier would
reach the case has it ever failed to effect'a cure,
to oir knowledge. It certainly is the no plus Ultra
of rcuovators. lespectfully,
E. M. SUIllD & 0., Druggists
Mt. Vernon, illinois.
Prepared by
[Ha IR. S 1ICV14iNS3, BosToN, Mass.
Vegetine is iSld by Alt Drugyists.
Is a Positive Curo
fbr all thoe PaInttl Consplainte and Wenknieases
so tommo toonrhet, femntie population.
It will cure entirely the worst form of F-emale Com
plaLnts, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera
tion Falling amul Displneenments, and tho constguemnt
Spinal Weakness, ands particularly adapted to tleo
Clinigo of Life.
It will (imssolvo and expel tmomors fromi the titeras in
an early stage of develolmenit. Tho tlenecy to enn
cerous hunmorsmthere is elmecked veryspeetily by its mie.
It removes fmdntnem, fintulenu'y, destroymnill crat iig
forat imulmants, atnd melieve s-mwenknesse of the, stomach.
It cures Illontinig, Htendnaehem-, Nervoumis i'rmosratton,
General Deliity, itleelessnessim, Depiresionm ammd .mndl
~That feeling of heanring domwnm, eanusing pammin, wir.ghtl
andi hnemkachemm, 1m ti s n -aprmrnanentmly cured-m biy It- uso.
It w-ill at all tinmes andm .unider ali circumm~msnes am-I in
harimony wiit h the laws thmat governi thme femmli syste-m.
For limo eur-omof leidnmey Compilmaimntm of either sex ti.!e
Compounmd is umr -murpaamsedi.
POUND is prep red ait 223 and, 23.' Wemsternm Avenuem,
Lynn, Mass. Priicom 01. SIx bmmtlesfor 85. Sent bmy mail
inm the fornm of pIlmm, also in thmo form omf lozenmges, onm
veceiptl of price, 01 per box for either-. 1Mrs. P'inkhsam
frelyans~wers alli h-tter, or itluiry. Sm-mit for pamuph-m
lot, Address mam above-. .llenion this llmer.
No fanmily shommuldi bm- withmout I.I>IA E. IiNgI1AM'S
LIVEII i'li XiS. I ocy curou consipittionm, bllousnom,
mand toriity of thme liver. 25 centis pier box.
.ar Ioldl by all Drmuggmtms.5 '
Thatmm Acts at thme tim lne on
B~camue wme amllom thesem' great organiis to
beco~me cloggedL or torpid, anmd pmoleonmous
hummmors ar- themre 'ore forced into thme blood
AN lb NEitIOUS ibIHoltDbEilA,
byv catuitgfre'e aiction of thesem (organsm and(
- restoringq thei e power to thirow ii' $ dtisease.
Why uniYer~ lillouis pafins andm aehes?
Whly tormmentied with P'liesm, C!onistiipaloni
Whiy frighiteniemd over dlisoimderedl Iineyml
Whly endlure noervoiu or sick hemmdnelmesl
Use K( IDN EY-WVORTndm rejoi-e in healtA.
It is pumt ump ini Dry Vegetablo Form, in liin
canmsonmo pmnm-knge mof wichiml makmes mix mluarrts of
mediinomm. Atlso in lItquid Form, very Conceon.
t iact nts with equmal emelonmey in meithmer form. I
M oETr IT O1' YOtlt ItUGisT. ittCE. $1.00~
W LLStlCH A ItDSON & Co., P'rop's,
tllimte drmy posmaamd.) InUitiNroN, v7.
If yog me a ma If y-u ar-ea
of hunness~-iweafk- imanm of let,
ened bmy lim hetraini of terstloiinmgovermn
your dutiies avomid nmightl work,* to res
.1timmulanitmand use lore birain nmervoand
Hop Blis. wiasto, use H op B.
If yom aro young m a nd suffrinmg from anmy in.
discretion or dfssipma tion ; if youm are mar-.
riod or ingle, oldi or young, sufiferinig from
poorlmealth or lanigish ig on a bed of sick
nesms, rely oin H o p Bitters.
Whioever y c mm are Thomusandam die an
whenmever y ou feel nalaly t ro m soime
thal y o mu r stmem formi of K I d ney
nm-eds cei(ansmin ,. lon. isiease Inat mimigit
ing or stimu sting, have heoni proeened
.without mn lreatingm, ibya t im el y usemof
Sa k o H op HopBitters
aInto ymu dits.
pepsi,,, kiudney o .o
pmaIm seose is an absolute
of time stomach~i and irresista
tm'emvs, bloodblourfr
Iiuer ormnermes i . ' iunkenne s,
You wilt li seofa coiu,
If youi are sim. ~ Rold bymdrug.
owprie~ty NEVER Circular.
saved hun hae~tY
direds. -- aormnt, Ont.
SNLEIN' Brain F cures Ni-rvous De
bility ans Woaknmen or tloneratilve lrgans *1
admrmuginl. lonmd for circular to Alilon's Plar
macmy. 3118 First Avenume N. V
Thaoee anawerung an Advertiseumens i
eonfer a savor upon the Advertiser and time
Vublisher byst a~ngthatthey saw the adver.
Masmnant In thIs bnn Inaminar Oh. naner.
"Nion cool lemonade, inado in ti
shade," will soon be the cry that will gre
one on every hand, and the party from: t
rural districts will drink the big glasses <
colored water with stray scraps of lemo
peelings floating around on top with s
much gusto as a young blood tackling
bottle of Piper Heldsio.
Wonmn's '.'isdoam.
"She insists that 18 nore importanc
that her fanily shall be kept in full healti
than that she slould have all the fashioni
ble dresses and styles of the tillies. 81
therefore sees to it, that eachi itoniber i
her family is supplieid with enough Ilc
Bitters, at the first appearance of any syii
toies of ill health, to prevent a fit of sic1
ness with its attendant expense, care at
anxiety. All woni should exercise the
wisdoin in this way."-ED.
Wii a man ain't good for anythi)
else, he is about right to sit on a jury.
A MiL.I.ON bottles of UARBoLINR, a di
odorized extract of petroletun, will pri
duco new hair on a inillion bald head
which is something that no other prepar
tion ever discovered will do.
Do you bolieve in the Bible, and if i
which one I
Wo-iEx that have bcen pronounced it
Durable by the best physicians have bec
coipletely clredl by Lydia 1C. Pinkhlian
Vegetab.e Compound.
Bui.vA Looiwoon will not go to Chili 1i1
year. Some oLher year.
"LINSEY's B1.00D SEAHRciE"-the grei
medicine for fever and agie, imalaria, au
All blood poison. Don't fail to use it.
Tn very nicest thing about the Benate
Its beautiful adjournment.
'V KOTINE (Ioes not act as a cathartic
debilitate the bowels, but cleanses all t1
rgans, enabhing cacti to perlori the fun
tions devolving uilo thein.
A NAlt who had a bad cold said he he
lust set up a rig of his own. it was a i1
.le hoarse anti a h ack.
Feeble anti Sickly Persons
tecover their viltality hy byprstiig a course
lstel tei's stomaiat iht ers.the tile uocsi pipliar i
igllrant ii alterative iieinelnie in te. tener
lbility,. feveran ttud i ig e, diyspepsiat, conistilpat t
-iclvnaiinil, andi oher euit..,hes arve. conpiele
'1n1vcl l b y it. Ask those wtoi have tiseil it wh
L h1.11.4 dollc fir themit.
ior sale Iby all I irnggiss ail niealers genes'rally.
MovebloMeat Hool
letitte it 1,1 y li ctc 1 {. B au
To Bastelsers ndu Provistciont lealeras
.Im 4sc a . iSV rllcE 11 i it the i s cc r11 Ic ri
)cccrred, ccc a th tcl style licc.ks coclleLet s auchi d:
md11 lth~ that they bceem ccc.-nn. c
Offlco, No.2 eoll EI xIt SI. 1litla., Pa
Unlined,or ith1 Copper Poreclain,or iro
Lining.. Fatch one stenellecd with my inme
matitfccturer 1s WarraIt tt~c In aterial ind col
sirtietion. For saile b~y thce best hcouses In ti
trade. If you (10 not knorw where to get thl
p111mp,) write to mie as below, andl I w ill sen
name of agetit nearest yen, whlo will supply yo
at my lowest prices.
CHAR. 0. BLATCHLEY, Ma~nufacturer,
808 Market St., Philadelphia, P1
short time both RICK and NERLV4
the nervous system. elennse the
re&'ular healthy action of the bos
A fuill size box of theso valual
ploto euro, mailed to nusy nddress
stamps. 3for salo by all druggisti
50,.000 %old I ' ihe Anglo-Ansiel
1.t. Because It IS an1 e1xn0t r rrodulcto--Worel
Yersion of Cambnlrcbign. T1cc exac I ce ur rcr of
priting honaca ins inctccMacurc ;tcoot.Ie wh-cht lIt
gu ihrt Ibc alem schrli.ccS--tr. II l T iFA N 1, 1).]),
2d. Bcauitse It contatn< a comrpletce hl~icry ccr ihl
arship or theo world tco prodciuco ac tulccitec ver aloc
graphical cckchsco of the~ I Ienlct mi II engai c u ~ l
N~otlce tihl tantimontic co sli f le- t c Iie.i at w~,. i.
Amorteat, editlol. lIn typc c aplcy, I" c- two k al
friendsfl th, I I .n.oAme ;ca t-itI( in.-J. P . N
Newmacn.-w mi. TI. Hsabinoe, I'. I). , N. Y. "cccI I..tie
snenid It.-Uchae. IP. lloecm-, 1I. 13., N. Y." ' 'ii is
Itronkbt n." PrIenls oS ttc h s A g.lo-.Arcmerl an "
oith,81.s Arabcouric 1,2.00. wcthte~a bIctor
pricsasl teambrItg c IIdcIat, (Jlt,red 'dt--g
4oics inliedl oni receIpt of
50.000 already Id. 1cn tit targ~a 'r tar, at one
W7 None of th. 1Cnglish editltan. ennicti'ni th
ling tres targe pcrintng-'filteis and silhl lt
War SiA sta r . L n rT..... A
Luiwllilo RHEUMATISM1,
4. Blid~ LUMBAGO,
hllmuwu SORENESS
IIIuliliillu1,lili .. CHEST,
g 411l11l1111111111i111 QTTNSY,
lll 11111'lll AND
imunitiililli FR SiED FEE'
Jill EARS,
30 'U37-7L. fT
Jl GHeeral 1Bodily PaO,
itsI011111111111 AND
i e iAND
No Plreparaktion oil eart voI. STa~al S.1 J(Ds Oil, as at UAri
SU , B IM a .n x r al i e t ady trial nklil
but the 4ottiparatively trinlli u.tatar) of RN C T. antd eVr
LO 'to etais- 91 xcri N Ll.vaN LAnMAgNU .
.B'!taimore. .ld.. U. S..
W ie IT liaeto kept aoit In the
Waii ial fori1stn, far Willi the hatito.
ofu "., a . -m ilk min diaiaet' froil
*wid b':qta, aimcethey all fale fromin
tho di illn Hiiaand. Butt tIow. n 11110
wmamisaji-it] vciu~laa, whet aadestraaaueaa
ardl played.
- QlTARTlIt - Iit-1 A'T 'IlE WELL
Wolt ' 01
J. C. H AYNES & CO.,
33 COURT Street,
(Opposite the Court House,) D10STO2.
Jesting niiide. (ornet% are moro anid more popilar
every year, mad ex--eliutt inlugi to lead the ingitiq of
Congracitioams. of (thorusaes, of tiulday Hehools and of
Iay Heltools. With a faill awsortment tof all saindil anid '
Orelkelstrasil intramuaein. of Drialnsa and all
the smaller or Toy osentruunesta, of Sirlgs.
Talintat *age aid alil 31umaleni Merelnmludine.
they are for sale at the abiove storo.
ayne's Automatic Engines
ci a e ta ata 1 llnd ale i a
an u -o er kgae built, ra atediht an Aittomati
lnforationa aid Pricos. II. W.PA iE & SONS
i'hutlers can bn ptsien. t 2. 3, -5, n or six inh 't plart
ntmi l i i i l y t ~' ~ - tiia t idi. A gat a Wi mtau
Fall. Thelbst naaa anesi ihing out. Site at
4iu 3la ter N eet, ?'lhiiplntlhi. Pnm.
R UPE RTUS' Celebratec
OinglefBreach Loading
Doublo Barro?
lircecch Lnoudieep
at $2o mp
orl:zt o dIred lrehTonlag (sunP1 lmes nn
eq rI Itoi tpalani iai aest . onl articles
Bres aidli ) s bin f.|ama nt 5(i) amp.St
VFend a m for rice-at. Pihiadlpha, Pa.
Thme host anr dchaipest lillustrated edition of
the ivisedi New Tesla meont. ?Milions of people
are wnalting for- it.. l)m not be deceived byv the
Cheat> Johnmi publ~hishers of Inferior Edittons. See
i that the copy y-au buvi containsu hl50 tine on
Sfravingsi Ola Noel anal Wood. Agonts are coin
ongamoneoy elling this edition. Send for clrou
d NATIOMAI l PUnar.ISIN Co., Phladelpia, Pa.
#10 a rmaai. t ah ai:em g aranleed ppu
. a- Adidrase YALEC4NIN IROB., Janss le
PHJA,. euro mot ondearftm11y len a very
>USl JIEADACHEi; anad while acting on
utmach of excess of bile, producing a
o PHJAT,, with fuill directions for acm
ion receipt of nine three-cent postago
e t20 ole Proprietors,
HanOAL COMPANY, Blaltimore. Md.
lean is lihe Popuaing E ditiona of thme
rr weal Ine frtin. y~~ fer ran- f tim non urireu
ii -i acy Is doubally unirsnta-edu by tihe f.iltlw i i li-tin.
las ,i grite'sa enamlimn d no r-lu ii or time iil os a lO
'i lsSily Sorlpture, and givos very inatoarretinag bao
Pi p-asinre in~ cea tifying to th aectiracy of She Anglia.
-.a iT. If laa bil. I. I). tial ."' C~mtio m , S'i i ly
asi na D. I9., L,. -I'.. N. Y.'"1 'uordlahty concaur wilt r.
a--I SiSCA pefe rernait. ii gvm nitaur o esam
ila ni. iacliud ng "hIntory ofSa t ah I vem"'(610p ap.),n're
nti .00 . Tia, -l u >wra'of g , eale dy nubsrib
silA t lii08, 2. I a stnnt oueSrngt, Phierphi.
km'rin ieor e l r tt (aai lovIamlon Mloveinn.
iff~las' Jay sende img .=h.t, ..

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