TAE NEWS AND 1PE RALD. 'PUBLUMM D TRI-WEFKXLY -BY KW8F AND-RERA LD COMPANY. TERMS. t ADVANCE: 0&e Year. - - 83.00 six :-vontls. - - - - 1.50 WINNSBORO, S. C. Saturday, October 1. - - 1898 A HARD XAN TO BEAT. We suggested in our last issue that the Democrats would have to take up the fight against Rough Rider Roose volt's eligibility to the Governorship of New York. The New York World said the morniog atter Rossevelt was nomi nated: "The question of Mr. Roose Velt's eligibility was jauntily put aside. It may, however, came up again in the courts if he shall happen to re ceive a majority of the votes. And should the courts declare him ineligible, as many able lawyers think that the must, * * then all the votes caet for him will be void and the man having the largest number of valid votes will be elected and seated." This we think will be a strong point for the Democrats to use,1 and they will need many strong points to de feat the distinguished Roagh Rider. The Democrats will make a great mistake if they attack Roosevelt as a man. He has distinguished himself In whatever position he has been placed. He has shown remarkable executive ability, go3d jadgment, and ibdependence of character, he is ag gressive as well as progressive, and is a man of a great deal 4of force, and the attachment of the Rough Riders, an organization of very divei se and heterogenous elements, proves that he is a man of considerableoerional mag netism. We think to) that the Dem-crats 'ivl make a great blander if they shall follow the examples of the World by asking the voten of New York to repudiate Roosevelt on acciunt of the sentiments expressed id .the following language in his Life of Bent->n: New. Ydrk has alwa) s hid a low politial standard, one or the other of its great party and factional organi zations, and of~en both or all of them. being at all times most inonely bodies of exeessively unwholesome moral tone. This souds like the th >n ghts of a man who is unot afraiid to speak the truth, and it ia apt to imrests the ini telligent and thoughtful and relective citizen as true. Such a citizou is more apt to be attracted towards thbe author than driven from him for having had the manliness and boldness to publish it. The World seeks to play the dema gogue act, and asks: "If this is not pleasant reading for 'the boys' who were commanded to j'whoopit up for Teddy"? The daiger, Lowever, is that many of the quiet voters, who do not "whoop," but whose votes count, may regard the extract as still another strong evidence of Roosevelt's strong individuality, often a very strong fac tor in a candidate's favor especially in unsettled political conditions such as seem to be the c .e in New York. The Democrats had Letter let Roose velh's books "'ore, it they cannot find something more open to criticism than this extract. The chief objection to Roosevelt is that he is a Republican. Ilis Repub licanism and his being a candidate of the Platt ma chine should be made the prominent issue against him. XE. OAKM.AN'S NEW WHEEL. He Tells a Reporter for the News and Courier why he Thinks ii. invention an Imuportant One-Agem Here Approve it. Hetos and Courier. Mr. Oakman, who came to Chtarles ton some days ago with a model of a bicycle with improved driving gear, is still in the city and proposes to get subscriptions to the capital stock of a company, the object of which will be to put the improved wheels on the market. Mr. Oakmtan is a Dative of Chappell's,,S. C , and during his stay in Charleston his new wheel has been examined and approved by Mr. Geo. J. Lannean, agent, Mr. J. H. Rast, superintendent of the Southern Cycle Company, Messrs. Livingston & Co., agents, and Mr. M. P. Mickey, master machinist of the South Carolina and Georgia Railroad. In speaking of his wheel Mr. Oak man said: "With the view of improving the bicycle I carefully studied it in detail, and until the crank was reached I found no room, in oay opinion, for im provement that would cause any radi cal change or be of real merit. But the crank revealed many serious de fects and a field for unlimited improve ment. After a careful study of these I became convinced that the crank machines had reached their limit of usefultess, from the fact, as all riders and experts are aware, it is impossible to ever increase the leverage beyond a Gi or 75 inch crank, because the legs cannot conform to or accommodate themselves to a larger circle than 12 or 14 inches. Therefore they can never be used for any other purpose, nor can a higher rate of speed be generated than is now accomplished. To prove that there is a great advantage in the increase of leverage, suppose we at tempted to drive a wheel with a 2-inch crank; it would be found so impracti.. .cable as to render it a failure, but ex tend it to 6 or 7inches and a practical and useful machine is the result. Now if there is such indisputable advantage in this slight it 3 ase, why should therenot bemi going further? Well, there it, and bey oid any ihadow of doubt, as my model demonstrates, but it is impractical to reach it by means of a crank, and therefore its neful ness ceases at this point. "Again, the leverage of the crank, all know, is not c.astant. It begins at zera, a point known among me chanics as the dead centre, it then in creases until the right anglepoint is half down, when the full or maximam leverage is 1nazhed, but it begins at once to lose again until it is lost at the bottom, where all is lost. This being the case with each sti Ake of c -.ch foot in making the full : zvolution of the craLk shatt, the rr cl ie dep3nds en tirely upon mom-nt, n or sneed in overcoming these weak poin , and while this is not felt much on i ooth, level roads, 'the defects remain all the same and reveal themselves very quickly when a steep hill or sand is attempted. Again, the pedals revolv ing or decribing a full circle, it is im possible to apply the weight of the rider toward propelling, except in a very slight degree. In my invention I claim te have completely overcome all these defects, and open a field for unlimited usefulness. Any length of lever desired can be used. They work automatically, always at their greatest power, and always dIrectly beneath the rider, in consequence of which every pound of his weight becomes a motive or propelling power almost equivalent to steam or any other motor for weight, and does not tire. With levers of the proper length and the combined weight and muscular effort of a man of ordinary size it can be made to easily take the place of light delivery wagons about town or the transportation of passengers to and from railroad depots, and for many purposes that is beyond any crank. "BeEides this a very much higher rate of speed can be obtained and maintained than would be possible for a crank wheel. Sixteen or eighteen miles an hour would be fair speed for this lever machine. In fact it could be driven faster than it could be possible for a man to stay in the saddle. Its application in other useful ways is almost limitless." PECULIAR DISEASE AMONG CATTLE. Prof. Nesom, the vetenarian at Clemson College, has received several communications from people in dif ferent parts or the State relative to a virulent disease amone cattle. In some instances the death rate is be coming alarming, and this morning Governor Ellerbs receivcd a request from President Har-zog that the matter be referred to the veti nary department at -Washington. Governor Ellerbe forwarded the papers at once to Dr. D. E. Salmon, vetenarian of the United Stat-s government.-Columbia R'gister. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot retch the diseased portion of the ear. There iionly one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutiot.al remedies. Deafness is caused by an infiamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamcd you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia entirely closed, Deaf ness is the resnlt, andc unless the in ilmmnation can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be dectroy ed forever; nine eases out of 'en are caused by catarrb, which is nothing but an ini flamed condition of the mucuas sur faces. We will give One Hlundred Dollars for anay case of Deafn -se (caus-ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hlali'5 Catarrh Care. Send for circu lars; free. F. J. CHENEY &~ CO., Toledo, 0 $Sold by Druggists, 75c. ?r~eiHI NDiPO0 RES$ToREs VITALIT) . s Made a -WeIl Man THE mo- ' of Me. URENCH REMEDY produces the zbove result I s 3 as. Cures Ne'osDeit~,Impotnc. Varicocede, Failing Akoay. Stois: ala drains and losses caused by errcrs of youth. It wards off In hoo and Od Men recovr 1.et7ul igo.a t gives vigor and size to shrue~ken~ organs, and fits a man for business or tnarria. E. aily carried in he vest pocket. Price O TC 6 Ttoxes s2-5c by mail, in plain pack- O r)a ge , w it h written guarantee. DL Jt EA O'HA.R RA. Paris Sold only by J. J. OBEAR, Drug gist, Winnsboro, S. C. Opens last Wednesday in September. Attendance last year from Ten States and Mexico. Two courses leadIng to the degrees of A. B. and B. S. Totat expenses for the nine months in the I $415.00. .In private families $135.00. Spadious and comnfortable "Home," complete and equipped with modern conegiences of bath rooms, &c. En tire building heated by hot water sys tem. W rite for Catalogue to 7-14 President. OThe Equitable *Life Assurance Society *of the United States. The management of the Equitable Life A seurance Society in this territy is desirous of secur ing the service of a man of char ac:er and ability to represent its interest with Winnsboro as head *quarters. The right man wi:t be *thorcughly educated in the se'ence eof life insurance and the art of successful soliciting. 'lherp is aio *business or profession not re *quiring capital which is more re m iunerative than a life agency conducted with energyand abil ity'. Correspondence with mern -who desire to secnre permanent employment and are ambitions to attain prominence in the profes sion is invited. W.1-3 J. RODi)EY, Mgr., 3-19-3m ick Hill1, S. C. IUP M nd whskey abits erdat home'wlth poun nook of par tluaIsent FREE. ~QE~woLLYMD. * .- r st AN OPEIN To M WE ARE ASSERTING J: TIIE EXCLUSIVE USE OF "PITCIIER'S CASTOR,-' I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHE was the originator of "( has borne and does now ca the fac-simile signature c This is the original "C A ST the homes of the Mothers of LOOK CAREFULLY ct the kind you have always bou and has the signature per. No one has authority The Centaur Company, of whi March 24,1898. Do Not ] Do not endanger the lif a cheap substitute which (because he makes a few gredients of which even "The Kind You E BEARS THE -Th& Kind That T1s e CENTAUR theOrgA. 77 cople-te. Iftee san eosi SOLD ATDRG TBB. . SH EOSTE'S AE a me irectdIreleved upo fewe eld Cos~uty, the okofgods atere 4'rchndise of laoW Be sotee om ee ftr sanyBos & Co t R.l doE ELON, S. e .' C. WnSOro, S. DC., St. 1 L 19. BY VIRTUE OF A EXEUUTIO o me directed, I have levied upon at ill sell teor the ort Hush do< TUEDAY, T DAYOCOF nextt BtaE, 1898, an being .. in 3aie field Counyed~ estoc of gods of mearc;sh bandieoW.Bte. eldbyW pon as the propt of . . Wallant Sos the roson & Siglf. R . E LLISON, .C Winnsboro, S. C., Sept. 9, 1898. 9-10td Sheriff's__Sale. BYTVATE OF UT CAROLIA tom Iret have levied upon ais wil thel befretcah Ciddr, boe do 'utouein Winnsboro, on tFR TRMONDAY IN OBRUeTB exefollowing described tra a tua laing dande ten act rfei H.uty M.naig 123 acres, Borne a;south Caaby aier held by C.Vi Wllcearut; west by roa Joe;dnor fro Wulckvnigham.otubi a thsotceooad snrt bo. sa. p3croad aond Clark lands wevi atmhsu of .tevMcoaster;nrthanf sTebyrams of ale C.ash. R. E. ELLISON, 1tdS. F. C. ,ikCOU2IPWFFARIED B irt of auhrtBestd othellinghot apbirepa fre tydl :eto n delin s taxshes dress Lib 47 acrO. Bound7 ~p C .,' T.% R; 2;/ni ass--,- e7 'l TO 1" ie -ame G O R 1 A" hih has becu us:ed A eia for over thirtU UY., the 7.WraDvend see that it i, ght _..--- on the '.1 72U Id! I)-cue2 from;, me Lro use my znme except 07 Chas. .Fletcher is Presiet . 3e Deceived. of your child by ars. some druggist may offer youi more pennieson it), the in he does ndt know. ave Always Bought" SIGNATURE OF m L Having Never Failed You, 1jv.1f:AY Z' GTC-. ?CWYOMR CITY. Motherhood W y HIS event in the life of a wo- tAt man is looked forward to with . . a feeling akin to horror-not because the little one is not welcome, but because the mtther dreads the direful'consequences - to herself. Those long hours of agonizing labor statid out before her like a hideous sightmare. An improper delivery,- followed by child-bed fever, may'end the scene . - in a few short days, leaving the little one motherless. But there is another side to the picture. If women who are expecting to be come mothers will commence the use of the great female tonic, As before confement, and continue (ored to theiri~zidrilondition, the.. d, the pain lessened, d recovery i~ reness, move the bow gently wih er Regulator. ,lj ISTLE e CO., Proprs,, C 008A, TENN... = - f. S d " Before. d wife began usin Mother's Friend she could hardly Sget aroinrd7I do Inot tlih ilz she could along without it now. She has used it for two Nmonths. and it is a great help to > her. She does T~ hi e r housewor~k ec without trouble." lMotheris Friend is an extcrnal liniment for expectant Smothers to use. It gives them Lstrength to attend to their household Sduties almost to the hour of confine d ient. It is the one and only prepara e tion that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness.- It is the only remedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It is tIe only remedy that inaies labor short and delivery easy. It is the only remedy that puts the breasts in condition so that swelling or rising is impossible. Don't take medicines interunally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Mother's Priend is sold by druggists for $1. Send for our free ilustrated book. Tme Bradfield lRegtilator Co., Atlanta, Ga. *ARE YOU1i IBANKRUPTinheath, jconstitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre dgarding. the laws of nature, e physical capital all gone, if sc NEVER DESPAIR o Putt's Liver Pills will1 curec y o. SFor sick headache, dyspeps:;. ' sour stomach, malaria, torp= liver, constipation, biliousnQ; - and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pili: an absolute cure. ~ChIhestr'' English Diaznond Brund. ENNYRMVOYAL PIL [ have just received the last barrel of Porto Rico Iolssos THAT WAS CAPTURED in the last battle on the 6th of June by Sampson's fleet. ALSO A BARREL OF BEST N. 0. MOLASSES and other lower grades. 2 cases udahy's Hams, t&e best iams In th.- ma= t 200 lbs. Boneless Hams. 200 lbs. English Breakfast Strips. 1@0 lbs. Bologna San!;age. 3 barrels te Fish. 2 barrels Nfackerelf.h All kinds fresh Canned Goods and One Groceries. A lot of fine Tea; and Sugar. Also the finest Arica Coffee. C t and see me before you purchase. I think 'von will find it to your advan tage. J.0. MLCCARLEY & cot First Clas Wort -CALL ON C. M. CHANDLER Jeweler alSilversii. I RYE,4 BARLEY, J CRIMSON CLOVER. WHEAT, 4 LUCERNE AND ! CLOVER. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN~T a MUL ES. PElISONS INDEBTED TO ME for any of the above stock since last spi i n1 giig tcir no'es for same, Octo .a e and the first of November, 1898, will prepare to meet the same, as prompt payment will be required. Bugie~n D. COWS and CALVES. I still have a 'fc'. on hand. I wil ayttle ihet cash price f->r ; cor A. WILLIFORD. Winnsborn, ,. C. UNDER TAKING IN ALL ITS DEARTMENF'S, vith a fall stock of Caskets, Burial asces and Coffins, constantly on hand, al shn'fnl for pat patron~age and eoi~ a ion for a stare in the fntuare, in the aisatended to a: all hours. J THE ELLIOTT GIN SHOP, J. M, E LLIO'IT & Co I 71r JAS. H. CARLIS otb. Colle flHmulatd, forar rl Gives fR od Cole Nataix lee and Forty-fifth year begins Sept. 29, 189! For Catalogue or Wofford Co J. A. GAD We Fa Cori - improve pondence SOUTHERN RAILWAY. entral Time Between Columbia and Jac. sonville. F.astern Time Between Co Iumbia and Other Points. Effective July 6, 128. No. 38 No. 33 Northbound Daily. Dally. ,-.xJvilie, F.C.&P.Ry ......... 8 00&a 650 P Savnn .......... ...12 08p 11 20v .Columbl ................. 4 05p 4243 v. Char'ton,SC&GR....... 7 Oa . Columbia..................10550 X x. Anastanburg, So. Ry...... r. Asheville................603p 245p I,. Augusta So. .........2lOp 93SP Granitevile ............ 2 p 10 1.5 P " Trenton. .............i p 1OP 1 .Tohnstons... .......... 319p 11 2p r. Colum'aUn. dep't....... p 2 10a ,v Col'bia land's St...........5 P 53 1 Wirtnsboro............... p 8a ' Chester ...... .... ...... 6 54p 7 ... ' Rock il .......... ........ p a X. Charlotte....... ............S81P 900. Greensboro........... 10 43p 12 1op ,v. Greensboro ............ 10 50P . xr.Norfoik........ .... ..7 50a . A D ili...~...............Si 1 85P .Ricbmond............ .6403 0 25p ------------ 1 0 p642 930p B BlimorPLR.......83. p 10 1 A Phladepha......3.1915 1 258. A NewYork...... 4.. 12 4p 230 v.New~rZ~a.l.R......42p 61285 a B hladlpha........6 54p 7 8a Baltimre . . 7.26p 7 58 a v.Wcahton, o.B8.154p 91003a . reehndro.............i10 43t 1201m v.DGreen~sboro............... 1050p ...... v. Norfolk....... ....... 7 0 a... *rDaenile................. 15p 85 .r.eRich od...............7064 a 62p Cr.Wshoto...............9642a 9850p Ba~ltmr..........18020a 1185p c Chieer...............l10 15a 2 56 a Ne WinYork...............li12 122p6. Srol uhbond'g. 14No. 37 . 5 v. onmba~mn~cps D.ily. 400l. Philelpha...............2G55p 8500a ABGatire.............8 08p 8251. L Rchmnd.................10n 8201m 1. Davlle ................8 520 a 6O1p 'v. Noarfolk................1 40 65 ...... t. CreeboroS .&..3............ * Charleo...............8 0 10 *. Cohste ............. a 24. *aWnnaboh.................4 7 8 'r Jahsons.................9 5 5 Grallnteile pass. ger..e..c......e . uut .... ld .............. it diin sad. A s l..c.....r...f..h.....e , pakonburg............... ngto PvuCl'ba, SleepiGR... C ..bten hrot ~een(3rensoroandNorol0 C20s ac11neC . .-cnii~e nd 1e rokand P 87 1.1 rp, ~8 08p, 6D 25a time veare pre are to05 offer 615 SLEIGRTFORD i1CE These an Nwheesorek. No.8an I8WahiC onaditoutwsen idmite Soffetbred tre idining prices, beaing hoepn wrnbetwee -een BresooadNrok s con onatNrflkfr LDP.IT OFOT LE, President. k of Art, ded to any one. .11 imformation in regard to the eol Fiting School. !iege Illustrated. address 'IEWELL, Secretary, Spartanburg, S. C. r ME MaflliWs, ,IIN),NSBORO, S. C. mish Estimates, struct Entire Exchanges, Private Lines, and Other Electrical Works. >n think a Telephone conneedon would Four business, write to us. Oorres solicited. One advise for the aslfing RHE EASY RJ14M1It IHOUSEHOD" MAHIEF TH E. LATEMST MOE -WN MENTS. -Unenled for Durability,: nange off Work andiSimnplieitv Old Sewing Machines taken in ex bange. . Dealers wanted in ndccupied terri ry.. Correspondence solicited. Address, F. HI. DERBYSHIRE,. GENERAL AGENT, BEL BUILDING, R[CHMONB, VA Somethinig o0 Please You. WVhen you cannot decide what to drink, -TRY Red flessina Qrange. Cbeirty 1Ripe, Cberry lice. Cangerine. -AT FOUNTAIN. Machinery I Manufacturcrs' Agents for theC MITH SONS --Also NGINES, BOILERS, &c. :r MR. S. C. McKEOWN is a Tele.. phone crank too. one in onr CORN WELL, S. C ce on Winnsboro I Chester line.