OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, May 08, 1894, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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?^fie ?duertisex.
LAURENS, B.C., May 8, 1804.
Tho Cross Hill section of tho county
had good rains on Saturday, accom
panied by hail and considerable display
Of Lighting. Cant. J. J. McGowan had
a cow killed, and tho dwelling of Mr.
Milton Grant wii3 struck, inlllcting lit
tle dumago.
Butteriek Patterns which arc fash
ionable, reliable in all respects and tho
?? greatest convenience imaginablo to any
?no attempting the formidable task of
dress making can now be obtained at
Simmon's Pros.
Congressman W. C. P. Brookonrldgo
addressed a largo audience at Lexing
ton on Saturday, opening his campaign
for rolelection to Congress. The
speoeh is spoken of as exceedingly elo
quent, he shedding copious tears and
bringing many others to boohoo with
him. if he wins under tho circum
stances then indeed charity is not a
lost virtue.
An entertainment will be g^ven at
the Opera House Friday, 18th inst., for
the benellt of the Episcopal church.
Tableaux, statuary and a waiter drill
by the children will bo somo of the
features of tho affair. The public is
cordially invited to attend. Those
wdio go are suro of a delightful even
ing. Admission for adults, twontyflvo
cents; for children, ten conts.
In an interesting discussion of wo
man's sulTrage, tho theme just now ag
itating society to an unprecedented ex
tont, several prominent women will
take ground pro aial eon, in consecu
tive issues of Harper's Bazar. Mrs.
Helen Barrett Montgomery, Mrs. C.
A. Runkle, Mrs. Lyman Ahbottt, Miss
Jeannetta Glider, and Mrs. Kate upson
Clark, aro announced as writers on
this subject, and their articles will ap
pear during the month of May.
Professor Suvastano, of Charleston,
will give an exhibition of stereopticun
views at tho Opera House, this, Tues
day, ovenlng. Tho views will bo of
Egypt and the Holy Land and will be
well worth 800Ing, Professor Savastano
having himself visited these countries
and being a master artist in his line.
The entertainment will be instructive
as well as entertaining and will be a
splendid thing for the children. The
admission fee will he very reasonable,
in reach of all purses.
Mr. .1. P. Gray, of Imogeno Stock
Parin, Gray Court, was in the city last
week driving his beautiful animal,
Capt. Wade. He is a stool Iron gray,
perfect In symmetry, beautiful to look
upon. But like the daughters of Da
rius, (who, though the most beautiful
women in the world, their beauty was
their least virtue) Capt. Wade's glory
consists in splendid action and glo
rious speed. One of the attaches of
The Advertiser will not forget a
dash behind him, his accomplished
mostorholdhig t he ribbons.
Coxey's army is having a hard time
In Washington. Coxey himself luxur
iates on strawberries smothered in
Jersey cream. Members of Congress
wlno ttlld dlno him. His horses have
an enviable pedigree. He is quite the
rage and the mob of Washington gon
tlemoil are hand In gloVO with him.
it was .Lick Pal stall' who proposed to
lead his rngamulllllS, with one shirt to
the roglinont, where they would be
well peppered.
Thursday the 10th will bring South
Carolina's' .Memorial Day. Anything
elaborate In the way of an obsoi'VOneo
of it is not usual and perhaps not pos
sible in Laurens but it is ill befitting
and shows a spirit of sad Ingratitude
for the day to seem entirely forgotten.
It would be beautiful and appropri
ate for the places of business to close
at live so that all and especially tho
la.lies and children might gather in
the Cemetery and place their lloral
Offorlng upon the graves of our dead
heroes or loved ones who have crossed
the River.
Salosday was a failure In respect to
public salt's. 'This is not a sign of
easy times, however: public sales are
not in season. The crowd in attend
ance, not largo, embraced a good
sprinkle of aspirants to ofttco. THE
Advertiserbospoaks for all of them
a pleasant anil hopeful campaign. All
cannot win, but bear in mind:
"'Tis not in mortals to command suc
We'll do more, Sempronius, we'll dc
ferve it."'
We, tho undersi gnod merchants and
business men of Laurons, S. C, do
hereby mutually agl'00 to close our
stores and places of business at (i
O'clock P. M. on oach business day,
Saturdays and Salosdays excepted,
from Juno 1st. 1801 to Sept. 1st, 1804.
The public will please take notice and
act accordingly.
Todd, Simpson & Co., Laurens Cash
Company, .1. M. Visanska, K. Sit
?reaves, W. L. Gray & Co., Owlngs &
Boho. s. M. ?v 13. H. Wllkes & Co.,
(two stores),.Goo. H. Boyd & Co.. Sim
mons Bros., .los. H. Sullivan, A. IT.
Martin. Phil pot & Powlor, Bramlett ?!t
Son, Alglc ?1. Mosoley, .1. J. Roland,
J. O. C. Fleming & Co., IL Terry &
Co., Davis. Roper iV Co.
Among the hundred new companies
commissioned into the State militia
are t he fol lowing!
Gary Watts Guards, Laurons, com
missioned Apr. :l Captain, W. L. Cun
ningham; 1st Lieut., .1. W. Henry;
2nd, lt. L. Irby: .Id, .1. L. Mooro.
/.Vntts Light Infantry, Brewer* m,
Laurens county, commissioned April
ISth: Captain, N. B. Wood: 1st. Lieut.,
B. B. Knight: 2ndJ< P Bolt: .'id W. B.
Jacksonville Volunteers, Clinton,
commissioned April .'Id;- Captain, T. .1.
Dlickottj 1st Lieut., W. &. Henry: 2d,
W. N. McMillan: 3d, IL F. B. yson.
Wadsworth Hilles, Cross Hill, com
missioned April 20; Capt. W. S. Pitts:
1st. Lieut., S. W. Lowe: 2nd, R. S.
Griffin; 3d, P. C. Nance.
Hopewell Hilles. Kinurd?, N'owljerry
county, commissioned April 30; Cap
tain, VV. P. Davis: 1st. Lieut. .1. L.
Crawford: 2nd, .1. C. Hopkins; 3d, B.
M. Williams.
Mountvilie Light Infantry, Laurels,
commissioned, April 21. No olllcers
name d.
llnrper's Weekly.
When you wish to know in a general
way what happened, you read the
morning (or ovoning) newspaper.
When you want to know how it looked
you buy Harper's Weekly.
A liliorary Trent.
Rov. Dr. Bryson, of Huntsville, Ala.,
spoko to an appreciative audience at
the Presbyterian Church on Thursday
ovoning upon the subject of tho Scotch
Irish. Dr. Bryson is one of tho vicc
prosldonts of tho Scotch Irish Society
in Amorlea, and showed In his locturo
grout knowlodgo of his subject which
ho prosontod most Intorestingly and
Dr. Bryson Is a relative of our town
inan, 7\fr, J. O. C. Flomlng and made
Iiis home with Mr. Flomlng while in
iwn, <)n Prlday ho loft for Spartan
- whoro bo will locturc this wook.
What the Advertiser Lohtuh
from Tuesday to Tuesday.
Remember tho Waitor Drill on Fri
day ovoning, 18th inst.
Mr. D. A. Davit? wont to Groonvillo
on Saturday.
Miss Auatin, of Clinton, spent Sun
day with friends in town.
Don't miss going to tho Opera Houso
Friday night, 18th lnst.
Colin C. Manning of this Stato, goes
as Consul to Fayal.
W. F. Motts hus boon appointed
postmaster at Groonvillo. Ilo was
Congressman Shell's choice.
Mrs. Corrio Rivers has returned
from a visit to relatives and friends at
Cross Hill.
At a meeting in New York attended
by one thousand, anarchy was violently
Miss Bossio McKinley left lust wcok
to spend some time with friends in the
city of Augusta.
Rev. A. G. Wardlaw, accompanied
by Ins son, Master John B. Wardlaw,
paid a short visit to Augusta last week.
Mrs. J, C. Garlington anA children
of Spartanburg, are spending some
days with Mrs. E. O. Friorson.
Mr. Frank Wells, formerly of Lau
rons, but now a gentleman of the grip,
arrived in the city on Thursday.
The graded schools will close on Fri
day next. Tho youngsters have our
best wishes for tho holidays.
The drought was broken on yester
day afternoon by a splendid rain, which
appeared to bo wido in oxtont.
Editor A. 13. Williams of tho Groon
villo News, had a glimpse Of our city
on yesterday.
Misses Lute Wright and Janic Fuller
have goue to Greenville to visit tho
family of Rov. N. J. Holmes.
Col. J. 11. Traynhain will leave on
Wednesday for a visit to relatives in
Atlunta and other parts of Georgia.
Tho great Southern Baptist Conven
tion meets at Dallas, Texas, on the
1 Ith inst.
Partial showers fell in different por
tions of tho county during lust week.
Drought, howevor, prevails generally
and rain is very much needed.
Wo are requested to announce that
the oirole of "King's -Daughters'' will
moot in tho Methodist church on Fri
day the 11th of May.
Dr. U. K. Alken und Mr. C. C.
FeatherstOllO will go to Beaufort on
May 22nd us dologates to the Grand
Lodge, K. of F.
Tho friends of Miss Mary McCurloy
are glad to soo her at home again. For
tho past session sho has boon teaching
at Sardis in this county.
Mr. S. F. Garlington, who is now on
gaged in tho practice of law in Au
gusta visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Croswell Garlington last week.
Mr. T. F. Simpson, thoctllcicnt agent
of the P. Ii. & W. C. lt. R. at this
point, has gone to Beaufort with a
party of friends for a week's fishing,
The friends of Editor Garlington, of
tho Spartanburg Herald, were de
lighted to see him in tho city on
Rov. David Todd. who is at present
supplying Dr. Adger's church at Pen
dloton, was with his relatives hero for
a few days last week.
It is hardly necessary to remind Lau
rens that Saturday is Anniversary Day
at Clinton. Tho young people always
report too good a time not to have the
dato well in mind.
Rov. Mr. Wardlaw, pastor of the
Presbyterian church of this eity and
Rev. Dr. Wutkins, of the Spartanburg
Presbyterian church will exchange
pulpits next Sunday.
Wo regret to learn that Mr. D.
Boyd, In tho eastern part of the county
lost his barn with about four bales of
cotton on Saturday last during a rain
storm. It is supposed that lightning
caused the burning.
What has become of tho bear? By
the way, it seems to bean uncommonly
well behaved hear; for a month it lias
been prowling around Laurons but not
a soul has over had a glance at him
save by moonlight as yet.
Diek Hunter,colored, the great truck
and fruit man and early bird, has
turned his attontion to cotton. Ho
shows specimens of a live acre patch
whioh measure abought six inches in
Christopher Bros, of Spartanburg,
exhibited during last week their im
proved engine to our business com
munity. They are forming a stock
company for its manufacture at Spar
Laurons attorneys are busy as bees
getting ready for tho Supreme Court,
tho 7th oirouit causes being for hearing
during the wcok commencing 1 Ith
inst. Among the eases is the motion
for now trial of Jennings, convicted of
A colored man was dotected selling
whiskey without license a few days
ago, was carriod boforo tho city coun
cil and came out a sadder and wiser
man so far as an appreciation of the
terrors : . the law is concerned. Mayor
Simkins lined him lifteon dollars.
Tho Miss Sadie Means case, for
working on Sunday, will go up on ap
peal to the General Assembly of the
Southern Presbyterian Church, which
convenes at Nashville on Thursday
next. The case lias excited much at
Tho Southern Methodists are hold
ing their annual Confcronco at Mem
phis, Tonn. Sam 13. Jonos, will be tried
this week, having boon suspended by
tho Georgia Conference for refusing
to perform regular, pastoral duties.
Tho case attracts wido interest.
Wo have beon kindly favored with
an invitation to tho laying of tho
corner stone of the Winthrop Normal
Industrial Collogo, which is to take
place at Rock lull on tho 12th of this
month. An interesting occasion it
cannot fail to bo and tho actual begin
ning of so important an institution is
cause sutllciont to call forth a groat
A joint commission will meot during
this month on tho Ohiokamauga and
Chatanooga Holds to mark tho linos
occupied by Northorn and Southern
troops in thoso ongagemcnts. It will
consist of soldiers who participated.
Gov. Tilhnan has appointod A. Singlo
ton Owons, of tho 'M\ S. C. Infantry, of
this county to bo one of tho commis
An excursion from Greenville to At
lanta via Laurons is booked for Wed
nosday, to-morrow, and roturn Thurs
day. The train will glvo pleasant uc
commodations for ladles, and nothln
omittod to mako tho oxcurslon dolight
ful. Loaves Laurons at 8:15, and re
turns at 11:30 on Thursday, giving a
day and a half and full night, in tho
Llanta. Roundup $2,76.
liocal Advertisements.
Drugs, stationery, cigars, tobacco,
garden seed and Irish potatoes at Dr.
Posey's Drug Stoio.
Tho Laurons Cash Co., haver yet a
fow haudsomo Dress Patterns to bo
closed at half prices. Any lady who
wants a handsome Dress ut a smull cost
should soo abovo puttorns before Inly
Wo uro always in the market for tho
host that can be had and we usually
got it. Simmons Bros.
A matting is tho thing for tho sum
mer. Don't you want one?
S. M. .S: E. II. Wilkes & Co.
Remember-OUT big clothing stock if
you want a new suit. Simmons Bros.
Buy a little carriage and roll tho
bablos out.
S. M. vS: E. H. Wilkes & Co.
For neck wear ami gouts' furnishing
goods seo our lino. Simmons Bros.
In millinery goods we tiro right at
tho to]) in stylo and and on the bottom
In prices. Simmons Bros.
The best line ladies' and children's
line shoes and slippers in tho county
and at the right kind of prices. Sim
mons Bros.
If you want a handsome Slipper and
Oxford Tie at a low price. Come to us.
Tho Laurens Cash Co.
Ladies bo sure to secure one of those
haudsomo Dress pattern reduced to
half price at
The Laurens Cash Co.
News for housekeepers tho biggest
line of Cooking Stoves in tho city.
Come and got prices.
S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.
An elegant line of patterns in line
dross goods very cheap to close out.
Simmons Bros.
Beautiful line of dinner sots just 111,
Call and see our lino of window shades
and poles.
S. M. & E. II. Wilkes & Co.
We take subscriptions for tho l><
linoator without extra charge. Sim*
mons Bros.
Be sure to see our line of Millinery
and Laees. Wo are making- special
prices on all our Millinery to reduce
the Stock.
The Laurens (.'ash Co.
Dr. Posoy has opened his soda foun
tain and is now ready to serve cold
drinks at the drug store.
Butteriek patterns in all numbers
for sale by us. Simmons Bros.
Now is the t ime for Summer Good- -
Freezers, Ply Pans, Fly Traps and Oil
Stoves at S. M. & E. H. W?KOS & Co.
All our Summer Dress Goods to bo
closed out at and below New York
eost. Come at once and make your so
lection as above Goods will bo clu ed
out in next 30 days.
The Laurens Cash Co.
Waterloo Jottings.
Our union meeting was largoly at
tended and the services were very in
teresting-. Lev. Mr. Swindler, of
Mount ville, Mr. W. 1'. Turner, of Cross
Hill, Capt. Hale, of Clinton, and Mr.
Martin, of Poplar Springs), visiting
brethren, took very prominent parts
in the discussion of the various ques
tions which embraced a little of every
thing ?religion, politics, disponsary
woman's rights, etc. The next union
will convene at Mountvillo on tho 5th
Sunday 111 duly.
Rev. J. I). Mahon, the pastor of tho
Baptist church, spent this week visa
ing the members of his church at this
plttCO. We were glad to have our
brother with us.
Mr. H. C. Puller is building a hand
some fence around his hotel promises.
This will add much to its beauty and
general appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. .). C. Corley are quite
sick to-day although the health of our
community In general Is very good.
Their little babe has also been so
riously ill, but we are glad to say it is
now convalescent.
A large party from this place went
to Wares Shoals last Wednesday on a
fishing expedition. They report plenty
of lish and a good time generally.
Rev. J. A. Campbell and Dr. J. Q.
Wilber have Improved the looks of
their residences very much by Inolos
ing thorn with now wire fencing.
Air. W. B. Boyd lias invented a lly
fan which is a remarkable piece id" in
genuity. Wo have had ono put up over
our dining table and we can now enjoy
our dinner with a degree of plousurc
Mr. Boyd will apply for a patent for
his fan. This is a \cry useful inven
tion and we hopo Mr. Boyd will make
a fortune out of it.
We are very happy to see the ad
vertiser taking such a moderate,
conservative and sensible position on
the political situation. Thoi'0 is a
great conservative class botWOOn the
two extremes, who must COmO to the
rescue or South Carolina is politically
and socially doomed to destruction.
There are some editors not one thous
and miles from Waterloo who write
ovorything that their Imaginative
brains and evil hearts can conjure up
and print everything thai thoy can
copy from other papers that thoy Lav ? ?
the remotest idea will array tboolassos
of our white people against each other
?increase bitterness and strife and
all for what? simply solflsh purposes,
Such men deserve the contempt of all
decent people.
Honor Roll of Waterloo High School
for month ending Mav Ith.
Higher Class. -Carl Wharton. Win
ter Wharton, Loonldo Wharton, Guy
Moore, Walter Anderson. Van nail
Lrowo, Ernest Henderson i Prod Me El
roy. Laura Hondorson, Daisy Robert
son, Louis McElroy, Hampton Madden.
Mamie Wharton) Louie Aiidorsou and
Pnank Riddle.
Intermediate Class -Clara Wharton,
Allio Anderson, Lucy Anderson. Eu
gene Puller. Belle Wharton. \iarlo
Henderson, Effle Parks. TulmngO Mc
Klroy. Charlie Wharton, Maude Smith
and 1 'at rick Snoddy.
Primary Class. Fannie Anderson,
Minnie Culbertson, Li/./.ie Wharton.
.lohn Wharton. Cor.ior Wlllll, Willie
McNeil, Daisy Ltpford and Clara Winn.
Twenty Five Cent Column.
Advortlsomontu will bo i>rlulod under
this head for ono cont a word each Inser
tion, nono to bo Inserted for less than
26 cents.
D3P A good Milch Cow for -ale.
c. iPike.
For Sale.?A well preserved Chick*
ering Piano. Inquire at tills ofllco.
Jersey MilkoYs for sale. Dry cows
Voutigs, s. c.
Fine Birds,
I havo for sale Indian Came. ( oeke
rols from imported strains. (3.00 each.
W. II. Monkok,
i 'rinceton, s. c.
H. E.Cray has on hand ono oar of
frosh Georgia lime and all It costs is
one dollnr per barrel.
For Sale or Rent.-?Col. B. w.
Ball's residence on Hampton Stroot.
I desire every fflnner in Lauron? Conn
ty to known that I havo tho Agency for
tho host machino on tho market for
sharpening and gumming gin saws.?
Call on or addresB?
Cliluamauica Circular.
columma, S. c, May 5, 1894.
Dear Sir: 1 am instructed by Gen.
Furley to inform you that tho Chieka
mauga commission, representing the
State of South Carolina, will rendez
vous at Greouwood, S. C., on tho Geor
gia, Carolina and Northern Railroad,
on Wednesday, Ihe 16th day of May, A.
d., 18!? I.
You uro requested to bo on timo, as
the party will start on first train alter
the arrival of its full quota.
If anything should interfere with
your going notify us in time so that, if
possible, a substitute may bo made.
I am very respectfully yours,
J. Gary Watts,
Assistant Adjutant and Inspector Gon'l.
The expenses of tho commissioners
will be paid by tho State.
Mernu Matters.
Cotton conies up slowly.
Mr. W. M. Muhon had between seven
and eight thousand feet of lumber
burned last Friday. It caught from
lire rotting out of now ground. John
and will have tho sympathy of tho en
tire community as it was' timber to
frame their houses.
The pionle at Cowan's bridge passed
oil" very pleasantly. Some boat riding
and some fishing. A dinner, under
the supervision of Mrs. G. W. Babb,
Mrs. ('. Anderson and Miss Bonnie
Mahafty, seemed to have boon enjoyed
by all.
Someone says they never know that
the BOVOnth South Carolina Congres
sional District had representative of
the feminine gender until the other
day Messrs Nash and LtopoT each got a
nice packago of coekloburs and gymp
SOIlWOCd burs, compliments of two
females supposed to be representatives
who have access to the United States
bur depart moul.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner McKltrlok, Mr.
and .Mrs. B. L. Meares and Mrs. John
McKltrlok were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Anderson last Saturday night.
llabuu and Mornu schools have va
cat ion.
The picnic at the new bridge Tuesday
colobratlng tho closing of Mr. J. R.
Mart ill's school.
We understand there is to bo a pic
nic at Fairview Friday and Stanyarno
Wilson and the Lightoftho Headlight
will be present.
We were absent from tho colunins
of tho ADVUHTISKH for several weeks
not for want of news but for want of
time to write.
Everybody is through planting and
are now waiting for their cotton and
corn to come up. and of course with it
they are looking for general green to
come willi as large a face as ever.
It seems that there will be plenty
of candidates in the Held this year.
We are for no special man but we
want to see tlie ofllcos Tilled with good
men and especially the General
Vsscmbly. Lot us sond good men and
wise moil to make our laws, and may
tho time not be far distant when peace
and harmony will again prevail in
South Carolina.
Prof. Prossloy's school at Mt. Galla
ghor elo cd lost Friday with a grand
picnic. Mr. Prossloy has given entire
satisfaction, and all the children re
gret, to par! with him. There were
throe prizes ottered which were won by
Frsklno Daniel,Charley Bolt and Tom
mlo Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. I). T. Cooper visited
relatives at ICkorn last Sunday.
A Sunday School has been organized
at Rocky Mount and is in a nourishing
e;unlit ion under the management of
our beloved Superintendent, Mr. James
K. Martin.
Mr. .1. W. Washington, formerly at
Waterloo now at Abbeville, visited
relative.: in this and adjoining sections
Mr. Thomas, of the Abbeville side,
paid our section a visit last Sunday.
We are no! informed of the objoctof his
visit, but we can guess.
We were glad to wo'como Mr. Wade
II. Roddon in our community recently.
( ome again Wade.
Mr. William II. Kodden and wife
visited at Tip Top last Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. P. li. Boland visited
Mr. B. G. Owlngs.
Prof. J. D. Culbortson, who has
charge of Broworton High School, is
now at his brothers COllllnod to his bed
with chills. Wo wish him a speedy
Dial i>ots.
I lot and dry to-day. The little cot
ton that lue! courage enough to come
up is looking badly and yet we don't
know what to do with it.
Mr. Richard Aboreromblo whom we
ro port od sick some time ago is doing
WOll at present.
Dial -' Sunday School is nourishing
now. It lias boon reorganized and has
about I'i'i members enrolled.
Miss Kilon Owlngs visited relatives
at Fount till Inn the past week.
Misses Nannte and Sue Owlngs spent
last week III Groonvillo.
I had the ploilSUre of meeting both
"Slocuin Glison" and "Bum Blinker,"
oi Til i: A nvian isr.K's stall" of corres
pondents in town a few days ago. They
are both men of cultivated minds but
neither seem to need office,
Yes. Quin, I will com?: at that '"S,"
hat first ask you to explain that "cake
walk." Don't dodge it.
Billy j enkins.
Household Column.
spon< i. cakk.?Heat together the
e f>| i\ oggs and two teacups of
xugur, i>our ovor this one toaoup boil
ing water, whip the whites to a Stiff
froth and add with three teacups of
Rifled Hour hi which two teaspoons of
oast powers hav e been sifted.
Pound Cakk. Three quarters of a
pound ol butter, one pound of su
;rar one heavy pound of Hour,
leu oggs boater separately, two tca
poonsful of baking powders, llavored
to suit taste.
Cinav-u-: PJNGtillS. One pint of Hour
with lard and cold water made into
doilgl) as If for pastry. Roll thin and
spread over with a thin coating of
buttor and gi atod ohcoso. Ropoat this
three time-, the fourth time roll very
thin and cut into narrow strips about
tin; size of a lingor. Hake in modorate
How's This,
WoolTorOno Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
b\ J. CHUNKY a CO., Props., Toledo O.
We tho undorslgnod have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 16 years, und
boliovo hhn porfoctly honorable, in all
buslnoss transactions and financially
aide to carry out any obligation made
by lheir firm.
VVost iV Trua.N, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo; O. Wauling, Kinnan ? Mar
vin ? Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is takon intor
iially, acting directly upon tho blood
and mUCOUS surfaces of tho system.
Price ???. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials frco.
Alliance Notice.
County Lecturer, O. P. Goodwill,
Esq., will address Power Alliance on
Saturday before tho second Sunday in
May at 2 o'clock, p. m. Tho public,
and especially ttll Alllancomen are cor
dially hivitctl to bo prcsont.
cures Dyspepsia, In
digest, ion & Debility .
Of Interest to Farmer?.
How to Tan Leather?Description
of How the Work May be
Cheaply Done at
Abbeville Preis and Banner.
Ninoty Six, S. C, /fpril 22, 1894.
Enclosed you will Hud a bit of alom
tanncd leather. Tho process of pre
paring it is sometimes callod glove tan
ning, from tho fact that small skins are
tanned this way for glovo making.
Sumo persons, who have scon somo of
the leather propared by Mr. J. Rhodes,
who is living on my placo, have askod
mo for a description, in detail, of tno
way it is done. I havo thought it
might prOTO interesting if not profita
ble to the farmer readers of tho Press
and Bauuor, to learn of a bettor way
of disposing of their beef hides and
sheep and goat skins than selling them
at two cents and buying from the mer
chants their necessary supply of leather
at 40 or 50 ceuts per pound.
Another reason for sending this to
you for publication is that there was a
man in the town of Ninety-Six last
week trying to sell tho rights to uso
this or a vory similar process at $5
each. There is nothing new in it. It
is rather ancient for a patont. With
this preface 1 will givo in as fow words
as is consistent witlx boing understood
the dotalls of tho proooss oy which tho
leather was tanned from which tho
piece onclosed was cut. All a farmer
neods to muko a tanyard is a korosene
barrel sawod in two tubs. Locate the
yard under shelter, out of rain and
sunshine. Begin with tho skin as soon
OS taken from tho animal. It is more
easily worked, but If you start oh' with
a dry hide soak 111 water for about three
days or until thoroughly soft and plia
ble, remove all the bits'of flesh and fat
from it and put into llmo or strong
ashes and water sufficient to cover.
As soon as tho hair becomes loose In
about two days, romovo It all. I uso a
common farm boo to scrapo tho hair
oil* with, return the hido to tho ashes
or lime and soak it two to four days
longer to swoll tho hide, this loosens
up the texture so it will readily take
in the tanning substance. Next you
want to get rid of tho limo or caustic
potash loft in tho hido: to do this, soak
It in the other one-half barrel in clean
water, which keep up for four to six
days changing the wator every day, or
tie it to a weight and throw it In the
If you exneot to carry tho leather
you will do better to keep it out of the
sand of tho branch. Tho hido is now
ready for tho tanning vat which is tho
easiest and simplest part. Uso allum
and common salt, allum ono part, salt
two parte by woight.
For calf, sheep or goat skin, one
pound allum with two pounds of salt:
for tho hido of a beef weighing 50
pounds to tho quarter it will take 5
pounds allum with 10 pounds of salt:
spread t he hide out flesh side up, sprin
kle the pulverized mixture of allum
and salt on it, fold or roll it up with tho
allum or salt inside, plaee in the vat
with heavy weight on it, without wa
ter, let it stand for six hours and if tho
hide is not covered by fho solution com
ing out of tho hido and water till it
does, take it out every two days, fold it
a different way and return to the vat.
A small skin should remain in tan four
to six days, a hide from one week to
three weeks, according to size.
When the leather is taken out of
tan, comes the working part of the
job. If you want soft pliable* leather,
elbow grease is essantial just here.
Begin as soon as it comes out dripping
wet to beat with heavy sticks or frail
it over the top of a stump for 15 or 20
minutes and repeat three or four times
a day until it is ready for use. Do you
ask what sort of oil? Don't use any
vegetable oil, castor, linseed, olive, nor
cotton seed. Beef-foot oil Is excellent,
homo-made Jurd (I am afraid you
haven't got it) mixed with kerosonse
is good. How to ourry the loathor 1
do not know, but you will And, a way to
get the rough off or you may know
some ono skilled that' way. Brother
Farmer, try this: you can with a box
of copper rivets and burrs make all
your plow and wagon harness at home
that will, with care, last as well as
store-bought ones made of loathcr at
40 or 50 cents per pound.
In dressing shoop skins with tho
wool on, of course, you do not soak in
lime or ashes but carofullv remove all
the Uesh and fat, and wash thoroughly
with soap and water, thou sprinkle on
one pound each of allum and salt pul
verized, fold together accurately, the
llesh sides and leave it so for three days.
Do not weight it or cover it with water,
nor beat it with sticks but rub often
until dry, to keep it soft and suplo.
"if you don't succeod try again."
W. L. anderson.
Hood's Cures.
In saying that Hood's Sarsaparille
cures, its proprietors make no i die or
extravagant claim. The advertising
of Hood'sSarsaparilla is always within
tho bounds of reason because it is true;
it always appeals to tho sober, common
sense Oi thinking people, and it is al
ways fully substantiated by endorse
ments, which in tho financial world
would bo accepted without a moment's
hesitation. Read tho testimonials pub
lished in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
all from reliable, grateful people.
They toll tho story. Hood's Sarsa
parilla euros.
Tho friends of Mr. J. D. MOCK an
nounce him as a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to tho Democratic
Tho many friends of Cupt. B. E.
KNIGHT respectfully present him to
the voters of I.aureus County as a can
didate for Treasurer of said County,
subject to t he result of the Democratic
Many Friends.
The many friends of W. L. FERGU
SON announce him as a Candida to for
County Auditor subject to tho Demo
cratic Primary.
We are authorised to announce tho
name of R. DUNK BOYD as a can
didate for the office of County Auditor,
subject to the action of the Democratic
Wo are authorized to announce A.
i W. SIMS as a candidate for the office
of County Auditor, subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic Primary. *
To the untorrlfled Deraooraoy of
Laurens County; Having studied the
Statutes in regard to tho dutio.. of Au
ditor, I feel fully qualified for that
office, and do hereby announce myself
a candidate for the said office, subject
to tho Democratic primary.
Yours truly,
S. W. LOW E.
Feeling myself competent to dis
charge tho duties pertaining to the
Auditor's office. I therefore offer my
self as a eandidato for said office for
Luurons County, subject to tho demo
cratic primary oloction.
* w. Sanford knight.
Tho Sea Board Air Line,
Parties going East or Wost will do
well to wrlto or seo
J. N. Wright,
I .innen-, S. C.
Soliciting Frleght and Passongor
Agent of Sea Board Air Lino.
Wo aro rcquostod to noto that Mr.
J. N. Wright has his offico in Mintor's
bulldlrrg whoro ho will bo glad to tco
his business friends.
? . ? < ...;->
La?ret^s Cast) Co.,
Commenced May the ist, 1894, to make a big cut in prices in all Summer Goods FOR SPO.
We hold the reins on Low Prices and arc making special-drives ill every Department, We have
quote only a few prices: The best Indigo Prints, 22 yards for only $1.00; Nice Dress Muslin for on?
worth 7 cents. Beautiful line of Zepher Ginghams, selling everywhere for 15 cts., we arc selling
10 cents; Our Imported Scotch Gingham, worth 35 cts., reduced to 20 cents: All our 10 cts. Gingh.
duccd to S cents; All our S cts. Gingham reduced to 5 cents. We yet have a few patterns in Summer
Goods that we will close out at helf price. We ask any lady who wants a handsome Dross at a sum:,
to see the above pattern. This week We reduce all our 75 cents Summer Dress Goods to 50 cents. ' All >
50 cents Dress Goods to 29$ cents. The above Goods must be closed out. We have made a big cut in pHl
in order to close out above Goods. We request any lady who may want a handsome Dress for very li*
money to see the above Goods before buying. V
Millinery in Afeimtonce.
Millinery in abundance: Hats Trimmed or Utltrimmed from ic cents up to if 10.
We are sole Agent for Thompson's Glove Fitting Corset. Also the R. & G. Corset. The R. ?v, G.
Corset is the best Corset on the market. Buy one and you will have no other.
Slioes and. JSlrp^pers.
We call special attention to our Shoe Stock. We will begin next Tuesday, tylay 8th, to knock the
bottom out of all former Prices in this city on Shoes and Slippers. We request the Ladies to see our Beauti
ful line of Oxfords before buying. ' Very Respectfully,
t0T" W. A. Jamieson and S. C. Toou, Managers. April 2d, 9}
Mount Olive.
To-day (Thursday) is very warm and
dry. Rain is needed everywhere. Far
mers are up with their work and just
waiting on the rain.
Mrs. Butler, of Mauldin, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Knight, of this
Mrs. Minerva Hill, of Mount Olive,
returned home from Laurens last week.
Miss May Davenport and Miss Ept
Martin visited relatives in this section
not long since.
Mr. J. B. Hill Of this place left Tues
day for ?Piedmont, s. C.
A party from this section went to
Wares Shoals on a seining expedition.
Thoy caught a nice lot of tish.
Mr. Dock Oxner, of Clinton visited
friends in this section last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Moore, of Ekom.
visited relatives and friends in Liberty
last week.
We had the pleasure of hearing an
excellent sermon last Sunday by the
Rev. .Jodie Martin.
A military company has recently
been organized near here and we see
some of our boys are enrolled.
Mrs. Table Wobb will leave for
Texas in a month or two.
Tin i*.
With four bullets in bis head, Georg?
Adams, of N n th Attleboro, who i.-; at
tho Massachusotlco General Hospital,
will recover, although all tho bullets
havo not boon ox traded. Adams stood
before a mirror in bis barbershop, be
foro a dozen rn-tomers, and with the
remark, "Boys, want to sc? a man die?"
drew a revolver and fired lour shots at
himself. Family troubles led him to
seek death.
A case of "love at first sight" recently
developed in Texas by means of which a
girl of 10 was married to a gay young
fellow of SL This is an encouragement
to other octogeuerians to mate. The
fominlno heart is so exceedingly suscep
tible that years cut no figure. Lot nei
ther the ootogonerian, the nonagonerian,
nor the centenarian despair so long as
ho is still active .enough to train his
whiskers becomingly.
We havo queer oxpoiiencC3 In tin
house of mourning." said the clergyman
of the party. '"It was oi\Jy a few weeks
ago that T called upon a middle il
shoemaker who had lost his wife. I
spoke to hin? as I though meet, and < s
pecinlly enjoined upon him the duty of
being resigned. When I had got thus
far, he interrupted me to say, In a quiet
tone, "Oh, thal'a all right, Mr. 1'ro-if
text; "I ain't a kickin'."
Tho punishment for drunkenness, in
St. Petersburg, is lo m ike tho offender,
no matter what bis social position, sweep
tho street. Well-attired gentlemen,
some of them in dress suits, are occa
sionally seen swee;. ing the streets, afp r
a night's carouse.
New York is the first manufacturing
City of the country, ft bar eleven thou
sand factories, which make every year
$800,000,000 worth of goods, including
$80,000,000 of clothing, $20,000,01)0 of
books and papers, an 1 $18,000,000 of ci
gars. Central Park covers eight hun
dred and sixty-two a "res, and costs $15,*
If you feel weak
and all worn out take
Tub Dispensary Law Declared
Dear sik:
With many thanks to our friends
and customers throughout the country
for their liberal patronage in the past,
we wish ta inform them that we nave
increased our facilities and that wo arc
bettor proparod to supply the increas
ed demand for our Pure, Old-Pashioncd,
I'nadulterated, I land-Mad.-, Coppor
Distollcd North Carolina Liquors.
These Liquors are the VFKY BEST
for family or medical purposes I hal can
l>e obtained, and we especially roeom
mond thorn for purity and lino Havoc,
and they are highly recommended ami
used by a great may Physicians and
Hospitals of the count ry.
Our prices per gallon are as follow r
from one to live gallons. Terms, strict
ly cash with order. We do not ship
O. O. I).
N. C. Corn Whiskey .... per gal. $1.50
" '"old.. " 1,7?
" " " " oldest " 2.00
Rye Whiskey, old.'._ " 2.00
,r M " . " :>..nn
" '* oldest. ?' 4.00
N. C. Apple Brandy, old, " 2.00
" " Peach Brandy, old: " 3.00
Corn Whiskov, oases 1 doz. bottles 0,50
Ryo " ?* ?< ?< ?< 7.50
Apple Brandy " " " " 7.50
Ulaekberry Wino.per gal. 1.50
Special Pricks to DEALERS.
Extra chargo for vossol, 10 cts. por
gallop,. ?
L. KOlM'kl, \
x Augusta, G?i
Sunday School Convention.
The Cross Hill Township Sunday
School Association will meet In its
semi annual session at Hnthabara, Sat
urday .May 10th, at 10 o'clock, w ith the
following programme:
10 o'clock Religious exercises con
ducted by 13. L. Wells.
10:30 Unrolling delegates, and re
port s from Schools.
11 o'clock Topic -How to study the
bilde. W. II. Loaman, G. C. Riser,
Bonj. U. Wells. .1. P. Jacobs.
1:30 P. M. ?Tophi -"The Kingdom
Come.'' C. I.. Pullei'j '. W. Turner,
ROV. B. P. Corloy, Rov. .la. . <'anipboll.
2 P. M.?Training the children fori
Christ. W. I?. Turn.-r. W. M. Miltoi,
Dr. K. T. McSwain. Rov. T. A. Camp
Opening quory box, ronorts from
Committees and other Miscellaneous
Kuoh School will send live delegates.
All Sunday School workers are cor
dially Invited to attend.
C. W. McCttAVY, See'y.
.Southern llaptist Coiivontlon.
It alloi'ds a. much pleasure to invite
your attention to the superior advan
tages of the Georgia Pacific Railway,
the Grout Short Lino, and its tut
oqualcd attractions for your journoy
on the occasion of the Southern Bap
tist Convention at Dallas Texas, May
Nth bah. 1804.
The Georgia fuel lie Railway from
Atlanta via Birmingham is the only
Line pre .?outing choice of ?". routes: vhl
Birmingham und Memphis, Blrmhuig
ham ami shrereport. or Birmingham
and .New ( Irlctin
In addition lo regular sorvlco in
daily operation the Georgia Plicllio
contemplates special train- on this
gn at occasion to most comfortably and
oxpcdltiously take cure of our Baptist
Diagrams are now ready, and yon
should most cortainly look out for your
own best interest by seeing or com
municating with any ticket agent ol
this line or with one of: bo undersigned
before closing arrangements, lie sure
V'OU get the best.
R. w. Hunt, C. L. Hopkins,
t. I*. A.. T. I'. A..
Augusta. Ga. Charlotte. X. C.
Special Traiie; lor Southern lliiptist
Convention, May IIth?I5lh, 1801.
The Georgia I'aeilie Railway has ar
ranged with its coimoetlons special
through train service from Atlanta to
Dallas, leaving Atlanta, Tuesday. May
st'n. 0:30 l\ M., alter the arrival of all
the trains from the lv.it.
The connection-ol' the Georgia I'a
etile at Birmingham will take up the
last sohodulo from that point, und ,\<>u
have the choice of the route via Mem
phis, via Shrovoport, or via NOW Or
Tho Georgia Pacilic Is one hundred
to two hundred miles shorter than any
other lino, will operate the quickest
scheduler both going ami returning.
The special train will reach Dallas
7:o) A. M.. Th?r-day morning. May
10th. Through Pullman-sleeping ears
and llrst class day t oadies will run
through Atlanta to Dallas without
Send in your nan <? to any Agent of
tho Georgia Puellie or its connections
for rosorvat ions.
?To WeaGhers.
The School < unmlssionors would
notify the teacher.- of I.aureus County
to render in thoir claims for touch in ji
in the froo schools of the county for
approval liefere the 1st of .lone next.
As my annual ro tori cannot bo made
out without them. Plonsu heed Ibis
call in i ime.
Til >s. ,1, DUCKKTT,
school Commissioner.
May V, 1801 It.
County of Lai ukns.
Court of Common Pleas.
J. ? H. MamivV Co., I Ma int ill'. . against
3, 1\ Poole, et. al., Dofoudunts.
Pursuant lo the ordi r of the court
herein, dated 2Vtil February. 1801, I
will sell at public mi lory at Laiircns
Court i louse on Suie-day In Juno uoxl
heln Mond , v the Ith day of the mouth
during tho legal hours tor sucli sales,
tho property described as follow-, to
All that lot or parcel ol land. I;. Ill] .
being and situate In tho county ami
Stale a lor. >il id, in tho city of I .nun ns,
between Main und Lumen, streets,
bounded South by Main street. West
by lot of D. A. Todd, and lot formorlv
belonging lo A. VV. Burnside, Nort h
by LUUI'CIIS Street mill lot of Dl'. .T. V
Simpson und Knsl bj lots of Dr. J, P,
simp fin and .!..!. Roland, having a
frontage on Main street of about
ninety foot, and about sixty fool on
LaurensStreet, the same being known
as the .1. T. Poole residence and lot.
Tortns! One-half of the purchnso
money to be paid in cash and Dm bal
ance on iv credit of twolve months with
IntOlM ?I from the day of sale to ?0 80?
? aired by the bond of the purchaser and
a mortgage of the property ho sold,
with loavo to tho purchaser to paj the
entire bid in cash, the purohasor to
nay for papers; ami if the purchaser
fails to comply wit h the torms Of Balo
tho properly will bo resold at his risk
on tho sumo or some subsequent suie-
iMayJtVOl J
Shorthand ami Penmanship.
Wo havo t'ocontly propurod Books on
tho ubovo, especially adapted to
"Homk Study. Sein on 00 days
trial. Bund rods havo boon bonollted
hundreds of dollars by ordering our
publications. Why not vor/
Should you Inter decide to ontoi* our
College, you would receive credit for
the amount paid. Four weeks by our
method of teaching book-keeping Is
equal to 12 week- by the old [dan.
Positions Gitarmtieotl tutuor cor
tftlu conditions. Sond tor our IVco il
lustrated '.'?'? page catalogue and "stato
your wants.". Address .). L?\ Druughon,
Pros't.?Draughon's 1 'ract leal Business
Collogo and School of ^' "thaud and
Telegraphy Nushvi!'.''. Ten. Lmovoii ,
Touohors, 000 Students tho past year.
No vacation. Enter any time. Cheap
Board. X. 13. We pay $5.00 cash f?t
al! vacancies ns book-kcopors, stono*
graphors, teachers, clerks, oto., re
ported to is, provided we lill ami-.
May I, i^'.'i -dm.
ark Pennyroyal Pins
Tho celebrated PttMAI.K RltfJU
i.atoi; uro perfect iy SAKE and
always reliable. Forall Irregu
larities, painful Menstruations]
Suppression, etc., they never fall
to afford a speedy and certain relief.
No Experiment, but tt scioutille and
positive rolluf, adopted only uf tor years
of oxpcrjcncc. All order- fsupptlcd dl
roet from our oillcu. Price i>or pack
ago. $1.00 or six |)tickagos for $5.00, by
m.ii postpaid. Bvkhy Pack aqJj
(i it All \NTKKD. I 'art leulurs (sealed) lo.
All Correspondence strictly Conlldon
pauk remedy co.,
Boston, Mass.
Attorney at Law,
I.U nKNS, S. ('.
Will practice in Fedora' ttud >->lato
t-x'' (Cilice in Traynhum Dial's new
block. Fob. ?, '!'l Iy
?' ** i.
i m& -...v:a %
,i ? j
Todd, Simpson .v Co., Gonornl Mor
chants, have ii.xcluslv? salo of those
Celebrated Glasses in Laurens, S. C.
Prom tho factory of Kol lam & Moore,
tho only complete optical plant In tho
South, Atlanta. (!a,
Time Table of i*. It. & W, C. k '?. A. i.
(101 ... SOI ill.
Lv Laurens, 1? It ? W 0, II ?>-> A M
Arrive Green wood, 8 A L, 2 it I* M
" Abbeville, u :: 11 I' M
" Elbciton, '? I os 1* M
" Athons, " B OS F M
" Atirtrttrt, " 7 15 V M
cioino xoh'fii.
Loavo Atlanta, s A L, 7 20 A m
Arrive Aihcii ?, " !?> 0 \ M
M Rlborton, " II 00 A M
" AblfeviHe*" la ' I'M
" Greeuw'd," 12 10 V M
" Laurens, 1? I: & W C, :'. -10 I* M
Tirtln No. 10 on I*. I.'. W.O., leav
ing hero nl 8.10 I.'. M., mal.<?- rlos1 con
m <ti h at 1 in on wood with Koith bound
Arriving Clinton 11 12 1' M
Cbi'StOi' 12 2H P M
" Monroe I 50 A M
Southern Pines I OA M
" ttiiloij i u :l() A M
" Richmond 11 -hi A M
" Washington I 10 M
Uitltiiuoro I ?I l' d
Pldlrtdi Iphiu 7 II I' M
Neu York 0 ('? I' M
'lhi3 Raid itiiiji solid with I'i ilu Mi
Buffed ' leaping Car'i ami I'ullintni Unf*
fett I'arh-i ? .1.; b. t\\? eu Washington
a: d No York Parlor Car, Woldon und
Pottsmoul h.
I>. V. Smith, .Ino. 0. Wissi.wrt,
Trafllo Manajjf?r. <'.-n'l Mairg,
II. M. II, (if.ovBii, J. N. Wiuoiit,
i), r. a. s. p. A.
i N COlMIT OK I'110 It AT 14.
VViiKitEAs, \V. II. (ioodgioiix, (ins
applied to ihc for Letters, of
Administration <oi fhc estate of
Joel IC, (Joodcious, deceased.
These tire therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased,
to bo and appear before mu at a
Com t of Probate to liO hohlen at
my office at Laurens, S. C, on the
loth day of May, i8o<j ,ot 11 o'clock,
a. in., to show cause, il any the-) can,
why letters should not bo granted.
Given under my hand ami tcai
this joth day of April, iSod.
May, i, 'u.i -it fi

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