OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, July 20, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067760/1897-07-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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home affairs.
Prof. Walking, of Lauren* spent
Sunda> night here with the fainilv of
G. v. Moore. -Honoa Path Ohronlole.
Cotton is dolttS better as to price,
erging towards eight cents. But cot
ton usually described as King is rather
a skittish and uncertain Jade. And
where she will be at in Deceit.her la
the problem.
A Social Picnic
The poople of Green Pond neighbor
hood in order to break the monotony
of the smoothly gliding hot summer
days, have decided to have a pionh
Saturday July aist, at the cool spark
line waters of Mr. James Taylor's
Spring, one-half mile north of Qroen
Pond Church. Easily accessible by
buggy or Uk.>. Everybody interested
in progressive social entertainment
are resoectfully requested to attend
with baskets. Dr. It. B.Stewart, Hey
J. W. Shell and others are invited to
address t! f? mooting.
For Committee.
Executive Committee Meeting.
The Executive Committee of the
Democratic party will meet at I.aureus
Court House, at 10 o'clock a. in., July
the 20th inst. The business of the
session will be to arrange for ti e cam
paign meoting for this county August
the Ttl? next.
(i. P. Smith,
July Jo, 1891 County Chairman
ANNUAL >ii:i:ti\(;.
Tho annual meeting of tho stock
holders of the Peoples Loan and Ex
change Bank will be held at said
Bank on August 17th 1S'.I7.
w. a. Watts,
< 'ashler.
It looks like Princeton wil. have to
have a Court House and Jal.'.. Judge
Ellison sent down four prisoners *<>
tho county jail, ami one to toe chain
gang on Tuesday.
July 7, is??7. W. D. s.
Headquarters South Oharollna
Charleston, s. ('., i
July 16th, 1897. \
General Orders No. 21?.
L The Annual Rounion for is*.i7 of
this Division will be held at Greenville.
S. 0., commencing at 10 A. M., August
25th. The low railroad rate of I cent
per mile, which will be given from all
points within the State, will allow a
large attendance of Delegates. Wheth
er delegates or not, they have a right
to bo in the Convention. Confederate
Veterans who have not yet joined the
U. C. V, are cordially asked to join
their former comrades in this gi ami
The Division now has nearly one
bundl ed Camps, and this reunion is apt
to be the largest ever held of Ex-Con
federates in this State.
The good people of Greenville are
marking every arrangement for the
entertainment of the Veterans, and
wo can be sure of the most hospitable
and loving reception and care
II. Each Camp will appoint one
young lady as Sponsor, whose duties
and place at the reunion will be desig
nated in subsequent orders.
III. As soon as further details of the
arrangements are fixed, they will bo
communicated to the Division.
By command of Major-General C.
Irvine Walker.
Jas. G. Hoi.mks,
Adjutant-General, Ohlei of Stall'.
Quinine and other fe
ver medicines take from 5
to W days to cure fever.
Johnson's Chili and Fever
Tonic cures in ONE DAY.
Bustliesa Notices.
Buy your turnip seed from The Lau
rens Drug Co. A fresh lot just re
Every body is looking for a good
thing! Don't von think the Sunny
South Stove would 1)3 a good thing f .T
your wife? freight paid.
S. M. ? E. H. Wilkos .v Co.
You c/ln paint your buggy for one
dollar (ifl.UO). That is if you buy your
paint at Posey'a Drug Store.
Tj this not proof that S.< M. & E. II ,
'.Yilkes Co. sue selling their goods
very low. Watch tho crowd and poo
where they go. W likes pays freight.
Buy your turnip seed at Dr. Posey's
Drug Store?he has all kinds.
Dig reward will b? -won if yon will
come to S. M. & E. H, Wilkos a- Co.
Store it is full of new things for
economic and artistic buyers of furni
ture1 ,? carpeting, shades, etc. freight
It's time to sow Ruta H?gers. A
frcsh lot of r. -ist's improved just re
ceived at tho Ltctrcns Drug Co.
Pasturage to rent at 7.r> cents a
head. Apply to
H. v. Simpson.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Lau
rens, S. C, unclaimed, for the week
ending July 19, 181)7 : 1
B?Bishop, Miss Maggie.
C?Cordes, Joe; Canniel Miss A:
Campbell, Dan; Connant, George.
E Epps, J?esie--2.
F?Flncher, Johnnie.
J?JonoR, Sam.
M?MoClaine, Geo; Morlothia, Andy;
Maso, W. C: Mahaffey, Anthony.
P? Pally, Aloxious II.
R?RawlingO, John G: Robertson, L.
S?Sargent, Mrs. S. M: Slothart, GUS.
F- -Freenan, Frank.
W?Wilson, Mart; Wolfe, S. II; Wattr
A?Askew, II . 0.
B?Bird, R..D; Blakely. Miss Carrie;
Bronson, A. B; Brumflelu, J. D.
C-Clamp, J . C.
D?Dukes, Mrs. Mattic,
E -Eiohelborg, Miss Lulier,
V?Per Wan, Thomas.
<:}?(rnrris, J. F; Garrison, J. b.
H?Hill, John & Author.
J?-Johnson, T. H; Join's, J. It.
. II? Holmes. Johnnie.
K?Kir by, Prank; King, J. S.
L?Lawson. B, D. Little, Miss Bn/.y.
M?Mitchell, Missl.ee; Moore, Mrs.
1j. C; Mitchell, Miss Ella; Marian, W.
F; Martin, J. Wl Moore, Hnltif Ophelia
N?Nettles, s. A.
P?Pilgratn, Miss M. V.\ .Parks, Ed
R?Robinson, Wilson; Richardson A:
Russell, W. W.
S?Simpson, Mason; Shillinglaw, J.
8 .?2; Simpson, Miss Martha; Strick
land, Miss Rosa.
T?Todd, VV. A.
W- White, Rev. E. I).
Y?Young, Laura: Young, Miss Jlat
Persona calling for arty of abovo let
tors will pleaae say, "They are adver
tised." T. B. Obrwb. P. M.
Why take Johnson's
Chill <? Fever Tonic?
Because it cures the
most stubborn case
At 10 A. M. Monday morning the
court of General Sc^ion- promptly
mot, Judge Buohanan presiding, solici
tor Seu<e and Stenographer Campbell
being at their desks. His llonoi
brietly hut clearly instructed the
(.rand Jury.
The following Bp,ls hav? l)eon re.
State vs. T. I?. Franks anil Will
i< ranks, murder, true bill.
State vs Osse Simpson, murdor, true
State V8, Hrooks Hunter, murder,
true bill.
State vs. Ceo. f, Young, murder,
true bill.
State vs. Max Zarek. violation of
dispensary law, no oil I.
State vs. Jake Bird, abduction, true
State vs. Will Switzor, assault and
battery with intent to kill and car
rying concealed weapons, true bill.
Slate vs. Harvey I'.vans. James
Marshall and Jack Carter, assault and
battery with intent to kill and car
rying concealed weapon-, tl'UO bill.
State vs. k. h*. Baughm, Disposing
of property under a lien, true bill.
Smte vs. Max Zarek and Adoplph
Schnyoi1, violation of dlspnsary law,
no bill.
The case of the State vs. Will \\ tight
ami Ned Rosonmn had n' tue February
term for the murder of Agnes Fowler,
I'OSUltlng in a mistrial was entered
upon at once, Mossrs. Hall & s;Mikins
ropre8onting Roxomond ami Johnson
? Rlohoy Wriaht. The Sollotor did
no: olalm a verdict agalusl Wright.
The case of the State vs the Franks
oxcitc? considerabb lutorost and is
tlxod for Thursday. Ferguson &
featherston? represent the Defence
and ox-Soli"tor Sohtimport and Ball &
Slmklns an- associated with the Solici
Since tin; above was written a ver
dict of not guilty was found in the
case of Rosomond
AtGarllngtonStation on the s. A. L.
at ? P* M. Saturday evening a Mr.
Yielding Ray and a Mr. Robert Davis
being engaged In an altercation. Mr.
Goorgo F. Young, became ongaged, it
Is said, as a pcaoo maker, when Davis
attacked Young with a knife. Mr.
Young thereupon Bred upon Davis
killing him. This is the story we hear.
Mr. Young came to the Court House
and surrendered to 1 he SherilV ami is
now in jail. Mr. Young has large
planting Interest at and near the sta
tion, where he was attending Ills
planting interest. His family roside in
this city. his home, lie about forty
years old ami was formerly a practic
ing lawyer at this bar. Wo are not
aware of what fact? the inquest may
a Snd Death.
Mr. Edgar L?ngsten, about twenty
eight years of years, died in this city
on the morning of the 15th instant af
ter a protracted illness. He was the
son of Mr. c. M. bangsten of this city.
Young Mr. LungSton received a severe
in jury in the Cotton Mill a year ago
and his health had never ontlrely re
covered, lie was an industrious, mod
est and popular young man He leaves
a widow and four little children and
many friends who will mourn his early
Much Abused Man.
Ex-Senator J. L. M. frby Is a much
abused man. The press in the lower
part of the State hit him hard licks. A
good many people hit frby because ho
supplanted Gon. Hampton, forgetting
that Others were ready to do the same
tiling, but frby from sheer force of cir
CUmstnnci s was in the lead and out
stripped them in tho race. Wo have
no doubt that some of the haters of
[t'by would have rejoiced to have been
in his place.
If Irby did nothing while in tho
Senate, it !s not loss than many Sena
tors havo done lor a much longer
perio 1. Bui it can be Rai I to his credit
that he did no harm, he lent himsolf to
no scheme, no political moasuro to rob
01* oppress tho people. Much has been
said about Ins lack of ability as a leg
islator, hut there is good reason to be
lieve that he has boon underestimated
in this respect. So far as the Reform
movement is concorncd It would have
been hardly possible for the campaign
of 1800 to have BWOpt the State for the
Reform tieU'et had Irby not been on
the field with his ability as an or
ganizer, coalescing chaotic elements
and bringing final success to hi- fac
tion.? Creenwood Journal.
We met. I". 0. Senator Tlllmbn in
Greenwood last Friday and ho told us
he would be. at Abbeville to attend tho
coming Farmer's Institute and will ad
dress Cm! people.
Wo had a considerable talk ?Ith
him and you may look for something
instructive ami lively.-?Abbeville Me
Clippings I'roin spartanner:; Herald.
.1. 0. Smith , b 'Der !; ??own among
his baseball friends as "Hop
Sing." loft yesterday for a visit to
Mrs. J. T. A. Bnllow, of Laurons,
was in the city yesterday on tier
way to Glenn Springs to visit Mr.
W. B. OHphtini'i* family.?Spartan
burg Herald, 16th Inst.
As mercury will surely destroy
the senso .?( smell and completely
derange the whole nyntom, when
entering it through the mucous
.surfaces. Such articles should
never bo used except on prescrip
tions from reli ible physic! ins, ns
the damage they will do is ton
fold to the good you can derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Oheney &
Co., 'Volodo, o., contains no mer
cury, and is taken internally, not
ing' directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.?
In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure be
sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally, and made In
Toledo, Ohio, by I<\ J. Cheney &
00. Testimonials free.
fjBT Sold by druggists, price 75
Willthrow College Scholarship
Entrance Examinations.
The exam i nut ions for the award of
vacant Scholarships in Winthrop Col
lege and for the admission of new
students will be held at tlm County
Court House on Aug. 13th at !> a. m.
Applicants mu?t not be less than lif
:oon years of age. When scholarships
arc vacated after Aug. 13th they will
b3 awarded to those making the high
est average at this examination.
The cost, of attendance Including
board, furnished room, heat, light and
washing is only 98.60 per month.
For further information and a eato
locrue address President
D. 15. Johnson,
Rock Hill, S. C.
notice to teachers and
The roports from tho teachers in
several Districts have not been sent in
and Trustees uro hereby earnestly re
quested to have their teachers send In
their enrollments Immediately, as tho
apportionment for noxt year will de
pend on those roports, and failure to
do so Will detract from tho finances of
those failing to report.
L. T. IL Daniel,
County Supt. of Education.
Glorious Bhowers fell on Saturday
evening und Sunduy morning.
M18808 Louise und Abbie llumpton
are visiting at Kn- roe.
Mi ;s Lillie Brown bus gone to Now
berry for u few days.
Mis.-, Linty Jones is visiting her un?
ele, Mr. Frank Fleming,in Greenwood.
M Lsa Gertrude Dana, of Massachusetts,
is tho guest of Miss Julia Irby.
I.aureus will he entitled to a Scholar
ship at Winthrop for the next session.
Mr. T. 1). Lake registered at the
Spartan inn, Spartanburg, on Sunday.
state Pensioners may expect their
money by the first of August.
Tbo State Sunday School Association
meets at CamdOD August thj g4th
Misses May Willsand Marie Harris,
of Harris LLbia Springs are in town
v Itiug their uncle, Mr. Robert Boyd.
Miss Abblo Stokes, of Greenville, is
visiting her cousins, Misses Bossio
and Bonnie Brown.
Mr. James Park, a young attorney of
Greenwood, is in the city on legal
Mr. Archie Wright is in the city vis
iting his brothers, Dr. O. I?, and Mr.
T. P. Wright.
Col. Frank Hammond and family, of
Groonvlllo, visited relatives and
friends In the city during last week.
( apt. A. W, lludgcns, of La-ley, vis
ited relatives and friends in the city
and vicinity during last week.
Mr. Will Wright, of Pacolet, visited
Ills parent-, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wright
lust werk.
Mrs. T. D. Darlington and Miss
Maine Ferguson have returned from a
visit to Beaufort.
Mi-s Luna Posoy is visiting friends
and relatives In Laurcns. -Union
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and
daughter. Miss Luollo, of Nowborry,
arc visiting in the city.
Messrs. Claude I'ullor and Carroll
Miller wero in Greenville looking af
ter Imsine.-s interests during last week.
Mr. W. M. Robertson and Misses
Essie and Lydlo Robertson have gone
to Nashville for the Exposition.
Mi-s Lula Latimer, of ('??ecnville, is
making a visit to Mrs. W. A. Clarke
in Brooklyn.
Mrs I. W. Clarke and Miss Mat
Waller Camp went to North Carolina
on Saturday to spend the remainder
of the summer.
Tho crowd which attended the ball
al Barrls Lythla Wednesday evening
was again large and pronounced in its
praises of the dance.
Our correspondents are earnestly de
sire;! to bo constant in their communi
cations during the usually dull month
of August.
A photographer who Is now lo
cated at Laurons was In our city last
week, with a view of locating hero,
temporarily at loast.?Union New Era.
Watermelons, county raised, were
plentiful on the streets on Saturday
and the cantaloupe appeared some days
ago. proof of the arrival of mid sum
mer and the time for a general knock
Dr. lOdwln c. Dargan, of tho Baptist
Theological Seminary at Louisville,
declines the Presidency of Furman
University to which he has been re
cently chosen.
There will be a Sunday i- >;hool Cele
bration at liothany Church, near Hunt
ington, on Saturday tho 24th i -t. Din
nor will be served on tho grounds and
the public are cordially invited to at
Senator Irby returned to the city
on Saturday night, having stood the
heal of the campaign unusually well.
IJc missed the Winnsboro meeting, but
will Immediately join the foragers.
Col. ?I II. Wharton was in the city
last woek and reported that his neigh
borhood on the Etoody bad suiTerod for
want of rain, but the crops were clean,
well cultivated, and promised well,
with proptlous seasons from now
Candidates Irby, Mayfl?ld and Evans
asked the Greenville News to furnish
a reporter for the. campaign?alleging
a syndicate of the Register, News and
Courier, and State, forming a Trust
against their interest. Mr. W. W.
Ball of the News is now with the Cam
The Seaboard Air Line Industrial
Training School is a progressive de
parture in Industrial Education. The
exhibition on the nth instant at. tho
Ihrifty town of Clinton was an object
lesson of great value to the country
and will yield fruit ten fold to this
splendid Kailway.
Water coursed through the piping in
every part of the city for the fust time
on last Wednesday, sent from the well
by means of the force pump, though
the stand pipo is not yet quite eom
j pleted ? Last evening tho city was
brilliantly illuminated with electric
light, the opening trial of the splen
did innovation being a perfect success.
Dainty in ..-.lite and gold and very
cleverly compiled is the program of
the Wednesday Afternoon Club just
issued for tho club year beginning in
September '!>7 and ending in June '08.
The line o( study mapped out em
braces the best in English Literature
from Chaucer and Spencer to Words
worth and BoUthey.
We neglected in' oiir last issue to noto
a narrow escape of Mr. C. H. Roper
and family. Mr. Roper's team on Sun
day evening the 11th instant (as he re
turned from a funeral) became frigh
tened, and ran, throwing himself and
family from the carriage. Mr.Ropor was
sevorely hurt, but wo are glad to state
that ho is fast recovering and will soon
00 at his post. Mrs. Roper und chil
dren escaped without injury.
Mrs. W. E. Lucas In Organizing her
musical class, in the fall of 'IMS, offered
a scholarship for a year to the pupil
who made the highest average during
the entire session. It.would be an old
story to speak of what Mrs. Lucas bus
done to elevate music in Lnurons since
her rosidonce hero. As a result she
has a largo number of onthii8ia3tlo
young disciples and tho contest for the
'scholarship was closo and Inspired
much exeollont work. This Inter fact
renders tho winning of the scholarship
by Miss Hosa Loo Burton, whoso clev
erness and persevoranco In all of her
endeavors, Is known to all who know
nor, a still groator distinction.
AVoll ploasod with its success is tho
vordlct of the purchasers of tho Sunny
South Stovos. Sold and fully guar
anteed by J
S. M. & Fill. Whites & Co.
Freight paid, A
We are beginning to need rfiin
I and if wo don't got it, March corn
won't make much.
The picnic and Children's Day
at Now Zion was a grand Buccess
and every ono present seemed to
enjoy themselves and especially
did WO enjoy the dinner.
Mrs. Sue Teague in very sick at
this writing.
Mr. J. H. Cannon also has a lit
tle girl quite sick.
Dr. Martin, of Lauren8, Is in this
neighborhood doing some dental
work. The Doctor is doing some
excellent work and at five cents
cotton prices.
It was our pleasure to spend
lust Wednesday afternoon with
Mr. John Kiddle and help to sliee
some of ilm nicest melons wo have
ever seen this season. The tempta
tions are sn pieat that we think we
will have to return again sc? in.
Mr. Matlie McPherSOh and wife
spent last Wednesday visiting
friends at Waterloo.
Mr. N. 1*. Heliums and family
visited W. H.CulbertSOn last week
Mrs. M. H. Busihardl and chil
dren of Brewerton were our guests
last week.
>lr. Pink Teague and wife of
Harris Springs spent las: Wed
nesday with Mr. (?. W. L. Teague.
Mr. Jasper Tinynhatn,of Prince
ton visited bis daughter, Mrs. J. K
Itiddie last Saturday and Sunday.
The farmers are generally
through work. Squirrel bunting
ami fishing seems to be the order
of the day.
Mr. Moses Madden will open up
cotton market this fall at High
.1. W. 8.
Chill and
Cures Fever
In One Day.
31A D DEN'S.
We are having refreshing rains
which were greatly needed, no rain
of any consequence having lallen
within the past twenty four days
in this vicinity. There Is not any
thing more pleasing to the farmer
than a tlno season on the growing
crops making it more hopeful for
the fruits of his labor.
There is some slckllOSS In some
sections, but at present the health
of our community is exceptionally
Misi Mollie Thompson has re
c ivered from a three weeks illness
of lever.
Miss Alma L?ngsten has also re
covered from fover.
Wo are glad to state that Dr. J.
B. Jones is ! i much better health
than in some- days past and again
aide to resume bis extensive prac
Misses Mary Philson and Clara
Fowler are off to North Carolina
on n pleasure trip. YYe wish them
a happy sojourn.
Dr. Irvin >1 eDaniel, of Vaunghs
ville is visiting his father and
family, Mr. Robert McDaniel.
Tim writer bad the pleasure of
attending Children's Day at Now
Zion on Saturday, the 10th. The
recitations by the .young people
wore very interesting. Among
tlx speakers wero Prof. Ii. Y. Oul
bertson, Rev. Melvin Shell and
Rev. Whit Wharton. The choir
furnished excellent music led by
Miss Pantile Moore. There was n
very large crowd in attendance
and the day was made up of those
things which made it pleasant and
entertaining for our body. But we
must not forget to mention the
lawn party at Mr. Mitchell Owens
on the evening of the same day.?
The moon was giving a brilliant
liyjht making the occasion delight
ful and despite the large crowd of
young people present all decided
it was a perfect succes. Among
the visitors wo had the pleasure of
meeting .Miss Minnie McKinley
and Miss Lulu Owens of your town
and Miss Monday of Coronuoit.
Onh Ex.
Johnson's Chill and Fe
ver Tonic is a ONB'DAY*
Cure. It euros the most
stubborn case of Fever in
24 Hours.
He?1 am looking forward to
the time when I shall make you one
of the happiest of women. She??
you are very kind, Sir; but I do not
think my father would allow me to
accept a bicycle from you.
Anxious Mother?I don't under
stand how it \r Bertie, that you are
always at the foot of your class.
1 don't understand it myself, but
I know it's dieadful easy.
The man who wrote "Wait for
the wagon" has just died. He could
not stand seeing the whole world
awheel.?Savannah Press.
''After a long sickness I was
left very weak and n?y stomach
was in such a condition that I
could not retain food. I decided to
try Hood's Sarsaparillaand I found*
it gave me relief. I was soon so
much better that I could eat and
drink anything I wished and 1
gained rapidly in flesh. Mrs. J. B.
I Stokes, North Decatur, Ga.
tHood's Pills arc the favorite
tamily cathartic. Easy to take, easy
in effect.
tins print |& ioo run-. don't 0
Injure your tyos trying to road
it. wo can tnko it so iniicli
cwiler for yoi with n pair of
our spectacle . lining eyes is
our business.
Laurens Drug Co.,
//. a\ A/kjsjv, nr. /).,
\ Manager.
\ g0f Store near Post Office.
< If t he I .aureus Count j Inti I ?<?
noiuiiiMtioial Sunday School < niiven
tiou, to ht held at ban lord, S.O.. on
Thursday aid Friday tin- 5th ami nth
days of Antust, 1897.
Thursday?Meet at 10:1)0 a, in.
First ? Daotionnl Exercises (80 min
utes) conducted by Rev. J. VV. But
Second -Birollmcnl ami Organ u
t ion.
Third?Snech by President, C 1 .
Feat herstellt, Esq
Fourth -Hcess for dinner.
Afternoon pssion (2:.'10.)
First- Devttional Exercises am
Song Service,i.i minutes).
Second?Raort of Committee m
Nomination till Election of otTlcors.
Third DisoWlon of Query: "Efl
clont Tonchoa,?tho great nocd o
the Sunday Ahool?how obtained.
Thornwoll Jadbs, \V. C Curry am
Dr. F. M. Seller. Fifteen minute
oaoh. I
Fourth Vor?1 Roports from Sun
day Schools InVfJounty?limited to 3
minutes each. VAdjourn till Friday
morning. I
Friday Mcotjt 0:30 a. m.
Devotional F Wises (110 minutes)
conducted by Re] J, s. Aborcromble.
Second Quoryi "All the methods
used in our Sundv Schools producing
the best results.! K. Abererojubie,
C. W. Tune and \l S. Knight.
Third -"How tl teach an Infant
Class"?practical Demonstration ? Uy
Mrs. kl. B. Gritted
Fourth OpenlniQuostion Box and
discussion of qUCylons. HOCOSS for
Afternoon SOSFiOli2 p. in.)
first?Song sorviu (10 mlnutt
Second?Query: rWhat are the
chief obstacles in Hi way of Conduct*
iner a successful Shiltiy School and
howcansuoh obstacVs no ovorcoino."
Opened by Niss HddilNnslr. Responses
of 2 minutes each, bjSuporintendonts
and other practical virkors.
Third?MiseollaacQs Business. Ad
journed sine die. \
Baeh School in theiounty is earn
estly reqUOStod tO olet delegates in
time. Each School Ismtitlcd to two
dolegates, in addition Vi its Superin
tendent, who is ox-Ofticp a bicinber of
the Convention. Lette dologatos he
on hand at 10:30 Bharp, railroad time,
c. 0, Faethhrstonh,
I President.
.). L. Tor.MKKT, Sec'y.
Ex. Committee?C. II, Itopor, J. H.
Copoland, O. K. Halo, Giorgo Woods.
Johnson's Chi hand Fe
ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY
Cure. It cures t\c most
stubborn case of \ever in
%4 Hours.
The Big StoVe.
Tho Cheapest Furniture aiji Music
House in North or South (krolina.
It advertises straight from Ui * shoul
der. No sonsatlonal vcrbalhgs. No
other ro-inforcomcnt but thi simple,
keon-edgod truth. A
Look through tho store or trite for
prices. Goods dollvcrcd to aly Rall
roac town within 100 miles of Clinton.
Terms?Cash or Credit^ \
Mar. l&\OT-6m OA '\V 0.
As there has not been anything
from hero lately I will try and give
yon a few clots.
Mr. Lee Tumbling and wife were
visiting Mr. Andy Philips on last
Saturday and Sunday.
Mack Mitchell is the happiest
man in this section. It is a boy.
Mrs. Betsy Knight is spending a
week with Mrs. Helsy Ncciy. We
wish her a pleasant stay.
Mr. Calvin Culbertson has been
around thrashing the small grain
crop which was small indeed in
this section.
We farmers arc feeling good this
evening as we have had a much
needed rain.
The members of Union church
have decided to change the pulpit
and scats which will makn the
church much more comfortable.
We notice .Mr. Volic Medlock,
one of the inmates of the county
borne in this section last week. He
says he is out on a visit and will re
turn in a lew days.
Mr! J. S. Medlock, of Simpson
ville is spending a few days with
relatives in this section.
We would respectfully remind
our Supervisor ot the Pat C.lldwcll
Hill and close with best wishes
for Tiik A dv i;11tisk i<.
I. H. W .
Chill and
Cures Fever
One Day,
South Carolina College Entrance Ex
ThOIO will be bold at each County
seal on Auguat 13th, under the di
rection of County Superintendents
of Education, an entrance examina
tion for students, mal" ami fe
male, who may wish to enter the
South Carolina College.
This is <lone for the convenience
of lite students to save time and
i xpense, and above to give op
portunity to any applicants who
may fail to pass any part of the
e\ 'initiation to review such study
ilnriu?; the month of September,
an ! to try the examination at the
College, September28-29, when the
usual entrance examinations are
This plan promise's to bo a great
convenience to the patrons of the
College, and a great aid to back
ward students, enabling them to
take ndvantago really of two en
trance examinations, with an In
terval to study up on any branch
in which they may bo deficient.
Tim applicants will he informed
by Hie "Jiith of August how they
have passed ami what they need
t ?slud.v further, and will be ad
vised on all matters relative to
their expected entrant: 1 into the
At the same time ami places
competitive examinations will be
held for Normal Scholarship two
of which an- awarded in each
county of the state. These carry
with them Ihn remission el fees to
the a mount of $60.
Ci/rcs Fcvet
in One Day.
Slate of South Carolina, j
County of Laukkns,
Court of Probate.
Whi.rkas, .1. P. King, has
applied to me, to grant him Let
ters of Administration, on the
Kstate of and elloets <?i W. II.
K .ng, deceased.
Thoso aro theroforo tu cid'and
admonish all and singular I In-kin
dred and creditors of the said
W. II. Kin-, deceased, that
tb \ l?e und appear bo fore me, in
tie I lour! of Probate, to l>e held
at Luurons Court House, S. C, on
the L'lst day of .Inly next,
ni'ti publica! ion thoroof, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon, to show
cans it' any they have, why the
said Lottors <>i" Administration
should not be grunted.
(i i\ under my hand, t lie l lie
0th ti of July, Anno Dom
ini, is ;
0. U THOMPSON, j.p.l.o.
July I'd, 1807-21
State ol South Carolina,
Cot N I'fl oi L?At RUNS.
C it of Probate.
Where; VV, 13, (Mark, has ap
plied to mc I ) giant him Letters of
Administrati i on the Kstate ol"
and effectsnl i. M Clark, deceased.
These art lercfore to cite and
admonish al nd singular the kin
dred and crci us of the said ). M.
Clark, deccaVi that they be and
appear befori \ in tin- Court of
Probate, to In l<l at Laurens C.
) < , S. C . <>* t I26tll day of July
next, alter pui ttion thereof, at
11 o'clock in tk I ircnoon, to show
cause, il any Htcy have, why the
said Letters y. Administration
should not be g tan ted.
(iiven under \ tiand, this the
HUli day of Jtth". Anno Domini,
() (",. THOVlPrfON, j.p.l.i
July 1-',. Is<?7_
Partie- having bVteinc?? with the
Coroner ploaso tolograph ,r phone to
Ball & Simklns, LatVcns, wh? will
connnunicat(! with thowndcfsignod at
Oru, 8, 0. \
M. h. p1rguson.
Obroner, l. c.
Jan. 1st, 1807.
? (agents i UK and dealers in) ?
Machinery, Vehicles and Mill Supplies.
A. Ii. Fnrquhar Co., Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills,
Threshing Machines.
Chandler & Taylor Co., Engines and Boilers.
Lombard I ron Works & Supply Cc ?Boilers and Saw-Mills.
Liddcll Co., Cotton Presses, Engines and Boilers, Saw
Daniel Pratt Gin Co., Cotton gins and cotton presses.
Winship Machine Co., Cotton gins and cotton presses.
Brown Cotton Gin Co.. Cotton gins.
Lane Manufacturing Co., Saw-Mills.
Straub Machinery Co., Grist Mills.
Braunau & Co., Cane Mills. Evaporator pans, etc.
Henry R. WorthingtOll, Steam Pumps.
Meridian Machine Shops, "Hunter Full Circle Hay
[116. E. Chisolm, "Chisolm's $35 hay press."
Stover Manufacturing Co., Wind mills, tanks and towers.
Rile Hydraulic Engine M'f'g Co., Hydraulic Rams.
Henry Disston & Sons, daws.
Deering Harvesting Co., Harvesting Machinery,
Keystone Manufacturing Co., Corn Shredders.
}. A. Fay c( Egan Co., Wood Working Machinery.
Studebaker Brothers M'f'g Co., Wagons, Buggies, etc.
J. B. McFarlan Carriage Co.. Vehicles.
New York Belting it! Packing Co., Rubber belting and
We arc in a position to quote Factory Prices on any
thing in the Machinery, Vehicle or Mill Supply lines.
We keep in stock. Cotton gins, Threshing machines,
Hay presses, Binders, Mowers, Reapers, Hay Rakes, Cane
Mills. Evaporator Pans. Furnaces, Saws, Disc Harrows, Pipe
and pipe fittings of all kinds. Injectors. Boiler tubes, Pumps,
Drive Points, Pump Cylinders, Rubber and Leather Belting,
Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts and General Machinery Sup
gm" Reliable Goods.
0&F~ Low Prices.
jtfMP"* Fair Treatment,
\y. 1 i. GIBBES ec CO.,
So| Gervais St. Columbia. S. C.
Represented in Laurens County by II. 10. Gray, Laurens, S.C.
0. ?/?:0;&&?:??3/&?-?<0 ?'??;?/0:01 0'0:0:0M0M
0.' . f&i
0 The indicator turns to three points that unlocks SS|
0 the values lierc v<3>5
1 Quality, Prj.ee, |
0 Just opened, Ladies and Misses Tan Hose all si/.es, |?)
0. special value to els a pair.
0' M
One lot Madras Suiting at the extraordinary low
0 P>?cc l cents a yard. # ||
;.'-} Secure one of those choice colored Lawns at 8.' cts ,?
0 before thev are sold. J0j
0 . * . ,. . m
0 Ladies and Misses Slippers go cents a pair at fgs
1 W. G. WILSON & CO. I
0 Laurens, S. C, June 7, 1897. ???
0 M
0 0<e-0<0-?:0. ?:?':?::0> ;g.'?' ??'???j? 0'00 ?;0'0^ m
To Bargain Hunters!
Wk beg loaVO to call attention to the i'nei that the
Season is Passing,
and we have some
Special Bargains
to oiler in the various linos, prcforhig to close out some lots at groatly
reduced prices: thereby giving to buyers
and giving us the use <>i some ready cash to buy more bargains', and
in I his way keep t he
Ball Rolling.
S< > call in lor t ho next
ami 800 what we can olVol' you in the way of
Thanking you lor past patronage W< remain yours truly,
.1. II. M INTER & SON.
is my-7
Great reduction in price
Glenn Springs Water at The
Laurens Drug Co., Kennedy
Bros., and Dr. B, F. PoseyV
$1.5T? per case, bottles to be re

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