OCR Interpretation

The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 02, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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To Welcome t lu* Century.
The dow year and tho now century
were nroporly welcomed In Laurens.
Itij; guns were lircd, bells rung and
{junretflvo religous services hold. At
Abo Court IIOU80 the Christian Alii
SDco under the leadership of Rev. N.
j. Holmes held services until a late
hour and lit the HaptlSt church other
denominations and ministers of the
gospel 11 led in .1 beautiful service.
Rev. Mr Duncan, of the Methodist
Church 1 ? ?- '!<'.I. and Rev. .J. 1). Pitts.
Rev. W. s. llohnes,Rev Robort Adams
and Rev, Melvln Shell made brief and
?.?riit-' adiln ssos. Tho choir rendered
?evoral exquisite selections and Mr.
John [licks, a beautiful solo in bis rich
baritone. As tho century came In and
the old year passod away at 12 o
doch the entire congregation engaged
;,, elloui prayor. The services closed
v. tli the benediction pronounced by
Rev. W. R- Mlntor, ot Rutherford ton,
N. t'.
Numbering the Houses.
Mr. Ilenham Is ongaged by tho city
to place ill coincident points the name's
of tho city st roots and to number tho
dwellings. A map of vacant lands and
In!- will also probably be made. All ol
whi.h indicates a progressive trend
With the city fathers.
\ Change of Management.
Captain ?'? W. Clarke has given up
tin inauagemout of tho lien-Delia Ho
tel to tho regret of his many Laurens
friends, lie will leave with Mrs. Clarke
for Rutherfordton, North Carolina, this
followed by universal and hearty
good w ishes.
Dr. B. K: Martin who owns the hotel
and successfully managed it about ten
years ago, will again have charge of it.
An Interesting Social Event at Cross
Hill?Brothers Marry Sisters.
A double wedding occurred at Cros;
Mil! on the afternoon of December 25th
which was a very beautiful affair. The
cor. inony took place at the homo of
the brides' mother, Mrs. Samuel Tur
ner. Rov. 'I bos. A. Cnmbpell, of the
Baptist church ofilciating.Tno contract
ing parties were Miss Florre K. Turner
and Mr. Claude Ii. Coats and Miss Lillle
A. Tun.er and Mr. \V. Brooks Coats.
The young people have the good wishes
of a host e! friends.
A Stranger in our Midst.
Master K?mest Cooper, of Darling
ton, who is visiting Iiis uncle, Mr.
Thomas Downey caught a queer look
ing bird, a stranger to this clime in
Mr. Downey's yard Monday morning.
The bird is rather larger than a pij
eon, jot black, w ith small eyes as red as
coals of lire, long legs, but not web
footed. Apparently at somo time it bad
boasted a top knot which seemed to
have been -hot off. It was su^^ested
that it was some variety of water fowl
ast ray.
Teachers' Association.
Particular attention is called to tin
meeting of tho County Teachers' Asso
ciation to bo held on Saturday next In
the Court House. Patrons, trustee?
nial teachers should all be interested in
a full attendance as tie* business is im
port an'.
A new Superintendent goes in and
hi? hands should lei stoutly held up
Dispensary sales Saturday before
Chris!mas. $963.40; Christmas live,
Monday, $1,278.05.
2,000 bushels coin, :ioo barrels
Hour. All bought low. ?See us.
Oottou Mills otore.
Mrs. Hale Shands received Thursday
afternoon and evening of Christmas
A most enjoyable dance came olT
Thursday evening In tho Masonic
Hall. This was the first time the new
ball has been used.
The Masons enjoyed a banquet
Thursday evening at Mrs. Robin Cope
Tho young people of the Orphanage
have enjoyed the holidays to the full
est -. tent. The Senior Class reception
was the event of Wednesday evening.
A Christmas tree loaded with good
things and jokes was the feature of the
Mr, and Mrs. W. M McCaslan at
tended the marriage of Miss Lalla Jor
don, of 1;reenville.
Miss 101 lone McCaslan was a bride-,'
maid to Miss Jordan. She will visit
her Mster, Mrs. JJ. L. Scalfe, of Union,
before returning home.
Little Miss Mary Owens was tho vic
tim of a painful accident last week. She
fell from a high piazza breaking
her jaw-bone and knocking out her
front teeth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Parrott received
Friday evening in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. .1. W. Copoland, Jr. and Mr. and
M\s. J}. V. Parrott. Both brides were
charming and the large number of
friends applauded the good taste of the
happy grooms. It was a delightful af
fair. *
< >n Wednesday of Christmas Week
quite a number of Dr. Jacobs' friends
"poundod" him in the good old-fash
ioned way.
Mi--, Undoes, of Greenwood, paid
Min-, Mary bailey a short visit last week.
Misses Anna Boozer and I.aura
Vance went to Laurens last Saturday.
Mis- Vashti Shoiurd went to Ander
son fur the holidays.
College Opened Wednesday.
Alls? Annie Wright returns to Con
verse ibis week.
Mr. C. C. Little accompanied Mr. B.
l'\ Parrott 10 Columbus as best, man,
Dr. and Mrs. Philips begin the new
year in their new home opposite tho
( tolloge.
Miss Laura Briggs had a friend with
her Xruas Week.
The Sabbath School on Factory Hill
bad a Christmas tree.
The Presbyterian Sabbath School
bad a birthday service the Sabbath
before < brist mas.
Mr. and Mrs (). ('. Albright spent
last w 1 ek in < IHnton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary bailey have occu
pied ono Of the new houses 011 Academy
<Jet prices on corn and fl ur at
Cotton 1} ills Ktore.
Tho general in tor est in the Hooker
T. Washing on seriea of autobiographi
cal articles ea led ""Up b'fOftl S avery.',
DOW being published in The Outlook.
is constantly on tho Increase The instal
ment contained In the January Maga
zine Number of TbeOutlool 'ells some
extremely significant as well as amus
ing stories of the difficulties encountored
At TuskogOO in inducing t he ambitious
.colored students to turn their attention
to industrial subjects. The article lias
many illustrations. ($3 00 a yoar. The
Outlook Company 287-Fourth Avenue,
K017 York.)
Important Sale.
By order of t he City Council, of Lau?
rons, will sell during the legal hours of
nale at Laurens C. II., on Salesday in
January, being tho 7th day of tho
month, FIVJB (5) Shares of l.aurens
Telephone stock, Ternv cash.
L. O, Hallo,
Notice to
The Dear People!
Ono oar of Fine white, strong,
LI mo.
Ono car of No. 1 and 2 Shingles,
havo to day arrived and ready
for salo. Call to see and got
what you need and commence
the Now Year with tho bestol
building material.
H. 10. GRAY.
Farmers who are doubtful and have
hard questions lo solve should write to
v!n rt0" ,Nowm?n ?t Clemson, who
win take pleasure in answering them.
Good housewives (and there are thou
sands n Laurons) will get their seeds
out and be ready to sow ,,oas, lettuce;
spinach and onions, radish and eab
bage. A hot bed is a good thing and 6
by io Bulllolent for' most purposes.
At Abbeville, Saturday night u ruf
HAu named Dan*by shut and killed
without provocation a Mr. Kyle. The
newly elected Sheriff Kennedy undo,.
took to arrest the murderer, ' but was
Killed by Dansby, who was also killed.
Partners should now look carefully to
their compos! heaps. Those should be
prepared in the next ten days if not
already looked after. Clean the premi
ses und get ft'l was e into them. Frosh
httcr the stalls every week aud the
guano hills will l?. greatly reduced.
Uncle Frank Curry, a venerable citi
zen of Dials, was in the city recently
and greeted by old friends. He knew
the town in its baby days, is in bis
WI? year, has a clear bead and is
Straight as a ramrod. And these bless
ings follow a life without a crook.
Miss Elizabeth Simpson, tho little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. simp,
son spent Christmas week in Augusta
with Mr. aud Mrs. A. VV. Anderson and
was it guest at a .?banning party given
by Misses \ irglnla and Annie' Ander
son .
In an altercation near Waterloo on
the 20th tilt., Dave Scott, colored, shot
and killed Harry Evlns, colored. Scot!
received serious injury and may not
survi ve. An inquest was held by Coro
tier Ferguson The trouble occurred
at a party given by colored people.
At KingStreo, the local Dispenser,
F M. Player, was called out in tho
early morning, 2 A. M. by four men in
masks and told to deliver He shucked
out $1.800 and the masks wt nt their
way rejoicing. Flayer had not made a
deposit in two week's and bad no bond.
I he four men may have been habited
in buck-ram.
The lucky winner of the beautiful
watch offered by Mr. VV. A. .Johnson in
the guessing contest in regard to the
number of visitors to bis store on
Christinas eve was Miss Mary Boyco, a
charming and popular voting lady of
Cross Hill. M iss Boyco'8 guess was
875. The wateli is very handsome and
Mr. Johnson's enterprise in getting up
the contest much to be commended,
Mr. ami Mrs. Lee L?ngsten spent the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lang
ston in Walhalla and are now quaran
tined thereon account of the illness of
the L?ngsten children with scarlet fo
ver. Their Laurens friends hope that
the little folks will escape with slight
attacks from this very unpleasant visi
The following officers were installed
on the evening' of the 27thult . to serve
Palmetto Lodge. No. 10, A. F. M. for
the ensuing year: C. ll. Roper, W. M.:
K. W. Davis; s. W.; W.O. Irby, Jr., .).
W.J (). 1> Simmons, Treasurer. H. VV.
Anderson. Secretary; M. L. Nash, s.
1).: .lohn II. Peterson, J. D.; 15. C.
Crisp. Jno. M. Hudgens, Stewards. \v.
L. Shoeklev, T.
Gen. E. W. Moise, of Sumter, will be
lu re on thi' 8th of January to meet the
Laurens Commission ol the South Caro
lina Exposition. Every man in Lau
rens Interested in our resources is in
vited to be present and present his
views. A county and township organ
Ixt}tlot! will be elTected. The meeting
will be held in the Opera House or the
Court House and called to order at
'east by noon. Be sure to be present .
A Beautiful ItecoptlOII?
In social circles (lie most charming
event of last week w:?s Mrs. J. 1).
watts' reception given between the
hours of I and t> o'clock Thusrday after
noon. The enests wore received in
tho hall by Misses Mary Waller Camp
and Sara Ball and in the parlors by tho
hostess, assisted by Mrs.Samuol Marion
VVilkosand Mrs. J. 0. Garllngton, .>f
Spartan burg. In the dining room Mrs.
1'. A. Simpson and M isr> Amy Nolan
served dainty refreshments. In the de
eorations the prevailing tone was crim
son, beautiful effects being obtained
with ivy, holly and crimson ribbon.
Tho hostess, who is a very beautiful
woman wore an elegant gown of white
brocade, w ith touches of tltrquols vel
vet. Another beautiful toilet, white
chiffon over white satin was worn by
Mrs. VVilkos. Miss Nohtn also appeared
in white, n pleasing combination of
chiffon and nun's veiling. The guests
were ab Alt sixty in number, including
several charming women from out-of
town who were among the Christmas
The colored people for the lirst time
celebrated emancipation day in this
city on yesterday. Ex-Congressman
G. VV. Murry, of Sumter, a prominent
man of tin; colored race was present as
the orator ol the day- The program
included the reading of the emancipa
tion proclamation ol 1863 and essays
and poems by colored women of the city
and county. Owing to the inclemency
of the weather the crowd was not as
large as anticipated, but at two o'clock
the court room was packed with an au
diene j of well dresso 1 colored people
to hear the speaker. < iapital music was
furnished by loc.d choirs, Rev. Bond
opened the meeting with prayer. Pratt
K. Suher prosldod and introduced the
speaker. He said in his introductory
remarks that a popular craze of the
day was for thorough-breds of the anl
mal as well as of the human kingdom
and introduced Mun'v as u typica1,
thorough bred negro and not a half
breed. It was an accurate description.
Murry Is not only a pure negro but u
negiO of tho low er i Hry type and an
entirely different species from tho ne
gro of the hill country.While we heard
him, Murry made a very sensible and
oapltal speech. Ho spoke of the
achievements of the raco before and
glnco freedom and argued that they
were cntjrelj we ih, of the freedom
conferred by J'r sidor.t Lincoln's pro
olamatlOII and Ihe act Of congress. Ho
stiid that the nogl'O had been on every
battlefield in America since the coin
Ing of the white, man to the country.
It was a mistake to make a full-Hedged
citizen of him before lie was prepared
fer i . As a consequence the negro in
OUlh Carolina must start afresh to
gain position as an American citizen,
but the negro need not despair. Edu
cation is being given him and with it
the power to work out his own salva
tion. It is entirely with the nee re.
Education alone will accomplish noth
ing. With property and education
comes power. The negro is at the bot
tom and can't be shoved lower. !t Is
entirely with the negro to *? rove his
present opportunity.
Here he twitted i>h0 white man as
valuing men ohl ily for what they bad.
11 is a fact ami cannot DO ignored. The
time will com : when the negro with
his muscle an I his intellect will force
bis way to fl cognition by the Anglo
Saxon race in America.
The negro oust lit himself for posi
tion before lu has the right, to demand
it. What, is l. nown as social equality is
not known aim -ig the while race in this
country, the wh 'o man taking his so
cial position as it s accorded lo him by
bis fellow citizens.
Croditablo essays \ oro read by Rosa
Suber, Lula C'rout, an ' a poem by Mrs.
F. U. Williams. Thorn, s Humbert read
the proclamation
Working Night ant I>ny.
Tho busiest and mightiest li tic
thing that ever was inu.de Is Dr. King's
New Life Tills. Every pill s a sugar
coated globule of health, thst changes
weakness Into strength, llsthasnoss in
to energy, brain-fag into mortal power.
Thoy're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 26 cents por box. Sold
by the Laurens Drug Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parks spent the
Holidays with relatives in Oroenvllle.
Mr. and Mrs. w. j>. rjalne S|)t.ut tho
holidays In Greenville and Anderson.
Mr. Edgar Barksdale, of Darling
ton, was In the olty for the holidays.
Messrs. Ben and T. R. Webb spent
Christmas in tho city.
Miss Carrie Holmes, ofFloreuco, was
in tho olty for a short visit to relatives.
Master Robert Simkins went to Co
lumbia for a visit on Friday.
Mrs J. 1). Adams and children spent
Christinas in Greenville.
Mrs. J. R. Little and children spent
Ohristmas In Clinton.
Miss F.vio Little, of the Central of
liee, spent the holidays in Clinton.
Mr. .lamesClark, of Greenville, spent
the holidays in tho city.
Dr. Alex. MeCarley, of Easley, spent
Christmas in the city.
Shoriff Duokett has moved with his
family from Clinton to Lavrone.
Coroner W. I). Watts, of Clinton,
was In town yesterday.
Mrs. W. H. Anderson Is expected to
arrive t.nm West Virginia this week.
Mrs. Cozby, of Virginia, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. R. K. Hughes.
Mrs. Sallle Dunlap, of Mountvlllo, is
visiting Mrs. Kloise Shell.
Mr. John Miller, a popular salesman
at Wilkes", spent Sunday with relatives
at Cross Hill.
Misses Mariogene and Lillian Caino
were the guests of Hon. W. L. Maul
din and wife of Greenville last week.
Cononer Watts has his commission
and has assumed charge of the office.
See Coroner's notice.
Correspondents of the ADVERTISED
will please send in letters more rogu
ularly .
Mr. Thomas Downey's host of friends
w ill be glad to learn that he is rCCOV
Ing from his severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cray and Miss
Willou Gray went over to Williamston
Saturday to visit Mr. R, A . Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. RufllS Wiloutt, of Cross
Hill, wore the guests Of Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. brown last week.
Miss Ilessie Newson. of Darlington,
spent the holidays with Miss Nora
Miss Lydlo Harrell, of Columbia, was
the guest of relatives in tho city last
Messrs. Ford Franks and Boy CO My
ers, of l'acolct, arc at home for the
Mrs. VV. N. Wright spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wright, of
Messrs. Ryland and Gibbon Trayn
ham are visiting their aunt, Mrs. C.
M. Gibbon in Charlotte, .X. C,
Miss Marie Clifford, of Union, has
been the guest for several days of Miss
Josephine Minter.
Lev. W. R. Minter.of R?ther ford
ton, N. C,, spent the holidays with his
Father, Capt' .1. K. Minter.
Mrs. J. O. C. Fleming and children
spent the holidays witli relative-, at
Due West.
Miss Jessie Thompson, of Spartan
burg, was the guest for a few days last
week of Mrs. W. 10. Lucas.
Mr. Gibbon Traynham, who is a stu
dent at the University of Georgia.spent
t hristnias at home.
Mr. J. J. McSwatn, principal of the
Honea Path High School, spont last
week with his uncle, Hon. F. I*. Mc
Miss Willie Jones whofc long and
critical illness has been a matter of
such general regret, is, we learn with
pleasure somewhat better.
Misses Carrie Kay and Mary Phil
son, two charming young ladies from
Huntington, are visiting Miss Irene
Kay, in Brooklyn.
There will lie a service preparatory
to the communion held at the Presby
terian church next Friday night at 7
Mr. .1. C. Garlington, the able and
genial editor of the Spartanburg Her
ald, made a brief visit to Laurens dur
ing the holidays.
Mr. R. C. Brown is farming about
three miles from Laurens this year.
He has recently moved up with his
family from Carroll's,
Mr. W. II. Anderson, who has boon
employed in Mr. O. B. Simmons' es
tablishment for a number of years, has
accepted a position with Davis, Roper
& Co.
The superintendents of the graded
schools Of South Carolina are in conven
tion in Columbia and Superintendent
Wat kins, of the Laurens city schools,
is present at their sessions.
Messrs. lt. B. l'asley. of High Point,
J. T. Machen, Of Princeton and J. A.
Stoddard, of Rap'.oy, students of the
South Carolina College spent the holi
days at. home.
Mr. T. Moorman Simkins returned
to Columbia to resume Ids position with
the firm of Gibbs.v Co., which he gave
gave up a few months ago on account
of a severe illnoss.
Mr. s. F. Garlington, a succossful
young lawyer of Augusta. Georgia,
spent a few days last week with hi:
parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Ci\ swell Gar
Dr. ,T. II. Downey, of Pacolot, was in
the City Friday. ' Dr Downey i->
prominent young physician and always
receives a cordial welcome in Laurens.
Thk Advertiser dubs with The
Southern Cultivator, New York Tri
Weekly World, Atlanta Constitution
and American Agriculturist
The stock-holders In the Laurens cot
ton mill rejoice over the semi-annual
dividend of ? per cent, issued by the
mill this week. Tho mill is one of the
most prosperous and most ably managed
in tho South.
Mr. C. M. Clark will have 2 boardinj
houses this year. Ho has rentod his pros*
cut Main Strc'-t residonco from Mr. 13,
I). Childress ami will open a bouso on
Saxon street, which will be known as
tho "McKcn/.io" bouso.
Rev. S. C. Todd and Rev. Mr. Miller,
of Atlanta, havo been conducting a
meeting at the C. H. for several days
Rev. N. J. Holmes took charge of the
meeting on Monday. Rov*. Mr. Miller
preached a 8orie3 of particularly strong
8ormons. Mr. Todd is always wel
comed and heard with pleasure in
Lau rons.
Mr. T. F. Simpson, Who has been the
otliciont and accommodating head of
tho oxpress olhce for a number of years
has resigned tho position and It is un
derstood that his successor will be ap
pointed at once, perhaps to-day. There
is rumor of tho establishment of an ex
press olhce up-town which would un
doubtedly be a great convenience and
. benefit to tho community.
Don't grope In tho dark or trillo
with symptoms which may be
misleading to an un practiced eye.
Send for your physioian and
leavo with him the responsibility
of determining what the symp
toms mean, and what
The Remedy Should He.
if bo writes a prescription, the
responsibility rests upon you of
having it promptly and accurate
ly tilled. We are In business to
meet hist such emergencies. Our
store la Dover without an expe
rienced and capable attendant
night or day. Our drugs are al
ways the purest and best that we
can buy.
The Laurens Drug Co,
'Phone 7T) Goods delivered.
Gov. McSwoenoy says that tho time
for paying taxes without the penalty oi
1") per cent. will not bp extended. Taxes
for this county for a'l purposes are in
round nu iibers $77,Of.O.OO. Treasurer
Dahb lias the most of it in hand and a
failure to extend the lime will not in
convenience our people seriously. Tho
Legislature, however, which convenes
next Tuesday will probably give a few
days of grace, if there is serious back
wardness In any of the counties. These
Legislators art1 generous tender hearted
Teachers' Association.
The next meeting of the I.aureus
County Teachers1 Association will be
held in the Court House on Saturday,
January r>, 1001, at 11 o'clock. As this
meeting will be held in connection
with the meet ing of trustees and teach
ers, as called by the County Superin
tendent of Education, then' will be no
regular programme.
.1. I). \Vatkins,
W. I'. ( 'umikktsox,
m am ik Cl.akuy,
Executive < 'oininltlec,
Don't fail to go to (). H Simmons and
got one of the f 1.25 ladies street hats
at 76 cent-;.
We always head. If you need the
new school books we keep them in
Palmetto Drug Co.
You can get the lowest prices on
O. B. Simmons.
Bargains in Oloaks, Capes and Furs
at O. lb Simmons,
NOTICE The IIrm of A. A. Madden
A- Co., is tills day, the 10th day Decem
ber, 1000, dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts contracted i'rom this date for
ward I am not responsible for.
A. A. Maddon, M. I >.
The regular annual mooting of the
share-holders of the National Bank of
I,aureus, S. C, for the election of
eight directors, to serve for tho twolvo
months next ensuing, will be. held at
tho banking house, at 12 M. on Tues
day, the eighth day of January 1001 .
Dec. .">!() 1000 -5t.
big bargains in
A chance forevery Lady to get a Hat.
$1.00 and ?$1.25 street Hats all colors, at 75 cents
p ' Don't wait until they are all picket! over but come early and take advantage of the oiler.
Peace or) Eartl),
*U#)t Prices to fill.
IReacly for CJ?fistir)as ^
\ou\\ enjoy giving at our prices, and what von give will be worthy,
if you buy from us. Talk is easy but we have the Goods lo show Col
our statements and we know a few things loo. Wc can save any pur
chaser, of Clothing, Shoes or Dry Goods, money on these lines. From
now until Christmas we intend to sell the Good*. Il quality and price
counts we will win.
i ). 1 I v ). l
aggggggggg ?j g j j a a u j g gga j j
Some straight Shots.
Ciotljiijg. \ Siloes.
Boys' knee suits in
weights from 69 cents up.
suits in ovory imaginabh
and styl" from $2,98 up.
Ovorcoats that will
warm at small prico.
?? v? "4* c? -fi- >?r w ?.. ? ?,? .,? jv
There arc Shoes, and there arei
heavyjsj,o08j But you will only find the)
Men'erbost Shoes in our store.
color? WE.OIVE
5you shoes without pasteboard or
I y ?9(,rap ic.;i<iier jn ihem at the same|
^pricc you pay for trash
-f^ !Jgt TJF WV1 ?
1Dty Goods.* Ur^cleruJeaf.
Iu this department we havo
igold dollars going at 4q cents, nor
Dress Goods worth $1.50 a yard
if or I9 cents por yard. BUT we
|aro selling Dry Goods cheaper than
you ever bought them lief on
Men's, Ladi<
Cotton or
at small prico for high quality
material. Ask for our lleece
lined suits at <is cents.
Ginghams, Percales, Homespuns, Calicos, Flannels, a saving whether you want a .i
We neve- fail Lo please those who want the best.
Laurens, S. C.
be guided by what you have scon in the past
or expect to sec in the future.
N[ou? is ttfz Tiirje,
Tljis is t*>e PLflCE
for you to select your
Everytbing (or the Home beautiful.
Buck s 28 A, Fame stove with 40 Pieces Ware $ 17.50
jy^Froight 1'aldt
^ 4 $10.00
j\Jm Purchases. ,
Laurons, S. C.
??** Information und price-list BOlit upon application. Address?
H. Clarke & Sons,
Statesville, N. C.
... ... ??M PTftl l
If_ Ml
will COIl>
tho Undertaking busineB? at tho old stand. COFFINS, OASKETri
and ROBKS, and HEARSE, at the
A continuance of the generous patronage hitherto extended roj
pectfully solioited. KENNEDY BROS., Laurens, S.G

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