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The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 11, 1909, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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C. i W. C. TRACKS?
Report From Spartanburg
Has It So.
Railroad tVoni Coal Fields (o the
Const May Conic Through Laftreiis
? Y.'ouki Menu Much For ( lly.
A jrbport from Spartanburg lifts it
(hut the Cllnehfield road lias leased
the C. & W. ('. Railway tracks from
Spartanburg to Augusta, via Laurens.
If this bo true, i; will mean great
things for Ltls city, rh the C. C. 6.
Is a trank lino, connecting the coal
lields of Kentucky with the eastern
coast. The report. Which is as fid
low;!, is however, not yet confirmed:
"The Carolina, Cllnehfield & Ohio
road lias closed a contract with the
Charleston fi West? rn Carolina road
to operate trains from Spartanburg
to Angutta beginning October 1, and
until the C. C. & O. can build its own
line from here to Charleston.
"The Carolina, Cllnehfield & Ohio
road will probably be open for the
opciation of trains between here and
Hostie by October I, certainly not
later than the middle of November.
The contractors have long since fin
ished all the grading, with the ex
ception of a few hundred feet In the
<dty; the concrete work is about com
pleted; steel trestles have been built
and track laying is being pushed to
Boalie, .
"The C. c. & 0. road will operate
trains from Cincinnati to St. Faul.,
Va., over the track of the, Norfolk & i
Western and from St. Faul to Spar- J
lanburg over its own line. Prom here
to Auguutu the tracks for the Charles
ton A Western Carolina will be
he used for the present, and from Au
gusta to Charleston the Atlantic Coast
Line will be us< d.
"The arrangement that has been j
made is of great importance to the
merchants of Spartanburg, for the city j
will become a great railway center
and the probabilities are that there
may be a reduction In freight rates.
"Notwithstanding that the report
sent e>ut from Augusta that the C. C.
Ac. O. road lias made a contract with
the Charleston and Western Carolina
road for its track from Spartanburg
to Augusta, there are those of the
opinion that the tracks of the South
ern will be used by the C. C. A O.
road from this city to Columbia and
thence to Charl? ston.
"The News and Courier publishes
an editorial notice of the report that
the C C. & O. has purchased a short
line from this city to Columbia and
arrives at the conclusion that the
Southern is the road. However, it is
not believed here that there has been
any traffic arrangement with the
Southern or tl at the rosd has been
pur. based. It may be possible that
the 0. C. fi O. road has made arrange
ments with the Southern to handle
all coal trains to Columbia, and points
below pver the Southern. The report
sent out from Augusta that a contract
has been made wit it the C. & \V. 0.
for .the operation of C. C. ?- O. trains
over that road is generally accepted
,Vr. Will Hamilton is Recovering from
Pistol Wound.- Other Items.
Eke in. Aug. 0.?Tl-.er wr.s a hu ge
crowd present at Fnlon church Satur
day St the old soldiers' reunion.
Or. C. H; Harten of 1 va is visiting
In this c< mmunity.
Dr. J. ft. CrtlhertSOn of Cray Court
visited his brother at this place last
Mr. arid Mrs. A. R, Thome are ''all
Btniles"?It is .i line boy.
Mrs. Joe Dendy of Laurens Is visit4
lng relatives at this place.
Col, I. (I. Whftrfon Of \Vi terloo gave
an interesting talk to our Sunday
school lest Sunday.
M>-. Will Hamilton who was acci
dentally shot Saturday' is getting ftlon(s
Mr. John Wren Is visiting in this
Prof. Compton who is teaching a
music class at Poplar Springs spent
Saturday night with T. c. McDaniel.
On last Friday a few families met
at McDaniel's Old mill and had a fi-11
dinner; all present had a fine time.
Pearl Slays Bub Golden en the
Waj to Church.
While on their way to church last
Wednesday night, near Benno In the
aouthern part of the county, Huh Gol
den and Pearl Gist engaged in a pistol
duel, having "fallen out" over some
dispute, with the result that Golden
was left dead in the road with a pis
tol ball through his heart. Both the
negroes used Iver Johnson guns, and
aoveral shots were fired.
Gist was captured the following day
and was at once lodged in the coun
ty Jail to await trial on the charge of
Mrs. W. 8. Adams of Rock Hill and
i MIsk Helle Montgomery of Marion ai
! rived In the ci;y Tuesday to Spend
j several weeks with Mrs. Virg'nl;
, Calne.
Mrs. W. A. Shnrpe and children, !it
i tie Miss Nlnetta and Wister Jr., ol
Atlanta arrived in the <ity yextorda/
to visit their uncle, Mr. W. ft. Richey,
Attorney S. .1. S'lchols of Spartan
; burg was In the city yesterday,
Mrs. c. W. Tune returned last Wed
nesday from a \isit to Cartersville.
pa. She was accompanied by her
niece, Miss Mr.ry Lou Young.
Mnj. W. A. Watts and Judge it. C.
. Watts, returned last week from a short
8t| y at Hot Springs, N. C.
! Miss Llewellyn Wachendorff of At
lanta is visiting her uncle, Mr. ('. W.
Mr. and Mrs. YV. A. Medlock of Me
ridian. Miss., are visiting Mr. Med
lock's parents at Fountain Inn. Mr.
and Mrs. Medlock were in the city on
Tuesday spending ti.e (lay with rela
Mr ('has. F. Crooks has heen elect-j
cd superintendent of the Bishopville
graded schools, and accepted.
Mr. !'. L. Abrams of the Shlloh sec
tlon of the county was in the city on
business yesterday.
Rev. Ohas. F. Rankin left Monday
morning for a ten days' stay at Mon
treal ; later he goes to Greensboro,
his old home, for the remainder of
this month.
Miss Gladys Barksdalo of Green
wood is the guest this week of Miss ,
Lall A Mae Dial.
Miss Isabelle Bailey of Greenwood
is visiting aer cousin, Miss Donie
Counts. ?_?
?Mr.?. C. 0. Anderson and daughter,;
Miss Florence, and Miss Mollie Chap
lin of Walterboro spent Friday with
Mrs. S. F. Honey, on their return home
from the mountains.
Mr. s. M. Wilkes left Thursday for
New York and the other markets to.
purchase his furniture stock.
Mr. Dupont Guerry of Greenville
was in the city Friday.
Miss Lola Armstrong has returned,
from a visit to Mrs. J. T. Johnson in
Dr. Alexander, formerly of Fnorce.
has located at Ora and has taken up
Dr. Hlakely's practice. Dr. Alexander
is an honor graduate of the Charles
ton Medical college and passed a most
BUCCeSBful examination before the i
state examining board. lie has a
splendid territory and bids fair to do ;
well at Ora.
Dr. R. Hunter Bryson of Bradley I
is on a visit to his home people at
Miss Cora Whnrton and son Walter
of Rocklngham, N. C, are visiting in
Laurens this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Drndy and chll
dren spent tlie week-end with relatives
St Waterloo.
Miss Sue Holland left Monday for
Greenville after a visit to her niece,
Miss Sue la an.
Miss Bessie Roland is visiting Mrs.'
Barle OWlngs at Barksdale.
Prof. B. L. .Icr.es has gnne to Ashe- .
vllle for a few days' visit.
Mrs. Thos. F. Jones is visiting her
father. Mr. J. N". Wright.
Miss Haute Rolahd will leave to
day for Chick springs.
Miss Virginia Miller has returned to
Abbeville after a visit to her mother,
Mrs. Virginia Miller.
Miss Annie Anderson of Augusta is
visiting Miss Elizabeth Simpson.
Mis* Corrinne Boyd sptnt last weck I
in the city with MieS Mary Hell Fuller* ,
Mrs. Frank Floyd is visiting rela- ;
tlves in Opellka, Ala.
Master Montague Copeland has re
llirned from a visit to relatives in
Greenville and Spartanburg.
Master J. T. Johnson is visiting his
grandmother, Mrs. H, W. Anderson.
Mr. Max Snyder of Spartanburg
spent last week i:i ti.e city, as the
guest of Mr. Frank Calne.
Miss Kate Wright has returned from
a visit to friends in Woodruff.
Mis-; Wessle Lee Dial h?a returned
front Ben mark. Where she visited
Miss Alberta Riddeil is Spending
the month of August with her mother
on Sulilvnn .street.
Miss Eunice Riddeil entertained
Quite a crowd of young folks at her
home on Sullivan street last Thurs
day night in hon.u- of her sl.-t.-r, Mis-;
Alberta Riddeil.
Mr. W. L, Taylor and family 1? ft
Friday for a Week's visit to Mr. Tay
lors old home at Princeton,
Mr. J. J. Karle, referee in bankrupt
cy, was in the City on business Mon
This week. Mrs. J. R. Little has as
guests six of her nieces and nephews,
as follows: Misses Vivian BOOZer of
Artesia. Miss.. Linda Thompson of
DOUglf.es, Qa.. LaiClle Harris of Clin
ton, and Messrs. Joe Boozer of Arte
sia, Will Thompson of Douglass, and
Wilson Harris of Clinton.
Misses Mae Little of Edgefield is
spending the month of August with
her mother. Mrs. J. R. Little.
Miss Bertha Brown of Lavonia. Cn ,
Is visiting the family of Mr. M. F.
M( Daniel, Sr., at McDaniel's mill.
Mr. Robert S. Owens of Clinton vis
ited friends in the city last week.
Mr. Wade Oothran Hlnson of Cross
Hill was in the c ity yesterday morn
Miss Pauline Reibling of Spartan
burg was the attractive guest iast
week of MIbb Nipa Poole of Tylcrs
Work was begun yesterday morning
tearing out the front of the Palmetto
hank building; a new pressed brick
tront will be built.
The Peoples' store, owned by M.
Subotnlck of Augusta and operated by
Mr. M? Sperling next door to Hunter
& Co. has moved to Swainsboro, Ga.
The room will be Occupied by Mr. Ash
endorrf of Elbert?n, Ga., who will
open up for business the latter part
of the month.
The grounds around the court house
hnVe been ploughed again and peas
sowed. Already ;l,e pens are begin
ning tov comS Up and the place Will
soon tithe on a snore pleasing aspect.
Programs of Union Meetings to he
Held During This Month.
Following are the programs of the !
Baptist union meetings that are to be j
held in the county during the month i
of Aughst:
The second and third sections of
the Laurens association will meet I
With the Union Baptist church on Fri- :
day, August the 2Sth. All churches
in these ^sections are urgently ie
quested to elect delegates who will
attend. '
Friday morning, 11 o'clock?intro
ductory sermon by A, T. Stouder.mire
or Ceo. M, Sexton. Enrollment of
de legates and organization. Bee ess.
Friday afternoon?Saving Faith vs.
dead Faith. Evidences in the life of
each. .lames 2:1 14-26. T. B. Brown,
?lohn M. Hudgens, and J. O. Martin.
Miscellaneous business. Adjourn
Saturday morning. 10 o'clock?De
votional exercises conducted by L. W.
Martin, Some perils that threaten
present day Christianity. The rem
edy. H. H. Ma!.on, T. S. Laugston, j
and E. C. Watson. Scriptural teach
Ings concerning stewardship of tal
? i.ts and possessions. F. L. Bram
lett, W. I). Hammett, and (leo. M. j
Sexton. The Revival of the Church
and the Salvation of the Lost. Les
6008 to be learned from the Mother
Church. Acts second chapter. A. T.
Stoudenmire, J. 0. Martin, and E. C.
Sunday. 10:30 A. M.?The Sunday
school Teacher. His equipment and
duties. Jno. M. Hudgens.
11:00 A. M.?Seme methods by
which the attendance can be in
creased in our Sunday-schools.
Frank L. Lramiett.
11:30?Missionary sermon by E. C.
Watson or J. O. Martin.
Chas. B. Bobo for committee.
The Union of the 4th Division of I
Laurens association will meet with !
Bethabara church. Saturday, August
2S, 1000, at 10 o'c lock A. M.
10:00?Devotion and organization.
10:20? Exposition. The doctrine of
Justification by Faith and the relation
Of work to this doctrine. Gal. 3rd |
chapter. .las '2: U-26. J. A. Martin,
j, H. Wharton.
I i:30?Sermon by Rev. s. P.. F.ro^k. I
or Rev. J. A. Martin,
i ntermlssto n.
2:00?Exposition and application.
The Parable of the rounds. Luke,
10:11?27. c. Lewis Fowler, B. P.
3:00?The prevailing unrest, differ- ?
ent beliefs, and erron? aus conceptions '
in regard to Bible truth. Cause, re-,
suits, remedy. vV. 1*. Turner. J, L.
Boyd, s. R, Brock, S. n. Goggans. |
Snndn) Morning.
10:00?Devotion and song service.
10:80?The disciple of Christ. ti)
Peculiar el araoteristlcs and prepara
tion. W. E. Griffin. (2) His mis
sion in iif". w. c. Wharton. <3)
His rewards. J. A. Culbertson. Matt,
.'th chapter and other Scripture.
i 1:1.V--Misshmary sermon by Lev.
('. Lewis Fowler, or Rev, it. i\ Mitch*
. It,
W. P. Cull crtson for ccra.
!'i.i;<<i\ IE I IEMS FROM M U)BKN.
Movement'. 0( IllC Madden People ami
Their Neltjrhhorx.
Maddeh, Aug. 0.?Quito a number of
our people attended the old soldiers'
re-union at Fnion Church Saturday.
.Miss Martha Madden has returned
from an extended visit to her sister,
Mrs. Turner, of Cross Hill.
Mr. B. c. Culbertson and family
spent last week with relatives near
Master Ryan Martin is visiting his
little cousins, Reuben and Rufus Stew
art, near Laurens.
Dr. J. R. Culbertson and wife of
Cray Court spent Sunday with Mr. J.
D. Culbertson.
Miss Ethel Bryson is at home for a
short stay. She will accompany lit
tle Sarah to the Thornwell orphanage
Thursday. From there she goes to
Fnion for a visit to her aunt, Mrs.
Simpson Bailey.
Mr. .1. D. Culbertson lost a fine mule
which was accidentally hurt some
time ago.
Misses Azile, Mattle Sue and Maud
Wofford are visiting relatives at
Simpsonville and Greets.
Mrs. Percy Finley has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Odell, near
Ware Shoals.
Miss Lidle Culbertson is now with
The Largest
And Best Line
Of Chairs
Consisting of a beautiful ?t
line in different designs
made of the best quality
of material, with turned
rounds and well braced.
On account of buying in
carload quantities direct
from the manufacturers,
we can sell the best finish
ed Chairs for <what you
would have to pay {for [a
cheaper quality at other
Laureos Wholesale Grocery Co.
R. C. Gray, Manager
We offer for this week one solid car
Liberty Mills best Pat-*Zf\
ent Flour, per barrel *4/vr?0 VJ
Corn per bushel
See us for best Grade
Hard and Soft Coal.
Laurens Wholesale Qrocerv Co.
R. C. Gray, flanager
her uncle, Profi B. y. Cnlbertson.
Miss Joste Martin ?l c Union who
has been visiting relatives here left
Friday for a few raya visit to her
friend, Miss O.rie Shirley of Green
Miss Hertha Wright Who has been
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. M. T.
Allison, has returned to her home in
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Davenport of
Cool Point visited Mr. T. S. L?ngsten s
family last weeb
Mrs. H. .1. L?ngsten attended the
"all day .vinging" at Beaverdara Fri
Mr. Holt Of Anderson is spending
his vacation with his bister, Mrs. .1.
D. Cnlbertson.
Miss Tennie Madden and Master
Mabra are expected to return today
from a two months' visit to thedr sis
ter, Mrs. Zimmerman of Bdgefleld.
Misses .Juanita and .Tosie Martin,
accompanied by Mrs. M. T. Allison,
will leave Wednesday for a visit to
Mrs. .lohn Wright of Knoree.
Mrs. Mary Madden has been at
Wattfl Mill for several days with her
BlSter-ln-laW, Miss Aunie Madden,
who is seriously 111.
Your Fall Stock
Will require more insurance.
Good business s.iys pl/.cc it with
the most reliable companies.
Three companies in my agency
havcovet $16,000,000.00 resourc
es. You will absolutely safe in
placing your fire insurance with
at Bank of Laurens
You will always find here the lar
gest and beat lino of Agate. Blue(
Grey and Tinware consisting of every
thing you may need in your kitchen
at money saving prices.
8 M & E. II. Wilkes ? Co.
Weekly Ballot
I Vote for
(Koi Good A*?er AufcuRt 30th.)
Tetter, Salt Rheum end Eczema
firt cured by Ch?mb*f1?ln'* Kulve. Otic >? j.;.:i. ?

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